The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52
flf^BM^frH^PMwK*1-1 i :silM»-'t»'#i»nij"-K' rip- -' *•*5*-* f^c~j*> .•;■.~ »-•■.■-■--■■c...a,^^ .„^ y^ -;^A r^^,-.a-.;.r-?^'TM»*wr.'^< --ms, TU B CEDARV ILLH I IE l iA L D jmmmmmmmimmm . :v ■:» . : ":r-~j— —'*** - ’ _ ~ — v*ss-.Taw*; l A l i i m , .... n _ * * Editor unti P igb llih f BMtaeiA a* M m >PMt-Ofle*, Cedar-ville, 0 ,, (Motor 21, 1887, H imoeA FRIDAY, J U L Y 1 923. What Adverdsi ig Means to You Every oow amltUefi vve P ;« to tall, to oiu41merchaBt» about advertiaing and we lik« to do it in this way because the subject ia o f equal interest to the public, Frankly the interest o f the public, the interest of the mei »kaut ami the interest o f the local newspaper publisher are inseparably linked. The public always is best served by buying advertised goods. Goods that are advertised are goods that are more extensively manufactured and consequently cheaper because of increased production. Moreover advertising today is a guarantee of merit. No one need be afraid either of the honesty of the price or the quality of advertised goods. Competition compels honesty even i f there should be a wish to avoid it, 4 There is another benefit, too, in local newspaper advertising. When advertising is thoughtfully employed it meanB the build ing of trade for our local merchants and this reacts in increase in real estate values generally. A prosperous business seotipn means added population and increased conveniences, The whole scheme o f advertising, merchandising and buying is, one of co operation to mutual advantage. The merchant always wins favorable reaction when he tail® frankly in hig advertising to the people and shows them he is 'dealing honestly with them and making a normal jirofit. ^ ‘ The man who week by week consistently in his advertising ■hows he holds the public interest at heart is the man who wins. Many merchants lose the substance of public confidence in grasp ing for the shadow of immediate sales. | . Why We Boost the Schools_____ Newspaper readers, particularly those who have no children, often wonder why newspaper editors take such, a keen interest in the building of new schools and the encouragement of educa tion, Sometimes, when the cost o f school extension seems par ticularly heavy, efforts are made to have it appear as i f the t local editor were unmindful o f the public interest in forever boost ing for new avenues of learning. But let us lift the professional' curtain so that you may See there is usually helpful thought behind the writing of an editorial. . The growth of population places succeeding generations at a disadvantage. Original stores o f natural wealth are being de pleted, They must be constantly replenished. * ‘ Carefree folks say that by tbe time exhaustion is in sight we will have taken care o f the situation some other way ; that when a new fuel is found, coal and mining won't be necessary. ■ And there exactly is the point. t The great need o f the hour is -for invention, for scientific research, fbr discovery, for ingenuity, fo r the development o f all those characteristics that can find mot ofily in the trained and educated mind, * Unless we invent and discover new methods o f production • and distribution in excess v t our consumption and destruction, ^ life will soon become unbearable and prices will rise to a point. - where human, existence will be a burden. That is why we always beest the-schools, even when they are, hard to pay for. __ < p t tn c $ f t t (0 AUTOCA*TE«. LIBERALS’ PROGRAM The highest ecclesiastical courts of the respective denominations have just closed tlielr annual ses sions. If we are to believe the re ports as printed in the papers, the Liberals went into those respective ecclesiastical courts for the purpose of forcing their heretical, rational and destructive views upon the church. Their program injected the fight into the church, .Around the Infallibility of the Bible and the virgin birth of Christ the great, battle is being waged because the Liberals made, the attach upon the authority of God’s. Word. The program of liberalism in the church, in politics and in the woyld is to destroy the seat of authority, the bar of accountability, the judg ment bnlJ. They want license, not liberty. The orthodox, practical, sincere, honest, consecrated Christians of all denominations were progressing In their evangelistic work * without malice, hatred, or antagonism to ward anyone except Satan, i The Liberals made their attack upon the •Bible, vicarious Christianity,, the deity of Christ and His virgin birth because they wanted to force the fight until they got possession of the property of the church. For the last twenty-five years the Liberals have been planning and scheming to get the property of the chdrches In their possession. ■Let them bo assured now that the orthodox forces of the churches who believe in the deity of Christ. His virgin birth and His supernatu ral resurrection and the Infallibility of God’s word will never leave the church, and, the Liberals shall never' get.possession of the property of the chnrch. Their motives..are under stood, tlielr program, is compre hended, their number is written be fore the eye of every intelligent, orthodox Christian in the world. They shall fail. They shall never- pass. They shall never get posses sion of the property nor the sent -of power or authority. Beware of the motive behind liber alism in church or. state. ....... BANK STATEMENT WE ANNOUNCE 4 . . . ^ * ■ * ’ ■ *.;• * The Beginning o f Our Annual ON • ^ • ' / Thursday, July 12th THE DURATION OF THE SALE WILL BE TWELVE DAYS IT IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST Summer Suits Palm Beach, Mohair, Tropical Worsted Stouts, Short? Sports and Plain $15 .00 to $35.00 Rugby Bathing Suits Special two piece suits, White Shirt, Blue Trunks, all wool. Special $5.00 One Piece Suits in Cotton or Wool $1.00 to $5 .00 Boys’ one or two Piece .Suits Katz & Richards 33 East Eaift Street, X e n F Ohio m i TRY OURJOBPRINTING ia a « Report of the Condition of Tile Ex change Bank, Cedarville, in the State of Ohio, at tbe close of business oh June 30, 1923. RESOURCES, Loans on Real Estate . - _$ 33,865.00 Other Loans and Discounts 373,588.52 Overdrafts— 28.93 U, S. Bond? and Securities— 59,961.30 State, County and Municipal Bonds —_— ........... 3,817.50 Banking House and Lot - .44,500.00 Furniture and Fixtures _■__ 19,950.00 Real Estate other than Bank ing House----- ---------- 19,500.00 Pauli Farm Acc. . . . . ___ 1,566.74 Due from Reserve Banks and cash in vau lt--------— ---------- 60,579.58 U. S. Revenue Stamps—____________86.00 Tota l..................... $617,443.52 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid .in.——$ 50,000.00 Surplus Fund -------—. . . 25,000.00 Undivided Profits less Expenses • interest and taxes paid—_ 606 . 6(1 Individual Deposits subject to check-------------------- 244,882.01 Demand Certificates Deposit 21,664.37 Certified checks outstanding. 1,135.88 Time Certificates Deposit — 68,605.89 Savings Deposits ____ ■___ 105,548.77 Bills Payable ..................... 50,000.00 Bonds. Borrowed____— _ 50,000.00 Total — -----------------$617,443.52 State of Ohio, County o f Greene, sa: 1, O, L. Smith, Cashier of the above na“ ,, Exchange Bank of Ced- arvule, Ohio, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. L. Smith, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo 5th day of July, 1923. Andrew Jackson, Notary Public Correct—attest: M .1. Marsh, G. E. Jobe, Geo. W. Rife, directors. Where They Wer#, Oil Inquiring why they made an swch noise upstairs, the twins told rat that they were Just playing “war” pretty noon the noise ceased, all war rtlU; becoming uneasy at the nnnsn- ■1 silence, 1 went upstairs to invest!, tfatej they were nowhere to be seenl but after Calling several times , and ■skin* wbehs they were, a still, small voice from tinder one of the beds an swered: “We dasri’t tell, but w*'s •oimplaMi upstairs."—Exchange, cO \ \ \ The Cold*VMt«d t and w« OJiATc JULY CLEARANCE WHILE IT LASTS. GET ALL THE THINGS NEEDED FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. Get your Linens, Muslins, Sheetings, Sheets, Cases and Tubings, secure your Curtains, Draperies, Bed Spreads, Rugs, Linoleums and Window Shades; get Silks Dress Goods and White and Colored Wash Goods; buy your St. Marys Blankets for next winter and you’ll be smart; get Suits, . Coats, Dresses, Blouses, Corsets, Sweaters, and Lingerie. Men, get Shirts, Under wear and Furnishings; get Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Laces and Jewelry; secure a new Trunk or Bag; buy all you need in House Furnishings; get your Hats; secure your Staple Wash Goods, Ginghams, Shirt ings, Comfort Materials, and don’t forget T°ys . . X, No matter what you buy—-no matter what section of the store you buy it-*no matter how little or great it is, you will save money. It is such good and honorable merchna- dise you are entitled to choose from—* the quality of Home Store merchandise is known everywhere. i
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