The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

TOOKHERHOME 1 , MYRA A. WINGATI fo r ^ & A ffie te s andBmn-Sprinters T I7H EN a fellow’s keyed to top pitch and ▼▼every ounce o f energy andvitalityare con­ centrated on the game, nothing helps tike clenching the teeth in a piece o f good chewing tobacco. BEECH-NXJT Chewing Tobacco is the steady'and steadying friend o f every record Breaker and rpace maker. In the back pockets o f golfers, business men, workers and judges. Whole, waxy,, selected leaves o f prize crops —the sun-sweetened, top growth o f choice dis­ tricts, cut into convenient tittle bites, stemmed, cleaned, packed, and sealed without the touch o f human hands. Still the best chew on earth —still the best selling brand in the world—still the most gen­ erous friend, o f 10c. Over 250 million packages sold in a single year. FamousAmericansandTheirSayings ? fRptM*' jpmt ~ temti* A m * wm ft who »d- "Th* «quore deal.” Tht*c word* bare come into .Cvory-dsy «>e in bushes* »nh bome life, The square deaf means tbe Golden. Rule. The Square is an instru­ ment tha,t com pels straight tines and even m a u » r a n «D l t . ' V h « n we act on the square we act straight. We want to hear from any who, feel that they have not had a square deal in this store* (a /iew fa A GmodStcra *~ Cincinnati - | JEAN'S VISION <►■« <► i > s ► IS. m«, *»>’ McCm* JiA**j;»li*r BKAP8TREKT p«rtl*r4 i« look ha<:fc at Hie bouse staamng in a reruw tomad by two of Urn tiling* sUssts. A neighbor paws* to My: J‘Ab, Luke, bow is Mrs, Brsdstreet tuts JBornlugP ‘ "Thanks, John, there is no gio:it rLnugo jet, but we are hoping wuvh from tilt; new treatment.” "Hia.i to hear tout ” eaid Ms fiieral. "Jean v,!H bo here soon, I cupiiocei” "I'm reaiiy expecting her this sneni* ir.g, though I’ve hud ho word," re­ turned Bnulstrect, glancing at hie watch. His face ‘sad lighted ns if lie sensed a slight lifting of hisrheart bur­ den. “I must he on my way," 4 On ton of the pile of mall passed out to Luke was a thick,letter addressed in Jean's clear hand.. He was disap­ pointed, but reflected that he had written her there was no Immediate danger. > As lie walked to the store Ms tired brain performed odd jumps from busi­ ness considerations to .plans for his sick wife, apd back again to Jean. She was tliplt only child—-pretty, gifted, ambitions. Her pet subject in college had been Journalism. Already, at twen- ty-flve, she was "the makings” of a ’wrtyer," Luke remembered, with fa­ therly pride, her pleasure in being able to provide, for herself. His own shrewdness and business judgment showed there. Hot that Luke put it to himself in those terns, What be­ thought was: "There’s a. little Of the Old man there, for all she’s just like her moth­ er.” Beaching his office, he slit tlie en­ velope eagerly. He read the letter, first hastily, and again .slowly,* Affection, sympathy and deep, concern, beautiful­ ly expressed, were therej but—- "Y<W say that T can hove till, the necessary help, and all my time for my own work, but that both you and mother'need me for sympathy, advice and companionship. Ho you think It would work out thatway, daddy, dear? Here’s my view of it: You say the disease progresses, slowly, is often ar­ rested and sometimes Cured- Mother is able to sit up and toad. You have a good housekeeper and a- competent nurse. My time would surely be broken by parlous demands, .Under such con­ ditions'I could not maintain the cheer­ ful note that I wish to sound. You would not ask'a son work' lg at a dis­ tance to give up and come home, for those reasons, fs my work less'lmpor- tant? "tyrlte me every little thing about mother. Yon knoyr you're be­ loveds. I shall be at home, as usual. In. June, andwe'll talk It over then,' "Anothergirt and I havg a wonderful plan for the summer. We’re going to do Maine in a car, stopping wherever we like, to absorb local color—" Luke methodically folded the pege* email and cut them Into tiny immwree with hie paper katfia He heaped them on an ash trsiy **d touched a m«Mb to them. jean Bradstreet awakened to * curi­ ous experience that morning—awak­ ened in her own room, the ivory dock ticking on the dresser, the surround- ; lugs apparently veiled In early morn­ ing dimness! Powerless to. move or utter sound, she lay looking down, a broad beam of light, She saw her fa* ther cross the main street of the vil­ lage. He nodded in passing to two men talking at the foot of the stone steps leading to the bank, Jean knew them. Hie cleurness of her vision was Startling, After Luke, had passed, Leonard Willis said to Jasper Gale: "Luke Bradstreet lias aged tenyears since Ms wife whs stricken.- I'm told there’s only a chance of recovery.” The Criterions Annual Summer Sale FACTS ALW AYS TRUTH ONLY The Events Awaited Every Year By The Fashionable Women * O f This Section Our Annual JULY SALE COMMENCING, ' Thursday, July 1Oth ™ a ■ Wonusn s and Misses Wearing Apparel of the Better Type At Greatly Reduced Prices. , 24 B* Main S t SPRINGFIELD, giro # ig Men, Grandfathers and Uncles Starting Saturday Morning the CRITERION presents their Annual Sale of our entire stock of Michaels Stern and Adler Collegian high grade 3 piece spits. The reductions are greater than ever before and the selection never .better.* All our fine suits on sale at . . . ‘ .50 0> / Values up to $32*50 Values up to $40 Values up to $50 * , - . * . . ■ 0 • . * . 1 \„ . ' * * , , i •’ - -■, i r i 1 * •‘ All sizes in regulars, stouts, shorts, slims, English*Men’s , and Young Men’s Models ■. o ; V - , ■ Annual Summer Reductitinis on all the Following Merchandise: Yorke Shirts Boys’ Suits Boys’ Wash Suits Boys’ Wash Suits Manhattan Shirts Straw Hats Boys’ Shirts Boys’ Waists Flannel Trousers SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 12th ,5{i 52 SOUTH DETROIT STREET, XENIA, OHIO GET HERE EARLY » * . s* FOI? .GOOD SELECTION ■inf wortis were a* dtstutet as if spoken In the room. Jean cried wit Wight!!}- and found herself standing Upon her own bedside rug, the tears upon her cheeks. The bands of the Ivory clock pointed to nine. At four that afternoon, LeonardWil­ lis, directing a gang of laborers laying Water pipes, saw a car rocketing down the road toward tbe village,^ There was a squeal ef brakes as It passed, and presently a voice called: "Ob, Leonard.” . * He ran to the ear, hand extended, "Jean BradstteeU* Jean clasped and held the hand In Iterintensity. "Leonard, were yen standing at the foot of tine Amk step* at nine o'clock and did you nay, Luke Bradstreet hag aged ten *years since Ms wife Was stricken. I’m told there’s only a chance of recovery*r Leonard hesitated, reluctant, and then blurted honeatly, “Yes, Jean.” The car leaped forward, lcavin, Leonard dated and wondering. Luke Bradstreet swnng around inMs desk chair as quick steps sounded in the ball, "Jean1” he said, rising unsteadily, "Sit down, you blessed old goose, said Jean, pushing him back, “You're so white I know you’ve had no dinner," “You’re white, too,” countered Luke, feebly, „ "Small wonder,” eommeftted«denn, "I have had no dinner myself. Oh, Dad, that awful letter!” „ "What happened, Jean?" questioned Luke quietly. "It was a vision,” stated Jean, sol­ emnly. "And It brought tue. Tw here to stay." . , . And then, being a very modern girl, she muted: "Have a h e a r t , a n d give mb three grains of eurn. or something to keep me alive until dinner time." pyramids of SgypL The Pyramids of Kgypt, some 76 In number, date from the period between the fourth and twelfth dynasties and were bthlt as tomb* for the kings. Tim most important group is at. which includes the great Pyramid, the torn!) of rheops. its perpendicular height is g:>j feet and Its base length la t>A) fed. The Pyramids are built of stone, the material for which was taken front the hille on the opposite bank of the Nit*. "By the time a i»t of us learn how to behave," saya the Maryville Demo- crat-Korum. "we arc too old to do any* thing else" U.S.Royal Gbrds UNITED STATES TfelES ARE GbOD TIRES N O Royal Cord uset ever gets very excited about new tire develop­ ments, because he knows that when his present Royal Cord docs finally wear out he will find any really worth while advanfce in tire building in* the new Royal he buys* Latex treatedcordsaretlielafcestcorttribution o f the Royal Cord makersto better tire service. A new patented process that gives greater strength and wearing quality. You get the henclit o f this latex treatment in Royal Cord High-Pressure Tires, Royal Cord Balloon Tires for 20* 21 andf 22 inch 1 rims and Royal Cord Balloon-Type Tires built to fit present wheels and rims without change* ° ■ # , 17. S. Tires are the only tires in the world muds of cords solutioned in rawyubherlatex 3M* Buy U .S . Tires from W*tfc *■ Service Hardware Company 2CX4MT OUR HUGHS ON PRINTING X X