The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
'4?, tea u m Mmxf dtiay Jj» fcayi^ ft* tt* *W» m note ixrfltot* A penalty upoa Eto * • « * a w iy ite l to tii* « a h m y > to* til* u#t o f the article would bip * #M*. a new spaper devoted n LOCAL ANJ> GENERAL NEW* AND TSU5 INTENTS OF CEDAR- VjLLE AND VICINITY. . FORTY-SEVENTO YEAR NO, 13* CEDARVI1 HO, FRIDAY/APRIL* 18. 1924 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR THE“CLEAN-UP” wIft fib* spring * young man’s fancy Hsrbay turn to thoughts of love.” Houoewivee tom to tteqghta of bouse cleaning; honae-husband# 'to yard cleaning and gardening; and progress' ive. up-to-date cities and villages turn to a general cleaning and beautifying o f fiheir premises, I» our village pf Codarville pro gressive? Is our village with its pat* going to get a good clean ing this year and allow the naturally beautiful places to show their beauty? Are we going to make our village healthful and attractive? Every self- respecting citizen has civic pride enough to reply in the affirmative, aud I sincerely hope that everyone will, - ‘ * We have a beautiful creels running through our village. This creek with its natural beauty is second to none. It has, however, become instead of a beauty spot, a dumping ground for some, business places -and individuals. Ithope themanagements and the other individuals who have thoughtlesslyor carelessly marred the’ beauty o f 'our creek, will clean ; up •their ‘premises and in the future keep them clean and attractive, , Qur back yards as well as our frortf lawns should he cleaned and cleared of filth, piles of,manure, empty tin cans and bottles, ashes, and all rubbish. WHY? First, to insure a healthful place in "which to live; second, to se cure an attractive place in which to , live. Filth and rubbish promote the breeding of rata and other varmin. These, carry disease and destroy prop erty, Discarded bottles and pans sup ply excellent breeding places‘for flies. Flies carry filth ted disease more than almost any other agency. De stroy the lilies and you have done more to" prevent disease, than'any thing else that can be .done. You can destroy1the,flies by destroying the breeding places, You can also destroy the mosquitoes in"the same way, but it js many,' many times harder to ac complish., We, can also destroy rats if we give the problem a little thought and effort and work together ratjifef than allowing ^Ur neighbor to do it. Our water,aupply pmenty another .. „ .r.d4^%<fihn j& set^dhs where • they hhve deep layers of soil* sand and gravel, between the surface of , the ground and, the rock underneath - the water becomes thoroughly filtered before it reaches the wells’ i f they are of sufficint depth. Not so with us in Cedarville. We have no thick layers of filtering material guarding our wells. We cannot consider the stone that lies ao hear the surface o f the earth;.as a filtering material. Therefore;, ,iwe should guard our wells and our bodily health by keeping the surface of the ground as clean as passible. If we had a system of water works pnd se cured our watef elsewhere our prob lem would be different in this respect. The village has provided a place to dispose of all refuge. It is my desire , to emphatically urge every one re sponsible to see that all premises are cleaned up and refuge hauled to our village dumping ground and properly disposed of; the ‘ penning wartd slaughtering of live stock- with in the village limits be discontinued immed iately, that pig pens,, etc,, he cleaned up and every possible measure taken to thoroughly clean up our village at once. The co-operation of otir schools, churches* clubs* ograhizationS, busi nesses, and all individuals is most earnestly solicited. Dor not wait upon your neighbor, but beat him to it, Let us try to Clean up Cedarville! THE MAYOR WAITING jvmrPwismCT *■ OF C p u l THERE’S ALWi GOME* THJ PON‘T Hi W 9 SSSSA^Z TROUBLE AVERTED OVER - PROPOSED NEW ROAD F o r S a le :- Th o ro u g h b re d G uernsey cow , fiv e y e a rs old . Geo. W . B a k e r For Sate:- Gray draft mate wt, 1400 lbs. 6 years old. Sound and has been worked everywhere. S t , H a r r y X e n n o fi m New Attorney General I Mti/hm Fisks of' N«w ** 3 t a native *f NrivHatt^ ^ is PrnMMik CssJidg^a r*OMM«& H* ™***»3 *** m m m m * tm * ' ■ ■■■■•, „ Farm owprs in Xenia and Spring Valley townships protested - to the County Commissioners over the pro posed new improvement on- the Col umbus and Cincinnati pikes south out of Xenia to the Warren county Iiffe- ‘ A meeting was held Monday night when the protestants appeared before the Commissioners. Opponents of the read had: informed lahd owners, that the improvement would cost ?lo or SL5 an acre. ' iPhe county has been granted $70,000 federal aid by the state for the pur pose o f paving, The road will be, 'o f the water-bound macadam typo with tar hinder, nrnJce bo improve- , he widened to: 60 fSsfeaa only about a dozen petition ers are necessary. County Surveyor Davis said that a water-bound job was recently sold* for about $16,000 a mile which might be taken as a standard figure for the Cincinnati pike job. This would not be over two or three dollars an acre for ten years. It is 'nothing more than fair that this improvement •be made. Oh* the other Main-market, roads, land own ers have been paying for such im provements and the lahd owners in the western part of the county shohld do the same, The survey will*'Ire, made at once and an effort be made to sell the job probably in July. If, this can be done part of the work may be completed this fajl. The county commissioners have taken the proper stand in going ahead With this work and over-com ing local trouble in order that the county get the $70,000 federal aid. When theToad is completed the county will be relieved the expense o f care and maintancewhich falls to the state. When this road is completed the ColhnVbus pike will be hard surfaced between Columbus and Cincinnati. It is assumed of course that the Butman Company will have completed the small section’ east of town by the time the other contract it let. RUTNAM COMPANY GETS COLUMBUS PIKE CONTRACT The State Highway department has Jet the contract for the Columbus pike improvement from Clayton Me to the county . line at BlocksOft’s bridge, a distance o f 2.2 todies to N. B, Putman, The contract price was $39,643. The road Will be water bound macadam and be treated with tar later by the state. The successful bidder built the Cf-davrille-JamestoWn. pilce. The con cern has the best equipment for road building of any firm in the state and will complete the road in six Weeks. GAS WELL FOUND IN TILLAGE OF MEGHANIC3BURG While drilling a well for water at the.residence of Sarah Tompson in Mechanicsburg, S, A, Burnham struck a pocket of gas. The gas was lighted and flames shot up 20 feet in the air. The well was but 75 feet deep at the time. , B E C A R E F U L W H O Y O U A I D The Greene County Red Cross has sent out a notice that? transient ex* service men ate often imposing on the public and a warning in issued not to help the** imposters. Worthy oases at# aashsted by ■the Red Otoe# i - ANNOUNCESFOR . STATESENATOR JURORS BI ■The fbj$ drawn for thSff Picas Court. I Grand. Ji Amanda , . Fred She! . C, F. Sue ’ J.B. Keitc ; D, E/ pads *■ Rose Ledbp .Helen Ando’ I Charlotte Charles i« 'Florence “ -1 L. F. -All . F. H, Rauf L, H .'l Nina: IGF; COURT have been ,pf Common 11f 1 >„*: reek twp* yper twp* ' rcreek twp •creek twp, peek twp. Dr, A. C. MESSENGER. Dr, A. C. Messenger, well-known physician of Xenia, O.* has announced his-candidacy for the office ,of State- Senator for the 5-6th Senatorial dis tinct* formal announcement being made Saturday. Although Dr. Messenger has held public offices, having been a*member o f .the Xenia School Board for 12 years and City Health Officer for 8 years his present candidacy marks his entrance into the purely political field. Bom, raised, educated and practic ing in Ohio* Dr. Messenger is an all- Ohio man. During the Governorship of McKin ley, Dr. Messenger was appointed res ident physician at the 0. S. and S. 0.’ Home, Xenia, which position he held 12 ycars.^Upon leaving the Home e established a practiCe’Tn Xenia. For the past 10 years his son* Dr. H. C. Messenger ,who is Post-Commander of the American Legion in Xenia, hits beOfi associated with him* Dr, Messenger was commissioned a Captain during the late war and was assigned to Wilbur Wright field. Hfe is an ex-president of the Greene County Medical Society, President of the Xenia Masonic Club. President of the Greene County Shrine Club, and a director in the Greene County Auto mobile Club. Also he is<a member of the official board o f the Presbyterian Church, an offlfce he has held 30 years. He is a memiber of the Jr. 0. U. A. M, D, of A, and I. 0. 6. F, Due to the fact that Dr, Messenger is so well known over the district and that a division exists in the local Re publican committee* it is predicted that he Will prove a strong candidate. M. E. SERVICES 6:00 O'clock E, L. Sunrise Devo tional Service. 9:15 Sunday School. Music by Or chestra, Study Period. program by Junior and Primary Department. tO:PO Sermon: Subject- “ Risen With Christ," Reception o f M em bers. 2:30 P. M, Junior League. ¥:30 CantatWCalvary" T. D. CK rii^^N a^ rek twp. Mary Brid^fifin, Cedarville.. Katie Ledbcfeor* Xenia. ' Harvey E, Crowell, Bate. Carrie Crouse* Codarville twp. David Bradfute, Cedarville twp. ^ T« A. Dean, Miami twp. / Stella Bishop- jXfenia. David Brown, Xenia. H. N. Coe, Miami twp. Meda Gowdy, Xenia. R. E, Corry, Miami twp. ' Aj%e Conipton, Xenia. . Susie Batte* Beavercreek twp. L. C .Short, Xenia twp, Cora Maxey, Xenia, Charles Kable, Sugarcrebk twp. Mnbel Matthews, Xenbu „Ophelia Rogers* Xenia, MADISON PRESS SAYS LAND • DEAL NOT YET MADE Some time ago tire press stated tea a large seed Company bad purchased 4000 acres of the Houston farm land in Madison comity where seeds and shrubbery were to be grown. Ten days later another report^ in dicated that the dpal Was off and teat the land was being surveyed to be sold1 in small farms at auction. I The Press this week carries a state- [ ment that tee receivers have not Sold■ the land to a seed company btu it Is admitted that a contrast is under con sideration and must have tire approval, o f the court. I The Ohio Seed A Products Coe a concern said to be connected with .a large Eastern seed company* purchas ed the Wing Seed Co., Meehanlcsburg. This same company has leased the “Houstottia" farm for rent. CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked at PiwSnmand Belled Down far Ike 9aey p—*— .fame* B. Witeon, 65, Canton, we.' killed by a train when bis auto was demolished at a xrswle crowing. Federal agents seized 51,600 worth of narcotics at Cleveland and arrested James Kirk alleged leader o f a gang of dope peddlew, ’ ■ Steamer '‘Cincinnati” made the trip between Cincinnati add PittebiM-gh in 10 hours, for a new record, Dayton city officiate predict -that the matter of the us* o f both one and two-man cars at Payton wfll bo com promised with the tructiod’companies, Athens, county’s jail records show ,hat in the past quarter 174 were Im prisoned,’. and ?S of them on liquor chargee. ' , Marion Elks have arranged ter a charity; circus for one weak, from. May 6. to May to inclusive. Oscar Hitchktas. 28, living near Newark, committed' Suicide at his bonie by drinking poison. Hitchktss is said to have been despondent over 111 health, } Johatbati A- Radebaugh,, 57, Colum bus. died Jrom Injuries received, when He was struck by an automobile. Otto Martin was fatally burned in •a' fire which destroyed’ the interior, of Mo .cell in the .Mechantcsburg jail. Officials believe he fired the bed cloth ing when he attempted „to smoke, Martin .was,arrested on, a charge of drunkenness, - Chief of Police Richard E. O’Brien Annoii’nqed he would conduct a qodrt fight against the action taken,by the Springfield* city commission In abol ishing Ms office and vesting bis duties and authority In the city manager, Robert W. Flack. The change Is ef fective In 30 days. Beaton Garringer farm o f 30 Qacres,- near Dondon. was sold at sheriff’s sale to Edgar Ooii for $140.25 per acre. This Is the beet price for a farm in .Madison county for some ime. realty dealers say. Adolph Unger, former mayor ■of Tiffin, has been sued for divorce by, Mrs. Ruth,’ Unger. She- charges neglect. r , ’’ , Rev, O, O, McKinney, pastor of the First Presbyterian -church at Chilli- cothe for ’ the last eeyen yearn, re signed; effective June l, to accept the pastorate at the ‘Westminster Prdabyterism church of Cedar Rapids; lows. Bernard,Dench,’ 6, ■died in a hon* pita} o f a 1fractured skull, sustained as*,** Cte W ( J. H, Tboir, 35, electrocuted at i Bay Village, hJrie county, white he wa» jnepalrtaig a atr.eet Tight. By •standees saw hjm tedd from the pole | Three men were hold for investigo- i tion toffowing soimwe of more than I 200 quants of whisky and a OodMoc , tearing car by two patrolmen at Oo- j luinbua. The men heW are peter J, { Gttassman, Nabboir* Devd sad hlaicolni' j Rood. , * ' . Wilma Eatiier Hoffman, aged' 14 joontlia, toddled' to a dreesOr at her papauts* home in Youngwtowp and ' clutched at a revolver which had been toft lying there. Afe the weapon struck . the floor- It "was ole'oh&rgecf, end the bullet wc ut through: the baby's heart. W ffihur Schoenbaoh suffered a frac- , 'toned sikutt w hen felled, police say, b y , * piece o f Jeed^pipe in t h e ’hands o f D om inic -Chap, 51 , at Ctoveland. Six Ohio miflers loot WieirHives dur ing the month of March, according to g report filed with' the .indut&t'riafl' re- ■latfons oonuntewcm by Jerome Wat son, chief of the -miminig division. A jury at Delaware gave Fred Jor- ,=don $1 tn hiq action to recover $ 10,600 from Ralph Main on a claim of false arrest. j At Cleveland Federal Judge West* 1enbaver. “padlocked'’ 40 soft’ drink ’'Places after charges of liquor, Jaw violations were,filed. , Thomas Mcdrqevey, 33, world wax Veteran of Junction City; was instant- \ly killed near"New -Lexington .when' part of an, oil derrick fell on him. Meigs county is .h h v in g an o il and gas boom* fo llo w in g the diseov*fry of •two new w e lls -In the Nease settle* m ent, w here there are now 25 pro d u cin g w ells, - M e rg e r o f the Y o s t Gearless M otor com pany and the Superior .S p rin g i com pany, both of Springfield, U^dei' , the nam e, o f .the Y o st S upe rior com- j © any,, has been announced, J, Jam es Jen k ins and W ife w ere k ille d 1 Ja t a crossing b e a r To le do W hen their auto w as dem olished b y a tra in . T h e y re sided at' A dria n , Mich.- ; A staffed motor was blamed at Mc- Qook field,,Dayton,, for the death of Lieutenant Theodore Van Vaghien,' etunt flyer, who# was killed when his plane fell 500 feet He was taking oft tor^-an .exhibition- flight. ’ John Gibson, colored, was convicted Of nffteMaughtex at Marion In connec tion .with, the, kffiing of James W*.t- ^^teo^.coj FARMEISDIVIDED ONPRICEFIXING There is a bill now before Congress designed to give aid to farmers % thfe marketing of crops, It may be a Igood bill, It may in tea end work a ihardship on tee country, and this In !tho end comes back to tee producer, ithe farmer. I "Lake every*bit W? legislation tijero ;.are two sidgs to be considered, We are ‘ not attempting to endorse this-bill or to strictly oppose it yet we believe jthat- there should .be fair discussion as to tee merits claimed, The bill has some strong backing by men that are ; supposed to know what i% wifi do and on the opposition side we find men of national importance to be strongly against it. The hill we have in mind is what is ’ ’ , l • ■ ■ ’ known as the McNary-Haughten biff . now before Congress and designed to aid the farmer in marketing crops. •First we would endorse tfils/bill if it will do what it is claimed to do for we live in an agricultural county that is composed of men who not only own farms but reside on them and give personal supervision, _ - This bill will mean that the govern ment must puyland sell-wheat, cot- ; ton, and other agriculture products ‘•;:; at a price to he fixed, by the commit- ■' M A N K I L L E D W H I L E U S I N G TRACTOR IN FIELD * Gilbert Gratton, 33* living near South Vienna, wax instantly .killed last Thursday afternoon, when he was crushed by a tractor in his field While plowing. The tractor slipped while a sharp turn was being made by a,ditch When an effort was made to get the tractor out o f tee ditch it turned completely over crushing the driver beneath it. Death was Instant, Ten men were required to get the tractor up so that the body could be released. ASSESSOR'S BLANKS OUT C o u n ty A u d ito r W e e d m ailed o u t 8,000 blank s to p to p e rty ow ners In the ’ c o u n ty to ho m ade o u t and re turne d l to hi* office b y M a y 1 st. A ll re turn s a te t o be m ade as M a y 18 . O n e o f the new Item s to be re to rte d th in jreujf is the ra d io set. Thousands o f d ollars ■rficaK:}, ci{V i(Ti|0ii.tUilnWW i)W<WU-j ■ F o r W h ite L e g h o rn E g g s f o r hatch in g , d a y old chicks o r custom hatch in g , urn o r c a ll H . K . S to rm o n t, phono 3-213. "*■ have been Invested in R adio sets in the p a st y e a r in t h is county as w e ll ha In o th e r counties. * G o to R U g w a y 's S u n se t etoftjhD j’to , te a InuudteL i ■ ■: «■. . drugstore he t * t to for On the wires -tire „t*xlc» crashed into a pole. Eberr 'Wolfe •was fatoffy injuxted from ibuoksbot Wounds mtd it, B, Rouoh, bis paxitoer •to qperatjws a sand digger In "the .Ohio river, wusi SevereSy injured as a ' reealt, pettice said,, "of haring been shot from am- busli'at Grown Point, neflx Guffi'pclie. Viaoont Blada, 45> committed .eui- tede by hangtog iu the city jaff at Youngstown, - Daily frontonian baa bpea sold* to Harry E. Taylor and Valle B, Horoldi owners of tee Portsmouth Evening Times and the PariKroOuth Morning Sun. The new owners will completey reequip tee Ironiton plank Burglars entered the olothing Store of Lee Urban at St.' Paris, near Bpringfieid, and obtained money and mextibaxvdise tetaitng 33,000: M*k» Ava Dean, 17, a Holloway (Belmont county) high school stu dent, wrote an eeeay on the need of a road between her home town and Flushing. The county commissioners* Impressed by the essay, voted to im* prove the road at once. ° Henri Bourbon, newly appointed traffic officer at Middlaport, got 90 days and a request to leaVe town Wheal be admitted taking uniforms of two city firemen to cut bp for a uni form fqr himself. Attorney E. Bright Durfee, 05, of Marion,Mied in a Delaware hospital following an operation. Durfee was, a former law partner o f the late Judge William fi, Scofield. * Wheat to Ohio Is in less favorable condition than last year, according to C. J, West* statistician for the state- federal crop reporting service. Wheat conditions are favorable throughout tire north and northwestern counties, but central and swtttirem sections have suffered severe effects from the weather. Only haAt * normal crop wRI be reaped in some counties, West predicted, Body of Mrs. Mltolbeth Btitie was found la a ravine at Youngstown with tike head, crushed. Police said she had been attacked and thenmurdered. Bett Garrison, 83, of Bremen* Fair- field county, died o f a frSctilred skull* Which he received when t telephone pole fell across his auto near Lancas ter. Elmer Widen*?, 35* of Sugar GrOrC, riding wMh Garrison,’ do in a serious cottnllWotti Delphi)* Framing company was sued in federal oourt at Toledo by the. government for 3552 alleged due as income tax, ■ Robert Mitchell, 8* fell to AhWera eg We parents’ hofire, Jo Marion, and Was drowned * Attorney J. V, Stewart, 80, died at hie home to Marysville from par alysis, He Is survived by a widow,( three son* ted a daughter. State Director of Agriculture Truax announced that wore then 400 farm ers in 49 counties of Ohio have been paid back rental by the state fish end game division M Teeter* to the state of wooded tracts for gams preserves. Becauee the bride-elect was tm« day too young, Probate Judge Wgb- Mor waited at the courthouse at Mid* dirport with a young couple untit told-, when tee pelt got a toarriag* arms being received by mail.1 ,Contract for the improvement of “death stretch’’ in ithe National road, near London, will be let May 2. A drive was started by the Spring- field chamber of commerce to add 509 new members. , ' • 1 Mlto Nellie Matthews, 49, Ravenna, j committed-suicide by sh-ooting at. the homo of a sister. Despondency was blamed. , . Congressman John McSweeney of WoosterJ.nd Miss Abby Schaeffer, do mestic 'science: teacher in thb 'Woos ter high school, are to be married in" June. 1■ Sunday Creek Mine No. -210, the last working mine in the Sugar Creek field, near Athens; bah closed. About 700 men tore Affected. Night classes for adults at Nelsop- vflle closed With .old-time “last day” programs, Through the work of club women Scores of people have been taught to read and write. Two-year-old daughter of . Hiaxry Bowman was burned to death at To ledo. 'The child's mother ate Mrs Ursula Britton, whom they were vis- jttng, were burned trying to save the Child- Robbers, wbo smashed a safe in the office of the Lakewood Methodist Episcopal church, Cleveland, made off with 8540 in Cash and $168 in checks. Thomas A. Burke. .34, world war veteran, died at Hamilton after the automobile in which he was riding swerved from the Dixie highway, ran through a fence and lipeet, Briton P. Siddrii. 26, of Equality, 111., was sentenced tri life Imprison ment, at Cincinnati, on a plea of guil ty to second degree murder of his 'friend and clasemato, Juan A.'Mai- tela. , A. B. M. Pratt# stock broker, miss ing from hie home in* Norwalk, is alive and wMt In Clevetabd. Funeral services were held recently at Nor walk over the body Of a men found in Maumee bay ate identified by members of Pratt’s family ae that of the misting broker. Pratt said he left home following a quarrel. Three persons were tolled in auto mobile .accidents la Cleveland, The deed: Michael Carditri. 291 Mildred Slieka, d, and Mra. Anna Ware, 68. Elizabeth Gallenetein, 23, pt Mays- ville. was kiffed when ah auto turned! turtle user Cincinnati. Stephen Edwards of Sidney, who to ; in moderate circumstances, is to be come heir to $5,600,00# estate left by an uncle, according to the family in Sidney. The uncle, Robert EdwarAt, died last November in Charleston, W. Vk. . increased ttiephone rates upon uni fication ef service at, MtostiJToh were ’ suspended for 120 days by the public intilitiee cowmtseion following a pro-. ' teat from effy offtcitis of Maselllon A hearing wffl be held May 14, ' John Ireland, 86, retired farmer, committed suicide by hanging in his ' garage at Marion, He had been in j pooT health, ! As Stephen Brier, 48, wo* prepar ing to go to New York to meet his wKe Nte four chiMrtm, hi Wai by a freiifrt. eegtoe-M Cfteto* . kffkd. I ±0 .handle this.’ project. ‘ ‘ - ■. ■. One of the dangers in this' program is “What about the law of supply and .. demand?" How can tiffa be set aside?. We have ’never heard this feature of the question argued. For this corporation to use 200 mil lion dollars of the people’s money i;o • buy Wheat and cotton > at say $2 for wheat and SO cent? for’ cotton, ted bhen have to meet Russian or Argen tine wheat at $1.50 a bushel or for eign cotton at 40 cents, this govern ment faces a great loss, - “ 1 , This loss must be met by' the gov ernment turning oyer mo|Cmoney and’ government revenue comes largely from corporations that not only hiake4 j automobiles, but clothing, shoes, ag- ’ ricuitural implements,, dtp. The more. • revenue needed by the , government the higher the tax. This tax is placed against cost o f production and Ik .put on the first soiling ejistof w m to do ratifies! to the selling price before it reaches the consumer whether he is a farmer or city dwelled. „ ,, - ‘ 1 We find that not near all*the far mers favor this kind of legislation as yid to the farming . class. Some ,of these farmers think it a dangerous precedent to establish for other in dustries might attempt the same thing, on the plea that one class lias as much right to public funds to guar-> anted prices so as to insure a good' profit as anyother. Another ‘farmer indiscussing this question made the remark that once wheat prices were guaranteed the acerage the next' year would include every orchard and gar den spot and the country would go broke. ■ Senator Frank B, Willis in a letter this'week to the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce,stated that he Would cast his vote against the hill as long as it stands the .way it is incorporating certain amendments' would he vote for it. His reason was that the bill wax purely Socialistic . and would upset business conditions in teiis country. , r. i ■ J . V *' It At the preferential primary* April ■29th you will get two ballots. One will have the names of the delegates at-large as Well as state delegates. If you want to vote for Coolidge you must vote for .Coolidge delegates, The other ballot will have bytitwo names, Calvin Coolidge and^Hiram W, Johnson for president and Ww. Grant Webster as a candidate for vice pres ident. An lx) la, all that is required on this ballot when placed 'before Mr, Coolidge’s name* YOU WILL GET TWO BALLOTS N ew M o n r o e D v i t n i i c j S s wLtv« in GoWs own Florida: eat moderately; and dm’* worry;” is the * n et? oi l i , 5m Edward J. Montoe; luS y-ar; i bf JockatHStitie* Fto„ y .art -•* vf*? Of RrMhCtet I”. » v, •- • to ItiiE tetorge. 4*9e«,jr, V», ** Ifflfi. i " * a ^
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