The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

r J r* * * * * «*' tel# m IMi. iWiku ft p*a*hy upo* * * ]M*M ftfftlvafcttt to tb* cask MV. to* the i»* ef to* m m ««*}£ pro- 4ife£tt. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 28. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED »C LQIHL AND GENERAL NEW* AND THEINTERESTS OF LKBA1- VJLLB and v icin ity , CEDARVIi F^ l SCaa, 110, FRIDAY, JUNE 27. 1924 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR RBWCJUISHIT BUNDROAD PLATFORM ; naign was out of place. He say* the (fames aowlia* an over supply of hi* , products that ha* sent all price* downward. Stop the production of tobacco and you turn thousand of acres of the most productive land in , the country over to the* growth of com and wheat and thereby Increase Ithe world production of crops that cannot now be produced at a profit. Neither stated who1they would vote for for representative or state sena­ tor but it was easy to understand just who they would not support. „ "W. J. Tarbux attended the Repub­ lican Plat^rm. convention in Colum- but thi* Week. The convention favor­ ed the pre-primary endorsement idea for endorsement* to eliminate friction in th* future. It was hoftcablo that the convention failed to call upon or endorse Senator* Willi* and Fee*. rv»iwu .M.w t , * , .............. citizen* committee was forced, congressman Brand of this district, take endeavored to get his own idea V/Mltt _______ t.v, ,* . • ■ ........... _ 9t road construction endorsed "but the convention wants no gravel road* for main travel highways. Neither does the. public. Congressman Brand ha* the wrong slant .on.the .road situation. Hi* gravel road plan being tried out i» Champaign county is a joke, .You cannot travel on this road at night in dry weather with any safety due to clouds o f dust. The million automobile owners in Ohio will *never endorse anything but a hard surface road. It is the only economical rpad over •* period o f twenty ,yearsi . 5 » 1* • i Mahjj people do agree,' with the Congressman that assessments should Republican*. In this county who recall, what happened four years ago in the Harding campaign when a to over the management of the campaign due- to the fact that Bro. Marshall had laid down on the Job, partly by-,choice and partly by, the Jack of funds, must be interesting ta such'old time . regular Republican politicians,*,such as Daugherty and Pemberton who pride themselves on being regular. The Marshall crowd that'year laid down on Dr. ,Fess, the congressional candidate and had wet the W. C. T, Ii. in the fight to lend a hand for young Dye, theDemocratic candidate. That year as Others that have followed this* Marshall crowd could not raise enough money in the county to pay for room rent for head­ quarters. The citizens committee met , . _. , .the situation, Raised funds to carry he lowered under present costs, hut(on the work under the direction of abutting farm land should always George Little as chairman.'There pay a part of such improvements in the first cost. The Argument that more city people use highway* than rural has nothing to' do with paying the .cost* If it did the rural interests must count on paying a part of brick and asphalt streets in smaller towns that connect improved highways. As it is our streets are“paid for by abutting property owners for the benefit’ o f the property and those who have occasion to travel the street, City and village property carry more assess­ ment ‘today for strfeet improvement than farm* of 150 acre* that would not be traded for a half dozen resi­ dences such as we can name. Congress man Brand voted wisely on many hills this past session of Congjeas but his idea of road construction is far from meeting with public approval in city rpral setaton*. , f board are to be grilled by Mr*,, of the W. C. T- tL to force that board to do as aha hid*. The W. C. T.-U: ha* a$ked for the free use of tile dining hall bn the fair grounds' during the fair. We understand this has been granted. The building is not equipped for gas and coal stoves ■are necessary in the kitchen. Mrs. Flatter has demanded that the board put in gas which cannot he reached only by ah expense of several hun­ dred dollars. The board could lease the building as it stands for the week for ?5Q hut the ladies insist on all they ask for without regafd of ex­ pense, Mrs. Flatter secured the list member* and is going, to force them to do as she demands. It’s a case of “Who Is Boss?* now, . . . * . * ‘A ■ The office of lieutenant governor is proving a very attractive One thi* year with fourteen candidates oh the Republican side seeking the ngtnina- tion. We ar* informed that Carl A. Mpgae, spoke before the Greene coun­ ty KUn several days ago. Mr. Magee is one of tile fourteen candidates seek­ ing that office. # • * Two well known farmers w’ere dis­ cussing politics the other day. The question of the no-tobacco campaign “was mentioned, The one farmer used the weed as chewing, the other never had use for it and never tasted a cigarette. The non-abstainer brought out a new version of why such a cam- Geor i l ir an.' n never has beep a time when Marshall cOuld finance a campaign in the county. Local Contributors balked on putting money under his,control and they will continue to do” so, The Daugherty and Pemberton followers should look up Marshall's record in the county on party regularity and his absolute inability to raise funds to- conduct arty sort of a campaign. If there i3 any money raised in the county this fall for a campaign it must be theaanti-Marshall side. Our guess is “ nothipg doing.” ,Wait and see. : ■ . . The entrance of Harry Batst as a candidate for State Senator has brot about more discussion in political cir­ cles than anything that has happened in the county for years. Both of the other candidates^were so totes. fey M s terift the effect 1* a&aertain in the district From all indications the Marshall followers seemmore worried than do Dr. Messenger's friends. In fact the latter lay a bold claim to the county by a good, vote dW hotb can­ didates. Marshall must not he opto- mistic for this week he admitted that even tho he Would loose, this county ho expected to make it up in Clinton county. But we get different word from that county. - The Geiger-JoneS sale of stock to ’ numerous Clinton county people has .been very detri­ mental among a class of people that D. Pembwton ‘doss not own peBtteally and much house to house campaigning is, going on in favor of Dr. Messen­ ger. A Marshall follower stated to Ms Monday in Xenia that Marshall would be defeated worse {than any candidate hg had ever backed so far a* Greene county was concerned. , * ■ * *■■■■■ ■# A couple o f week* ago the Herald carried a story of how L. T« Marshall as attorney for a Dayton company had slept on hi* right* in filing papers for appeal in the required time. We have been informed that some o f the fol­ lowers o f Marshall have tried to Spread the story that our story was untrue, For the beneft o f any who think otherwise we refer them to R. A. Murdock, who was defending a suit brought against the Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Co. M4: POAfTCP CO] SED OHIO NEWS > f s adm aadDoitedDawnfar .flawBwsyBesdar star Thisportraitstudyin profile isfrom! latest poees of the President in hi* office at theWhiteHouse. Heseldom sit* for profile*. SPAUN CIRCUS AND SHOW COMES FOB A WEEK The Spaun family circus and vaude Ville show will be oft* Fourth of July attraction all next, week, The show- .open? Monday, June 30 and will give a performance each*' evening., The company travels overland w£th eight Ford ton trucks and one tractor and trailer and a Packard car. Twenty people are connected With the show whichcomeswith a good recommenda­ tion from various places where vt tnajnM’unr VS 1 wi’s1 11 sm .. " W M K f p H l -f-# mm complete Deteo lighting outfits pro­ vide light. A clown band take* part in the parade and a seven piece or­ chestra provides music for the show each evening. The management claim* the ownership of Mascot, a pony with a human brain. TELLS ABOUT ^CONDITIONS IN STATE OF IOWA Prof. .Allen Turnbull of Spencer, Iowa, is home for-the summer vaca­ tion and will he with his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull Until school opens in September. Mr. Turn- hull says, that farmers in Iowa are not r ueh" farther along than in this section and that much gloom over the agriciiltural\interests in that state. When asked how the farmers felt politically Mr. Turnbull stated that the reelcction of Brookheart at the recent primary answered, that. Neither of the political parties have any hold on the agriculture vote in Iowa as in the past. (Continued on last page, ) EAST. SOUTH AND “MIDDLE WEST IN FARMER’S PARADE i* .4 m *e tile Itecf, the Middle West the, Lower Ta»s*-J*« m 4 tee Mouthate doing to brio* about l eague which was organized by term- k*.** *••• tii.A.n in V m V/ifJt era and ciViO orsanlrahon*. i rowus the tower time* wag nhoWh i New York City wtet a parade of prairie aeltoon- SBrfylng the atogan “Iwt*s Go Back t* Way* of Gnr Fathrta; Mimphc- Mr. tftewrty, Eemwwmr lit Gorero- MUCrWtel tkrrwgH Fifth Avenue, WfMffmy m i U FOURTH CELEBRATION AT SPRINGFIELD . 9 The Fraternal Order of Eagles of ’pringfield have planned for a very extensive Fourth of July celebration at the Clark county fair grounds. The order is preparing to care for 25,000 person*. A baseball game between the Eagles and the Urbana team is scheduled for 9:45 after Which the fairgrounds Will I ks thrown open for picnic*. The afternoon session will be free and open to the public. Various shows, vaudeville, band concerts and a big fire works display at night. At 6 p, nt. a baloon race will be staged. SUNDAY AT THE M. E, CHURCH Sunday School at 9:15. Music by or­ chestra. Morning worship at 10:00, Subject of sermon “The Parable o f tho Pounds Union service at the Reformed Pres hyterian church, “Spears'will be turned into pruning hooks when the heart o f hate is turn­ ed into the heart of love.” “Remember that there has never Iwen an overproduction of kind words.-. ^'Religion is the attempt of the itt- dividtila to Co$o into harmony with god, so that he can carry out God's plans.” GAS PRICES TAKE BIG DROP; STANDARD ONE CENT ONI.iT The announcement Monday that gas was to drop one cent a gallon by the StandaiJ evidently caused the inde­ pendents to not only meet the rcuue rislted the *s*oflS Along entire ti(m but g0 lower. The Hill Top Gs- "* (* *,SV £ ! JSS m w"s ***e pbt the pride at 19 cents while wSr whUVbe wason* end rtcmtwere (R, A, Murdock slipped down to 11 *wMb*g tiw Pittaty a iw r m Fifth , cents « gallon, W« wnderatesd the in A w # at M Mmi,. i* * utor* Iteptedatth* at WMihlygtotK C. H have m \ W m pTH.! Wf M fWWW> Ri toto rirar MS fourth rh Waiter Epraga*k^ uruit, wu» tir enlisted id .mar* btkor*. Akron. Governor appointnmac of Wert, statu Associate justtos court, He will Wantunskar, A special county grand j« voetigattt Savings and -land, Attorney .nounoecL AUay company inclui than $1,000,000 bpga county, been deporited pany by the ' One-room receiving state] suspension state depanr Schools with I* certain to'be forts will be pupil* to Uwg Fred Yorda.! by hanging, o barn ip, tits Goiumbns., To five years. A gasoline teteH |*Bg dealens at Washington CvsmB Mte price down to 15 cents -r H County lte*,c»uatyarS reported to tltejHH Loondfitlon ever known at 4bro'n|H fed the year be- cause of roittHqfiH ■te. ' it 1* plamte§aM| Koe tee police,' fire ahd stretefS*fl| b d*p*rfcmenta of London, MmUM i««ty , ta'kehp the town- wttMte- M ■tame fur run* ntng expenee*." Jewolry ft ItfiJM# Wftft stolen from toft.rftM B f George Deb mertog to a Tiwfffll ML Deteaering to pmidmto fliW H n gh Notemnx. company, wbuldiifflMHteere of CHn- OtonatL J JsS A toudk two mfiw IStogtor, fit, y to. sue risimeg ft** day* when [|tet Hayos re- bathing. He ay only a few home was in .fiamonnoed the of Van. jranee, as -eupiom* i ftrudge r . m . j wepk, i toe Cuyahoga b* asked to in­ to* Municipal of Otove- Crabbe an- sg* of thy •toss of* more* fund* of Cuy»> Said to hnv*t jiy with the com* isslonero. Athens county in danger of from the of education, id pupil* sye ? 'Prices for farms in Dhio Is found in transport tne priC(} for 103 acre* in Fay­ ette'county. The tract brought fi!35 an aero, Earl Welahimer, for 'tire- past three years principal in the grade school* at Marysville, resigned1 to accept a Similar position in MJddlesboro. Ky. >Upon his plea that he had failed to, milk nine cows for three days, Harry ’Wyatt, farmed near Zanesville,' was fined jjltto and costs and sentenced to serVO 00 days In the county jail, Conrad Sherman, ll, waa drowned Colnmbn*. He ,wae swept to death when caught in tire swift current. At Wesleyan university’*. eightieth commencement, . Bishop, ’ Herbert Welch, former president of the school, gave the address to the 281 seniors in Cray Chapel, Eleven honorary de­ gree* are. conferred. > - ‘'Mis* Sarah C. Sevenson of Dela­ ware has-been appointed dean of women at Mount Uhion college. Alli­ ance. l Rev. Bernard if, Roesner, 1st, pastor, of Assumption church at Mt» Healthy, Fred Mfiroum, W, Columbus, died of lujerien received when ho was run down by a truck. Edward Zosthkc, 40, was drowned In Km Portage liver near Port Clin* con when the pout in’ which he and a tellov- fisherman were in eapstted, Itenaal price of milk, which was reduced iii Cincinnati Tocently from 34 cento a quart to 13 cents, E m been again cut to lfi cent* a quart and; 15raohw«■^int jV’aiu*' Robinson, 24, and CRto Wat­ son, .30, were killed and another man injured “Whoa the automobile in which’ th£y -were riding waa struck by a Big. Four train at a grade crossing in Columbus. AR were colored. . Jerry Handy, believed to have1been Stork bounty’* Oldest resident, died, at Canton, aged 106. Hardy, bom when most Of Ohio was In the. fron­ tier stage ot development,' was a' slave' for yeara. ' • Between rains road- contractors and state , highway .gjinge are Working «£ery available minute to southeast­ ern Ohio. Evidence to the upward trend of titted suicide the rafter of his home at bean blind for oar ooBlded Amos ifi; -f«ssen-: SAFETY FIRST COM KUEXCK AT COLUMBUS, JULY Ohio now has more than 1,000,000 passenger cars and 130,000 truths to dr.te. Last yean there-were 157 a«- ehtonts at ,«:i'a(!p ' crossings and SCfi prruona killed and 729 injured. Over -.he country there were 1235 deaths in automobile accidents and 0180 were injured. These figures' are appaling mid make it necessary that every pub­ lic and private agency cooperate in the taking of proper measures for the elimination of this menace to the lives and limbs of our citizenship and our guest; from other states. To tliiR end a safety first conference ha* been called ofr July 23 in the cap itol at columbus, House of Represen­ tatives, to formluate plana to reduce to.a minimum the number of acci dents, l .■, .* * . GEWONES STOCKHAS NO VALUE MEETING TO ORGANIZE LOCAL GRANGE . A meeting was held ip Nagley's hall lajrt night when speakers o f the state arid county grange addressed a num­ ber of farmers with the view«of form­ ing a local grange. If there is senti­ ment a junior grange will b% also or­ ganized. J. K. Shawhan has charge of tfee >york in the county, It is part of a movement for a larger membership in the organization ever the state. LOCATED IN COLVILLE, WASH. _ E ohty YEARS AGO. The Colville,. Wash., Examiner last Week carried a good likeness o f Q. R. McMillan, formerly of this place. Mr. McMillan located in that county 40 years ago, arriving there on horse­ back.-He was born near Cedarville and went west when 19 years of age. |le has resided on his farm. 32 years and been-prominent in the develop­ ment of the county .He has served as state senator and is well known in hi* section of the stated LOCAL PEOPLE GO ON ’ * EASTERN TRIP f 91+4,+JLf, f * * v *■ The annual trip o f the Dahl-Camp- bell Grocery Co. Washington^ C. H,> was held this week. Several train (bads left tide sectiob of the stoto for ^ w N ^ m i r Cedarville College hs» held live charts, o f Geiger Jones, preferred stork among the assest of the institu- - tion. Ibis stock was a gift to tlw in­ stitution from a friend of the college, knowing there was r?ome question as .0 tho value of the ,stock the treasurer received a reply from a brokerage nouse this weekthat it was absolutely worthless and had no value whatever, The college is just that much poorer. Th? good lady that made the gift no • ioubt made the purchase in good faith and would not have thrown £500 away. L. T, Marshall, who loaded many in­ nocentmen andwomen with worthless stocks reaped,his harvest in commis­ sions by such.tales. The only value *;he stock had Was in the valuation.-1 represented by the agent, ’ And yet^ .we hear of supposedly* good Chris-’’ tian people occasionally trying to ad­ vocate the election of this agent to political honor and a place o f trust. Our columns are open to any one who will write an article stating one good rpasojn why Marshall should be -• nominated State Senator from this district. The only consideration is . that the witter sign his or her namie' for publication. Next week we'will toll, you how ' an aged lady in Xenia was influenced , by Marshall to invest a large sum of money that was -then in a building md loan association to his worthless stacks and how she lOBt her home. EDMOND HILL DIED IN CINCINNATI HOTEL, ■•ot Crestlto*. t’ teritim^ * * ■Seven application* aro on Hie with was held ‘ too Bucyrus board of education f 0 ‘ hAftwt tn * .toe job of superintendent of school*. . Urn t a u a w u t » A young w< itoi toisnob ot Lo«a aammv **, up by two armed watch whn# tins roteant tote »1,000 from toe telier’* drawer wad escaped. Announcement was mate At Zanes­ ville that the ctegmestioo «f St. John's English Ltebaraa tevrch wlU break ground soon toe * n«W £336,000 church, , * Helen Leidy, 4, was fatally injured when run down by as automobile in front ot her home to Gteunfeus. Harold Ward of Oattipolle was shot from ambush while rtdteg to Ida au> bombile. He wlU r*oem. Two sus­ pects are held by pate*. Thomas Ford of LeeAcw was Sen­ tenced to the Ohio petesattory for five year* by Judge Sorabete for en­ tering an inhabited dtetitog. Ford Is the first man from Jdateun county to be sentenced to prisea tor years, Profeasm* W. T. Wtojbsto, pstool- pal of the. Crootowlfl* Wgk school, rssigned to accept a atetftor posittoa in the Shaker Height* school , a t: Cleveland, ’ Four unknown seen are ketievte by : polite to te-te dyacastoed toe Bote Mill dam. near Osltipolto. with two charges of the. easdMdv*. The- dam’ Was wrecked, Ohio uaivertey twtoaer schonl opened at Athean with m earollment of about l,<00 and w«l continue for nine weeks. FruH grower* sag toe cherry crop in Gallia county will be tee largest ever known,0 Moot'of the 60* studeste at Wit­ tenberg’* summer school are tosteer* In Ohio school*. Dr. J. V, Vorfc, >0, Dayton dentist, committed sakdde to a Cincinnati -hotel. , , ■ June Delehaaty, ». Totedo, died to her mother's arms after beta* hit by an automobile. Two brother* were drowned in a •pond at Akron wten tee raft on which they were ridtog *pm*t The vtetltds wore Altto Miller, 14, sad Keith Miller, it. ^ . We*ley Belcher, **, who teot s»d kMled Patrolman WiZtoto Boad at Cincinnati last April, wte oonrfotod ot first degree murder, and will he sentenced to toe tm ttm xm tor Mfe without hope oC Itottea- diaries Bnyder. Ootombte drowned while bethteg id the IWota, He attempted to mtm aocoe* to* fjhrcfy Stanley Tarton, if* wni kinnfi, and George Laux, 1*. W»* swrtausly to- lured when the milk trote they were driving crashed into a etmetoar *4 Lotata. I au * tee * fimtenwd teull and may die, doctor* eng- Anna MoRhan, A o* Jtorma town- ship, Cuyahoga maty, *M from to- juries received whsa term* by aft au­ tomobile while rowing mao* a read to Join severe* ptey*a*es Hatty R, fttogwttetof. «totfc, w*s shot and probably toeter weended at Cleveland wfteft te rte stod a rohher, who escaped with bft» n y y - Auto bandit* a* Ctosiweil held up Edward J aw , the American AgrtetewM Chemical companr. *»* ^ ^ * J f* !* •* * jn * amoimte* to li^ S w , » jMftei mtmmgL te» «**i * * tMAtm war* wmi mm mm m aMte at tote mm m Hamilton, Louis Huoatelmam 22,was branded on his right forearmwith:the letters "K, K. K.” two inches high, he raportefi ta police. R ot . Alanson Wilcox', minister in the DtoclplG church throughout Ohio tar ?0 years, died at Cleveland. Dur- • tog hie ministry he established more than ICO churches. Professor A. E, Cower of Auglaize county was employed as superintend­ ent of the Plain City schools for the coming year. Logan capital has been invested to j test the Shade river district south of Athens for oil’during the coming sum­ mer. ■ Mrs, Elisa Tittle, 69, Cincinnati, fell from a moving, automobile and -was fatally injured, k Richard Webb and .Elmer Dailey, held In jail at Athena on penitentiary charges, escaped by donning new: clothing and walking out with vis­ itors, ' Ludlow Tracyf 21, was probably fatally injured at Crookeville when bis automobile became, Unmanage­ able and hit a telephone pole; ■ William Klnkopb died at hi* home in Cleveland from burns ’received while hunting through an attic with candjee. Sophie Llfachit*, 3, Cleve­ land, died from burn* received while playing around a bonfire, Mr*. George Chapman, 33, Cincin­ nati, died of burns whoa her clothing caught fire from a gas stove. Captain Wick Hayman, 68, for year* a-picturesque flgurue in Ohio river boat,circle*, Is dead at Willow .Grovi, near Gallipoli*, White not on fibs river, Captain Haymla had a string of pacer* at Ohio and Weet Virginia faira tar year*, . Degree of doctor t f law* conferred upon the late- resident Harding, but never actually received by the presi­ dent, was conferred upon his widow M a part of' the program in the ob­ servance o f’the centennial ot Kenyon college. Harry W* Wickham, 43, president ot the Northern. Engraving company of Cantos, was drowned when he feU from a boat while fishing to a lake at Mecosta, Mich, Conductor Roy Dickey, 31, ot Ml- amteburg, ws* electrocuted at toe in- terurban station in Dayton. Operating expense* arid taxes In­ creased stmuluUneouBlH’tor Ohio in* terutuban electric railway* during 1923, With the resuult that only 14 out of 63 compkdiefc declared divi­ dends, Revenues, however, increased £1,316.000. Mrs, Emma Colavtto must spend toe balance ot her We in the Marys­ ville reformatory. She was found guilty at Cleveland of first degree muTder in connection, with the death by potion of Marino Co*tan*o, Kenyon college te to have a new science building, the gift of 1L <L Hatton of Cleveland, recent member i the renege board of trustees. The uilding will coat £150,000. Charles Sherlock, 14 of Carrollton, ^tatk cmittfy, was act-ldenirily ahot to the abdomen by a tompaato* white •lighted in target shooting with *ev- ci h&yi in a field wtitddte tea town. here were J G. MeCorkell, M, C. Nag- Icy, Misses Donna Johnson and Eliza- hetK.Towtttiey, Mrs. Reed Pringle and daughter, Francis Bayne, MANY LOCAL PEOPLE TAKE TRIP IN AIR An airoplane from Fairfield spent Saturday afternoon here using the Burns field north of town as a landing station. Twenty-six different local people took advantage of the oppor­ tunity and enjoyed a ride at the rate of £3 for the first eight minutes. Mr. Edmond Hill, 52,' died at the Denison Hotel in Cincinnati last • Thursday while sitting in a chair a s . a result 6f heart trouble. He was. on * .lift way to the home o f Harry Atkin­ son, Sabins, when stricken. He 'was the son o f Mr, and Mr*. G, k.t Hill, who formerly resided at vivo. The remains were brought to Cedarville and a short service held at the North .Cemetery, where burial took place. ORGANIZING CHAPTER OF D. AMERICAN REVOLUTION • ■ *T-• A Unmher of Cedarville ladies under1 the leadership of Mrs. Ira Davis, Will ask for a charter fgr a local organ ization of the Daughters of the Amer­ ican Revolution. It is epected that twenty will qualify as ehnrter mem-' bers. '£T?fr This Wei By Arthur Brisbane FORD IN FLORIDA. 5 BILLION CIGARETTES. THE POST OFFICE PAY. “McADOO AND SMITH1' finys that Congrcsw “must never ’nave power.■lo.ovprriuo Supreme uoui't uecusions.” Why not? Supreme Court de­ cisions are no better than the men that render them. And judges arc no better than the man appoint­ ing them, presumably. ft Congress represents the people, and if the people cannot be trusted to manage their own affairs, in­ cluding their own Supreme Court judges, they ought to go back to the kindergarten under King George of England and not pre-- tend to rule themselves. Henry Ford ha* bought a great tract of land in Florida, including a county seat atod a good many build­ ings. He get* wood fon his cars from forests in the North. He will now, it is said, establish rubber plantations, in Florida ta supply material for his tires, “From producer to consumer” is his motto. WATCH FLORIDA. That one State among forty-eight in this Union will before,many years have passed be a gigantic nation in it­ self. ■■ One task in. the United States is not neglected, and that's the job of burning up cigarettes. In April the factories turned out more than five thousand millions of cigarettes, and the output is constantly in­ creasing, In four months this year the country smoked two thousand million more cigarettes than in the Same period last year, If young gentlemen devoted to other tasks tho concentration and careful attention and choosing that they devote to cigarettes, what a world this would be for accom­ plishment, . . It is suggested that President Coolidge will veto the bill te raise the pay of post office employees, on the ground that “the nation can't afford it,” The Brciident would hardly say that, The nation (AN afford it, and it can't afford to treat faithful public Servant* pteaniy. The nation supplies the I'resi- dant with ft fine private yacht to go sailing, one that burns many gallons of oil and employs many men. If the nation can afford that foe the Briteidenb who gets £75,099 a year besides, it ean afford to pity living wages ta the letter carrier, wh* pays for his shots torse tone* steatite used to pay.. ’ Messetary -WilCr « f the Navy Apparently La Follette intend:! to run independently for the Presi­ dency. He now soys he will do s i “unless both old parties ar purged.” It isn’t likely that eithai party will consent to such a purg­ ing as: Dr.aLa Follette Would pre­ scribe. * La Follette cannot be elected, and know* it. But ho can spoil all the plans and calculations of poli­ ticians, if that seems to himWorth while. Some that know him well do not believe he will run the risk of being responsible, toward the end of his career, of making a Democratic President. That was Roosevelt’s farewell accomplishment. . Dr. Ghiera, professor of Aasyri- ology at the university of Penn­ sylvania, discovers a Babylonian writing giving tho age of Noah ao 64.H09 years. Ihis makes of Me­ thuselah a poor second. Exagger­ ation of time and other things, on the big and the little side, was common everywhere in the old days. Periods were twisted out of shape, made shorter or longer. Palace* were built in a second, the World was created in six days, Wise meu lived thousand* o f years.' All this does nob invalidate the fundamental value of historical records. ^ ^ Usfa4**>0£c3ifcw» , Whatever else happen* in the DemoerMm convention, Smilh and McAuoo combined could control it ifc c.ou,d together; it would be their convention. Possi­ bly they will get together, McAdoo •' wants to bh President; nothing else would do. At .Smith might be sat- jsfied to be Vice-President to start with. That weald make a rombi- nation hard to bcat>--especially if La holiette decide* to run and cu* a large independent piece out1of the Republican vote in Several Btates, Civiliratton bas passed various milestones, one “ slavery,” on* ***« liglou*jtetitecfttion,” one to* ” *** tot* tec witnesses,” This nation may mm r “dtew Wteft eft* throw etf e - ■