The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26

Tmtl ? Fetiut uk fun*. Ait f;t ‘nr, (■< * a** u*> *U tw*b ** Mjvb- No I m u |p ipttiwaf Isuitu w v.rt“c '|,-» '•i-,1 him (lit* t«*t iu m«u In Ut**jswt m « u uuiuiJ.;^ e.. ,. .-' Ill# JiBK St-' i t-'. it* * ■ i* u («i.tor «lcf|i>w through wlttub t«» «ur»¥> tlf»*■. '5 - t<» imhucjj . iii ! it ip the telorope *fe«t Kutkiv you tori llir i <it the uuSver.^u) ibShg# You would think jt*ur*rif rirtieutoo*!' ;o*,.i'ur *Mt ufcixomr.t if the tnlcroerepe m t ‘your wily outlook Yon '' o;,hl t?*l l*w‘«s;Uisly little the triw*-«*w yurtr eye it u i> uria: loti, than yon dud your fair , It is tike kmg view tuai the m»td Wpw that «ure# the itettlm,... of preefeipMLlUiim. Culture n:a.v be »u »uibend with (imitation# It 1$ the product of whooHn*. laHtlllKWDv l« uequSred through experience. Tine back >ard i» * good i i<odua* grotuid of gossip, because Its horisc*» jMnarrowed by rrtufluin* toure*. The ppfjndtwl mltvi seeks favor rather than falrneip. It will wish Its tricari w*H, Its enemy harm The fair wind will help to right wpat* ever la wrong. Just m?u do not ouuMn* their approbation to personal friesda; th*y ’become strong bei-nijuvf they recognize the strength of those with whom they have nothing in common. and of those who are aeknewpKiged enemies. It la only the snub who. assume* that the rest of the world is inferior and foolish The t'air-tuiuded man holds but does not obtrude bis religion pr fcta politic*. He 1« nut * true Christian wlio would either believe or wish that a Just Cod would coudtdhn guy doer of good who held to a different faith • r pWJOHoptoy of gentleness, generosity and Justice. The Christ taught na no such unfairness! . ■ The fair,rnliuloil ntau never prostitudes hi» honor fpr business profits „ makes his patriotism a part of his religion, and by honoring himself rrith a thoughtful respect, he leartm to bt a well wtaher of ait men. Copyright, lira, by Richard Uoyd Jpns* I EXPECT GREAT THINGS . .16 MARRIES SO—NO SO BAD ' WAKE DP, HENRY FORD ;DEAD TOGETHER- -HAPPY WHICH IS GREATEST? . Cehiratin* Christmas, In the good, old- fashioned wny—everybody tnindful of-the spirit of the dayv~U»i)(!f< n benediction to the young .and to the old, who gather to rehearse the sweetest story ever told. Little children—happy in the Yule-log’s Cheery glow—mueh the same as babies nineteen hundred years ago, , , . Gettln' their appraisement at the blessed Master's Knee,—Doubtless feel His presence, as they did In Gnllilee. , « . , Celebratin’, Christmas with Us sperit In the heart,—Fu ih an’ Love so w}i»K)ctt, that they can't he told apart . . . No demotion purer nor profodnder. In its away, than family observance of our blpssed Christ­ mas Day! Celebratin' Christmas, tike w v e done so oft liefore,—Hopin’ fhnt the future brings- «#.many—many piorel Conscious that we haven’t*been the Saints we ort to be.—but—we’ve been improvin’ slowly— Is the way It looks to the 1 j Under Monroe, Florida was ■ added to the United States tern- i tory in 183Xby treaty with Spain, ;That should he greatfully remetn- :bered by ladies and geutlement ■now buying mid-Summer gar~ | m en ts to be worn a t Jacksonville, j St. Augustine, Palm Beach and | th an sand o th e r phlces in wonder- llu l F lorida. By th e way, th e .se a r !son th e re begins earlier ' every •y ea r i t h a s begun now , W . J , Con; j nors, o f Buffalo, a t his* own ex- jp en se a n d risk, has b iiiit an ad - ; m irrab le'm o to r-road , rfom Miami ■ to the West Coast, -See Florida. - ‘W - J This j$ a growing country, and {Business grows ’much faster than, ;the population. I n!900 the popu- jlation was. 76,000,000. It ha? Igrown to 110,000,000. in twenty; jthree-years, about 45 per cent not !bad. - ■ • | But consider steel. In 1900 this jcountry produced 10 million tons .in a y^ar. Now it produces 40 a \ 000,000 tons, an increase of 300 ;percent. } If you sell-this country ‘short’" ‘you’ll lose. And don't listen about a “bad presidential year". Prepare for good times, in the words of the distinguished optomist, Mr. Steamer Warren Elsey passed down the Ohio river from Pittsburgh with the largest cargo of manufactured eteel products ever taken south. A lather and tw* daughters were killed and a third daughter seriously Injured when their automobile was struck by a passenger train at a Cin­ cinnati crossing, The dead: Sidney A, Mullikln, 52, school hook pub-' liaher; Miss Elizabeth Mullikln, lb, and Misa Ruth Mullikin, 20, Hoke DonUhan of Marlon has been designated by President Coolidge to look afi the Coolldge Interests In. Ohio, A fare not to exceed 7 center and improved service for ‘ Cincinnati streetcar riders' are the outstanding recommendations iu a^report made by a committee of citizens and public ' officials named by Mayor George P, Carrel to study the traction situation. Charged with rounding up stray dogs, keeping thdm for three, days and then selling them to a medical college in Cincinnati, A. J, Alien, ofii- , cial dog catcher a t Springfield, was discharged ' s R, C. Eldred,*former sheriff:of Ash­ tabula county, and R, H. Moury, a former deputy under Eldred, were ar­ rested a t Ashtabula on charges- of acts fending .'to cause delinquency. They are charged with taking three rV ' • * tv f t ’’ To all children who call - a t "our store * > ' . / i " between.8 and*10 A* M . Christmas D ay we w ill give each a Christinas remem­ brance. " REED PRINGLE No otherpaper brings to your WkoIeFatnity to richa variety o fentertaining, informing, in* spiriitg reading fo r au ages* |Nf A YEAR, 52 1r n« , The Youth'*Companiongive*12Grhat Serial? 1or Group Sto m, bonds* 250 Short StOrici, Advemtute and Travel StottMr Family 1 ji, Boy*' Pago, Girl*’Page, Children’*Page, and the b**tEditorial Page of the daylor maturemind*. Start aYear**au&eriptldhfor YOURt'amllyNOW* Ooat*LC««THANgmint*aW**k. O fFER No. 1 1, Thu YaA’i CtawMha . -R2 !«*».* for 19i4 jB. ARramkbv Weakly lS23i*tUO«) «l*er f « . Tho l»2« CatapmSt* BMWCalendar Alt for $2.80 OFFER A X. Th*Youth’» Companion for 1924 . . . . $2,50 2 . All remaining 1923i»*ue* •3. The 1324Companion ’ Horn* Crdendar 4« McCall’*Magazine $1.00 A l l for $ 3 .0 0 •sum W YOUNEEDPRINTINGDROP IN Uppercut, “ expect great things schools out riding when they - ! ! ! - " .............. — . A boy sixteen marries a widow lady, fifty years old,, who owns a hotel. The lady puts $10,000 in trust for the young husband when he reaches twenty-one. , " —III— - The boy’s, patents, shocked, would set aside the marriage. Yet the widow, only carried out Pla­ to’s idea. He thought middle women should keep very young warriors out of mischief by look­ ing after them, There- is no great­ er parental problem'than the man­ agement of a boy from fifteen to marriage, .,„; a t * v \ ; . „„.v . . .. ^ Wake up, Henry Ford, and get to work •on ■cheap safe flying machines. They are selling them in.Germany, all metal, safe, doing sixty miles an hour, less than a gallon of gasoline for sixty miles. Pi ice $ 1 , 190 . Farm res, salesmen buy the machines by the thous­ ands'. - H I - , Ford could sell them for $500; American needs them. Texas es­ pecially, Where is ‘the-young, Ford to do for America in the air what Ford has done on earth ? The “three estates” of olden time, a trinity ruling all earth's affairs were Royalty, Nobility, Clergy. Journalism was recogniz­ ed, in a -condenscending way, as “the fourth estate.” John Gals­ worthy, writing for the ' London times about fair play in interna­ tional thought, says tin three estates now ruling mankind arc Science, Finance and the Press. Of the three, science is inconx' parably greatest. Newspapers come next, finance third. News­ papers can overrule all the power of finance if the newspapers hap­ pen to be in-the right, Ncwspa- perrs and .finance combined can do nothing against science, ex­ cept pospone its benefits. There are nearly seven thous­ and million dollars in our savings banks. Deposits have increased more than 500 millions in the last year. That sounds pro' perous. Savings bank depositors ;.lone, if they drew out their savings all ; t once, wouM call for nearly alf the money in the country—only eight billions is the total. 1 !lf This will interest millions of husbands and wives more than any other news of the day,: Jean Francois Fennel'* and his wife Marie died at their home near Lille in France at exactly- the same minute. Ill in separrate rooms, neither knew ofthe other’s: illness. Where did those two souls that had lived so long together go as they left the earth simultaneous­ ly? _ .How fast did they travel and in what direction? Did the souls recognize each other as they started off? What are they doing and saying now? c d O ltte tm a d /O Z /r L e s .There is not a person who gives a gift but what their in­ tentions are to bring the utmost happiness that the gift can convey. "Whynot doubly assure your pleasure in giv­ ing worth whilergifts-like these. should have been attending school. City and county health departments at Washington G. R.,vviH be consoli- # dated under one health commissioner, * Edri Mitchell was the first man from Meigs county td he sent- to the penitentiary for making moonshine. United Brethren church has erected a new edifice at Chillicothb at a cost of *40,000. . Edward Long,, Barnesvllle slayer, losthiB appeal in state supreme court, which or,tiered, his execution onJan , 4.' James Brace Is- charged at Oolum-' bus with first degree murder In. con­ nection With the death of Mrs,. Sarah Davis, He la under arrest. Mary Eetro, 15,- bride of eight months, is suing tor dftjprce a t Tiffin from Archie Fetfe, 17, charging cru-. eity and neglect. - / Striking of a 1,000,000-toot gasser in the Berea sand near Murray 0ity, the first in /that section ot Hocking county, has started much prospecting. Harry Huffman was sentenced at. Logan to serve JO years in tl’id peni­ tentiary. He was convicted pfi a man­ slaughter charge tor tunning ■down and killing James Kelley, garage worker., ..... Jaye Oil company has just brought In Its fifth successive heavy produc­ ing gas well In the Carthage Jield, •southeast of Athens. Mrs,- Laura Kimball, proprietor of a grocery a t Marysville, pleaded guil­ ty to Belling liquor and whs fined *100 and costs. Mrs. Kimball was arrested for selling Jamaica ginger and ex­ tracts. Charles Reed, Cl, farmer, while walking to his home, near Caldwell, misjudged a step and fell over a .Small embankment at the roadside. He died shortly afterwards from a frac­ tured skull. Ku Klux Klan organization at San­ dusky has severed relations with both the national and state klan ‘‘as now , constituted.*' [ Floyd Tolliver, 21, a miner, was > killed when his automobile wont into { a ditch near Nelsonville while he was ; attempting to pass another machine, Police, accompanied by B. F. Mc­ Donald, state prohibition commis­ sioner, raided a room in Newark, con­ fiscated 505 ‘bottles of beer and ar­ rested Martos Kvlnters. Four men hold up tho watchman at the Dome theater, Youngstown, and i robbed the safe of *4,000. Theft ot *2,240 from the flour and feed store of Albert H. Buclirle In the same city also was reported. Dale Schroder, 20, of Pemborville, Was instantly killed at Findlay by an interurban car, . / As a precaution astklriBi pursuit a man who held up and fobbed Robert Baeehle, manager of a grocery in Cin­ cinnati, padlocked the front door of the store, effectually- imprisoning his Victim. The thief stole *26. At Toledo Stanley Browski, 14, was shot through the head; Caspar Kwist- kowski, 14, was shot in the shoulder and leg, and Melvin Kwistkowskl, 17, brother of Caspar, was shot in the hand, by Patrolman Bedacht when they refused to halt an automobile they were driving and which pie po- iiceman had reason to believe was stolen, , Ah entire family Was taken to" the hospital, four of the members in seri- j ous condition, as the result of an auto j crash at Elyria. The injured: Mr, ! and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Frank. Jr.H* 5; Alma, fl; Kdltfy 12; Gerald, 2; ’ Lawrence, S, and Cecelia, 15. The Wilson auto wad struck by another ,• A’f CLEOPATRIA BESAD" NECKLACE3 BLUE BIRD ARMOR ME8H BAGS 8ILVER ME8H BAG8. 60 INCH BEADS IN FANCY COL- . OR8 AND JET 69c TO $1.00 CHOKER SETS, IN 4JADE, AMBER, AND MOUNTAIN HAZE. ANY, OF THE VARIOUS BRACE. , LETS SAPPHIRE., AND WHITE, RING ^ AND BRACELET TO MATOH AMBER BAR PINS STERLING BAR PINS 'FRINGE EAR RINGS " r 1 ■ * 1 <■ HOOP BAR RINGS FANCY OGMBS . :L ' , • ' DESK SETS • - ' ' Vs/ MANICURE SETS, LEATHER CASES. IN0EN8E BURNERS SOo UP. UMBRELLAS j- „ * QUALITY, 8TENL1NG3AND PLAT. ED SILVERWARE GOLD LINED, SILVER BON BON DISHES ’ , . HAMMERED SILVER BREAD - , < TRAYS SILVER OAKE OR FRUIT BASKET8 SILVER CHEESE AND CRACKER TRAYS.' SILVER SUGAR AND CREAMER SILVER 8AN0WICH TRAYS 1 SALT AND PEPPER SETS, HAM- MERED SILVER AND PLAIN $1.00 to $3.00, ^TOILET GIFT SET8 *1.50 to ?l00 ' WEEKEND PACKAGES IN THREE FLOWER8, 880 ' ’ o ’ SMOKING sets 6MQK1NG STANDS HOME BUDGET,SYSTEM MEN’S LEATHER BILL FOLDS AT SPECIAL PRICES HAND BAG8 16&&!££*(* Street THE BEST GIFT A SAVINGS CERTIFICATE What better gift could you find for son or daughter than a. savings account that would instill in them the habit of thrift It is a gift they will thank you for many times in later years when it opens unto them the possibility of a college education or Some othe reherished dream , Even a small amount will grow rapidly when deposited under our SPECIAL CERTIF­ ICATE PLAN because- it will draw 6 % • INTEREST All funds deposited with Us are amply secured by first mort­ gage on valuable real estate. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THEIR FACE VALUE HieSpringfield Building&Loan Association 28 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio Anofc justbe- epunty pes, we jug on < ton fan west of Jage of two hes shire hi were sD paren ts drove tl ; loaded road b( frequen from thi Mr. I ill for thought Were av . loss • wa two da turned i the stall This i. of hogs farmers the cont I t is es * 500 and ket hogf Madison Greene two mo beep unt of the h stance w man was his hogs i pen, H prove hi hogs.wei , city. Se- proteetiv . ing form and quic! future w INCOME WHO? i had m 1 ■ more 1 $5,000 j couple j w- *$2-1 1 jncomi l must 1 * WHEN? from J 1924. WHERE ternal trict i lives i place < HOW? 1040A the lai WHAT? mal ta of net the nei , credits per ci balanct ' tax f r e . per ceil ■ $ 6,000 a n : R. A. Mu handsome “The Fore was a ge bag of g(, “The Fen gift may c these days a trip that plant in C , Wc m i f Infil! WATCHES AND DIAMONDS FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE * • MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, DAYTON, OHIO