The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

**• *t today, m pvtfm m tw tito <a« it* own, fast i* •toeffs* awl bring* to final ool)n.lni>tiM> * * advertising of tot ys*Urdays, A * » »T iF A P * fc B E V C tft* f # LOCAL . AND GENERAL M*W * AND THE INTERESTS' OF (SM I* ' VILLE AND VICINITY, FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 31, CEDARVILLE. FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1923 Company Gets $500 Fine J, T„ Travers, state supervisor o f streams Wider the State Fish and Game Commission, caused, four affida­ vits to be filed against the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co. The charges were filed in Magistrate. Whiteman's court, Xenia. - ’ ■ The cases came up fo r hearing: on Tuesday but only one was pressed, It was charged that, the company was responsible fo r the death o f one fish. The company o f course has no proof that it was responsible, the law being put through by fisherman. Some one says the company is guilty o f killing a poor fish. tuid<that is all there,is to it. Magistrate Whitman assessed the fine at $500 and-coots. Miller <& ■ Finney represented the company. Once more our Ohio laws found vindication o f an alleged violation o f stream pollution. The diligent of­ ficers can make their report and thus have for exhibit the. local case as proof that they are on the job earn- . ing their salaries, * The local case is the on ly. one in Ohio that is attracting any attention. With half a hundred paper mills in Ohio, not a'one has been molested as has the local company. More, than that, not a one has laden required to put in a fUteration plant o f any kind and the wash water is run directly , into the streams. The citizens o f the county must-take this as proof that i t is more than law enforcement that is back o f the continued complaints. Some days ago we discussed the .local, case, with a man from another ■town-that had a paper mill which is today emptying wash- water, directly ' into the stream that passes the town. This gentlemen was amazed when --told o f the happening here. He: said the fish and game warden that start-' ed such a move in his county would have.-to look fo r another job and ' wondered why the people in this county had to .stand fo r it. The, -Herald. Could h^ve' no defense fo r the, company if the orders from Columbus had ■been disobeyed.. Mi?. Travers stated-in this office following the" installation o f apurification plant "- the -Hagar plant jhab the wash rould he emptied directly into ' fa ' ' iwn into -the creek following each rain. Tine- the, company did and no denial is ■offered. But ' Mr. Travers says th » water has soured and that this caused the death o f a poor fish. Farmers along the creek. Say they Were not aware o f .any dead fish at all* Karl Keller, county game warden, says there was thousands o f dead fish* Those who fish say there are no fish o f any consequences in Massies creek. Over in Indiana paper mills have no sttch laws to, contend withv as we have in Ohio, Ih'that state a manufacturing institution is regarded as ' an asset; Jrt Ohio it is a liability. Manufacturers” are encouraged and this probably is the reason why Indiana1htui score o f Small towns and small cities that have manufacturing concerns that offer employment to thousands o f laboring ‘ men. Ohio is infested with a herd o f officers that evidently are more useful than manufacturing concerns. While thousands are at peaceful pursuit in Indiana,-Ohio has a great list o f game wardens that are offering more pro-* teetion to the fish than, the state and national batik departments with * long 8H“ Three Rings, Count ’Em CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Picked a t Random and Boiled DowM far th* Bttay Reader list o f examiners are giving towards the depositor’s money in the banks. The local company can operate in Indiana just as easily as it can here apd not be under the continual perse­ cution and forced to install this and that and have costs o f production in­ creased- while competitive companies in the state go unmolested. TTndcr the law a company has no chance o f defense. Even the boot- legger can have his day in court but the word o f one man who says that you, or the humblest citizen, or some corporation killed, a fish and you are guilty. The situation in this county is .not encouraging to people that care to respect the sanctity o f the law. Hete we have a game warden ’enforcing a law against just one company add file ju st one affidavit against a Sun­ day violator, he would bring down the Wrath o f the membership o f the Greene County Fish find Game A s­ sociation, that would cost, him his job,' NEW CHURCH" BEING FORMULATED FOR COUNTY News OvefCounty From reports in circulation a move- i riient has been launched fo r the es- f tafalishment o f a new church fo r that munty. There are nosfe petitions be-1 ing circulated fo r this purpose and Friday night When the home o f Fred the church will be known as the Amer •' Johnston, on the Enon pike, six mi ss idan Christian Church Union. j from Yellow Springs burned. Tim Rev, E.. W. Middleton, farmer p a s -‘ family was away at^he time. The fire V*,. rti' 4 1 » a D A M n A ,1 _ 5 _ ■* -I L - .1 .... * _ . . , -JtV. _ . ..U •• -V A mysterious fire happened lasjt tor of, the Reformed Church, Xenia,* started in the F a r m e r - l a b o r p a r t y b u t * A SOCIALIST COMBINATION Farmers should not get the idea -hat the election o f Magnus Johnson i f Minnesotta aS Senator Monday on the Farmer-Labor ticket is a distinct victory fo r farmers. There is no ques­ tion but what the price’ o f wheat had much to do with causing dissatisfac­ tion among farmers. But the remedy canhot be had by any such combina­ tion' that is backed by Socialists. The Farmers o f that state have- been mis­ lead, they have joined hands with the labor unions lead by Senator La Fol- >ett o f Wisconaon, Brdokheart o f Iowa and others. As . Mr. Fred McMillan, of Des Moines, stated to the writer a few days ago, it was one o f the freaks o f politics to find Union labor leaders and farmers in one organization when union labor is doing more to hold up the cost o f everything the farmer has to buy than anyother-agency. What Johnson will do in the Senate is more or less unknown at this time. He has announced that he would recognize Russia and her Socialistic government He would urge the government to buy up surplus wheat and attack the rail­ roads. He refused to commit himself on prohibition and it is said that he Would have not connection with anti saloon forces. Hp is a Swede and speakea a broken language. The next session o f congress promises to be one o f excitement fo r the radical element under the leadership o f Bob LaFollette, holds the balance o f power in the Senate. who resigned last week, because o f his connection with the Ku K lux Klan, will likely be at the head, o f the new church i f it is organized, i t is reported that several hundred names have all ready been attached to the petitions, there being twenty-five in circulation. j a large crowd gathered to hear Rev. Middleton, It is reported there were more than 4,000 people present. The automobiles are said to have number­ ed more than 1100, The services opened with three band selections, "The Star Spangled Banner” , “ America” and “ Onward Christian Soldiers.’* The Caesarcreek double mixed quartette sang three selections. Rev. R. E. Brown o f the First Baptist Church, Xenia, read the scripture lesson and prayer was of­ fered b y Rev. C, N. Smith o f New Jasper* ■ . Rev. Middleton, spoke on the sub­ ject “ A man in Christ” , bringing out the religious needs o f the day. . - ■-■■................ ..: CLINTON COUNTY’S OLDEST CITIZEN IS DEAD Jonathan C. Mills aged 103 years, Clinton county’s oldest citizen, died lost Tuesday. He said on his 100th birthday " I f I could be permitted to live one hundred years more I could not enjoy it more than the past one hundred years” burning freely wN Jr. arrived hope The loss is estimat insurance to cover, j a Four candidates^ fo r the city cbmt *“ Harry Fisher, tst fo r full UmT," will have no’ opy ment and wafe Fred Jolmstori, ’ore his parents, at $5,000 with »ve announced :race in Xenia. CHICKENS WERE LIFTED SEVERAL PLACES LAST WEEK Better guard your chickens I The midnight caller is again about. Within the past week visits were made to M. W . Collins. W, J. Tarbox, W, R , Sterrett, Rev. Stevens. It is neces­ sary that we have some additional protection about town in this respect* Non-ttop Hero Win* Bride by Flight DO NOT FORGET TO DIM YOUR AUTO LIGHTS 200 FEET AHEAD It is compulsory now to dim your auto lights when 200 feet from anoth­ er automobile. A new law went into effect this week. Another law that will effect auto owners is the one that re­ quires all owners o f autos that have not a bill o f sale to file a statement o f Ownership. The old law held this only necessary fo r second cars but the new law makes It compulsory fo r all who did not have a bill o f sale* A heavy fine is provided and you Will met trouble when ever you sell your auto if the ownership statement is not on file by July 26. NOTICE—Let me; know the date o f your family reunion and I wifi gladly come and photograph you rcrowd. J. Victor Terr, Artist, Cedarville, O. I photograph anything, anytime, aaywliora. flfcion fo r the short term, Fisher,has been a member ever sined the new form o f government whs adopted* v m ' o i a The Second U* P- congregation in Xenia, has purchased the C. L, Babb residence fo r a parsonage. It is loca­ ted at Market and King streets. The present parsonage has been sold. Yeggs Tobbed the safe o f the Fox'd Motor Co., Xenia, last Sunday morn­ ing o f about $500 in cash and valu­ able papers. R. E. Bryant, brother- in-law o f Henry Ford is the proprie­ tor. .The safe was blown and the re- portwas not heard by either the pol­ ice department a square away or the sheriff's residence almost next door. No clue was left that gives the officers anything to Work on* * « • Members o f Company F o f the 330 regiment o f infantry in the World War, held a reunion Wednesday fit the fa ir gronds, Xenia.. Sheriff Morris Sharp has charge o f the arrange­ ments, Major W. P. Edmunds o f Washington C* H., formerly captain- and Col, Trout o f Cleveland were present. Company F was made up o f Greene, Fayette and Clinton county boys. W nAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH FARMERS’ WHEAT THIS YEAR Every day we hear o f just what a farmer should do with his Wheat to help strengthen the market* A ll sorts o f Causes are given as to why the price is around $5 cents, Some say to place the wheat-in the barn and thresh later this fall or winter. Others say to thresh now and store it. Another is to thresh now, grind the wheat arid convert it into hog feed. This probably is the best solution especially to feed­ ers o f hogs that must buy feed. THe argument that farmers must cut their. Wheat acerage next year sounds good. European conditions are charged as effecting the present price. Russia will have several million bushels o f wheat fo r export Large crops are rts ported in all countries. Government reports inform us that Several million bushels o f Old wheat is now in stora­ ge that cost much more than the pres­ ent price. But all these reasons do not help the farmer out on this crop that is to be marketed. Miss Nellie Jay Turner o f Cali­ fornia promised Lieut. J. A. Mac- ready she would marry him if he was successful in his non-stop air­ plane flight fr'ttfi New York to Cali­ fornia. Murk ah* l» m triw? wed- STREET WORK STARTED; STEAM SHOVEL AT WORK Loyd & Company, Xenia, contract­ ors for the Main street improvement, started operation* this week and haVe made good progress with the attain shovel in excavating. Meet all the dirt is being hauled to the College campus and will ho used In grading about the new science hall. This section o f the Street has been closed to traffic and those using the Clifton Irike must go out o f town by Walnut street at the t m «# Hue adHMl town*. Iter. Frauds W, Howard of Golnra-, b is was consecrated bishop of the ; L’ fttficlio diocese of Covington by’; Archbishop Mueller ot Cincinnati. A : large. ■crowd witnessed the cere- ..iOrtieS* - •i Joseph O’Uria, 21, watchman on-the ! .1 eight steamer Jupiter; wai drowned a Lake Erie while swimming near a -ot-k at Kelleys Island. O-'Defa- lived a Cleveland. - • Philip IX Boone ot Newark was kijll* fi in ad automobile race at the Drlv- ,ng park 10 COlmubUa. J*oreaso Albaugh; 58/• committed sdlclde in a barn on his farm near DteOrsvllle, Harrisort county, by hang* p£. Despondency, due (o ill health, is believed to havo been the motive.. Fire that raged for two days in; Mine No. *210 of the Ohio Collieries! company, Glouster, waa subdued and more than 400 miners returned to > work. ■ Ja’qk Moran, 3, was killed at Bel*: Iaire when an auto went 6ver an em* bankment, HI b sister add “brother wCre uninjured. j ” Wllbar Blaine,^ 14-year-old son of f H; G. Blaine, wealthy farmer, was kicked to death fay a horse he was driving in Gallipolis, . Edward Stelzer of Springfield and Walter L, Statler, Robert Davis and,- Ltyo'd Shackelford, all of Dayton, were arrested by state narcotic In- speclors’ who 'followed the quartet from Dayton to Springfield, where all were arrested after Steltzer’s apart* ment was raided, resulting iu the con­ fiscation of $450 worth ot morphine and $500 worth of cocaine. A large amount of coal was moved down the' Ohio river by means of artificial! waves, created by manipu­ lation of the government dams above point Pleasant. Deputy Sheriff David H, Moore, 45, of Meigs county, died at GalUpollB as the ’result ot accidentally shooting himself in the stomach. James' Schwerz, 18, Dayton, drown­ ed while swimming in Mad river. Run down by an automobile at Ma- fkm, Siittuel Oppehhetmer is believed' to have been fatally injured. Damage estimated a,t thousands ot .dollars fisut caused by a storm that struck GeheVa arid vicinity. Sbcptoratiou la to be started at New’ ' 4 vfiBtgfr founded in: Ohio.; The. legis­ lature haaappropriated flO.OOOfor the purchase of thb land *wbon: thd exact •ite: of the- village' is, determined, ixtoiei Mcftald, 24, pluhgfed Into the Little Mtitoif riVer near Glncinhatl* for a cool bath while' coiUpatUOas ioi i hidtor' car rep&itCd a putictU’-e. fin attack' of crariiipH followed arid' he drpwned. • Gtjorge Hayes, 28, arid infant daughter wiera 'killed and foMr' other* injured' whbii an auto ln* whlch they W«to driving waS hit by a New York Cedtifil passeriger train, west bound; at1 s^wahia, n miles | west ot Toledo; Mrs. Sarah M. Porter, 87, .Mt* Yeri nbri/aWillOWed pdlion arid died on th* 'grkvb 6t her husband; Joseph L. Por* ter, Who' died5recently* Miss'Ann Bike, 71, Attica, Was burn* 'ed to d*athfind her horn* Was destroy; ed when she youred coil oil on a fiVt> iff a'kitchen stoVe. Tom C- HarbaugH, famous writer of dime novels' and ndW nearing hi* eightieth yeah, took the $1,000 pro* C*eds Of the sale of his wordly pos- sessloris at Casstown, and wended hi* way to ?the Miami county infirmary, Wher* fab' expects to* spend the re- mainded of his days. Willltrir R. Day, 74, Canton, former aiSbCiato justice' of the federal «u* premb cbtart abff fdriber secrSUry of •tato, died at his summer home off Mhukihac Island, Mich* Using a clothes pin with which to pull the trigger ot a shotgun, Stan­ ley Yablonskf, miner near Steuben­ ville, fired a charge' df shot into hi* chest. He died Inatantly. Glouster council approved a neW gas otdidahee calling tor $1 ton the first thbusgrid feet used and the old price of 45 cents lo t succeeding thou­ sands. Mrs. Joseph I, Mused, to , died of i fractured skull, sustained in a fall troth a bridge at Laferty, near Bridge­ port, while returning home from a pibrietheater. Canning companies in northwestern Ghio are paying « cehts a pound lor cberribs. Rosa, 17-months, daughter of J* Humm, lost her left hand when shb waa Struck by. an electric oar at Toledo, Mahcheetor oitUens are taking ad* Vantage df low water iff the Ohio to mine coal that has been swept down from toe coal fields or has been loMi from wracked barges. MlsS Lbla DOnahey resigned postmistress at BiadOnsburg, Knox COdnty, Mt. Verhon public library has beau closed because of a diminishing li­ brary fund, Pike county riahna toe champion egg eater o f the world, Alfred New* ten of toe Vftn Meter farm, near Piek ton of toe Van- Meter farm, near Pike- Two unmasked bandit*4 held up Cashier C, » / Fulkerson and- his as­ sistant, lAwra Thompson of toe Peo­ ple’s Banking company of Holland*- burg, Darke county, and escaped with between $8;fi&> and $8,000 George lit#*, 22, is dead attd Isaac Wetter* 2$, Binghamton, N. Y„ i* pr .babiy fatally injured an toe result of a motorcycle accident when tkt nv:,*hlne skidded into a ditch near F. «iuont. Buckeye beekeeper* will meet at Columbus for a conference to deter* I oiln the procedure of combating foul I brood, a contagious disease which is1 affecting honey bees throughout the slate. Chris Uroefas, 35, died at Canton from- injuries -received when an auto­ mobile ho was driving turned over in a ditch north of the city, Ho suf­ fered a fractured skull; special midsummer moating of farm -bureau representatives will be a working conference, according to plans approved by the executive com­ mittee of the Ohio Farm Bureau fed­ eration. The meeting will, be held in ColUmbus off Jnly 23 and 24. Mrs* Mari -Stfirinard’s removal as ' chief unatrpn of the Girl*' Industrial .school was technically sustained- by thri state civil service - commission when Commissioners Rdlllri Rwisher and William Bundy split on toelr decision. The iaw -provides that When the commission disagreed in an ap­ peal, t^e, appellate Joses. August Hrirfcerf, 68'; -retired* biker of Madisbnvili, Wsli ■ cruSbricT t o : death when his automobile left th* road; slid .down an .embankment and crashed agaipst p tree,' Frances Hoff, 15, .daughter of Sec­ retary Moor Hoff, ,'vjce president of the Ohio Savings and Trust company ot Toledo, was drowned at Lakeside when a rdWboat in Which the* girl dud four other, persons were riding cap­ sized about' 100 feet from shore. Frank- Esty, Canton, was elected president of thri Ohio’ Electric Light association1at thri closing-session of its annual- confrintlon at Cedar' Point.- Other offiesrstojected were T. (J; Ken­ nedy, Cleveland, vice president, and D. T. GaskilJ,-' Greenville,- .secretary- treasurer; Parke county; -has 15,697- horses, ' - Elmef O'Brien, fife,* pottery worker at EtostLiverpool,*killed himself after he had Wohfaded his wife. TWdlve-hcmV dsy-wilb bri -trirminated' In all mill departments 6f the-Youngs-, town Sheet and Tube company before the close of the current year, Presi­ dent J. A Campbell announced.' Mrs. Gusle 'Payne, 54, and Mrs. Celia Master*, 76, her slater, both of Painesv Je, were taken to a hospital in a critical condition following an. missing. • since June 28, was found along the Mahoning.river, about a mile from bis store. His throat had been cut and he had been robbed ot a gold watch and $I10. According to reports; just compiled by County Auditor E. A, Guth, Rocky Ridge Is the only village'tin Ottawa county where* cigaretj* are not sold, A village ordinance prohibits the salq of fags.- ■■ Rlchwood postofllce has been ad­ vanced from third- to second class, due to a general increase’ in-business. Federal Judge John M. Klllette an­ nounced at Toledo that* foreiga-bprn men who claimed exemption from serving in the American army during the world war on the ground they were conscientious objectors, will be denied citizenship. George Ackerman, 11, NeW Lexing­ ton, died from injuries' received in an auto accident when toe auto In which he was riding with . three others, struck a sand pile arid upset. Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Britton have resigned as superintendent and ma­ tron, respectively, of the Knox County Children’s Home. Monroe Goshen, 76, was fatally In­ jured at Zanesville when struck by a runaway horse. t . Mayor J, K. Williams of Delphos is to resign his office and move to Cali­ fornia. He Will be succeeded by Jobfa Scherger. Letcher A. Philpott, 33, was shot and killed as he sat In a taxi near Portsmouth. Millard Lewis Is alleg­ ed to have fired the shots. Twenty-six Texas oil promoters, In­ cluding Dr. Frederick A, Cook, former Arctic explorer, were indicted by tori federal grand jury' at Cleveland riff charges ot using the mails to defraud and conspiracy to make fradulent usri of malts. Psnnsylvania-Ohio Power and Light company said that coriztructibff of i $10,600,006 power plant will he begun immediately on the Ohio river near Toronto to supply the Youngstown Iff dustrlal district, Mrs, Nellie -Kirklias, 33, was elec­ trocuted while connecting a washing machine in the basement of her home In Cleveland. Removal ot William George Rees# Of Youngstown was. sought by a dele­ gation headed by toe Rriv. George A. Gibson. The delegation appeared be­ fore Governor A. V. Dqnahey and ask­ ed that charass of graft against the mayor be investigated In his report to Governor Doiiahey, covering toe fiscal year ending Jttne 20,1923, J. W, Tannehiil, state super­ intendent ot building and loan asso clatlons, Shows that building and loan associations id Ohio made a gain iff assets of $87,210,858,22, Russell R Haines, 29, and Ernest Rhoades, 81, both ot Coiufaibus, were killed at Norton field, near Columbus, when their airplane felt. State Prohibition Commissioner B, V, McDonald summarily dismissed prohibition Enforcement Officer D. N. Nash of Athens county after it wag learned that Nash had directed his first *ifort«, upon receiving the ap­ pointment, toward “rivening UP things” with a political tommy, k to alleged, Jonathan 0, Milte, toll yearn bid d-vd'Kit Jfr&hto PRICE. $1.50 A YEAR County Fab Comes Soon The 84th annual Green County Fair will be held Jnly 31, and August 1 ,2 , 3 . ’tne fair this year will exceed all those o f former years in that too man­ agement is providing art unusual pro­ gram. fo r entertainment.. A s fo r the race program, which in the past has b « n a drawing card, will have many entries of fast steppers fo r toe events covering three days. As fo r live stock every department ■will he filled from presentrindications and fo r many; o f them toe* successful wluners will get extra prize?. One’ o f tori features o f the Fair lat will attract. attention will be the work in toe Boys’ and Girls’ Club classes. Many prizes have been put up to the successful winners, There ylli b e ,toe township judging teams le poultry culb, the Pig club and the Food Club, The Boys and Girls' Steer Calf- club under toe direction, Of F- B* Turnbull, M. R. Grinnell and J*' H*. Hawkins is the one big event among he yourtg folks interested in breed- ng and feeding. Certain rules are aid dovvn that each entrant must neet from the selection o f the calf o the day it if judged -in the contest. 1- In the Junior Yearling Class A ill be five or more prizes and the - Same for Claris B.' Among toe doners o f these "prizes ire The Spring Va^ey National; Bank ,nd the CedarVille.Exchange Ban): vith $20 each. W. L. - Clemanri, $10. Xenia Farmers* Exchange Co., $20 in ■ 3 old; Greenri 'County .Hardware Co,, iepeating Rifle* for Boy or Silverware i f winner is a girl C; N. Stuckey & ;Son a R ifle fo r a My o r set Silverware, i f winner is a girl The Angus..Associations gives a $25 watch, and.$15 cash;*Shorthorn Breeders’ .Association $20 ' to the Champion,- if a Shorthorn and .$5. for every Shorthorn Shown. E. A . .Qsfcer, Yellow, Springs, $10. . WicheTsham Hardware Co., James­ town, Cole Stand Lamp worth $10 as First prize, Cedarville Farmers’ Grain ^ Co., carpenter set if a hoy or Rqgers’ * Knives and forks i f a girl havinfe the highest per Cent o f gain,1 The Herford Association giVep $25 ,to*tori-Ghfamfpiom'-'ti9>a»I: for every Herford shown. THE OATS BUG MAKES * HIMSELF KNOWN TO ALL This community has an epidemic o f the “ oats” bug,a small mite that finds pleasure in traveling over your anat­ omy. He does not Seem to be quarrel­ some and never bites. The unpleasant­ ness o f it all is. in haviny the tiney mite crawling over you. Farmers say the bug comes from oats crops and that we are haying more 'of them this season than usual. When oa t cutting starts toe bugs leave in black swarms. CLEMANS FARM SOLD FOR $100 PER ACRE The William Clemans farm was sold ast Saturday by Sheriff Sharp o fr 1100 per acre, just two thirds o f toe appraisement. The purchaser was A. Dunkle o f West Market street, Xenia. The famr consists o f 15A acres and is on the Kyle m ad . I t is re­ garded as a good investment a t toe price sold. Jotohh Isrikscn* farm boy of " “ ......... ".............. \M. f t - ________ ____ _______ „ • - * » Grand Ohimpionslilp In eompetltion mreT $10 other "baby beeves.” His t i i r t i s w wolghWi 1EM poffnd*. Tritoliig m prim* rind Wriiitot o f ft