The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26

i M M H 1 * 4 ^ , M t *«}7 ™FiPPi faSBIP^ JH^Pfe, *^F SU t^k- jtiif 4fe|g|^ WSfP^faWS^f fa5*^^^Hfa EpIPWIwPB^PB$EM^R$P$P$H tlLfe faflfeggmtibriMg| f# l£L^ >*»H»‘lJ|'W.WiSWP^ wP» <BPPjPHPWWPliiHlyWit. { ^ t y - s e v e n t h y e a r mo . 9. ‘A-^^-.‘"*-ftrt-TfJ."' ............. .. -(IT ~ rr-fir'imimHn~n " rT 'Tru ill r n m m Y The animal meeting of members of fa* various board* o f education erf Greene Outey, witt b* bald Wednes- day, February 80, in the assembly room erf the Court House. This is in accordance 'with the Jaw which require* the oounty superin­ tendent each year to call such a meet* tug; for the purpose of discussing the problem* vital to the school* with hie assistant*. The sassion will start a t ten o’clock in the morning1, the latter part of the meeting to take the form, of a lunch­ eon, as was the case during,the meet­ ing ladfc year a t eht Elk's club, depend ing on Whether the proper accomoda­ tions nan 'be obtained, 1 W» B. Kerahflfer, former secretary of the State Teachers' Association and now executive head of the State Teaohera* Retirement System, will be present at the meeting a t ten o’clock for an address to the members, and to give first hand information regarding payments, assessments, and benefits of that provision o f the state law. ■ The afternoon session will be devot­ ed to a discussion of rural School prpb lems and general school heeds, ac cord ing to.the county1superintendent. . Members from each hoard will’ be Called open for open remarks on ohe or-more of. the following topics, dur­ ing the round table discussion;, first length of the school yeah; second, the Uniform Salary of teachers; third, janitor service, fourth, course 1of study for rural schools; fifth, prep-, aration o f teachers for rural schools; sixth, normal training' requirements .for all teachers; seventh, school finan ces^ eighth, application and contracts and' a number of miscellaneous ques­ tions to be suggested by board mem­ bers, ■- THE GREAT AMERICAN Dr. W. R. MoCheaney GRIFFIS COMING TO XENIA Lieut.. Corliss Hooven Griffis, who has just arrvied in. this country .after being sent to a German prison for -at­ tempted kidnapping of Grover Ber- gdoll, wealthy draft evader, is to come to Xenia soon to visit relatives. The^ymme man was met a t New • hy Ms parents of Hamil? & SNOW GOOD FOR WHEAT Farmers are anxious that the snow that has fallen a t different intervals, this week remain for a month at least. The wheat has had much ice oh it this winter and is Very brown. If covered by show for a month, it 1 b believed the wheat would be revived. I t is a question with’many farmers whether the wheat is in as good con­ dition new as a t the same time last year. DELEGATION HEARS WATSON A' delegation from* here, went to Springfield' Monday to hear Senator jTames Watson of Indiana. The Sen­ ator is one of the noted speakers on the Republican side in the Senate and his Monday night address was well received, - HIGH SGHOOL STILL LEADS The local high school still leads ip county basket ball circles and Up to this date has not suffered defeat. The girls team has but one defeat to its credit. The game that is being wait­ ed for with interest i* the contest be­ tween Jamestown >and Cedarville oh February 27, POOL MATCH TONIGHT The local pool team that has wen the countyc championship series so far this Season will play Jamestown at the McCorkell pool room this Fri­ day night, Jamestown has added a new player afid hopes to ^regain, her standing hy forme rdefeat*. James­ town defeated Xenia Monday night by about fifty hulls, Presidents O il Man. I Abtveis ifftoeH. ef tne few Abraham Lincoln was the great American. He always, will be. He em­ bodied every trait of a real American, He rose from the depth* •of obscurity to the pinnacle of fame. In doing so he left no trace of dishonor. He had none to leave- Rather !he ennobled ev­ ery atop of the rugged heights which he climbed, All, who go oyer the way that he went, find the path that leads in vir­ tue and to the unfading crown of true nobility. His was a childhood bom a- mid the rough wild scenes of the set­ tler's day and among the uncultured uplands inhabited by the hostile Red Man, Here his boyhood ■was spent. Here he looked up to the eternal hills, and from above them, the blue of heaven smiled back into his dreaming eyes and lured him on to lofty ideals. Though hampered hy bitter poverty, he murmured not nor repined at his let. He rose above i t and proved that “A man's a Man for a’ that and a’ that," Where other lads of like and even better fortune flinched and fail­ ed, he forged his way on and wbn and thereby forever set the goal for all, who will, to win. He grew into strong Vigorous, trustworthy, and admirable manhood,' though 'handicapped .by im­ mediate ancestry and unfriendly en­ vironment. * Hb made the mast of his opportun­ ities, so appropriating them *that their faults in his life proved- bene­ ficent in the highest sense' to his fel­ low-men. As a -boy, a young man, and in advanced life he tenaciously clung to the -virtuea that, enrich .character, win confidence, and make, one a tower of strength in the stress'of life,* He spurred the Vices Which Sap vir­ ility and render and shun the vene- mpus serpent. Yet he had compassion for the weakling, who fell'a prey to baser instincts of nature. His Was a heart th a t throbbed fo r humanity ih its sufferings and needs. His was a spirit th a t went out in love to foe as weR as. friend. No due, ho-Wever loW- ly, might knock a t his door in vain. All who‘dame within his counsel went fterakL a m w w A r m B M tm m w w ca& and mmmm mm an d t h * m m m m o r ® m m > VILLE AND YIGXWITT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1924 PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR WOODRC THE UNi DID FORD W. J, Bi GREAT! from him feeling that they bad been in touch with a man Without guile and had-received a benediction that would brighten the rest of their life and lighten1 their burdens. This great American carried his ideals anc[ convictions into the coun­ cils of his government. He put them into practice there. He stood for the highest and the best in national af­ fairs and he had thet rare gift of so .presenting his case that he carried his way and will sweetly with others. He thought odt Ms policies thorough­ ly, He knew what he wanted to get dene and he realized the needs of his countrymen, He presented his cause clearly and courageously. He did' not err in the mighty course of affairs that he met. • He was right and every honest contemporary admitted it. The re -, suits of his administrations ,have j proved the wisdom apd the justice of 1 The moment the his policies. Even they, who theft were’^ n settle mto j his enemies, have, for the most part, i *°ry reserves for WILSON SENATE OO SOON? PLEASE. IOWA CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Picked at Kawleto sad EMM D#w* far fill BasyReagar WoodroW Wi1 the crypt of th* Cathedral a t Mt. northwest section? Woodrow Wi1 tribute paid to dead, spreads>c world,and his in the real sense lived to see, that be was right1and have been among the first to declare their faith in him; Thfe years have com1© and gone since his spirit went to his eternal home, but the mist of time has not bedimmed his glory; yea, rather has his honor grown and the nation that he welded together in the heat of its civil strife, is- to-day the greatest people of all the earth, They have be­ come imbued with his undying virtues and rise to-day’ a united and happy people to acclaim bis traits and deeds to all the World and his character as the hope, humanly, Of. all .the nations distressed, and tom by conflict. *^ ' + ■ * ’ , ‘ ' ‘ Let us highly resolve as Americans to keep the Watehfire of Abraham Lin­ coln burning brightly as the beacoxi light of Union and liberty. Let ns keep immortal the name and spirit of this man, Who, anfong all, came the mearesfe to Measuring u p to th e .Man of Galilee (and- whose heritage is a priceless blessing to America and Die World, VERY UNUSUAL JUST NOW f 1 _ - ^ .v/ -f ‘» r*- a»aa*fa*raas#.' -■-'•/ V 1 There ia hardly a day that we do not have one or more call* for in­ formation as to residence property for rent. Just now there seems to he a great desire among farm hands to locate in towR where work can be secured. Houses are scarce and not many can he accOmddated, a few day* ago a carpenter from Fayette county was seeking . a house here. He was desirous to locate here be­ lieving that work could bo gained here or in Springfield. The man was anxious to live here in that he might body rests in great Episcopal Albans in the Washington, real funeral the that is not •Over the whole public funeral” e word. dead, men be- place'that Ma­ in. Today with •spapers, history hts are as past, probably, ickly rendered. red that Mr. Were not war fore the War wah radio, telegraph, 'i works rapidly. I t erroneous as in but'they are mor It is to be'rei Wilson's public *ei time services only, thought of he had&ecn a t work* on public problems, T b?Federal reserve bank, that earried|this country thru the financial straiftfeof war, Was part of his work, * The land credits-Yor farmers, free­ ing the farmer fi&m “respectable” usury; in many directions, had his in­ tense care and deyOtiod. In many di­ rections he Worked for the public wel­ fare, efficiently, before-the devaatat- war broke upon the world, ' III ••“ < o You come to the end of, a book, read the word finis and-kpow all that the book ha* to say. I t fa not so with the. life of an active ftMte. His last day comes, yet for bin* you Cannot write finis, not after a Y ssd or fhe next; perhaps for a ihotrfmd years, ' • Yoggmen blow the safe a t the post’ oifife at North Hampton, near Spring, field1, and escaped with' J13*in cash, Arcer-dlng to figures compiled Jjy Stete Treasurer Harry 3. Day, it cost the state ot Ohio $3,filS,844.‘07 to op­ erate , its government during the month of January. Disbursements for the that month in 1324 were slightly lower than ter the same period in- 1320, hut are higher thafi January of 1322, a oojnpartaon shows, ■Bev. yn. H. UcMlier, of. Central Con­ gregational dwirch, NewtonviMe, Mass.i is to be -the -new pastor of First -Congregational oburph at Co­ lumbus. Ppatal receipts a t the Marion poet-' office increased 13.4 per. cent during i Jatiuaryj 1324, as compared with Jan- j uary, 1923, A meeting of rurid school bpapds in Senepa county -will be called' this inoftth- -to consider the school trans­ portation situation. - | Martin Kieh, 29, Akron, indicted on ' a charge of second degree murder, ! Was iBund guilty of manslaughter, H* was charged with, the fatal .stabbing ?t Rolfe Glaze in a poolroom fight. Cleveland Public hail will he-trans­ formed into a mammoth garden, dur­ ing the national flower show, March , 29 to April 6. The VaTUq. of exhibits will exceed $500,030, Couftty "Addltor Arthur R. Powell > has reoothmeuded that fehfeV* be no feappraiseJi of real estate in Sboeca county. - , , A movement' to close motion pic­ ture shows JmCanton on Sundays has been -launched byth® Stark "County Ministerial association and the Law Enforcement league, , • Henry and William Brdns, 90 years of age, said to he the oldest twins in Ohio, celebrated their birthday at WbodvRIe, Addressing a Farmers' week1meet­ ing at Ohio ‘s State university, Gov­ ernor Dpnahey declared that' Ohio should have a uonpsrite&n general assembly. ■* -. , Mike Sipcioh, miner, of Harrison eodnty, wife slayer, Was electrocuted at the Ohio perndtentiafy, To cut down the expense .fee Die cpnhty of feeding' a large number of Prisoners held in the county Jail at Marysville, Prosecutor John W. DSfiy , tit the SUITTO TEST Attenwy’ General Gnkb hi*: Jwot suit a t the request p t Governor Don-. ajiey in the Franklin County Com- mon Hea* Courfc, t«8ting tfee right o f . to* legislature to accept- to*. Bryan farm underjhe term# :«rf;toe will,tha t no religious services.ever be permit­ ted on the farm. Three governors re-, fuaed to aocePt the gift and toe legis­ lature a t ■ to© la st session '■passed::<*?■ law accepting toe farm, ^ . ^he Ohio Council of Churches has grief, friends n*id. i5 r» om Robert opp ^ the acceptance^ of the gift Wioodf former i t pbiwifcfijt- *® 'wcKing tha Governor in a to, W. Ya„ wiwi ebofe to death a few epurfc suit to have the legislative act days ago, For $0 years Captain set aside. Wood was on Ohio river steamers. j ------------ * A* a part of the mdvemepg to raise NEW ICE, COMPANY FOR XENIA? INCORPORATED A new ice company has beeri incor­ porated and'1will be known as toe Xenia Ice Company, The Incorpora­ tors are L. D. Wilson, J, F. Harsh- man, C. H. Little, Dilver Bejden and LaWrence Barley, The incorporation is for $10,000, The company will re­ tail ice from the Wilson Engineering Company. , < One cky block In Sieubenvfitei, daw igpated as the ''tendariAto,” was placed under the padlock -by Judge Carl Smith in common plea* court after 12 property owners, .mostly women, who Nad-been convicted of conducting cHsopderly houses, were arraigned- for contempt of court ter violating previous injunctions, Captain Sike L, Wood, 7% former -resident of GeiMpolte, died suddenly ■at Point Plesaght, Death wo* due fa 2AN CONVENTION Frank L. Smith, o f toe Smith Ad­ vertising Company, Xenia, has been chosen as delegate to the.Republican National Convention in Cleveland in the Seventh District. The other dele­ gate wilt be Charles Wagner of War­ ren county. ■> N, H. Fairbanks, Springfield was chosen for presidential elector from the district. At a meeting of the county com­ mittee in Xenia Saturday, L. T, Marshall was endorsed fo r state sen­ ator in top Fifth-Sixt District. The Senatorship in the district usually have the advantage of our modem igo6g fa turns to the various counties this being Greene schools and later the college for his children, The-Herald ha* no hesitancy in urging laboring men to remain ’- on the farms. There is not room for all in the towns and dries, While con­ ditions on the farm are not what they were once, yet we believe the chances are as good on the farm. Most far­ mer* ate offering as much or more than can be gained in town. Labor­ er* on the farm mush hot lose sight of the fact that many men in town do not have have Work every day in the year; SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS Sweet clover, five years ago consid­ ered a troublesome weed by moot far­ mers, now stands ahead of alfalfa fa acerage in Ohio. Soils specialists a t the Ohio State University, estimate there Will be SOpercent increase this year to a total fo 120,000 acres, * * ■ m Says mam: To mfeke people like you, just like them. in the district, county's turn. TRUSTEES RE-ELECTED AT CEMETERY MEETING The annual meeting of the Massies Creek Cemetery Association was held Tuesday when S. K. Williamson, W» J. Tarbox and Edw. Dean were -re­ elected for three year terms. The for­ mer officers Were re-elected: S, K. Williamson, president; W, J, Tarbox, storctary; Karlh Bull, treasurer and superintendent. Henry Brown, sexton. The board plans in the near future *ti> open Up a new addition from land to the north that is now owned by the association. The demand for lots the past few years has made this neces­ sary. Relaxation takes time, but it's build ing fo r the future. I t paj y> to spend a few minutes each day relaxing-—in a comfortable rocking-chair, with eyes closed, jaws relaxed, and a calm mind a *■ a Ohio ties with Pennsylvania for 6th place in the list of states having cow testing associations, EAeVhfia 36, Wis conso Meads with 161 ,th<h coma Min­ nesota, Michigan and Iowa, ■ ■■■•■■* a . An apple a day keeps the doctor a- way, provided toe apple is eaten, a a * "Thou shalt net plow with an ox and an ass together,” -Deuteronomy. 22:10. >. -v. 1 # ■ m ■ More than 26 percent of this count­ ry's corn reop is fed to livestock, and somewhat less than 10 percent is , used Ipr human food, according to the Federal Department of Agricul­ ture, #. $ - #. A folia ought to ha wril-mado a t Utot* im teete Is kuriiy a otto to apoil RADIO FANS HEAR PRESIDENT COOLIDGE IN NEW YORK Radio fans in this locality heard the great speech of President Cool- idgC in New York City Tuesday night The address is one of the first since the President took his seat and it outlined Some o f the program the administration expects to give the people. The remarkable fact is that all those who heard it were able to get every word dearly and distinct- tively. We understand there was no other broadcasting during the hour the president spoke. FEATURE WAS DELAYED The Herald missed the use of special illustrated feature concerning the life and 'death of former Presi­ dent Wilson for our last issue. The order was mailed from New York in time hut it went astray and did not reach us in time for use. NEARLY 600 LICENSE TAGS ISSUED HERR J. G. McCorkell, local registrar of automobile and tjruck tags reports tost about 600 such togs have - been t issued so far this year, Take it on Jthe basis of the lowest priced tog is­ sued, $6 for Fords, more than $4,000 tot* been tottoeted. The *****gu me# 'to o l Schools .4>£Marengo, Marion county, have been dosed hy order of mate inspectors. A -pending lawsuit pre­ vents the iWHinttoe of-$69,000 in bond* to..make fehe required improvements.'; George Lupez, 3, Cleveland, fell into a tub of hot water and was fatal­ ly scalded,, Samuel Frits, 50, contractor; was Instantly killed at-Tiffin when he fell 35 feet from the celling "of a new church; where he woa supervising plastering. . Mrs. Anna Mokusky Is in a serious condition a t CloVdaaiid as a result of a gunshot wound in the abdomen in, fliCted by a former roomer, Steve Fedorchutdc, who then committed sui­ cide’by shooting himself through, the head. ' Bryan Keenan of Cleveland, bandit suspect, wav captured and bis part­ ner, a yotith named Sanbouro, was shot to death by police in * running gun battle when the -two were sur­ rounded in a cottage dear Berea. San- bonrn’s body wan riddled with bullets, William A. Hitefrue was killed and Mrs. CalBe Botee narrowly escaped death -by drowning When the automo­ bile in which the ti?p were riding skidded and plunged into a creak hear Hamilton. Frank Mook, * erased man, wound­ ed fa a gun battle with police at Cleveland, died from a buHet fa the head fifed from hi* Own gun. Mock stood off police for..i more than 12 bourn Three women were injured when a streetcar split a switch and crash­ ed into the trailer of another car fa Cincinnati. The injured are: Mr*. ! Pearl Furficato, 20, Mies Ague* Ban- some. 27, and Mrs. Dasto Vincent, 44, One-man streetcars wlH b* placed In operation in Springfield within to* hear future if plans of too street rail­ way company meet the approval or toe tk y commission. The car ,cOm- p*hy declares that under present Op­ erating methods, it is unable to keep Up With Rs’ Obligation*. Paul Bpaid, proprietor of a valoan- Izfag shop at Cambridge, and Paul Agar are held by police fa connection with to* death of Ralph Denny, 35, who died after being shot while fa the basement of S-paWfe Shop. Ac­ cording to Spaid and Agar, Spaid ac* cidtotiy toot Denny/ * Three men were seriously injured When an mttomofciw fa which they riding drtobied Into a building on Cen­ tral avenue, OfaOfanati. Albert Ton­ gas, 31, liquor Oburt dry agent was i n j u r e d internally, while Frank the standard of bu tter in -O&io, fhe Ohio Association p t Creamery Own­ e rs and Managers wfii; organise: HOrt- ry and adjofaing counties. Jack Piero*, arrested M Wooster, to said fa have confessed to the mur­ der of Miss BTorfipcd NRzmau in Dan- ton "Jan, 30. . / Ohio mtnimunt wage commission was informed ‘by Attorney General Gnabbe that all sta'te*‘in whfoh’mini­ mum wage laws Arb noW nKtodwUuy are operating these laws fa violation pf toe coneHtntion.' The attorney gen­ eral cites as hie authority toe deci­ sion of toe United States supremo odnrt declaring the District of Colum­ bia’s tew unconstitutional, E. F. Mayfield sued .too Columbus, Delaware and Marion Traction com­ pany a t Morion ter $50,000 for alleged Injuries received Nov. 11; 1922, from a oar of the company; Investigation is under Way to fix responsibility for toe collision be­ tween a Baltimore and. Ohio passen­ ger train and a streetcar a t Dayton in which the motorfaun was killed fa* atantty and 10 passengers seriously tojuTOd. Fasten ‘Painter,4.28, motor- man, was killed. Mite Idsila Renner, 20, and Sophia Barnye, 49, ware prob­ ably fatally injured ^ Alexander Kuscrik, 19, Convicted of first degree murder ait Akron, was sentenced to" be electrocuted Friday, June 13, by Judgb B. D. lYitsch. Kus* crick was found guilty of toe murder at his 13-yeair-oid cousin, Elizabeth Nagy, Nov. 6, wbHe her .parents were away from home. . , ' . ' George V. HqUiday, sites Howard, arrested- a t Dayton, to said- to be earth, went hack into the ground a-- gain. But how long the effects, of bis active life will be ’felt on this planet no man can say, , —11||—, President Coolidge will observe that the Senate is in no doubt as to public opinion on the oil scandal. Some Senators would lose no sleep over such a little thing a* selling the navy’s oil supply to private individ­ uals, or paying a little cash (not in checks) to public officials, if the thing could be put over quietly* * But the country is awake, and not one Senator voted against Walsh’s resolution calling on the President to cancel the” oil leases; - I l l - One wise man last week said, “Ford talked just sixty days too soon . If he had kept quiet, this oil affair would have given him the presidency1.” Per­ haps he’d rather have Muscle Shoals, His chances are good, for that now. Any plans that official-gentlemen may have had for turning that over to In­ siders on a “Teapot basis” will be kept quiet for e while, at least. One hundred and ten little Pom- er&hiatts-—very small fluffy pet dogs- were exhibited in NeW^ofk City last week. Each dog had anicely dressed lady, nurse or owner, watching the dear little creature,’ affectionately and faithfully.#Thoae dogs are worth more than $100,000. •nujjl^Me Not far away, fa ah institutional Ward, you can find one hundred and ten human babies, three or four nur­ ses taking care of the whole lot. And all the bahies put together are hard­ ly worth ten cents; in fact, they are a liability. Moral: Be bom A Pomeran­ ian if you want to go through life comfortably, fa this civilisation. — Ill— } Wise citizens of Florida won’t hes­ itate any. longer about sending Wil­ liam J . Bryan to represent them as delegate fa the Democratic Conven­ tion, Judging hy new* from Washing loft, Mr. Bryan may have to over­ come his reluctance and take the Democratic nominothm himself. First he will go around like Diogenes for a while, with a lantern, arid then say; “I guess you will have to take me,” — Ill— Iowa’s itewwpapcr* Start a Cam. ......... ................ ^ , , paign fit advertising, bragging about Lamps, 27, and BeBjamin Boelscher, that fine state. No wonder, #0r they, SO, suffered »ku« fradturee have things to brag about. The c o m l ^ c f a i o thafS irplSfSoney, about United State*. The State knows no jg, now held in active wo illiteracy or, at least, less than any fa Cofarobus banks, will be other State fa the Union. It* crop# distributed to them «» inactive funtte, are worth a biiffOn a year; the entire Health officials ‘closed the public population, ftafitrifag all hired men, school atid forbid sti puNfa gatoer- grandmothers and babies Could ride Inti!? at ttendvRte, totfaty b* at the same tifad fa Iowa’# automo- of *» p t *% ■ f a t o S l s i ot toe T f e d e m m m togs ftomww e m m eaw# ,,( ,n . toe preeent tarnkm tomfatott 'drive Iwm t i i t Mpee tti wdl 'he fa ESTABLISHED STATIONS TO TEST SEED CORN Four se.ed com testing stations have been established fa the county fa an­ ticipation of the threatened shortage of seed com this year, due to •early frosts last fall. The stations Witt be located fa Xenia, a t the Beavercreek township high, school; Bath township high school and Robs township high school. , . ' - the atteged entoessfeafant. of $36,000, store. t .. _ Enraged Iteraase hto houeekeever, M ips . Roy Bakor. had married, CSyde Sawyer. 48, a • widower, fifed two ehote a t her add then kilted MnteMf, a t .the home* of Mia Baker’# mother fa Gallon. Mrs. Beker was ;not fa* Jufed. . . . Two records were made fa Athens county Oaet mooto—17 marriage U- censes, toe smallest number fa yean, and 96 prieofieiW fa toe oonfity" jail, toe largest number ever known. ' H. Edmund Hill of Ifarfah ho# an­ nounced hte candidacy toe. the re- nomination for ropfeseutative Atom Marion county to the' etiote fagisfature on toe RepUblioan ticket. * 1 Lloyd Kokehspatwerj 18, Zonseviile, was seriously burned' when toe gaeo-i tine tank of bis auto exploded. ' AMO-barrn Ott vfelf «t South Ferry, near Logan, woe drilled by toe Ohio Fuel company, fa practically aew ter­ ritory, ’ Mm Helen Bloyer, 70, of BUbktend, near Cfacfanati, dropped toted of fright when her automobile was crowded off toe road; Frank and Dewey Shipley of. LMy Obapel, near London, have faded 21 fetes toe past two month*. The peJU brought them $205, Fferot srrest a t Niles' fa your* under .the old blue taws resulted In a fine fit $10 and cost# asBOkeed on Anthony HolUca. The charge was pteylng cards on Stnriey, Leeide Leon, 32, died a t Glouster from injuries -sustained when crushed fa a mine i t Trknbta, Re vm caught by a Ratsfag motor far book fa toe fata*. - > ^ Aiexanocr Kttscsnc, iv, Akron, . condemned to death by a Jury which returned a verdict of guiky ot first degree mutdor ogafaat him, without a recommendation t>f mercy. Kue* cxlk beat HHIrabetM- Nagy, his 13-year- otd cousin, to death with a hammer Nov, 6, fa her home, towing her par­ ents' absence, , Rolf Lee, 36, te fa a'oerioua oemdfL- tfon at Lima from gunshot wounds received, It fa changed, wfcfen he at­ tempted to rob a-Ming station man­ ned by John Dawson. Without regaining txmeoioueheee, Lotttt Christtan Weber, 71, dry good* merchant, died at Gdtambu* from in­ ju ries sustained when ha is thought to hate fatten from a vfakfaot. Mrs. Anna Kerne, 81, the “flapper” bandit, pleaded guilty at Cfevetand <U> a .charge of robbing toe Bebtotfd Drug Oompany oi $34 en J*i. 24. Sen-! tones w«s deferred. A tax on gaerilita a* a aueae of tafafag fund* tor road Work in Ohio waa advocated b r State Highway IM- feotof U A, Boutay fa ah addrese be- fotw toe fawfagfited Kfaasfa ditto. Mfe. Anita Krifafc*44, fahel^ a t Fro*, moot, pehmUg. fa* outooca* fit «v* juries to her fatabend, Mart Kragli, now fa a Toledo hoepltal ■ tofferfag from bullet wound# inflicted, U j fa thaiged, by M«*»- Ktwito _ . ’ Removal «f Mayor itaa* F. Johnaea ot Btruthere, Mehontog ooahty, by Governor Dobitoey.WM mk*4 by A & WilHema of Btetofalto Q m & m agoinet Johamta we* faiMta fa a lefato t a t h a gorawwMf fa wlMk Ufa m fifm fa charged wbfa fafaww f a eeierita COLORED PYTHIANS MAY . HAVE HOME EQR AGED The Colored Fytbisn Lodge of Ohio is, said* to have purchased the Ralph Man'gan farm on the Jamestown pike, east of Xenia,’ for' the purpose of in­ stituting >• hqme,for aged members.. The farm consists pf 60- acres and is said to have brought $13,000, M'ELWitlN PROPERTY SOLD TO ADEN BARLOW THIS WEEK ' The McElwain property on Xenia, yenue wad sold . this week to Aden The HagajrStraw Board A Paper Co.* The consideration is. placed about $3,000. Mr. Barlow has sold his prop­ erty on. Church street to’Charles Smitlvthe barber.,/ WELCOME TO OUR MIDST Mr. and Mrs. Maywood Homey and family moved to Cedarville on Thurs­ day of this week from the CrUmine farm north of Pleasant View. Mr, and Mrs. Homey will he great­ ly missed from this locality, espec­ ially from the Sunday School and M. P. Church at'this place, of which they were faithful members. , , The Citizen joins their many friends in wishing them health, happiness and prosperity in their new home, —Jeffersonville Citizen. ARRESTED -FOR AUTHORITIES IN CHILL1COTHE Virgil Clematis of this place, was placed under a' rest Monday afternoon by Sheriff Morris Sharp, on request Of the chief of police a t Chillicothe, on .an alleged charge of concealing stolen property . ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED Charles Nfabet, Loveland, O., has, l>een appointed administrator of the estate of Miss Isabelle Winter, late of Pafaesvttlle, C, 1 ANNUAL MEETING OF . LIVE STOCK COMPANY « * The annual meeting of the Gfeene County Live Stock Company wilt be leld Tuesday ,February 10 a t one p. m. in the assembly room a t the court house, C. D. Lackey, sec. mr* B o le P r iz e W i n n e r Chari** H. Lmrmora, of Brook- fan, N. Y-, fltetofary of the N. Y* SochRy and former Preridewt fawtoanesOMiat and w k raoeiva m fefMe itom fa*eiiMt toe