The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26

CLOSING-OUT PUCIJC SALE! A* our farm hue been soldi to the Wabash Port­ land Cement Co., and 1 am going to quit farming, I% will aeii at my residence l 1-2 miles east of Fairfield and Oaborn, 4 mile# west of Enon, 1-2 mile east of Wiboa’t atop on the L C, & E. Traction, on the Day- ton and Springfield pike, on Wednesday, March 12, *1924 Commencing at 9:30 O’clock Sharp 4—HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES-4 17-H ead o f C a ttle -17 11—Head c f Hogs U Farm Implements and Harness TRACTOR AND TRACTOR TOOLS Ford Ton Truck Dairy Equipment Feed Miscellaneous Household Goods Terms Made Known on Day o f Sale LeROYBURROUS Col. Monk 5c Cob Weikert, Auctioneers, Brown & Copenhefer, Clerks. , S ■m i.l £* H . l i f f l J V U A OTHERS THE GREATEST LIVING SHAKESPEAREAN STARS, First Time in Dayton in Four .Years. . TOSECURETICKETSROW! Fil( in form bttoWWith number of seat* desired? send self-addressed. Stamped envelope with proper remittance, payable to Victory* theater. Dayton, O. Pleas, .do not write a letter. The best tickets available wMt be sent, „ - - .1 /!•<. :i "if "PRICES INCLUDETAX MONDAY, MAR, 10 ROMEO AND JULIET TUESDAY. MAR, 11 • ------LET (NE s M y , I' 1 1 WEQ S0&Y MAR.12 . ■ TAMINGOFTHEgHBEW Orcli, 53.30. - Sal. $2.75 Bal. $2.20 Baf. $1,65 j - Bat. $ 1.10 FamousAmericans andTheirSayings t Alexander G. • Bell, born'March 3 , 1847 . Inventor bS the tele'- phone. "The close observa­ tion ol little thing* is the secret of suc­ cess in business.". This precept should be impressed upon the mind* of every young person, Watch these-famous quota­ tions. In a store like Alabley’ a there are thousands o f »little things that mans! he well done. It is our praetice to attend to every tiny detail as best we know how. That takes care o f the big things as well. ^ le ^ a b l^ l/ a n d 0 / ie w ( a Jk Good Stor*—CHhcinnati ............ ;......... 99.9 Per Cent Efficient Constant vigilance goes hand: In hand with safety on tit* Penntyl- Vartl* Railroad. Thousands oil t*sts aramad* *v*rymonth to Inaure tha ohMrvanc* of signal* and operating rule*by tin*m*n In chargeof trains" Curing the last half of 1923,493,000 such testa w«r* mad*. Some of the situation* covered t»y these tests *r« the observance of "stop.*' and wmo 8 mi » signals, the .proper display st sign*!*, the nbsar- *vane* of speed regulations and.the proper flagging of trains. This system has been In eff*ct on the Pennsylvania Railroad for many ”y*ars. It:Jh* designed to cover'wot only ev*ry conceivable development Inordinary operatingcondition* btft also surprise situation* not usually encountered. , It Is a epiendid tribute to th* officii •ncy and th# high moral* of Penn- - sybarite employe#-*!*} a source ale* of profound satisfaction to th*” traveling ]KibUe**hai; th* results of the#* test* show that fh* number of *'fa^ur*s*, 1* relatively intignlft- cant^th* record over a long period , of months showing » 99.9 per cent, ’ performance. P e n n s y l v a n i a f f Railroad System f i , .." .2%* MftmmttM JtWfrestrfa# th* W*)tW TII7‘’-| If* : '} j \stn 1* j] m THEATRE Dayton, Q. | I 0 I I .-T 0 E S ,-W E 9 , H !G 3 IT S ,M flR . 1 0 - 1 2 ,™ s The Play* of William ShUftesneare are the oreatest glory of tho AnQlo.saxon race. To see them pr<,:erly presented, on the stafle is to experience the. hlohest satisfaction t(io theater can offer- v NAME t4* «•*.*»**«*»•’• **•*'•< .»...*** SlTPEETAND NO* ***•#*•»«•»» '••M*'««fM**t*a*«st»**eM*M**iMM*»»**« City ********•**M*»*e*S *+*•***? MS.t^s^rsM.v.MSfVMSe.iaffiUtss^MSvsss (Vovr iimicr dlfcctton of Lee Sftubert.) The High School has received sev- «r*l 1c* students; one fmhmsn, Edith Smith; vno ruphomore, Maty . FUen Smith; and cm-1Junior, Wendell Graham, ■] * * • The Junior American Literature ; Class will give their annual Burn's ' program in High* School auditorium, ’ Tuesday, 5Iarch 11. I * • ,. > r The fnnic-is held an informal busi- , j ness meeting in the library Tuesday. I * • » f In the preliminaries for Class B ! ! chainpIujiEhlp of Ohio held at Spring- ; she'd, O., our boys drew a bio for first; round and diu net play until the first; game Saturday morning when they mot Yellow Springs boys an ddefeat- |od them by the small margin of three points, tho csore Lu’ng 13-10. Our bo,vs wore .beaten until the last few minutes of play when Gordon came through with two baskets and Nagley one and a free throw. In the third round our hoys beat'UrMna Township Centralized and defeated them by the score of 20-15 again staging a whirl­ wind finish in the last few minutes of play, this making them eligahle to go to Dayton and compete there. *The three teams representing Champaign, Clark, Clinton and Greene were Wil-- mirigton, Plattsburg. and Cedarville, The following week our hoys went to Dayton and showed real fight and pep even though they were defeated by Plattsburgh in the Third' round; In the first round they defeated Lost Oieek hy the score of JLSM), In the evening they played Seven Miles * to the score of 13-2, the opponents ob­ taining no points in.the last half. * f >.* Saturday our hoys played Platts- burg. The score at the end of the first period of play was 4 to 12 in favor of .Plattsburg. In the last period Platts- btirg was tied to a nothing score while Cedarville ran her score of 1J the last few minutes of play when they made a long an dshort shot and were successful in making them. When the whistle blew Cedarville was on the short end of the score of 16-11, The result was that Fairview Of Day- ton and in Class, A Springfield and Stivers Of Dayton, will represent the Southwest division at Columbus, Fri­ day and Saturday of this week. The annual Antioch tournament will be held Saturday of this week apd our hoys team needs the support of the town. The Girls were defeated by Ross in a hotly contested game to,the tune of 13-12. The other teams left by the preliminaries held last Satur­ day were Jamestown, CaeSarcrcek, Batji, Cedarville,-Yellow Springs and Ross hoys and Rosa, Beaver and Yel­ low Springs Girls. ■ * ■ * * * . Our boys and girls trill journey to Jamestown next "Wednesday to play basketball. 1899 1924 TW EN TY -F IFTH SPECIAL SERVICE SABBATH . EVENING AT THE UNITEDPRESBYTERIANCHURCH The Young People of the United .Perebyterian. Church will hold an open meeting at 7:00 P. Mu, the time of the usual evening service. It will be a presentation -of the Mission Study which they have been following for several weeks—“Japan on the,Up ward Trail." *. The program will consist of Japan­ ese songs, sketches of famous Japan­ ese Christians, and a short pageant. There will also be a brief report of the Student Volunteer Convention re­ cently held in Indianapolis, A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend thism eeting. A N N I V E B S A R Y TV7E have reached the 25th milestone of our commercial life. It is with a feel- ” ingpf pleasure and pride that we announce the fact. For this we thank! our many patrons. We never could Kavfe reached it without1 your Sincere co­ operation. Your faith-in our method of doing business and your expression of the faith in the numerous and continuous1purchases you have made enabled us ■ to increase our business from year to year. ; We want to compensate you for it and we know of no better way o f carrying out our intentions into effect than by offering you, in this celebration every pair *of shoes in our store at reduced , prices. This reduction includes all the neW Spring Straps and Oxfords for Men, Women arid Children. Our Opening Day is Thursday, March 13th. WE. WILL HAVE SOUVENIRS FOR EVERY ONE WHO VISITS OUR STORE THAT DAY - V You Will Be Very Welcome. *>k K. OF P. LODGE.WILL BANQUET IN COMMUNITY HALL The K. of P. Lodge will hold a ban­ quet Friday night, in Community hall when Mr, Regan, one of th? state of­ ficers will make an address. County Rceafder B. F. Thomas will also be one of tho speakers. About 80 per­ sons are expected tb be present. FAMOUS PICTURE COMING HERE MARCH 2S “Human Wreckage”, the famous serene story of Mrs. Wallace Reid’s in her campaign against 'the use of nar­ cotics will h eshown here March 28, Friday evening in the opera house. This picture carries with it the en­ dorsement of mans? organizations to .show to the World what the use of the drug habit does for citizenship, R. P. CONGREGATION ELECTS FOUR NEW ELDERS At a meeting of the Reformed Pripibytcrian congregation last Sat­ urday, four additional members were added to the session. Tho four elected were Mrs. A. E, Huey, Paul Ramsey, Meryl Stormont and Clayton McMil­ lan. The. four old members are J. II. Crowell, W. H. Creswell, N, L. Ram­ sey 'and E. L. Stormont-, FAMOUS EXPERT TALKS OK COFFEE Mr. James Fogarty, a famous coffee expert, who ha* been, chief coffee buyer and tester for the Kroger Grocery and Baking Company during the past Jwenty years, when asked by a woman1'* club fur some interesting Information on coffee, said: "The American woman of todny knows that coffee Is the making of any meal; This is quit* a compliment to her as sire ha* discovered what famous chefs of great hotels and restaurants have known for many years. That, to act a perfect table; one must serve coffee of excellence. It Is of the utmost Importance that the coffee used should be a good uniform blend, one that can be depended upon as bring always fresh,” Mr. Fogarty gave six rule* which be said, If followed care­ fully, would give a perfect brew of coffee, 1. Keep ytrar coffee alMight. All roasted coffee, especially ground coffee loses lfs flavor very rapidly, therefore keep It Ina container as moisture-proof And as air-tight as possible. . Measurecarefully. The strength of tho coffee depends upon the amount of coffee you ass. Experiment until you find The exact amount of coffee that salt* your ts*t«, then stick to that amount each time, A tablespoonful to the cup makes an ideal drink. Don’t guesa; measure carefully the amounts of coffe* and water. 8. Uae the ground* only once and grind the coffee fine just before brew­ ing. After brewing your coffee, don’t leave tlm ground* 1* the pot, to bo used the next tlme you make coffee. Grounds that have been used are Just as valueless in making good eoffeo ad ashes are lu starting a fire, 4. Use boiling water, Tho water used in making coffee should come to a*full boll before pouring it into the pot, but don’t let the coffee and the water boll together. Boll the water only; DON’T boll, the coffee. Pour- Urnbailing water over the coffee. This makes the beat kind. If you use a percolator, grind the coffee medium. 5. Serve at once. Letting coffee cool ruins th# flavor. If you must wait keep th# coffee piping hot but no-, or let If boll. Re-cooking eoffeo injures Its Haver 0. Hcour the coffee pot thoroughly. To rinse the pet and then let It dry is not enough, fl.xtir it even more carefully than other utensils. If you use « percolator, pay par­ ticular attention to the little tube through *hlrfc ih# wafer rises and spun;.! over th* grounds. Kcrulv it whit the brush that cornea for that Ruflwue, IT CAN STILL DRAW WAR WAGES During, the war the heavy demand for msney caused the interest rate* to go up, just us the demand for men caused wages in all lines of industry to advance After the stress of war demands for men lessened and wages weTe. lowered, but the demand for money continued so that the high interest rates still prevail. ‘ It is not likely however that this will he the case much longer. We are still paying 6% INTEREST on our SPECIAL CERTIFICATE PLAN but eannot say how1 long this fate will be offered. Invest your money now while ydu can still get a high interest rate with the best security—first mortgage on real estate. ALL DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 6TH. WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM MARCH 1ST. TheSpringfield Building&Loan Association Springfield, Ohio 40 EastJMain Street, ip* dm*k aSlilinli it you use a unp pot With filter bag, riusa me bag In COOL water. Keep tbe bag submerged In cool water when not in use. Renew the filter bug frequently. Mr. Fogafty further said: “It may be of interest to yon to know that the Kroger Company spends uu enormous amount of money, thought and time eachyear In testing, blending and roast­ ing their French Brand Coft'-e. Buying Is done in tremendous quantities and the green eoffeo is shipped direct from South and Central American plant** tlmis to Kroger warehouses," According to Fogarty, to ipsurs frcshtios.-j, coffee is delivered to each Kroger store twice a week, freshly roasted, •"-> Heaven'* Best Gift, It is owned that the most noble and oxcolhnt gift of heaven to man Is eaaon; nmi It is as sure, that of all the enemies reason him to engage with, pleasure is tho most capital. A SAFE INVESTMENT istheinvestmentthataddsio your wfidiithof health. It is more es* s&ahal to safe guard andbuildup strength than it is to add to yout wealth of gold. To an undo *fi«ght child or anemicadult SCOTT’S EMULSION three or fourtimesdailywouldbo an investment th$t would yield apkndid return* in strength and “rigor- Scott** Emuhim tit *■ concentrated, totite-nomfsh- menf, idmllu suited io <r groiuinq thud. AGAIN w« fit* nowhocdringiordar* t*t **riy dfllivwy on* 8 0 , chick* fat twelve varieties for th* ioRfthg MMficm. Bend fo *4*«ctfp#rs «few. lar. m e s t u r d y a n y c h i c k * c o . S, Limtetoae tod Auburn ............. ggriitflsK Obi* I