The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52
«Mw THE GREAT CONTROVERSY Tfee great controversy within re* Jlgtim* circle* wolves around'tw» great facts: F iwt : T he I hfaujsle B ole . Tbe holy scripture* thauMlTM atate that they are Inspired by Al- mighty God, therefore Infallible. Jesus Christ while on earth testified to their authority, Infallibility and right to supremacy In obe'fe life, The orthodox church of Jesus Christ tes tified to their Infallibility, They are the Word of Cod—the only rule of faith and practice. Of course Satan la trying to break down belief in the authority of the scriptures. Rationalistic forces, the forces of infidelity, atheism, social- , Ism and Bolshevism are denying that the scriptures are infallible. They are doing it because they want to destroy the authority of the scrip tures. If the agencies of sin can destroy the scriptures then' they have au easy road to. the satisfaction of all the lusts and passions of human nature. R ecoup ; T he Y imou B ibth The same set of forces are denying the fact of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.' God decided upon the plan fo r Bis incarnation. That plan, de rided and created by the Triune God, fixed the virgin birth as the instru ment-for the incarnation. There fore, the virgin birth is proof posi tive that Jesus Christ Is the son of God.. Satan knows that faot,' There fore, If he conld destroy belief in the virgin birth he could logically .destroy belief in JeBus Christ as the Bon of God, There is no fact in history more perfectly established than the fact that Jesus. Christ was bom of the virgin/ and therefore is the Son of God. Xefc me call, on the. Christians * ail over America to be true to God’s In fallible! “Word, and to Jesus Christ born of the virgin Mary. The Church shall be victorious. The gates of hell •hall not prevail, /;_________ - STO P EAD- ACHES a t the * 'i o Wp' • iteWOBSifS / M S ■ O R B i . ‘ iSSmgpiNterirrv yeah * r ..., *?-. WHt-Um buy Goodrich Sikriowa v COKP TIRES Robert Bird & Son Co. RICHARD LLOYD JONES SA Y S ___ „ "*\ Paw et is W ithin You Mrs, O, D, Dalton, of Valdosta, Ga., age 35, is the mother of these! ten beautiful children; the oldest 15 years and the youngest 14 months; Only one pair of twins is included.’ Mia. Dalton is believed to be the vouugekt mother of ten. All sue a fl u e n love t>? imwcr Put not an equar raimrUy to graftfi It- lower t* something more Shun n.m* energy; it is a directed fores, Vrharcyer tension the steam gauw on a loeomotiTe may’show, the eiixiu* la a iU’rires thing without a brain-guided hand to mote its throttle Power is force under control The waterfall Is wasted energy; be,tressed to a wheel it produces mill power. Concentration la the secret of power. Hitch your energy tp some fixed purpow. s To I k * noble is to he .powerful. Negative goodness Is never 8 con tributing goodness; positive guofiiuvs is. Pobitlve goodness lias pitrinniK Energy put to purpose Is power This world always*makes way for tiie man of power and lie makes room for many. So does real power direct for good.* The men of r:cutest power are they who gdve to the world a spiritual rather than a material tunij .. Xuppirnn was great because In directed to umbo nitnW-lf a crowned master of men. __ Lincoln w«sKii’.!l 1eeause he used tits jiowOr to make men* masters of tliclHSi'lvrfe. l’iirist was the greatest because He used His power- jo spread thtf glory of. the Golden Iluie over the world, teaching men that they serve1 tUoiinsdu’8 best when they serve others His example brings to every man. woman and child the simple, lesson that in ail the world there is no sweeter thing Minn .« soft nWt geutle power which unceasingly works' for the good of many, Sfi it is that they who have the most power in the would are they who are most, generous In heart, . Power cannot have too genMe an expression, for its opponent ,Js always, walkings. •* Manhood is measured by tlx use made of Its power. Copyright. 19-3—Hy ltiehard Lloyd Jones I. C. D A V IS Announces the opening of a D ty Cleaning, Pressing, and Repair Shop in the Nagley Building on Xenia Ave. SUITS TO ORDER Your Patronage Solicited G S a le o f llU gA fy \ \ r c ^ f ‘ Sendous sale offering hundreds of thousands of dollars worth o f ' d W? irehandise. T h e kind you are most in need of NOW at prices mean worth while savings. A special feature of this Great Autumn Sale will be a zest Festival Farm Products Exhibit Cash Premiums For Prize Winners; i t.iS exhibition of farm products will be under the-personal supervision of Mr. Shnley y .^ C p i bourne, well known in this vicinity. Judges w illb e chosen from am6ng the most prom! a- c s people who are qualified to act as judges, and prizes awarded according to their f " irs . F o I lowing is the premium list: October 9th to 13th, largest and best pumpkin, 1st, $8.00; 2nd, $5.00; 3rd, $2.00. October 15th to 20th, best peck early potatoes, 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00. Best peck late Potatoes; 1st $4'; 2rtd $2; 3rd $lv * Apples, best 6 arty variety, 1st, $4.00; 2ttd, $2i0i 3rd, $1.00. Best exhibit 4 varieties, 1st, $4,00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd $ 1 . 00 . October 22nd to 27th—Home Economics Week; best glass Jar Canned Fruit, 1st, $4.00 nd, $2.00; 3rd, $ 1 . 00 . Best Glass Canned Vegetables; 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00. Beit Glass Jelly, 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.0€ Best Light Cake, 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00 Best Dark Cake, 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1. Best Loaf White Bread, 1st, $4; 2nd, $2; 3rd, $1 __“i s / 29th to November 3rd-—Corn Show—White Corn, best 6 ears, 1st, $8.00; 2nd, $5.00; 3td> $2.00; * Yellow Corn, beet 6 ears, 1st, $8.00; 2nd, $5.0€ 3rd, $2.00* Mixed Corn, best 6 ears, lsly $8.00; 2nd, $5.00; 3r r $ 2 . 00 . Sweepstakes, $10.00* * Best Single Ear, ls t, $4*00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00. £ S — . Exhibits are open to Any resident of this section of Ohio. No entrance fee. Entries are to tia All exhibits tmist have been raised or produced during the year of 1923. Exhibits made on tW third floor of our store. We urge, every one to participate. Sale Starts Tuesday-, October 9tb 595SE8S ' “ )
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