The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52
******mm « f ta isf, t*t Mentis e f it# turn, bat it fijM*##M&brim*, to fcuU advertiateg of the yssteedays. - - FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO, 44. P r o m i s e s V f l l a g e S u f f i c i e n t G a s S, W. Irwin, maniger of the Xenia branch o f the Ohio fuel Gas Company appeared before council Tuesday even N r to further explain the service chary© the company yftm ashing: of each consumer of gas here. Some months ago the company ask- v for a not charge of 95 cents for.the first thousand feet o f gse used. When the word spread about consumers be gan a loud protest against tiie in crease Council allowed the matter to. drift without taking any notion as the .proposed ordinance had been tab led for further investigation. Headquarters o f the company made no other request of council and noth ing was done until last week when the gas company without notice to the consumers cut the gas pressure for the village down to three ounces and one day as low as two ounces. The consumers began to get busy,' The coof mornings required gas. Some of the same persons that objected to paying the increase last Julywere the loudest in condemning council and the company for the situation last week. At the Tuesday evening meeting of council Mr. Irwin was asked if by the passage of the"ordinance would we be guaranteed sufficient gas. He re plied that We would. Council then passed the Ordinance. Mr. Irwin stat ed that Xenia would pass the sam'edrr .(finance at- the next regular meeting. The company bad all the best-- of the,situation. It has no franchise from the village and never had but one that expired several years ago, The next grant.was from the Ohio itablic Utility Commission and it is under this that the Company operates. -The matter of rales when council and^the company cannot agree js fixed by the commission So after all, council has little or no say-. As we understand it the old-law —that gave council power to handle rate questions locally was changed Under Governor' Cox's administration. The Governor then as now, owned a halfmillion interest in gas companies, The thing that concerned the public ■ -most at this time was a sufficient u- movmt o f gas. The Company had the gas. for sale and we must meet the price asked, ' .. -and'Oshom, both towns that will not have gas after October 31st, are going to .petition the Ohio Fuel Gas Co,- to lay a line and supply their towns. Both towns have always paidmore for their gas than Cedarville wifi pay under the rate just granted. Council endeavored to get a.,contract for more than one. year but the gas company would not consider it. A mWWAtUK. local mm jm a w m m m m im m VILLX AND Y im n r , OCTOBER 19, 1923 PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR Awards in the pumpkin show, held last week by the Edward Wren Co. in connection with the harvest festival, were announced Saturday by Stanley Laybourue, who had charge,of the ex hibit. The judging was in charge of county farm >agent, E. W, Hawkins. First place went to B. C. Littler of Pitchin, pn a pumpkin Aveighing 59 pounds; second to G. W. Wiidman, of the Jackson road near Yellow Springs; third to Frank B. Gantt, Springfield R, F, D. on a pumpkin, weighing 40 pounds. Weight and quality were con sidered in making the awards. This week potatoes and apples will be exhibited-The third week "will be known as home economics week and m " « ious classes. This is the first fall fes tival that theWren Company has con ducted and reports indicate it to be a £reat success. THE UNDERTAKER OFFICIATED The following verse ih an Indiana newspaper ably expresses several ex cellent reasons why .traffi con public highways should drive sensibly. (l ' Here lies the remains of Percival Sapp, He drove his ear with a girl on his lap, Hies slumbering here, one William ' Bake , . , He heard the bell but■ had no break. Beneath this stone lies William Rains, , Ice pn the hill he had no chains* Here lies the body of William Jay, - He died maintaining his right- of way. John Smith lies here without his shoes,' He drove his car while filled with booze. Here’s Mapy Jane—but not alive— She made her Ford do thirty-five. ED FLYNN LAYS DOWN PEN FOR SIX MONTHS VACATION The South Charleston Sentinel last week carried the announcement that it* well‘known versatile writer, Ed Flynn, would cease to be connected with the Sentinel afterthat week. For J5 years Ed has been itsfiodated In one capacity or another with that .paper either as owner, editorial writer or manager for someone else. His pointed paragtaplm have been copied in many of the large daily papers in the state His acquaintance in the »Ommtthitv was a vfery valuable asset t« the paper. Mr F<ynn leaves for a six months vacation to be spent In Cal ifornia. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS A very interesting convention Was held in Nagley Hall Wednesday even ing, about 100 visiting K. of P. from different Lodges In the county present Hon. Regan of Dayton was the prin cipal speaker of the evening* Next Thursday evening ranks will be con ferred, ivanhoe Team will put on the floor work. - ■ ■ •XapuojH mmvC#tutn»S W *1? «o **0 ‘jtepUsH ‘0 ‘WP t90i«iodufiOA 4*0 PI1ESBYTER1AL MISSIONARY MEETING IN CLIFTON The Xenia Prqsbyterial Missionary society’of.'the United Presbyterian church was held in the Clifton U. P. church, Thursday, it being the 49th annual meeting. Two misionaries from, foreign lands-Were present, Mrs. T, J. Finney, Cairo, and Miss E. Jose phine Martin of Pathankot, India. Mrs. O. H. Milligan, general thank of fering secretary, Pittsburg and Mrs. Edward Litter of Columbus, both for merly of this place, were among the speakers! Mrs. J. P. "White spoke on •‘A Model Mission Study Class”. A pageant was given by the members of the Cedarville W. M. S. •| . By d K f Rev, Percy StiCkgpy Grant mourns as follows: “If 85 per cent of young men (biter college believing in Christ- - fianity and nearly all of them have lost their faith on leaving college, we are teaching Christ- tianity in the wrong way.” Vdery ffiSy hard CIDER KEPT SWEET BY PASTEURIZING The best way to keep cider from fermenting is to pasteurize by heat- tag to 156 degrees for half an hour as soon as possible after i tcomes from the press. This is the anwer given by chemists of the Ohio Experiment Station in reply to the many inquiries received by themat cider making time If fresh cider is heated to about 156 degrees and kept at that temperature for half an hour, then put into sterl- ized bottle or jars and sealed air tight while still hot it will keep pure and sweet. ANOTHER BANK GOES UNDER WITH BIG LOSS John J. Schwartz of Dayton, presi dent of the Miatmsburg, 0 ., hank is in the Montgomery county jail aa a result of a shortage of $111,000 due to a hundred or -more forged notes* The loss will not"be met by the double liability of the stockhoderft-and every depositor will loose as the authorities place the assets on a basis of bring ing enough to pay only 80 per cent and probably less* Gua, Penfiehl of Springfield is at the head of the library in the Atlanta Federal prison' and has for his assist ant Cashier Hech of Dayton. THIRTY BUSS DRIVERS ARE GIVEN LICENSES Mr. T* 8 . Atidrfewand wife and Mr. ?• t , a s m t m « » ■ « " **«• i«* Thirty buss drivers have been li censed by the County Board o f Edu cation to drive busses to transport school children, These drivers have been given instructions to stop at all crossings and proceed only on this sig nal of somd responsible person. Fail ure to observe this rule will mult in revoking the license. Each driver is required to furnish bond ranging they spent a f« * day* with *1* Him. $. E Wa*mfr l . Bcewsed. Statistics put S., everything -if dred the ahoma seem; to' i- Governor- W'al- Cu KIux by an arity Governor ajunctfon to pre- would impeach ie Ku KIux com-- fit.state; that- in- It may be that so much in favor against Governor litia to prevent [wealth of the U. led, at three hun* are taught in a way that crowds put belief in miracles. It must be remem bered. however, that boys in their teens do not exactly believe any thing, They only fake for granted what has been told them. ■ ' - l i t - . It takes long mental medicine to plant religious belief in a yonngmind beyond all possibility of uprooting. A man, known all over the country, said at the recent Lloyd George luncheon in New York: “Only tho Catholic ‘ Church stdnds between property and red radical" confiscation. The Protost- tant church lost its power whenit. stopped teaching tl/at there is ah actual blazing hell. Men need to he freightened.” The gentleman ‘ is a good Protes tant and goes through all the usual motions, but ho is discouraged. If it's true that fear of hell fire alone will keep men honest, that's sad. But is it so? The American Federation of Labor, which is non-sectarian comes out strongly and officially against Communism, confiscation o f property and other extreme radicalism. High wages enable men to acquire prop erty Andwhen a man owns something he nt once objects to any plan for di viding evenly Capital will learn, per haps, that its safety lies in making the little man a little property Owner. A house paid for and a savings ac count wilt inspire more conservation than any fear of hell. - H i - ‘Harvard will teach freshmen tp think." Perhaps it can be done. But it recalls the old saying about leading a horse to water. ‘‘I write not that you may read, but that you may think.” Monteequieu put that in his “Spirit of Laws” long ago. Socrates showed whei’a true thinking begins when he said he sup posed he was called the wisest of tho Greeks because he knew that he knew nothing. ■Hli — Thinking cannot be taught exactly. But it can be stimulated. Wheii the apple fell, that started important thought in Newton. When Columbus made tho egg stand up, that probably made the spectators think for a feW seconds. . But how can y6Uteach or provoke PROLONGED concentrated thinking,? S realdJMIIME raWBrnfeased, year, more thaSNme thousand million The total assessed value o f New York is eleven and a quarter, It would he impossible to guesB the total wealth of the United States, with several cities that w’iU soon be bigger than New York is now,—Chicago, Los An geles, Seattle, Detroit, among others. - I I I - Whcn old Germany finishes building the big Zeppelin prdered-by this count ry, the great Zeppelin plant must be disnianteled and destroyed* Such are the orders of France. A plant that the World needs for its progress is to be made a junk pile because it mjght make machines for war. It's natural for France to maintain her dictator ship in Europe and protect herself a- gainsfc numbers, while she .can. Rut could not Franca herself run that fac tory, or sell the plant to be transport ed to this, country? All nations share the burden of such, wilful Waste. RED CROSS DRIVE FOR MEMBERSHIP STARTS NOV. 11 Rev. W. H. Tilford as General chairman and Mrs.‘Lewis Allison as Associate Chairman o f the 7th Red Cross Roll Gall in this county were appointed several days ago by the Executive Committee. The date set is from Armistice Day, Sunday Nov, 11th to Thanksgiving November 29. Sunday the 11th is set apart thruout the United States as Red Rross Sun day BOARD OF VISITORS WILL VISIT JAILS IN COUNTY The Board o f County Visitors, will start Monday making a. visit at all the. jails in the county. An effort is to he made to see that jails are kept mote sanitary and more fire proof. It is SAid Some of them ate fire traps. MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION The State of Ohio, Greene .County, the incorporated Village of Cedarville; Li compliance with the law of the State of 5hle, I, J.TL Mott, mayor of. the incorporated village o f Cedftrvilie, Greene County* Ohio, hereby give notice and proclaim to the qualified electors# o f said municipal corporation that on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER «, 1923 between the iim » of lis t A. If. Select your subject, “matter unlimited in infinite space," or “ time without he- 8 * ginning or ertdj" or ‘the logical proba- ^ ^ M ‘ average mind will find it hard to stick ^ ^ TmnaWt to one thought for three minutes. | Qne fot i!' “ * I On# person for AsseMor Personal For seven marriages in the United1property. States there is one divorce. For se.veh Six person* for Members of Council people of middle age one is sure to die Each of said officer*, to he elected of cancer. for a term of two years. Some call the divorce earner worse, Said election to be held at the usual than nny other malignant tumor voting places at the hours heretofore If we understood cancer and divorce mentioned* we might find them not no far apart. J. D. Mott, Mayer erf CWarrille, 0* OHIO NEWS IN BRIEF iH*mii^rg ’ lS*ailnx company at Uiamtaburg wa* ordered dosed by H, R. Scott, superintendent of state bangs. Scott charges misappropria tion of fund* by President John J. Schwartz o f Dayton, totaling more than $50,000. According to official# o f the bank tna defalcation will total approximately $108,000, Schwartz was arrested and, according to police, admitted speculation In securities with bank funds which he covered up with fictitious notes. - Gordon Leonard, 14, is in a hos pital at Canton in a serious condition ase a result of internal injuries re ceived when he fell 40 feet from a Chestnut tree, Mrs. James Sonkenik attempted to start a fire with coal o)l a t her home in Cleveland when the oil exploded. "The mother carried; four of her chil dren to safety, but was overcome be fore the fifth child could he reached. The child was burhed to death, Mrs. Soukenik died later o f burns. A gift o f $R0D0,(KI0 by Samuel Ma ther, Cleveland, toward erection :of Lakeside hospital unit of Western Re serve medical ^buildings, now under, construction at Cleveland, was an nounced by the trustees. State average farm wage by the month has increased 20 per cent over a year ago, according to State Fed eral Crop Reporter C, J. West. It* Is now $55 without board, or- $39 with board.' Governor Donahey, in a message to the people of Canton, informed them of charges filed with him against E.- E. Curtis, safety director of that cltyl The governor announced the charges had been filed in the heat of a mayoralty campaign and that he would not go into them until'after election" Board of trustees of Ohio State uni versity accepted an offer of $60,900 by the "White.Cross hospital associa tion of Columbus for the purchase: of the university medical building ad joining White Cross .hospital In Co lumbus. ‘The sale of the building was authorized "by the last legislature.. Frederick W. Hecht, former cashier o f the American .National bank, i of Dayton, who pleaded guilty to 130 counts In an indictment charging em bezzlement" of $306,537*69, - was sen tenced to serve 10 years In the fed eral prison,at Atlanta, Ga. Home of Charles Pearce* 3$, 'pro hibition enforcement officer at Smith- vllie, west o f Steubenville, was blown up by dynamite. Pearce, his wife gad- baby escaped serious injury. m m km candidate for delegate-at-large to fbe Democratic national convention next year, he announced,. %ard A ." Miller, 48, Is suffering from a fractured skull in a Cleveland hospital as the result of a fight, that ‘followed an auto collision. -Police Bay Miller was kicked by the driver, o f the other machine. Because Wayne county received more state aid money than any other county in Ohio last-year, Highway (Di rector L. A. Boulay told a Wooster delegation at Columbus that no more state funds would be assigned- to Wayne "county before July, 1925. More than $600,000 of (state fund* have been used in Wayne county, Athena county officers who have been arresting motor bus ‘drivers* for failing to stop at railroad crossings are starting a new drive. Four driv ers were arrested for permitting pas sengers to ride in the front seats -when all the other seats in the ma chines were not filled. Harold E. Garrett, soldier from the aviation field at Dayton, Is held:to the grand J|iry at Lancaster under $500 bond on a charge of forgery. New well drilled in Washington township, Hocking county, by the Logan Gas company is making a mil lion and a half feet dally. It is tie best .thus far struck^ Ward Hartley succeeded IT. J. Blackstone as postmaster at Pomeroy. Rev. W. W. Thompson, 70, Middle, port, was injured seriously iu a ran- away accident. Harvesting o f sugar beets la Han cock county and other northweeterti Ohio counties Is under Way. A record crop Is in prospect. Archbishop Henry Moeller of the Catholic diocese o f Cincinnati has been honored by the pope, wh Mis conferred upon him the title of as sistant to the papal throne. Ashtabula police are searching far a firebug, who they claim set fire ito the, home of John Hill, causing the death of Mrs. Nellie Witherall, $4. Four persons are In hospitals at Toungstown with Injuries recfctnd when two lnterurban care cable to gether during a fog. - According to a ruling by. the Ohio supreme court one needs only to “ be* lleve" another person, is violating a prohibition law to get an affidavit. Ac tual knowledge Of tact la not neces sary to sectlrd a raid on a person's premises, the decision holds. Two nsgro women are held in Cleveland on charges of first degree murder. Mrs. Bessie Ferguson, W, Is charged With having killed William Ferguson. 28, her husband, with an ax, “because Bhe loved blm.” Gene vieve Wallace, 24, stabbed Henry Goss. J25, to death. Jealousy is Said (o have been her motive. - Dr, Lav G. Burroughs of COlllna- vllie, ill., died of injuries received in an auto collision.near Zanesville. Increase of the acreage of the Roosevelt game preserve in Scioto county from 15,900 to 25,000 acres i* the major aim of the program bf the fish and game division, According to D rv ThAUMMs. chief. LECTURE COURSE PROMISES TO BE A FINANCIAL SUCCESS The' first number of the Jeeture course was the Cheney Concert Com pany which appeared at the opera house Wednesday evening, The pro qram was varied and included selec- tana on various jsstjmwients. The catlings as well as the musical num ber* marked the company high class. The patrons seem well pleased, reports the course will pay itself out without drawing on a surplus left by i former committee. The season ticket mle was much larger titan usual Aa a rule.' the courses that have t good list o f entertainment feature usually pay out. While many prefei more lectures It takes the entertain ment course to prove 4 financil suc cess,;' • YANKS WIN THE SERIES With the New York American de feating the New York Nationalrteam by a score o f 6 to 4 Monday th^ Yonks win the Btrried and become the world championship team. Morepeople witness the series games than aver be fore saw the samp number of games The receipts were $1,063,815 for the six games. Theplayers-on the winning team will get $0,278.93 each while the opposing team players get-$4,47( each. The large attendance was pos sible because each team had1seating accomodqtiongs-for 60,000 or 60,000 persons at each game/ The great ma jority of people in this section were pulling for the American team prob ably because the manager, Miller Hug gins was a Cincinnatian, Feiy. people" realize the hold that the American base ball game has on the public, It. is not only in the cities but extends tc the smallest town and;rural districts." HEAR REV. JOS. FLACKS . a t T h e opera house Rev. Jos, Flacks; "the evangelist, will- give two vital messages in, hb sermons Sabbath- morning,and evert ing at the“opera house. The subject for the morning sermor is “Typical Teaching jram the Pass- over." The evening Sermon topic is l‘Holl Calling for Help," Rev. Fiadcs was born and raised ir. that part rtf Russia .which now it Lithuania. He came to this country He was in business in St. i..Ha Iteornn# con- verted -in the YlS'pvjy^nffm held in that city*in 1909, He has been in-the ministry since 2911 as pastor and evangelist. “ CORN" COMES. HIGH S. F. Murray , of Yellow Spring? landed in town last Thursday night with an over supply rtf “corn". About eleven o'clock that night he tried to break into,the telephone exchange. Marshal Myers ’was ;callcA*and Fred rick Dean and it" took the two of them to land the fellow in jail where it was necessary to iillow the “corn" to evaporate. For his experience Mayor ‘Mott assessed a - fine - of $40 and costs. When -arrested he had about $100 on his person- Murray is ttffd 'to'be a railroad breakrtian. He explained ' that he wanted In tftd exchange to talk to his girl who re aides on the .North side o f town. WILL ISSUE AUTO LICENSES J. G. McCerkell has received notice of his appointment as distributer jjrf auto license tags for' this section df. the county by Secretary of State -Thad Brown. Heretofore tags have been is sued fotYhe'county in Xenia but under Mr, BrbWbta'Plan motorists can have their tagviaaated in Afcrir own com mnnity/T$ issued about the 16th of N*V*iftber and.Mr. McCorkell will go to Columbuw the first of the month for instructions. W ild. TAKE EttRORKAN TRIP 'Mr, Harry, Tfcrttohs-and w ife :of Jeffersonville expect to taluf a Euro pean trip next February that will jjy dhide sight seeing en the continent ahd a trip through PalesMrtO. " The trip will coVev aboujt seventy days find VHll be .taken at a season, ofstha yeaiq When the weather In the eountriesiio he visited will be ideal, "Mr, Thomas is One rtf'the 'owners rtf the Cedars vllie Lumber Company. DOGS AFTER THE SHEEP. Your time to-get Potatoes for the winter. Caron truck Friday, Saturday and Monday. M. C. Nagky Farmers ara havtag much trouble at present itt Nrfa section With rfqgs killing their ahtap. Many ef them ate watching the fields at night in art endeavor to kill the dogs. Andrew Brothers have lost $800 worth of sheep in the pant few weeks. * L 0 & 1 D e m o a a U IVamcTlckHt The local Democrat* have placed * leket in the field for the fall election 'etilions were circulated last August .0 get the names on fhe %sRet but vere mot filed in time, "There being no other course npen he nameg must. be written oorihs mllot for each officer, We understand hat Dr. R, H. Dine*, dentist, hands he movement and is the candidate ■nr mayor. The other candidates arc m follows: Walter Huffman for marshal; J. J, Wells for treasurer; Lloyd Ccmf*rr or clerk; Marion Stormont for aepes- or. For council, J, D. Mott, wii A. v’urnbull, George Hartman, I. C. Javis, J E. Mitchell and Carter Abel* There are no names mentioned for ownship offices other than William iobispn, janitor at the Exchange lank for constable agaigst Charles Turner, ,Thq nominations on the' Republican icket that were filed in August were .s follows: D. H. McFarland for nayor; J, G. -McCorkell, clerk; Karlli lull, treasurer; Haryey Myers, .nxar- -hal; Council, J. W. Ross, H. A. Me *ean, B, E. McFarland; N. P. Ewbank il Stormont and A. Z, Smith. 0,000 MASONS ATTENDING GRAND LODGE IN SPRINGFIELD Springfield -has-been the mecca this reek for Ohio Masons due to the an- nlal meeting o f the grand lodge and he dedication-of‘the,Rickly Memorial lospital costing $760,000. It is said 0,000" Masons' attended fbe dedication md that from .10,000 to 12f000 were n the parade Wednesday The hospi- •aj was made possible by a gift o f , 200,000 by aj-ift through the will of he late Walter Rickly, Columbus janker. It is one of the most complete . n the state and has 200 is seated on the Masonic home grounds rest of Springfield, A number of jtca! Masons have •been present ;at * he'exercises this week and attending ;rand lodge.v tAINf FELL SABBATH WILI. DOMUCH FOR YOUNGWHEAT- The first rainfall Tor several weeks darted Sabbath afternoon and contin- ted in a quiet way until early Mon- lay- morning. While not enough to ’ tart streams to any extent It was the ,'ipd of .a shower that will; start Out vheat and revive the pastures. Farmers are facing a long period >f feeding unless the grass gets'a itrtrt soon. The. absence o f fall pas- * ure means drawing on dry feed much -arlier-than usual. „ WILL GIVE UP HALOWEEN CELEBRATION THIS YEAR" Jamestown has always observe latoween with a street carnival but his year will let the date illdrt by md hxve no such event a* ih ibrmer years. Yellow Springs- trill celebrate is usual Here is ,an opportunity for Jedarville to show harsolf. It has jeen some years ataCO the^ old" town lad any' formal celebration ofr any Irfnd. WILL BE OPEN IN TWO WEEKS We were informed this week that wrtrk on the Dayton and Xenia pike has improved so that it is possible to two weeks, providing werititer pet- predtet the completion within tiw next mits. PUBUCSAIEDATCS. Diiroc Ral< Thrtrtday, Nov. 1 , R.' C| Watt i t Son. Friday, Nwr. 2 . J. R- Otr. Monday, Oot. 11 * CM**** Sturitey Burton llefclwaln, Nov. Id. ELECTION NOTICE Cedarville Townihipt Rural School District, Greene C'lw^iOhio. To the electors: of-Csdlrville Town ship Ratal School JHaWArt: Yon are hereby drirflitd that at the jeneral Xfiedtion to he field on Tues day at 6th dfiy At N«v«mher,T923, there will be MOcrtsd by-tiw* electors >f CedarviUe Tvwnehip Rural Sdhool District, Green County, OhiSf two' (2) members at large of the1Board o f Educaiion 'of said School diitrkt for the term .of Four (4). years eaclybe- rinning the first Monday in^Jaxtiary 1922, ' Said election will be held at the us- ukl voting places of the School Dia- tritt, between the hours of fiJtOA, M. Mid 5.HB0P. M " ANDREW JAUKSON, Clerk,pf the 'Board b f Edaeatien of Cedaxvllle Township Rural Sehool Dbtriet, GreensGouaty, Ohio, ^ ; - ■ fc^i(Sri(»iM>»Aiirt<|(»*i>lliKpUis# TOWNSHIP ELECTION NOTICE Otate Of Ohio, Greene County, the township of Cedarville: In compliance with the laws of the State of Ohio, I hereby give rtotkj* to the qualified voters o f said towsfehip that on Tuesday, November^th, between tite k«mrs e f i:S0 A. M. and 5:80 P. M„ it» eleetion trill be heM in the Usual precincts for tbs efioorifig of the following officers for hbkMwwn- sWp. . One periion for Justice o f Pe*e# for a tern trf Four yrart. One person for Clerk fw k Um o f two years. Three person* for Tewntidp Trus tee for term* ef tour years -each, 0n« person for Assessor for a 'term of two yearn «VI jMmnt*
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