The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

Tim CMhrvflL , (M | — - - ~~ ’» - ’ x * x m bu l l * * m rn r n IM m i st ti* Fest-OMs* 0*da**- ■rttfo ft* October 81* 1887, «* tm m FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, m i THOU SHALT NOT KILL Before many day* the people o i Gresne County 'will have the op­ portunity o f knowing whether the law o f Holy Writ and civil law mean* what it *ay* or whether Greene county >a to have a rehearsal of a criminal ea*e that would put the county on par with the Court* In Chicago when two wealthy youth* escaped the right punishment after killing their chum, ^ Every defendent is entitled to a fair and impartial trial and held to he innocent until found- guilty. The evidence alone should ho considered. Because one man was shot down in the street is not all, A .stray bullet might have cost the lives of one or more innocent persons. LEST WE FORGET *Do you rememberwhat these goldei f days, the period between Thanksgiv­ ing and Christmas meant to you when you were a child? How that air ot mystery settled down over the hoipcl The whispering and planning, the «e- - crets and hidden packages? How the shop windows in the village atom held treasures that awakened n keen desire for possession'in your heart- How .eager you were to help with the chores and to please mother and fath­ er? How the jolly face of old Santa Claus smiled at you from the pages o f the magazines and newspapers? Christmas, the gayest, happiest holi­ day of all the year, was drawing near, and you lived in an atmosphere, o f an­ ticipation. ■ You are much older now ahd the myth o f Santa Claus has long been 'shattered. But let us not forget that the ruddy face- is just as inspiring to the little ones of today as he Was'to you once upon a time. Your Christ- . mas in the days of long ago wbuld have been a bleak and unhappy day*if it had not been for'the conspiracy of the elder folks in the home, who took you upon their knees and read" the wonderful story, "Twas the.night be­ fore Christmas,” The World is busier today than it was' when you were a child; the grown-ups have so much more to occupy their time and atten­ tion, but the joy of giving Christmas happiness to the little ones is as great today as it was in the dear dead days beyond tecll. You Will find .the same -sweet innoeeme, the same' beautiful belief in the jolly old elf, “ with Mjjhe little round belly, that shook wdiemdie laughed like A boWl full of into the game! Hake the children hap­ py1Pay the debt you owe to those who made yonr Christmas such'a won­ derful time when you were helpless and believed in faries. You may not be hero next Christmas, so make the best o f this one. ' A NEW INVENTION- Thomaa A, Edison says the next great invention will be the helicopter, Also ha has a novel plsu for the. re- Laf of the farmer which he avers is quite a simple matter. One half, of the population is working* in the soil and the other half is composed of man ufacturm t.nd middlemen. All the government needs to do, according to the inventor, is to Store foodstuffs as it stores gold today ami pass them out for use as needed. Cur mind, however, is attracted wore to the helicopter, that device which, when perfected, will enable I man to rise straight upward, from the ground, and remain at a stated latitude to hover there without mov­ ing hack and forth, or up or down. The farmer’s problem is one of economics. For some time we have been hearing about the government buying up the wheat and holding i t to create a stable market for the far­ mer. This solution may be all right and again it may toe wrong. The law of supply and demand must be taken mto consideration. It'cannot be ig­ nored, Once the government takes over a farm product next might be the cot­ ton crop, or the wool, One crop can not bo handled to the exclusion of the other. Then the .manufacturer would put in his claim that he too needs pro­ tection, and before we could realize it we would have a condition that ex­ ists In Russia today. The most important thing • that is a handicap to the farmer and his crop is the speculator. Crops fall into the hands of the gambling element. We jhave that situation now. At threshing time wheat was around a dollar- To­ day it is ’above $1.50 a bushel. If in­ dications point right it will go to $2.00 before many weeks. This does not improve the farmer’s condition for few of then have wheat to sell. What we need in this country is a different class of men in our leg­ islatures, state and national, men engaged in active successful business. Sixty per cent of our legislators were elected because they were good fellows or made wholesale promises to put over some reform or create a new. bureau that will Cost millions of the tax payers money to operate. Yes, the helicopter would be a great invention. It should be perfected and then hitch the cart-tail politicians, •job creating reformers and other pap- puckers to it and shoot them straight up in the air and give them perman­ ent residence in etherial. space. We heed the helicopter. The farmer needs relief but he will never get it with a legislative bpdy that is controlled by so-called up-lifters—up-lifters for their own selfish gain. iBffeOVBD DWaKHtMWTttMATMHAL GOVERNOR VIC * * D HEADED Baraca Bible Classes Baraca is the name of a world-wide organization of young .men’s Bible classes, The word is from the He Wow **bernkah,’' meaning blessing- The f’arnca classes were first organized In tlse BOVs and now number several thou­ sand in 80 or 40 different denomina­ tions, A similar organization of young women’s Bible classes is called Philo- tliea. This Week’s Cross Wold Puzzle ‘ 1 A t > 4 it ■ / ' , We hgve an excellent puzzle this week, pile ‘ that has been cleverly worked out and one that will make you scratch your head to solve. There is no bettor, training for young or oldfolks than working these puzzles. It ■requires (h eu seo f the dictionary arid the dictionary is more'to the stu­ dent that most any text book he undertakes to master. pr PPM 7T lid 24 34- W , ♦ VERTICAL •‘I. Not this 2, Illinois Central (abbr.) a. Lower part of leg f 4. A female of the second genera­ tion back, *. 5. Honey makers (St Exists 1, To walk - 9, One 10. Great Northern (atobr.) 14. A male relative. 16, Ellipses. i : , 17. A cooling agerijb. lft. Girl’s name. ! : * Id. Boy’s name 21, Japanese count. &6t Not toad. - 28, Hawthorn berrlaa. 20, Made use of. 80. Planted by strewing, 22. 17th letter of Hebrew alphabet, 84, The parson Ugged in a game, 82, Seventh musical note, 87, A negative* answer, - HORIZONTAL 1. Not that, S, Receptacles for commodities like - or oate. - ft. Attack* 11. In the vicinity of, 11 Silly, m Mm ® ■' , 14, Frefisf meaning not, 1 it For that raiwou, it . Net *«t, > 18. To increase,* or sum up. 20. One way of writing six, 122- To do a favor to. 123. First two letters of the largest animal (onfc a word). 24, At a distance but in view. 25. Behold (Remember, the Poor • In­ dian). 27. A sort of interrogative oxdama. ticn. ' .1 29. You and me. 31. All right! 32, A genus of plant suckers. 35. Perform. 36, To add sugar to, 38. A raised platform. 39. A soft hairy grbwt^i. ■WS* j Answer to last week’s puzzle, A L 5f » D E f- u A 0 A t3 D 1 A N O D 0 t h : i N 1 T t 5 e L HA N K O N ti fc R SundaySchool ’ Lesson' <gy RXV. J». B. jm’ZWATKH. D.D., D#»* ,a t th» Evening Srhjiul. Meojy Bible In- eUt-’twof L'llKaKQ.) «'*>, 11.C4, WMieift Knweyeoer Lesson for December 14 THE RAISING OF LAZARUS T.K&ION TEXT—John 11 : 1 - 46 . OOI,DEN TEXT- t "! *>» the re»urr«o- and the life,” J-JUMABY TOPIC—Jesus CowforU a Family In Trouble, JFNIOK TO.TC — I**aru» Rai**d From the Dead. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC— Chritjt'a Power Over Death, YOUNGPEOPDEANDADUDTTOPIO —Christ, the Kesurrcetton and the DU*. 1, The Revelation of Chrlet’* Love (vv, 1-30), The Bethany family held a peculiar place In the affections of Jesus, When the doors of other homes were closed against Him, the .door of this home flung wide open to receive Him. 1 , Lazarus Sick (vv. 1, 2). Even those who are In dose fellowship with the Lord are not immune from sick­ ness. 2. Martha and Mary Send for Jesus (v. 8). Because they had come to know Jesus more thnn n mere man they Instinctively turned to Him when this shlulow fell ncvoSs their Ipme. Those who receive Jesus Into their homes, when uti are well and linppy, can be sure of HIS love and sympnthy when ’sickness and death overtake them, 8. Jesus’ Strange Delay (yv. 4-19). Marlhn and Mary sent for Jesus be­ cause Be loved Lazarus. Now, ,Tei jb . "abode in the same place” because He "loved Lazarus and his sisters.” Mere human sympathy would have moved Him to hasten to the home of trouble, but Divine love,- which rests upon per, feet knowledge, caused Him to tarry.. 4, Jesus Meets Martha and Mary (vv, 20-87). Martha and Mary knew the peril to which He would he exposed and there­ fore ,flld not request that He come, but merely gave Him notice. They were willing that His coming left to Him. (1) Mprtha Met JesuS (vv. 20-27). As lie was nearing the village, Martha, who with her sister had passed through the awful ordeal of the sick­ ness and "death of a dear brother, met Him with a complaint for His delay. Because of His love He ignored her complaint and taught her concerning the resurrection and life, Martha, like many today, had a vague Delict that God would raise Lazarus some time In the remote future. To her earn' the compelling declaration, “I'am- the . >s- 'tttrcction, and the life.” The great (ruth to be apprehended Is that here and now we ate united to the living Christ, the source of life, aild that this is the pledge of bodily resurrec­ tion and eternal reunion, (2) Mary Met Jesus (vv. 28-35). Mary came With the same words, but with a different voice and attitude, She'fell down at His feet. She had been sitting at Ills feet Iti the days of sunshine. Therefore she knew where to go when sorrows cast their shadows across her path. Her words were ffh- sweyefl by His tears, “Jeans wept,’,’ II, The Resurrection of Lazarus (vv. 38-44). The great .sympathy now expresses Itself in supernatural power. Sym­ pathy would be valueless without Its connection with divine power. In this stupendous miracle we see an illustra­ tion of the quickening into life of those dead Itt trespasses and sin. Observe: 1, lie Was Dead. Tills Is a type of the sinner, dead in trespasses and sins, oven morally corrupt' (Eph. 2:1). 2, The Stone Must Be Rolled Away, This Is the part the human,must play. if. In. Unbelief Marlin* Protests Against the StonO Being Removed. She insists that Lazarus hsrl already undergone putrefaction. 4. Christ’s Intimacy and Fellowship With the Father as Revealed In His Prayer. 5. His Manner of Dealing With Lnznrtts. It was by a call. He Is call­ ing men and women today by Hts Spir­ it, Ills,Word and His providence. 0, The Response of Lazarus Show* That His Call Was With Authority and Power, With the call goes the p'ower to hear and. obey, even though one l>e, (lend In trespasses and sin end therefore helpless, - 7. The People Are Commanded to Remove theGrave-Clothes and SetHim Free. They could not make Lazarus alive, tout they;could remove the grave- (•lollies which bound the man whom Christ made alive, III, The Effect of This Miracle (vv. 4547). • This mighty work caused division of /Sentiment', Some believed on Jesus and some went to the Pharisees with the hows. Lacking Something Some men' are nil man except heart, brain and “backbone.” -<■ American Evangelist, * Citizenship A Christina citizenship cab spell out nothing but "clean citizenship."— American Evangelist. . No A p o logy A .three-foot rule does not have to stmlodz* for being lltirty-slx inches long.- -American Evangelist, A few days age * *ta,ta prohibition inspector raided a ytmutg woman’* appartment* and tomb a bottle of illegal liquor. The lady had two gentle men friend* present The state official discovered an empty Bqaer bottle In the auto in front of the apartment. 1 The young lady hmm ed to be . i employe* and when the word Jreached the governor It 1* said he be- icame ’ ‘red-headed" and bounced,........ ........ „ .. . the prohibiten agent Since that time their appointments. We are glad the statement* have come from the Anti * j£.*loon League calling the action o f1 ' the Governor a blunder. The Governor j |say* he cares nothing about the Anti ;Saloon League, i Frank Evans, the prohibition officer was appointed at the request of the Anti Saloon League by former Gov­ ernor Davis. At the but election the "League" turned down Gov, Davis for Gov, Denahay, The League being so full of intrigue it could not be true to one that stood by it and made League has been cuffed by Donahay tad that will never happen ia Oeiom- and told to mind its own business. The bu*. The situation must be tuswisg •lection is over and Donabay has r«- to dry BApubUcan*. reived all toe league could give him, ----------------- support at the polls. j ErfwMt}wi Jj% A* for raiding a lady state employ- j pemaark’s edacetlottnl system la so ee’s apartment—that should not be perfect netd popu’st that rtmougiuwt permitted unless ths apartment* o f ; the entire ismntry there la not ow- li­ the male employees are raided alee— jHteret* famPy. Contents of Pacific The Pacific ocean covers 88,000,000 sqtfSra miles. To put away It* con­ tents It would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, one mile wide and one mile deep every; day for 440 year*. Tiffany's GIFTS OF JEWELRY AT CHRISTMAS TIME IS THE GIFT SUPREME A wrist Watch will please her. Priced 215.50 to 875,,00. 'Rectangular IC-jewel 25 year White Gold, 220.00 Gente’ Gift Watches, so useful and attractive, Green or White Gold, 212,50 up. Ladies’ Diamond Rings, set in new White Gold Mountings. A special price Jot at 230.00 Blue White snappy Stones. Set Rings, an ideal inexpensive gift for man or woman. White Gold mountings, 23,50 up. ; ^ Pearls—^—Indestructable Pearl* in velvet jewel cases |4,60 up, ' . Green and Whit* Gold as low as 81-50. Scheffer Pen and Pencil Sets in gift boxes at 23-50 ' 5 — AT COST All our Golored Glass Ware, $9.50 Buffet Set with Tear Drop Candle Stick, 25- Fancy Imported Colored Glass Vases Values as high as $1:50. Choice 50c. South Detroit Street, Store Xenia, Ohio 0rauges,s5:r“ “ 25c Potatoes 95 Quick Oats, s x f “ 25c CMcdenser, , 20c CRACKERS, Soda 1 9 r or Butter.. . . . . BUTTER freah A J n churned lb ^ . GINGR SNAPS *|Ar crisp snappy lb . * Vw NUT OLEO Eatmore •% A fresh - .A v L COCOANUT JA f t Marshmallows lb CHEESE fancy J * !* cream lb. . . . . VANILLA Wafers O A r fresh lb. MILK Country lg, 1 C|* 8c 4 small cans ROLLED Oats -|C r bulk 6 lb. bag . , . * 1 ^ LAYER FIGS new 0 )4^ . 1924 crop.. ..r CORN MEAL white-* |T|* of yellow 6 lb . . . * STUFFED Dates 9 A r new j 924 crop . , v w v LARD fresh 1 *7|% rendered l b ..........J. 1 v v ' ' . i SOAP Kirk’ s or P & G 10 bars.. . . L llllllllllllilllllllllllll|llllllllliilili!ili!!HH - s s t e s - . .rts: I Oh That Joyful Feeling §1 When your Christmas Shopping is all over and you have money left. |Christmas Savings Club ■M1 tf H —solves the problem, and so easily too. Just start out with a small amount, and watch it grow, with §§ each week’s deposit, until, lo and behold, when the next Christmas comes around, you are prepared, and ==: you find it a keen pleasure to do your shopping for the loved dnes. I Let Every Member of the Family Start §§ Of course the older folks with larger aruounts, and the children, say 25 cents a week, and the pleasure || at next Christmas will be well worth the effort. s You may join any of the following clubs—just come in and we will gladly explain it and start you off. m m 2 .25 per week in 60 week* amounts t o _________ ____ 8 J >0 per, week in 60 Weeks amounts t o _____ ____________ $ ss.oo 2 1.00 per week in 50 Weeks amounts to $ 50.00 $ 2.00 pes week in 60 weeks amounts t o .$ 100,00 $ 6.00 per week in 50 weeks amounts to ____ .^...._$250,00 210.00 per week in 50 Weeks amounts to . . . . . . . . ___ ______..8500.00 ,02 inc. per week in 50 weeks amounts t o ___ . . . . . ___ ______ 525.50 .02 dec. per week in 50 weeks amounts to . . . . . . . ___ . . . . __ 2 25,50 .05 inc, per-week in 50 weeks amounts to _____ ............2 63.75r 06. dee. per Week In 50 weeks amounts to ____ 53,75 .10 inc, per week in 50 weeks amounts to . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ..8127.50 10 , dec, per week in 60 weeks amounts to $127.50 - ......... ........................................... "Hrm n , , Win ' ' h n , *55 How “ Lukewarm” Originated ! §5 Tbs word "iuko” is derived from **"" the Middle English luke, which fs at extension of lew and also means warm 6 Per Cent. On Time Deposits New Club Now Starting Home Building & Savings Co. 4-6 North Detwit Street, Xenia OMo S. B. LeSourd, Sec'y. I".r ^aimmmififtiBfifitfitiumnimtntinminiiiuitKiiniimHinHHiniBiiminimittiaitftHtiminii'......... milill,l„„,„[,n[|,||[t|t BUS & NO f' •i'll C oin RB S ot CHRIS1 j(Our Accompli ij What Hav 4 « bt HAVE always 1 J jl youth, quite a '[ looking back ; ward. It is good ; I ture, but there is gained Ironi rev! ■4 in seeing how far a ' j much we' have nee ways we have dew i;' I was talking to ;;; year that is so ne »; was dissatisfied wit uncertain as to w ■J: time and >noney lie M been worth wliile, 1 little, it seemed; ft I he1wasn’t different ; J left the little * ago. But I could •I | little more self-p s surer of himself. In his maimers. ’ I think, learning to developing a little terest than when 1 As you eotne to and look back, 1 cbme? It IS an e; fhiit possibly'not SO When, wo were home, mother usot i we had-said our 1 gO over in our mil two the events of determine whether day for us or a dropped off to sit , gone far, but it v *■Iti ence, this lookin ments In the face to estimate'them, this that I should ,ypu as this year is the year meant; to New powers? Kev done sonietliing wo ‘-.better, stroiiger, na battles of the wor i year ago? Ate yo rdom timt is clean, ,lng? If so, the yei for you.—Thomas Men, University ro . (©, 1924, WMtorn r Light in the on Chri AR above tl1 a lowf nfid watchful *ai beacon of assurlni; Christmas mornin In the old churdi It shone down church windows ti /pictured shepherd: •ing at midnight; wise men who k: ing gladness out lighted up a gar! hopeful youngster, a very small bed that the light was below a passer lo entiled; another glow and speTf o coin into the poo door. The Salvat out from the thumped her Inn cause some genia her basket so f down the street the gleaming light ring. $ And *0 with diet ' chime It Came in another h i- While the old si I upward, remnifie things high and pher G. Hazard. \ {©, 19D4, tvesicr ' Great P- , Bryan in his "I |ahd Engravers" ; |« f Rnbcus' pietm Igioua A list xa 11.358, exvlttslve o V.;i 9 Rubens' pttie vjudetvt nsSisinn?* 11 t*y sxrttiiy itb* ags am still in b