The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

■.mm. SET YOUR WATCH 0 tft ready lo r the **Big Doings” begin­ ning August 25th. Come andjoin in with us for a lot of healthy fun. There will be many instructive ex­ hibits too. You can mix bumness and enjoymentat theFall Festival. Come to Mableys first and get the “lay of the land”. We will all be glad to see you in this friendly store. % h < ^ a b l& tj @ / ie w (d CINCINNATI WHY NOT Stucco With Rocbond Exterior? For sixteen years Rockbond has been the leader in its field. I t is essentially a quality product. Must be applied ip s tr ic t 'accordance w ith m anufacturer’s specifications, tu cco with th e best. The best is always the cheapest in the long run . ee m e before deciding on your stucco . 1 can quote you rock bottom prices o n . Highest quality product and workmanship. s CONTRACTOR X en ia , 0*» R . R . No, 3 . Residence Old Town Exclusive agen t for Rockbond in Greene County. " r f • ’ f i ',f'y N ow -for Only s s i Y ou Can Order a yt*c£/ and in a short-time it will be yours. i? . , If you have delayed placing your order because of the cash outlay necessary—you need wait no longer. If you have been depriving your family and yourself o f the pleasures and benefits o f a. Car because you felt ..that you could not afford it—order now and know that it will not work any hardship on you. Use the s J So plan to ride and he happy, you and your family. Make the first payment of $5 today which wilt he deposited in a local hank at interest You can add a little each week. Soon the payments, plus the interest paid k e by the bank, will ma the cat yours. Come in arid learn about this new plan. R. A. Murdock /TRY| OUR ?OB PRINTING *» * mmmimmMfwmm & SnndayScM •Lesson’ SHOCK ABSORBERS car Rwv, p . » , m m twa , a d .. TW »*r of XUcKek B(bi« la tbs Uosdy SUM* Institute of Chlcu*.) (0, 1 ( 11 , WwUm, H.w«yu«r l LESSON FOR AUGUST 10 STEPHEN, THE MARTYR WBS8QN TEXT~-Act* S:l— OOLPBN TEXT—"Who sh ill ssp irsts u» from the {ova of Christ! Shall tribulation or dlstrsss or p*r**aut|on or fatnlwe or naksdnsss or peril or swordr*—Rom, Asti. DEVOTIONAL READING—Rom »:»1- S>. PRIMARY TOPIC — How Stephan Showed Hie Lovs for Jerua ' JUNIOR TOPIC — Stephen Speaka Boldly for Jesus, INTERMEDIATE! AND SENIOR TOP- 10—The First Christian Martyr. TOURO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Spirit of Stephen In the Modern Churoh. I. Stephen, the Deacon (6:1-8). The early church waa threatened with dimension over suspected partial­ ity In the distribution of alms. Up to this time It would seem that the apos­ tles did all the work. In view of such hardens, perhaps Borne things had been neglected,.However, the church proved Itself capable of meeting the exigency. . A congregational meeting was called; the case placed before the church and the church instructed to select seven spirit-filled men of good reputation to administer the temporalities of the church, giving the apostles the neces­ sary .time for prayer and the ministry o f God’s word. Thus we see how that "the Spirit-guided church was able t6 solve its own problems, and how church government developed, dust as the deacon’s office sprang out of ; this dissension, so new needs called forth new officers. Among the seven deacons, Stephen had first place. While engaged In his , duties as deacon, he sprang Into the light as an eloqaent and powerful preacher. So mighty whs his ministry that the number of dlsci* ples^greatly Increased; even many of the priests believed. II. Stephen Before the Council (8:9-15). 1— -Disputing With Stephen <w. 9, 10 ). Certain foreign speaking Jews took the lead In this controversy. .Perhaps the fact that Stephen was a Grecian Jew provoked them to the a c t He was more than a match for them white the debate was carried along the Unes of reason and Scripture. - 2— Charged With Blasphemy (yv. 11-14). ‘ They trumped up this charge and endeavored to support it by secretly finding and Inducing men to perjure themselves lndhelr testimony. Stephen •hewed in his preaching that God’s purpose was progressive and that the policy instituted by Moses should be superseded by the new faith, since this was the' Culmination of what Moses began. He showed that the old dis­ pensation would he superseded by the .new and that the church would come out Into the liberty of Christ S-'-Stepheh.’a f a c e Transfigured (v. i « . 1 He was so completely filled with Christ that his face shone as the face of -an angel. I t waa Christ shining through him. III. Stephen’s Defense (7:1*83). In refuting their charge he showed by .the history of God’s dealing with the Jews that they had always resisted Him. Therefore their present attitude was because they were unwilling fo move forward with the divine purpose. As pointed out by Stiller four points stand out in his defense: 1 . God’s dealings with the Jews showed progress; The end was not reached by a single leap but by grad­ ual stages. , 2. The temple was not the only holy place. God appeared a t different places and a t different times. 3. Israel Invariably opposed God as He tried to lead them on. f 4. He showed hit loyalty to Moses by constantly referring to him, IV. Stephen Stoned (7*.54-<K>). 1. —Looked Steadfastly Into Haaven (T. 55). This was the secret of bis calm. I f bS had looked about him he might have been afraid, 2. He saw the glory o f God. A vision o f God’s glory can only be seen by those who are loyal untoUlm, even unto death. 8. He saw Jesus standing on the right bend of God The fact that Jesu s was standing shows that He Is actively interested in the suffering of S i s faithful witnesses. A Cast hint opt of the city and stoned him. 5. H is prayer (y. 00). How like that iff Jesus on the cross. Christ so com- pletely filled him that he could thus set. 8. He fell fishtep (v. 80). The Chris­ tian'* death Is only a sleep. This sub­ lime scene must have vitally affected Saul who was consenting unto his death. In Great Books. > We find little In a book but what we put there. But in great books the mind finds toom to par many things. —JoUbert. Art Little Mah. » Those who follow that part of them* salves which is little are little men. Fear. y*V«r Is more painful to cowardice than denth to true courage.—Sir P. Sidney. LUNGARDIA FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Wsric with the Fere1springs— so t agsnut them, '/he "third •print” choekstiw rebound and ■top* tl»e sidh-swsy. Savo tires, fuel,and cardepreciation. Mod­ erate in price. ‘ DtitriStttor* B , A. MURDOCK, Usdarviltand Jamestown BURPEE'JOHNSONCO <~i ECU N D I A N A P O U S , U - S * A Strayed: 600 pound Durham two year old heifer about Ju ly 28. Finder pleaaa noWy John Taylor, ‘ j How Great Will Your Harvest Be It would bo fun if, when you planted your wheat In the ip d o f you could be certain of ju st how many bushels you would have when you threshed and how much i t would bring. T h a t Is impossible with grains of wheat bu t not with dollars, When you place your dollars with us under bur special certificate plan you know what you will realize 6% INTEREST and your money will be safeguarded by first mortgage on real e s ta te . Pu t it work now. TheSpringfieldBudding&Loan Association 28 EastgMain S treet, Springfield, Ohio The quickef you can remove a Cough . or Cold, the better. Deep-seated ones] ar« &menace to the Lungs. I f LUN- ] OARDIA is not better And does not I act quicker in Coughs and Colds o f . all kinds, sofa throat, difficult breath I ing spasmodic Croup, And for the re -1 lief of Whooping Cough,—your money1 beck. Usd it to ’ward off Inflaons*.1 Thousands pfttm UUNGARDIA- F o r t mb* &if. lUdgwajr* Rugs (all sizes) Reduced 10 to 331-3 % Bed Room Suites Reduced 20% Living Room Suites Reduced -20* Draperies by the yard 10^ Fine Mattresses Special at $12.75 Steel Beds $8.50 up Special Cedar Chests 48 in. $25.00 & 36*38 West Main Street, Xenia, Ohio fawneatfusa ISYOURBUSINESSASUCCESS? FineStationery is a big aid toBusiness. Printing fine staUoneqis ourspecialty. 'The advert! produces resul •tnclMand- th e advsrtism FORT ! Bird For several! considerable Grandstand at] of attraction During tho scons of tiie while the Coif -Jng of the .cat] Ilona, Both city. As eval ever, u is a pi to decide wHIcf there Is a las , box offices, w| available s e a t. lng room tickl The Coliseul the “Night He lng attraction,! program has yedr. For sot acted by local! before the sta| flood lights: pies were triec combination of| offering—a sti titled “Monterl technics and pi When Fair Wtf Aug. 27, the mg that .visitors entertainment every night, Plans tor thl tacle ever attef . grounds have by the fair nu| operation of partment. Thl : nified and grq of the, style ofi ular at the Os mammoth far Birds,’’ and ill] are the birdsl ! agriculture, was written bi 'ally famed c l ’ Over a thousal ■ad from csntrl as actors, dan! ^each program} brilliant displ| 'The Ohio ■pace in pageal thiB-year shoij ordS eclipseq are always '£ offering of thj) . with such an year’s perfort ad the stan| tion will repr csllent oppoif colorful costu the story of tl fully worked I a Simpjft mail follow too pil TH E STRIK I UNI The public| due to the fj miners and This time itl unions are tl operators deq dues from operators dol collectors fori dined and 11 union il&w t j hard coal mil public is to ation..With will be scare it is now. It | Goolidpe can| go back to ll in Boston w| years ago. AUTO Cl Uj FOJ Traffic vici ing the big] taken adv display e i on the autol the police yl big Festival August 25. Club has as to be lenierl million dolls fifteen days! suid you sl\| have the el Zoo. It woij the books tional statiJ REV. CLAI ■IN Rev- Cla| formerly a very crj from sarcl attack fil months bs| went an that he w| but the di| his rceovt pbyoieiauf liamson ‘Xenia, ftvj m phew. Roxbnry been very] d e s in big relatives taar of lit* 1 1 l i r 0 Ih ic