The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
I *k „ Kvvyy Jay’# f|#lay | r buying tco ar, jou aeed infiuis a pvnyUy ypni the purse equivalent ta the cash saw in f the u*e of %U article w M pro duee. ar? FOR l’V-SKVENTH YEAR NO. 23. a x m w A r m im w iR D tc LOCAL AND GENERAL n * w * AND TOE INTERESTS OF GEDAR- VII,IE A m VICINITY. THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The thirtieth anniversary of Cedar- vilJe College brought a number of former students home for commence' ment week, The inclement weather the first of the week made it imposs ible to hold the faculty reception on the Camptn as planned. Clearing eky and bright suhshine Wednesday made the day ideal for the Cedar Day pro gram. The baccalaureate sermon west preached to the graduating class. Sabbath evening, in the R. Pi church, Main street, by President McChesney* The text was Exodus 14:15, “ Go forward,'’ The theme was "God’s Challenge.” , ‘ , Dr, McChesney developed the theme applying it both to the graduating class and Cedarvilie College .under the following heads: I, A Challenge to Confidence, II, A Challenge to Consecration, III, A Challenge to Consummation* • . The church was filled to its capacity "by the large audience in attendance, Monday evening,a capacity house witnessed one of the cleverest farces that has been staged by college talent, "Adam and Eva”, once famous hit in theatrical circles proved to be very popular With the local audience. The, following were in the cast: Gharles Townsley, Lucinda Caskey/ Willard >Barlow, Lucile Johnson, Hazel Wil- . liatns, Thelma Deacon, Gordon Kyle, Ernest Gibson, Marion Stormont, Donald Wickerham, ' The faculty reception was held in the E. T, church, Tuesday evening, owing to wet weather. The program had been planned for the campus and ,had to be adandoned. More than 300 students and friends of the College were present*. Refreshments Were served by the women of fho advisory board arid members of the Junior class assisted in entertaining* An or chestra from Springfield provided" *music during the evening. The program for Wednesday was wH& the celebration of of the airiy d*«wstod with fa Pages--Marguerite Sprsefclen and Gertrude Eby, - Queens Court-Misses Lorcna Sharpe Ruth Gray, Edith Brown, Ruth Rector Elizabeth Outran:, Ruth Carson, Lois Elder, Alberta Owens, Corothy Wil son. • Duet—"In Spring Time.” Misses JUueilo Johnson and Dorothy Oglesbee ,Processional—'Queen and her follow ers, March of College Classes, Depart ments and Alumni. Most all of the graduating classes' were represented by one or more members. •Queen of May crowned by Queen jf Flowers followed by. the May Pole lance, Seniors give the Torch of Tra dition to the Juniors. Solo by Miss Winifred Stuckey. The class stunts-by the. different classes and Normal department were very interesting. The Brownie danco was follewed by a solo by .Prof, John A, Talcott of the music depart-’ ment. The Flower dance, end Fairy dance, veil dance arid ballet dance were un der the direction of Miss Elizabeth Gifford, The dances and costumes by Miss Annie Tinker. The advanced class in the musical department held a recital, under the direction of Prof. John A, Talcott in the Xu P. churqli, last Wednesday evening.. Those on program were Harriet M .Kyle, Esther Mae Hart- mam Ruth Marshall, Christine Wells, M, Isabel. Smith; Martha Waddle, Ruth White, Frances McChesney, Ruth Burns, Josephine Auld, Frances E, Payne, Helen E. Thompson, Helen M* Iliffe, Helen Thompson, Mae B. McKay, Three baritone- solos were rendered by Prof, Talcott. The Alumni Banquet was held last evening at the R. P. Church parlors at 6:30. The address of welcome was delivered by J, Carl Marshall, ’07. “Response” by Miss Lucile Johnson, 24, Toasts—"Listening in on the C .C, Radio,” Dr, F. A. Jurkat;"“Way- side Texts”, ;Rev. Homer Henderson, '02, Detroit, /Mich.; “After Meals” by Dr, Nancy E. Finney, '14; “ Glimpses -Retrospective . and_^ prospective,” . Dr. W. R. McChesney.”" The following was the menu: Pres sed chicken, Escalloped Potatoes with Cheese, Pea Patties and Sweet-Breads Rolls, Butter, Strawberry Conserve, Spring Salad; wafers and olive*. Ice cream, reke, arinta, atriSW ‘ OCR GUEST FOR TODAY CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 5 t = - 1924 PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR E d d i e O n e s t JUST LIVING Getting the "good out, is what Makes one happy and often sought* Bring kind and helpful, too! “Common” and likeable, old shoe. 'ft.. Getting the “good” out of life, is what Draws people to you and holds • them, too: Welds the chains of interest strong! Hearts are warmer os you go ‘long. Marty a poor -soul, pegging away, Timid, and chained by Fear’s array; Quickly responds to the sunlight, spread:. Quickly appreciates kind words— said. Just “ living” is right! And ’tis heav enly, too; Just being “common” like any old shoe. Just being kind and helpful, so. Just liking folks and letting them • know. The above poem was submitted by John Milton Williams, Xenia, and is a fitting welcome by. Cedarvilie folks, to our well known and loved visitor, Mr; Edgar A. Guest. ,PAPER COMPiN DOOR The Hagar S company is inatal as the Door meibad, water from the the company hs# unusual amount of tain sources on the: waste water was The company in pended many in an effort to but all have failed, mended by state claimed the Door work and the plant a great expense to local mill is the in Ohio that has the authorities. ■ '■'II■ .... HALF MILLION ATTEND FJ More than a ha mers attended ins INSTALLING IN'G PLANT! Board & Paper what, is known nettling waste In years past subject to an’ ism from cor* s that, the g the creek* past has ex* of dollars this trouble n plans recohi’ rities, It is t Will do the being put in;at company. The paper concern molested ,'by CONDENSED OHIO NEWS . Haws ItiWMPicked ai Random u 4 Boilai Down for tin Drey Reader ■>«n varpeator, it, treil « oi< Fire destroyed the stable* of the Imime, eaet of Lebanon, ae the result of a bullet wouum Willard Joueo, IS. Militron Transfer company, Bait L4v> erpoo!, wljh a loos of fDU.OOO, TvreU- ty-fonr head of licrBea were burned. another farmer boy, did the shooting, tbe ball from a .22 caliber revolver Edward Houston, carpenter, was in* 1piercing his chum's heart. They were *tantly killed at Cleveland when a jplaying “wild west,” Coroner Harry scaffolding collapsed and threw him iDilatush pronounced the shooting ae- to the ground, breaking his counties the past fif>l state aid and: tutes. Fully 10,000: tered the state the first ever cond flags and college color*. Dr. McChe*- was the chairman. The invocation was offered by Rev. ,James.L. Chesnut Paster o f the Presbyterian church, Covington, O. Miss Dorothy Gglesbee, winner of first place"in the Bible Read ing content read the Scripture, Dr. J. Alvin Orr, pi Stor of the First United Presbyterian church, Pitts burgh, gave a splendid address of welcome. Dr. Orr was a member of. the class of T7, the first graduating class, Mayor H. G. Funsett represented the village and brot greeting on be half of the community. County Superintendent of. schools, H. C, Aultmnn, head of '■ the Greene County Normal in connection with the , college represented the educational interests In response. The address of the day was by Rev, R* Ames Montgomery, D. D., Presi dent of Center College, Danville, Ky. His topic was “The Problem of Chris tian Education.?’ His address was highly commented upon by all who heard it Dr. Montgomery is an elo quent speaker and his message will he recalled in all future events in con nection With such celebrations. Benediction by Rev. Harriman, T2, closed thfe morning program ' The Cedar stunt® were . staged on the campus Wednesday afternoon be- for a crowd estimated at 1000 people. Miss Grace Lyle was Queen of May and Miss Florence Smith Queen of Flowers. Flower girls, Rebecca Gate way, Eleanor- Hughes and Elizabeth Funsett. / Fights Corruption j 'Ate afternoon at GArnagie Library at 2 P. M. The following will have a part on the program: M, France® Wells, Gtenna Waddle,. J.Robert Parker, Lu cile O. Brigner, Helen G, Firiney, Dor is Hartman, Dorothy L. Anderson, Elizabeth Smith. " , . Commencehiertt takes place in the opera, house Friday morning. The class' -address will be given by Edgar A, Guest, the noted poet and writer. Those* who will<j§eceive-the degree of nuBhelor of Arts are Lucinda Cas key, Thelma Mas DeacOnj Lois Elder, Mary LucileJohnspn, Clara Christine Ityle, Grace Adell Lyle, Nettie Fran ces Shaw, Marion Foster Stormont, Charles A* Townsley, Donald Sharpe Wickerham, Hazel Marie Williams Degree of Bachelor Of Science, An drew Harper Bickctt, Diploma from Theological Semi nary, Gavin S. Reilly. Diploma of Graduation in Piano: Helen M» Iliffe. Diploma Graduation from Prepara tory department: Wilbert Anderson, Mary Rebecca Beam, Hannah Leona Kalp ,William Elmer Snell, William Fredrick Wills. For the Provisional High School. Certificate. Lucinda Josephine Cas key, Thelma Mae Deacon, Lois Elder, Mary Lucile Johnson, Marten Foster Stormont, Donald Sharpe Wickerham, Hazel Marie Williams. Fo'r Honory Begrpe^of Doctor of Divinity: Rev, Homer"B. Henderson, Detroit, Midi., Rev. John Walter Writeon, Oil City, Pa, The Fall Semester of the College will begin Wednesday, September 10, The Greene County normal opens the same day. ANNOUNCEMENT^ The recital of the Preparatory Pia no department of music, Cedarvilie College, will be held this Friday after noon at Carnegie Library. The public is cordially invited. PROPOSED AUTO LAWS iterator Jam®* Cmurans of Michl* f n, another muitbrnillirnissre at 1,»hington,,wh'>, like Frank A. Wuvterlin of New York, is «r,e;aL Inc hte own moitey to weed out «*,rraption in public effn.e, Sma*. The Ohio State Automobile Assoc iation through its 80 clubs in Ohio Will seek the sentiment among mem bers as to liow they stand on pro posed laws effecting automobile own er It in proposed to require all driV- its of automobiles to be examined and be licensed, Membeis will bo sounded on the gasoline tax and whether other fca::es on autos must not he eliminated if the gas tax is Adopted. Rev. Ilomer, Henderson, pastor of the United Presbyterin church in Detroit, Midi., is here for commence- vs-nb Rov. Henderson will be honored tett _ _ tor CwiMfW* *H*tio«*lly tnipiged mmemS . H ....................... Wtsn s i J mty to assist, in fn# th* internnl Tfoimm Those who rose early last Sabbath morning wondered what OMritemcnt was taking place m SouthMain street Sheriff Sliarp and Patrolman Simms and deputy marshall Cal Ewry were t-ondueting a search for Martin Wei* nier, who v/te recently indicted by the Federal Grand Jury at Dayton for a with the degree of Doctor of Divinity *violation of the prohibition laws. Ho this,morning, Ho has been located in had been missing and the. officers had Detroit for fourteen years and hss'n tip that ho was in town. They fail-- m congregation of more than 800 irtewt.ed to locate but on Monday Weitncr i frewr, Ife leaves here Joe Monmowtir,! gave himself up and is out under a UlwHTkey*— k - M M k v k m , $1000 bm*d. STRANGE “ANIMAL FOUND IN DKER CREEK mm# FhdMwman, fish arid game officiate, experts in fish and*, game life and others have, so far failed to correctly Identify the “animal” taken from the water* of.Deer Creek near Mi. Ster ling b yWilbur Fi’nran of that place. Ills animal has the appearance of bring a common “water dog” of the Salamander family, but according to Chester E. Bryan, former state treas urer and authority on fish and game, is not a true “water dog”. The animal or fish is about two feet in length has four feet similar to a “water dog” but lacks the fins- and gills of the “dog” species. Supt. George Morcher of the state hatcheries of Ohio, is digging into the books and facts on the Salamander family and expects to be able to iden tify the animal. Old timers here in the fishing game for years say htat the thing is com monly known as a “hell bender.” —Madison County Press REV. HAGGARD SU m i l FRANKLIN CITIZENS LIFT DEBT BY POPULAR SUBSCRIPTION Franklin ,Warren county, a town of about 3,500 people had all the debt it could incur under the law. Before cer tain improvements could he made it was necessary to lift part of the debt. Council could do nothing more. The plan of public subscription was pro posed and over $0,000 was raised and applied to the debt, This Is a wonder ful accomplishment. Franklin no doubt is the first town in Ohio to attempt such a tiling and the civic interest of the citizens is to be commended. DEATH OF MRS. EVANS Mrs, Mary Evah3, aged 79, died at the home of her son, George Evans, Tuesday morning South of Xenia. The deceased was the widow of Robert Evans and leaves the following chil dren: Hczekiah, Oscar and John of this place, George and Mrs. George Lutteral of Xenia and Addison Evans of Dayton. Thirty-one grand children and 15 great grand children also sur vive. The funeral was held from the Trinity M. E, church Thursday after noon And burial took place in Wood land cemetery. WEIMER GIVES UP AND IS OUT UNDER $1000 BOND Rev. Shelton .will preach Sand A. M. E. church Haggard formerly of recent years Columbus. IN HYJ Announcement the marriage last F» Bird and Mtea-,1 at the home o f the) Bridgeton, N. J. Both the,bride well-known in Wa they have many is supervisor of cation in the We while her husband; department of a The bride is a Mrs. E. E, Davi®, * She has been schools for more Bird is a sonlo f , Cedarvilie, Ohio, 30 tec back. Robert H. Mitchell, 9, son ot physical director at Lincoln Junior high school at Youngstown, was drowned, in Lake Milton when he fell from the baufc while fishing. Chief George Wallace. 7fi, served his fifty-first year.!*. 'iAft. lire department, -the last 23 of which he has been at its head. He claims to he the oldest sotive fira c]M#f in the cOuuary. , ' .. Several thousand, dollare ln cash were taken by safe robbers from the strong box In Che office of Loews Lib- >1Children en-<wty tlmter' 11 Cleveland. . ■, , » Alliance plasterers, accepted a wage ^ c °n te r i,iCUt from.$3.50 to $1.37^an hour. Con- trading plasterers cut their from $1.75 to $1.50 au hdito. James Harter was killed at Cleve land when a crane he was operating- fell ou blm. Akron council voted down « pro posed “blue law” ordinance, t is Artie Barber, 80, may die of In- 13 IS’ MEETS sr . illion Ohio far- in the 88 There were endenfc insta te: Ohio. LCHES AFTERNOON wagea of ColumbttS ernoon at the F,M . Rev. sided here and located in Juries received in ah auto wreck near McArthur. Olarence Brumlage, student at the Hamilton Catholic high school. Ham. ridental.. Mrs. Zella A. McBerty of Warren the swas elected president of the Ohio Fed- jeratjon of Women’s Business and IProfessional elute. Judge R. M. Wanamaker, associate justice of the state supreme court, is sued a statement saying he will be a candidate to succeed himself this fall, but that he will go -before the people as a nonpartisan candidate. I Bishop William M, Brown of Gallon, who was. convicted of heresy at his trial in Cleveland before a Jury Of Methodist Episcopal bishops, gave no tice he would appeal to the house of bishops Because of the backward spring, many farmers are leading their farm, work in Southeastern OhtoNand tak ing jobs on state road building. Con tinued rain has not permitted plow ing hi some sections. • | -Three hundred pupils of the For est school at Troy were ordered quar antined when Jt was learned George |McConnell. 4. had played with the children while having smallpox. Floyd Daniels. 33, and Walter Gra ham, 27, were drowned in Beaver creek, near Piketon, Pike.- county, TOILS been made of sday of Harry jaret R. Davis 3e’s parents, at [bridegroom are, fChester,’ where Mrs. Bird physical edu- iestgr schools, o f tite drug pharmacy. of Mri arid igeton, N. J, in tiie . local a ytor. Mr. rt Bird of been^ooated iltonr won the English essay contest *when a boat in which they were fish the' Fhltadriphia GbUege o f Pharmacy Mrs- Bird recrivss a degree from the Harvard College Summer School in August: Mr. and Mrs. Bird will take n honeymoon trip to Ohio this August, after which they will reside at 339 Dean street, this borough 1 West Chester, Pa., New CHILDRENS’ DAY AT AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday School at 9:16 as usual with music by orchestra.. After “study period” the School will assemble) in the main room for a program provided by the Sunday School. There will be a Baptismal service for small children. Bring slip of paper with parents full namee and date of birth of child for baptismal certificate if you desire you t obild or children baptized. The Junior choir will furnish music for this occasion. Junior League at 2:30 ? . M. “How can we feel ft home in Heaven if v;e do not go to church down here.” “The church sendee breaks the mo notony of the week, gives new atmos phere, new friends, n*W ideas, new power against aggravations and the daily grind,” $ “The best service ia given by those who worship." “ Religion was intended to he an armor, not a cloak.” *________ ________ If you have no other church home ^atic nomination for we welcome you to all our services. conducted by St, Xavier college, Cte ciimati. - . City officials appealed to the people of Xeisottvfile to donate about $4,000 With which to make sanitary .sewer repairs because the city lias no tunda that can he used. John 'Whaphara,J84, Cleveland, com muted suicide by shooting. Hi health is .blamed. Gas well drilled at Fisher Station, near Athens, a week ago. is gaining In production and Showed a gauge test of almost 3,000,000 feet daily Former Governor Harry L. Davis of Cleveland filed hia announcement of candidacy for the Republican nom ination for governor. A jury at Manffield convicted Jesse E, L k H ow , attorney of perjury. H» will appeal- sixty teaohem the Steubenville qnet. Tainted merit was blamed.. Dbrothjr prtoatdww, S3, of Findlay, mdering teem her home for four days, was ploHpd up by police at Sandusky: Sentiment ki eaid to be growing among tinton minere In the Nelson-, ville, ddtrtriot in favor of a joint meet ing with coal operators In an effort to atari: work in ecoree ot Idle mines, The millers recently voted down a proposed joint conference, R. D. Conrad, superintendent ot schools at DeGraff, Logan county, re signed to become superintendent of the Gallon schools. John Campbell. 40,mine driver,will lose his right arm from an accident to Mine No. 22, Glouster. _ Forty-five Athene county boys have signed up for the summer at the citi zen*’ military ,training camp at Camp Knox, Ky. Only eight Athens county boy b were enrolled last summer. At Cleveland David Redd was killed ae (he result of trying to collect $1 owing him ,by James Sarell. Redd called at Sarell’s residence and it Is alleged SoreM fired through the door. He is charged with murder. Edward Monninger, -14, or Colum bus, feli from the’ rear platform of a Hooking Valter excursion train while .walking In hie sleep and wax killed. Yinai McNamara was bound over to the grand jury at Delaware on * charge of manslaughter, as a reeult of the automobile accident In which Elmer A. Wtgton, 87, was killed attd IMrs. Arthur Nellsott seriously Injured. { George White of Marietta, Demo* cratic national committeeman, hs* announced his candidacy Cor Demo* ongrees from COUNCIL MEETING. Coundl met Monday evening when the usual monthly business was trans acted. It was decided to shut up Xenia. avenue to traffic when the oil is put* Yackey, stated that he had bssn having many complaints but that citizens were not Springfield, holds that'gambling raids , ing sprung a leak and sank. 1 Two small boys, described as not over 10 yeiire old, held up'Yve Mon?, laundryffian at Steubenville, with U long knife and took $16 from his Cash drawer. • i William L». -Bryn, an optometrist, was sentenced at Youngstown to five years m prison .when he pleaded guilty to a charge,of attacking a 7- year-old girl He is married and has one. .child, 4 . When she caught hold of a wire her 8-yoar-old son had hung to a Jtlgh- voltcd transmission wire to serve as an aerial tor his play radio set at . their home in Cincinnati, Mrs, Sadie !Harris. 35. whs killed, : Mrs. Clara Beatty Brown of near Grove.City, Franklin county, and her Infant were instantly killed and her huelhand sligbttiy injured wh«a the killed and the buggy demolished, j Albert Thorne, 33, cashier of the' General Electric company of Schenec tady, N. Y„ was killed to Cincinnati to an automobile accident. His neck was broken when he was thrown from an auto which crashed into a loaded ice wagon. John D. Johnstone, 37, o il'filling station employe at Cleveland was wounded by two thugs, who held’ him ‘ up and escaped wRh $20. I James Avant, colored, Convicted of the murder of Mrs, Elizabeth Stltie hear her home at Youngstown, was sentenced to die to the electric chair Sept 5. Mrs. Stitle was breaton to death April Dwith an iron bar. Drive at Z&neevilie for $200,000 for Muskingum college closed with only $70,451 raised through popular sub scription, « Mrs. Lucy A. Carr, SO, niece of Ebor Baker, founder, of Marion, died at Marion from infirmities of age. Citizens of Shelby, Auglaize, Mercer and Logab counties are taking steps to construct a now road through tlte four counties connecting the Dixie highway In Mercer county with the Indian Lake road in Logan county. Annual convention ot the Union county Sunday schools, backed by 53 schools and 13 denominations', will be held at New Dover June 2 and 3. A steer broke away from a Dayton packing company and 'before it was killed by « pistol shot bad knocked down and seriously Injured Mrs. Sarah 1‘offley and an unidentified boy.5 Mns. Elizabeth Pilchard, 73, of near Gaillpolts, died from grief, it Is said, after one ot her sons shot and killed another son, four month* ago.,. O. H. Holden, 25, and Leonard Try- son, 25, both Of Aahtribute Harbor, are dead ae the result of Injuries re- tile Fifteenth district. William Blosser, 40, ot OrOoksvIlle, electrician, employed in a tliiflfe it Roseville, was electrocuted when an Iron pole he wan carrying over hi* ,oeiv«a wfcbh the automobile to which shoulder cam* to contact with a tool* were riding was wrecked { w<etn Ctorisman, 68, committed I* wae drowned in gumide by hangto* to hie home at ** w waim creek, near Dover, when the j ^ o n chrieman lived alone since on. boat to which he was riding sprung a tfae death of hi* wife four yeate ago, under discussion and Mayor Sunsett tealr, lld tn deep water He Is believed to have brooded over , to- ** lm * v! Common PleM j U(ige Frank Krapp, 1jonetinere Eiwood Farncll, #0, ended fate life willing to co-operate when it came to filing charges. Such complaints have haunted other officials to the past and the mayor can do nothing with out co-operation. gre outside the province of magis trates and their constables, and are conducted by tha latter "apparently lor tho fees." Dr. It. H Goddard of the depart ment of psychology. Ohio State uni versity, suggests a state psychopathic hospital, where mentally defective MADDEN OFFICE OPEN FOR 'RED CROSS CLINIC Dr. Reed Madden, Xenia, ha* kind ly donated his servies* and the use of conld"be **lnstttted Tn tbem teom the his office and operating room for Mon- wtert. o day, June 9th to the Greene County Three youths, two of whom drove Red Cros# for the tonsilectomy clinic. Id-year-old Grace Farlello from Gin- Dr .Madden will operate, assisted by jflnnati to Oteceteml and deserted her, several physicians who have offered **e held at Medina on charge of auto thrdr *rrvi<4* stealing The youths gave Parents who have put to application for clinical care at tbe Red Cross ton- aileetomy clinic this spring arc bcihg notified to be reedy Monday, June 9th, to a barn at hte farm, about a mile north of Westerville, by banging. He was a prosperous farmer, it Was said, but had been to Si health for some time State Prohibition Commissioner B. F, McDonald secured blank .tteelsra- *Hon of candidacy from the secretary their Keegan reside In Why not save ore-third on your clothing,. W« have stashed the prices amt in Jane post our regular August CkwraM* prist*, all forced by the backward samite. C. A. Kelble, IT 30 W„ Main 9 &*Xriite. children can he observed, frealcd and ^ Mate for the Democratic nomina trained in order <hat correct habtot ’ tjon for attorney general. While chasing an alleged prowler at fate borne to Gtoveiand, Harry Mooren vm shot . -and seriously wounded by a neighbor, who waa ateo lying in wuR tor the man ■ Mr*. Nancy Jane Fox. 64, of Ray mond, Union county, died in a bus faoripkril frtun concussion of the ‘brain, received to an automobile acci* ;dent on the- Marysville ani! East .Lib erty road Her htufimnd, Fharlea Fox, ' who wan driving* the mmebtoe. vm ■ • scrlortsly injured, Rev Fred L Dennis of Dayton, was :rewiet'fed ^preellrint o f the Miami coi:- tirifice Butriay aeaeota Dawesi Brethera riwrch. • . Renaifb WRHck, 5. Toledo.. w#e sralded ta fra** wl#* %?> fell i«6» ■ ink «I btllUti and Rimer Nolan, •They UMctanatl. Miss, Grace Bteedorf whose home Is ta llniontowu. teas been elected preetitawt of the Woman's senate ot Hefitoiberg ttoivereHr fteeemln* frightened a shackled M'tetaaat at Olentaaty park, Datum- tm* eteaged lata the Utanteagy river had was drowned. The .two aid a, | a :< *ae paritydaiift Wih valarit vA §&**«§ UWYEH8CHUCKLE OVERBLUM R. 3, Townsley has announced as a candidate for county commissioner at the Republican primary, August 32 Mr. Townsley has served as township trustee for eight years and has a very ?ommcndahle record as a public official He is a man of good business- judg ment and*one well qualified for the ‘mnor he seeks. Wo predict for a. him % very large vote to this township at the primary, * , * Judge Frank W„ Geiger of Spring- field, has obtained nomination papers from the Secretary of State and We. understand he expects to be a candi date for one o fthe Republican ruprni- nations for Judge of the Ohio Su preme Court. , f J * * • The county commissioner race prqm- ices to be one of unusual interest* So far four entries .are 'in. J. H- North, vwho seeks a^econd term; J. H, Lack ey of Ross township; W/B. Brysori of . Xenia township; and R, S. Townsley, Others mentioned are Harry Frahap, of Osborn, Bert Beam* Qaesarcreek township and a Mr, Barnett, Spring Valley, There will be two vacancies to fill. ♦ f* ■* • J. S, Van Eaton of Xenia,'who was - a candidate' two years ago for ooUhty treasurer, is angling around with a view of making another start for the coveted honor now held, by Frank A. Jackson. Mr- Jackson, although in - office a few months must "dome in August for his -second term. Mr. Van Eation has not filed yet. ’ * ■* *Two attorneys over in Dayton lost - a case in the local courts some time ago for a Dayton firm. These lawyers. are only wishing now that they can , have a say to the-Fifth-Sixth sena torial' contest apd thus give L. T. Marshall a '“boost”. The Dayton at torneys derided to appeal the case, and the papers were to he filed by Marshall! within.the legal time of 70 days. It menus Marshall was so absorbed in running the politics of tbe county wad abating after the K, K, rsview the ease and ordered the ori ginal judgment from the lower court paid. Digging down for a $800 judg ment after your attorney went asleep . to the job would naturally cause a it of discussion to legal circles. The Dayton parties have no vote for State Senator in this district, and probably it just as well as the waters are mud died enough; The lawyers in Greefie county*are thinking Some,things just now. It is to be taken for.granted that little or nothing will get outside of thtir own organization. Every now and then the Probate Court has an opportunity to ecommend an attorney, It seems that Judge Marshal}, being strong on fam ily representation to public affairs, forgot in most instances to mention the names o f some few attorney* in Che county that in, years past have 'weir identified with tho Marshall- Gowdy faction, and brother Roy has profited by tho advantage of A broth er for judge. Other attorneys look on he situation and chuckle to them- ielves. * * * The situation among the Attorneys reminds us that while Marshall was out trying 'to land the K, K. K. en dorsement wo never hear of him try- 'ng to interest the bankers, tbe build- tog and loan associations nor even the medical profession. We do hear men representing the business inter- I esfcs talking for the Messenger can didacy but never for Marshall. The political bosses and lobbyists seem (Oottttoued on teat page.) Won When Bobbed Ruth Ellington of fM by” by tit* fr ig * . •k ’ 1 e*.t? and bad lire M r t . i . ijl HI -and was .; fcii” in the tit*’* fas !■
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