The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

H O U S EH O L D GO O D S I w ill sell the fo llow ing household goods, most o f w h ich belonged to the late “ Doc” Jobe, at my resi­ dence on Sou th M a in Street, Cedarville, Saturday, Sept. 8th, Commencing at 1:30 P. M. 1 D a rk O ak Bedroom Set, 1 W a ln u t Set, 1 L igh t O a k Bedroom set, A n t iqu e Pa r lo r Cha irs, M oh a ir Covering, M a rb le top stands, Bedd ing of a ll k inds To ile t set, Refrigerator, V a cuum sweeper, Carpet Sweeper, D avenpo rt tha t opens fo r fu ll size bed, 2 T runk s , Su it Cases, Cupboard , W a ln u t stands, D in in g T a b le and Chairs, 2 Fo ld ing Couches, Rockers; L am p s , Dishes, Glassware, K itchen Utensils, Pictures, Cu rta in Poles, Blinds, 2 G as Ranges , Sm a ll Rugs, 2 Carpet Sweepers, Clocks, Tools, Robes, B a ll Bea r ing Bench W r in ge r . TERMS: CASH ANNA&ETHELBOYD H A R R Y K E N N O N & JOE G O R D O N , Auctioneers. KROGER ’S S o u th M a in Street, - Cedarville, Oh io Flour f r , ^ lub89c Country C lu b l Q p I C t t « sweet c an ... Pillsbury ^T4 49 c Peas l 7 Sift: d ., 25c Mak£rr.c.luk.ioc PeaS tender.“ c a n .. 15c ■Beans £ B 3 £ J ! 9 c P i a a e Standard nice l O _ I tasty can, . . , . M&L Coffee/bwe1, 24c Graham<i r k'rs14c Coffee,bFrr h;.. 35CCrackers „® u 5'* 1 2 c Butter f C n e d . 47c Ginger IZd 12c Lard fr . . ISC CocoanutIaffyX7c v Mixed 25c CocoanutSw 24c VinegarS&. ,35c Ginger b o r n e . 12c Hootf e S J S c P o s te r . , . 8c •■ rf Grape 1;pint.20c Mayonnaise sa“ edvy Dressing, -8oz. | r t p glass . . . . 1............ , l l v Com ^es:....,...8c BaconIT......20c . f ■ Hams lbh! le 25c Soap S s Flako' 25c Bologna |b 13c • # • * • • • • • • LOCAL AND PERSONAL • » • * * • * * • * The R. P, Sabbath School picnic whs held last Friday at Alford Memorial, l Have the Herald follow you. A t school or i f you are away teaching:. Fo r Sale; Horse suitable fo r old people or for children to drive to and fipm school. Harry Kennon Miss Sarah Wolford was taken to the McClellan hospital in Xenia Tues­ day, suffering with gall stones. Prof. JR. Cecil Burns of Washing' tori, D. C„ is home fo r a few days. Lost: A red sow, weight about 200 pounds. , . R. M. Pringle >T. E. Kisbet and wife of Dayton and Rev, R, «T, Kyle and family of Media, Mr. and* Mrs. .Ralph Hill and son of Rev." Merle Rife and family of Fair- Mevjvld Jobe, who is located at Bos- For Sale:- One quarter sawed oak >lled top desk, cheap. Can bp seen t II. J. Kyle's. Phone 3-173, Q-2Sd. . Mrs, Lucy McClellan and Miss Mar- Strayed; 600 pound Durham two Morton Creswell, who is attending Rush Medical College at Chicago, is home on a vacation before the fall term begins. The Gordon family reunion and picnic was held last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Gordon. Fifty-five were present to enjoy the day. * Mrs, J. P, White entertained fo r the Research Club, Thursday after­ noon. *• Have your old Furniture upholster­ ed, refinished, repaired! Work called for and delivered from 1 to 10 miles1 from Xenia. Send in your address. Will be in Cedarville Sept. 24 or 26. m « 0 P rom p t Service and W o rk Gua ran teed Clip this ad which will he good for $1.00 on a $25 order, flood for $2 on a $50 order. Leave orders at this office or write East 333 J Bell phone Elmer Weyrich 1441 Huffman Ave., DAYTON,OHIO i r s i ttg m w m jw o ”' encilNo.174 ttmUr U*4* ** ****** ^ ItftCLgMIKADO i: ragle mm*otmmtmSJ&SL. Dr. J. P. White will preach at the Union services at the U , P, church Sabbath evening. His subject w ill be the “Public Schools''. \Vallace Irvine o f Canton, who is representing the National Cash Regis ter Company in that city, is home for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W . W . Galloway and family who have been spending the summer at the Galloway Camp on the river, hdve returned to their home in town, * The Clifton IT, P . church w a sopen- cd last Sabbath after being closed a month fo r decoration and repair. Rev, J, G. G. Carson and wife returned on Friday from Pittsburg, where they spent their vacation, C Mr. and Mrs. A , E . Huey leave this morning fo r Coultervillo, 111., to be gone about two weeks. While away they will attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Huey’s parents. Mr. and M t 3. Huey were accompanied by their niece, Miss Alberta Hemphill, who has been their gues fo r some time. Miss Martha Cooley, who has been spending the summer in Wisconson, arrived here last week for a visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Cooley. Miss Cooley leaves this week fo r Pontiac, Mich., to visit Rev, and Mrs. Andrew Creswell. Antiques Wanted;- Old mahogany and curly maple furniture of all kinds, chests, high-boy, high post beds, tall clocks, coverlets, old pattern quilts, antique jewelry, old blue china dishes cups and plates, very old glassware, copper and silverware, etc. Pay highesj; prices, W ill bo here soon. W rite at once to C. D. Bailey, 1711 Oak St., Columbus, O. An auto belonging to a Dayton colored man and containing five or six people took on more speed than could be controlled at the Tonkinsoiy turn in the Jamestown pike last Sabi- bath. The auto was ditched but as to injuries no one was seriously hurt, is the report. The* car was being driv­ en ,fifty or sixty miles ari hour. The party whs pulled out of the ditch and the journey continued but the top was missing. Mr. and M m . H. H. Stormont were pleased in having all their family at home ori Labor Day, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stormont and son, Francis, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stormont of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Kneisley and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates and daughter, Ruth of Fairfield; Mr. and Mr*. Her­ man Stormont and son, Leslie, o f Ce- darviHe and Herbert Stormont. Mr#, Marvin WUUsms and family 1are vmittog to Jeffersonville, and ex- 1poet to visit to Huntington, W . Va.f before returning. A t tl»e Union service last Sabbath evening in toe R. P. church Mr. W , JJ. Nisbet and Mr. Fred McMillan, both boyhood members of that con gregation, were given a place on j£te program o f evening service, Mr. N is- bet read several of his writings and Mr. McMillan gav$ a short talk. Both werp visiting here at the time with relatives. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and ‘Mrs, N - L. Ramsey announcing the marriage of toeir daughter, Miss Edith, to Mr. Chalmers J. Elder of Darlington, Pa. The wedding takes place Tuesday evening September 18 at 7:00. Miss Ramsey was a recipient ot a shower last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. W ilbur Conley, in Tumor of her coming marriage. Constable Chas. Turner found an aged man in the ditch about town last Saturday and took him to Xenia where he was committed to toe Dayton State Hospital. The man was demented and aged and a native of Slovakia. He had been a sheep herder in his country and but little other information could be gained. Rev, Robert Stewart Df Houston, Ky., and Miss Helen Creswell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W . H . Cres­ well, were happily married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride at seven o’clock. The ceremony was per­ formed by the bride's pastor, Rev. W . P. Harriman, who was assisted by the bride’s brother, Rev. Andrew Creswell o f PontiaCj, Mich, About twenty, guets, mostly close relatives were present, as guests. Mr. Gavin Reilly, a col­ lege chum o f the groom and Miss Olive JSTorthup of Springfield, acted as best, man and brides maid. Miss Maud i Goetting o f South Charleston presided at the piano. Mrs. II. O. Creswell sang “I Love You Truly". /Refreshments were served following the ceremony. Rev, Stewart and bride left yesterday afternoon for Houston, where Rev. Stewart has charge of the Reformed Presbyterian Mission school. Among those present at the wedding were the groom's brother, Mr. Clarence Stewart and brother-in-law and sister Mr., and Mrs. L ester Fullerton of Gonltcrville, 111. Both the bride and groom, are graduates of Cedarville College and have many friends that extend them congratulations. MRS. CARRIE- F A U LK N E R SUFFER S BAD ACC IDENT Mrs. Carrie Faulkner, while turn­ ing over the county treasurership on Tuesday to 'her successor, Frank A . 'Jackson, met with an accident when she slipped on toe oiled floor in the treasurer's office which resulted in a tripple fracture of toe arch in her right foot. She was taken to the Me Clellan hospital where the fracture was sot The injury was quite painful. G IRLS ONCE OF A G E A R E . NO T SO JUST NOW Attorney General Crabbe has ruled that girls who passed their 18th birthday prior to June 18, last, are not yet of legal age, under a law that went into effect making the legal age 21 fo r Males or females. Girls that only a few months ago passed from under the majority and felt a bit free are now hack in the minor class and must be so considered until ’they are 21 . •' M IN ISTERS AR R ANG E FOR R E V IV A L M EET ING SOON The Ministers of Cedarville have arranged fo r an Evangelistic Cam­ paign to begin October 14th. Rev. Joseph Flacks, a Christian Jew, who held a series o f meetings in Xenia early this Spring has been secured to do the preaching. The meetings will be held in the opera house. 'The campaign is In charge of an Executive committee composed o f Dr. J. P. White, chairman, S. C. Wright; secretary;. Rev. W . P. Harriman, Rev B, E. Steverts, J V Tarr, L. F. Tindall, N .L. Ramsey, Dr. M, 1 Marsh and Fred Townsley. This committee held, its first meeting Tuesday night at which time the following special com­ mittees were appointed: Prayer-meeting: Rev. H irriman, G. E. Jobe and Mrs. J. W . Johnson. Advertising: Rev. Stevens, S; C. W right and .J E. Hastings' Finance Geo. H . Hartman,(Dr. M. I. Marsh and W C Hiff Music: Dr. White, Mrs. Stevens, and Geo. H» Creawell. Urshers; William Conley, J, V. Tarr and R. C. Watt. Personal Workers: Rev. Harriman, Dr. White and Rev. Stevens. Entertainment: Fred Townsley and L. F, Tindall. We have electric bulbs in all the various sizes and shapes. A large line on hand always. R. A. Murdock Do not fail to attend the Boyd sale of furniture, stoves, etc, tomorrow at the home on South Main street. In the sale will be many rate pieces of fur­ niture from toe “Doc" Jobe estate. Make your arrangement# to attend this sale. Four opportunity for bar­ gains.. . Modwty. You ara young, my son, and, as to# years g& by, time will change and *t*n reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yoomtf up m a Judge St t k highest matttwM-pjato, About 1200 persons attended thej Eighth District Masonic picnic Labor 1 Day at Riverside farm The district is composed of Greene, Clinton, Fayette and Pickaway counties. The weather locally was threaten­ ing during thejmrly part of the day but in the lower counties a heavy rain fell that cut the attendance. There was little or no rain at the park du r­ ing the day. There were several distinguished visitor,; present: Harry S. Johnson, grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, with Mrs. Johnson; Edward Rector of Uhrichsville, O , and M. J, Spinks of Wilmington, district lectur- r. Mr. Spinks was chairman qf the *icpic. organizatiori. The refreshments were under the lirection of jaccb Knny who saw that everyone lmd plenty of icercream, pop' :orn, soft drinks, and coffee. The afternoon was devoted to a full program o f athletic contests and the Aunts, prizes being given the winners There were horseshoe pitcJiing con­ tests, base ball, tugs of war, races for boys and girls, and /various other races,, Charles Graham IWas a winner in the chicken race while Mrs, W . A., Turnbull, Eleanor Bull and . Carter Abel Jr.,vwon prizes jn the'various contests. Cedarville had1 three entries in the fat man's race, Dr. Leo Ander­ son, William Frame and W ; It, Watt. While *me of these men were win­ ners fo r a first prize they drew an all day candy sucker. County Com­ missioner John A . North entered in this race but mode a poor showing. He was the heaviest entry. MASON H A V E F IN S T IM E ! A T LABOR D A Y P ICN IC i Cider Press NOW OPEN Operating Each W ednesdayandThursday Until F u r th e r N o tice Located at Andrew Bros\ Coal Yard, Miller Street, Cedarville, Ohio. Concord Grapes at Orr’s. CAL EWRY forallyourMotortroubles You can’t feed a horse saw-dust and ex­ pect good service in return. You can’* feed your motor inferior gasoline and expect perfect motor performance. Get the economical habit o f spotting Co­ lumbus Gas Stations when you’re in need o f motor fuel. Insist on Columbus pure ^unblended gasoline and you’ll relieve Mr. Engine of a lot of troubles. More power, snappier pick-up, greater gasolinemile* age—less interference with lubrication, lower repair bills—these are the rewards for selecting Columbus Gasoline—the better fuel for all ’round satisfactory motor performance at minimum up-keep cost. I Gasol ine Columbus Oil Company COLUMBUS C-15 OHIO Distributed Locally by COLUMBUS O IL CO.* DISTR I Miller Street and Peony. By. R. A, MURDOCK C.E. MASTERS BUT IO N STAT ION , Telephone No, 146. M. C. N A G L E Y W . W . TROUTE WASHINGTON, D, C.-~Frank W. Stearns, the Beaton merchant andf the new President’# closest personal friend, ha* been referred to a* th» “Colonel House” of the Coolldge administration, He )« expected to nlav a leading part in shaping legislative programme. Together.with William M. Butler, Boston lawyer;- atfd Jama# B. Reynold#, Washington banker’who ball* from -Massachusetts, the three arc. acknowledged as the new President's closest political adtlser*. The above photo is a very rare and Intimate picture of toe inside life % « TRY OUR JOB PRINTING % m mm #£##M