The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
' 1*1 **»*rthto* *£ today, *ot only Piiiiww v***Z* *f it# «wa, but it -JAMfr** m i bring* t* Anal *ujminatiou fe-MtartiftlKf of life* ffstecduy*/ 'CedarVi Merald, A KEWfiPARER DfiVOTSD -TO LOCAL ANL G\ NjSltAL N*W f AND THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR- ViLLE AND VICINITY, FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 4. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. FRIDAY, JANUARY" 11, 1924 FARMCONDITIONS i AREBSIGHTERi Farmers are better off and the outlook for 1924 bright, says the Committee on Statistics of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States in its report. The spread of prices between farm products and manufactured articles, the report says, is di- mishing and has brought about this improvement. Co-operative marketing and better opportuni ty for financing, together with general liquidation of obligations . has worked out the situation for better balance. Continued improvement this year is predicted on the ground that acerage will be decreased and that supply and demand will be in this mamier, adjusted to ben efit farmers. Another factor is the movement toward cities of per sons living in the country and the momentous building cam paigns that are under way in the cities to house them. Although the output of automo biles “ continues at an enormous rate,” a slowing down in this and the building industry is predicted, due generally to a potentia lcapac- ity of output which overtops any immediate likelihood of demand. “Upon the whole,” the report States, “ the situation seems heal thy and sound, with conservatism strongly in evidence in all sec tions.” j- THOSE NOISY MINORITES M V FIRST MEETING OF ' NEW COUNCIL The first meeting of council with Mayor Funsett presiding was held Monday* evening. As all the regular business -had been cleaned up at the December 31st meetin gthere was not much to do other than discuss problems of- interest to the village, - Mayor Funsett has taken .hold with a firm hand and intimates there must be strict observance o f the laws .and council has giv en him assurance of support and i.asked to do the same ............ "Beef ice to the letter against those in the habit of using the stream for dumping garbage and trash. The creek is now fairly well cleaned ,and an effort will be made to keep it so. . FIRE DESTROYS HOME . LAST SATURDAY . * J} Fire destroyed the country home of Mr: Howard Creswell about noon last Saturday with a total loss on building and con tents. About a week •ago Mr. ted this coming week, The house was heated with hot Water and it is thought that the pipes had frozen someplace' and stopped, circulation, causing the boiler to explode, setting-fire to “ l- ' ~ j —- i- the?Cellar, which CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Pickedat RandomandRoiled Downfor the Busy Reader PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR FARMERSWANT TAXREDUCTION Bandits held up the, main oiilce of .at Piggly Wiggly Urinary romp; ny at Columbus and escaped with $500. Miss Julia Gresham u in a critical Emery Robar, 24, was electrocuted , !,<’.d two ether men were severely in jured in the yards of a coke «pmpany POOL TEAM WINS TWO .W INTER HIT GAMES FROM XENIAi PEOPLE , A pool tournament between a! An unusual dre team from Xenia, the Nationals, 1attire hit this se and. a local team played games at . ternoon and- nigt [the McCorkell bil'lard hall Tues-1ten above is a day and Wednesday nights. Creswell and family went to live ,Lo+ca} team WOn ' ^ 97^ f t H * With his father, W. FI. Creswell,\las , b-v a sc° re Ql 40^ to % 7: ^ ad f t ' , , , . v but a short distance away. T h e -Miller, Charley Bratton' f d . Har-j Saturday furniture had no! been moved and Per Pressley Townslcy com-.the garages as ac the house was kept warm there Posed the local team. Miller ran froze up Ateo* being'somone about most of the f ba” s at ° » e ean<* l ^ vnf time The house was to be vaca- ’.W 28. The locals went to Xema but the other for a game last night: Yellow a great deal ofci Springs sent over a team some There was weeks ago but fell before the local many had to. sharks, as the gas ■ --------- ------------- ‘ Saturday. ’ OLD OFFICIAL HOLDS normal. AS RESULT OF TIE VOTE , There was . anyplac GRAND JURY RETURNS TWO INDICTMENTS Two indictments were return ed and twx> cases ignored by the grand jury for the January term of court which convened Monday George Grody, of Osborn, was indicted for forgery. He is charg ed with passing forged checks lor about $60. Roscoe Reed was in dicted for failing to provide. The case against an eighteen jyear old youth charged with for gery, passing a cheek with An drew Bros, name to G, H. Hart man was ignored. The boy is in the county jail and .Prosecutor Williamson recommended that Judge Gowdy call the boy before him and give some good advice before he is allowed his freedom. Another cse was ignored where a Xenia man gave a cheek for $175. without having any Fund in the bank. The matter hadjiecn adjusted. „___extreme cold made it impossible to save anything to speak of. Attention was directed to saving other build ings. The loss is placed at $5,000 and only. $3,000 insurance. There was $2,500 on the house and $500 on the contents with Clark County Mutual. SUNSHINE FOR EVERY ROOM IN HOUSE Our neighboring county seat town of London has something that few towns can boast off, sun light for every room in the house; The town was laid out by Pat rick McLean in 1811 on 103 acres of land purchased at $4 an acre. McLean determined that the in habitants should have sunshine in every room in every house in the town, and laid out the streets so that they do not run east and weSt or north or south. AR ■; T READY the temper? Friday' af- rom fifty to Saturday ten below twelve be- .tsy day for of machines at had.not d the test e fiutoist in for coal and stoves as low on ath it was .service Th ea t- _ht to heat the lUUJU wv&AiUUl Hi i* UUUGtt rrb-, 1 ^. 1 y* „ . . ' condition irom bums' received when - J * 3j«<l o * * e» « “ * came iu contact the fumes from gasoline, null to Have * U-h aL' e,ectlio coal ^mxyov. Merle leaked Into a sewer from a filling sta tion, exploded and wrecked two houses at Niles. Toledo’s 'streetcar fare will bsf 7 cents straight beginning Jan. 10, The ■death toil from automobile ac cidents in Toledo and vicinity was in creased to 101 when Mrs, Emma Webb, 47, mother of two children, was killed when she* stepped off a bus In the block in which her bom# is located. Robert Sw-phle. 15, is in a hospital seriously injured, while two, others, Louis Schwartz, 40, and Fred Rose- feld, 70, of Chicago, are dead, the re sult of an accident at Toledojvhen a streetcar jumped the tracks and" crushed the three against a telephone pole.'. Judge JU 8, Pardee, at Akron, sen tenced Salvatore Volpe, convicted of' wife murder, to the penitentiary for. life. , All movable dams In the Ohio river between Gallipoljs and Pittsburgh were put up in order to maintain navi gation/. Low water at this season is very unusual. ■J.‘ F„ Briggs, 48, of FitcbviUe, near Nor,walk, is dead from bullet wounds and Frauk Springfield, 63, is iu coun ty jail in connection with the shoot ing, which occurred, according to po lice, following a religious argument. Joe Kovack, 3, died at Cleveland of scalds sustained when he fell into a pail of boiling water. George ‘’Red” McGalian was posi tively'-Identified by President Otto Willard of the Grove City bank at' Grove City, Franklin county, as one of the bandits who, on Dec. 3, 1920, held up employes of that bank ana escaped with a total of $15,800. Me- Gahan was arrested at Marietta, Senator Hiram Johnson of Califor nia will open his campaign In Ohio for the Republican presidential nom ination with a mass meeffng at Cleve land. ‘ A farm paper in Philadelphia has secured several hundred thousand name® on a petition urg ing congress to pass the Mellon tax law or some similar measure. Ohio farmers lead with 97,000 .names and Indiana with 35,000 Mglui and Maurice Taylor suffered ae- i conies next, Every state in the w e cieetrip shocks. {union is represented on the peti- Jokn R. Cochran, said to be a lum- >don that is two miles loner bar broker, was sentenced at Cleve-: n n J i f t i n f t l ; +w lane to three years in Ohio peniten- ; ,. 1 ’ ere ,IS ?.? <lUCf,rion but that tiary after having been found guilty /congress w ll pass some tax re- of forgery. due turn bill. The Mellon plan is Dr. Byron Stanton, 89, former we believe the best one proposed, health officer of Cincinnati and for- It is being endorsed by all classes mer commander of Ohio commandery and organizations, though differ- of the Loyal Legion, died at his home ent politicians are proposing dif- ie College Hill, " ■ * A 1 ■ - Because she is alleged to have re fused to Leave her husband and chil dren, Mrs. Jennie Oleynlka, 35, was' shot and killed at Toledo by Stanley •Sparagowski, 26, who then shot him self through the head and died almost Instantly, Robert Davis of West Union was found guilty of the murder of George Vtabb. The jury recommended mercy. Davie bad once been sentenced to the electric chair, hut was granted a new trial .on-a technicality. Mrs. George Woodward, " 28, was shot and killed in her home at Cleve land. Police are holding a suspect fererit plaits* more for: political notoriety among themselves, The Congressman or Senator that is not with the people on'this sub ject has no reason to complain if the woters at a later date should , decide to do away with his ser- vices, ■■ /■> j We were- much surprjsed this { week- to read a dispatch where Senator Fess criticises tire action of. Malcome Jennings, scretary of the Ohio Manufacturers; Associa tion, for urging members to write _____ _______ w letters to Washington urging the Daniel Cresay, 55, steam shovel passage of this or that bill, par- shop foreman, was run down in Ma-, rion by an automobile and instantly killed. Minos in the Athens county district are working about half time and o.ti ers are making ready to’ reopen, oper ators report. . William Hollis was convicted by a. Jury of killing’Joseph Ruby of the East Youngstown police force. He Was sentenced to be .electrocuted March 28. Mrs. Bertha Mdrney, 40, Uhrichs- ville, died of burns' suffered when her clothing caught lire from an open gas heating stove at her home. <Routing of the first lap of the Hard ing highway between Marion and Chi cago has been approved by the ex-, ecutive board of the Harding High way association. Robert Davis, 21, was killed and Justin Cramer, 20, was seriously in- John-Relth, 65; Dennis Downing, ^Jured when a coal truck in which they uation in the last election when It was impossible W. H. Blessing, regulaf nominee buildings. ; and T. J. Gray,.whose name was’} Monday the mercury had ns-; written in each received 43 votes.1en to about fifteen and twenty a- Blessing says he did not want hove. Tuesday was. warmer still the job and offered it to Gray but and Wednesday too warm for. this the latter would not receive it *season of the year. i that wav It has been decided that- One o fthe things that makes Mayor Swaney, holds over as Ohio interesting of recent years a result of the tic vote. MAY BE CAMPAIGN is the uqeik change in mate. our Cli- FOR THE LEAGUE FAIR BOARD ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR . The $100,000 prize offered by Edward Bok for the best solu- Cliarles Afi Fin of Bellbrook tion to peace among nations is has been fleeted president of the being regarded by some writer, Greene County Fair Board f or on national affair/ a s acampaign . tbe year. y i ce president, Grant for the League of Nations. The fMiller^ Beavercreek twp.; Brant vote being conducted by the news' Bep> re-elected trasurer ami papers may in a measure ’ deter- iRobert Bryson; re-elected secre- mine public sentiment. Yet there tary t are thousands that have opinions that will never vote. SUNDAY SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH COUNTRY HAS PLENTY ♦ OF MONEY YET 4* ;V' ‘4 $ . When we read reports for the year of the amount o f money in savings and loan associations and banks, and the big gain during the year, we find that people have been saving, despite the cry of high cost of living. These institu tions but reflect the thrift of ottr people. W e are all living better than twenty years ago and yet are increasing our savings. XENIA P. O. FIRST CLASS The Xenia post office has been advanced from second to first class. The business has so increas ed that a new rating is given ,An increase in the salary of the post master is likely. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES ORGANIZED MONDAY The township trustees organi zed Monday for the year by elect ing Collins Williams as president Mr. Williamson served in this capacity under the old board. d isolution notice Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the , stockholders of The Tarbqx Lum Sunday School at 9:15. M u s ic {her Company at its principal of- bv orchestra Ilice m Cedarville, Greene County, ^Morning Worship a 110:50. On {Ohio, on Tuesday, _5t.h' account of haying uo srvicns last; 1924 ,at 10 o clock A. M*. Sunday because of m t being aMe'PurP0SC considering aiV ‘ to heat the church, we will have;nig steps to surrender the corpor- the Second Quarterly communion;ate authority and frail. - . service at 10:30 'next Sunday /"’1''* n T'Mil This srvice will be proceeded by a short sermon. Choir practice at 7 :00 ./clock this Saturday evening. Junior League at 2 p. m. Sunday and Epworth League at 6 o ’clock. Subject: “ Youth and the Family Miss Elizabeth Gifford is the leader. DOPE FOUND IN HOUSE While repairing a roof on the W. L, Clemans farm several days ago workmen found seven bottles of cocaine in a partition. F lic bot tles were lable dwith dates that showed the year 1888. Each bot tle contained one eighth ounce. Under the law the narcotic Can not be °sold or given away and will be destroyed. RADIO FANS IN TROUBLE The Tarbox Lumber Company and dissolving said corporation, 12-24-1923.^ ^ ,farboX) Scc,y o£ The Tarbox Lumber Co. T o Clean Up T ow n MASONIC MEMBERS URGED TO ATTEND The week o f January 14 tol9 i; to be Thrift week ovet the *J .h. in memory of Benjamm I rankbn the great teacher oi thrnt. hrunk- Tin was born January I/, and hi* ideas of those d.ty-'j are being fcfo^ght to the attention of the yorttagtf generations All members of F. and A. M, No, 022 are urged to attend the liumal meeting of the stockhold ers of The Cedarville Manure Building Co. at the lodge rooms on Tuesday evening. The direc tors of the company are anxious that all local masons be present and hear the report of what lias been accomplished thus far. Leo Anderson* Pres. Radio fans on the south side of town have been having trouble of late and it has been traced to the telephone company. When the telephone apparatus is dis connected, the, radio can be heard without aiiy trouble. There is a short someplace about the telephone lines. George A. Shrodcs went to Col umbus Thursday to.undergo a minor operation under Dr. J. J. McClellan. 63, and Mrs. Dennis Downing, 55, ail of Millbury, near Toledo, were killed when a train struck their auto Hear Millbury. Mi's, Bertha Nelson, 37, was. killed wlisn the truck driven by her hus band and a sedan collided at' a street intersection in, Dayton., Benjamin Fambrough, 29 ,, negro, was sentenced at Cleveland to life imprisonment for the murder of Pa trolman Frank Koran on NOv. 25, 1921. He was found guilty of murder in the first degree by a jury, bui. mercy was recommended. i Five youths, who hauled their vic tims in stolen autos while they rob bed them/were sentenced at Cincin nati to the Ohio reformatory. Fred Gerber; 181 of Alliance, was instantly killed while hunting when his shotgun was discharged while he was crawling under a wire fence. Aden Cunningham of Toledo lost his life in a swamp, near Jackson, Mich. He-sank into the quagmire over bis head. He had been hunting. Two children died as result of a fire that destroyed 'the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Darner, near Zanesville, Violet, 5, .and her sister, Marie, 10, were the victims. Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Sclih&uz of Cleveland, who disappeared mysteri ously from her home several weeks ago, was found in the railroad reser voir at Gallon. Rev. O. J. Howarth of McArthur has been engaged as paetot Of the First Christian church at Nelsonville. Rev. A. Swartz, 91, one of the old est active pastors in Ohio, died at his home in Lancaster. Mrs. Thomas Selburt, 35, was burn ed to death at her home, near Ray- land, south of Steubenville, when she tried to start a kitchen fir# with kero sene. At Cleveland Frank Bucclre, 64, was sentenced to life imprisonment after he reversed his plea of not guil ty to a charge of stabbing his wife to death with an ice pick, and en tered a plea- of guilty to second de gree murder. Charles Ruckle, 12, Portsmouth, ac cidentally silled himself while rabbit hunting. He placed hie gun on the ground, and, reaching for It, It was discharged, the contents tearing the lad’s left breast. _ od\?Xyrir'»i'l ' !.-Hik\y Oilflfi'. W. 8. Marine !• »n ;;santed a year fur* V ’Midge upon the re- I -.«-v Hendrick of Phlla- e-- Dim-tor of Pub* .. .i <i<au the town of vice were riding collided with a railroad work engine at Fostoria. Percy Brittain, 33, Akron, .entered a plea of guilty to a charge of bigamy when arraigned at Mansfield and was held to the grand"Jury. fFiTwo wnfe^ Minnie Lewie, whom he married “in. Cleveland, and Edna Reidel of Shelby, Whom he married on "Thanksgiving day, were both In court to appear against him/ Mrs. E. P, Btooks, ,82, Pomeroy, helpless for two years from a broken hip, foil and fractured the other‘hip. Mrs. Norah Scarberry, 30, wife of u prominent Gallia county farmer, was burned to death at her home near Gallipolis when her clothing became ignited from an open grate. Miss Rilth Smith, 24, was found deadwith a broken neck iu the bath room -:<f her home in Akron. It is be lieved she slipped and struck her head against the tub. Miami County officials say that sev eral township centralized schools wito be forced to g I obo before the end m ■ the prescribed eight months, due to lack of funds, .Ptomaine poisoning from food eat en at dinner was blamed by a physi cian for the death of Mary Patricia Patton, 4, Cleveland. Another child recovered. | Harry Crow, 30, Akron, Is dead, the - victim of knife wounds received, po lice say, following an all-night card game. Arnold Lbckhard, 28, is held on a charge of murder. Hocking Valley railroad shops at Logan, employing more than 300 men, have been closed until Jan. 2, ! >Four men held up and robbed the International Building and Loan as- so*ci«tlon, Cleveland, of between $10,- 000 and $11,000. Squeezing through iron bars five inches apart, Miss Dons Grossman, 2.8, a patient at the Cleveland state hospital, was killed when she fell three stories. Philip Miller, 2, was scalded to death in a bathtub at his home In Cincinnati. He was the sou of Na thaniel Miller, druggist. • Loss of jewels valued at $12,000 was reported to the Cleveland police by Mrs, John L, Gibson, t Mrs. William Neuman lost her #uit against the village of Pomeroy tor tictilarly-on the tax question. We fear, the Junior Senator is taking the wrong view of th e situation. If a member of Con- gresss docs not want to hear how the follts back home feel, he is assuming foo much for himself. Prohibition and many other kind- . red measures were secured in the same way, so why' not tax reduc- ■ tion? Senator Fcss states that some tax measure will be passed blit he must not loose sight of the fact that the tax payer must have a say through their representatives what it should be. The Rotary Club at a meeting in Xenia this week endorsed the Mellon plan and urged support k of it by our-Congressman and the 1 Ohio Senators., W e can see how thousands of letters each day Qn the same sub ject would become a. nuisance ih time—but the people have a ..t, urkscmie it may to read the letters. .$50,090 alleged damages for death of Ohio supreme court indirectly up- her husband .in an auto wreck held the constitutionality of that sec* j Flrw outdoor lee skating to be ra tion of the Crahbe act which makes ' potto* m Ohio this winter is In prog*' a third violation of the dry 14w a pen* «t Port Clinton along the Pen itentiary offense. The court refused ggc »iv*» and shores of Sandusky bay. to admit to review the appeal of Au- | Mrs, A h Groff, formerly of New gust Sissea. whom thd Licking county ' strait**ills, Was injured probably fa- courts had sentence^ to the pen for tally near New Lesingiou when her violating the dry law three times. ! auto was struck by a trkiu. joe Novak, laborer, Was ground to I Calvin Tackett, 45, said ‘ o be from death when his clothing became ; pjjto county. Ky,, was sV and ill- caught in a mill machine at the Hen* j junntly killed at Llatnan 'unction ry Fnrna ^.0 Foundry company, at Me- Lawrence county, by Charles Hayes dint/ f who claims self-defense. Mrs. John Allen of New Lexington | Bradford Gas company Owned by is ’attracting wide attention by her |Athens men, struck 2,<iuflAd0 foot gas- claim that she has discovered a rem- ' »er near Deep Hollow, Athens county edy for goiter, which In many cases, I their third big Well. .she eays, has proven successful. She ! catuetlne James, 8, died from enjoins her patients to secrecy and : burns received when her dress ignited gives them the treatment free, unless j fchlle *he was sitting in front of a they wish to give her * "present.” I j-rme lire at her home in Ganlon, National Prohibition party conven- j After Judge F. M. Krapp had fined B. OF E. ORGANIZATION ; The Township Board of Edit- ation. met Wednesday ‘ evening for organization, .The same offi cers were re-elected: V / J. Tar- *. resident; Andrew Jackson, clerk, box, president; W. C. IIiff, vice GOVERNOR DONAHEY MUST LIKE THE JOB At* a meeting of Ohio Demo crats in Columbus1 this week when the memory o f “Old Hickory” was refreshed, Gov, JDonahey tnnounced that he would seek a second term. SANK GETS JUDGMENT AGAINST CONTRACTOR The Exchange Bank was giv- m a judgment in Common Pleas Court this week in a suit for $330 tgainst Frank Hamm, contrac tor. Defendant confessed judg ment. STOCKHOLDERS’ ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of stock holders of The Cedarville Mason* • <•Building Company will be held it the lodge rooms of F. & A. M, No. 622 o nTuesday, January 15, at 7 :30 P. M. for the election of directors and transaction of such business as niay come before the meeting. Leo Anderson, Pres. Karlh Bull* Sec.-Trea?. Claims Husband Tried To Sell Her tion will be held at Columbua June; 4 and 6. ] More than 1,000 Ross county school children are studying the new courra , of farm accounting recently made a r- f of the county school cuffl- cnliua. . Tony Prince $800 and com * on a charge of possessing llouor, at New ark, the *m»'rl advocated deportation. Mika P^aicts of near. Cadi* wu*t die in Ue aleetrm chair for the naurde of wit* arret-dia* to a deCHlon t f t;.e u\n:'t of npriul I.os Attgi'h* aiilimrltlt'* aio es* •tenting Mrs. Helen f.c Mnsr-'* 'ijaii.o th.u bor Mm directiv■.» 1. - I! ?t. ■“ *.| U wt-»»t*r*j(' i-»* m I
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