The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
* fl f 0 *v«ry day's delay la baying th* ar- you n*#d inflict* * paaalty upon tt* pum *#uv«J«i* > th* ea*fc s*\% ijMf tW u** « f tb* artfpl* would pro- dl»©*. A mm $tA ¥K * 31WQJX& ■'m LOCAL AND GENERAL NRW* AND THIIHTJUtMT* 0 ? CEDAR* VILLK AWI) YKJIMITY. F 6 R T Y -5 E V E N T H Y E A R MO. 17. CEDARV IUX # « 0 , FRIDAY. APRIL' 11, 1924 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR 43UMS i ' ll have - T Q wfcAfiL THIS <?NE ALL YEAR ./ SBHTHML SIWITIWBE COMESCOMPLEX Some one mud to the writer the other day^ that politic* in Greene county must- he rather quiet as lit tle or notlung new -was getting out to the public. While there has not been a great deal for the general pub* lie to discuss in a political way other than event* in ’Whahington, D, C. yet tilings have been happening and Some things have not happened that* aeme of the candidates wanted, The big neap of the coming primary cam paign came a few. week* ago when a number of candidates offered them selves for the various offices. The developments in the race for State Senator from this the Fifth- Sixth District are rather disconcert ing to the, faction supporting its nominal head, L. T. ^Marshall, for that honor. For years it has been the custom ip $he district for the counties to take turns andsit so happens that Greene county can furnish the candi? date this year, Mr. Marshall had his committee^ endorse him for the place and this whs to be taken as an indica tion that all otheri candidaets were .shut out. Other counties were to fall in line and give endorsements also. m . m m‘ Evidently everything was not lovely- in the Gowdy-Marshall camp. Some of the committeemen say that they *hemt It is said that the women are 1924 EASTER BONNETS LET'S KNOCK OFF / VN '.t ,OY COUG.GE AN EASTER. 0CWNET FOR MOTHER. AMP PAU6HTER. - W g tt- AVTOCAS'HSIL., 9 CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Pickedat Kaadw and Jtoil«4 Dew* Ur tlw Ba*y l*«*Ur had no knowledge of what was going oh Or there would have been some fire Works at that meeting. Todate the only county outside of Greene to en dorse Marshall has been Fayette. Last week Clinton county is reported*as refusing to endorse, and this has been a break that may keep the other coun tie? out of line-and not ffiix in th< fracus. , ‘ • * A * ' ■ strong for Burke, who carries the en dorsement in a way of one of the leaders that comes from his county. From a political standpoint the W.' C. T..IL and Anti Saigon League have not worked in harmony for some time Both see opportunity for political power-in the control of patronage and neither has the business interest of the state at heart, especially that part that effects the tax payers. Both are ' It is known that men of-prominence- sch°oled on‘ spending money that connected heretofore with the Gowdy-' uuything. ", v Marshall faction are not satisfied1 . ' • - * * . • • ,• • w ife Marshall asi fhe candidate for State Senator in”this district. Some of these mep are endeavoring to get Dr; A /C .’Messenger of Xenia in the .Jsnown that some o f the . .. £&Xeni*, men in the paid; supporters oftiia t faction have been, ti-avelmg in other counties laying plans' for the Dr,*s announce ment. The Dr, has nottyet made a formal announcement but bis friends indisate that such wilt be forth-com ing ih! a day or so. It is said that a lar&e percent of the 'central commit tee* will oppose Marshall in the pri mary. Instead of the., old faction fight In the county Marshall evidently will have his handsfull, making a cam paign in his own .county with former political associates opposing him. . ■* .7 : ■■• .' f ■ . « ■ , . . . a I f -WO read the signs o f the times correctly the Senatoral -contest will be an unusual contest. Men who wo seldom hear discuss »politics have been on an anxious Seat awaiting the pleasant news that another candidate would he entered .in this county, 'fhe balm of questionable securities has left .many sore spots and the part these holders are going to take is to he enough to cause much trouble to a candidate that a few Weeksago edit* tridered his nominations a certainty. A bit of news on state polities to filter ogt of Columbus is the prom ised fight between the W. C. T. XL and the Anti Saloon League over who 'Should! be nominated for governor on the Republican side. The position of the Ahti Saloon League has been kept weli: under cover until the past few days. The League had maintained a position of supposed neutrality but there is rio question now hut that a secret campaign is being carried on for James White, former head of the higua in this state. Friends of Attor ney-General Crat/be, have been urging hint to get in the race. Crabbe has always been strong with the League in the past. • . '* The W. C. T. IT. evidently- lewis towards State Senator Burke- of El yria. who is just as dry *# ymMud Some of those,.days the fax payer* will wake up to the fact that good business management' o f .the state has bee* sacrificed While we tried to bring about reformations by legisla tion; lioiM sf has $M*t. necessary but the -trouble has been; that it alone was all that was given serious .consideration. In many in stances, particularly public utility concerns tqokadvantage of tb&.situa tion, lept a band to boosting, the re» form measures and in turn secured legislation14 that has. placed the con trol of thfcpart of-the otate’a affair* in hands at boards that aregiving the public | raw deal. Local control of rat$* amd regulation are now* so far.reimfcvSd frohi tire'consumer* that even eiti*s .cannot gebfa hearing with out a costly array of legal talent. The publics continues to pay increased cost /with little or no improvement in, servicerrendered.' ; I . • . .Tfhere is no class that is suffering more from this situation than the farmer. There is no difference wheth er it is in state legislatures or in the Motional Congress in Washington, A tyear or so ago we sat in an. office in a neighboring city and heard an ofhand legal opinion rendered that is typical of the present time. When the attorney answered his client he made it plain that What was wanted might’ not stand a test, yet he advised his client that, he would be safe fix going, ahead. as thfc people ware so- busy attending* to prohibition* that nothing would likely be said. As long as the public Centers all thought on one thing and forgets everything else, something is taking place in the “else* quarters that no doubt is going to cost you. something .ven to the things you* catAandrwear. What is needed as much §s anything today in our legis lative hails is balanced men'that*can represent all interests and not- just some particular issue alone. RRMEMBER THE MIDDLEMAN ANOTHER ICE AGE, COODBY, ROADSIDE SIGNS. ^O -T E t^A T H Y , FdOLisN A 'm C E ON MELAON, Would know why soon. With Standard ample, fifteen have agreed to advertising that scapes,' Mono mobiles, soap, floe yeasts and prOdt! mong corporations *tinue disffguring th bill board davertisin This i* more t public opinion a: so good fcusinei ing is wasteful', The Bypath Interstate Commerce Committee votes unamimously to give farm products the lowest possible transportation rate on railroads. It’s a good idea, for farmers, and good for those that eat farm products^ But whSft/ about the middleman? fCut the freight rate sail you please, and that won't help the farmer If the middleman cuts the reduction in freight from the price he pays the farmer. And it Won’t help the consumer if a middleman adds to the cost >of food What is saved in the freight rate. ■- \ - I I I - At the little ferry that crosses the Hudson River opposite Kingston, N. Y., farmers were unloading magnifi cent apples in barrels. The price at which the farmer sold them was about 3 for a cent; At a little stand inside the ferry house a lady* with- a pleas ant’ face wU3 selling- apples not so good*r-price 10 cents apiece. You can't do much for that situation until you do something about qontrofiiug mid- Ilemen. A NEW BEGINNING, *SSS!S!S!S^ T o P le a te H u ib a n d $ 4 % V- « « - - In Minnesota last year a little Swede presented himself to a certain sehoolma’am for instruction, “What is your name?”1the teacher astVd. “ Yonny Olsen”, he said. “How old are you?” “Ay not know how old Ay bane,” “Well, when were you born??” con tinued the teacher,. “Ay bane not horn at all* Ay got stepmuttcr.” —Everybody’S. many die too ag the corporations aue roadside lgutes land- « f tifes, auto- or parts, oil, included, a- will discon- ape- with concession to i; it is al- adverito* At Cleveland Patrolman Showers aoi and seriously w niulo/l MTllwce unklns, 31, when the latter a^tuo-pt- d to evade arroet. Police say Haw- :jnn wa'-j found in a stolen car,. Henry Scott was fatally and Albert Aooror severelyhurtwhen -taeir auto mobile was struck by a train at M l Jrab, Brown county. Georgo Melntire, 33, was killed* vhen Ills automobile overturned aast jf tolumbus. Thro# others wore sli»Wly Injured, Mclntiro's homo was In Whfeling, Vf. Va, DgsponOent over her husband’* Abath ffr auicidp’ a year ago, Mrs. Georgia,JDo Guire, 52, selected the, same room la her home at Toledo, in which he had ended' hi* life, to hang herself,* * Francis Z, WetnighL Mi of Sprlng- ' field, sophomore student in tfPe col lege of engineering, Ohio State, uni versity, died as .a result of injuries suffered wl>eu he was struck by .,ah automobile in Columbus.. ‘ Jacob IAebtag,.73, .for more titan 30 , yearn postmaster of the villages of Will of Mrs, Nettle C. Chaffin, widow of the late Attorney Frank A, Chaffin, who. died recently at3Wash- CLEAN-UPWEEK ISCOMWfi SON Council met in regular session Mon day evening when legislation was pas sed preparing for the vote on the tax levy in November for electric lights. Ington- C. II., was probated, and prao j viHage has always earned its ggEL 3&.V5 ^ erected ‘.in Hyde Park, Cincinnati. dU™ht0 the law. ' W, S,‘ Meredith, chairman of the I The new contract will be the same executive committee of the Ohio j hs the old and gt the same price and Wholesale. Grocers’ association and run for five year* a* *in the former (organizer of the oldeet wholesale gro- icontract. The average price is about oery house In Springfield, died of peri- i $36 per light pgr year. At preeerifc 52 tonitia, Jlights are in pise, ■ •« Andrew Davaty. 40,. shot and killed hie wife, Anna,-38, In their home at, Youngstown, then went to, his poo> room-and shot -himself in the abdo men, inflicting a / fatal wouhd. ■ Bale of the Columbus- Gas and Fuel company-and the Federal Gas and Fuel company, by the Columbia Gas and’ Electric company to the Ohio Fuel Supply company Was.announced at Columbus. _ Nick Tassonlt, 30 , employe of « ’soft drink store- $ut Steubenville, was shot to .death by Prohibition Agent Richard Riser, Who was conducting a raid on the place where TassoMt was*. East Canton, Stark county, fell ddad^; employed. Riser Is -being held on a from-apoplexy. James L. Brown was fatally- injured, at Youngstown when struck on ,the. .head by a. pipe, which fell from the top.of a .tube, mill. . >„ Fire destroyed the main structure at the Reeves ^Manufacturing com pany’s No, 3 xnine at New England, three miles northeast of New Phila delphia, Loss $60,005. A campaign for the adoption of 'eastern standard time has been start ed at Springfield. » - William Lewie of Cincinnati was given a sentence of five to 20 year* ’ in the penitentiary When he entered a ‘ plea'of guilty to a burglary charge at Sprlngdeid. Two children perished-by fire in Cleveland; Patricia Robinson, - 6 months bid. was suffocated by fumes when an incense burner get Are to a curtain in the home. Viv||asLa Grange, 5, died, of bume received from a bonfire in the house when;par ents were absent. ' -, - Blood poisoning, resatting from % Colored shirt rubtyng a carbuncle bn’ his neek; riunsed th* deutit of J. Tranktip weugter, 44, mt technical charge of murder, . , ,, Michael A. Zerbe, 42, .contractor,' was killed when the truck he was'; driving was struck by a train ^an Canton-. " • „ William Beg Crane, noted educator and writer^ shot and killed himself-at ’ hi* 'home' in Toledo,. Coroner- Hefl- eler said Orgnete’ .act-was due to mel ancholia and . ill health. Crane was born in Delaware county- Aug. 27, 1866. - Thelma Nkewafter, 16, was fatally^ .wounded following a shooting .in, front' of; her home*.In^Springfield. 8h,e says Cyrus Dewitt, 35, shot her when she refused to accompany him for a.walk, . Alton- FUcklfager of..Delta, student at, Ohio State university, who disap peared two Weeks ago, was located in Cinclnnjjp. He said he had suffered a mental lapse, * State-Federal Crop Reporter C. -J, West announced that the commercial poach crop in Ohio was practically ail kRled by the January cold waves.' Louis Sigle. w/us killed and his bcbthf-% -Nathan Sigle, seriously id- ed' when their truck was hit by g Learned Harvs might telepatiiy, ___ _ ____ T cross the Atlanta less pastime, and if side* have enough ‘ imagteation .they vyill believe that they hawe ftcobmpiish ed something. * ■ •|l(—“ c; Meanwhile i t ,is fortanwte for the human race that slowly, through, the ages, men have learnedwith the spok en or printed word, that they cap transfer thought frfim one brain to another satisfactorily. There never will he any such thing as telepathy on this limited planet, , . . ^ — |!l— , Most foolish activity, is the attack made on Mr. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, Those that, attack him. should'thank him for hi*, service to the Government. No longer a young man, overwork:! ed, with gigantic interests of his own that needed his attention and that no body else could attend to, he dropped Ins own business and took up the fi nancial affairs of the Utiited States. He did this at a time when, as ev- .4, . T /> ... tag l raaln & wiuiamsftdd, near, Youngs- H. ghpvar of Harbor Tim tax levy asked for this time is only two mills while under the foftner levy was 2 1-4 mills. The duplicate lit that time was arotpid $900,000 and at*preseht exceeds a million dollars. So in a way the lighting under the new contract will not cost the tax pay era*quite as much so far' as rate is , concerned. ■ • ” . V Acting under Mayor Funsett's sug gestion council .gave - orders for a “Clean-up” campaign for the .first week in May, Itiis proposed to sot a- side certain, days for certain streets and property owners are to hatte. a. general,“clean-up”. Mayor ‘ Fumsett reported the co-operation of Dr. Si. H. Grube, County-Health •Commiaioncr, who would file1qffudavite again*^ «U persons who'did not clean-up their property* : 1 Thete are nwnYTll.kept places’ -a* bopt town and** detempned effort is to Ve tnade to let no one escape, / Council instructed the clerk to inoti- fy the management of -the Gedarville; Telephone Compand to move the pole ' at Bird's corner within fifteen days. The time,is not far-distant when street oil will be -.required and the clerk wpa instructed tp get' bids. . , . The street committee wML inspect. South- Main,- street as ■to repairing-. the cement sidewalks,that are below the. grade. B. E. ^Hliams has asked; for a grade for a. new sidewalk in;' fyont of hi* residence. MASONIC BUILDING COMPANY GETS CLEMANS PROPERTY m writing obfoen* tetter* to OtewHand. woa«n. Mab.-j Note Yatee, 25,. Of Cinctonwif, died from burns received March 10, whan her clothing caught fire from an open grale. Slate highway road gangs are re pairing a great slip on the Columbus brick road just south of Noleonvitle fttSwslcourt c w i t h conspiracy to vfotefe tha Rational liquor lavr, Alleging iH treatment, Mrs. Vira G. Pureglove, woman coal operator, filed * suit at St. Clairsville for divorce from Joseph pursglove, Cleveland millionaire coal operator. Rev, Dr. JPurley A. Baker, 66, super intendent of the Anti-Saloon league of America, died at his home in Wes* Eighty-four persona were arrpstetl j’tejyille after a kmg il-lnese, at Cleveland in a vice cleanup; ‘ On the petition-of several, hutidred -parents, the Nelsonville school hoard ban ordered .that Bibles he placed In every school room and that .tfiey be read, aloud each day to the pupils. - Three amedrboys were arrested in Cleveland 'after a fight in a house Which, they were alleged ‘to be bur glarizing. Francie Leslie, *2, was killed and ;Peggy Morris, 28, W*s slightly bruised, wheh their automobile skidded near Northampton, Summit county, went over a bank, turned turtle twice and pinned them underneath. C, K. Rockwell of North Baltdmon has purchased an Interest in tin Wapakoneta Daily New* and will bt come managing editor May l. Sandusky copnty farmers are, com First floor* of three potteries were flooded, (nterurban streetcar service plaining of depredations of eagles, of was crippled and scores of families jwhich there are many la the county. in three towns wore forced to vacate 1 Books purporting to contain the or move to the second floors of their *names of Mahoning county ktensmen homes when the Ohio river reached are selling at $1 each in Youn^toWU. a 38-foot stage at East Liverpool. | New Haven is the latest Meigs Chester Wilde, ll, wa* swept Into county district to become aroused Tuscarawas rlvor ‘at Coshocton and over oil. A shallow well juit-, drilled ervbodv knows, the best brain in the drowned’ when he attempted to ride shot oil over the derrick, erybody knows, we nest Dram m w e , ^ ^ flfloded | a number of Union county roads A deal that has been under conn ^deration for Several weak* -wo* coi^ .^Saturday ri fiwme buMiBng ocoupted by Richards Drug Store and tile resi dence to the liorth occupied by Elmer Owens. * The company will hold,the property for- the present as an inves^m^nt bui it some time in .the future will con cert the upper floor into . a suitable lodge room. The building is well loca ted for lodge purposes and. the mosh desirable location that could be found onMain street, „ t Members of the MJasonic lodge hay* subscribed for stock in the’ building .mmpany and it js the purpose of tite lodge to take over stock in the com pany just ps* rapidly as possible. When the lodge acquires all the stock the building company will pass opt of existance. Masohs are not asked to contribute a gift hut more the lending * nf money. Only masons can hold any ,of the stock and in'case of death of U stockholder, the widow or family wiir be reimbursed to the amount of . the stock held.-• GIVES BIBLE BEADING CONTEST" BADLY INJURED IN AUTO CRASH SABBATH MORNING Scientists fear the appr#ach of another Ice Age. The last on* lasted 1,1)09 years, long- enough to. make hu man beings forget almost ail they had learned. It would be hard on business real estate htld prosperity generally, if we should have two or three years of"Winter with no Summer between, and then ice. gradually'creeping down from the (Pole,'Covering the continent, as fat Southf as San Francisco, or San tarBarbara, - i l l - But perhaps it won'* happen, or science might handle the situation with artificial heating. Anyhow, it would not disturb old earth. She has sliil aeveral hundred million .years to li vo.Wc aro only 12,000 years from the Stone Age. It matters little to Mother. Earth whether we become civilised, now o rforget’ our love and postpone civilization 100,009 years more. Nature is not in Ahurry. There are- living animals whose evolution represent* 10 million years, the whale for Instance, that used to live1 on land and was smaller than a gray squirrel, Co). Bryan need not believe that ,if he doesn’t want to. It’s only what the scientists say. country was needed tp manage United States finances, •111* Family of any patrolman, of Elyria will, receive $500 in case of the offl- , oer’e death, instead of $300, the He has managed finances well, has amount of the death benefit formerly made possible reduction in taxation, paid under the provisions of the po* has cut down by hundreds of millions' lice pension futtil, yearly of the national debt, . t - i M' He is giving to the public for the salary of * junior clerk,#the service,of one of the ablest business and finan cial minds in the United States. He should be thanked, not- nagged. at Toledo from alcohol. Three * druggist, are Don’t, buy your sprinjr dresses until you see the Mary Anna frocks. Phone 143. Florence Smith, Agent, Eleven men died drinking denatured suspect*, including under arrest. Attorney General Crabbe announc ed that his department will make no atatewide Investigation of Irregulari ties and law violations in liquor law courts conducted by mayor? and jus tice* of the. peace. A decomposed body identified ae that of Dr, Hiram Good, alleged mur and bridges were damaged by the re cent high water. City of Cleveland Can purchase the Cleveland Railway company for $37.- 445,132, according to Traction Com missioner Ballou. , The figures are now in tiie'band* of Councilman John ML Sutzman. Francis Laelte, 32, Akrqa, was kill- dd when the auto in which he wj* tiding upset. Donation by Ed 9. Foust, Gr-eenp comity stock farmer, of a lot in Xenia as ,a site tot the proponed new Ma sonic temple Is announced. r Frattf Pratt of Madison Mills, neat' London, «M fined $5 and given 10 days In Jail, suspended, for failure to derer, was found floating in Lbr*mle. permit his *on to attend school. Mrs. James Murray was badly in jured Sabbath while riding in an auto mobile driven by her brother. The party was enroute to Cambridge to visit when the machine skidded in West Jefferson and crashed into a | ‘William Ferree, war veteran, has had twoAldrd* of his starAch remov* ed and has gained thirty-five pounds in weight, He is now able to work and, enjoy life, Nature and science eortt-f bined work wonders, and will take! truck that was along the street, Mrs. Scare of us, if we give them half a J Murray suffered eight broken ribs! chance. Many a man with his stomach ‘ and a bad scalp wound and was takenfwhole would be better off^with half to Mfc, Oarmel hospital in Uolumburi o fit if he learned to take careof what where she still remains in a rather he had left; If men, occasionally i critical condition, From information would throw into a pail what they at haul Mm, Marry m# the only throw, half chewed, bate their stem- psswwrcr injarai U **y orient, .acha, and ihmt look at the pail, they William Gibbs MeAden, who lm was *tdl very much in tin; i;ue for the Democratic presb i r>>:t-‘a! nomination#* by an over* i-ht ,n'(irg defeat of Senator Un.lar- « mid hi the Georgia preferential .jrims. reservoir. The body had a gunshot Wound in the right breast. Dr. Good bad 'been wanted by 8ldney police since Oct, 15,1823, in connection with the murder of Jesse Finfrock on the Good farm near Houston. Dr, V. .1. Crosbie, county health commissioner, ordered all railroad employee working out of Doming, Perry county, to be vaccinated, due to the discovery of a number of cose* of smallpox. ■ -Lake- passenger navigation opened between Cleveland and Detroit., . Cincinnati Mason* oversubscribed their campaign fund of $2,060,000 for &new temple by $22,050, Charles P. Taft gave $200,000. f Aristolefi Zantholes. 34, charged With the murder of George Bolins*, pleaded guilty to manslaughter at Buoyriw and was sentenced to the Ohio penitentiary for 15 year*. ■ Two bandits bound W. H. Pounds clerk, and a window washer in the rear room of a cigar store at Dayton, waited on customers when they ap peared and made a* dean getaway \Vith about |60 contained In the cash 'rawer.. . < ^ ‘ Kingdom B. Hiller, traffic officer. M appointed chief of police at New liladelphia, to mfeceefi Fred UDkfc* m , realgoed, - George \V.. Benton, SO, president and general manager of the Conneaut Shovel company at Conneaut, died of injuries suffered When trampled by a bull on Vis farm. ’ When their automobile skidded on a wet ptvemept and turned over, at Columbus, GeOrgO Oterka, 2, was kill ed, and his mother', Mr*, "WWam Clarke, and her sister, Mm Ruth Clifford, were injured. Governor Donahoy Mamed a proc lamation setting aside the week of April 6 as Jefferson week, Henry Hooksol, 56, was kilted and Wilbur Rosfa, plasterer, suffered S*ri- on* injuries when their automobile turned over near Cincinnati. Union car men of Alliance received notice of a wage cut of 10 cents an hour proposed by the Shark Electric railway in a tentative scalq. i -Attorney General Crabbe notified Governor Donshey that th« State ha* ’ recovered fund* embeztiod by L. i\ Stevenson, financial clerk in the Mat* architect’s office, through converting state vouchers to his own tree. Re covery wa* made from bondsmen and persons who cashed vouchers for fit*- reason. JohaBorilett, ?>, a rititra* lookhfe mat Bfs hf ' at Grovo fny, emtrif. The Tampa Morning Tribune, Fla* gixeS an account of a Bibtei Reading contest last Thursday.night at the Y. tV, C. A, residence. Miss Ruth Bailey, won first; Miss. Pauline, Pittard, se**- ond; Miss Josephine Kingsley, third. Miss Rife has given prizes for the College Bible Reading contest here for soVera lyeafs. LONDON COMPANY COULD , NOT STAND LOSS The well known firm, of Foater* Green Go.,* London^ has madb an as signment to W. T. Booth, cashier of the Madison National hank of that city. The firm recently suffered a heavy loss by fire, The Company con ducted a dry goods store, Th<* cashier of the bank, gave a bond of $44,000, < Porter lectures 1t&M IttYtlAliM- IriiNi; gyta- $g*, aatet.u iw mM, raferrtat $• lu ll -•fwPpnr wnwiiB \k >■ If
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