The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
* 0 w e x s m •V ‘Christmas To you and all of yours we wish A Christmas full of cheer, And may you all be sure to have A prosperous New Year . Katz & Richards XENIA, OHIO —for Christmas J T JS not at all surpris- valve at it* preteat price ingthat thenev/Fordo*, —$685, fully equipped Sedan is proving ex* l»8pect thi* new Fpnlqr ttemely popular as a Sedan at yourfirstoppor- Christmaa gift. For this punityand arrange foriu fcandsptne closed type delivery On Ohristmw bodyi*a trulyexceptional morning. You can fitly this car through ih t Ford J Vaahfy Furchaua Flam R, A. MURDOCK Cedarville, ’Ohio '— -. _ cam rtuscxa tracxojui BstyU.$.71r*sFrom*** ServiceHardwareCo. ThreeBigValues in30x&?regular size clincher tires Usco Fabric Royal Cord anddmNEW USCOCOftD ~nowready ThlsU.S. qualitygroupac ^^loweatpricesewroffered fcSB J l „v»>3— S I Y ou N eed P r in ting Drop in And See U s ai<riBiwipifi»W¥iiiiiwa>iiH>ai<w»*WMPW^ STICK-UP MEN DID HOT MAKE US A CALL Three bandits held up Robert Turnbull,- jamv'tuwn merchant- m;ui laht Saturday and escaped with about $K j Oin ca^h about 31 o'clock as the M.<*re was, being' closed. No trace of the robbers ha* been found. With them they took a ritudebaker ear belonging to the fiance Taxi Co., Springfield. The mett lured the car with a driver, Joseph Kieholt<% who did the driving until he was forced to give up bis seat this side of Clif ton. lie was then bound hand and foot and forced to remain in the bottom of the car until the men reached a point about a mile south of Jamestown where he was taken out and tied in the coal house back of a school house. The bandits then drove to Jamestown and held up the Turnbull store, Kroger officials think that the men had the local store here on the list for parties saw the StU- debaker car turn at the' railroad, drive up town, turned again and left supposedly for Jamestown. This was about 10:30, The local Kroger store closes at 9 o’clock. The men answer the description to men that have been holding up Kroger stores in Springfield. The taxi driver managed to get loose and walked into Jamestown but not until the men had been gone an hour. He was out $20 which the bandits, took, Joe Turn bull, brother of Robert, who was in the store at the time, deposit* ed $50 when commanded by the stick-up men. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. i■ „ k The Junior class plays were given on Friday evening, Dec, 14. Owing' to thch large membership of the class two plays were-given, “Join Owners in Spain” and “Dad's Double' Victory'’ The money received will be used to defray the expenses of the-Junior banquet in the spring. Coach Talcrott has picked his basket ball squad of twenty men and they are practicing very hard because it will take some real .practice to get the team in con dition- to play Jan. 4, against Jamestown. • • - ‘ * * * i School will be dismissed Dec, 21, for the Christmas vacation. The vacatipn' will last until Wed nesday, Jan; 2. I * * ,t, * - * ' * > - - •< i ' ‘ JL: The first"semester examination will be held Jan, 17 and IS, A few of the students who rfo not have the required grades have some thing to think about for, the next three weeks. , , " * a* ^ m l , The, High School has scheduled nine basket ball- games fo,r the season, five of which are, to be played at Cedarville. *■ v » * * ' 4 Some of_ the team men have been attending games ' in which our opponents havp been con- --testants so as to get acquainted .with their form of play. By d' ing this our team can be more efficient on the defense when Cedarville play these certain teams. • • • Since this is the last week be fore the vacation plenty of entertainment furnished by tests in almost every study • • * Don’t forget, the basket ball gaitte Jan, 4 .Everyone come I Start the season right by helping the fellow swin. H and , ckk fb . eml handker- ikc W olford Word htk EfeSa received an nouncing the birth of a daughter to Dr. and Mrt, Koy Tr«.me in Denver, Colo., butt Saturday, Dr, Harold J, Fairo, dentist, j will spend next week with rela-f tives in Kentucky, remaining > until after the Holidays. His ot lice will be closed during his ah senee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Usttek and son of Worthington ,0., spent a couple days last week with the former’s uncle and wife, Dr. and Mrs. J . O. Stewart. Miss Florence Somers has gone to Crystal City, Mo., where she will spend the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Con ley,.. ■ The American Legion has the Community Christmas tree now. in place on the U, P. church j lawn. -A change was made in the! location that more people could! be accomodated at the exercises; and distribution Of presents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hamilton j were in -Greenfield, Tuesday; i being called there by the death j of the former's step-father, Mr, Thomas Rider, who was ninety years of age. Notice:- My barbershop .will remain dosed all day Christinas. Chas. Smith •For Sale:- Fresh Jersey cow and calf, a sgood a'cow as ever was found on anv farm. ,- - A. Murdock STATE OFFICER HERE We, are informed that arep- resentativc of the State Board of. Pardons was here the find: of die week investigating the case of Roy Brown, who is serving time in the pen for forging the name of M, W*-:Collins, ami the cashing ’ of checks*. A certain woman’s organization in Xenia made an effort to get Brown re leased some months ago. The plea was that Brown had reformr ed ., 1 ■ -. ■ - * / ” Mirror and Powder Puff V i ' J ,* j , ' i i A pair of long skewers, wound witl narrow green ribbon, a small mirror a flat powder puff, and two double rec Silk poppies will make this pretty pall of toilet requisites. The mirror is bound with red ribbon, gathered af the edges. After the skowers have been sewed to place, the popples arc flattened, placed over them and tacked down about the edges. THE EDWARDWREN CO. " h PRINUPIBLD, OHIO. Selection for !>■ . —No matter how many or how few Gifts you stilt Have to buy, W REN ’S vest assort ments assure a splendid choice. TOYS , BOOKS-and G IFT NOVELTIES by die thousands, as well as other practical items. Lowest prk« . ' ' * Store. Open Every Night Until Christmas I it HI SHOP IN SPRINGFIELD —YOU ’LL DO BETTER ________ p * % TRY OUR JOB PRINTING % ■ * HARRISON IS GUILTY .SAYS THE JURY Dwight Harrison, vice presi dent of the R .L. Dollings Co., that Went broke some months ago and caught 80,000 stockholders was found guilty in the Franklin county courts Wednesday of- a fraudulent representation to inves tors over the ownership of a cement plant. Investors in the R. L, Dollings Co., in this county alone will, loose many "thousand dollars.' fiuinnmmiiiinuiimiiiiimmini[iiiinn Things That Men Like HlffiiniiimtililtlViitijklhliilhiliiiiititliiid GHPffiPlAS jo SALE P ractica l Gifts 1 for. Everybody * . 89 c 5 DIFFERENT COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ■(ANNEX DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR $1.19 SPECIAL XMAS PRICE 7 or 8 DIFFERENT COLORS Ifcre Is a decorative bag, of printed ■ cottoh dmllle> 25 inches long and 17i inches wide. A scalloped edge toms - up over a straight edge at the bottom and each scallop has a buttonhole. - fastening over a glass button. The bag : is supported by a eoat banger, faced5 at the top and bottom with plain challte and French knots mads of heavy aepbyr decorate it. Hung in the closet It makes a handy receptacle for wiled collars and handkerchiefs, which are thrust In at the top and fan out at the bottom wh*a the bag i« nabt»h toned. Men Ilk* a««h wwanleae**, $1.50 A HEAVIER FELT AND BRIGHT COLORS $ 2 L 00 - OUR FINEST PADDED SOLE HEAVY MADE WITH A HIGH COLLAR MEN’S GRAY PADDED WITH LEATHER SOLE $1.25 CHILDREN'S PADDED RED AND BLUE ROSE 59c, 90c, $100 $125 MBaiHiWi^nin>i')M:'li)i... . .....Mud...Bilan •* hiiMinimiaiinMifrw BOYS* KAHKI COLOR WITH BASEBALL MONO GRAM ON TOE MEN'S PADDED GRAY OR BLACK $1.75 MEN'S WINE COLOR PADDED WITH COLAR $1.25 $ 2.00 OSER’ SHOE STORE The belt 1 that^s made in every grade MEN’S BROWN PADDED WITH COtiLAR AND LEATHER SOLE .65
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