The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

* k »— »»*■ ** !»*» * m m * mm h » t f c .m r f t t « article nauid pr®, h e r a l d . »»g*r-^ ira i 11 FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 27. CEDAR' O h io , F r i d a y , ju n e 20 , 1924 A JHEWSFAP1* D*V01*D fC LOCAL ANL CiKKXRAL **W » AND THIS JNTXUMTS OF CSDAX* VIWJS AND V IGWm . P R IC E /$>.50 A YEAR NEWCANDIDATE ENTERS FOR STATE SENATOR Now that all candidates have weigh- od in for the primary the actual cam­ paign will be, on with a. rush in tho r.axt ten days. There sq many new element* featuring this"election that the politicians are gussing at present a* to the probable winners,rEvcu the factional leaders are more or less at sea and the calm now indicate* .that one side iB waiting for the other to make the first move. The entrance of tho Klan means an entire new lineup in county politics. Much has been said in^t’u) past about this organization being dead but the political leaders are inclined just .at present te'believe it a very live corpse. Take fox1 instance, the county com,' )went to protect those guilty of selling} {questionable stocks or a place where! }the wronged can go to liave thes majesty o f the law applied to the ■ guilty. With the losses running into f hundreds of thousands in this county the public is entitled to protection arid not stock gamblers, . * » •* Thirty-five candidates have tiled petitions as candidates for central committee on the Republican side at die August primary. Ten Democrats also seek places for tliat party. , The Republican candidates are; Xenia first ward—George Swartz. Jecoud ward, R. R, Grieve and J.W , HUTord. Third wax’d— E. E, Light- liiser and Carl M. Ervin, Fourth ward— Leonard Raymond and W. 0. Rickman. ’ Caegarcreek twp—Herbert H. Con­ klin, ■• . v ■ Cedarville Township— A. H. Cres-; well and J, W, Collins. Cedarville Village—Walter C, Iliff and . 1 * W. Tarbox, Silvercreek t<?Rmship—Archie ’Gor- I?Cpub!ic^ii 4 , JM 0 * t ts ft CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picks* at Ramtsm sad Bait'd Dawn far «ha Itoty Baadar misaioner fight. The Klnn will back ■ two candidates tfiete being two places . Bats* Township—H- R, Armstrong, to fill. Then go over to the Democratic „ SPr^ Valley—Roy Starbuek and side of the fence and, you will find C,„ .rn ish , this organization^fortified there. The Spring valley Twp.—IT. S, Nodglo state representative situation is t h e E . Oldham. same. Rev, Gordon is said to have the Klan backing on the Republican side and Rev, A. J. Furstenberger a candi­ date on, the Democratic ticket. The ]£I*n has evidently, been much alive as to the political situation and has loaded the gun at both ends. Prepard- ness seems to be the motto, ’ v ■ a* ' a ’ ’ -Mrs. Carrie Flatter who- has long had a fondness for supporting the Democrats ' in fall elections after telling the people who to vote for in the Republican primary, will have no trouble "going over” tins year. The , nomination of Gen. Dawes by the Republicans at Cleveland for vice president is all the excuse hire. Flat­ ter wifi need. The General is noted for the use of a'particular pipe which he .smokes on m^t all occasions; public or private. It ia said that the General is One o f the few men who Can enter the best hotels of the country smoking a ’ pipe. The leader of the No*to-bac forces might just as well-announce now her allegiance, or reaffirm her position politically, No- need o f waiting until November. ' * * % 0 " noooeemeat o f the~rantfid*cy—c? Harry H. Darst o f Reave.creek town­ ship for State Senator.. At first the news bore the mark of one side or the other bringout Mr. Darst but there seems to bO ho ground for it. Figur­ ing from the dope sheet as the poli­ ticians Bay it’ looks like Dr. A. C. Messenger was going to profit most by this move. We have heard just this Week of three of L. T, Marshall's : friends plunging in f or Darst to line , up Beavercreek township where .the Marshall faction is said to be strong* 4 est. There wifi have to be a great .change in sentiment if Dr, Messenger does not carry tho county by a good margin over both his opponents. And' there is no reason Why he should not Mr. Darst lives bn the extreme boundry line o f the county. He has never been connected with the busi­ ness *r social live of the county, Die interest* have been in Dayton where He was engaged in the banking busi­ ness until a few months back. He is promentiy known in Dayton but has little or no acquaintance over the district. He tells some of his friends he propoaeato make an active canvass for the nomination. m * * Borneweeks ago the Swischerbroth­ ers in Dayton weie indicted for the sale of bad securities and fleecing a large number of widows, aged men and others uninformed on financial in* Vestments." Thousands of dollars were lost by these investors who never had an even chance for getting their own money fc»ek. Charges were filed. The inoictmcnte were returned, The cases were tried and a jury after being out tut twenty minutes returned guilty verdicts. The judge did not wait but passed sentence at once and each re­ ceived seven years in prison with ft stiff lecture from the court. Whot ha* happened in Dayton has happen­ ed in this county. There are many that think the prosecutor nomination in th» county can either he a move WHS U. 6. Golf Champ 'HWH ^ 4 ««***. A lf t »|MHtoi foHsv fiwm Keftto wood, New forsoy. is the wswopm EigSS1® Bellbrook—John H. Wright. Sugarcreek twp—Walton Spain. Osborn Village—Fred rG, •Mumma ahd Morris D. Rice. Fairfield Village—Daniel Regan . Miami Twp,— Clyde Conklin and Ed Meredith. Yellow Springs— J. N. Wolford. Ross Twp, L« A. Rogers and F. C. Lackey. New Jasper Twp.—E, T. Ballard, Beavercreek Twp,—Lewis E; Stew­ art. Bowersville Village—Herbert ‘Fish­ er, ■/ t( Jefferson. Twp*—Darrell L. Kline.' Jamestown Villager- L. S. 6 Day and Charles’ W, Moprman. ' . Democratic central committee can­ didates are: Xenia twp, —Raymond Wolf and Josbph W. Riley. Cedarville Twp. Frank Engle. Cedarville Village —- Charles H. Sparrow. Spring Valley twp—Harper C. lank Bart.' Beavercreek twp.—James Jones. Spring Valley ViHsge-W. E. Alex anfiaar, * ° , mm ____________ _ Caewnwek twp*—Emery Ogles bee, " ' ’ ■— .. - ____. _ New Jasper twp-—A. P. Keiter. ’ Paul H, Creawell, deputy county auditor, has filed, for Republican state central committee in the Seventh Dis­ trict. FARMERS ONLY WANT EQUAL FOOTING—BRADFUTE President Bradfute, Of the Ameri­ can Farm Bureau Federation, assures the moderate and conservative ele­ ments of the nation that the American farmer is no radical, no champion of: "strange,, untried political doctrines” brought to this country from Europe, As the national elections draw near, says Mr. Bradfute, it is important that the farmer be Understood and not misrepresented. Faith in him is never misplaced However, though the farmer be­ lieves firmly in the fundamental sound ness of the American government, and has no interest in wild, radical notions he determined, in Mr. Bradfutc’s view "to place agriculture on an equal foot­ ing with other industry and business,” The farmers' organizations will work steadfastly toward that end. How is agriculture to- be placed on a footing of equality with industry generally? Mr. Bradfute does not say. Everything depends on the meth­ od. Laws of supply and demand can­ not abrogated by legislation. Bills for the arbitary fixing 0 fprices for wheat or other farm commodities, for tho dumping of surplus American grain at a loss in foreignmarket, for the or­ ganisation of governmental machinery to control products certainly belong to- the category of strange, untried, un- American ideas. Diversification of crops, co-opera­ tive marketing, wise improvements iff credit facilities, cultivation of new markets and financial aid to nations* in need of food and unable to pur­ chase the American surplus are a- mong the measures that should ap­ peal to the enterprising, self-reliant farmer, i- The pending Me-JIftugen bill is a price-fixing measure that bristles with strange, untried and unsound notions, Farm organizations that sup-, port it cannot complain if they are called radical, — Chicago News. DOG POISONER GETS IN A GOOD NIGHT'S WORK About once a year someone seta out to dear tho town of dogs. Last Friday night seven went to their hap­ py hunting ground through that ter­ rible suffering following ft dose of poison. Piece# of meat, supposed to have poison on it ware scattered a* bout town with the above result. No tm can defend tide practice *nd it» is safe to say the owners of these f dogs won!* resort so some rough M a s ml MWm friNy person wM h* l**toif* I CKKm&r*j 1 " •r" /''n' n"t" 'J.|a>Ro*aj% 5 |ft -lur.-rm^ ir... KLU KLUXKLAN DREWCROWD ggi'rtK^ INJUNCTION Si 1GHT AGAINST HAGAR APER COMPANY Judge K. L. Go dy granted a tem­ porary restraininj order last Satur- jday against The i *gar Straw Board & Paper Co^ as result of ft suit brought by Paul. ime# and others. The plaintiff all ces that the com­ pany has., been polluting Massies Greek and the Lit a Miami river by discharging ppison|euS water into the t , 1 o'clock automobile loads of Klans men began to fill the center of town . the . Local people were treated to a very unusual event for this place-last Thursday evening when several hun­ dred members of the Ku Klux Klan gathered for a parade and speaking later in the opera house. The meeting str/dim had net been advertised and by seven •The suit will b«r contested to the limit by the compfepy, which denies . the allegations ■ ini every particular, and it was not long until parking For several yeat* the company has space even on side streets could hard- been annoyed by «dt* or arrests on ly be found. , - stream pollution. The company has Shortly after eight 0 clock the .mem. spent several thousand dollars . in bers formed in line for a parade with an effort to proteflt tho stream. At a hand in the lead. One hundred and the present timer p purification sys- thuTy-robhed men land women took tom is being installed to cost $ 10,000 part in the parade Which was very pt mpVQ, Various *xperhnettte have orderly and something new to this been made by the State and 'the corn- place, it being the first. Ipuny has always |re*ponded, at its The meeting in the operahwumwas expert to* ever been praftkted over hr Dr. R.. L, * nmrles Williams, 0, was struck by *an automobile at Columbus and died I&a hour -Ister at a. hospital. Hi* mother witnessed the tragedy. Ida 4 Kauffman, 3, Cleveland, was \i truck by an automobile and killed Jwhen she broke away from her id- j year-old brother and ran to the street. * ’ John Harmon and wife were bound i by four auto bandits at their farm uomu near Yap Wert. The robber* escaped with several thousand dol­ lars in cash and bond?, t Harold Arndt, former policeman ,r.nd dry agent working out of ju*. j tices* courts of Maumee and Slyvanla. j was found guilty of conspiring- to ylo- j late the prohibition law in federal ! court at Toledo, 1 Secretary of Labor James J. Davie } turned the first spadeful of earth for new $1,100,000 ediilce of the Euclid Avenue Baptist church in Cleveland, Mr*. Prank Krspff. 58, of Coal Run,' Noble county, lost her right arm by amputation when she was bit by an automobile. Len Newburg, JW, a Bailor on the freighter William Shigwag, 'was drowned near Toledo when he fell overboard. Ben Yates, Pickaway county farm­ er, Hied a. Claim Of $448 against the Fairfield county coramisoionera for the loss, of 40 sheep he says were killed by Jogs nwned in that county. William Thompson, 35, well known . resident of Adena, on the outskirts t of' Jefferson county, shot and killed his wife and then turned his revolver on himself; committing sblclde, ’ Oberlin college graduated 298-mem­ bers of the class of 1924, Arthur Wiatand,' 7 , of PUltonham, -near Zanesville, was killed when run over by a truck. Joseph Briber..of ' Akron filed bis declaration, the sixth candidate for governor on -the Republican ticket. Evan* E. Watkins of Cleveland filed bin declaration tor lieutenant gov­ ernor. < - Ralph Pavey, Athens county farm agent for the past two years, an­ nounced hi* resignation. He will en­ ter business. Searching parties recovered the body of Mrs.*Paul Williams from the Cuyahoga river, near Akron, two mile* from the bridge were she jump­ ed into tiie stream. Beoaan there are no fundi avafF when a Pennsylvania train struck a circus truck at Wooster three per­ sons were glUsd, The dead; Mrs, William Frank* of Chicago, a trapeze performer; William Franks, her hue- band, a musician, and Charles Fast, CD, of Pataskala, a musician. All church services, motion >pjctur* shows and public gatherings have beep banned hare as a result of a smallpox epidemic. Almost IDO per­ sons have the disease- George McQabau, who was convict­ ed at Dayton of the $23,000. robbery of A bank at West Carrollton, ha* ap­ pealed to the court at appeal*. Because the bonded debt "require­ ments are so heavy at Akron, city council began a retrenchment by re­ ducing the police department and cut­ ting the chief* salary and that o f the 'safety director. The latter will draw $10 a month, Two negroes, Cbarlee Paskiil, 35, and Jpe Bpnnar, were drowned M Mansfield by the flood occasioned by the bigj; storm which also damaged property to the extent of thousands of dollars. At Akron the storm wreck­ ed the city sewer mains and under­ mined half dozen house*. One fireman was injured and * score of families driven from their homes at Cleveland when fire did damage estimated at $50,000 to the storeroom of the Aetna Rubber com­ pany........ ■■■'■■■;, ■ George B. Harris of Cleveland, an attorney, and Homer Hnranft of Cosh- octon qualified for the race for theRe­ publican nomination for governor, making eight candidates in all. Four, teen filed for the Republican nomina­ tion for lieutenant governor and five for the Democratic. -■ Mrs, Louisa Pfeiffer, 57, was struck by an automobile driven - by Mrs. Peter Albert at Columbus and died a short rtm* later atra hospital. Mrs. FIdfcer wa* hit as she alighted from a. streetcar. \ / \ 't Samuel Taylor, marshal of Orooks- ViUe, wag found guiRy of Assault and battery On George Gabriel, also of CrooksviU*. The. latter, claimed Tay­ lor used unnecessary force in arrest­ ing him. Marietta staged a big demonstra­ tion in honor oi her native *oa, Charles G. Dawes. Republican candi­ date fbf Vice president daouuxoti police ore seeking tiw ENTRIESAll IN; MANY SEE* COUNTY OFFICE Alhaugh, pastor of the. Baptist church in Jamestown. He spoke of the. grift ciple* of the organixation and based his remarks on Romans, the 12th chap ter. Rev. A. J, Furstenberger, pastor of the Friends church, Xenia, made A very good talk about the Klan and its principles and gave various rea­ sons why those whotbelieve in such principles should he organized and he challenged and one to prove why that right should not be exercised. He gave an invitation to all who believe in the principles to join this great religious, political and law enforcement organ­ ization inspired by the leadership of Jesus Christ, Rev. E, W, Middleton told the au­ dience that 60,000 members were be­ ing taken into the organization in tins country'every week, an average of p10,000 daily. He termed the move­ ment a twentieth century reformation The organization is not anil-negro or anti Roman hut we do not believe in a mixture of races or. blood. He held that from a political standpoint the Klan had broken the “ solid” south and that one section of the country would in a short time he no more than any other section, all .citizens work­ ing for the common good o f the Uni­ ted States, The Japanese situation in California was touched upon and the speaker refered to them as his broth­ ers in religion but that the race re­ fused to become Americans or adopt American ideals. The issues that con­ front the people are constitutional and the man that goes into the White House will go their by the aid of the Klan. He said the politicians might just as well be like “Jiggs” and get U 3 ed to it for they were going to get ft big bump. It Was said it could not be done in Springfield but it happened , and etherplace* as well, As for the county if any politician thinks he can go ft- gainst fifty per cent of the voting strength of the county) tell him to come on. The time is coming for ft reclaiming of tights almost lost. Christians were asked to stand to­ gether in this great movement. Fifty million Americans never pass through a church door. Stand up for the Bible or you will not have the church of Jesus Christ, How can anyone stand outside and knock the movement for the sake of saving $10? Fall in line, with us to save Greene county. Dr. Haines explained juf>t, how you can become a member of the organiza­ tion The invitation was open to all. You must have the recommendation of some brother. Music was furnished by the band, TAX PAYING TIME GOOD , UNTIL JULY 20 County Treasurt r Frank A Jack- son, announce* that the tme for the payment of taxes has been extended by the county commissioners until My % tiring m <i»pt wMttimml to make ipaymiwtti* In''toe raSkrafaatmw of straw paper and nothing mom than lime in the cooking of the straw The only contention has been the cater of the fibrous matter that goes out in the wash Wafer. . It is an admitted fact, that live stock would leave fresh spring water to drink the water back in .the days , when every thing was turned into the creek, .The lime sweetens the Water and for that reason live stock will drink it first. The company has paid several fines rathqr than contest the question. The last time a fine was paid chargee o f stream pollution were made. We are told that state. Officials who had a hand in the charges at the time have since appologized to officers of the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co. It has been finally determined that the- deftth of a few fish, one or two, was all the result* of street oil being’ washed into the Stream* as a result of a .rain. Miller and Finney represent the company and C» L. Darlington, the plaintiff, LADIES WORK AT HOME, pleas­ ant, easy sewing on your machine, Whole or part time. Highest possible prices paid. For foil information ad-^ tcss L. Jones, Box 2. Onley, 111. j George B. Swfto prominent In Cleveland tad well-known throughout Is a candidate for the RevmMteu aominatton for Governor.* Ms Is 42 years of ago, Mr, Hanto to* townapresi­ dent of tto M b fttate Bar Association, Raptoitoan fitate roimnlti**mnn and chairman of the rinyatogi Ontty Central Committee, tf* tod charge In Cuyahoga tottog of all war time soiteittllM 9m Red fro***, I Ilherty L*a» sM War Chant |. funds He is * Jletoodlst, and f is a tnmta* «t Wtotoyaa thM- ! tarofty it SNtiWto*, frang high acibori, money tor. a bnfldlag I* bring ml**d in that district by popu­ lar subscription, - A- special, coaveptton at Hatted Mine Workers of. the Hocking gold will be held in Logan June 18, Oper­ ate.•*’are asking for a joint meeting to reach an agreement on step* to out down heavy cost of production and start the idle mine*. Fourteen min­ ora* unions requested the convention. , Joseph Spins, 50, died at Cleveland from the effects of. five buHets fired Into hie body from the dark Whit* he waft walkingsfrom hi* home to a near­ by confectionery. V Threatened car strike at Cleveland was definitely postponed on orders from international officer* of the atreetcai* men’* union. When he refused to surrender bis watch, which bandits later took, Cari Adams, 24, Cincinnati, was stabbed In the neck. He was not wounded seriously, A* wind storm destroyed a church carried a garage a quarter of a mile, uprooted large trees, destroyed crop* and many fruit trees and greatly dam. aged farm buildings at Cedar Hill, eight mile* west Of Lancaster. Robert Boyer, ‘10, sad Robert Wil- met 8, died of burns received when they touched a heavily charged wire at McCook field, Dayton. The boy- were climbing a pole when they com* in contact with the wire and teR 90, feet to the ground. Don Miller, 45, oil field Worker, shot and probably fatally wounded his wife, Adeline, 85, at Bradley, Meigs county, and then committed suicide by shooting liimeelf through the tem­ ple. Thft couple were married lee* than a year and separated two weeks ago. , Congressman John L. Cable of Lima fifed hi* declaration of candi­ dacy for the Republican nomination for governor. Attorney General Crab- he filed for the Republican nomina­ tion for attorney general. He wtti not enter the face for the nomination for governor. Earl D. Bloom of Bowl­ ing Green filed, for the Democratic nomination ae lieutenant governor. After serving 111 days in the coun­ ty jail at Marysville on ft -fine of $1,000 On a liquor charge, F. A. Mock of Toledo was released when he paid $560 of the fine and agreed to pay the balance at the rate of $81 a month. Lura Lee, ft, died M (Rouster from lockjaw. A w«ek before abe stepped on a rusty nsil, Ethel Alberta Lee,t 16 , of Ea*t Roch­ ester, near Alliance! was burned to tally while attempting to light a lamp, Mrs. A. E. Hale, Elyria. 54, wee killed when the auto driven by her ion, Nell, woe struck by an f&terur- ban car on the Elyrift-Oberlitt high­ way, as a result of the recent heavy rains, it is estimated that farmer* in ■ticking and Muskingum river valley* have suffered damage to crops esti­ mated at from $60,006 to $160,666, This include* the losses of market gardeners. 1 Harry Clay flmtih, colored, of Cleveland, filed to* declaration of <nndidaey for the iHpubttca* toWtiafte lion (to ford, Ohio suprem* court.has b**n asked to rah*** the css* in which it inter- $v*ted a moving picture show as. a "theatrical performance and afiiomnt- ' icaUy placed it under the Sunday closing law. Jam** Brannigan,. convicted oC manslaughter in connection with the death of Marshal Luther Reed of Gan Toy, Perry county, was sentenced to the Ohio penitentiary for U years. Democrat* in convention at Glous­ ier indorsed'A. K, Merriman of G* 8 U- pollfs for congress from the Tenth ■ '.district. Oommon Pleas Judge R. .L, Cam­ eron of Marysville filed his declara­ tion of candidacy for a second term. 1 Frank Musgrav* of McOonnehivill#, .employed at the Zanesville water­ works station, waa injured probably fatally when hi* clothing caught in the machinery and before th* wheels *were stopped he had been cat and lacerated serose the back, hips and arms. Edward R. Hughes, former Sheriff of Perry county, announced his can­ didacy for sheriff on .the Republican ticket. Two hundred youngsters started to taoation Bible Schools in the church­ es of the Pomeroy district, The ven­ ture is the fine of the kind is that pert of the state. SSeneeville police are investigating on attempt to dynamite an Ohio River and Western railway engine. A stick of the explosive was found by a shop employe under the tender of an en­ gine. 5 State Senator Thomas Jenkimff Re­ publican, announced his candidacy for congressmen from the Tenth (Ohio) district, Anthony TewSchud, 38, of RRttnan, wee killed and Mr, and Ifni, John Darrin, 49„of Akron, and their daugh­ ter, 4, were seriously injured when Tswadhud's automobile wse demote ished by.* freight train near Akron. Pat J. Boonkm, Youngstown politi­ cian, was fined 17,50* and sentenced to Atlanta prison for 1$ month* by judge John M. mint* in connection with hi* conviction in the Smith brewery com of a liquor oo»ep*racy. Fifteen others in the same case were fined from $3$ to $1,168 and jailed fromone hour to a year and one day. The ease grew out of beer running between Youngstown and davetond. County jail at Marysville is empty for the find time in month*. Congressman |. m . Foster, who for •it years has represented the Tenth Ohio district, filed hie petition for renoMlhation, New York Central reduced it* train crew* from to to 4 in coat hauling rerrlce between Coming and Buoy* tie.. Paul Shuster, IS, was Inetantly MM- i ed and Roy Conley was rendered an- conscious during a severe electrical storm near Moml, Mario* tontoy, when the Ire* under which they were standing wa* (struck by lightning. ‘ James U, ft, Beatty of East Liver- , pool filed hi* deelaratkm of oandi •doey for the Democratic nomination for governor. Beowy id a pottery works* and wa* on toimtontoto «**> m m for a w i f I n * Mvii itot *■*-*-»« Wto *** Mmm■mmmmm. mm totot wURBPRt ytoHH* mmr mm“ m Nine candidate are .seeking tho Republican nomination: for county commissioner at the Republican pri­ mary with two place to fill. There are two Democrats seeking the nomina­ tion on the Democratic ticket. The time for filing petitions expir­ ed last Friday night at midnight and several lute petitions were sent in that had not been considered previous ly, This was true of Rev, A, J. Fur­ stenberger for the Democratic nomi­ nation for representative and Harry K, Darst of Beavercreek as a candi­ date for .State Senator on the Republi­ can ticket. Judge C. H, Kyle filed for judge of the Court of Appeal* which comprises a district of eleven counties from Darke to Franklin county. The term1' of Judge Kunkle in Springfield ex­ pires this year, W. J, Davis, present county survey­ or is one of the few candidates seek­ ing anqthfsr fern that will not have opposition . T|ie others are Morris Sharp,’ Sheriff; B« F. Thomas, record­ er; R. L. Haines, recorder. The following have filed for the Re­ publican nominations: State Senator: D^yA. C. Messenger, Xenia; L-yT» Marshall, Xenia; Harry , HI Darst,'Beavercreek townsTpp, State Representative: R'. D. Wil-" liamson, New Jasper township; Mary B. Ervin, Xenia; Rev, J. F, Gordon, Jamestown, County Commissioner;* John A, North, Xenia, seeking his second tern; George N..Terrill, incumbent; W. W- Bryson, Xenia township; Fred Barnftrd, Alpha; Harry E. Trathn, Osborn; J. Harve Lackey, Ross town­ ship; R. S. Townsley, Cedarville; Geo, B. Earley, Jefferson township; Bert Beam, Spring Valley- ■Prosectuing Attorney—-Frank H. Beam and J, C. Marshall, Xenia,. Treasurer—F. A, Jackson, seeking his second term; J. S, Van Eaton, Spring Valley township, 1 Recorder—R. F. Thomas, Xenia, Sheriff—Morris Sharp. Clerk of Court-Hatvey Elam, Xenia. m 4 ■»fttolfiwfr 1 J’effwwwiiB- tewnebj*,. .- ■ Surveyw—W, J. Davis. Probate Judge—M. A. Broadstone, Xenia, Coroner— R. L. Haines, Painterts- V i l l e . ^ . .... Judge CoU); Appeals—C. H, Kyle, ; Xenia. Democratic candidates who filed are as follows: Congress (Seventh Dist.) C. ■K, - Wolf, Beavercreek township. Representative—Rev. A. J. Fur­ stenberger, Xenia. County Commissioner— David H* Keiter, Xenia and A. D. Kendig, - ■ Beavercreek township. Treasurer—E. D. Stroup, Caesar- ;reek township. ABEL MAGNESIA COMPANY ENFORCES WAGE REDUCTION The Abel Magnesia Company an­ nounced a new wage scale Tuesday that carried a ' eduction of five cents an hour to mom of the employees and ten cents to others, Mr. Abel stated to the Herald tliat siich a redaction was npcesaary to meet present prices of lime. There‘ is some business to be found but the volume waa not enough to justify a- continuation of the plant on the old scale. It was either a reduction or the plant would have to close down entirely. As it was ten or twelve men Were laid off temporary, 0 RUNAWAY GIRLS STARTED TO HIKE TO CALIFORNIA Martha Gowdy, 17, daughter of Prof. J. W. Gowdy, head of tho James town schools, and Mary Alice Robin - <3 son, 17, daughter of Charles Ribin- son, Jamestown, have been absetft a- hoiit ten days without the consent of the parents. The girls wanted to en­ ter the movies and road much of thr: wqy by motorists. They were trr-o.t to Hutchison, Kan., where they twVo held, Mr. Robinson has gone after the girls, ef Make-Up Deadfvj Ito Uilion Warren, of Canada, adeftod a motor* when t o m t o l Ostttoraia. and a* toiritedtor wtomt-ttowtoc twent- toarl,Jhm* atow iti to, tost •i e*- i •K ',1 * *s*3r~***