The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52
Thi t'% Th rom b i Ate f • *mi ■,' W^gpk»!ii •mtmt, iyi«r—|W';K,f.*vy,» 1 T,’IPWj Above is a photograph o f _ dent Coolicfge sent’ by radio London to New York, time ... minutes. Below shows photo bSfig taken from radio cylinder Hi New York offices,, ; * ‘ ~ v T t # f ‘ "-------------—---------------------- r-r^ r-r- Iron-Gall Inker* <J^Y. As the mime implies,- Ironfall’ inks are based on a liquid in which tyo^.i®ton salt Is combined with tannin'ext$p§ed • from gall nuts. The iron suit wjgfop- peras and comes in the, form ,ofj B p fl crystals, .These arc secured ^pihe United States. While there areowhet Ingredients added, these two pfgjuie moat Important in the make-up ' of this type of Ink, 'f. fe f MAKING CHRISTMAS REAL CELEBRATION It. AND Jams, SHOWN agreed not to have any Christum eel* el.rution, They would just be sensible, nml have a restful holiday without any of the worry of trying to outdo m b other and their friends in the exchange of gift*. Their friends had consented «ol to give tiiem any pmnma, and as Uiey had no children, It would be easy to carry out their intension of having Just an ordinary holiday. Christmas moiuin.' arrived mid Mr. Brown looked at Mis. Brown through blinking eyes. ' “Merry Christmas." he said; “Merry Christmas/' echoed his wife. They were both startled. That was not the way to begin an ordinary holl* day. 'They had begun U just as they had begun every other Christmas. “But then/* Mrs. Brown explained, “it wouldn’t be right not to say It, would it, dQur?" Mr. Brown quite agreed with her, and they went down to breakfast. At Mr. Brown’s place were some packages. “Wlmt are these?” he asked, with pretended harshness. “Oh, dearie,” said his wife, “you won't be angry, will you? I just couldn't .help giving you something. It wouldn't be Christmas without some surprises, And ns we weren’t giving any presents, I thought It was a good opportunity to get you some things you have needed a long time, Mr. Brown tore open the packages, which, to his great delight contained ' n. velvet lounging rofie, some Russian leather slippers and a box of his favorite cigars, 'Toil dear 1” he, cried, and kissed his wife ardently, ' Then lie drew from his pocket a small box which he handed her. Her eyes sparkled. “For me?” she exclaimed. “For you,” he said, and added, as. sjie lifted from the box a beautiful' necklace of pearls, “I thought since we weren't giving .any presents this ■year, It was a good opportunity to buy jou these pearls you have wanted so long.” “You .dear," said his wife, and kissed him joyously. ‘ Just then the doorbell rang. A mes senger with flowers and candy was at .the floor. “I thought it wouldn’t be .Christinas without these,” said Mr. iBrown. [ “And you were right,” agreed his ;wife. "5(011 can’t have' Christmas (Without candy .and flowers, and pfes* ■ents and surprises, which show how ^people really love you,"—H. Budus [Cook; • <©. 1024. Western.Mff’wspa^er' Union.) W f * CAB! IV, >024, WwU.ra K*w»)?*e«r L'nlvn ) All m*n whom mighty genius hM raid'd to a proud eminence in th# wetld lane usually tome tlltls weakness which appear# the mor* conspicuous from the contrast U presents to their general charac ter.—Pickwick papers SOME BEST DISHES This is the time of year when w* look for foods to tempt ihu appetite, A most delicious tpeul nud one which tuny be stretched to feed several more way be prepared from the f o 11o w In g recipe: Chipken Warmsin*— Stow a large fftt fowl In. plenty of water to make a good supply of broth, liemove the fowl and cut the meiit Into bits after removing It from the bones. Into the broth dropuicely diced celery and cook it uutll tender, keeping the diced chicken hot over steam or hot water. Remove file celery ■after cooking and then add noodles, cooking until they are done. When serving make a nest of noodles, add some of the celery' and oh top place the chicken; ail should be well-sea soned while .cooking. Serve with mushed potatoes and gravymade from the seasoned broth. Here is a dainty dessert which Is good enough to serve for company: Frozen Fruit,—Mixtogether two and one-lialf cupfuls of sugar and one tubiespoonful of flour; add one cup ful of boiling water, stir and cook un til the flour is well cooked. Add the juice of three lemons, three oranges, three mashed bananas and a .can of grated pineapple with three cupfuls of coid wafer. Fold iu the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs and freeze as usual.' Here is a cooky that young and old will clamor for ; Filled Cookie*.—To one-half cupful of shortening add one cupful' of sugar, one egg, one-half cupful of sweet milk in. which a teaspoonful of soda 13 dis solved. Sift three and onfe-half cup fuls of flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, add a teaspoonful of vanilla and mix well; roll out and cuF with a cooky, cutter. Put together In pairs with the following filling: Cook one cupful of chopped vaislns with one-half cupful of. water,.one table- .spoonful of flour and lemon Juice to taste, adding a bit of tbe grated lemon rind. When thick cool and use as fill ing. i Not an Infallible Guide Physiognomy Is noi a guide that has been given us by which to Judge of the. character of men: B may only serve us for conjecture,—l.n Briiyera, Trick of Human Nature A republic Is the form of government tn which those who will not vote de*. nounce Hie, choices of those’ who do.— Boston Herald. A VISIT*Tp OU R SMW B ^___ * * bsfci»^ 45 ^JSuB(feeda of artieles fo be feunq hero oLr,* a Mfocihm from tilings of moderate price to the cr..-..i elaborate. CGES’HONS Auto Chairs Piiliiaian-Slippers • Needle Gaaet . Scissor Bets Men1* Dressing Caees Ladies’ Dressing Cases Tourist ‘Writing Cases Lawyers’ Brief Owes i Traveling Men's Portfolios Pocket tJinbypllas Wflek-Und Cases Mat Trunks “It’s a fur year’ A. s PREDICTED by Paris away last summer the style tendency ‘ T this season is decidedly toward fur garments. M any factors have contributed* to this. Probably the most important one is the short life of the cloth coat as compared to the fur coat even though the cost is about the same. in many cases. The added charm, comfort and. luxury of'fur is indisputable. Certain the woman who buys without comparing and considering wrongs herself. H P HE Y O U T H F U L fur jacquettes and the . gorgeous full length ‘ * coats pre rivals for M ilady ’s favor. In most instances we can still supply your, holiday needs -at .the same low •prices that prevailed in our August sale. Here are,,a few convincing items picked at random from ,our enormous assortments. . Full length natural'muskrat coats........................ . . . . . $ 95.00 Full length Bay seal coats ........................................... $ 95.00 Full length Hudson seal cotas . . . . .............................. $195.00 . Full length bronze caracul c o a t s ................................... $250.00 Jacquettes ill all the popular furs from................... $55 to $195 Choice o f five colors in genuineiox scarfs ............. .... .$15.00 Genuine stone marten chokers . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 to $45.00 Dainty fur sets for little f o l ks . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.00 to $25,00 Etc., Etc., Etc. No more appreciated or timely Christmas'remembrance can be imagined than something in fur, This 74-ye.»r-old fur store is ready to help you make a suitable selection. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO OO ft] 40 HAST MAIN 8ft Springfield, Ohio* NO HUNTING NOTICE! i\6 hunting or trespassing will ic permitted on the following farms; a Currey MeElroy. Thomas Frame. Anderson Finney. Jack Fumy Warren J. Barber iv E, Finney. Veter Eungkrner J, C, Townsley Gao. W, Mammon W, 0. Thompson John Pyles Frank Townsley George Llitle Wi H*t* S« Moiflni? Usury Towisley, V. V. MwrimB John B. Taylor. A, II,■Grwwrih Mr;, A. L. Smiley Hugh Turnbull Jr. Mrs. Minnie McMillan. J, C, Finney. Pretty Ribbon Garters Sometimes a pair of garters under takes fo be magnificent—and Christ mas makes an opportunity for them to take on regal airs. This very up* to-date pair chooses black and-gold lacs with fine black satin ribbon, to aohlave “the splendor dear to women,” We wish to purchase a few stacks of LOOSE STRAW Located within IDmiles cf our m il, Call Cedarville Phone 39-4 rings, . • 4 E . S . H A M I L T O N , E u y e r . The Hagar Straw Beard & Paper Co. CEDARVILLE, OHIO IFYODNEEDPRINTINGDROPIN
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