The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

. 4*$'* la huyis* *r. feck ye* a*ed toflkt* a penalty upon «t# puree equivalent to theeash »*v- the net o f the article would pro- duo*. A mWHFAPXA BXVO rm m LOCA'L AND OXHIKil* M * » » ANDTHE INTE*E*TS OF OHMX* VII.LE AND VICINITY, 1 FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 33. CEDARVII jO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1924 PRICE /$1.50 A YEAR ■** i m "WET” CUTIS LAST RESORT; UNAUTHORIZED The roor-beck is at work, not in Greene county where the people know nil three candidates fo r State, Senator hut In other counties! in the district. The latest is that Dr. A . C, Messen­ ger is wet or allied with the wet fo r ­ ces. Thefe being no other person to circulate such a report a member o f the Greene County W. C. T- U. took it upon herself, or was hired or in flpenced to send out such a report. The lady .may have had good intention hut the name o f the executive commit­ tee was usi d*and now we hear that promiment members o f the female po­ litical organization, . has. resented the action and at once sept out letters saying such, a report was not only false but that the executice committee had had no meeting and never took such an action. The report had no sooner reached one lady in a lower “ county until the letter was back in Dr. Messenger’s hands. The Dr. is not concerned about it and it is said he has ignored iit but his friends in the ■W, C T. U. have hastened to conter- act the report as .unauthorized, * * . * This is hut a type o f the campaign that Marshall is conducting. He has fe lt the sting o f .Dr. Ben R. McClel­ lan’s interest in the .Messenger cam­ paign and those who know the situa­ tion Hay that the above wet report is but part o f the movement to Ofset the McClellan influence in ether coun­ ties, Imagine a candidate putting on such a campaign and then be depend- ent on the Daugherty organization in •Fayette connty for support. Think o f the recent investigation in Washing­ ton. The Daugherty house and the ' booze parties, Roxie, the divorced wife o f ilnrry Daugherty’s confident, Joss Smith, who took his own life. The leud repmts that „were given the public, p|l these go with the MhrshalMdnd of a campaign. i The Marshall leadership in another county is worth investigation now th a t. 'wetness” is a part o f the cam­ paign, In this particular county we have in mind a man who .says he will deliver the vote to Marshall. This man Will deliver it if possible "for at one time he represented' €ke CfucSmSl? liquor interests in Columbus. During .the wet and dry campaigns he had Ids Wife in dry headquarters in Columbus as a stenographer. An extra carbon copy o f every letter this w ife wrote was turned over to the husband and he .to wet headquarters so that the liigior interests knew daily w'hot the ‘ drys were doing. Not a bad record fo r a candidate prating about ...s opponent being wet. We remember some years ago when Marshall was tunning fo r clerk of court, the year he promised the deputy Hiip to his schoolmate and ^college Chum, Walker Austin. Promises in those days were about as good 03 in the palmy days o f ‘ stock selling. Aus- *tin was thrown overboard fo r brother Carl after making a campaign on a promise o f the deputyship. It Was in that campaign that S. 0 . Hale, now city manager in Xenia, was the op­ ponent o f .Marshall. L. T» was the lilly-white and simnn pure that could and would Jo no wrong. Hale was the Dtrtl's chosen representative. .That campaign will never be forgotten. What took place in a colored club in the Thomas Mitchell building would make the Devil ashamed o f ,l mself. Not all the members o f that club are oead yet. Rome o f them talk yet. It was to S. 0 . Hale's credit that he had no part in that gathering, as crooked •as he Was represented to be during that campaign, * * 9 0 The story in the Herald last week relative to the Ervin candidacy and the blind pension as rent drew fire as was expected. The truth" o f it cannot he denied but the W. C. T. U. would have the public take their view and be lieve otherwise. The poor family is now to enjoy the blind pension as free rent only started lajst month. | New Davis Manage r ] X Cimeh, Shaver, of WeetVtrj . _____________ Julia* wm the ohole* of John W, Davis, a* the new Chairman of the Demo­ cratic National Committee, to & Some half dozen Xenia avenue peo­ ple had called our attention to this matter several weeks ago, Cedarville people know the exact conditions and there is no one that can make them appear any other way, A number of families have been aiding fo r months back and so has the village so the least explanation on the part o f the W, G T. U, politicians the least will be said about it here. * v * If the W , C, T. U, wants something for discussion we can ask a few questions that will keep the pillars of that organization busy for some time to come, Would the W. C. T. U. be interested in knowing-which o f its members dressed in rain coat, mbn’s hat and boots, went out about the midnight hour a few years ago and directed men as tp the removal of appraised property that m s to be sold at a sheriff's sale? Who was it that had men pull a worn out mower from a dealer's junk pile to replace a good mower that had been appraised and was to be sold? Who moved live stock7 Who hid property behind.the church on west Xenia avenue and covered it with hay or straw? The plaintiff in the action was not out­ witted, He demanded a settlement in full at a. later day and it was forth coming when he made it known that he was aware of what had taken place and that a score o f employees o f a manufacturing concern had witnessed the removal o f appraised property. Here is where LAW OBEDIENCE and CIVIC RIGHTEOUSNESS must have been set aside. There is no need o f discussing these questions here, Cedarville people are fully aware of wnat has happened in the past. There is no smoke-serene that can cover it. If the W. C. TVU. wants to undertake a house cleaning, the ground work has been laid. A fwoman The women are talking, said tc us in Xenia the other day. “ Why was it that cigaretts and to­ bacco were to he the issue at the Judge Allen meeting, in Xenia last winter when Misi Ervin was proposed for state representative and not a printed word is being said about it in the present campaign.” The men are talking also. The men want to know how it comes that the W. C. T. ll! is so concerned about the men and nothing said about the hab­ its or manner o f dress o f women? No complaint 'is made on the part o f men women wear.. Neither have they or- l,tm' ganized to protest the shadow skirt, the hosiery display or the shoulder make up. Skirts may be so short they look like floor lamps with shade-com- rlete. Men are not at this time pro­ voked to that point. Little dhanCe has any wcmlan o f organizing her sex to regulate what women will or will, not do. No one knows this more than the men. • « 1 • • ' The. above mentioned Xenia lady gave us a new thought. She mentioned that the W, C. T. U. in this county, while organized fo r a worthy purpose, had many good women in it that did not approve o f the leadership on many* a public question and the policy o f the organization politically.. “ You know that, many women give men little or no place in anything, other than to provide funds fo r the home. Ho is to have no voice in anything unless it meets with the approval o f the wife. In fact about all he is needed fo r is to work all week, throw the pay en­ velope cn the table Saturday night find remain a hat-rack until Monday nurning." We confess this woman has expressed the thoughts o f many men and nearly all the women, except the few that have husbands fo r decora­ tion about the house when not slaving m t HI * oemprijm for eJeetfo#. to increase the family larder. # _ • • Politics has its humorous side and the present campaign is no exception. The joke-smiths are turning out some g,od ones cn the full family represen­ tation plan ns adopted by the Marsh- all-Gowdy crowd with brothers Roy and Carl and sister Mary. A rail­ road engineer is authority for this one. “ Judge Marshall things the Courthouse is a lodge and he is just going through the chiurs.” Lodge men will readily see the point. Two farmers* were discussing the primary election. One stated that an unusual number o f candidates were out fo r governor and many more fo r lieutenant governor and that the ticket "Would be unusually long The other farmer agreed but the Size o f the ticket can’t help but be large With one whole family tunning for office. 'I he amateur .Cartoonist has had his fling at the situation. One o f Xenia's clover artists drew a picture with fair likness where in t . T. Marshall was loading brother Carl and Sister Mary into the courthouse, all three holding hands, Roy says: “ Come on in, I own It ” H There is one thing alone that should have weight in your selection o f a choice for state senator. The fact that L, T. Marshall took advantage o f the absence o f a World War veteran dur­ ing service to influence the wife to invest in qusationahl* securities that Marshall might profit in the eornmis tfg.*)'*. '%**** ft* ivtfcvk v * A « 4 s f m atifvtat J» tins**Hof bis wuntry to SCHOOL BOARD! ELECTS CHAS E. OXLEY SUPT. The school board had a large field o f applicants to select from ‘fo r super- ‘intendency to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation o f Prof I,. P . Par* tcer who goes to the Cleveland city schools. There were .37 applications and the board at two o'clock in the morning, Saturday, finally decided on Prof, Charles E. Oxley o f Delta, Ful­ ton county. There were many good prospects in the list o f applicants and jt took a bit o f time" to investigate them all, Prof. Oxley has had much exper­ ience from teacher to. supervision and his credentials are said to be most excellent. He had the endorsement of President Thompson o f the.O. S. U, He is a married man with two young daughters and will enter upon the work with the Schools in a high standing under Prof. Parker. His sal­ ary the first year will be ?2,200. MARTI?.DALE SENDS OUT HERD ON FAIR CIRCUIT George Martindale has sent out a herd o f piiire-bred. Jersey cattle on the county fair circuit and will visit the following places:- Wilmington, Xenia, Springfield; London, Green­ ville and Dayton and will end at the Ohio State Fain The herd is in charge o f Harry Ross o f Felicity, an exper­ ienced Jersey, breeder, Mr. Martindale not’ only possesses a fine herd o f Jersey cattle and one of toe most complete and modern dairy plants in Ohio but he takes a record this season on wheat crop. He had one field that-made 30 bushels while the hundred acres threshed 2500 bushels. The field,of 30 bushel average was sown very late last’ fall .and many were o f the opinion that it never would make a crop. SOME CLOVER CROP Harry Townsley brought to town this week a hand, full o f clover that hod been sown this,spring that meas­ ured 39 inches. The wheat had been cut as high a stubble as possible and yet every .sheaf was heavy with green clover. This section has a wonderful crop o f clover, probably the best in many years. ILLINOIS LAND SELLS AT $93 Mrs. baa purchased 470 acres o f tend near Lincoln, HI., at $94 an acre, The land is part o f 840 acres belonging to the Wm. Yazell estate and the average price paid by three parties was $93,67 an acre. COUNTY Nl KEEP YOUR CUT-OUT CLOSED OR TAKE A FINE The many complaints as to the use o f automobile cut-outs is causing the officers to take up violators o f this form o f nuisance in town.' Deputy Marshall Cal Ewry took vp William Jones Wednesday on such a charge and Mayor Funaett did the rest. The mayor will play no favorites in this campaign and if you3vant to make all the unnecessary noise possible with tiie usOof a cut-out, pre-pate to see the mayor and pay fo r your fun. C, M. itidgway le ft Sabbath even­ ing for a visit in New York City. Rev, J, Alvin Orr and family o f Pittsburgh and Rev. Ernest McClel­ lan and wife o f Rochester, N. Y,, are guests o f Mr, J. R, rOr. The Greene Coe Tuesday and have a complete digatiops. Ent and race dep equal it not past. The fa ir grounds and such be made will be part o f the debt year and with a year the board debt. Once the «Je modern buildings the profits. The managed and the liberal support. A fu ll race pr ranged and the. thr ed. The purses day there will bql trot and 2:10 pace trot; 3:17 pace and 2:20 pace; 2;25 There will be hibita in the art ha cliib work, and ot Ir opens next tent will Hefrom all in- live stock : promises to Hiking in the owhs the ovements to al fair this on clear the CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down for tbe Bt»jr Boeder EVENT Philip Daugherty, 86, a radio work­ er, lost Ills life at Cincinnati. A friend motioned to him to get in his .machine, and when Daugherty started across the street he was struck by another car and killed, - Ralph Fritsch, 22 , Cincinnati, serv­ ing a sentence o f from 15 to 20 years for shooting .with intent to kill in connection with an attempted holdup of the Sharonville hank in February, 1923, was killed when he attempted to escape from the Ohio penitentiary, •ant. A good Was knocked from the east wall ned mil- W *° *eet to tJle 8 T0Und* after coming ’ in contact with high tension wires. Judge L. G. Dill, 62, of Waverly, , one of the most familiar figures In ,aa more H0uthem Ohio legal and political clr- eheeted from cles, passed away at a Cfolumbud hos> has been well pitai. where he had been a patient f o r , should give several weeks. s Guy T. Brokaw, 50 superintendent has been nr- o f the electric light plant at Ply- t plan adopt- mouth, near Mansfield, was instantly 850 Wednes- billed when 13,000 volts of electricity ' J 9 , 0 ft Passed through hla body. ' d ’ 0.17 William Van Derveer, 61, of Car* « *V lisle, who was run over by his own trot, l'riday, automobile when he attempted to d 2:14 pace. gave the life of his. grandson, died dance o f ex- In a hospital’’at Dayton, ihool exhibits , 1 Federal dry agents seized two Apartments, Ihouseboats .and a steamer on the Engineer Ilarry Johnson was killed and 14 others, including Conductor William McDonald and Fireman Roy West, were injured when passenger train No, 7 on the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad dropped through a burn­ ing bridge near Reach City, Stark county, - Orris Hoffman, 38 , proprietor of a printing establishment at Colum­ biana, near Youngstown, shot and killed himself after firing two bullets into the chest of Miss Gertrude My­ ers, 21, his assistant. Miss Myers is In a critical condition. No motive known, Rev, John Roberts, .21, S iYrf KANSAS Jam«s A. . McMiJ from Minneapolis, went to. look a ft He reports that Ka ful crop o f wheat ing; crops that five shuls up to 45. Hb variety o f wheat 1 that is very hardy 1 and that an 18 act tiuced 45 bushels Millan had over 20 A s for the corn croj pect though a hot ■ it in a fifty. He has 1 out this year. Mr. that -Kansas land izer and that he has had wheat cacti five years back. Ohio ri er 10 miles above Cincinnati. ' GREAT ' (Four men were arrested and a quan- OF WHEAT tity of Hquor. seized. - * I Failure to retain the affection of ■ c',\. 'her lover ia.asslgned by Youngstown has returned police as. tbe reason for the attempt , where he Miss Bertha Ritz to end her Mfo. wheat crop. § he Bll°t herself below the heart. . has a wonder-1 Bodsr 01 FranIt Wills, 20, was found farmer'! imvt floJlUus in too canal. at Zanesville." » ' . ^He hod been missing from bis bome\ ,irem 3U Dn- j or several days. Wills is believed to p s that a new have, been seized with an epileptic fit, • It.' * ^!aC^r ^l'J j ' Ten persons were Rilled and 16 |hetin derelpped ,{,,j,ers ,Injured when the auto bug In met o f his p r o -. which they tyere riding was demol- |cre, Mr. ■ Me ished by a New York Central flyer at o f wheat. Oak Harbor, Ottawa county. All of is a fine pros- j the victims were residents of Attica, might destroy. §ei,eca county,- and were returning Seres o f corn jrMfilan reports res no fertil- o f land that lar fo r twenty- C e o r g e b o g e r s ! The statue o f George Rogers Clark Will be wmuled August 8th. I t la lo ­ cated on the site o f the old Indian Village. Of Fiqfia, and where General Clark and his Kentucky frontiersmen on August 8,1780, won the decisive victory over the Shawnee Indians and their allied tribes. Hie outcome o f tins battle gatfe to the United States the entire Northwest territory. The funds for this memorial were approp­ riated the the State find it Is expected that President Ccolidge, Governor Donnhey and other prominent state and federal officials will be present. IF ELECTED WILL BE EIGHTH PRESBYTERIAN PRESIDENT If John W. Darts Is elected, he will be the eighth Presbyterian president o f the United States and - this will bring the number o f such presidents even with the number who have been communicants o f the Protestant Epis­ copal church. President Coolidge was the first Congregational president, uniting with a Congregational church last October. Warren G. Harding was the first Baptist president arms and his w ife influenced to trust her money in securities that had lit­ tle or no value. Men offered their ser­ vice on the battle field, women made self sacrifice at'home but the •blue sky artist prospered by unloading his junk on the uniformed. And yet w« call Bergdoll the arch slacker. * * * The colored folks say that a barbe­ cue awaits them i f Marshall is nom­ inated fo r State Senator. That must he good news to the Klan. Promises to the colored folks and the Klan will ho worth just what Wftlker Austin found them to be some years ago. As fo r the Klaiv Marshall should tell that organization about his 'equal rights promises to colored representatives some time back. * • XI It has been 22 years since Greene county has had a state central com­ mitteeman from its congressional dis­ trict, Deputy county auditor P, H. Creswell is’ a candidate fo r this place and has the assurance o f strong back­ ing over the district for election.. ■ a John A. North is a candidate fo r his second .term as commissioner o f Greene county, subject to the Repub­ lican primary, Aug. 12. „ During the present term Mr, North has as a member o f the board, used ids influence tojceep down the debt o f the colurty and the bonded debt has been decreased until the county stands eighth in the entire state, the other eighty counties having increased their debt at the same time, The State Ex­ aminer (s strong tn ht* praise o f the board and says that their car* and ef­ ficacy have saved the county thous- Afwtdf ilnllawa DMUiia l.a isriila' a aaM. Champ o f Champs Osborne, of Hiteak, greater .wen than our former ^Indian athlete, Jim Thorpe, sj»wfe*d, «J records;, when he won tns Olympic^Decath-1 UMIHV V. * * * » » TOUm y# t AhMl/tim from a .day’s outing at a- Lake E rie f resort. An Investigation of the dig*, aster Is under way. William Fleming,, 45, merchant at Harmon, near Canton, was murdered t>y two auto bandits. John Dross 13,' drowned (n the Ohio river at Gallipolls when, he went to assist two girl swimmers. The lat­ er* fudg* o f common pleas court, died at Ills home in Akron. "Mrs, Blanche Chamberland, 31, Cleveland, charged with having given a forged check for $3,000 as payment for options on real estate valued at $100,000, was bound over to the grand/ Jury. ■■ ■ ■ , * H. N. Stevens, Republican mayor of Newark, discharged Service-Direc­ tor Charles F. Taylor,' During the excitement attending the burning of a home near Millfield, Athens county, Dick Sapp, 38, drop­ ped dead, He was on top of the house receiving water from a bucket bri­ gade. . • Mrs, Frank Miller, 52, o f Logan, 'mother of eight children, died from Injuries received in a fall from a cherry tree. By a vote of three to t two, GlouS- ter’s council voted against employing a secret service officer to be paid out' of fines In liquor cases. Jesse Toner and wife of Xenia are held at Washington C. H. in default of payment of $500 fines each. on liquor charges. Bara of William Ryan, near Athens, was struck by lightning and burned, A team of mules, two horses, machin­ ery and all or this year's wheat and hay burned with the barn. Friends of L. Crary Davis, Meigs county’s prosecutor, claim a record for him. He has won 110 cases out of 116. Six of his convictions were In murder cases. Joseph Strait, 3, son of J. L. Strait, farmer; living near Bethesda, was burned to death and a daughter and another son were probably fatally burned when fire destroyed the Strait home. Effective Aug. 3, Toledo'Btreetcar pasBengera will be compelled to pay a higher fare, the price of ticket fares advancing from four for 80 ‘cents to seven tickets for 55 cents, President Ben Adams of the company an­ nounced. - ’ Governor Donahey called upon the governor of Michigan to deliver to Ohio authorities Ralph Wilson, for­ mer ColUmbus automobile dealer, now in Detroit, wanted on a charge of embezzlement ln< connection with the sate of alleged worthless oil stock. Norma B. Kiewltt of Cincinnati has been allowed $25 by tfio state indus­ trial commission for the purchase of some false hair, known to women as a “transformation. ' She lost part of her hair in an accident In the plant Where she was working. ‘ Edward Wulchet, former president ;of the American Finance company, which failed several months ago for* $900,000, was found guilty at Dayton on seven counts of using the mails to defraud and one for conspiracy to vio­ late the postal laws. Thomas' H. Johnston, 14, ts partly paralysed after striking his head when diving Into shallow water near preola, Vinton county. * Fruit growers predict a bumper crop In Gallia and Lawrence counties’ apple belts this fall. A steel bridge over Wolf creek at Dayton collapsed, injuring six per­ sons. Two trucks, an automobile and two pedestrir is were carried yae prmgt was wreexeq. AIRCARNIVAL WRIGHTFIELD INOCTOBER Historic Wilbur Wright Field* where 20 years ago the now famous Wright • brothers made their first successful public airplane flight, will be the a»ei» o f what promises to be the greatest am spectacle o f the age* dure tog the international r,4r rates, Oct, 2* 3 and 4. Approximately 200,000 persons from a ll over the country and many promi­ nent personages from foreign nations are expected to jvltness tim W major United racing and exhibition flying event® Brethren minister, drowned In the ' scheduled fo r the three davs. A total Hocking river at Guysvllle, 12 miles >of $50;000 in prizes ia offered to win. tiers o f the events. Of special interest in connection with the elaborate program o f enter- tainment will bo the; high speed Pul-: itzor trophy race, in which ib is expeef ' were slugged with an ed a new speed for airplanes will bo established.. In this event Sadi Lecoin- te, French *air ace, will compete with five American flyers in an effort to ' capture the coveted trophy and the world speed record. In addition to the regvdar racing events one o f the most thrilling and inspiring ■ air carnivals rand flying ex- hibitions will be given, It will include bombing, sky writing, aerial acre*' ' batics and maneuyers, dirigible dem* onstaatiuns, ' parachute, jumping, Ip fact eyery conceivable stunt in aero­ nautics. As the culminating feature df this part o f the program military pilots to bombhig plants will’ make a real­ istic aerial attack on a model city, patterned after New York* to demon­ strate in a vidid and practical man­ ner what might happen' to our coast ■Jine cities in the event o f an aerial at­ tack and to show the need fo r air pre­ paredness to prevent such destruction o f large cities by enemy aircraft. ‘ ’ Dayton is one of the scheduled, stops o f the flyers now circling the globe, ssurance has been given ' by • Major General Mason M. Patrick, chief o f the air service, that they will arrive in Dayton fo r the races if by so doing they will keep within their schedule fo r the flight., ‘ nndoshj and the recently-completed 55R-8 from Germany, the two largest dirigibles, and other, ships o f interest ate ’scheduled to be on the field dur- ing tbe races. • l o '/ ' Mo.pook. Field,, the experimental station o f the army air service, will be open t o yisitors f o r inspection. east of. Athens. Charles Berhalter, 61, was mur­ dered and his sou-ln'tew, George Mer­ cer, 26, seriously wounded while they slept on the Ohio river bank at Cin­ cinnati after they had set their fish­ ing lines. Both iron bar. Valentino ’Strauus, 53, miner, .was .killed by a fall of slate in a Monkey Run mine near Middleport; Seven children survive him .' Farmers ih Madison county are planning a fox drive after the pres­ ent .harvest season because of the loss, of fowls from the increasing number of the animals. Charles Murphy, 70, of Duncan Falls, is in a critical condition as a result of an aute accident near Zanes­ ville. ■ Piqua city council was notified that the state board of health approved plans submitted for tbe improvement of the waterworks system at Piqua. The work Is to cost half a million dollars. Race meet scheduled to be held at Me'chanicsburg . next week has been postponed until fall. • Mrs. Fannie Lynn is held at Zanes­ ville on the charge of' passing 10 worthless checks oti the State Secur­ ity bank/ totaling more than $500 and ranging from $5 to $75 each. 1 Republican ward leaders in Cleve­ land expressed preference for Harry L. Davis for the nomination of gov­ ernor. Eight Chinese, charged with extor­ tion,"'were held to the grand jury at Cleveland, Galllpolia city commission repealed the occupational tax which' hag been needed the funds. derived from' the tax. Mayor of Akron was commended by council fn his efforts at curbing vice conditions. The police department was also commended in the resolution adopted by the solons, . * City Health Commissioner Iford 6ays 56,000 Toledoans were' vac­ cinated during the recent smullpox epidemic. <• Grand Lodge of the Knights of Py­ thias will hold its convention In; Springfield Sept. 22, 23 and 24. Are. cording to H. II. Bechtol, general sec­ retary of the convention, the lodge men will unveil the William. Beatty memorial, and will dedicate the Lc- Fevro nursefy at the state home. Frnzsysburg, one of, Muskingum county’s largest villages, will hold a home-coming Aug. 29 and 30.‘ Postmaster Sparks of Akron sont a test letter by way of the hew air mall service to San Francisco and receiv­ ed atTanswer in-four days, . It Is reported at Gallipolls that alt Kanawlla river coal mines, Idle for months, are to . resume operations Aug, 1. Sixty per cent of the miners, according to the operators, want to return to work. Village of Glouster, Athens county, owes the state $3,357.87 as the state’s share of fines collected for violation of the Crabbe act, according to a re­ port filed by state exmainers with Jo­ seph T. Tracy, state auditor, Akron police are investigating' the drowning of Vassilla Lucaiau, 38, of Akron, and Ralph Paro, 30, of Bar­ berton, in the old Ohio canal at Bar­ berton, A raft capsized when they were crossing the canal with four other men. The others were rescued. Minnie Harklovltch, 14, of Cleve­ land, wat killed when she sat down on the tracks of an interurban line near Elyria while the automobile in which Bhe had been'rlding was being repaired. It is understood the girl was deaf and Consequently did not head the streetcar, Toledo’s occupational tax was de­ clared unconstitutional hero by Judge Milrof, who hold that the tax i3 mere* if a duplication of similar taxes levied by the state, *. Andrew C. Rov,'e, 62, caretaker ot Ohio river data No. 18, was drowned while attempting to rescue Dexter Boyler, 40, who fell Into the river* while working on a drodgo boat. Thft latter Was saved by J. H. Ruble, 60* lock engineer. .A new streetcar franchise to gov­ ern Cincinnati streetcars Will soon be written. Tills followed a meeting of city officials with the streetcar offi­ cials, Dan Hartley of Detroit Is held at Delaware following hie arrest by Sheriff Harter, when ho was found transporting 70 gallons of liquor from Detroit to Columbus. His car was ’ confiscated, 1 Mrs. J, G. Webber, 29, a bride of a few weeks, died at East Liverpool from burns sustained when ft eftn of oil exploded while, cho was attempt* ing to kindle a fim George P. F<'i<>..v:.Hto has been ftp* pointed a il” -' ’ it ftt Circle* DFLEGATION TO WINONA LAKE The delegation who went - from Cedarville to attend the National Y. p. C- U. convention o f the United Presbyterian church, a t Winona Lake* Ind , returned home Tuesday evening Two machine loads made the trip from Cedarville. Those in the Cedar­ ville party were: Mrs* J. P. White, Mrs. Robert Bird, Mrs. Frank Turn- bull, Missus Wilmah Spencer* Ruth Wnito, Josephine Auld, Ruth Dob­ bins and Robert Turnbull and Forest Nngloy. . The general line o f thought carried through the convention was “ The Pre- • emineneq of Christ." Addresses were made by Congressman Kelly o f Penn­ sylvania on “ Christ First in Politics," ' by Mis Anna Milligan o f Philadelphia on “ Christ First In Social L ife"; by Fred C. McMillan, Treasurer o f the Central Iowa Fuel Company on “ Christ First in Education"; by O. E. Bradfute o f the Farm Bureau on 'Christ First in Rural Life” and by Dr. W B. Anderson o f the Foreign Mission Board on “ Christ First in the Religious World." Presidential Nominee On Dry Ticket t 1 I i t * * fi H. P. Paris, o f Clinton, Mo., ts the Presidential nominee named by- toe Prohibition Party Convention Columbus. He it tn ardent '4