The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

Every day's delay {a boylag th* ar­ ticle you M*d infUets a p*»*ltj- upon tbs y um oquiviOoMt to tb« cash sav­ ing tb« uw of lho article would pro* duet*. Heda FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 35. CEDARVIELE. New Factor In Connty Politics Klati Candidate Leads Commissioner Race.—-Deciding Power in Senator­ ial Contest--Davis Easy Winner for Governor. CRESWELL WON SIGNAL VICTORY OVER AIKEN It* is estimated that about 6,000 voters in (Jreerie county tool? ad­ vantage -of the primary, which is below what was expected for the hind of a day it was and the in­ terest that a. large.number of can­ didates worked up. A new factor has nut only en­ tered Greene county but • state politics, as well in the K u 'K lux . Klan. In many counties the Klan swept every "thing for their list of candidates. 1 Bert Beam, Klan candidate for county commissioner, made one of the remarkable races in Greene county politics. He made no cam- * paign yet received the highest/ vote, lie wa.° fought by a fellow' Klansman, George Earley,'but is j ■ evident that the Klan organiza­ tion held a tight line for Beam. That the. Klan will figure in a t the November election .there is no denial. This organization has nominations for representative in Rev. Fefstenberger; D, H. Kei- ter and A. D. Kendig for commis­ sioners a n d ’wE. D; ’ Stroup for county treasurer.. The Klan issue was, a big factor in the Senatorial contest between Marshall and -.Messenger, The report tha t Messenger was a Klan cut his vote in precincts -where there was a large colored vote as the Fourth ward, Xenia., and in Wilherforce, Yet a t the satrie time Deputy Auditor Paul H. Cres- well won a great victory Tuesday over Dow Aiken of Logan county for state central committeeman of the Seventh Congressional Dis­ trict. There are nine counties in the district, the largest, in the United States. The counties that gave Creswell majorities are, War­ ren 200; Clark, 2105; Greene 1540 Madison, 300. ■ Aiken received majorities in Lagan, 820; -Union 210; Cham­ paign 61Q; Clinton 229; Fayette, 280. Since the Republican National Convention in Cleveland the'anti Daugherty forces in Ohio quietly set out to break the former at­ torney generals hold in Ohio and the candidacy of Mr, Oeswell \vas for this purpose and meet with great success. The above fig­ ures are unofficial but will not be changed much by the official count VOTE ON COUNTY OFFICES %erald. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 .1924 A f f W I P A m j>*Vo t*o * t LOCAL A m GENERAL NEWS ANP TH« INTEREST? OF OKSAX- VILLI AND VICINITY, PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR «9PW CONDENSED OHIO NEWS » • News Item* Picked a t Random and Belled Down for the Bmj ° the' precincts" tha t had tbe heavy klan vote went f o ‘Marshall, This pkTf eeWrited by racial and. reli­ gious issues, were wiser the day after than election day ;' Results on the state primary provided.some surprises to tin public and candidates as well. I( was rio’great surprise that former Governor Harry L, Davis won iii an easy manner as his uccess was almost -Conceedeid last week. The bi{* surprise was the vote that J. B .Sieber, Akron, Klan candidate received running second. The an- tisaloon element received a dis­ tinct shock when James A. White ran a poor third. Durand, wet, fourth and the others making a very poor showing, Charles H .Lewis, newspaper publisher and hanker, was ait easy winner as candidate for governor in a field of thirteen can didates. „ For Supreme'1Court Judge Rob­ inson was renominated and Judge Kinkade of Toledo outdistanced the field for the other place. Secretary of State Thdd Brown Joseph Tracey for state auditor, and Harry S. Day for treasurer, with Charles Crabbe for attorney general were easy winners for re- nominatiOn. ’ GOVERNOR— J . F, B u r k e .................. 60 Harry L. D a v i s ............87 Homer D u r a n d ............... 2 George B. H a rris .. . . . . J. B. S ieber.............. 23 Harry C. Smith . . . . James A. White 57 LIEUTENANT GC L F. Atwood.', .. . . HARRY L, DAVI8 Who won an easy victory as the nominee on the Republican ticket at Tuesday’s primary. ' Clinton D. Boyd . . . John H .' Chester ., Roland G, Davis , Henry I Emerson.. Asher A.. Galbreath , John F. H a rrison ,... Charles H. Lewis ,. David A, Liggitt . . . John E. McOrehen -. Cari A McGee Edwin Reed Geatge W. Sbanklin . . *«>***•' Representative, Mary B. Ervin; 1,176. J. F. Gordon, 1,683; R. D. Williamson, 2,256. Clerk of Courts—F, A. Charles, 1,131; HarVey Elam, 3,541, County Commissioner— Fred Barnard, 965; Bert Beam; 1,887; W. B. Bryson, 1,422; George B. Earley, 257; Harry E. Frahn,437; Tl H , Lackey, 1,780; John North, 1.628; U N. Perrill, 403; R. S. Townsley, 817. County Treasurer—Frank A. Jackson, 3,001; J. S. Van Eaton, L855. Prosecuting Attorney— Frank H. Dean, 2,150; J.. Carl Marshall, 2,- 846. . Congressman Brand had no opposition. Neither had Morris Sharp for sheriff; ’ W. J. Davis, surveyor and R, L. Haines for coroner. „ UNOFFICIAL r e t u r n s ON STATE SENATOR The unofficial figures in-the 5- 6th Senatorial contest gave L. T. Marshall a majority of 2,278 over his nearest opponent ' r *- & ' ^ Charles Successful cand nation as Lieutenf Republican tickt pomi- Jor on DEMOCRATS LIGHT V< The Democrat county ticket dre vote due to the few of the offices^ Vic, Donahty ceived 464 while -1 C. Beatty had 82,; the state tickfet rel same vote. id the light dy :a, ’ition. >r re- X es«p-n., it the REUNION ' The Greene Cc be held August 21 51st celf'bration creek grange and/ the Fair ground John Brown “of will make the addf The 26th annua Gordon family wi nesday, A«gu$t;;f' Springfield. *"A The Coi Icaj N. S. 21 . 87 51 4 .. 2 5 7 , 3. 5 53 3RNOR - . 20 7 s ■ nr #• s m m K. ROBlWNpN * , Tudjrt; Robinson was re-nomi- in.tffl by tht Republican* tot his second term as Judge of the Uhk» Supreme Court. .lu ward J, Hummel . . 16 17 '.TATE AUDITOR— •. T.-Tracey . . . . . . . » . 12$ 112 •STATE TREASURER— . . . . . . larry S. D a y ................12S' 112 VTTORNEY GENERAL— C. C ra b b e ..................129 104 Bert Buckley ......... . . . . 3 4 27 iUPREME COURT— t.ame.s' L A l r c a d , ,56 25 Harlan F. B u r k e tt;... . . -21 19 Frank W. Geiger . . . . . . . 8? 70 Reynolds R. Kinkade .. 35 27 .nines E. Robinson . , , . 5 3 31 20URT OF APPEALS— Albert H. Kimkle,..,....... 62 37 A H. ICyle..........-..........156 118 MEMBER OF CONGRESS— Charles Brand . . . . . . . . 1 4 7 117 State Central Committeman— Dow Aiken ---- . . . . . . . 57 32 J. H. Creswell 169 128 STATE SENATOR— Harry II, Da r s t . . . . . . . . 17 26 •L. T. Marshall ............... 64 39 A. C. Messenger ...........163 108 STATE REPRESENTATIVE- Mary B, E r v i n ........ . 37 26 f. F. Gordon . . . . . . . . . . 57 58 R. D. W illiamson..........153 96 PROBATE JUDGE— M. A. Broadstone 110 -104 CLERK OF COURT— Harvey Elam . . . . . . . . . 147 132 F. A. C h a r le s .................. 42 35 SHERIFF— Morris Sharp .................i6l 142 SOMM ISSIONER - Fm l Barnard ........... 16 9 Bert- Beam . . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 W, B. B ry son ........ .. 35 38 George B. E a r le y .......... 8 3 Harry E. Frahtt . . . . . . . 37 11 J. Harve L a ck ey .......... 63^ 69 John A. North ................ 35 36 G. N. Perrill . . . . . . . . . . '2 6 R. S. Townslej .............191 127 TREASURER— Frank A. Jackson ,...1 6 4 95 J. S. Van Eaton . . . . . . 78 86 RECORDER— B. F. Thomas . . . . . . . . 161 110 PROSECUTOR— Frank II. Dean . . . . . . 147 97 J, Carl Marshall .......... 99 74 CORONER— R. L. Haines........... 143 124 SURVEYOR— W, J. D a v i s ................ 149 53 CENTRAL COMMITTEE— W .C. Hiff............................... 139 W * J, 1arbox 113 Township A, li< Creswell «»•««.»*.«,**.98 John Wilms 3 58l‘. Greene—Darst, 1083; Marshall 2,117; Messenger, 1,865. • Fayette—Darst, 767; Marshall, 936;.' Messenger, 1,254. Highland—Darst, 649; Marsh­ all, 737; Messenger, 801. Clinton—DarsV'497; .Marshall, 2,578; Messenger, 1,167. Ross—Darst, 585; Marshall l f- 520; Messenger, 623. f COMMITTEE ORGANIZA­ TION BEING WATCHED. Who is to organize the newly elected central committee? Will is be the Klan or the Gowdy- Marshall faction? Or will it be a collation of Klan and Gowdy- Marshall forces? The Klan has claimed enough members to organize the commit­ tee, others deny this. A t any rate the Klan filed'petitions for candi- didates to be protected in case Marshall should back up on his agreement,* I t is now whispered th a t the Marshall strength may not be given D. H. Barnes, the Klan candidate for postoffice but will go to another. There are several independent members and it is going to be interesting as to how everybody lines up when the committee is called for organization. The Klan also makes claim to control of the Democratic cen­ tral committee just elected. The new factor in county politics is cutting quite a figure in its first adventure, BOUND OVER TO COURT ' f ——*» ■ Roger /McMillan, 21, who. has been in the \\jest, was hound over Pupila in Lakewood (Cuyahoga ;ounty) schools will not he readmit­ ted on Sept. 8, the opening date this .'all, unless they have been vaccinated within the last few years. William Hrozoskl, 8, was killed by a t,rain at Lakewood, where it is Bald he had been playing on the tracks. Total collections from the sale of automobile license fags in 1923 were 19,648.541,60, while for the first seven months of this year the total is al­ most 51,509,000 more than the total of last year, Secretary of State Brown announced. ' Miss Gertrude Page, 22, is dead at Cadis from poisoning, believed to have beon self-administered. Poor health is said to have been the mo­ tive. 0 ‘ -v Bodies of eight victims of the danc­ ing pavilion collapse! at Buckeye Lake have been recovered. Four women are reported missing.. They Were at­ tending the pienfo of the state lodge oJL colored Elks, as were the eight who lost their lives, Albert Poling wrecked his car against a poie in the country near Lorain. Ofi.cers appeared and found liquor in the debris. He was fined $200 and costs. ' - - Harold. Hessiet,, 12, Cleveland, died after he had been struck by an auto at East Mentor as he stepped from his mother's car. Ohio Democratic convention, sched­ uled to meet at Columbus Aug. 19 and 20, has been postponed to Aiig. 26 In order to permit the attendance' of John W. Davis, Democratic nominee for president. Mrs. Josio Perham, 36, Cincinnati, was fined $50 and costs on a charge of using improper language when con, versing oyer the telephone with Mrs. Mildred VVilkens. J. B. Robinson, a section foreman for the Hocking.Valley railroad, was shot and probably -fatally injured in a gun battle with four negroes in the Columbus yards. Ohio's bay..yield per acre for this year la 25 .per cent above that of 1923, a survey ■made by 0, J. West, state-federal agricultural statistician, shows,-. ■ ■• -... . .1 ■E. E. Curtis, former safety director- of Canton, convicted oi its, m m w s m m chairman in the„ campaign, of 1920, Withdrew from the .race for congress In tbh Fifteenth Ohio district, and called upon the voters to support his opponent for the nomination, James A passenger train struck an auto­ mobile at a crossing at McGonigles Station, eight miles from Hamilton, killing five persons, as follows: Boy Fawnos, 20, and wife, a bride; Lelia Fawues, 15, a sister; J, E, Johnson* 35, uml his daughter, Dolores, 11, all of Bingo Mills. Ky, David Fager, 24, a workman, was killed at Columbus when his head was caught between a freight, elevator and a 1 shaft. ) Body of Edwin Vetter, 50, w«* ,found along a by-road east of Woos- 1ter. The skull was crushed. Police believe robbery was the motive for the crime; j Three tx-rsons perished as’a result of the fire that destroyed the Eicli- luud county Infirmary at Mansfield'. The bodies of Mrs. Mary Bollinger, 85, apd Mrs, Kate Greishman, 92,;who twere burned to death, were found in, the 'mins, and Mrs. Ellen Kunsie, 60, who ^started the fire, ended her life by hanging. |: Throe barns 'were, destroyed by lightning in a storm that swept Union county. G. E. Bonham, farmer near 1Marysville, suffered a $7,000 loss when his barn burned. • ’ . I .V •" ' ■ A ■ )• William E. Kennedy, 18, died in a (Youngstown hospital of a broken neclr sustained when he dived Into a pool at Yellow Creek park at Struthers. I Mrs. W. P. Findley, 55, of Detroit, died at Findlay of Injuries sustained in an automobile collision; near Find- lay. Her husband, is in a critical eon- 1dition. . • . | Charles McMastera Brown, 30, son of Kev. A. A. Brown of Tiffin, jumped from an Akron viaduct to his death i100 feet below, because he was unable to find work, Mrs; Edward P. ,Price, 80, mother of _John G, Price of Columbus, grand exalted ruler of the Elks, died at. (Canton, where she had lived more than 50 years. . / j Arthur J, O'Bourke; 36,'lineman for the Cleveland municipal light plant, was killed when he touched a'high voltage ivire while working on a transformer. -Mrs. Charles E. Thomas, 39, of South '2Iaueivj|lej committed suicide JUDGESSLECT PRIZEANIMALS INCALFSHOW Ralph Shanks, of pewersville, won- firH prize in the Junior Yearling class and the championship prize -with his Shorthorn steer exhibited in the Soys' and Girls' Steer Calf club, the baby b^ef" contest, M the Greene munty fair* Thursday. Young Shanks was a prise winner in. the steer calf club last year which was the first year club .work in that class, was undertaken in this county, John Cooper, of near Xenia, won second prize with his Hereford -ex-, hibit, Third prize was won by Harold Araentrout of the Upper Bellbrook pike with an Angus calf and Herbert Mallow, of the Upper Bellbrook pike, won fourth prize with an Angus calf. In the Senior Calf Class B. of the same -contest Paul ‘McClellan;’of near Xenia, won first prize with a Here­ ford, calf. </ Mary Gultice of the Clark’s Run.neighborhood was second with her Angus calf; Cornelius Grin- -nei of Miami township, won third prizo.with a Hereford and the fourth prize Went to Frank Armentrout of the Upper Bellbrook pike Who ex­ hibited an Angus -steer. The twenty-three calves were auc­ tioned off after the show, Col, Glenn Weikert, of Springfield, acting as auctioneer. The highest price, $18.25 a hundred pounds was paid by Buck & Son; of Xenja, for the champion steer, The calves brought an aver­ age of $11.50 a hundred, Four were bid in by Buck & Son; four by Cloisey Anderson and five by Fisher Brothers,-of Xenia. Becker Brothers, •>f Springfield, bought five. One was ’old to O, E. Kelly and will go to Whitehall Farm at.Yellow Springs, Another was sold to F, B. Turnbull, of Cedarville, for his farm* Cedar DeH. ■ The Dairy ,<3aif .club exhibited' aleven Jersey and Guernsey calves ‘ to the grand jitfy Wednesday a f- 1**- Alexander of Zanesville, ter admitting th a t lie committed I ®°nald Albert, 3, oi Prairie Depot, a theft at Fred Dean’s residence »eor F^mont, was matantiy killed J and from Hugh Grmdte. About $8 ?*en an, “^mobile backed out 01 a in money, a watch, revolver and barn and 8truck h,m' a cigarette case-were taken. Body of a woman who was killed when a train struck her autojnobjjle at •Lee Leighty, 28, was fined ill ..Lowellville, near Youngstown, was justice Court Wednesday b y ' identified as that of Mrs. Paul Aldrich Magistrate Jackson for the th e ft1 of Youngstown, of 23 ducks and three geese from I Nine persons are 111 with smallpox Andrew Kaimcdy, who lives o n . South Solon, Madison county the F, T. Tarbox farpl.. The fowls ! Central Befractorles company’s were taken from the creek and •!>rlck pl?nt‘ 8hut ?°wn at Nev'„Lex' o i r e fT rem , to t,,,!;K - o S L K t r s r c & owner, The fine and costs were ( ing employment to 100 men. $ iu and Spin. Constable tu rn e r | professor Floyd Rerib, former prln- had to make a trip to Franklin to Clpal at WavGrly, was employed as get Leighly. ‘ WILL SHE DO IT? superintendent of thet Bainbridge schools. * A burglar robbed the United States Stores branch store at Zanesville of $266 in cash and checks aggregating more than $100, 35, lather, was In much as the N o -to -b ac___ League candidate was defeated) Frank"~Hanna, for state representative, the ques- crushed to death In an elevator shaft tion is being asked a's to what at Columbus. Mrs. Flatter will do about having ! Hundreds of cattle were killed, the no-tobacco bill introduced i n , t a r n 8 b u r,n e d a n d crops leveled by the legislature. As she endorsed, at?rm„that, 8weiE't « ar(”“ cdl? ty ; r rr J Edward Simon and wife, fatally and personally supportedL, T- -burned at their home In Massillon Marshall for state senator it Will j wbCQ Mrs. Simon's mother, Mrs. Eu- give her the opportunitytoask | genja Shofb, 81, committed suicide the "Senator” to sponsor her ( by turning on the gas In the bath- cause. Unless Mrs. Flatter makes. room, died of their injuries. Donald an effort to have the duced in the coming PROBATE JUDGE M. A. Broadstone was the only, candidate before the primary for probate judge nomination. This is not required under the non-par- tlzan primary law.' Deputy* Pro­ bate Judge S. C. Wright will be l candidate this fall. Tuesday it was announced that Police Judge Dawson Smith of Xenia would be a candidate. It has also been intimated that the Klan. will have a candidate when it comes time for Filing petitions. KYLE CARRIES COUNTY bill intro legislature her campaign of Miss Envin for that purpose will be marked pure­ ly political and-not for the good of the cauae. .. ................................. MRS. HIXON DEAD Simon, 14, also was fatally Injured. Mr. and, Mrs. Simon wore trying to hatter down the door to the room in Which Mrs. Shdrb was Inhaling the gas when an explosion occurred. Henry Dunker and an unidentified man were killed when the airplane In which they were flying crashed near Hudson and pinned them beneath it. _____ Dunker waB the owner and pilot oi Mw, Elizabeth L. Hixon, 79,\ Elmer Lamby’a neck was broken died last Wednesday a t the home jn Cleveland May 20 , but he still lives of her son on the Jackson road, and has a chance to recover, sur- north of Yellow Springs after an goons say. Lamby is a painter. He illness of six: weeks. She leaves a tell 20 -feet when a ladder on which son, R. L, Ilixort and a sister arid he was standing broke, one half- brother, John of H ills-1 w. foi rfner chief i| ^ * ip. i jij. . - * - ment, died after a long illness. He the home Saturday morning and Jn Uu Cincinnati police depart- burial, took place north of town. | ment for 3B yearB, ! Joseph S.-Johnson, 66. farmer near VILLAGES SEEK THE Alliance, succumbed to lnluries sus- SAME TERRITORY {fne^or^haJVS! UP°n th6 8hftrD . ! Religious education will be intro- I he contest between Osborn, iduced Into the Aabtahnl^ city and and b airfield for territory for ex- harbor school system this fall, under pansion is on again. Both villages a plan drawn up by Ashtabula minis- seek the same Parcel o f land for ters headed by Rev, Ernest R. fitch, a new addition. As the towns Are; pastor of the First Baptist church, only a half mile apart the con -' and accepted by school authorities. The race between Judge C. IL Kyle and Albert H, Kunklc of Springfield rcsultcdjn Judge Kyle getting a Wg vote In this county. Returns over the Second Judicial test isY hot on7atirmucrfeeTing j : Mrs. Robert D. Wright, 81, bride oi District, indicate that Judge Kun- - - - - ft . ,— _* kle won by a big vote, He has served two terms and has been elected to his third term of .six years. is displayed. BUSS LINE SCHEDULE The M. K. Ladies' Aid Society of the M, K. church will hold a (market at Johnson's Jewelry store, August 23, a months, died at New Philadelphia Of peritonitis, the result of a fall sustained during her honeymoon. A lone bandit entered the East Dayton branch of the Dayton Savings and Trust company and at the point of a gun robbed the head teller of an The Rcci Star Buss line will in augucritte a new fichadule and amou® t D{ money estimated at $1,600« start a new line Monday between Xenia and London. Elsewhere in , this issue witi be found the new Buckeye Jbeke, 'tim e schedule, * ' Floyd Bowers, ?<), of Millersport was drowned at Sellers Point, On Hetman H. Evans, 74, promoter of building and loan associations, died at hiB home in Cincinnati, ■ Newton Stafford, 76, Lakewood school watchman, committed suicide by shooting.- Charles A. Stolob.erg, 55, former mayor of Canton, died' of heart trou­ ble. . :• ■ ■ Louis Schwartz, 29, blind for 15 years, is making an active campaign for commissioner of Butler county. Mrs, Laura Sears Butler, candidate for clerk of the courts on the Repub­ lican ticket, is the only woman mak­ ing the race for office in Perry coun­ ty, She has two male opponents. Playing a friendly game oE cards in a restaurant -at Crestline, Jacob Scliumack, 50, fell, from liis chair and died two hours later from heart trou- . 1 ■ •* • bio,- Trainmen of the Indiana, Columbus and Eastern Traction company, who recently asked an increase of 10 per Cent in wages and were refused will agree to continue at the old Scale, ac­ cording to J. C. Maul, president of the union. Justin Brewer, president of the First National bank of Ada, died fol­ lowing an operation. , Sixteen harness horses perished in a fire which destroyed one of the three horse barns at the Huron coun­ ty fair grounds at Norwalk. Mrs. Pearl Gambo, 22, a bride of seven months, committed suicide at the home of her father, August Daut- terffian at Canton. Worry over do­ mestic matters was the cause of the deed, relatives believe. 01119 Stimpson, 12, and Wimas Pearson, 15, both colored, were drowned while swimming in a pond at Cincinnati, Morton Jones, CO, was instantly killed near Portsmouth when run down by a train. Charging her stepchildren con­ spired to alienate the affections of her husband, Andrew Emerine, Sr., 91, retired hanker of Fostoria, Mrs, Elizabeth Emerine, 50, his wife, also of Fostoria, filed suit for $300,000 damages in common pleas court at Tiffin, Her petition names as defend­ ants Alonzo and Andrew, Jr., and Lucy Emerine, Dorothy Esper, 30, Cleveland, was sentenced to the Marysville reforma­ tory for the alleged abandonment of her baby, ' Springfield police reports show July was a less lawless month than June, Fines collected show a decrease of about $1,1)00. Harry Barnett, 18, was drowned while bathing In Duck creek, near Marietta, Miss Muriel Taylor died at Cleve­ land from injuries suffered when she was thrown from an automobile against a telephone pole. . Possession of half a piht of iiouor cost Swande Anderson of near'(Moun­ ter a fine of $1,000. It Was his second offense. Farmers report the biggest crop of blackberries ever known in south­ eastern Ohio this yean due to heavy rainfall. Marion voters Will savo between $1,200 amt $1,400 at the state pri­ mary through centralized registrar tlom A. W. Bette, secretary of tho board of election, said. All pradnei registrations will b* sUmlnaUd, was the winner of first prize in the Guernsey class and also won the sweepstakes which entitles ■him to visit Columbus during Boys' and Girls’ Club week with all expenses paid. Miss Janet Mellinger, of. Yellow Springs,- Won first prize for yearling Jerseys, She is 16 years old and a daughter of Charles Mellinger who ives near Yellow Springs. Joseph Finney, 11, of near Cedarville and Donald Engle, 11, p f nesjr Cedarville, were winners of second and third prize and Heher Keach, of James* Sown, won fourth prize. • * ' For Jersey calves Maud Van Tress, jf R, R, 5, Xenia, daughter of C, H. Van Tres3» won first prize; Malcolm Finney, <Cedarville, second; Marion ifbss, Xenia, third, and John Finney, Cedarville/fourth. In additioiTto the prizes of $15, $12, $10 and $9, the American Jer­ sey Cattle club gave each Jersey ex­ hibitor a prize of $3, . Caesarscreck grange was winner of the first premium in the annual grange contest at the county fair, which Was decided Thursday. The first premium was $125. I t W 83 awarded upon a total of 78 winning points made by the grange. Second preriiium of $100 went to Xenia grange for 67% points; third olace was won by Beavercreek grange which was awarded $80 rremium; Charity grange on the Day- ;on pike was given fourth place and lwaidcd a premium of $60; James­ town grange won fifth place. The prize wag $45. The awards were given by the Greene County Agricultural society for the best general displays of sgri- •ultuml and horticultural products, Tile Contest Was in charge of J, C. Short, M. F. Burrell and Joseph H. Smith. wcl L, anyhow , -me. Triuw* WOM6H Of cPoNtY AWP no 6u>aa tham yhgevpu toom. f •ft' jn v if A good wife is not a wife only, but a mountain of wealth; who pos­ sesses her is rieh with her alone. -—Proverbs of Spain,