The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 1-26
* * te f in f * A#i«y to tojyhif &> $x* tleJ* yew juwd iaflict# a penalty upon $b* p om (KpuvpkMjt to th* guilt tsav- to# the u*e o f tin article would pre- #«*#» ' F O R T Y -S E V E N T H Y E A R N O , 21 WAR MEDICINE FOR THE MEDICS Washington investigations in both; boose* o f Congress# are the topic o f interest in polities today. Suits . arc now to be.hoard testing the authority o f a Senatorial investigation and jusc what powers a legislative branch pf the government has. It is the opinion o f many well-informed persons, that Congress has gone*too far bptf’ every now and then we read the view o f Some writer on the otherside. After all wo doubt if much criticism can be attached to what certain radicals are doing in Washington. Ohio has . a law that makes the governor, the prosecutor, judge and jury in the re. moval o f officials and no provision is . made for an appeal or review of- the testimony, The amusing thing to us is that many o f those who are critical of the power the Senate has assumed were responsible for the Ohio law that makes a king out o f our governor, no matter-what party he belongs to, + ' * . -• m , I f recent, primary elections -are to he taken as a guide the people are not much interested in. the direct method pf making nominations, When the public, more than fifty per cent will ‘not go to the polls the question arises „as to whether the voters are against the primary or not satisfied •noth the candidates! put up. A meeting was.held in Columbus to discuss this feature o f making nominations’ state offices. Certain republican pol iticians want a Convention to make recommendations. Others do not view the plan with much favor. I f a plan cap. be worked out whereby ,all candi dates on the Republican side will en- .ter into an agreement' and stand by the result, we think this new feature in.politics Would he correct. Rut if the candidates Will not be bound the plan will be dangerous to the party ,later on front the viewpoint of suc cess. ■ •" ; / ....... propaganda has been handed ground that Dr. A,' C. Messenger would not be a candidate at the finish fo r’State Senator in this District. The story did not have the semblance of truth but it was put out by the MarshaU-Gowdy crowd for.n.purpose, . * * >. * if Leaders in the Marshall-Gowdy faction are cooking "war medicine"* for the Greene County Medical As sociation. It is to be deadly poison and what is to be said about the mem bership o f this body is expected to inflame the public against the medi cal fraternity. It all comes about of, course os a result o f Dr. A. C» Mes senger announcing as a candidate for ^State Senator against the county boss, L, T. 'Marshall, who had his plans all made early last winter and tried to make the face a stake event with no ontries hut hii.^elf. The fog that' is being centered under cover by the Marshall crowd is really directed a- gainst Dr, Ren R. McClellan, who has •been campaigning over the district in the interest o f his fellow townsman and*associate, Dr. Messenger. No one questions the influence in and out o f the county that Dr. McClellan has and this is to he offset by the stow poison process bf inoculation that the Gowdy Marshall crowd has Used with success in the county in the past. The voters can prepare themselves only by quar antine against the mouth disease that Marshall and his friends will spread against the medical fraternity. * m • * * The otherside of the contest be tween Marshall and the Medical As sociations in the district can best be Ithe Ulan vote in exchange? All this judged when'wo tell you that Mar- must take place before the August shall has the support of a Columbus primary. There is going to be no lobbyist who has a political hold oil j hedging and every member of the one o f the lower counties and through .two Marshall committees are going this lobbyist Marshall received a fifty- r to be held accountable for what the fifty endorsement. The organisation chairman does between now and the the lobbyist represents has Vert corf- jprimary. testing with the medical fraternity | > ____ ___^_____ for several years. Crooked politicians HIGHWAY MEN HOLD-UP A MWSV APJ» DSVOTjfcD T t kOCAL AND GKNKKAL MMW9 AND TRB INTERJWTB OF C«DA*~ VILtJS AND VICINITY. IO. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924 PRICE. *1.50 A YEAR CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Item* Pfekrfdat Banda* and Rolled Daw* for the Basy Readw COUNCIL® Tldevs# broke iptp the Hegel oboe | Burns received In an art gallery at 'tore, Cleveland, cracked the sale sn-d ; Oclumjbiw may. prove fatal to Saragi •The public has a moral as well as DR. W. R, McCHESNEY BIBLE READER'S'j a legal* right to know how candidates . MAKING MANY ADDRESSES ' ’T.D3 stand on certain public questions. The - - . ....... . } other day a representative of a color-1 President W* R. McChesney of the The annual Bibtej ■UtEBT 4. , AY, MAY J3 ader’s Contest Will be held -in uesday evening ed organization with headquarters in College, addressed the Xenia Rotary of Gedarville Colte; one of our, large cities visited in this Club at-luneheon Tuesday, the Spring-the R. P, churchy m , county. This organization stands, for Valley High. School commencement on May 13, at 7;3Q o'c^df, equal rights between white and blacks Tuesday night, the Morning Sun The following persons ‘will contest in hotels, restaurants, the sleeping High School commencement Thursday , on the chapter# opposite their nomes- car, the dining car and * the theatre, night aiid expeetsito give the bacca- j Dorothy OgteshftojS Cjor. 18, ' Me are informed that- Mr, Marshall laureate address at Martinsville,1 met this 'representative in a more or Sabbath, Last week he made the less* secretative way,.- The public has baccalaureate address at Ross town- as much right to know JmWjhe stands ship, the high school'commencement on this question as the representative, address at New .California and at In justice to the colored psqpte we in-’ Ben^sviUe.j sist that the answer be made public Tv“ y.aiaed $1.2(H). TV.u hoys found the body of Adrian OlJbloom, 7, in SpvingiU’ld: lake, near -V-kton, The child disappeared- last week, Ctecar Winkjor, 22; died, of. injuries received when his automobile over turned near Cleveland. Six other oc cupant# of tho car received minor la« [uriee. According to tije police at 'Warren, Nicholas Babich slashed his wife* Mary, and- himself, following a quar rel. Roth are in the hospital in-seri ous condition- The couple -have seven children A thug, frustrated Jn an attempt to waylay an 'automobile party, shot Wil liam Doty, 25, of Foetoria, one pf the Occupants of the car, through the i brainv Doty died two hours -later in [a Toledo hospital. Willard . Hobortt 7, was instantly killed at Houston, near A; bolt of lightning. The boy. with hid. ;father and brother, Calvin, were sot ting out plants just- before a heavy hall land electric' storm broke, Tit*. Others wpre stunned. Despondent because bis family could not, come to America from- Po- 'and, after he had. saved his money tor month# to' pay tbeir passage,/ George ICalenski, 4Q, Cleveland, com mitted suicide by drowning. Edward Panzer, 10, .jumped* Into Sandusky hay and rescued Martin Ma lone, 9, who fell In while playing on the waterfront at Sandusky. -Margaret Mizlii, 4, Bridgeport, was kilted by an automobile. Stepping out of the way of a freight train directly into that of n passenger train, .Tplin Gasnor, 11, was killed'and Steve Jurobcik, 9, suffered a fractured skull at St. Gtaijsville. Governor Donahey Issued a proc lamation formally setting aside the week of May 4-1,0, inclusive', as na tional music week aud urging its ob servance by all persons for -better' music* It would bo interesting to both races and not play one against the other. In this same connection Miss Mary Ervin Who is a candidate for state' repre sentative, might give the 'result of her interview with tile leaders of the Ku Klux Klan in quest o f support frorp that organization. The term o f Postmaster Rice in Xenia comes to a close on June 16, A number o f candidates are mentioned for the honor of representing "Uncle Sam in the county seat. One open and active candidate is Prof. D. II. Barnes of the Xenia township schools. The Xian from all indications will throw every ounce of strength behind the professor, Reports have been going the rounds among some clan members as well as anti-clan that L. T» Marshall was angling for the Klan vptijjirt the Senatorial race in which he has en tered. It is a foregone concjusiorf that who ever gets the Xenia postoffice must have the Republican committee endorsement*to get the support of Congressman Brand, who has a say in such patronage in his district. This endorsement must come front* the Republican Central and Execu tive committe which Marshall con trols, Can Marshall trade o ff the members of these two committees to endorse Barnes and thereby get delight to he connected with the foe# o f the medical doctors for it is their harvest with thousands in the slush fund ready for battle. GAMBLERS FOR LARGE AMOUNT Marshall Myers was called out of bed about midnight Tuesday to be on the lookout for hold-up men who had made a big haul in Xenia and were said to bo headed this way. The officer stated that he Watched until two o’clock but no one showed up and he gave up the task. , . The report is that masked men walked into a wellknbwn gambling house in Xenia near midnight and under drawn guns forced <6 number of men at a gambling table to cash in And be quick about it. Valuables oi| their person were also called for and the amount secured is said to have been between $500 and $60(1, a I ttoists seek t r ip s to ROOM TOWNS NEARBY ■■iPWPIPl^Pf wWWW™' T£*#ikff JtartMfc SRrtfl The Sunday autoist who wants to j ride out into the country does not ,fail to touch Osborn, the town that was moved to make way fbr the Day- , ton conservancy. Hundreds visit the ’ new town each Sunday. South Charles toh ha* now come Into fame by the imported Ford bbom and now It to a m * cm §Mfe' Sunday for distant tour* toft# wh* wwfti to ton town a m Dr. McChesney also spoke to •the Brotherhood o f the Fisrb Presby terian church, Erie, Pa,, Rev. Wallace Illiffe, D, D.4 pastor. This is one of tiie oldest and largest congregation^ of the denomination. The church is complete in its arrangements for all church activities. It has just recently [ Elmer Jurkat, M*- 56. Lois Gummings, ikhn 20. Ruth McPherson,Jsom, 12. Howard Rodgers, Rom. $. ■ Giennis Lamb^/^Wjn 14; Xerena 1&.: Loi# Elder, John 3v «■ Forrest Nagley, Job. 1, Pauline Collins, Matt. 7. •Elizabeth Barnett, John 16. Henry Kyle, Psalm 103, Ruth Carso. Isa, ,63, Martha Dean, Ruth 2, Harold Ray, John 14, There will be good" vocal music. added an annex with a large gymna-j sium,kshower baths, apd various; other, Come and hear your favorite chapter rooms, for the enjoyment o f the young read. Admis ion 20 cents, and old. It is affording a splendid op -' portunity. This congregation and its ,WONDERFUL PROGRESS IN pastor and his wife are doing a won derful work, ' It WA3 also Dr. McChesney’s privi lege recently to preach the community sormon on Good Friday in Covington PLANTING CORN CROP Farmers have had excellent weather for getting out the com crop the past , , „ , , , two' weeks. The ground, is working to a thousand people; and while there fine „ nd the cro* .will go in under the to look in upon the ehurch o f which wost favorable circumstances. From Rev. J, L. Chesnut is pastor and visit what we learn Henry Pitetick was in the parsonage. Here is another ^ first to gefc com planted. In fact strong congregation and, a beautiful Boss towPjWp £amer# 8eem to be a church edifice and parsonage all e- ij^tlc bit ahead o f others this season, quipped for modern service; and m La, t Saturday we had a very hard this case, too, Rev. and Mrs. Chesnut raill that wa3 mudi needed. In this are doing a great work for the King- wction it was the we have d0" 1 •. , , , , had for more than a year. In the evening of that day, Dr. Me. ........ ■.......... Chdaney, preached in tho M. E. church j at Eaton, of which Rev. V. E. Busier j is thb pastor and enjoyed tho hospi* j ,. . , t . tality of the good parsonage and its ‘ Bcpofb have com# tu the effect dwellers. This is an excellent congre- various traffic oHbwnce# have gatjon.and they have a fine church; *,cefl violated reototly. Hereafter any and just as it was here, so is it them P013011 driving amoraojiites or trucks everybody loves Rev. find Mrs. Busier wit1lowt w toillight, speed and their children. inS or drivfn« c“ t' out °?en will be prosecuted aneording to law if apprehended* Mtoty measure pos sible will be taken to apprehend these violators. THE MAYGR NOTICE . SUNDAY, MOTHER’S DAY Once a year we are called upon to observe what should be to all, one of the be3t days of the year—Mother’s I)ay. It does not take a column of matter to impress tho significcnee o f, that day for it is all said In that one < word—Mother. The little white petal • that may be worn Sunday refreshes in the breast of wearer .the memory of the dearest soul mortal man ever met. Mother’s Day is the one day of all that we should reverence whether Wo have Mother’s presence or must Unveil the past in memory o f Mother. S p eed & iU H is CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN NOIV IN FULL SWING Citizens are cooperating'generally in the clean-up campaign and a vast amount Of rubbish is being hauled to j the public dump. Backyards will be i more healthy and the general appear- • anee of the town ’ improved. Mayor Funsett is to be"congratulated on the f movement he inauguteated and the1 success that is now evident. STILL NEED A DOCTOR South Solon thought she had a doe-, tor after waiting for a couple of years for a prospect. Not long ago announcement was made that Dr. C. J, Penn o f Plketon would locate In th* town to care for all Tbodily Ills K rapovto ate true the Dr. mto domte- tic tetoWt - m t# changed hfa plans, (Mater, 14, agsllet costume tu which, she was to bo photographed Oalohing fire from a gas stove. The victim is * toe dancer. A quarrel resulted in the death art Cleveland of Joseph Poczikajeef, SB. a laborer. Who was stabbed, Tony Skwman&ki and John Oiibanaki were arrested and charged with murder. They deny the charge. Mayor C. C, Ourtle and hi# brother, J2. B. Curtis, former safety director, both of Canton,,will appeal to the su preme court from the ruling of Gov ernor Donahey removing them from office. The governor’s decision canie after several weeks devoted to hear ing of charges brought against the Curtises by k “citizens’ committee” and'Anti-Saloon league officials of lax ity In law enforcement,, ' Louis Gtiegfer, jS, confectioner^wa# drpwmvtl in the Ohio river at Cincin nati when he -lost his balance and fell Out of a motorboat. State, of Oblo rdeeved $265,661,90 for the period from. Feb.-1 to May 1 as. interest on active' funds of the treasury, according to figures an nounced by State Treasurer Harry S,. Day* - pond Issues totalingh$283,000 for the erection of schools in villages outside of Cincinnati'were passed by the voters. ' ' Henry Ford’s road, the Detroit, To ledo and ironton. will erect shops aiid yards oti. a tract.purchased near South- Charleston- iHarpy Schwartz, 20, committed sui cide by throwing himself in fronr of a ‘ passenger train at* Marion. Ill health is believed to have prompted, the suicide. - . . .More than $1,000 in merchandise was secured by burglars- who -lopted the clothing stores-of’ Simon Glaser and Arthur Ohrononas at Canton. „L‘og Cabin • restaurant, one' of Zanesville’s most picturesque places, was destroyed by fire. State of Ghio has paid its veterans Workmen cleaning a ^sewer near of the world war $28,360,359.86 under “ - - - •* the-adjusted compensation amend ment to the constitution, according to report made by Bonus Director Rob ert R. Roberta. Compensation.. has been paid to 21-0,724 veterans. ' ■ 'Platform men on Akron city street- ear liuaa .fcte negotiating with the Mertimsn Dhto .Tsastloa and „Light tiie office# of the Pure OB company In Columbus- found securities stolen ffom^he company's office April 14. yrbeiWthe safe' was robbed of $4,700 in securities. New Ohio postmasters: Irvin J, Sherman at Deehler and William J, LaWsenee. at Syracnae. ' ^ Henry - layer dairy. Cincinnati, was company to get pay boost® damaged to the'extent of $27,000 by ipram- of 70 cents an hour.. - , fire, ‘ I , Four men held UP the occupants of Dr. A. Secboacke of Cleveland was. the boarding bouse of Louis Zupan at elected president of toe Ohio State the Tassa Coat company mine nettle Chiropractors’ association. Mrs. Marie Bigot. 47, died in a hos pital at Martina Ferry from burns re ceived in an explosion of kerosChe'in her home in TiltonviHe. An argument in Steubenville over a1 $2 debt resulted in Asie, Lawrence, 24, negro, being eliot to death, John Littlejohn was toe alleged slayer. ' Ward T. Van Orman and Clark -K. Woilam, winners of toe national elim ination balloon race, were greeted by a large. crowd when they returned ipent near Cadiz, and'-escaped with more than $2,000, in cash, Zupan, his wife and 15 ‘boarders were forced to turn over toe money, 0 John Ferrider, 66, Claibourne town-, ship (Union county) farmer, brooding over ill health, hanged himself to B Irafter in his granary, I■ Road work is being rushed through out southeastern Ohio* Heaviest traffic tu history to reported. Fred Barkhurst, Morgan county surveyor, has "resigned to beqome a home at Akroh from Rochester, Minn,, deputy surveyor in the Muskingum where their craft landed after flying county surveyor’s office, i 1,073 miles from San Antonio, Teg, Mre. Mary Schuler, 63, and her daughter, Elizabeth, of Waqseon, 31, were drowned near Defiance - when their automobile went into a creek. Mrs, James Boggess. £0.' wife of a prominent Meigs county farmer, wa» killed when the automobile in which she was riding Was struck by a freight train 16 miles nofto of Pom eroy. Co<MEckle, 22, and Virgil Coy, 42, were “tolled, when their automobile era# #truok by an Erie train at Akron, Joseph Clark -and William Christy, both o£, Stryker* Williams county, were killed’ and Arvllja Clark, 16, was seriously injured when their automo bile was demolished by an lnterurban car near Weston. f Louie Rossi ofS Youngstown died In. the electric chaii- the pentten- iiary for toe killing of. Nick Ferfito, also of Youngsrtowh. Tony. Paeda. held ona minor charge, banged himself in his cell at Canton. .Joseph P, Harsh,. 2t, wa# killed by train At Dunkirk, He was sitting on toe track reeting when struck, it to thought. Largest oil weffi Ayer struck' in licking county came In art a depth of t.m feet oh toe Wehrle farm, at the Western ©dge of Newark, The grade to high Fenpsylvanla,’ Awaiting grand jUTy action on a Charge of Attacking his 15-ycar-oi-d daughter, Ralph Zanzo. 53. hangW bipisalf in the, county jail at Cleve land by making * rope out of Jtis bed Sheet and tiring it to a cell bar. Two men' were killed and a third wait elightly injured when a scaffold eh whicb they were working at May % Company's■.building at Columbus fell three floor# to toe street. The dead ate Clark Hudson, 23, and Leon Bigelow. James Wood*, 24, was short, through toe forehead by his wife, following a quarrel in tbeir borne in Ybungofcown, and died two bount later, ftls wife told police her husband attacked her . With a knife And ehe shot him in ■*»•* Ham G. MeAdotf. George Griffin. 35, died at Baytor from a fractured skull and internal injuries received whe'n he fell 30 feof from a wall on which he.was working. William D. Kaifer, 50. hanged liim- Belf at Youngstown in a plumbing shop he'Operated in the rear of'bis home. Mrs. Amelia Neumeteter wae killed and four others'seriously, injured as the result of an. accident when an auto ran headlong Into a streetcar At Cincinnati, „ IxiUie Sanders of Pemberville, near Toledo, a worker at the C. C. Evereti sawmill at Pemberville, fell Onto a circular saw and received injuries which caused his death, Emmett V. McKee, postoffice clerk at Lima, was sentenced to eerve one year and a day in federal: prison at Atlanta. -He pleaded guilty to tot charge of rifling letters, An ordinance was passed by Colum bus city council providing a maximum fine of $500 and a jail sentenc# of up fa si* months for carrying concealed weapons The present An# to $100 with no Jail term. Mrs. Mary Pucoson, 30, of S&leih, mother of six children, died from a broken neck, received when the Auto In which she was riding was ditched near Alllhpce, , filed “against the^Clty Railway com- -pany at Dayton by- 22 former effi pioyes of the company who lost their jobs when they went on strik* ib July, 1921, * Breach of contract Us claimed in each ault. c. B. Patehin. 61, manager of the Franklin hotel -At Kent, died from in juries received in tailing 28 feet in an elevator. President Calvin Coolidge and for mer Governor .lame# M Cox captured the state delegations to the Republi can and Democratic national conven tion* at the Ohio presidential prefer ence primaries. Coolidge easily de tested Senator Hiram Johnson and Cox triumphed over toe forces bf WH Charles .the wort. , -i the form ef .innQ Brt4t4*4& fMUtot sprint- ld has aver known,! ' In hi* first* week t fl j Wtoktegi m * w tm ten-1 defense. Muskingum college, New Concord, plane a $200,pOd building drive in Muskingum county some lime in May. New York Central railroad bas laid Oft all section men in New Lexington territory until further notice. . J, F. Turner wa# held up In front of hi# bom# in Toledo and robbed of $1,100. Two men and a pretty young woman, who parpeteated to* job, «* oattod to * teti. Athens. Noble, Monroe and Wash ington countie* have Joined in a Boy ficout movement and will have a qom men camp near Marietta this euw mer. . . . . ■ t , ctevertand’s fund for toe tsMet o German children ha« been swelled f. *41,66941 by receipt of % check tc $16,11,7 42 from “*n anonymmto love o? little children.’’ According to a agreement, to* parson who tent th r-heck will withdraw payment if l bair.e in tevs*i*d. A iengthjy meeting- o f council. vrm held .Monday night when mote titan routin# husinesa was up for eonsidar- ation, South Main street improremenh for the building pf pew walks and a proposition for curb and .gutter at new grade to he established occupied most pf the time pf the meeting. -Following the report# o f committee# .md payment of hills the street oil bid# were read.,The Standard bid was HAOe per gallon apnJied for No, 4 road oil and the bid o f J. S. Talcott of Payton, 8 1-2e for the samp grade applied. The contract was let to the latter who gave good satisfaction last .year. •; vJ- R- Orr was present and asked for a more strict enforcement o f the . mti-glarp law with pu^pmohilee. He also asked for an investigation o f a ianitary condition on the notthside relative to a ditch where private -ewerage was being .emptied, ’This '■ -natter goes to the, county health ,com -pissloner, Dr. R, H^Grube. , ' Charles F, Marshall asked for a. -outing of heavy trucks hauling stone over someother street than Main- and toat automobiles he competed to elittt- npte th’e cut-out. For the past two years gout^ Main street residents have complained a- bout the condition of the sidewalks jouth o f the railroad. Many- o f them iced repair. Property owners were ' ‘nformed that a numbq-r of the walks aad never been put down at the estab lished grade, Almost .every property > was represented- at the meeting. Af ter some discussion temporary-reppirs were agreed upon, Several did not , want new walks a t ' this time’ and When the improvement was made--! to J be uniform so that no change would again be made,-when, the street was , bricked, which would not be far in the ■ future. . - ,,- Council instructed the clerk to get n touch with Engineer ’ W>- E. Lucas * :o check up on the present igrade and see what would be required. B. E. W il-' dams had asked fop a grade for anew .itdewalk but- nothing ’ will - bp done ■ until the engineer makes another sur- vey. - •. . MARIETTA MUSIC SUPERVISOR v HONORED BY STATEJDEPT. ' The following is taken from a pa^er - in Marietta and,will be- of interest, here: , ‘ • ( “Announcement came Friday to the"* dlllces o f the high school that George l\ Sipgler, public school music-super visor, had been granted a Life Special Certificate in Music by l -the State Board of School Examiners. Posses sion of this certificate is A great hon or and a recognition 6f the ability and record of the Marietta teacher. Mr. Siegler ha# be,en in charge o f public school music in Marietta for the past five years. During this time he has made notable development in both vocal and instrumental lines, turning out one. of the best high school orchestras in the state and making Marietta known all over the state for the excellence o f her music system.” NO SENTIMENT FOR THE new T ime ju s t N o tf We have been asked by a few here whether there was any chance of tho new time being Adopted here. We have discussed the question with a number*of business men but senti ment is against it. Some argue that Saturday night trade will benefit 'y the old time as shoppers during the harvest season would have more time here in the evening than they would out of town on fast time. MEMORIAL SERMON Hie annual Memorial Sermon will he delivered by Rev. B, E, Stevens, in the opera house, Sabbath evening May 25 at 7:30 B, M. tea* | MaSTWealiky n lA«t October Mbs Anita Eteril of St. Paul. Minn., gave bar Mood to **r* th* ltf* ti mm, f » , Mor- ton* at# Ti. New, al th* tottoria rtteato, ah* imvm W « p i HHi* fi|>**l*t$ H 'h* gbl*
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