The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26

i -WV * ' ' « j * A v"vS !\ <3 ^Brery tt**1* today i t toqrlng tire a*. i|p » nm rnrei totttesa * pretalty upon % pare* toptvat a t , to tire *mk w r- to* «»• * f to* mfcty «w U pr#» a newspaper »mmm m LOCAL AND GENERAL NEW* AW t THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR- V|I,MS AND VICINITY* FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 16. CEDARVILLE. OHIO* FRIDAY* APRIL 4, 1924 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR ■ESaiTBtS SENT ] TOJEHfiAGO Sheriff Mamin Sharp discovered tout th« two toy* who broke into the school house a week ago ware desert­ er* from the U, 8. navy. Their names were Gerald Ragan, SO end Clarence Davia MeDonakl, so. The hoy* had been bound over to the grand jury by Mayor Funsett, McDonald claimed Kansas City an his home while Regan said that he was from San Francisco, Both give dif­ ferent names than what they did in mayor’s court here. It is claimed that both left the ship j while in New York City, March ^th, , The department ordered the me* returned to Chicago, KEEPING A GOODMAN DOWN 1077 SCHOOL CHILDREN IN JUNIOR RED CROSS After a * lapse of several years" the Junior Red Cross is again active in Greene County under the Chairoqpn- ehn of Mrs. W. 0. Gustis. Nine of the tv'cive townships in the county have 10<7 children enrolled. Bowereville has 100 per cent while Bath township the largest-number with-299 enrolled. The Junior. Red Cross emphasizes three things: „ 1 To develope international under­ standing and good Will among Shildren of different countries. 2. TcPinculcate ideals and liahjts of service. 3. To educate the 'children m health habits, Cedarville township has 118 child­ ren enrolled. MBS. J . Y. BOICE DEAD. , Mrs. J. Y .Boice, aged 77^-wid&Wof Rev. Dr. J. Y. Boice, who for forty- five years-was pastor of.the First and Second 'Reformed Presbyterian churdhes .in. Philadelphia, died last Tuesday afc her home. The deceased was for«year* secretary of the Phil­ adelphia- Music Club and was devoted to her church work, music and paint­ ing. She was the mother of the'late Dr..Morion Boice. and is survived by erne son, Wilson Scott Boice, with with whom she lived. Her father was C. Mrif-se, * who received the ‘TUSHTKIL 0OYG, TIGHTER' • ,V-; AyroCAteZ. CONDENSED OHIO NEWS ’ N.w«itam-Piritad*tR*adwi urfSoUsdltewafretireRasr JU«Ur tables announced that trains would run at such an hour, "weather permit­ ting.” Weather doesn’t stop them now I t won’t atop flying machines, either, in another twenty-fiVa years. There are three kinds of wealth only—the Earth on which you stand,1congregation. Pa;, Time, and man’s Intelligence. How Grant Street R, P>] wealth increase* and time is.actually Pa.'$00. %jhn skim LETLION ROAR VIA RADIO. AND NOW FIRPO. THE LAST SILVER THREAD, THREE KINDS OF WEALTH. ILLE COLLEGE sly and kindly to-warff clearing College:, Fairview R. P. I* arch, Pittsburg Postmaster Westwood declared that t.COO ; plefofe bad been rereifed through the mails by negroes in Youngstown since the hilldeye. RluU activities’are ’believed to have fright­ ened the colored men. ^ | Prank Stewart, 19, of Canton, plead*1 ®d, guilty in federal court «t Cleve­ land for stealing hi* grandmother's $ap pension chock and was sentenced to swve one and one-half year* in a ' bore’ reform school. ■ Marjorie Roots, 12, of TyndaJe, Co- ahoctou county, was killed when sb® was struck by an automobile. * Four tminamm wore killed ait Now- i ark when a rfreighft triflin' on the Shaw-: are divWori! of tbs Baltimore and 1 Ohio plunged through a .trestle whose supports Jiad been weakened by ris- H r waters. -The victims: IxmlaRa^- engineer; -H, F, Gartner, fireman; , J. A. Bid-well, -oondfuotor,,and Ralph* oweM, flagman. Smith. Elliott, 75, • farmer near Zanesville, was fatally Injured When a horse reared and struck him with its front hoof, fracturing hi* Skull, First schools to close In southeast­ ern Ohio this year are those o f.Elk township, Vihton county. "The young­ sters are' getting a long vacation be­ cause of lack a t funds to maintain, more than seven months,of school. Fred Ott, <0,i a victim ot •a< gas explosion In which three,. other men were injured and which*wrecked the basement of the Columbus Supply company at Coluiabus, died ,at a hos­ pital of hie .injuries. Fire attacked the three-story -build­ ing occupied by the W-tteo* A Painter Electric company and the Wagner Provision company at Canton, caus­ ing a loss of $150,000, Miners of No. 104, Mine, Goose-Run district, in Athens county, have ap- Mia. Mauds LsnoMter* 53, was sen* NEW HIGHWAY SEEMSPOSSIBLE Madiscn County Commsisiooers a t - - ” ' Columbus pike improvement through that county by applying for Federal and State aid, Sixty 'thousand dollar* of aid money will be available *The action of the board Axes the improve­ ment for sure in that county* Madison , county has six miles of the Columbus Ipike west of London, j The survey must yet be made and it will require some rime to do the preliminary work before the contract can be let. I t is.expected-that the work will be started by mid summer, kArepoft is in circulation that the differences between rim authorities' ip Clark county and the land owners will be settled soon and the Clark county end of the road improved. ;At ; one time the Clark county commis­ sioners indicated .a willingness to ■meet the improvement a t the Greene county line but trouble arose -and the matter has been held up.. The State Department is anxious fO connect up the Columbus pike so that Cincinnati and Southern, traffic can be diverted this way to relieve the' -heavy traffic on the Dixie highway by way of Dayton. ' ’ - Within another year the Cincinnati pike between Xenia and the Warren county line,will be completed, giving the motor public the shortest possible route over paved road to Cincinnati, Wjurensrfifle worithuuse for. speeding.“ Hoary B. Croxton, S3, Republican1 politician, committed suicide ate Now1 Philadelphia by drinking ipoiaon. Fi­ nancial trouble* are behaved -to jhava, boon the motive. Em tet Gueflri end. Lewis Hiuklla were ihjursd seriously when a steel ," smokestack on which, they wore work­ ing w*e blown, down at Canton.- James Lom-ao, 32, w*a kilted and tyro boy# wore injured -when an auto­ mobile in which they were riding wae struck by a paasanger train at Ham- ‘ fiton. Failure-to Me income tax return* and evasion of fate payments amount­ ing to more than. $1-00,000 were( charged to federal warrants served on Benno Boraykofweki, Fwrtelan arirtfl- clal silk manufacture* at Clove-laud^ William Hanna, 3% XJlwichsville, died from .injuries received Oct. 5, 1022, in a coal mine. Wilbur Wright field reports Chow, that so far to 1924 more freight has been carried by air than during the. whole of 1923. ’ * Drewy H. Wysong, former Justice; of the peace at Dayton, filed suit for l $50,000 -damages, against a number of ‘ attorneys-,' alleging, malicious, prosecu- Don. -Melvin H. Oru-baugh to-dead a t Al-’ Kance from taking -poison by mistake.. Canton 'city council -granted a new; franchise to the East Ohio Gae com-' peny for five yeans a t an increase of $ peats a thousand feet of gas, Robert Rohrer* 7, was killed when , be lost hia balance while standing on' the curb in front of hto home a t Can- ton and, fell Under the wheels Of a passing hue. John Young was sentenced at f** l Cleveland*to the penitentiary tor life d^ tUt9 by * * hours and to mtodtte after his trial EbUadelpbla. The funeral services were held last Friday at her home* They were conducted by Rev, -Robert Hunter* Rev.* Thomas Whyte and Rev.. George Stellwagom Inter­ ment a t Laurel Hill Ceffietery. Thtf deceased will be remembered by large number of older citizens. DR. M. G. KYLE MAKES DIS­ COVERIES ABOUT PALESTINE Rev, M. G. Kyle, formerly of Xenia now president of Xehia Theological Seminary, St -.Louis, write a from Jerusalem, according to a dispatch, that the lower Dead Sea region of Palestine has been scientifically ar- ploder for the first time and with great success* > The expedition reports the discov- 'ary of th e old fortress of Kir of Moab and the reigion of Sodom and Go­ morrah, la determined. Graves of a cemetery there yielded fine pottery of the days of Abraham and the glory of Sodom. Dr, Kyle says that the mysterious rising of the Dead Sea can now be explained, and the Bibical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomor- crah is fully confirmed, but withholds details of his discoveries. The legend of intolerable weather In the Dead Sea ia not true, so Dr. Kyle says, and declares that for a wmler health resort i t rivals Luxor, Egypt. President Kyle expects to ar- n re in New York,-April 11- DR .TU1LOSS SPEAKS Dr. Rees Tulloss, president of Wit­ tenberg college, Springfield, declared hi an address before the Antioch col­ lege students a t a vesper service last ’Sunday evening, tha t tile New Testa­ ment Should be translated into con­ temporary English. M i * R o x ie S tinnon & ef rite g £ s & !& Here ’is. a new radio Idea. "British broadcasters will install a microphone and very small transnutter in soma wild Wood, frequented by ifightingy nles, and the wonderful bird "not born for death” will be heard all over England, ■ Suggestion for American! broad­ casters. “Instead of a bed-rime story, let youngsters hear the lion roaring, elephant trumpeting, hyena laughing and baboon yelling from the zoo. I t could be arranged by adjusting the feeding hours. Every boy would like it, especially the lion’s roar, •—III—'. "I’ll fight no more/* says Firpo, giant of the Pampas, *‘after this one fight with Reich." The Argentine giant Means to live his own life and leave the atmosphere of the prize ring, which does not please him. He even refuses the pos­ sibility of making half a million by one more fight in the United States* ~ 1 H - Firpo has met "a worse knockout than Dempsey’s.” A lady from Paris, who sets, wants Firpo to go to France Who was’t betrayed the Capital? •Awoman! Who lost Mark Anthony the world ? •Awoman! ' Who was the cause of a long ten years’ war ,and, laid a t last old Troy in ashes?*—A woman! And now it’s Flrpo’s turn. — IK— Just fifty y ".s ago, young Hart Pease Danks ai his *fife lived hap­ pily, He evihi^wrote a song to tell her that his affection Would last forever, “Silver Threads Among the Gold.” was the title of that song, you remem­ ber it, well, ifyou're fifty. It’s Apret­ ty song. Many have butchered it. “It. made money and when prosperity came in one door, harmony flew out of the other. Danks and' his wife sep­ arated. His son and daughter have quarried about royalties on the song. — Ill — In' 1003, an old man was found dead kneeling besidehis bed in a Philadel­ phia lodging house. On an oid copy of “Silver Threads" .he had written this “It’s hard to grow old alone.” That waa Danks. Last Friday his wife was buried. She had died at 82* in « Break lyn rooming house, where she lived alone. HI WMt Construct your own moral, and be mm to taltete this; “It’s hatter to put a good heues and fate in year wife’s name, or Undid up for her a respect* able bank account, that you can’t touch, than to sing to her “Yes, my darling, you wilt he always young and fair to ate.” *, skm OMwaa- Round the world fliers, encounter­ ing: heavy wteribar, were temporarily 11»mt* ,1 Ji a K m ^ s A*' tokaMHausik f^uoaeAk- NMMHKiy M R f-flREw*-ll#ww* -iMM* RRp tere JHHvHBRHRI wBwhRWwRKT199 increased or saved is shown % re­ search of, the National Association of Farm Equipment Manufacturers. Thanks to machinery, saving' labor, American farmers saved last year 1,- 382,539,204 days of actual work. . / . - Hi — Figured a t $3 a day that would be a gain to the farmers of four'billions of dolttire. Farmers will wonder where the money is. The fact, unfortunately coat <toe to perfecting mscMnery, goes largely to pdddlemeu—not much o f it to those that do the Actual work. ^You would say tha t lag x&tetcfe* on your arato agd -bach (trem#*# gafaiaMo, earners than deep convolutions in the brain, as yon read o f offers made to Mr. Jack Dempsey. He has a moving picture offer of a million, and two of­ fers running from half a million to a million for a few minutes of fight­ ing. »■ . - l i t “Muscle is king”, you say,, hut then you remember that John D, Rockefel­ ler, Jr., leaning Over for his 21 foot putt, might have one little thought that would earn him .fifty millions, and he wouldn’t have to he photo­ graphed, or fight, to get it. - I l l - Dr. Guthrie, rector of St, Mark’s fine Episcopal Church in New York,' believes in dancing as part of reli­ gious, service. Bishop Manning,- his superior, forbids dancing in the church service. Nevertheless, Dr. Guthrie will have the dancing.^How would it be, sinces human brings are different, ond their conceptions of what pleases Divine Power even more different, to let those dance that Want to dance, those .pray that want to pray, and those sing that want to sing. Omnis­ cience above knows what hey all mean and can sort out the good intentions. W. H. CreswcU, Gparville, »0., $10, 'Dre and Mrs. O, ®.Elias, Norwood,' 0„ $20. >* Josephine Rahdatk E. Liberty, O., $10* John H. Lott, Pitt, Total this week. Total reported Total todate $171 to be raised b y : he Jotters acte>m$ ph, Pa., $10. $1508.50, There remain 1924, $1281.50 -tores gifts employment, Visitors made a hasty exit from the clfloe of PofiOe Dhk>f Corbett a t Bel- laire when Oiarenoe Baker, a deputy sheriff, attempted, to ahoot up the office. H* was brought-ta ,on a dharge of bring Intoxicated. Charles Mease, 22,. „ef Xenia, was killed When 6,600 voRs of eiecteklty panted, through frjs body ae . be was working on a high tension electric line pole near Miemtebarg. Prirolmaa 'Gewge 'Leonard wtuf the rem ainder"^' all of bur who have not given, will kindly con­ tribute soon. Will youKelp now? hanking your I am, , Yohrs rincerely, * . W. R. McChesney. tor mwiiiering hU Wife began. ^ ' Herman, Runt* -ww appointed re- Saiver under $50,OO0 .bond for the Pomeroy'1 Sait association at Pomeroy, , Juvenile Judge O’Brien Q’DoUileH •£ Toledo aaya he has found evidence Of a boOte ring, which.has been fur- niehlng liquor to Toledo high school pupite. 1 4\ - Btreetoswr company at Pontoroy may InetaU one-man cars. | Lteutonant Harry H. Wilis w2l glider testa within twA weeks w e a t h - rman fooled all The weatherman gave us all a gpbd Joke by sending us Midwinter weather ' April first with snow and’a drop t o , 20 above. March has had much“the besfcirf December on winter weather. at . FiMChbowfds were removed, from aM stores at Fremont by order. Of W. R. $TEBRETT SELLS OUT INSURANCE BUSINESS ed, when -the officer tried to arrest Wtlttianm in a Youngstown store, Where h* is said to bave raised a dfe- 1 ZL turbanoe. The negro waa subdued by 8 -Schwartz, other- officers. Herbert Daria, 20, w<ur wntenced at Cleveland to Hfe tmprlaononent in the penitentiary, after, pleading guilty to second degree murder in .toe May A new record for cohyeutlopa in Cleveland will be established during May, when.22 wlU be held there, 17 ot them being national organizations. A vetolot tor, the defendant was re- ing of Walter Oyuze. hte 17-year-rid |nrned by a Springflrid Jury which W ,B. Sfcerrett, who has conducted an insurance and real estate business ip Jamestown for the past eighteen years has sold same to Ralph George; of that place. Mr. Sterrett has been in very poor health for Several weeks; and found it necessary to dispose o f the business.. Mr. Sterrett la reported, some better but is still confined to his bed.. DAYTON BLIMP WILL FIGHT THE NEW ENGLAND MOTH Having waged war on the gypsy moth in Ohio and war upon parasites irl Some Southern localities, McCook Field, Dayton, 1ms been asked by the Bureau of Entomology, to help check the spread of moths la New England. A blimp used in other battles against moths Will be specialty equipped for the new campaign.. * DEATH br ings en d to TO A BRIEF ILLNESS George R. Leach,. 78, died a t his home in Xenia, Tuesday affair an ill­ ness of ten days. He is survived by a widow and seven children; Mrs. Corn Kinnison of near Cedarville, Mrs. Maude Harris, Jamestown} Mrs. Alice Huston, CadarriHe;1Mrs, Raye Mur­ ray, JamretowS} Charles of James­ town and Hartey of Xenia/ The fun­ eral waa hsld Thursday and burial took place a t Milledgeville. Nfew American Cardinals RADIO PROGRAMS TO BE A NEW FEATURE The Herald recognising the great i nor mu * in toe interest of radio and the large number of fans in this sec- has provided a musical radio service, Three programs will be fo r Friday Saturday and Sunday with the usual special attraction* for Sunday pro­ grams, Three program* are furnished, as several days in advance and will J b# subject to change without notice.' This is the first service of the kind of -1 fered weekly papers. j 1 Sheriff MorrisllRierp sold a t public] sale last Saturday 15.22 acres of th e ! Willie Stoner farm east of town t o ' J , B. Rife, The appraieemenyyaa $50 and aura sssd toe kind eoWwor fidO1 .eta acre. The land adjetea Mr, Rife’s Jurere S im is .aritejitowiA I A t e w - mvNi tel STONER LAND SELLS, roommate, during a drunken quarrel. Two bandits gobbed 8am Rarear, New York, jewelry m U muuui , jpg gems valued a t $10,009, Jtespar report­ ed* to police at ClevrikuA R«esar said ^as- be alighted from a oar they bumped- into hito. Matched a brtri c*ee -contaihlng the gem* from- hM hand’aod ran away, WiUfara- Wltidnso* was Shot- Sad killed in a game of cards in kie tteme in Cleveland. Hi* bixHher. Maoe-WS* kinsou, was shot to the knee, .Cheer ter Loye was eireeted On changM of murder and shooting to kill. Fearing she would bb. compelled to undergo an operation, Min*. Peter Zimle, $8, died at Maynard. Bebaoctt county, from the effete* of poteoo. JMtnr Means, raiirogd brakeman, was shot at Steubenville when mite takefi by a bootlegger tor a dry agent, He was fatally wounded, Martin La—an, 39,- Cleveland, te mid by police on a efaerc* of attempt­ ing,to admiaieter poteoh to hie wife. Cold weather has canted a short­ age .in toe supply of maple syrup fat Green county. Flare Procter, veteran railroader, <| feH under toe wheel* of a yard an- giae near Logan and was kiHed in­ stantly. Lydabrile Gffwoo, who live* a te r London, te hrid cm A. eharge pi §*•*- Ing a WortMere check on- O.. H, My­ ers, druggist of London, Middleport council has Joined with Pomeroy In. Voting In farcer ot east- tern time. Other nearby towns are about td take the arine action, Drimar Hinton, 15, oil manager of Amsterdam, near Steubenville, ended hie life by shooting fctaerif in toe head, dying instantly. No reason Is assigned for hie act, - Fire destroyed toe Thomas Shea hotel a t Suffisfak Portage county. Lore $20,000. L - Cincinnati muniripSl court convic­ tion of seven chiropmotore, who were charged with advertising thenteeiveis to practice medicine without having, Obtained state tieeneea, was affirmed by Jwdg« Thomas H. Darby to com­ mon pleas court. At Yeti Wert Judge Blachty ap- CXGDlMM- The raising ef Archbishop Hayes of New York Snd Archbishop Mundeleiwe of Ghitego to Cardinal* of the Roman Catholic faith, amid S scene of splendor a t Rome, now flake the Amarietta Member* of the Imereti Cellegt numlwr font. The Iwo others are Cardhud O’Oonnrif -if Breton and ( h t M Dare^erty pointed three attorney* to inveetjgsto 1 charge* against Attorney George N . ! Leaeure, mayor of Delphoa. Affida­ vits alleging that Leseure has been ‘ geilty ot mieconduot a* a ttiemfesr Of the .bar wefe Med in coeamoa pleas , court. { Depew Head, Merlon county farm* to, president Of the National Bwlne Growers’ -association, has been ep-*’ pointed a -director ot toe nstkmal lire stock and meat board, with head­ quarters in Chicago. Coe* miners -in the NrieteiivMte dfc* trict, having had tittle work fee months-, are new t a t a t steady tetfe* ptormwt »* to* ri*r fhuvm, Three Utditirire resytor ******* men board toe case of John W> Roberts against Fred KrOutWater for $5,000 •damages ter alleged alienation ot the | affection* of Mrs. Roberta, j Mayor H. A. Alspkdt declared Lan- 1caster's- curfew ardinancs.wlli be en- . toroed and boys will be forced- to leave the streets at an early h-our ' each evening unless rowdyism, ceases. I After a year to a Zaneeritie hoe-' pttri, Angeline Deplnto, 19, of New Lexington, was pronounced cured of burns and returned to her. home. She 1*U Into a tub ot.scridlg water. , J Siwlngfleld' Masons have approved plans for their otw half uilliou dollar temple. ' Suit has been started at Nelsonvllle te mb aside an ordinance passed by council' forbidding motor buses from using streets on which traction cars nvu. | Students at Wittenberg college are preparing to start on a hunt during the Easter vacation for the skeleton of a mastodon believed to be buried . on a lam 20 miles northeast of Springfield. Parts of a mastodon akstetoe were dug up recently in that vicinity. . John Oonnot*, 19, is dead and hie companion, Lyle Sherwood. 22, is In a hospital seriously wounded, as the result of a cutting affray following an automobile cdHisten a t Toledo, MlSij (Mire -FrJutcss -Anderson, 24, teacher J'n th* -public schools at Co- tembos, died as result.-of accidentally taking an ovsndosa of sleeping powder, u l Mrs. Mario Radtke, 45, was struck ; and killed by an automobile at Cleve­ land. An 18-yato-oW boy, driver of toe caf, is held on a manslaughter I Robbers broke Into Hagerty’s In- terurban bowling alley at Toledo and after tying up two night port-ere, Jim- , oiled open a safe add escaped with j $2,000. ; Clyde Kati, 22, wm killed and three 1companions.injured When a big tow* t g oar crashed into their Fond and tried the Ford over toe 30-feel em­ bankment near Dover. Four men wore arrested and a oar- load of beer seised in East Akron. Court of appeals, at Toledo certified a Stay Of execution for James Brady oi Sandusky, wife stayer, sentenced to die in the eteteric chair at the pen­ itentiary. Appeal will be heard April 14- Mrs. Minnie Back, fio, ot Toronto, Canada, is under arrest at CJevrtefid. Warrants have been issued charging , two men, alleged compsnkws of Mrs. Back, with a otmepltacy to smuggle Into Cleveland wholesale quantities of Canadian liquor. A huge quantity of bonded liquor was weired, , Charles F, Kettering of Dayton has­ ty ea etobted ttoalrmtfi e t the botod-et Itteltsb* tet tb* Ohio Mat* untrerrity t* fiktite to* t*m of Dr. fkmm to .ItstytobMti, teb* * m tereuay. COLLEGE NOTES , *' '*4• ' ,t * The re-opening of college,was mark­ ed hy a timely address by President McChesney, Wednesday morning. This last vacation was the last time, that the college will be dosed Until after graduation, early in Jutte, , ‘ *( ’ to ~ The base ball season will soon be here and the first game will be played rt Antioch the first of next weak. Urv ^so anxious for practice and as soon as weather conditions permit, a capable team- will take the field, •• - r * * , The Philadelphian and Philosophic Literary Societies met in their respecr tive halls Monday night. An Open meeting featured the program put on by the Philosophies, but the Philadel­ phians are determined to out do their neighbors and rivals in two weeks in , l meeting to which the general public :s invited .An interesting and out-ofc- the-otdinary program is prom^ed.' ■ -m ■ ■■*■ .- 4" n- The Juniors ore hard at work on their class play, “Turn to the Right.” to be given sometime in April. This will be the first appearance of this class ,in a theatrical production but what they lack _ ,in experience they seem to have in enthusiasm, i* *•« • . « * Mr. Walker Taylor left T> -day night for the West where he -j em­ ployed by the Ellison-White Chautau­ qua Co, Mr. Robert Leever will leave soon for similar work with the same company, . * V ¥ A box social was given at the gym Tuesday night, featuring April fool’s dny. Some very clever ideas were dis­ played in the realm of "eats". ' „ • • -* H ' The Sophomores and JunJors held a spread at Baulline Collins, Thursday evening, The eats vrere finished and fergotten before the usual “break-up crowd" arrived. The freshies didn't expect -to break up the spread, so brought Jachg their own cats. -The Union Service next Sabbath evening will be held in the United Prcsyterian church ,Rev. White will preach the sermon. The service wilt be a t 7:30. A11 are cordially invited to come. MW •see \ $100,000 Dimples 4 i t w- •4 X}?-' jK ‘ -A . -vil; , Ctewtetto Mato «C• * Lrete, -*U * to re**MHMt tier town agate la M 1*M NattenaJ Kresty Show, Am,*, ^ «* „ .■ .i.. >:<sr ------ -t -....