The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52
THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT OUR SERVICE SUPPOSE THAT ELECTRICITY TOOK A VACATION— THERE’P BE NO BREAKFAST FOR YOU you enjoy it this room ing-hot. crisp t o « t, browned »t the table; fragrant coffee electrically percolated, NO STREET CARS to take you to work or intcrurhan cars to carry the travelers NO TELEPHONES for business or socicl or home activities,, or for emergency calls that often mean life and death. NO LIGHTS IN STORES OR OFFICES **»noshopping---™) banking—no business-nothing! • NO FACTORY POWER --Wheels of industry wqu Id stop and thousands of workmen lose their wages. . . AND AT NIGHT —dark streets and hoitses in which the vandal would work ease and daring; no names, no electric signs, no social gatherings of any kind,; BUT ELECTRICAL SERVICE TAKES NO VACATION; It’s qn. the job summer and winter—twenty-four hours a day —the instant you want it—as much of it as you need. It’s the very heart of community life. The Dayton Power & Light Company 29 Greene Street, Xeria. Ohio Main 595 COURTESY EFFICIENCY SERVICE THEHEALTHYHABIT T A R . LOUIS PASTEUR, the microbe sleuth, J L ' took his first cue from wise crld gardeners who found, long before tbe pathologists’s lens revealed their existence, that one of the surest preventatives against germs is tobacco juice. Chew and stay healthy. Protect teeth, and digestion. Fortify your system against throat and nose trouble. B E E C H -N U T Chewing Tobacco is the perfect, form in which tobacco should be used. . Just prime, full-ripe,, waxy, whole leaves with all the stems removed, free from dust and fragments, cut just to the right size and untouched by hum an hands through every stage of preparation until the air-tight, dust- prouf package is sealed. . * ' ■ A rich, mellow chew of undeviating quality and quantity—the mosi liberal friend 10c. ever had. Over 250 million packages sold in a single year. INCORPORATES $£»!?*.*#***■'•PT-r. vTRY OUR TOB PRINTING Good Woman ImposedUpon; Breaks Down ( Continued from Page 1) Harry E. Fralm For Commissioner wo leave that issue with the Republi can voters of this township where she is host lmown, If Miss Ervin makes claim of party affiliation previous to the post year or so she was entirely in conflict with the church with which she was then a member that did not sanction voting. If Miss Ervin would i have you believe otherwise she stands i on a proposition in which her action •and statement condemns herself as be- ins- inconsistent with the facts as the public here knows full well, , • ■ The Ervin campaign has been incon- s'stent from the start. She was nomi nated by Mrs, Carrie Platter at an es pecially arranged meeting to fight the tobacco interests and especially the cigarettee. Finding herself making- no progress one half of the issue has bean dropped ard now its the use of cigarette alone .,mong children, some-' j thing already provided for by law and nothing more than can be done other jthan by law enforcement and the leg islature has nothing to do with, the ;enforcement of laws, that being len- itirely in the hands of sheriffs, con- ‘stables. The Flatter-Ervin program is not to be recognised in Greene county irir the year 1924. The men folks as well as most women want no sugar- coated doses knowing full well what the dose actually contains. '?*- TiV-* •** *w ' r-'V*,,?.. . When you investigate as to the financial returns the Dowdy-Marshall leaders reap off the tax payers it is no wonder -that Brother Roy wants to expand by taxing bn another job and attach Brother Carl to a new end of Ule county pay roll, By having Sister Mary dowa for a nice fa t salary that will permit outside work. Judge Gawdy gets $6,000 a year and is out over the state at $10 a day exti'a with expenses. Brother Roy has copped every good job that could be put in his fist by the powers regardless of how., other attorneys were suffering for bread and water. No wonder the' mhchine is running heavy. The Hoys that havej worked'to keep the gang on the pay roll are getting tired them selves but they see no chance when the family pick off the. salaried jobs while a committeeman gets nothing, other*, than orders as to what to do. Brother Carl has been ,on the county pay roll since 1909 first as deputy under Brother Roy as Clerk of Court then ns Clerk, then Probate Judge. We took a little time this week and investigated and Brother Carl has draw during his time in excess of $20,000. These figures can be varified. and will exceed that amount with the Probate Court term uncompleted. m ■. «■, The mere fact that Judge Marshall has drawn over $20,000 as salary is not all of it. When he became Clerk of Court, Sir William Rogers, the famous Fourth Word Boss in Xenia among the colored folks, was the main factor in making Marshall clerk. At the time the change was made Sir William was made second deputy or assistant to the deputy or some such title and put on the pay roll .of the tax payers for $40 a month. We do not know what William’s duties were, we have never heard anyone say just what he did but he drew his salary, that was the main .thing and we have no quarrel with William, who was only, getting paid for what he did and at a very reasonable salary. When the Probate Court was appropriated by Judge Marshall, his man Friday was again promoted to some duty as as sistant to the assistant or something like’ that, Not as much was expected ,of William for he only landed on the pay roll for $20 a month and is still paying his gas and water rental and a few other things that $20 a month will buy with taxpayers money. There is the greatest reason in the world why Sir William should deliver the Fourth Ward vote for the Marshall* Gowdy candidates. Harry JS. Frahn, candidate from Bath towaship for county commis sioner, is the man. to whose influence i» due, in a vary large measure, the placing of $8,500,090 on the tax du plicate of Greene county. He is the man that has headed the Osborn Removal *Company that hat removed the entire village of Oabori from its site to a location two miles away. In addition Mr. Frahn' lias been the leading factor in securing twt new cement factories for the village that will add a million and half dol lars to Greene County’s tax returns. Mr, Frahn has been prominent in the business affairs of Oriborn and the surrounding, communityfor many years. He has been mayor of Osborn for the past eight years and1 is'presi dent of the First National Bank of Osborn. He owners a large farm as well as town property. Bath township is asking for the first time for representation on the board' of county commissoners and it has put forth its most influential citizen and Mr. Frahn can be depend ed upon to do just what he promises. He has had large business expert ience having been in the grain busi ness for thirty years. He is a thirty- second degree Mason, member of the K. of P. lodge and the Junior Order. His platform is good roads, and a fair arid impartial, division of the county's improvements and, the ut most care in, the expending of every tax dollar. In marking your ballot, keep the name of Harry E. Frahn in mind and make him one of the next county commissioners. You will never regret it. . MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 1 TO 5. The' exhibit of dairy cattle at the Montgomery County Fair, Sept. 1-5, promises to be one o f tbe most inter esting displays of* the entire fair. More than 300 -animals ore expected to compete for the $2225 in prizes to owners of winning animals. The fair is putting on « big camnaign to in terest local breeders ii exhibiting their best individuals, even though they have never had experience in the show game. Entries for cattle close August 30, two days before the open ing of the fair. COUNTY SPORTSMEN WILL PICNIC AUGUST 20. The Greene County Fish and Game Protective Association.Will picnic at Reiter’s Grove on the Stene road, August 20. Prizes amounting to $250 will be distributed to winners in the various contests, About .2000 persons are expected to attend. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Visit Clark County’s Greater Fair August 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Fair Grounds, Springfield, O. G rea tes t Agricu ltural and Live Stock Exhibit Ever Shown. Speed Program of Unusual In te res t. F irs t W ater Carnival Ever Held on Springfield Fa ir Grounds. Largest Midway A ttrac tion to be Seen in Ohio, Showing The G rea te r Sheesley Shows. Six Free Acts Auto Polo 10 Electrical Rides M anu fac tu r ing Exhibits Auto Racec Band Concerts Merchandising Display Auif mobile Carnival AttendClarkCounty’s Greater Fair Meet Your F riends Rem em ber th e Dates BDays Enjoy This G igantic Event August 12,13* 14, IS, 10 5 Nights We are uthorized *to announce the name of Harvey Elam as a candidate before the Republican primary as candidate for clerk of court. We are authorized to announce the mime of Frank A. Jackson as a can didate for a second term as county treasurer before the Republican pri mary,' August 12. We are authorized to announce the name of Robert $. Townsley as a can. didate for County Commissioner on the Republican ticket at the primary, August 12. •Wo are authorized to announce tb name of R. D, Williamson as a cnntli date for the nomination of State Hep resentative before the Republican primary election, Tuesday, August 12, Please announce my name as &cun didate for a second term for county commissioner before bhe Republican primary, August 12. I respectfully solicit the support of the electors on August 12. John A. North We are authorized to announce the name of J. F. Gordon as a candidate for State Representative before the Republican primary. August 12. We are authorized tb announce the name of George N. Perrili as a can didatc for County Commissioner be fore the Republican Primary election August 12. T wish to announce my name as a candidate for State' Senator in the Fifth-Sixth District of which Greene County is n part, subject to the will of the electors at the Republican primary, August 12. May I solicit not only your support but that also of your friends in the District and pledge if nominated nnd elected a Square Deal for all interests. Dr, A, C. Messenger The nomination nnd election of J. S. Van Eaton, will place in the Coun ty Treasurer’s office a farmer who as student and teacher received a '■cry special training for the job. “Service and Economy” is his pledge^ He stands for clean politics and is a candidate subject to the Republican Primary, August 12. We are authorized to announce the name of Harry E, Frahn as a candi date for County Commissioner subject to the Republican primary, August 12. . ’ - - • We are authorized to announce the name of p, Bryson as a candidate for County Commissioner at the pri mary August 12. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank A, Charles as a candi date before the Republican primary, August 12, for Clerk of Court. For the Usual Second Term and His Record Warrants it John A. N orth CANDIDATE FOR County Commissioner Republican Primary, August 12, 1924 VOTE FOR Frank H, CAND IDATE FOR Prosecuting Attorney Greene County , Ohio ■ l Republican Primary Election, Aug; 12, 1924. ic’ ADAIR’S August has rolled around again and following our usual custom we are putting on an event of drastic price concessions. The saving to you is from 10 to 25%*—a sum worth while saving. The furniture is from our regular stock—the latest styles and quality guaranteed. ADAIR’S August Furniture Sale Beginning Aug. 4th and Ends Aug. 23rd. $45,000.00Worth of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves andBedding 10 to 25% Oft Regular Price Furniture, Carpets 20*24 North Detroit XENIA, OHIO. «% TRY OUR JOB PRINTING % !>- ■ilk Iv e ry db tic k you xi • tbe purse ; 1 C In* the & - fiuee. FOB • It is es voters in vantage < bejow wli kind of .a terest Ilia-, d idates w A new tered (ire politics <v Klan. in ■ swept eve candidate Bert B< county CP of the ren county po paign vet vo le, l i e JCIaimnan evident th 924 jp* jion held . h That tli i--.• at the Noi , no denial. • ri \ ■ nominatin' r Rev. Fers ; ter-and A. j 7 sioners an n county tn The Kla in the Sei Marshall report tha cu t his v< there was the Fourl Wilbferfor the precir telari vote Whs the r- ® end. part eem< gjous issu after thai Resu lts provided public am was n o g r Governor an easy m almost co big surpri B .Sieber, received r tisaloon i tinct shoe ran a poo fourth am very poor Charles publisher winner 24, didates. For Suj inson was Kiijkade i the field f Secretai Joseph Ti and Harr with Chat general w nominatiu GOVERh J. F. B Harry 1.. Homer 1> George 1- J. R. Sic!* Harry C. James A. L IE U T E T. F. A tv JW^SV^M**-'tV> •*•»■ i m “ vr* r v m m ,y"<vs aw*; v.vr-- - - i v .’i? si -i *,1,1 we are you is om our JAlvf jw ig e r hutted bj his secoti Ohio Sb] J
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