The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

TJ m advertising of today, not only **odttcw result* of its own, bat it •btchM and bring* to final culmination th* Advertising of tb* ye*t*rd*y*. She 'Gedarville Sterald. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR* v ii . e e a n d v ic in it y . FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO, 28. CEDARVILEE, OHIO. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1923 PRICE, $1.30 A YEAR Seek New Gas Rate Here’s to Old Glory J. F, Curry of Pittsburg, assistant general manager of the Ohio Fuel . Gas Company, with R. W. Irwin, of * Xenia, manager of this division, were in town Tuesday when they mot a few members of council at an informal meeting of council to discuss a now rate ordinance for gas, j Mr, Curry stated that it was nec­ essary for the gas company to have additional revenue to meet constant increasing costs of production and es­ pecially developing new fields for gas.! He said that the. company over the : past four years had only been ahle to earn sis and one quarter per cent. He said that last February the com- ' pany started out to find a way to equalize the cost of service to t h e , consumers so tnat-every consumer’; Would pay his share of the ready t o : serve costs. While additional funds; were necessary to carry on the work ‘ the company did not care to raise the j ■rate. A. plan of charging every con­ sumer $1 for the first 1000 feet of ; gas was decided upon. With the p su -: al discount made this net 95 cents.! T’> price after the first thousand w a s1 to remain as a t present, 45c net. Mr, Curry stated that he has visi­ ted thirty-one towns. : and each has : granted the increase. All .the .towns = now served will be asked to grant the J new price. He stated that th e .price ‘ was not out of way when the company j could sell all its gas to. manufactur- ; -----—..... '■■■■'■ —-.......... ers a t the new rate. Middletown,:DAYTON PLANNING BIG TIME Hamilton and other cities that h ave ! FOR FOURTH CELEBRATION municipal plants pay the company j — j A large number of auto owners in 45 cents net a t the meter and then i Dayton will have an ‘unusual cole- | Montgcnery county have been found CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Ricked a t Random and Boiled Down for tho Busy Reader PAYS $800 LIQUOR FINE guilty of violating the speed law m a wayside ocurt at Brandt that was operated purely for the profit of the waside court and the Justice of Peace would urge them to plead gUilty and promise a light fine. Or the. owner sell i t a t 60 an* 70 cents per thousand, jbration next Wednesday, the Fourth Mr. Currey stated tha t the O. $ U .: at which time the Spanish-Americah made, a comparison test of fuel val- ‘War Memorial monument will be un- . lies recently and reported that coal veiled by Secretary of the Navy Ed- oil fuel cost twice as much as gas a t wi» Denby. 50 cents per thousand. Coal a t $6.50 Resides Secretary Denby Gov. Don- a ton was 'also twice the cost of g a s !ahoy and his staff will be present, a t the above rate, I Officers commanding McCook field Mr, Gurry stated in his remarks j now are completing plans for an could .deposit $10 for his appearance that no gas company was now looking aerial circus to he presented in honor and never appear. The Court and the for more consumers'but urging the ° f- the distinguished visitor. This pro- Constable wereagetting rich. One day conservation of gas that the compan- Frarci will mean that the entire flying the representatives of law administra. ies might remain in business and that ■s<luad At McCook field as well as tion, picked up the wrong man. I t hap- tne, public wtnfid have gas. Indiana Die Wright* field will be in-the air to pened to be I'm , Clifton, a state ex- ■towns that once had abundance of j£as demonstrate wbat aviation is. In ad- ’aminer. The Justice prevailed on Clif- now* are compelled, to ttse artificial .dition some new models of air craft, ton to plead guilty but he refused and gas th a t cogts $1,25 a thousand. j be flown for the first time. The demanded a trial. Thisgavethe state Council will take up the gas ord i-' day' will be one of unusual interest. : officialair opportunity tosee how the jChari' -fds condhetod. 'The casd're- iiifo' led council that RECEIVES $5,000 DAMAGES ; suited in the examiner making aii in- the time was! not fa r distant when gas ! FROM RAILROAD COMPANY 1speetipn of the books and what was Would not be used for anything b u t' „ • i ' ■ . . . being done with the money. Instead lighting and cooking. Already in most 1, Tf rs ' ¥ ,5 t,e .Cro'v* adm™.®' of the state getting the money the two places people have been cut off from *ra^°3,of th° es,tate h<* solb Wil- officials were having a harvest. The using gas for heating,in' coal furnaces :fred,,Cr<£v’ J a,3 b*en f 1™11 J?e^ SS?°n Montgomery Auto Club is now asking and coal stoves, j by the Probate Court to settle her that all those who were arrested turn claim against the railroad company their receipts over for collection for Ifor §5,000 plus the costs of adminis- t he examiner has compelled the Jus­ tice find Constable to refund several thousand dollars. . Fire Destroys Farm Property . Jieury Snyder, 46, married, of Lima, ft as crushed to death and two other «;o;j injured, one seriously, when a cut of cars loaded with dirt crashed through a trestle at Sidney. Mona Marie Follen, .8 months old, died at Youngstown after eating a pyrotechnic commonly called '‘spit­ fire.” ' Howard Williams and Vludctt Roll, Newark policemen, were held to the grand jury in Mayor White's court in .Hebron. They are charged with having shot at Joe Criss 'while the latter was riding in an automobile on a country road west of. Newark. A. Q, Nicely, 70, • retired school teacher, and Ills daughter, Miss' Marie Nicely, 35, were killed on a grade crossing near Washington C. H., when a train struck their auto. Justice of the Peace Bechtolt at Brandt, Clark county, famous for his "speed trap,” owes motorists $0,200, under the recent refunder order by live state. Bechtolt Is alleged to have fined motorists In wholesale lots with­ out giving them a chance for trial by jury or obtaining waiver of that right. Russell Rising has been elected commander of . the Fairfield county council of the American Legion, rep- 'resenting nine posts. Springfield district, Methodist Epis­ copal churches, is to raise $lo,000 to establish a memorial at the Univer- Bv’y ofi Pekin, China, in honor of the Lee Dr. W. A. Wiant, superintendent of the district. , Annual camp meeting and assem­ bly of- the Lancaster -Camp Ground association will open July 4 with * big interdenominational picnic and will continue • through to Aug, 19. Three thousand people are expected to camp on the grounds during this Mrs. John Hobson of New Spring- eld was re-elected president of the Woman's Missionary society, Ohio conference of the Evangelical church. Swerving his machine from the middle of the street and over the curb in an effort to miss a boy play­ ing in tho street In Cleveland, a truck driver ran over anjl killed Henry West}eak, 3, who was standing on the sidewalk in front of his home, Cecelia Hagenhouee, 8, Zanesville, are not accepting' this statement died from injuries received when she ' CanHenry Ford Get Nomination? , Fire -as the result of an explosion ju s tic e and the Constable. The con- of an oll stove ctaueA t J,e loss of a„ period stable would cite auto owners m t h e ^ Hriilding-s on the Joe Turnbull1 President Harding has sold, his con- farm South of this place, Tuesday morning about nine thirty, except a small shed and the.Biio. \ The .farm is tenanted. by L. O. Brickie with whom -Mr, Turnbull liv- trolling interest in the Marion Star to Leroy D, Moore of Columbus and Louis H. Brush of Salem. At the same time Moore announced that he and Brush had purchased the Marlon Tri­ bune from L. S. Galvin of Lima and ed. Mrs. Briclfie had Started the fire J.- Galvin of Wilmington. and gone to the garden for some pro- 1 *' ....................... Juce to prepare for, the noon meal. * When she started back she saw smoke pouring from As the doors and windows wera' open the unusual high wind fanRsd^ the .blaze until it e feakminu- tesri-Mr. Brickie whs sui Notice:- Properly owners are- once trntion. The boy was killed, last win- more notified no't to sweep trash,' ter a t the Cincinnati crossing in leaves, cut grass, etc., onto the pav- Xenia when the automobile in which qd street under violation of ordi- he Was riding was hit by a train on nance. Harvey Myers, marshal the Pennsylvania lines. Turnbull's loss will reach $15,000 or more and only partially insured. COMPANY F WILL HOLD FORMER CITIZEN DIES AT HOME OF DAUGHTER Mrs. Emma McGarey, widow o t John McGarey, former Xenian, died Monday a t the home of her daughter. Mrs. Walter Hopping in Buffalo, N. Y. She was 73 years of age and was born near this place being the daugh­ ter of the late Riley Stormont. About ten years ago she went to live with her daughter. Besides Mrs. Hopping, the deceased is suivived by one son, J. O. McGarey of Columbus; two sis­ ters, Mrs. S. K. Rife of Anthony, Kan and Miss Rosa Stormont and a broth­ er, H. M. Stormont of this place. The funeral was held yesterday from the F irst U. P. church, Xenia and burial took place a t Woodland. RECEIVER FOR GRAIN CO, nnd presidc over tho mesS* Mrs, Earle Eubank, wife of Pro feasor Eubank of Cincinnati univer- sltjv and her son, Edward, 7, were killed in an automobile, collision in Indiana, Ml’S. Minnie Rhodes, 45, mother of three children, was killed by an auto - . . . . a* she tried ... , . but zone iu Cleveland, with Jus aid and that of neighbors on -; Porreet Ru-hi 15 dlsappear0d fcqm ly a very few household goods were , Ws home near- Marion. : saved. j James Stewart, 68, shot and killed I t was only a few minutes uptalthe ' himself at Bellefontaine. house was doomed and the flames Mrs. Lillie Wickleta, 44, Is charged were driven by the wind to other >with kidnaping a‘ 3-year-old child at farm buildings. A corn crib with 100.0 , Canton. bushels of corn, a new automobile, lo l Eleven hundred acres of coal land tons of hay, sotno wheat and fa rm ' ^ Meigs county, sold by the Central implements in the barn were destroy- Trust company of Cincinnati to the ed. A small shed and .the silo are all B, f ca,sa Chemical, company of that that is left. The buildings were all in , good condition and valuable teethe j o ( J5 cent8 a ton farm. ^ Thomas Grace, 27, was shot and The loss to, Mr. Bncklo is placed a t - fatally wounded at Cleveland by nn- $2,500 fully covered by insurance. M r.' known assailants. Judge R, L. Gowdy has appointed C. H> Little, treasurer of the Xenia Grain Co., grain brokers, as re­ ceiver for the company. The petition asking for a receiver states that the company is solvnt but that a receiver was necessary to collect accounts and pay bills owing to the illness of the secretary and manager, A. V. Perrill. The Receiver was asked for by Dilver Belden and consented to by the com­ pany. THF FIRST WHEAT CUT This week will see a number of fields of wheat opened up in this sec­ tion. The first cut in the county was a field west of Xenia on Judge Mar­ cus Shoup’s farm. From reports the wheat crop promises to be above the usual standard. As for price we hear that 80 cents on present market is all that car be paid. As. threshing time nears the market may be high­ er than a t present. Thomas Thorpe plans to spend $20,- 000 Improving Russell Point, *-pleas­ ure resort on Indian Lake. John Dewald drowned in the river at Columbus while bathing, REUNION ON JULY 18. Cracksmen blew two safes and loot- Company F 330 regiment will hold ' ed a third In the R. R, Baker company its first reunion and picnic'at the fair clothing store at Toledo and escaped grounds, Xenia, July 18, Sheriff Mor- »'with ?R>,000 in cash and $10,000 in ris Sharp arranged the location f o r , liberty bonds. the gathering. Sheriff 3harp estima-j Danl0! McNeill. 43, former) 'yJZt £ } nl t l . f vtin clnnati, whs killed when struck by a tes that fit least U0 members o f the tj.uck wh„ e he Wflb at work on the company will turn out for the first n6W 6torage dam at Columbus, reunion and picnic. Mess Sergeant ohio TeaCher8’ Reading circle, Walter Lunn has been ordered to re- whIck recommends and distributes port along with other Company eooks books to Ohio teachers and pupils, has just completed 40 years of service. Police are Investigating theories of murder and suicide following the deaths of Mrs, Julia Hammond, col­ ored, and Arthur Hawmoud, colored, a t Akron. Both were shot to death, John Abercrombie, brother of the RED CROSS CLINTIC ) —___ The tonsilectory clinic Under the direction of the Red Cross was held yesterday in the American, Legion wflm {g heW {or investigation, rooms m Xenia. The first clinic of this - Uflo o£ {ear ^m b brought about the kmd last October resulted in 31 chil- captur0 of a ,pan g[ving hIs name as dven being examined. This time chil-, st6ve Borsuk, who fortified himself dren were brounght in from’all parts ln kIs home at Cleveland after terror- of the County. During the school y ea r. j 2jng the neighborhood, the Red Cross examined 1885 children. CarSon Emery French, 10, of East Cleveland and Joseph Zaller, 18, lost BIG KLAN 1NIATION Another big filiation ceremony o f| the Ku Klux Klan was held near Springfield, Monday night,. Several thousand people were present and Greene County sent over a large dele­ gation. There were a number from here in the class of 2100 candidates. Opening with an address at St. Louis, Thursday June 21st, President Harding will make 10 speeches on ills Alaskan trip. One address will b» dellvaml at Vancouver. British Columbia, July 2<!th, The Itinerary to a* follow* ■ Pit. Louis, June 21s<: Kansas City, Juno 22ml; Ilutehl- •on, Kan., June 23rd; Denver, June 25th; Cheyenne Wyo., June 25th; Balt Lake Cltf, June 20th; 'Pocatello, Idaho, June 28th; Idaho Falls, Idaho, JU&e 28th; Butte. Mont., June 2uth; Helena, Mont,, June 20th; Bpokatto, Wash.. July 2nd; Meaeham, Ore., July 3rd; Portland, Ore., July 4th, And Tacoma. July 5th, Tito President win apend two weeks Id Alaska; returning, he will Apeak At Vancouver, British Columbia, July 28th; Beaftle, July 27th; mm JFraitotoooi, JUI# 8I*t; JUto AMait% Auguait l«G Aod Ban Diego, _ _ .. . RESURFACING ROADS The State Highway Department has resurfaced the Columbus pike and is now a t work on the Jamestown pike The roads are given a surface treat­ ment of hot asphalt and covered with Kentucky rock, FIXTURES BEING PLACED THE FIRST LIME DRAWN Fire was started Saturday in one of the new lime kilns of The Abel Magnesia Co, and the first lime drawn this week for commercial use. The kiln is said to be working fine nnd the quality first1'class. The [Capacity of each of tin; now kilns is three timc3 the old kilns with the same amount of fuel. LAYING NEW RAILS The now fixtures nnd equipment for the new science hall nt the college is now being placed so that everything Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com- their lives by drowning while swim mlng in Fisher's pond, South Euclid, near Cleveland. Robert Bowman, lOy was rescued and revived by artificial respiration. Charles Marotta, proprietor of the Marotta Athletic club, Cleveland, was fined $1,000 and given six montlia for violating the prohibition laws. S. G, Dowds, former postmaster, has been appointed to take charge of the Mt. Vernon postofflee Until a suc­ cessor to Postmaster Frank Harper, who died last week, is chosen, Mrs. David Tod of Youhgstown was Appointed chairman of the women’s division of the Republican state cen­ tral committee. Mayor Delbert Goff of Crooksvllle, first of three Perry county mayors to be tried on indictments charging ex­ tortion of excessive fees from liquor law violators, was released After Judge C. W, Wood had directed the jury to return a verdict or not guilty. Herman Green, 15, was crushed to death at Springfield *hen » milk truck on which ho was working was .and improving the roadbed. The com- . „ . .. .............. ............. „ pany has many extra workmen on! unwnm - J will bo ready for tho opening of col - 1 the job wfficlt means that farm ers: by officials for the financial lego in September. The grounds about!will not find harvest help as easily; tV(H.i,icg 0f the First National bank tho building are yet to be graded, |n» in years past. Huron, which closed U r door*. ’ * I was struck by an. automobile. Carle Epple, 15, Pomeroy, drowned while bathing. A bolt of lightning Ixlllod Winfield Cox, 21, as he stood bn a ladder pick-j ing cherries at Bowerstqwn. Dayton was picked as the 1924 con vention city at the closing session of the Ohio Sunday School association at Newark. G. W. Clipplnger of Wes­ terville, president of Otterhein uni­ versity, Was re-elected president of the association. Irvine F. Heacock, 49, investment broker, was instantly killed when a coupe in which he was riding was de­ molished by a freight train at Alli­ ance., Miss Alice ,N, Lucas, 38, who was With him, was also killed, A joss of $7,234,823 to stockholders la revealed in an auditor’s report of the Cleveland Discount 'company af­ fairs. ‘ W. L, Allendorf,'president of the Commercial-National Bank and Trust company, Sandusky, was elected pres­ ident ot the Ohio Banters’ associa­ tion, , The next convention wi|t be held at Sandusky. Gambling is not to be permitted in Marion In any form, according ,to Mayor George W. Neeley. Sidney Spitzer. Toledo banker and bond dealer, was sentenced to one day in the wqrkhouse an.d ordered not- to drive his car in Toledo for 30 days when he ppeared before Judge Cohn on a speeding charge. - Florence Lindemuth, 22, was arrest­ ed at Bellefontaine on a charge of shoplifting Fraternal Order of Eagles, in con­ vention at Zanesville, adopted a res­ olution imposing a five celits per cap­ ita tax on members in Ohio to finance a. campaign in the interest of secur­ ing legislation favoring old-age pen­ sion*. ■Five persons, were drowned while bathing At resontS iR Olaw»litod^4Phe*}» victims: Willim Edging, 28; John Konepa, 13; Charles Spitalieri, 12; Fred Knox, 24, and John Abrhmos- ki, 15. At Port Clinton Richard Jones, 35, of. Sandusky, stepped into the path of a train and was killed. Members of* the united Brethren church at Oak Hill are planning a new church. Mare than $4,000 has been raised in cash gifts and pledges. Lucas J, Morse, 59, of Mechanics- burg, committed' suicide by blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun. Pians for Hocking county's new courthouse at Logan have been ac­ cepted, *The building will cost $250,- 000. Members of the Big Four Brother­ hoods will hqld a big picnic at' Lin­ coln park, Marion, July 19. Trustees ot Kenyon college have limited the number of students for the college to 250. Superintendent H. C. Knowles was unanimously re-elected head of the Shawnee public schools for the third time. • ' „ Three men will seek the nomina­ tion tor mayor of London, E. S. Gor­ din for re-election; Leroy Cornwell and E. P. Speasmakcr. Powers of municipalities to regulate conditions under which motor buo lines may operate within corporate limits were upheld by the state su­ preme court. Resgnatlon* of 11 officers' of the Girls' Industrial school, mostly teach­ ers, were reported to the welfare de­ partment by M&ttie B. Pangborn, act­ ing chief matron. Dr, J. E. Monger, state health direc­ tor, has called a conference ot 25 statewide organizations tor the pur­ pose ot furthering a movement tc popularize annual health examina­ tions. Defensive measures against the Eu­ ropean corn borer in Ohio are to be discussed a t a meeting of agricultur­ alists to he held at the Ohio experi­ ment station at wfioster June 29. Tho meeting has been called by Agricul­ tural Director Truax. Tiffin police officials said they would commit to the Toledo work- house Charles Bare, former Seneca county sheriff, and at present consta­ ble in a justice's court, who pleaded guilty to a bootlegging charge. Bare was fined $500, which he said he could not pay. A cAmpaign to raise $4,500^000 for endowments, student aid and new buildings Is to be conducted by Ober* lin college . • Mrs Anna Pfadt, tho first Woman to run for city office In Lancaster, has filed her petition for nomination as city auditor on the Democratic ticket. Edward Marklihg, Canton business man, was found guilty of possessing 100 ounces of narcotic drugs by a jury in federal court at Ofoveland. Increasing its Capital stock from $200,000 to $1,000,000, the Marion County Telephone company plans also an increase In rales, it is stated, it the state utilities commission ap­ proves the aaio of ail its property to a new corporation organized for the purpose, !l Samuel Riser, 75, ot LaurelvRlo, near Logan, feR from a cherry trow and received a broken neck. T h ee who follow political events are just now watching the poll that being taken by several publications ns to the popular choice for president. The Republicans without any ques- 'ion will nominate President Harding for another term. The Democrat* are uncertain though McAdeo jb the fav­ orite according to the poll, Dispatches have stated that Henry 'i'ojd will not consider the nomination in cither ticket but political writers a s ’ correct. They admit Ford will not ask for a nomination. The real ques­ tion as issue with the Democrats is whether the convention can be .con­ trolled to keep Ford out of the run­ ning. News from New iYork state indi­ cates that the only) issue in the next presidential campaign in that state will be prohibition. Gov. Al Smith is an out And out suporter of the wets and tho political lines have been-drop­ ped, The Republicans are very doubt­ ful as to Harding carrying that- state on his law enforcement platform after New York refuses to do her part in enforcement of prohibition laws- To show that prohibition is not go­ ing to be the only feature of the cam­ paign, particularly, frohi a wet stand­ point, Gov, Smith is Standing^ third • in the poll with only 27,581 votes. As for Ford, he is running first with 73,- 342 votes and Ilhrding, 32,623.' Both Harding „and Ford staffil for prohibition enforcement. The JPresi- .lent’s speech a few days ago leaves io question, about it. Ford. Also has /iews backing* prohibition. He says ihc army and naVy should be used to lo this. The government has the sol- iiers to pay and by using them ’we ran save several, million a year and reduce the number of government em­ ployees. v ■. The vote is being taken by two dif- ..erenti agencies. Collier’s'is takihg the dty vote and the Auto Castor News - jerviea the rural towns. A feature of :he vote is that ■of the 27,000 votes riven Governor Smith 22,000 were Yom his own state. This proves that ■he voters of the other 24 states cov- .-fed are not considering prohibition is ah issue as New York, dg July is the month to fewat scrub live stock, all roosters not to be’kept for ihe following breeding sesson, and Slier,. ■ ■ ■ ■ Says Sam: No man knows anything .mril he.knows, he.can’t know every­ thing. Haz’d lime Js just as good as soft ime for agriculture purposes, accord- ng to researches just concluded a t the Jliio State -University. Ohio will have,- it is predicted, more ;han the scant apple crop of last year, -nd the nation as a whole Will have a vttlc less that 33,000,000 bushels, last year’s bumper cron’. The agricultural extension service .vill hold this winter in western Ohio •.ounties a series of • “Sweet Clover Schools,’' and will follow up with field ;ests and demonstrations in- every- .ownahip next summer. Survey of wheatland in the Ohio lorth-west discloses prospect of fow- »r dnner bugs this year, but there nany be local outbreaks and farmers are urged to watch their wheat at jutting time. Bugs are hatching there now in some fields. The potato is a lordly fruit. Drought ir downpour, it grows and grows all ;he same. I t laughs a t the weather, and will stand anything; only deal dndly with it, and it yields fifteen- fold again—Knut’ Hamsum in “The Growth of the Soil," U- I v\. R. WATT SELLS FAST PACER ON WEDNESDAY W. R. Watt and G, F, Siegler were m Cleveland, Wednesday, where Mr. Watt closed the sale of his fast step­ ping pacer, War Bride, to Hai’per & Fisher of East Liverpool, O. The mare has been under the training of harry Stokes and has attracted a number of bujers by her Rerformanre this year. The new owners*paid $1500 for their prcspect. The day pi’evioua Stokes sent her a mile in 2:03, the last half in 1:01 1-2 and the last quarter in 29 seconds. I t was on this performance that Mr. Walt received a telegram to come' to Cleveland. War Bride is sired by Wal­ ter Direct and the dam, Ada Burns by Tom Kimble. The mare is five years old and promises to be one of the fastest horses th a t fever left the county, i NOTICE TAXPAYERS! » All Patrons and Depositors of the Exchange Bank desiring us to pay their June taxes will pleioo call our ittention to same and make Arrange­ ments. The Exchange; Bank, Cedarvillc, Ohio. IMPROVING POST OFFICE The past office . ifl geRhif? a new interior dressing tvifh> froth paint and varnish and wall paper that inakeo quite a difformvo in the. Ap- pcutoncfe of the iootvt. r- 1 V.:*. J* - i .