The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

A NEWSPAPER DKY0TJ8D fC LOCAL AND GENERAL H*W8 AND THE INTERESTS OF CKDAE- YILLE AND VICINITY. CEDARVILLE, O H IO K ID A Y , DECEMBER 12, PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR K* ' A public Christmas program will bp given in the School Auditorium opt Friday evening Dec. IP at 7:SQ. This program is being arranged and pre­ sented by the Fourth/Fifth and Sixth grade teachers, The work of the chil­ dren always merits our appreciation and we are hoping that many will a- vail themselves o f this treat, A charge Of ten cents admission will be taken at the door for the benefit of tlte Gen­ eral School fund. Wednesday afternoon Dec. 24 there will be a combined program given bjr the two socities operating ip. the up* per six grades. This program will be . of the Christmas variety and Will in- ' elude numbers by both High School and Seventh and Eighth grades. The, program will open at one o’clock. We hope the folks of our community, may be able to take a little of their time at that season to enjoy the work of the tipper grades. The Salamungundi titerary Society ’ will hold its regular meeting in the High School auditorium, Friday' at 2 p. m-, December 12. This meeting promises to be one of the most inter­ esting meetings of the year. Grace „ Wtgal, and Ruth White will affirm that home training is more beneficial to the average child than school train ing; while tillias Ford apd Josephine •Auld prill upheld the negative side. Come and enjoy tire debate with ns. In order that your mind may be rest­ ed from such a weighty discourse, a dialogue, a story, and recitation' as •well as other interesting features will be given at this time. We bad oar first “ Pep” meeting of year Tuesday afternoon under our . new cheer leaders, Rufh - Stobridge' and Edwin Pfeiffer. Even though . most of the Freshmen did nob know the yells,.talcing all into cOnsidera- ’ tiop it cptlld easily ‘be called a “Howl-/ ing Success/* Reniember that the yells and the Pep shown .by tip. spectators teams the taest suport you know how. Is Cedarville going to win Friday night? Tea Bo! * ■'.9 * The Junior Class held an oyster sup per Friday night at the home o f Robt. Collins. A very delightful time was had by sjl. The evening was spent by music and various games, The party was chaperoned by Miss •Charabjiss and Mjjss Rinker. The supper was ser­ ved in three courses, the first course consisting of oystet soap and crackers the second, fried oysters,'celery and ham sandwitches; the third, fruit sal­ ad and cake. Three cheers for the Juniors!! . . ■* * The basket ball season is here, the main1athletical sport of dear old C. H. S. The High School will open the season Friday night, Dec. 12. The boys' will battle With the boys from Bellbrook High School, This school and Cedarville have met few times on the basket ball court hereto­ fore and we hope by your cooperation to bring about a friendly relation be­ tween these two schools in the line of athletics. Show the visiting boys a good time and prove to them you are real sports. The boys team will be entirely new. Five new men go on the floor Friday night. East year the girls journeyed to Xenia to show the Cen­ tral High a little basketball. This year the city girls play a return game with the girls of C. H. S, and it will be played Friday night also. The city girls say they are going to show our girls some basket ball this year. If you are a booster of High School football, support the basketball teams because the financial success of this ' year’s basket ball means the purshase “ISATIN LODGEWITH YOU" By Wilbur D. Nesbit There is a saying filled with cheer, Which calls a man to fellowship. It means at much for him to boar, As lies within the brother-grip. Nay, more! It opens wide the way to friendliness sincere and true; There are no strangers when you say to me; "I sat in lodge with you.” O ' , 4 - ' * When that is said, then I am .known; There is no questioning or doubt; I need not walk my path alone Nor from my fellows be shut'out. Those words hold all of brotherhood and. help me face the world anew— There’s something deep and rich and good in this; — “ I Sat in lodge with you.” Though in far lands one needs must roam, . By sea and shore and hill and plain, Those words bring him a topcn o f home And lighten tasks that seem in vain. Men’s faces are no longer strange, but seem as those he always knew When some one brings the joyous change with his; . “ I sat in lodge with you.” 'So you, my brother, now nhd then . . Have often put me in your debt ' By shewing forth to other men That you. your .friends do not forget. When.. 11the world seems gray and cold and 1 amweak, worn and blue,. Then cornea this golden thought I hold—you said: ~— “ I sat in lodge with you.” When to the last great Lodge you fare My prayer is that I may be One of your friends who wait you there, . Intent your smiling face to see. We. with the warder at the, gate, will have a pleasant task to do; Weul call, though you come sbon or. later — “Coma in! We sat in lodge with you?” . JURORS FORC .GRAND AND PETlt JURIES ARE j DRAWN FOR JANUARY TERM of football uniforms next fal. The girls o f the Senior class en­ tertained the boys of the same class j The names of two women and thir- ait an oyster supper Friday night at} teen men-Were drawn from the jury the home of Edith Ferguson. The lwheel Saturday afternoon to form nenu cards-, were very unique being i puzzle—a guess what was coming to eat. The house was decorated with holly and cedar carrying out the color ■cheme of the season. The menu con- risted of oyster soup, pickles, celery, scalloped oysters, cranberries, sand- viches, pineapple sherbert and wafers splendid time was enjoyed by fif­ teen Seniors chaperoned by Miss Rife and Mrs. Wilson. FARM BUREAU MEETING TO BE JANUARY l i The annual meeting of the Greene County Farm Bureau will be held on the January terra of the Grand Jury which will convene in. Common Pleas Court, January 5, at 10 o’clock. Three women and seventeen men •will compose the Petit Jury which will convene in Common Pleas Court, January 6, at 9 o’clock for the Janu­ ary term. The names of the twenty men. and women forming, the petit jury were ‘drawn Saturday after­ noon. " Grand Jury: A. W. Tuliis, Xenia; Mary McCorckle,- Cedarville Twp,; Alva Smith, New Jasper Twp.; Jean­ nette Smith, Xenia; Joshua Waldort, Xqnia; H. A. Shank, Bpavercteek Foss Twp.; The names of and fifty men- ari {special venire of drawn from the j afternoon, from w will bo picked to for murder, Deco; mon Pleas Court. | The names drawn J Xenia; J. T, Chart Hunter, Silvercreek 'ton, Miami Twp.; ‘ Silvercreek Twp.; Xenia} Arina Str Twp.; A, A. Con4 ’Twp.; C. E. Bt. j R. 0. DeHa |Helen Evers, Xen U'?y, Xenia; Nel t’lwy.j I, M. Edgi ,Dora McXay, Cae, M, puffield, Ceday !Hite,. Xenia; C-Jay J. R. Titlowy* Bath ' per, Silvercreek \ Andrew Darling, Warner, Bath Tvq),; Twp.; Cornelia Twp.; Aliheda AUe Jace-b, Beavercreek Lindsay, Xenia; C. Viola Moorman, Xen Xenia Twp,; Ha Xenia; O. E. St- Jo Twp.; D. A. Sellars, FrankMcClellan, J. J, Stout, Xenia; New Jasper Twp.; J Twp.; J’ahiOs Hite, C, W* Squires/ S Clara Wint r, Suga W.' Wilson,1 Cedarv Holmes,- Sugarcree Bishop,,Xenia; C. P. Twp, Charles Weiss,-Xo PerriU, Xenia; Ernes' Twp.; Russell Da Mina Rice, Bath Sbkle, Xenia Twp. J e women d on the -five name* el Saturday lye jurors W, Latimer , in Com- szel Flagg, enia; N, N, Stella Ful- Walker, fC. Downs, laegBrscreek sesarscreek Ionia, ' rcreek Twp.; symond emp­ owers, Bath Ross. Twp.; sek Twp.; j. George Rosa Twp.; ij Mary Har- «a ; George 'Wolf, Bath tte, Miami fewla; C. A, Margaret' Ridker, Xenia; |Mary E. Ray, Haverstick, t'CaesarscrCek Inia. arcreek.Twp.; ies R. Fudge, bh Sladq, Bath Ferson .Twp.; creek Twp.; peek Twp,; L. T<; Anna Frank Ikerson, Bath [Twp,; Arthur alter; Miami lenia. -Twp.; U J,, D, Van fter DeHaven, yell, Miami CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items picked at Random and Boiled Down for the Bssy Reader Henry Fublow, 35, manager of a wire and iron works at Toledo, was beaten and robbed by three men of $1,200, the company’s weekly payroll. The men escaped. . Bandits cracked the Bale In the Pettot Shoe company’s store at Cin­ cinnati and obtained $3,000, John Hapally, 10,. died from injuries be sustained when ho fell from a hprse and was dragged about a field in the rear of his home, north of Co­ lumbus. His foot caught In the stir- rap, Jacob* Bekemaies, 80, retired, baker, committed suicide by inhaling gas at bis home in Cincinnati, Where he ttved ajone. A similar attempt to end his life ori Nov. 17 was unsuccessful, He had been ill. Judge John Ray, 61, of the Erie county. probate court, died at his home in Sandusky of penumouia, -Raymond J, Bour, Jr„ 34, attorney, jumped from a-third floor window of Mercy hospital at Canton while de- liroua from fever, and was killed -almost instantly. Logan Natural Gas and Fuel com­ pany drilled in a 1,500-foot gasser on the J, 8. Cain farm in Benton town­ ship, Hocking county. Movies at 2 cents a show will be exhibited by the school board-at two Cleveland high schools after Jan. 1. The board has approved plans to ex­ hibit films Saturday afternoons at two schools. * Clifford Ransbottoro, 16, Bellefon- tahte, ts suffering from the effects of a fractured skull received when the crank of the auto he was attempting to start struck him in the forehead. Mrs, Carrie H. Goldsmith was found dead at her home in Cleveland with a bullet wound in her head. Esther Tagemyer, M, was burned fatally ’ and her two brothers, How­ ard, 8, and Cary, 10, were badly burn­ ed as the result 'of an explosion at their home at Beamsville,. Miami county, when Esther poured kerosene oil the fire to cook the evening ineal. His car crowded against the. .curb by two aujto bandits while he was collecting for the Pepple's Pacldng company in- Cincinnati, Thomas Mc­ Hugh was-robbed of .$2,OOQ. His car was disabled and the bandits escaped. Ernest Millet, 20, of Republic, is in a Tiffin hospital neat death, with his face ground to a-pulp as the result of Perry T, Singles, 30, was found dead In his automobile in front of A. J. Pillicliocdy's house at Payton, Pillichoody says Singles was return­ ing a gun to hi* home which he had borrowed to go hunting, He believes that in getting out of the car the gun was discharged, the bullet entering his heart, . - .. At Toledo three detectives raided a malt store and confiscated nearly 200 alleged counterfeit whisky labels, sev­ eral thousand revenue stamps be­ lieved to have been forged, and a bundle of alleged fake.permit-certifi­ cates. They also arrested A. 8. Man- del, 38, and Frank. Mustard, 55, Both are held without bail. ■ 8am Luca- informed the police 'at Cleveland he had been- swindled out of $700, his sayings, by a gypsy for­ tune teller. Salaries of two Athens police offi­ cers have been paid this year by Mayor L. A, Koons with fines col­ lected from traffic law violators. Agned Murtha, 16, struck and. drag­ ged several feet by an auto in Cleve­ land, died -later in a hospital. Special graud jury which has been investigating the recent, disorders at, Niles returned 104 secret indictments, .The jury recommended the reriioval of Mayor Harvey C, Kistler and Po­ lice Chief L.-J> Pounds of Niles. - Charles F. Perkins, cashier of the Pleasant - Hill Banking company, killed himself in the vault of the bank. Coroner Joseph Hance of Cler­ mont county returned a verdict of premeditated suicide. . F. W. Wakefield Brass company’s plant at Vermillion was destroyed by fire. Loss is estimated at $150,000. . Mrs.' V. A. Weacha, 47, stepped from behind a parked car and waB struck at Cleveland by an auto driven at a high fate of speed. She was killed instantly. When Emil Velerling went Into the basement of his home in Cincinnati he found the body of his undo, Jacob Huimmell, 71, hanging from' a rafter, III health was assigned as reason for’ the suicide, Paul M, Ashbaugh, former prosecu­ tor of Knox county, was indicted by1 the federal grand jury at Columbus, He is charged on four counts with converting to his own use money of tbe bankrupt Knox Tire and Rubber company of Mt. Vernon, of which he wa*. a trustee. Robert . kl ©peer m Indian leads Senate Sm. Charles CurtisofKatmsi* _fce new Rstmblkafl leader in the Benafs, rtensd after semor Bsfca* tor Warre* ef Wyoming deelhjed. #M*tor Cartl* fc mof# t im Half Ammtaut tndt**- .ectiofi of officers .will be held at the same rime. WHAT SAM SAYS Crop' perfection can only follow ?erl selection. Says Sam: The most practical inn in the world is, in the long run, he most impractical. Cage-, of. white rats will boon be ent to extension agents in several )hiat counties from the Ohio State jniversity to convince the public that certain diets in common, use aren’t }Ven fit for a rat. White ants did $600 damage to a ’armhpuse jn Champaign County by eating away the sills, studding, and iding close to the ground, A Vinton County orchardist made his lime sulfur spray at home this last year and cut the cost of it from |13 to $3.60 a barrel. Tuberculosis in cattle is to be ;‘bught in Warren County this year vith the -proceeds from Christmas stamps. Nicotine sulfate for the treatment if stomach worms in sheep has re- ilaced 50 percent of the blue vitriol treatments in Muskingum County, re­ ports W. S. Barnhart, county agri­ cultural agent there. Let each man praise the ford as aft finds it.—-Proverb* of Ireland. {«mw«un Burrowes, Bath Twp.; W- C. Altaif, Xenia; Charles Hawker, Beavercreek Twp,; E. R. Bryant, Xenia; Oral Ness, SugarcteCk Twp,; R, C. RoCk- Held, Bath Twp.; John M. Davidson, |Xenia, • The Petit Jury: Jonah Evans, lXenia; Katie Eagle, ,Spring Valley j rwp.; Lester Bowers, Xehia; L. W, <Linton/Jeffprson Twp.; Clyde Clark, Miami Twp.; Sebasian Gerhardt, Miami Twp.; Ada Baker, Cedarviltq Twp.; Chas. H. Wright, Xenia; Nolle Ankeriey, Beavercreek Twp.; Chester Preston, Miami Twp.; Samuel Singer, ■tenia; Frank Wolf, Xenia; L. D. Chitty, Xenia Twp,; 'Guy Coy* Beavercreek Twp,,’ O. B. Kauffman, Bath Twp,'; M* E. Hurley, Sugar- creek Twp,;.John Larkins, Miami Twp.; Winifred Sugden, Beavercreek Twp.; Joseph BolingCr, Spring Val­ ley Twp.; Howard Batdorf, Bath Twp. LATIMERROES ONTRIAL DECEMBER26 The Grand Jury last Friday re­ turned an indictment against C. W. Latimer for first degree, murder for .he shooting of Charles Macjcrodfc in fenia, November 26.. ., Latimer was arraigned before Jowdy, Saturday and a plea of not „u}lty was entered. The defense attorneys, Frank L. Johnson and L. T„ Marshall asked for an early hearing on the plea that Latimer was not ashamed of what he had done. Also that the case' be heard before the legislature con- - Prosecutor J. K, Williamson asked that the case go over until after the first of the -year when the new pro­ secutor, J. C, Marshall begins his term. Also that few people wanted to sit ori‘ a jury during a Holiday week, particularly when the jury yould be under confinement, Judge Gowdy ignored the prosecutor’s plea wd set the case for December ?6, The defense will have but ‘two or ;hree witnesses While the state may ,iave fifty or,more. UTILITIES BOARD MAY PASS TO THE BEYOND A bill will be introduced in the leg­ islature that if passed will abolish the public utilities commission, the body that fixes rates for gas, telephone water, light, power, care fares, in fact any public utility rate even to what the fare on the motor' buss line* shall be. This board is the most unpopular in the state today due to the autocrat­ ic power invested’in it.and the matt-- ner in which the public ha* be^n treat-, ed. -'A community cannotsjhaye a hear­ ing with out a high priced’lawyer 'to make the pleading. Then two or, more meetings are called and .there is the expense of going baric and forth, all doen no doubt, with the intention of Wearing out.the patience of the peo­ ple. A Citizens Committee -bag' been formed and- Will have control o f this, .bill. It iir claimed that It will have the HOG MEN MEET The National Poland China Record association met in Dayton, Tueslay, at the Phillips Hotel. Among the speakers were Ralph Postle, Camp Camp Chase Ohio; J. T, Housman, London; Harry G. Miller, Plain City, Ohio; J. H, Lackey, ■Jamestown, •poke oh “Managing the Farm and Breeding'Herd,” SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School at 9:15. Music by orchestra, P M, GilUlan, supt. Classes for all ages. Parents should BRING their children to Sunday School. Morning Worship at 10:80. Sermon by pastor. Subject: “Why Get Ac­ quainted in God,” Junior League at 2, Epworth League at 6 p. fit. Union service at U. P. church at 7 p. m. On the evening of Dec. SI, the Junior choir of our church will have full charge of the services. They will fender a Christmas program of carolSi etc. The community la Invited to our Christmas exercises by the children at this time, THIEVES MAKE HAUL H. O, Rhoades, residing south of Mt, Sterling reports the lose of $189 woftb of hogs which were stolen from his farm at night. The seven head weighed 200 pounds each and were |taken «w*y in ft traek. M. W- Moriroa, *Xenia; J, B. Thomas, C*es&rsefeek Twp.; C, H. Ifarkett, Miami Twp,; Anna. Bril Giikey, Xenia; A. B. Lewis, Jeffer­ son Twp,; Jennie Peterson, Spring Valley Twp.; Fred L, Nelson, Silver- creek Twin; Hattie Hamer, Xenia Twp,; Jessriln Lackey, Xenia; Edith Compton, Spring Valley,Twp,, Gari McClellan;, Beavercreek Twp.; Ollie Spahr, Now Jasper Twp.; D, L. Kline, Jefferson Twp!; Cudellis Hunt-1 or, Xenia; T. V, Moore, Xenia Twp.;. Willis McDorman, Silvercreek Twp.;' J, 'P , Zell, Miami Twp.; Florence Smith, Ross Twp,; Alice Batdorf, ■ Bath Twp,; Mabel Siefert, Xenia iSvp.; Emma G. McCalmont, Xenia, venes. - HUNTERS’ LICENSES Hunters of this State are wanted that they cannot hunt on or after January 1, without k 1,925 license. With the rabbit season closing on the first day of the pew year, wardens over Ohio will be on the alert for hunters that attempt to take the field for the extra day without the new iicense. Ip preparation for 1925, 400,009 licenses are now being sent out from the office* of the Division of Fish and Game of the Department of Agriculture. These go tp every part of the State and will be im­ mediately placed on sale. MERCHANTS NOT INTERESTED IN NIGHT WATCHMAN I f the attendance at a meeting on Wednesday afternoon called for the purpose' of a. night Watchman about the business section of town, is an index of sentiment there is no need of discussing the matter. There were but two businessmen out, one favor­ able and one unfavorable. Three members of council were present: H. A, McLean, B. E. McFarland and Leo Anderson,. The business men out were G. H, Hartman and Hayes Bates The meeting Wae called by council to get an expression' and Mayor Funsett presided. - NEW F, O. RULING .... „ . ■ « ■ The local post office lias received a new ruling that prohibits the print­ ed return on the flap or reverse side of the envelope. For. a few years back is ha* been fashionable to have the return or name printed on the flap. The face side ie the only side that the department Wilt recognise in the future, K. OF P’S. ELECT The X. of P, Lodge enjoyed a very pleasant meeting Wednesday even­ ing when election of Grand Lodge of­ ficers was held. There were guests present from Xenia, Yellow Springs and Clifton. A oyster-supper was ser-1 ved following the work. Get VuIk o f Harding Estate EL r .a t ‘ \ -.Xlav - ’ ' V i ...As' <Fr i 0 'i«.*v•>*> (&£•£2Z&kjtv l Jeanne and George Neely De Wolfe, of Marion, Ohio, childran o f Mrs. W r e n G. Hardiht’e soft by j 1 at first marrl*£«, ,* «» most of the $5pO,W» from rite labs | President’s estate, *« willed by. Mrs. Harding before her death last * month- ' 1 rown -beneattr tna wtt&em w en hit a largo ,stone. One of the wheels passed over, hi* face, missing hie skull and neck. Plans are under way at BUcyrus to enlarge the scope of the manual train­ ing classes for workers In Bucyrus industries, 135 of whom are attending night classes. Ohio State grange meets at Zanes­ ville Dec. 9, JO and Jl„ , Causing the death of Xiis 17-year- old son when he drove his auto into a telephone pole, William Hasz, 39, tof White Oak, was arraigned at Cin­ cinnati on charges of manslaughter. Police alleged he was under the in- fiuence of liquor. A spocial grand jury that will probe the Cleveland Discount company’s af- ! fairs will bo impaneled Dec. 10, At- j torney General Crabbe C"dered the ] investigation. : - j James Blackwood, manager of the Boston store in Wapakoneia, narrow- t ly escaped death when the gasoline tank of his touring car exploded a* 4 he was en route from Bellefontaine to Wapakoneta with a stock of goods,, valued at $1,000, for hid store. The car and goods were destroyed. Crawling under a freight train after bis dog, Joseph Straka, 13, son of Martin Straka, was instantly killed by a freight train at a Toledo cross­ ing. A large cattle barn, five calves and a horse, Valued at about $20,000, were destroyed by fire on the Pine Tree farm of Charles A. Otis, Cleveland broker, at Willoughby. • Two .persons, Mrs. Nellie Conklin, 70, and Benjamin Rubin, 31, Injured in traffic .acftidciits at Cleveland, died in a hospital of fractured skulls suf­ fered in the mishaps. Because his parents refused to per­ mit him to remain home from school, Ralph Craig, 16, of Beaver township, Pike county, shot himself. He is probably fatally Wounded, Mrs, LUlu Brooks, 31, suffered a broken back when an automobile which was being driven by the wom­ an's husband Skidded on an icy road­ way south of Columbus and turned over. Grand jury at Cleveland indicted two men oh a charge of participation in tbe looting of the Lakewood branch of the Cleveland Trust com­ pany, as police announced they had Captured the leader and four mem­ bers of the bandit gang, Logan Gas company was ordered by the utilities commission to prove a proposed service charge of 75 cents a month in 71 Ohio cities and villages is justifiable, The company filed schedules providing for the service charge a month ago. Herbert Apple,’ undertaker arid fur- talturo dealer at Mlamlsburg, was found at his store shot through the heart. Mrs. Apple recently brought «nit for divorce. Abraham W, Levinson, a building contractor, aged 31, was found dead in the garage 1« the rear of the Levin­ son home in Columbus, He had been, asphyxiated by carbon monoxide gas, Suit to contest the election of George W» Crandall, Republican, as commissioner at the November elec­ tion, has been filed at Marysville by his opponent, John W. Howison, Who Was defeated by I f Votes. Sater because of alleged irregulari­ ties In connection with the Knox county proceedings, was indicted on sly counts, charging extortion,' Glasa-oncilosed booths will be pro­ vided for Cleveland traffic police dur­ ing the winter months. ,r William Kellar, 35, living near Creston, Wayne county, was killed in-. Stantly when ,his clothing caught in a belt connected with- a motor on his farm. Charred body of an unidentified than was found In the ruins of a build­ ing destroyed by fire at, Canton; Plans l’or the establishment of a memorial to the late Rev. Father L. F. Kearney, pastor of St, Thomas’ Catholic church, are under way at Zanesville. ' Earl Holt, 518; of Portsmouth, died from Injuries ' received after being' struck by fin automobile, driven by Charles Morris of New Boston, who later gave himself up to police, Middleport salt men declare the Industry In that district will boom because of a new demand for bromine which is being used in high test gaso­ line. Common Pleas Judge Lemert hae Upheld the $100 fine and 10-day jai; term Imposed in Zanesville municipal court upon Dr, Byron Larue oh a charge of assault and battery on Har­ ry M< Basehart, editor of the Sunday Times-Signal. Larue will appeal fun tber, Mrs. Willis Groves, a widow, and her two children, Edith, 17, and Philip, 19, were instantly killed at Belle Center, Logan county, when the automobile in Which they ware driv lug was struck by a passenger train A boatload ol iiquor was seized al Marblehead, near Sandusky, but three men operating the boat made tbeh escape. The coast guards at the Mar­ blehead station seized 2,200 bottles of whisky, 1,200 bottles of ale and 21 bottles of gin. Frank Capparllla, 49, of Niles, Was killed and James McGrath of Warren fatally injured when struck by an au tomoblle which skidded down a hill over a railroad crossing and crashed into a pole at Warren. Fred Warren was sentenced at St, Clairavllle to be electrocuted on May 10, 1925, for ihe murder of Jeannette Panelle, 17-year-old girl. The girl :Jived Jh Kieeh, Belmont county. Mrs. Mary McGrath, 90, Cincinnati, died frofca accidental burns, Herbert C, Lyons, taxi line owner at. Bellefontaine, was bound over to the Logan county grand jury on a charge filed by Henry Hayes, who al­ leges Lyons stole his shotgun. Lyons pleaded not guilty, Despondent because of ill health, Charles W. Gwaltney, 66, favmer near Cincinnati, ended his life by shooting himself in the head. Despondent over his continued fail­ ure to obtain work, relatives say, Samuel O, Style* shot and killed him­ self at his borne in Dayton, The bul­ let penetrated his brain arid he died before physicians arrived. Body of John Mondn, 44, was round hanging from a rope suspended from a rafter of tfH* garage in the rear of his homo in Cleveland. Mencin’s daughter said her father had hsaa acting.queeriy for some Urns, •heard from. TEACHERS WOULD HAVE APPOINTMENTS FOR LIFE The educational council of the State Teachers' association submit a bill to the legislature asking enactment to sover the. election of teachers, After chree years1service in the same school the next appointment must be for life the law to go into effect in. 1926. It ia also provided that ih cases of dis­ missal, failure to re-employ being tan­ tamount to discharge, the teacher riiust be served with a written state­ ment of the reasons for such dismiss Sal and he given a hearing before the iioard of- education within 19 days* the decision of the hoard i» he final. Teachers must he appointed 30 days before the- dose of the school >year. Such a bill as proposed hds bee nup before hut failed of passage due to the-division of sentiment of teachers over the measure. LITTLE SNOW IN NOVEMBER The show fall in November was less than In any November during the past 29 years. The rainfall Was sligtly a- bove that of the past two years bnt the October dry spell carried over in­ to November and there were 14 clear Jays, which was more than had been recorded for eight years. * * Candy canes to trim yotir Xmas trees at the Cedarville Bakery. Try Comeback -j \ o f Lake Worth, , f .v /! v.«>-. li champioft -J m m v •!’. r, O'.’t ?,>Win hi* tttUi t.K.i ,t 1 -year-old Putt itom* a \ L»vV« at the national meet'.dii soon, n I