The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
f7 H Ev^ry --im/i .Wuy in. buying ib# #r- tiffa y«tt tew** iiifheta a peuaity y|k,n otte purs* «v(4iv«k-nt to th* etwU.iNiV- the «*# of iho artkk vrouU pro* daro. *acn.JJnl,.;i4,i FORTY -SEVENTH YEAR NO. 26. CEDARVILLE, )HIO, FR ID A Y , JUNE 13, 1924 “HOKE”sms TODAUGHERTY MEETSDEFEAT Attorney Farnk H, Dean lias filed hia declaration as a candidate for prosecuting attorney at the August primary. Hr, Dean comes from a fam ily that is well known in the county, lie is the second to announce for the procesutorship, Probate Judge J. C. Marshall, after eight years on the bench, two terms as clerk of Court and two terms as deputy also wants to he prosecutor, . George B. Earley announces as a candidate for county commissioner, He comes from Caesarcreek township and has never held couhty office. The race todate includes the following; J, K. Lackey, BOSS township; B. S. Towns- Idy, Cedarville township; W, B, Bry son. Benia township; John A. North, Xenia city; Bert Beam, Caesarcreek . township; There is a possibility that pr-* or two more candidate may yet file by Friday midnight, the closing hour for entries. • m m ' m Some weeks ago the Herald pointed out a political deal that had Jbeen made last winter at Springfield When the Seventh Congressional ’ District leaders, met. At that’ time a deal was made between L. T. Marshall, who was wanting to he State Senator, and the Harry Daugherty crowd in Fay ette county, whereby the Daugherty committee was tp endorse Marshall, The consideration the Daugherty in terests received .was that Marshall was to deliver Frank (Hoke) Smith, Xenia, who as District Delegate to the Republican National Convention," that he Would vote for Daugherty or ' Whoever the Daugherty interests want ed for National Committeeman from Ohio.- Harry Daugherty has been do ing gum shoe work for party control in Ohio for weeks, since President Coolidge fpreed him from the Cabinet. • ’ v. '* The question of control came to a head Monday at Cleveland when all the delegatee from Ohio gathered to *elect a committeeman,' The Daugher ty forces were backing Look Bruah, l : AU Roads t o d to Cleveland and Q. Q , p„ Convention f - The 10S4 <3.0 R Convention at Cleveland .< 1 A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED 1C LOCAL AND GENERAL NSW* AND THE INTEREST# OF OEDAJL VILLE AND VICINITY, PRICE , $1.50 A YEAR CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Pickedat RandomandBoiled Down far the Bmy ^rtfliir ■i f / Where the Tiivst-G.O R Convention w;as he * Bloomington, 111., m l85(3 s .r fl 1—1 lA tfT O C A S T C R | ,r— ---- -T~™— M Cleveland, O.—Politics rule Cleveland today with, the G, O. P, Elephant in the star role,® With the Republican Nationnr Committee on-the scene; delegates and convention onlookers arriving hot ry it ig a certainty the town will .be j unmet! .when tlv Convention convenes next Tuesday,'June 10. "Bread; and.Butter” for Pemberton to have L. T. in the. Ohio Senate. The problem is for the W. C. T. U, to set tle: ah to who is to own Marshall if he, is elected.' We want to bet our money.On Pemberton’s judgment. The good ladies are going to get as bag a "lemon'* in Marshall as the Klan re ceived when L. T. offered the endorse ment of his committees tg that or ganization to land Barnes ad post master. in Xenia. Some of the Kan have already admitted a "gold-brick” had been dangled before them.' CHILDRENS’ DAY EXERCISES WERE POSTPONED Harry" was as "dean as bound’s tooth” lined up for Daugherty.' Sena tor fJ. D. Fess, took the other end of the contest against Daugherty With the Wolfe-BroWn forces. The Dgughen ty forces were defeated and ®aurice ^faschke o f Cleveland, chosen Nation al committpeman for Ohio. A dis** patch from Cleveland to the Spring- field Sun si'.ys that "Hoke” voted for the Daugherty candidate. Brush, but the crowd received an ■unexpected spanking. Many of "Hoke's” Xenia friends have been claiming that he could not be tied up in a deal to line up for Daugherty hut the result only hears out what the Herald had to say a feW weeks, ago. Of course it was never intended-that tho story of the deal would reach the public but it did, as embarrasirtg as it may be to Mr. Smith, who is supposed to be above such political connections. • a * The other day jfcho Cincinnati En quirer stated that it might be well to hold a public meeting about the Court House square to hear L. T. Marshall explain in detail just how he stood on the no-tohac legislation proposed by the league of that name and sponsored by the W. C« T. U. Marshall is a part of the W. C, T. TJ. organization politically opeaking and not so many weeks ago spoke before the “Whitc-I&bkoners”. Of course lie looks after the W. 0. T. U» politics during the day time and at night or Under cover consorts with the forces of inequity The Enquirer says he has tied himrelf up with the force' who are opposed to "sumptuary” leg- islati-m. V. Pc-mfcavton, Columbus, lobbyist for the American Tobacco Co., makes m sestet that Marshall is satisfactory to his interests. "D” has endeavored to lifts up friends in this coutity to support Marshall, as it was The Children's Day exercises that were to have been held last Sunday at the Methodist church, were postponed on account of the unusual^ rain at the time .of service, until next Sunday. Sunday school will begin, at 9:15. Musk by orchestra. After the "study” period the school will assemble in the main room for the special program. Music will be furnished by the Junior Choir and orchwstra. A baptismal service will he held for seat W itt W o rk Go? on the tobacco proposition than Miss Mary Ervin should not explain,Jin*; how she could, be Converted to Die K. K. K. when about one year ago she and her organization, the W. C. T, t!., opettly condemed the Klan as about tho worst crowd ’ that •ever hit the county..Miss Ervin would do a rear service and clear up a questionable situation by tolling the voters today just what her attitude is towards the Klan. , She might also explain just what was said at the conference when she visited the Klan leaders, seeking the support of that organization. It is not likely that a public denial will be made. If so these columns ate open to all interested. '0 ■ *■ •* ' Here is a true story that will be read with much interest, especially by members of the American Legion, During the World War -while the boys were "over there” L. T. Mai‘- shall,. How a candidate for State Sen ator, was at home plying his trade of selling questionable stocks ancl raking in a good share of the easy money that could be found! The ease we have in mind concerns the, sale of stock in a blue sky concern to the wife of one who had volunteered find entered the service and was serving his country far away from home. The wife was influenced by Marshall to make an investment and without the advice of her husband. Time went on and it was not long until the crash came and the stock purchased by this wife was ttot worth more than a post age stamp. The value of this stock had been in question for months anti could not be used as collateral in any bank, yet this unfortunate woman yielded to the influence of -an un scrupulous stock peddler and lost all her investment. Such an act no doubt will commend Marshall to all the Lcgiofieera in the district. We imiog- ino the Marshall followers giving thieo cheers over such an act and attempt justification for wlmt wa® done. “ union aervke” will be held in our church at 7:10 P. M, Subject of ser mon; “David and Goliath” . “ A thirty per cent Christian cannot be a hundred per cent American.” “We cannot he loyal to the Head of the church without being loyal to tlie body,” “Cross-grained people, like wood of that character, cannot stand much strain.” TAKING CROP RESORT FOR CHIC GO COMPANY _ % '' ’he rqen /hom-e mutiny te show The publican ational mitfcce c- A. L. King of OA m, Wis., was in “ town Tuesday and Vide this office a call. Mr. King is csSsnected with the Albert Dixon Seed Cwipany, Chicago, and is traveling thrpgft Illinois, In-, diana, Ohio and a- n r other state®* making a survey ttferop#, Especially tho gras® and clove# situation. Mr. ‘ King informs us than® finds all farm “raps late- this y**WM the states .he has visited andtfa* . » CB situation in Illinois t; not Holier w . George, C6, road worker at i.wa -ier, was bound over to tho kraml jury under bond of $1,000 on a charge of arum, after confessing to pouring keroconc over tho Anars ot liis homo during an electrical storm and then sotting it afire. Hamilton G. Doweese of Columbus filed for the Democratic nomination for state treasurer. Thomas lb Mor row of Cueiiipati lied &» * candidate for attorney general, •Cash fare for streetcar transporta tion in Cincinnati will be boosted to ■ID cents July 1, with a reduction, of ohe-half cent whoa tickets are pur chased, traction officials annouced. Investigation into vrbat was be lieved a gigantic bootleg plot, organ ized by Canadian interests and seek ing to interest Cleveland* capital, was ordered by District Attorney A. E, Rovnsteen at Cleveland, Ohio prohibition convention nom inated a state ticket \yith the excep tion of governor, which nomination was. left in the hands of the state ex ecutive committee. The ticket: Al fred H. Stratton, Salem, tor lieutenant governor; H. Lyman Ford, Youngs town, for secretary of state; George S, Hawke, Cincinnati, for attorney general; Ira M. petersime,. Gettys burg. for auditor of state, and W. O. Kincaid, Warren, treasurer of slate, Jacob H. BromweU, 76, former judge, died at Cincinnati^atter a long illness, Mrs. Lucia Shearer, widow ot the late Johh H. Shearer, Marysville pub lisher, was appointed administratrix of his estate under bond of $80,000. Louise Wetzel, 17, is in a hospital at Akron as a result of an accident when the automobile In which she was riding turned a complete somer sault. Miss Wetzel's -back is paid to - have' been broken. She resides in Cleveland. Her companions escaped injury, i Three persons wOre probably fa tally injured when a sightseeing air plane fell ja t, Steubenville. The in jured are: Everett Fletcher,, 58, Stone, KT; pilot, Hazel Snyder,' 23, Steubenville, and- Mervin Potts, East Springfield. An emergency hospital te being es tablished at Yorkvifie, Jefferson boun ty. to care for tlie 130 patients suffer ing from influent*. John Manwrte, 35, confectkmer, was toe first victim. He ! Cheshire Milling company’s plant •at Gallipolls was destroyed by fire iwjth a total loss estimated at $35,000, j Two unmasked men entered the : drug store of Francis J. Hokman ’in j Cincinnati, hold tip a woman clerk and tho (proprietor, seized $155 and i,escaped. * - | Clyde Font was sentenced at |Springfield to serve * life term In the j Ohio penitentiary following his con- {viction on a charge of second degree , buriler.’ Fent .was tried for the alay- ' ing of Charles E, Jones, farmer, dtfr- . ing a quarrel over the*pasturing pi a ■•COW, . . Porter Hill,’22, mailing clerk at ton. Upper Sandusky postoifice, Is charged with rifling registered mail,. James B. Swing, 70, former com mon pleas judge, was killed in .a fall ■down the stairs at his home in Cin cinnati. Henry D, Biehler, 18, caught In the belt of a tractor, was’ killed instantly near Tiffin. He was hurled into the gears, and crushed to death. John Schultz, 1.Tt attorney, died at; his home in Plain City, W. H, SchauB of Springfield' w^s re-elected president of the board of directors of Wittenberg co^iege. Rev. B. W. Ziegler of Findlay whs chosen vice president.- More than 200 children o f ' Mus kingum county were given the Schick ! diphtheria teEt by Dr. E. J, Schwartz •;of the state health department, . j At Toledo the federal grand Jury ^indicted -- four persons on charges' j growing out of poison liquor dehthe <in Toledo during March and April. ! Those indicted are Meyer Selzman, ' druggist; Martin Bracker, Harry Por ter and Aaron Llebentlial; who ate said to have been employed by Selz- man. Mrs, Emma Colavlto, 25, charged with poisoning Marino, Costanzo in ;'February, „>1920, was convicted at , Cleveland of murder in first degree, with recommendation for mercy; ,. John Hensley, 45, was killed at Cin cinnati when run down by the auto of Herman WJeland, j A, D. Ferree,* for six years head of {the NelsOnvUle echoOte, was re-elect ed superintendent for' two years at $8,000 a year, an increase of $500 a year. 1 Mina No. 356, near Qtoqater. one of the lainctot in the Sunday Creek STORMDOES MUCHDAMAGE INCOUNTY While aye have had an unusual rain fall the past month, there has been little property damage .until Kst Thursday night when a high wind and $ triffic electrical storm hit the county .Touth of us. , In town we had a very heavy rain ihat swelled the streams beyond the banks. In. town sewers failed to catty the water. The wind did most damage In the IV J. Cherry neighborhood when a big oak was. blown towards the house anddamaged the porch, h. H. Cherry's barn wa* unroofed and much timber destroyed in that section, Sabbath morning the south eastern part of the countywa$ hitwith a light cyclone^and many houses and building damaged. The home of Charles Light* •hizer near Lumberton was partially demolished. / The. telephone and teleghaph com panies suffered a great loss by the wind storm and many poles and lines in all sections of the county were down and will have to be rebuilt. About the same rime Springfield had a cloud-burst and Buck creek was out o f its hanks- in a few minutes. A large number of homes in the bottoms were flooded and the property damage placed at thousands of dollars, The Clark County Commissioners estimate ' that it will take $100,<500 to repair and replacebridges and roads, washed out by the atom. SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS prospects for « wheat crap in IndianaJcharge of the ettuatioa. dr8d men KiVea steady work. i.han in Ohio and also the clover crop, i Former State librarian John Henry Lucille Moody, 8, was kVHed at Mr. King is the husband of Miss Opal' Newman, filed for the Democratic tjiouatw when .strfaek by an autouo* Pierce* who formerly resided- here. TWO new members for COLLEGE BOARD CEDARVILLE COLLEGE GIFTS Contributors to the clearing of the debt of Ced&rville College are, since the last report: *■ John Heel, Conltervillo, HI., $5, Wm. Chesnut, St., Clay Center, Kansas, $10. Mr. and Mrs, D, C, Fullerton, Sparta, III., $10. Mary Flanagan, Cedarville, O., $3. Alexander Savage, .30. L. O. Robb, Ewanwick, 111.,k$5. Mr, and Mrs. Maywood HorHey, Ce- dnrville, $10. ' Rev. Curtis E. Shields, London, O., $ 1 0 . Dora J. Kerr, Cedarville, $10, Elizabeth McCamphell, Xenia, $10 Willing Workers, S. S., Coalterville 111., $10. Cedarville Orchestra, $20. Norman MeHattio, New Gallic, Fa, At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of Cedarville. Col lege, two new member* were announ ced. Rev. Homer Henderson, D. D,, Detroit, Mich., and Itcv. W, R. Gra- uominatlon for secretary of state, an. ^jje office which he sought two yew* ago. j A*BUt€ r<sf0r<tetratIon project; one Cincinnati politic are toarebtas for of the m southern Ohio, is being Virginia Drummond, 12, who disap peared mysteriously while on her way to Sunday school. Fines assessed for liquor law vlo- estahlished in Marion township, Hock ing county: The ■ state will furnish younjt trees for the project. A'be Michelson and three young lattohs in Springfield in May totaled' TOOtt frofll ^ Hollbw were cpnvict- $3,000, a decrease of about $1,000 over May, 1923. One hundred and five boyp and girls have enrolled for club work un der the direction of the farm bureau ham, LaFayctte, Ind, both of whom: ln riocltlng county. Thl8 an in arc representatives of the Alumni Association on the board. Prof, Har ley Smith, succeeds Miss Florence crease of 100 per cent over 1928. Zanesville officials raided a house boat, anchored In the Muskingum Corners'as head o f the Educational j river, and found eight ..quartoof liquor Department. Miss Sarah Porter’s , In a rack attached to a hook on-a line place oti the faculty is yet open. No athletic director has been chosen to succeed Prof, Talcott. NEW DOMESTIC SCIENCE TEACHER SELECTED Prof. L. D. Parker reports that he has secured Miss Loretta Rinker of Toledo, as domestic science teacher in the high school. Mrs, R. H .Dines was not an applicant this year. in the river. Mrs.'Bara Ann Malta, 101, is dead at her home in Golerain, Belmont county. She was horn in Athena county and lived in Ohio all her life. Throe oil wells wfth a dally output ot 2a, 90 and 100 barrels have been struck in Hocking county. Driving an auto while intoxicated at 40 miles an hour cost Frank Wll- helmy, 38, Cleveland, a $1,000 fine and a year in the workhouse. Because .J, B. and E. O. Tanfiehlli installed an oil burning engine in The $5. RED CROSS CLINIC. A freft tonsileetotay clinic Wfts con ducted under the direction of the Red Cross, Monday, fit the oitiee o f Mad den and-Shields, when twenty-ono chil dren under went operations ff>r tho removal of tonsils. Drs. Madden and Shields, Dr. W. A. (Holloway, Dr. K. II .Grulie, Dr. If, t , Haines, Dr. Nancy Finney, Dr, L. L. Taylor, took part in the work. Miss Helen Evers, Red Cross nurse was in charge. There wa -me patent ffom Cedarville. tewwtei « BartHag i DaiAlfir tha DavMt W. |» f i t interior h L f i ft*.a*UI IW y_af m FAMILY NUMBERS EIGHT A son was horn Mt. and Mr:?,; Frank Powers last Thursday, night. This make* cifcU children in the Powers family. If Teddy Roose velft war* livhw ih« ammuneament of Hit right cMM in any ftewRy would Former R. P,, New Galilee, Pa, $10 T. B. Bradshaw, Darlington, Pa. $10 Margaret Tohing, Cutler, 111., $1, Cedarville Friend, $10. Friend, Sparta, III. $10 Alex. McIntyre, Cutler, III. $10. H, C. Elder, Darlington, Pa., $10. Mrs. E. JL Perrette, Beaver Falls* Pa., $,). Rev. L. A. Benson, Clay Center, Kan. ,$!>* This leaves a balance of $010 to raise.’ We are thankful to all who have helped, We are hopeful enough others will soon come to our helpwith enough to_pay off the $010, Yours sincerely, W. R. McOheaney. EVERY COUNTY HAS A FARM BUREAU ORGAN!/,AT* N Everyone of the 83 counties in Ohio will havo a farm bureau for a second three year period on the present basis of membership, acording to announce ment just made from the headquarters o f the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, All of the county organizations will have completed reotganizattons by fall il)i household, food and beauty pro - dui Li to sell direct, lo homes. Big psy to wide awake won and women, All or part time. No experience needed. In i sfruet-ions and sample outfit free.] Health O Quality Product* Co,, 117 Prof. A. W. Drew**, has resigned their mill at St. Paris, near Urban*, as head of the science department to a suit has been filed against them to accept the supertatendeney of the eniota tho^ engine, schools of his home town .Sprite their door# and window# and make# . their live? unpleasant, I Theodore Steel, 22, a lineman, was Pro,. J. O. Steva.fc M M . K y . . « ^ S s ' ^ h M Z * filled. A RAT KILLING TIME ed at Middletown in connection with the theft of hundred# of pound# of copper wire from coal mines. Dr. R, S. Cooley of Lakewood was elected president of the Ohio Chirop odists' association. C. P» .Beach of Cleveland wa# elected secretwry- trea&ursr. , ■ . A reduction of 2 cento a quart for bottled milk went into effect in Cleve land, The price delivered to'12 cento a quart and the store price 10 cento. It was the first reduction In more titan a year. Plunging from th'e fifteenth floor of a building in Columbus, David E. Thomas, 62, retired coal operator,was instantly killed. Mrs. Effie J. Bells, 55, cousin of the lite Ceunte## Pacelli, committed sui cide by drowning herself in a cistern in tlie rear of the Pacelli home to Co lumbus. She was the widow of Wil liam A. Bells, the showman, and had been despondent. Thomas Broderick, 21. of Fremont, and an unidentified man were killed and another fatally injured at Cas- telia, near Sandusky, when a truck was struck by a Lake Erie and West ern freight train. Mrs. R. B. Daugherty, 69, sustained a fractured skull when the car in Flies are filth with wings. Start early and swat hard. ‘ ' Sam Says: A neighborhood without a community hall is lake-a family; without a. sitting-room. Experimenters at Columbus. .-find • that tomates on land treated with ' acid phosphate withstand frost hotter than those on untreated land. Flowers make a house a home. His reasons are as two grain# of -wheathid in two bushels of chaff; you shall seek all day ere you find them: *nd when ycra; have them, they *to not W never will, be long enough to make a mw^give more milk. Economists believe the purchasing power, of farm product# has now reached the low point.. Fifteen new crop disease# appeared in America during 1922. 1 , A. shade tree in a pasture givp#; pleasure to beasts and both profit and pleasure to man. Do you stop, look, and- listen at all grade crossings? Truths and roses have thorns about them. Proverb# of Spain, FIRE DESTROYED ELEVATOR AND WARE HOUSE w r IT..;,...* -nrnf Y,...,;.. .dm In while working In a tree. W. G. ILufics, mar X n.n, who is Kang#t i2i manager of a known to many hew. M# had much chs(n p.oeery at u^ton, was attack- trouble with rate about hi# barn. Tlie ^ by two bandits, Who looted the other day ho found an,ainusttal number register and escaped in an auto in his silo, the rodent* being able to mobile with $100 in cash, get in but owing te the slick condi- ‘William Monck, SI, Cincinnati, t’ion on the inside they ceuUI not- get struck -by an Automobile driven by out. Mr, Haines, armed with a club, Utiorgt Schelto, 17, died later in a entered the silo, and began operations, ^PRel. trUt of and vriien he had rorn^t^ his killing dr fa ftB grand jury at To- he found 8!1 to his credit, ■ ■ electrocuted at Canton when he came ' which she was riding with her hua in contact with a high tension wire n&nd, k , b . Daugherty, skidded off a f Floridai Cfiadidate lode returned 14 indictments Against *Lucas county justices of the peace and their deputies, road near Newark. Daugherty was badly cut and bruised. Frank Wierach, 26, is dead and his niece, Marie Wiersch, 10. to in Ahos pital with probable fatal injuries re ceived when a streetcar struck Wiersch'# auto in Cleveland. A fractured skulk inflicted by a driven golf bMi, caused the death Of John Male, 26, employ* of Hie Colum bus Country club. Next letting of « . J/aete will he on June 2$, State Highway Director Bow lay announced, The total amount of the contract* to be awarded at that The elevator and warehouse be-' onging to The Alpha Grain St Seed Co., Alpha, were destroyed early last Friday morning with a loss of $10,000 It is thought that lightning followed he wires to the plant that were used for electric powtir. The loss was com plete and ho fire protection possible. . .r* ... ... RAILROADS RETRENCHING; MANY MEN LAID OFF We understand the railroad com panies are laying off hundreds of em ployees, due to light freight ship ments and a slowing up of hus’tiess in general. The Pennsylvania company we are told has cut their program for improvements and repair work due to business, conditions and the re duced earning capacity of tfee com pany. W h ite H ou se Hriptak No* 5 | Lieutenant Governor Earl D<Bloom J $1,169,000 and includes fan ' of Bowling Green will he a candidate wfoyemento covering 48,751 mitee, , u «,»« indicated ■ w -- .-.u <>i for a third term, it waa ; when request wse received from i Bloom by the secretary ot state tor a ’ blank declaration of candidacy. Moore . is a Democrat, ! An organised drive for better roads Village jag at ftprlnghill, Cham- paign county, era# eold for $15. Peter IbdM, veteran cigar maker, died at Cincinnati ot old age. Former Chief of Prime James *. ■Watkins of Youngstown loot hia man- was conducted in Muskingum esuaty. |^anm9 guft brought in supreme court m m mm i *xpvirio» tm m 8fc» Cfndimatl, O, Mrs, W. It. Jeo*fa*a Of J:»ksoto Vine. FIs., a atTMf iMsdflists t<k the PmMttttr •* itejSfaSMirahFed eration of IfMMNf* Cfaiba. Car service between Zanesville and Crooksvillo and Roseville will b* to- sutnod within the next 10 days. Zanesville money is getting behind tho Jnterarban line. Governor DoiiAhoy filed anncunce- Incut of his candidacy for the Hem* 1hc-ratlc nojuififttion tor governor. Jrive ; cilirous of Tuscarawas county signed i the governor'# dc-laiation. ' Newton D Baker, fonner secretary of war, received the degree Of doctor at laws from President Bee# MS. Tol ies# of Wittenberg college A bandit held up two drug at nea fa Cleveland ««4 *iP» WMt ttet:!*. ■ . to compel Governor Denahey to rein state him in office, Watkins was ousted by the governor several month# ago on charges o! nontoss ante la office and neglect of duty. Report of the Ohio bureau of crim iaal identification ami investigation for May. show* inquiries numbered 1,242 ldentiflrationa from this num ber was 272. of Which 29 Wet* fugb Uvea from justice. Jewelry and Merchandise valaril at m m » kundrad drilar* wa* **a*r*d |>y burgbw* ftm fa *t*e* IWadfaOtol %f m» Frerty «t IttsfcWilHi. ktotofa Gowiter A 1 Smith. i f K . Y . b iHfw i u n n f pwmwwrvj iw mv Dem*«raUc noMttMri*M *• « raarit o f the sensational vote ptled m for hint In tin Wtoraesln prefer* *«c* ftfananr* Smith h«« tit* solid lag o f ........ . ........ ' backin 'Mfatpby'* t tit m | T*wi*y Hurt wmnbmWm mmh |WIKI Ri I » flRWi Ww dNdHd«wlil df ; the IkMMWritrie Natfamel ffamvefa* J A
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