The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

C I N C I N N A T I FALL FESTIVAL mk wwsmm sinoN- Jk ' GORGEOUS Style A Show end display o f th e world's fin­ est {roods awaits you a t th is Million Dollar E x ­ position. Special exhibits, will be held, by stores, afford­ in'? exceptional opportu­ n ities to visitors. Hundreds of in terest­ ing: and instructive ex­ h ib its, including an Etec- t trie Show and T ractor Demonstrations. F r e e souvenirs. Spectacular T o w e r o f Jewels—12 Bands—Continu­ ous Hippodrome S h o w — Frolic Avenue, and many other wonderful attraction*. Cummod^tiona. m m m m m m A M m w m m a t Werner Sa-yer*. Vft*. , k ^ 5 j B T 2m TO mm. jm, m 2 ? j 9 2 3 i l P f c g © i I IX D ffekeant--1000People SixDaysFastlfadiy ‘ Splendid Fn*<?Wor(i »U ir ld s f e a f e s i l ; Jesl Ni^MHorseSWv) TenFamousBands,, FreeActs f ib * Stm-fllway* Shines in Ohio1’ S I X N J G H S flASV.TRUAX* *'*■ SECTOR OF AGRICULTURE , _ ....... * >. fS . f i . LEW IS* PAIRAIAMAGEIf 5 % MONEY FOR FARM LOANS IS HERE Th irty Five Million dollars of Insurance money to loan on Farm mortgages a t 5% . W ill lean up to $80 .00 per acre on the best farms. Must be nice well located farms. Interest either anually or semi-annually. $100 .00 payments accepted. W . L CLEMANS, Agent EAGLE“MIKADO” encilNo. 174 fto iiJ»aks*«*J> tfA rf faHr* P m A mu M* a * * n u t f t p r t f lC W Ht»ClL w f f l tltiL hep band ^AQLg MKAiX* K h G t M P E N C I L C O M P A N Y * t O T T P ) M L swaioiiif Iin.ipnffl1"1 "P**11l|rini'""" C*1"1"111 .................... JJCAL AND PERSONAL • * * e * # o w e # The Clark’# Bun Club picnic was held last Friday a t Snyder Paris. F o r Sale: Several first class cider barrel*, just the thing fo r slop bar­ rel*. Thad Miller * J The annual pienic fo r the U. P. congregation and Sabbath School was held Thursday a t Riverside Farm . Elmer LuttreH and family have rono on a trip to Virginia. The trip m being made by motor. Dr. O. P , E lias and family of Cin­ cinnati, spent the -^eek-end with Mr P M. Gillilan. There will Le ho Sabbath School o r preaching a tthe U, P . church on Sabbath. , Carter N. Abel and W. A. Turnbull motorod to Cincinnati, Thursday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs O. A. Dobbins spent last week with relatives a t Rawson, Ohio, Mrs. Grime$, who resides on. the 0 . A, Dobbins farm and has been critically ill, was taken .yesterday to a- hospital,in Xenia. Allen Turnbull has returned to Spencer. Iowa, where he Will re ­ sume his School work the first of next month George F . Siegjer is spending the week in Marietta In connection- with arrangements for the coming school opening and work for the year, Miss Mapy Ellen Grove, who has been the guest of her cousin, Jeanette Riteuour' fo r three weeks, has return­ ed to her home in Washington C. H, Jeanette Ritenour entertained a t a slumber party Wednesday night- Ber­ nice Elias of Norwood,. O. Christine and Regina Smith, Christine and Fran ces Wells and Lucy Gillilan. Miss Anna Collins returned home Tuesday evening after o .month’s trip to California ahd other points. Rev. W. G. Robb and family of Washington, Iowa, are here on a vis­ it with Mrs. Robb's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W- R. Sterrett. Miss Lucile Boots of Columbus is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. William Hopping this week: Deputy Probate Judge S C. Wright with Mrs. Wright and daughter, Mar­ jorie, leave this morning fo r Idaville, Ind,, for a ten days visit with home folks. Miss Wilmah Spencer went to Cnm- dem, O., Wednesday where she atten­ ded the wedding of her friend, Miss Wilson, Ernest Post left yesterday on a trip to Seattle and will be gone a couple Of months. Mr.> Post has been- manager of a branch o f the New System Bakery in Fostoria and •each year goes to the North-west to escape the hay .fever, to which he is a victim. . Walter Huffman received more than Was coming to him last week. The types made us say that a son was horn to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Huffman There is a Walter Huffman hut this name had no place in the news item. The son arrived a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Pearl Huffman. The only credit that is due Walter is that he is now “Uncle Walter,”, . Rev. and Mrs. E . B . Townsend and three sons, formerly of Ironton, hut now located in Marietta, O., stopped Tuesday to visit a little while with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Winter. They wore driving home, via Ironton, from a vacation ti ip in Indiana and Mich­ igan. ■ As a result of agitation from var­ ious quarters the price of- gasoline wa3 reduced, yesterday by the Stand­ ard GibCo. of Ohio 1 1-2 cents a gal­ lon. Thi* makes the pricp a t the fil­ ling station 20 1-2 cents, Other gaso­ line dealers will meet the price it is said, Prof. F rase r moved this Week to the M. I. Marsh property on Main street. Dr. J .' P. White has gone on a trip to Topeka, Kan., and on his return will stop a t Winona Lake, Ind, M|r. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. Frank Towns ley ami daughter, Hester and two grandsons, Ralph and Marvin Bull, are pnendiiig the week a t Orchard Is­ land on the reservoir. Mr and Mrs. Taylor B. Collins of near College Corner, O., announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Edna Laura Collins, to Mr.- Gray Wingate McCnmpbell on Thursday, August 8. The groom ;s a son of Mr. John Me Campbell and a well known young farmer. He and his Wide have gone to housekeeping on the Raymond Bull farm on the Columbus pike. A t the wedding from here were Mr. Me Campbell and family and Mr. and Mr#. Alexander McCanjpbell and son, rmd Rev. and Mrs, t.< 1„ Gray and son of Jamestown, mramamoommuamammmmammmdimmaammi^mm QUERN CITY EXPOSITION WILL BE LARGEST IN THE HISTORY OF CINCINNATI Cincinnati held her find fall festival and exposition back in l&'id, These exposition* are a part of open bouse for the people of neighboring states and buxines# interest# have raised $600,000 fo r the exhibition that opens August 25 and closes on Sept. 8. Qiao Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee wJU liave special days for excursion* for their Capitols. The Queen City is going to entertain her neighbors in a i*oyal manner. STUNICH GETS HEAVY F INES ON TWO CHARGES Frank W. Stunich, 30, Dayton, who attempted to kidnap M. E . Graham, Xenia chief of police’ about three weeks ago, was given a sentence of $100 and costa and six months in jail for operating an automobile while in­ toxicated, Judge Gowdy also fined him $100 and three montlis in jail for assaulting his mother-in-law, Mrs. Harry Clark. Stunich is said to be un­ der bond of $10,000 a t Newport, Kyv where he was indicted fo r first degree murder- . - f HARRY WRIGHT NOW „ KROGER STORE MANAGER ■ ■™---' '■ A change in the management of the local Kroger store is announced this week and Harry Wright becomes the local manager. Mr, McGill trices a store in Springfield on his return from his wedding trip. Mr. Wright has been manager of a Kroger store in Cincin­ nati and made a good record fo r him­ self while there. KN IGHTS HOLD MEMOR IAL - FOlt FORMER MEMBER Xenia saw the -first demonstration of the three K's last Saturday when a large parade passed through the business, section to the cemetery where memorial services were held for one of their first members, Frank Walker,' Who died several weeks ago. It is. reported that about 800 were in line and most of them wearing their hooded uniforms. The procession was lead by a hand. WE MUST HAVE PRIMARY SO MUST PAY THE RILL The primary election is a costly proposition to Mr, and Mrs. Tax Pay­ er due to the fa ct that so few people go to tile polls to vote. In Cincinnati the cost was $3.05 fo r every vote cast. Xenia taxpayers will put up $4 for each and every votg deposited.. In Dayton where 55,000 males alone are voters less than 12,000 took ./the trouble to ,go to the polls KLAN CLAIMS ^VICTORY IN VARIOUS CITIES The three K’s are making claims to the election of officials In numerous cities in Ohio. They claim the nomi­ nations on both party tickets a t New­ ark. The candidates for city commis­ sioner in Dayton and Springfield had the secret endorsement of the clan. In Springfield the Klan candidates distanced all others. COLUMBUS PIKE IS NEARING COMPLETION;, IS THE REPORT A fe\y loads of stone will complete the Columbus pike from all reports. At-present the contractor is working on a new bridge that went bad And had to be torn out and rebuilt. One of the requirements when this road is opened for traffic will be a patrol to nab the’speeders. Conditions were bad before the road was improved. No one can predict what will happen unless some restrictions arc laid down to a few taxi drivers at Wlberforce, TOBACCO GROWERS ORGANIZE The tobacco grower# of the Miami "Valley, which includes Greene county, hove organized for marketing their crop on the same plan that other farm organizations are working, particular­ ly the wool. I t is claimed that with the organization of the Miami Valley the last tobacco growing district in the country is ready to pool the crop. The pool districts have been getting from #ix to ten cents a pound more fo r their tobacco. As Montgomery county alone produces nearly 20 million pounds annually, tbe increase in price would exceed a million dollar* each year. DATA OF INTEREST. As we travel about most people would wager from observation that more than fifty per Cent of tbe homes in tbe state use electricity. In Ohio there are 1.135,200 homes and 485,060 use electricity. Of the 170,010 stores' and hotels only 77,460 Use electricity, In Greene .county we have 5.1,30 homes and 2.840 USe electricity, 760 of the 860 stores and hotels are electrified, There are 160 Industrial plants in the county amU20 of these use electricity for poweflwt'poses. G, A. R. ENCAMPMENT The National G. A. R. Encamp­ ment will be held in Milwaukee, on September 2 to 1 The fare from Xenia is $12.65, The ranks of the Civil War veterans are thinning fast and it will not be many more years until the Encampment will be but a matter of history. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Funaett And laughter, Elisabeth, are visiting tlm former’s parents in Wlsconson, CREED’S TH E STORE WITH ALL NEW AND FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE, ’» WHY BUY ELSEWHERE WHEN YOU CAN GET THE SAME THING H ERE FOR LESS MONEY, TRY CREED’S FIRST ALWAYS AND ^ S E E I F YOU CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS. ^ We are offering a few specials Sat urdjiy that will p.iy you pot to over look. 1 Glass Water Pitcher g Q Crepe Shelf Paper 10c ~ O C ! 3 f o r ,........ ................................... Horse, Shoe Glasses m Each _ ---- ----------- ; --------- --- • i ) C Blue and White Granite Kettles ____ ________ T -49c Creed's Variety J . C. Barber Store Room Chair Seats E a c h _____ -------10c O’O d a r Mops _&8c value ------- -~85c Floor Mops' ----------_49c Wash Boards .— ------------------- 49c MARKET BASKETS 10 and 15c Store South Mam S treet AN OVERALL SPECIAL All -This Week our Best $2.25 Overalls . , ; $ 1 . 9 5 KATZ & RICHARDS fl ■ ii* .4*.’ 32 EAST MAIN ST. Our Clearance Sale Of Suita A11 This Week. 3 . - ■ , ^ • • - \ ) X EN IA , OHIO T/i. P.nrityl.anla Railroad it th . .hart Una the (V«f and Ea.t ahd c a n tt. annually about ..oanlatn p*r cant o f-tha tota l patteng.r traffic of Amvln. wm T H E origin of the old_ Indian trail* i» shrouded in the mists of antiquity. For unnumbered centuries they were trod by the moccasined feet of savage warriors and later became the highway for the hardy pioneers in their Conestoga Wagons. . They had been developed with unerring skill along the shortest available route over mountain and ■plain-staking advantage wherever possible of wild ana picturesquo gaps cut by enrushing streams in the ever­ lasting hill* of Pennsylvania. The main line of the Pennsylvania Rail- . I road between the West and E ast follows -the. old trails for many miles through'-the Alle­ ghenies and the traveler of today enjoys splendid vistas of sylvan beau ty-as his journey leads him nlong those age-old paths, River and. raih-oad contest the way through the Pack saddle. Jacks Narrows, Lewistown Narrows and the Gqpa of the Susquehanna. Moccasined feet and-Cone*, toga wagons have- given place to modem all-steel trains, Bu t the pristine glories of nature in mountain and stream remain unchanged and unrivaled. Pennsylvania # DAYTON CASHIER SHORT AND IN COUNTY JA IL Fred Hecht, for the p ast six year# cashier of the American National Rank, Dayton, is short around $290,* 000 in hia accounts and the institution is now in the hands of the. national bank authorities. Hecht claims that he lost his moryjy in business ven­ tures and not- by gambling. He does not.know himself what the shortage will be. He was covering the shortage by carrying forged notes on various depositors, otto of whom was his aged father who is a minister in that city, £nHan< New Prem ier Knows Our W a r Debt Views Mr. and Mrs. James Collette and .laughter o f Van Weft, were guests of Mrs- Edith Blair, last Thursday. 1 iWi’ . 'S '* Resignation <*f Horn,!1 d#e to physical brsftk* down, resulted tfi the .selection df Stanley D«ld«ffh '(Nittncellor of 1ibe E x c h e qu e r Law*# Calvin succeed hi* n* Premier. tA-ta ■■ Tfin sWjwTCviy ted the Dwfttd State* And has i most thorough urtdecstnttdferg df our tiew* Op our war loan* to ttng* land- *lr* -