The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52
9 m y it?*, M g r i t bstyfci* tick yo* wst* teftfeta * pawdty pgwtt &* ***** <Mpiv«k*t *9 tta «*»k #**, ixg tta u*a of tfa# axticl* would pro- fterald A JHUWSPAPJCR JDJEV0T3WJ fC LOCAL ANli GINJ5BAL M*W# AND THE INTERESTS OF CEPAX* VIDUS AND VICINITY. $Sij^§t8 gLjgggj F0RTY -3EVENTH YEAR NO, 37. CEDARVILLE, OrtlO , FR IDAY , AUGUST 29. 1924 P R IC E /$1.50 A YEAR SOMEBODYHAS WATERON BOTHSHOULDERS The Democratic Central Com mittee organized .Saturday with Fred Shellabarger o f Bath town ship as chairman and Emery Og- tesbee of Xenia township as sec retary. J. E. Mitchell of this place was formerly chairman, ^In view of the fact that the Klan ejected a majority of its nominees on this committee there was some speculation as to organ ization.. The antis admit that the Klan has control of the committee and no effort was made to inter fere. . The executive committee is composed o f . thirteen persons, which would indicate that the “ unlucky 13” was not to be fear ed- Rev. A. J, Furstenberger, the Democratic nominee ■for state representative knd secretary of the' Greene County Klan, is to be the new chairman we are inform ed The other members of the com mittee are Mrs Bliss Smith, James Jones, Mrh. Leon Reed, Charles Bales, John B. Murray, Mrs, Cinda Ayer, D. L. Gerard, Mrs. Nora Sollerrs, Fred Shellabarger, Ediyard Wood,, Emery Oglesbee, and Henry J. Farrell. The rfeal mystery is how the Klan leaders ever permitted the name of Mr. Farrell to he on the* list unless it was for his experience, as he is a ' strong Anti-Klansman. The comm ittee adop ted a reso lution endorsing the national, the State and especia lly the local Democratic ticket. * 0 m The Klan in the county is sit ting on the top o f the world polit , ically just at present. Having tak en control of , the Democratic party organization in the county and claiming seventeen of the 24 members o f the Republican com- ' mittee there .should be nothing escape the demands o f that organ* ization. The Klan has it's eye;on this seats oF the Board o f Election -now held by Democrats,,From the ;..TBtC•«*. A 'htStf.4- .j.-Ai ce ana, wtii oe satisfied with nothing else, .Cer tain obligations on the' part of. “ Boss” -Marshall are expected to aid the ' Klan get the coveted place. A t the recent organization o f the Republican Central Com mittee only Marshall Klansmefi took part in the organization, ,*]• * * '-I t .is really interesting to hear how some of Boss Marshall's friends explain his association as to the Klan. In some quarters an intensive campaign is being put ort carefully in a clever manner, among certain people who are as opposed to the Klan as those the Klan apposes from a religious viewpoint The present situation is evidently embarrasing to the “ Senator” but it is a child o f his own creation, and he alone is re sponsible for it and .must stand up for it. A local citizen came to Its a few days ago with a Stoiy that had been given by one of the Marshall followers to ease a sore spot due to the Klan, Somebody has water on both shoulders as we view it today. The story this, man tells us would make interest ing reading for the Klan. An ef fort was made to head off the Klan politically and it could not be done only by Marshall making some effort to hold' the organiza turn. This man was also given to understand that even though the Republican Central conuttitte was o f the Klan faith, the Executive Committee was strongly anti- Klan, Every body that lives six or egiht months longer is going to hear something explode in Greene ' county politics, sse* Demands Redress It may be bard for the average voter to tell how his party will stand on political issues this fall in the,county, It may be a case of the Democratic committee sup porting the Republican ticket or the Republican committee the Democratic ticket. The Democrat ic nominee for president, John W, Davis, denounces the Klan, Bob LaFollett has done, the same. On the Republican side -the Vice Presidential nominee, Charles G. Dawes hits the hooded order. The next we hear the Klan Democrat ic State Convention endorses the Davis idea o f the Klan, And yet the local Democratic committee mostly Klaosmen endorses the Democratic ticket. The. Marshall Ivlansmen at their meeting made no endorsements, The committee is probably undicided yet as to how many of the Republican nom inees are to bq Opposed. HERBERT TINDALL DEAD Herbert Davis Tindall,' son of Robert and Abia Tindall, .died at the home o f his brother, Rebert Tindall, Wednesday morning af ter an illness of fen months, dur- which rime he has. been confined to his room and bed. The de ceased was born on the' home farm where he died, January 5th, 1868, He was the eldest o f six children two of whom are living, Robert’Alfred, on the home" farm and William W . residing in Memphis, Tenn. He was a mem ber of the Selma M. \E. church and was highly respected by all who. knew him. T.he funeral will be held Friday from,the home of Rebert Tindall at 2 P. M. The 'erviees will be in charge of-Rev. B. E, Stevens and burial takes t)lace at'the Selma cemetery, .,.-y ••-•■-j •- '/j ■ :■ t THE DAYTON FAIR. .Visitors to the Montgomery •oirnty. fair,. Dayton, Sept. 1st to ith, will find'that sewing is still iuprem eas the, greatest o f wo men's art. That old-fashioned “ crazy quilt” odly designed in a hundred different colors, has lost none o f its popularity. The prac tical sewing such as table linen,, handkerchiefs, towels; bedroom linen, nigs, aprons and womens ........... . -mfmsstrm pattment from stock exhibits* machinery and, automobiles to the speed ring will attract the thousands’ as heretofore., “THE COVERED WAGON” FARM INCOME INCREASE i GREATLY EXAGGERATED O. E, Bradfute, president of the American Farpi Bureau Fed eration, declared in an address in Demoines, Iowa, Monday, that the farm income was greatly ex aggerated. The bureau's research department, estimates that the farmers would profit by about a quarter o f a billion dollars. Pres. Bradufte said he believed little of the increased income would get into the channels of commerce this year but would be applied to debts incurred during the period o f agricultural depression and to back Jaxes. The increase would be chiefly felt in cotton, tobacco and wheat growing states. NEW BILL TO PROVIDE . FOR MUNICIPAL BAND It is proposed to offer a bill m the coming legislature where by communities may tax them-i selves to support. a municipal band. The bill will propose that not more than two mills be levied in all towns of not more, than 40- 000 population, when authorized- by a vqte of the people of the community. The proposed law is to be copied after the Iowa law* where more than IDO towns- have voted such a tax,.In Clarinda, Iowa, where the law was first tried out it cost the 5,000. inhab itants 35 ceptS-a year to pay the expense,6f an adult and a juven ile band. . r LAMAR TITUS DIED AT HOtyE MONDAY Lamar Titus, 3£, well known South Charleston auctioneer, died Mondy aflolowing an illness of many months. Mr. Titus was con sidered- one of the best auction eers in'the. state, A t one time he was owner o f What was formerly the Houston stores in S o u th Charleston and an extehsive far mer. He is~survived by a wife, Mrs. Maude Moon Titus, his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley -Titus, of Harmony; and three brothers, Howard of South Charleston; Morton Of Springfield and Mal colm o f New York City. DOWNGONAND CHICKEN THIEVES Alleged chicken and corn thiev es had a run for their money Sat urday and Sabbath nights when officers and several farmers kept the trail hot. For several .weeks chickens have been, missed ,by a lumber of farmers and certain movements Saturday night indi cated that operations were on and a watch was kept. Sabbath night Fred Dobbins heard the sqiiak <5/ chickens from a vehicle passing nis home, With Charles Graham, Fred Clcntans, and Howard Turnbull a trace Was found that the vehicle had turned into the tenant house of Fred Stretcher on the, Turnbull farm. * Sheriff Morris ..Sharp' .was cal led as was Constable Charles Tur ner. A search warrant was secur ed and the Stretcher place search ed for corn and chickens: A sack of com had been found on the road that had ’evidently ;been lost as it was the same kind of corn and the same kind; bf a sack as was found'at the-Sjtretcher home. Stretcher was placed under ar rest and an attempt was made to take Banner Morgan but he made a dash for liberty -out the rear door into a corn.field. He was ost in the darkness. Stretcher was kept in jail until James Cruzes’ colossal Para mount production, “ The Covered Wagon” which is conceded to be one of the greatest photoplays ever made, will be shown for the first time at popular prices next week, starting Sunday, Aug. 31, at the State theatre, Dayton. Perfect realism, a. strong love theme, tremendous dramatic ac tion, thrills that are uterly unlike the ordinary sort; a. back grdund of real newness to the screen, where the camera lias never be fore been ground ; all these facts, coupled with the splendid, cast o f virtually 3,000 men and women, certainly indicate a picture that is worthy o f any director's en thusiasm. The story with the vast sweep.of the western plains for background, across which the “covered wagons’* with their hu man freight, is essentiall ygood picture material, OFFICER TAKES UP~ O. S. & S. O. HOME BOYS Marshall Myers took up Rus sell and Junior Lee last Friday night, the boys claiming that New Boston, O., was their home. The boys slept in the mayor's of fice that night. They claimed an unc.le by the name of Lee was to meet them here but no one of that name could be found. Deputy Probate Judge Wright investigated and found the boys were from the O. S, & S. O. home and had wandered away. They were aged 14 and 12. OIL iTCNIC PLANNED Stan Harding, British Journali#fc, who was kept * a fioviat prison, In 1®SS), is of eiplonuga brought by Marirusrite Harrison# art m u , JCnflUH Htaoffcmeft M f zapanition fo r M**» Ham- The Mellick Oil Company will hold an all day picnic on Ford Brothers farm near MSlIedgville, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. The com pany is drilling for oil and is now down about 1500 feet. Gov. Don- Jthey and Harry Davis, Republi can cadnidate for governor, have been invted and are expected as have County officials. A hand will furnish music for the occasion. TWO GREAT CATFISH CAUGHT IN DEER CREEK William Ross, formerly o f .this place, died Monday at his home in-Indianapolis following an oper ation for appendicitis. Mr, Ross worked in the local paper mill for a number o f years and after a time located in Indianapolis as an employee of the-Beveridge Paper .Co. He arose to superin tendent, The deceased was mar ried to-Miss Esta McLean,,daugh ter of the late John W . McLean, who survives with two sons and, a daughter. The funeral was held Wednesday.- The deceased leases several brothers and sisters. •: REPORTS PLENTY OF ; FEEDING CATTLE J. B. Rife returned from Kan sas City, last Friday where; he goes four or five Times a yeai- to purchase feeding4cattle. Mr, Rife reports a good market and that the quality is good this year. He also made a trip to Anthony, Kan. where he visited his two brothers. As for crops about Anthony Mr, Rife says they have wonderful prospects for corn and that the farmers all had good wheat crops, SERVICE HARDWARE SOLD TO CASH GORDON The Service Hardware Com pany, owned by Andrew Winter, was sold Tuesday to Cash Gor don, the well known farmer..,By the terms of the sale agreement possession will be given ort or a- bout the 10th of October. In the meantime the stock will be in voiced. i CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday morning when a hearing held before Magistrate Jack- son. By this time' the defendent was in a talking,'mood and enter ed a plea of guijty-ta harboring stolen property„,'<which he claimed jelonged to Moskan* He was fined $50 and costs ,;^2 ’and given 30 days in the woiYis bat a suspen- scion o f the damand fine was al- owed on certai&%onditions. The corn antl&lifickens are said to have been sffien from Ralph Townsley eariWJ^bbath night. Another party 'agsjdd ta be con nected with thejpfi&i'r and may je placed uudMfflfJgst any time. W edhe^awaptimShafo.Con- out to get Morgatf Who had been seen near Selma. Messrs Turner and David Johnson found Morgan near Pitchin onthc highway and1 he was taken without any oppos ition, Morgan is wanted by the sheriff on a number of old char- ges. ■ ,, . ! The Cedarville Protective As sociation gave aid in running down the clews,' As a reward is offered by the association the fact that one has plead guilty and another arrested will encourage farmers to give of their time in helping land such violators. CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Plcicedat Handom and Boiled D own to r the Huey UNDERGOES OPERATION Miss Hefen George, was taken to the McClellan, hospital where she underwent a tonsillotomy op eration last Tuesday morning. She is recuperating very nicely and has been removed to Cedar- villc, where she and her parents are making their summer home with Andrew Jackson. Greene County Journal. Helen Retains Title Two great catfish were taken , thisf we*k in Deer Creek south of ' Mt. Sterling. Jesse Rose and Howard Smith caught one that weighed 29 3-4 pounds and Geo, Yates of Springfield caught one weighing 24 pounds, Sabbath School at 9;30. ■ Preaching at 10;30 by the pas tor, A Study in the book of Hos- ea. “ Repentence” . Union Service Sabbath evening at Yellow Springs. Communion will be observed Sabbath, SepL 7. PERSHING IB COMING TO BUCKEYE STATE Elaborate plans for the enter tainment of Gen. John J, Persh ing when he comes to Ohio, the last of the week are being made. He will attend the reunion of the Buckeye Division to be held at Findlay, Aug. 30. , m a so n s 'ENTERTAIN Cedarville Lodge No. 622 F. & A. M, put on special work in the M, M. degree last evening, th* work starting about five o ’* f , clock. A supper was served a t , 1seven, i M : t \u SaraueJ h. Humes, 79. killed, and his wife, 7fl, seriouBty injured, when their horse became frightened and hacked the buggy down an embank ment near Bellefontalne. Over- 7,00(1 brat day and over JO,000 persons anpmid day, Aug. -20-2J, broke all previous attendance records of Wellington lair. Paul Kuzn, 32, was found 1 hanging from a tree in Lincoln park, Youngs town, ill health and despondent. C. H. Qianque, Oberllu, ’10, In China the past six years, will bsrfreshm in football coach and track coach at C bio -university, at Athens. George Wascut, while sleeping In mi automobile in’ Columbus, wAa rob bed ot $118 and his watch* David Graham, 74, o f Bowling Green, was instantly killed when he iteppMd in front o f a passing automo: Hie. His neck was broken. Essex Coal company, which- ha# largo holdings at Mlddleport and In the. Hocking valley, is sending a num ber of Its employes to the Big Coal 1 iver district in West Virginia tq open new mines. ‘ Grant Motdr plant at Findlay, has been purchased by the Greater Find lay corporation for $i8,2Q0, The plant Was sold to satisfy Judgments of §4d,00ft. ’ Stella Beck, aged 2. was killed by a tram at Cincinnati. Lauren G. Bitter, principal o! North Park school, Alliance, lias- resigned to accept the superintendenoy of the Wayncsburg public schools. Orders'have-’ been received from- headquarters of the road to reopen the Baltimore nad Ohio freight car repair shops at Sandusky. The, shops, employ 150 men. ' Miss Ilosa Lee Wright of East Youngstown was probably fatally in jured and John Jones of Youngstown was seriously hurt when .a truck- in Which they were riding overturned in East Youngstown. Mrs. Heath Balls, 35, of Cleveland, mother of two children, committed suicide by hanging herself in the attic of her home with a' bed sheet. She had been In ill health for a long time and despondent., .. - Pedro Marino, giving his home as Mexico •City,, married a Nelsonvllle giri two weeks ago. Officers have since arrested him on -charge of de- Jacob Mehfricd, 83, resident Of Lo rain more than 40 years, died at hla home after a prolonged Illness, Sherman H. Cramer, ono of the old est members of the Cleveland Grays, and prominent business mdn, died in Phoenix, Arizona, Elmer' Stumpe, 18, of SUverton, drowned In the Little Miami river v, hen he waded beyond his depth. His body was recovered. Howard A. Lewis, 53, widely known farmer of Madison county, found dead at his home, due to heart disease. He was one of the largest landowners in the county and owned and operated a general store. . Purseli Arnold, 24, and his sister- in-law, Gerdle Pauehe, 9, were In jured, perhaps fatally and a brother, Bussell Arnold, and a. baby, Eugenia, G months old,, were injured severely when a Big Four passenger train struck an automobile in which they were riding at Dayton. Twelve cottages were destroyed by , Are at Toledo beach, . The flames, which threatened the entire summer colony, were the result of a gasoline Stove explosion. „ Prescott Milliman, 62,. farmer, liv ing near Petersburg, Huron county, was electrocuted at hls home while he and his son were"attempting to locate trouble in their light service, Edward Allen, 30, colored, of Cleve land, was killed and two other ne groes were injured when a touring car in which they were riding skidded and overturned north of Columbus. Ohio’s wheat acreage this fall will be, 4 per cent greater than that of last year, if farmers carry out their, intentions, -C, J. West, State-federal agricultural crop statistician, an nounced. - Jealousy Is alleged 'to have prompt ed "the shooting o f Alva Chaney, 89, 1 and Mrs; Herman D. FJesclier of Os- jborn, Montgomery County,’ Fleseher, the woman's husband, is under arrest at Xenia. [ 1-Iai‘old Alvin Baker, 15, hanged himself ■ to the loft of a. barn .at the home of his uncle, Frank Cuss, at- Edison, Morrow county. The boy’s ^ father. Bay Baker, committed suicide at. Marysville two years ago and his mother', hanged herself 12 years ago. I John Severs, 12, in rehearsing a aeons shown in a picture recently, OHIOSTATEFAIR . ISSURELYA GREAT EXPOSITION “ The Sun Always Shines. in Ohio” , if you do not think so it is because you did not- attend the J.)liio State Fair this week. Ohio has for some time held the reputation of having1one of the best, if not the best state fair in the country. The grounds are' not only beautiful but comodious. The accomodations for exhibitors are first class and this attracts not only the best in the state but from other states. As for'live stock nothing bet ter js found at the great Interna tional Show at Chicago. This, year the new-cattle barn, the last word in such architecture, has been put in use for the first time. The former cattle barn has been converted into a hog barn v ith, show pavillion in the center for show purposes. In the various halls and about the grounds could be found the newest and the latest' in inven tions known for use on the farm; Thousands of dollars are spent by the state in many ways that bring little or no return but we’ question whether one objection is ever raised over the expendi ture of money in enlarging and improving the. Ohio1 State Fair; grounds.’ As “ The Sun Always Shines on Ohio” it should always shine on the best and most mod ern fair grounds in the country. WALLACE MARSHALL ILL WltlUim ,Frlezner, 32, assistant agent for the Pennsylvania line* at Bremen, shot himself while at work and died two .hours later. He was found by a woman who entered the i station to purchase, a ticket. He leaves a wife. • Katlilcation of the federal child la- j bor amendment is favored by the Friends' of Wallace^ Mrasltall, former Springfield resident, who is a consulting engineer, and lo cated fat West Lafayette, L J., hayc. been informed that he is'' seriously ill. He is a cousin, of C F,'Marshall of this place and Mr,, Marshall may go to the bed side, of his'cousin, today. SCHOOL DEDICATION Jeffersonville will dedicate her,, hew $lS(KpQG school building rafters o f his father’s barn -at Neffs, Belmont county. UTalter McGregor, 28, drowned in Lake Erie at Cleveland. ' H. C. Kimball, 50, of Springfield, ended his life by taking poison. 111 and despondent. Nearly half of the total amount of taxes collected at Springfield, which ucnic. There will be a parade of citizens nad 5Q0 school children. Jon. Charles Reid and Prosecut ing Attorney Roy Maddox of Washington C. H., will each de liver addresses. mm * uuii oraa ul iuuu Ohio council of clxurcl\cst according- are $ 1 > 161 > 377 , according to County MOON AND STAR VISIBLE AT NOON TUESDAY to a statement by Rev. B, L. Lamb, executive secretary of the council. ■ | James gemione, 17-months-old, is In . St. Luko’s hospital, Cleveland, with a penny naif way down hls throat, He swallowed tho coin a few days ago, 1 while, visiting at Crestline. Mrs, Marl* Perrin'was sentenced to an indeterminate term iu. Marysville reformatory for embezzling $ 10,000 from tha Guardian hank of Cleveland, of which »he was a teller, McDonald Williams, 21, son of Cas sius WhH/uas, Marysville, died o f in juries received when kicked # by a horse as he attempted to rescue his father from the enraged animal. Oesterlen Lutheran orphans* home dormitory at Springfield 1 b to bo ready for dedication Juno 1, 1925,- The dormitory will provide rooms for 100 orphans and cost $130,000, Thomas D. Price, Jr„ 20, was killed by a falling rock while fighting a forest fire in Bingham canyon, near Salt Lake City, Utah. He was a son of Judge Thomas D. Price of New Lexington. Poison tablets caused the death o f a two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Woods of Marion. The Auditor W, C. Mills, will go to school purposes, Mrs. Kathryn Mayse, 40; Bussell Moore, 35, and Gerald White, 24, Were severely Injured as a result of an auto collision near Marion. , E. O. Purdy, 25,* ot Hillsboro, was lcilled when his auto was struck hy a Pennsylvania passenger train near Hamilton, . R,oy O’Dell of West Mansfield nar rowly escaped death when Ills clothes caught in a shaft while working iu a Marysville plant. He was drawn into tl^e shaft and his body terribly bruised before the machinery could he stopped. Ohio Edison ’company took over the business ot handling the current for West Mansfield, East Liberty and Middleburg. The company’s head quarters are at Springfield, Miss White Wolfe, 16, jwas shot through the body with a rifle while walking down a country road near Amesville,' Athens county, with her sister Charles Male, colored, is held In Athens Jail On the charge of shoot ing tho girl, while firing at a target. ’ Ten men were Injured, seven of them seriously, when a truck In Somethings unusual was very noticable between twelve and one o'clock Tuesday. The sight of the moon and Venus at that hour of the day was out of the- ordinary and something the oldest inhabi tant never saw before. BEST OATS CROP YET F. O. Ilarbison, who has been in the threshing game for a gootl many years says that he never saw a larger yield on the average or the quality as good. It is also important that the price is about twice what it is on the Average. . .PROF. SMITH RESIGNS child climbed on a chair found the j which they were returning from work tablets in a cupboard and ate them thinking they were candy. E. B, Meyer, attorney, has been ap pointed chairman of the committee in charge of the Defense Day pro gram, Sept. 12, at Zanesville. District convention of United Com* tnerclal travelers will be held at Springfield Sept, 27. Some 200 dele gates are expected, Black Diamond mines near Ames ville, employing about 100 men. aro being cleaned up prep® ‘atory to start ing work. Youngstown police are hunting three men who escaped after a gun battle with Police Chief Powers and two other men surprised as they at tempted to extort money from g foreigner. overturned in attempting to pass a. touring car near Ravenna. After 13 years’ waiting, calls for bids for building a new poatoffice at Washington C. H, has been issued ’ and plans and specifications for a one- Story brick, 55x65 feCt, are o file, Joseph Weiss, grocer, was shot and killed at Cleveland in a gun duol with a negro who attempted ta hold up Weiss’ store. The bandit escaped. The negro entered tho store andwhen Weiss failed to heed a command to j “ put 'em up quick,” shot him. . Harley It. Jones, 22, of Columbus, dairy expert, was kitted when the auto In which he was riding wail etruck by a train at a crossing near Wellington* Police discovered a 500-gallon cop- Flre destroyed the farm home ot per tank partly filled with moonshine Charles Bclrs, near Fremont; loss $ 6 ,* whisky in a residence §t •Cincinnati ‘ Helen Wills, 18-year-old Call* jfornia girt, is shown holding the national tennis championship cup which was presented to her tyhen she defeated Moll* Mallory t At Forest Hills, Long Island, last weekf thereby retshUn* hey titi* 000, Belrs carried, four o f hls chil dren to safety, ’ Revaluation of real estate in Cin cinnati will add $100,000,000 to tax duplicate, It was estimated. Toledo streetcar fare Increased to three tickets for ft quarter, or. nine cents cash fare, Harlan Coiner, 9, of Pomeroy, hit In the head by a block Of wood fast ened to a rope on a motor boat, 13 days Ago, is dead. Failure o f W. E. Spangler, the driver, to see ft westbound Hew York Central passenger train was blamed tor the automobile bus accident, at Cak Harbor, ort July 83, in Which 10 persons were killed and a number Injured, according to a report made to the state public utilities commis sion by Inspectors T. H, Burk* and O, F. McJuakln, Seven negroes who were In the house were arrested and hold pending In vestigation. Rather than return to Louisa, Ky„ for trial on A shooting charge, Thomas Jobe, 21, Jumped through * window of a speeding train at New ark and v S killed instantly. Clarence Grosser of Portsmouta was convicted at Cincinnati of as saultmg Louis Knau, motion picture theater proprietor, witU Intent to kill. Crosser's two accomplices ar© scry ing life terms for Knau’s murder. Past year brought seven murders in Athene county, nine suicides, tour drownhigs and seven deaths tinder trains. Five were also killed In mo tor accidents, records show. Fire at Columbus destroyed the mill and yards of the E, A. Prentice Lumber company. Less $40,600. Prof. Carl Smith, Xenia, who ias been teaching; the fifth grade in the public schools, and who was re-elected some months ago, has resigned, and will devote his entire time to real estate and the brokerage business. SWEET CORN POOR CROP a poor corn crop this year canning companies will be unable to get as much corn aS they want. More than BOO acres was under contract about London but not more than half of the crop is fit to harvest.. Sudanese Restless London Maj. (jcu. Sit Lee Stack, British commander in the Sudan, livt Ached for reinforcement* to maintain order at Attar*, whtr# the British garrison was fired upon W native troops, (Jeh. Stack’s jta to ia shown abovs. \
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