The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

' i * F in tagA* 1tmm* tW# jwwwM teflM* * ymmity yp«t ft* pm * to th* w$tt **v« IWg tbw *•* of the article w**H p**» 4***. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO . 41. CEDARVILLE, CEPE TIED * READYFOR KLANDOR A new angle, has developed in the Xenia, post office contest There are three known candidates, C. H, Little, Erakin. Winter and D. H. Barnes. As has keen known for some time arid addmitted by the Ktan leaders that D* H, Barnes, was to have the em dorsemenfc' of the Gowdy-Marshal committee* This was in return fo Klan support of “ Senator1* Marshal* at the. recent primary. Many of the Marshall followers have not fell into line on this agreement and are'out in the open against Barnes. They now say that the Executive Committe has not now nor never has had. any idea of supporting Barnes. Some go. ft# far as to say that Barnes will never be able to qualify, and for that reason the committee will not be called upon 'to make the endorsement. This fac­ tion expects to endorse Winter1 ai the proper time. Erskin wa? treaser- Or of the Gow^y-Marshall executive '''committee last year. The whole sit­ uation todate has been one o f artfu' deception. The plan was recently v folded to a state politician by one p. the higher-ups in authority in this county. The maiden efforts o f the : Kian in Greene- county 'politics’ m.^ yet bring to the surface just what has been going on under cover during the past summer. When the postoffio contest is finally settled in Xenia* s crepe, will- decorate the doors o f tin Klap. temple and it will be put ther, by the supposed friends of the hood ed order, ■ » ^ ' ‘ * ’ • - I t . , 4 ' _ ” ' , Republican leaders are not eneour aging a revival o f the Tea-pot domr scandal* booze, bribery, and,washiV o f dirty linen in public ,as la’d at th door' of former Attorney^Genera' Harry Daugherty, who Presided Coolidge forced from his. cabinet. Y lodks like Harry cared rr;0ie Thou* hla. own political fortune thin th» success-of .the party at the corn'iny' election when he gives out a state inefit that, has. brought thftjifoty must to the front page of daily papers af . ter lfchad died down once and was no- «~P*S>nnnent factor in the tstmhu M e for president must hffv< renewed the fires that bwmghtfDaugh- erty to the surface, Harrisin answer­ ing1Davis gives oufc’a fetter of Gastot. Means who refutes’ all his. testimony before the Senate Committee relative to Daugherty, The next 'day Means Who is regarded a smooth^crook anc" is now under sentence himself, re* fdtes his statements oxhpnoratirtf Daugherty. Means was formerly ’ ii the Department of Justice under the Attorney General and appointed bj Daugherty. He lias long hadra W reputation. Roxie Stinson, the di­ vorced wife o f Jesse Smithy deceased, former'confident of Daugherty, her always' moved'in the Daugherty crowd hut Harry brands her j bad woman" now that she has exposed Borne"fef the corruption that existed in Washing ton.during*the Daugherty reign. To those who know, Means, is said to be the brains o f the gang that profited financially off the government. His’ present attitude now is to force his liberty being under sentence to the penitentiary and big politicians will come to bis aid rather than have more Of the mess madepublic. It is report* ed that. Senator Wheeler has cancel­ ed checks gmountlng to $250,000 that had been paid to>Jesse Smith for pro­ tection by a bootlegger now serving time in a federal prison. Daugherty's letter, among those who know him, causes about as much interest as did his public utterance a few years ago when he announced in behalf of the dry cause. That was the day that Daugherty won over the support o f the Anti-Saloon League, a 'political organization that soon became a part o f the Daugherty political machine. Hughes end Davis Ready to Lift the L id Saturday Markin, After a Year of Mourning for Her Martyred Pres- Ife ident, Prepared to Welcome Big Crowds to Hear the Republican Doctrines That Her Famous Son Loyed So W e ll M ARION,. o;~-(Special,)—-After a year of mourning for her favorite son, 'Warren G, -Harding, Marion is preparing to re-enter the ranks as a scene of Republican activity next Sat- urday on occasion of the formal open- 'lag of the Ohio campaign, for the election of Calvin Coolldge as presi­ dent, and ’ Harry L. Davla as gov* amor, - Accustomed to .handling gigantic crowds through the “front porch" campaign qf President Harding four years ago, and the sadder event of the martyred president’s funeral a ■year ago, Marion promises to he the genial host that her famous son, Treasurer of State Harry S. Day and Auditor of State Joseph T, Tracy, all of whom are seeking second terms; Charles H. Lewis of Wyandot county, nominee for lieutenant governor, and Supreme Judge James E. Robinson of Marysville, and. Appellate Judge Rey­ nolds R. Klnkade of Toledo, the nom­ inees tor two vacancies on the su­ preme bench. . Arrangements for the^ speeches, which will commence at 2 o'clock tn the afternoon, are in the hands of Fred, W, Warmer, chairman' of the state central committee, who is pros­ ecutor of Marlon county, and Common Pleas Judge Grant Mouser, who was . CHAHLRS e , hughes - sleeping on themlsid* on too edge of town,would hate her weirej&e alive. be the governor who was elected with Mr. Harding tour years ago, Harry L. Davis;! th* diplomat who guided the ship of state in his cabinet, Charles E. Hughes; and a womanwho is a warm friend of Mrs. Harding, Mr/t. Virginia White Speel, president of the District of Columbia Federa­ tion of Women's clubs. The national Issues which will be used! ,in behalf ..of President- Coolidge Will be- outlined by Secretary of State HUgheS; -the problems of state government, which, haye been tied Into h harder knot, rather.than solved, by the Democratic governor, will be stressed by-Governor Davis, and»the part the women are to play, in the Campaign will bo explained by Mr». Spent. Baclf candidate on, the state ticket will make an address, the candidates are Attorney General C. 0; Crabbe, Secretary of State Thad U- Brown, FR IDAY , SEPTEMBER 26,1924 A WEWSFAPJGR devoted tc LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OF CKDAJt- VILLE AND VICINITY. PRICE / $1,50 A YEAR CONDENSED OHIO NEWS .News Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down for ths Busy Header The death rate fg 1923 was 1.3 per e population over the have the figures firo* partnient. of Health. The number of d 420 or an increase pf ceedihg year. The birth rate Cent for 1928 when births, 26 less than The death, rate for! the ’same time was er. lit urban dlstrjcl 902 .deaths and in 164. Gallia.county, death rate and Erie mit county had the I The state. birth |was under 1921.' X [birtHs for the' sta ( Lawrence county number .oF'birfhs . ulfftion and Geauga- I The estimated pp; state for 1923 was estimated increase 1922, , _ . county for for every 1000 22’ rate as we the State De for 1923 was ■over the pre­ shed .9 per ere were 558: ,222. „ ■ state during cent high-, ere were 46- distrifcta 28,- the highest next. Sum-* est with 7,2. was?i,l and .number of was 128,785, the greatest rding to' pop- lowest, * - ation of the 17,065; or ait 102,204 over Dwight Keams, 17, of Marion, was killed near Upper Sandusky while hunting when he trJed to climb through a -fence with his t;m loaded. Utilities Director Howell Wright will recommend to Cleveland council a boost in the municipal light rates from 3 to 3»,4 or 4 cents a kilowatt, or a 3-cent rata with 50-cent service charge. Five boys wore injured, one, Xros- cero Ginzetta, fatally, at Columbus, when a speeding motorcycle hit a Frank McGaughey, 3S; C. W. Price, t5, and H, Hanna, 34, all of Cleveland, were placed under arrest at Toledo. The men are charged with imperson­ ating federal officers and demanding money to keep from reporting whisky purchases they had made, Compromise gas ordinance, passed recently by. Cincinnati city council, was vetoed by. Mayor George P. Parrel. Charles Dotson, 37, and his wife, Cora, 38, of Holumhus, fl,re In Ncw- ruck and sent it crashing into the ark, city hospital, fatally hurt, as the curb where they were sitting. result of a crossing accident -near . G. A. Venable, 27, died at Willard, Pataskala, where their machine was luroft county, as the result of gun* hit by a train, hot wounds suffered while hunting » Fire destroyed the general store, man Attica.. Venable’s gun.was ac- warehouse and barn of George Boy- lidentally discharged as • .Be was ,tlm and two dwellings, at Marblehead, .limbing a fence, 1 . ~ Elza Tripp, 35, father Of seven oung children,"died at his home, near cothe, was injured fatally when struck J causing a loss of $46,000. Thomas McDonough, 14, of Chilli- Pomeroy,' from a broken neck receiv­ ed in a motor wreck/ Hocking county farm bureau oifi by an auto driven by Dr, E. B. Meade of Sedalla, near London. Grace Martindale, 7, daughter of Jala are Urging the formation of a George Martindale ef West Jefferson, •POftrvi wfftnlroVfvtfie* AODm/iinflnn fMia __ n.■. .... .*«. jreaxd m arketing: associatio . The 3mi>loyment o f a farm bureau service m anager also is tiding considered. Mines of the North Hocking com­ pany, near Murray City, employing about 125 men, are about to reopen. Madison county, was seriously injured when kicked in the face by a horse. She received a broken. Jaw. Mario Ridolphi, 26, confectioner, was shot twice and fatally wounded at his home in Steubenville when rile mines have been"shut down since several bullets were fired through a BELL BUZZARD W i s SEEN HERE SEVERAL'WEEKS AGO. last February. Myers-Vinton'Oil and Gas company struck a. “gasser” in Vinton county bedroom window. Robbers backed two trucks up to the rear of M. P. Kelly's wholesale HARRY L, DAVIS. One of t%e signer* on Mr.' Daria* ^eo- latetlon of candidacy -for governor' v - wff grimagte to Marion four years ago, indicate Umb.Republican men and Women will be out. in force for the opening. * > • The Women are coming- to hear Mrs,, Speel, whose' father* General Harry -White, spent-16 months : in southern prisons during th# Civil war* and whose political education began With her earliest breath, her father having-served as congressman from Pennsylvania formany years. She is founder or the Republican politics training-schools, and' was vthe only woman’ member o f the1steering com­ mittee of Die District of Columbia at .the Cleveland convention last June. ' The men are coming to, renew-ac­ quaintance with the .man who -came within to ace of occupying the White House eight years ago* said never in fete career to have been so forceful a speaker as this year* and the stand­ ard bearer qf .the party tn Ohio, According to a disptteh from Lan­ caster, Francis Thoms's and wife re­ port seeing the famous "Belled” Buzzard* which .h»$.| been seen in nearly every state, in^he union.- Mr. Thomas procured ft Pfftr o f field gas­ ses and says that he iekmld distinctly see the bell/ a large feasa one about as. large ms a man's \nst,„tbab was strapped about the hifd's neck.. The same bird‘was Seen several weeks ago on the A, HI 0reswe!l|farm, south of this by Mr, Creswell lnd his tenant, Charles.' Neff- Their inscription was the same as that o f Mr; Thomas. Jfc is “a well, known faefc-that buzzards migrate ever the entire country end this must be the eame'one as having been seen in many different states during'the. past yean, which is making 7,000,000 cubic feet tobacco shop in Zanesville, pried open daily. This gps will go into maihs ft .window and loaded Op iwitli $1*400 which serve central Ohio. Four of the mines.of the Sunday Creek Coal company in the Glouster district were closed be'eause 25 cents a day was cut from the wages of fire bosses and pumpers. . ; , Rudolph Farkas, 41* won .a com­ petence of $37,500 for the Joss of a leg in an automobile accident at ' that his gun exploded when he at- Cleveland. He' sued the Cleveland *- ---------------- j ,.'-*- worth of tobacco. They escaped.’ Body of 'Edward Thompson, 40,- Morgan county farmer, was found in a dttch near hts home with a charge of bucksliot from his gun in his left breast. .Thompson went hunting, and, when he failed, to return a searching party was. organized. It is believed STEER i*f JZZLING Appearantly the golden calf of Bibical tames hpd nothing on a west­ ern steer slaughtered at Washington 0. H. last week.with respect to teeth —-for the steer had a'set - of .golden teeth which has ’ mystified all who have seen them. The men doing the slaughtering discovered glittering teeth and they were, encrusted with virgin gold and the examination by a number of -persons has not proved the .claim false. The steer had been' shipped from Colorado where the ani­ mal no doubt grazed, where there was gold dust and that-tills,encrusted on the teeth. WORLD ser ies games " NOT FAR AWAY rORD COUPE OVERTURNS ON ) CLARK COUNTY FAIR • * COLUMBUS PIKE SUNDAYi ■ . . MAY BE NO'MORE Frank Shroades received a bad cut - „ It wall he determined Saturday at about the head and severs^bruises oil a meeting of the- Clark County .fair Sunday evening when his Ford coupe board Whether the fair will he contin- overturned on the Columbus pike at ued another year or whether the the J, C. Townsleg turn. The road _grounds will be sold. The board has was slippery .dUe to rain. The machine jbeen behind financially for some was badly damaged, betli wheels ' on “ ' ~~ ’ “ the right side yrith fenders and 'run­ ning 'hoard ruined. From all indications the New York Giants are due to win the National baseball peneant while the Washing­ ton D. C. team will likely take over the American league flag for the first time. The leascai closes the first o f the week and then comes the world’s series games that will be played by the winners of the two leagues. HAIR CUTS HANDED OUT TO FRESHMEN STUDENTS Daugherty'* declaration at that time was not only bold bu Heal move. The state campaign wifi soon open. We are anxiously awaiting to see how certain political interests in the county line p on the state ticket. It was reported during the recent cam­ paign that Mrs. Carrie Flatter, the directing head and political advisor of the W. C. T, IT, had refused to "lend aid In the primary to either James White or Senator Burke* both being Jong connected with the dry cause, It is reported that Mrs. Flatter regard­ ed it a lose of time for either of these gentlemen to campaign to t that horn*, {nation for the reason that Governor Vie Dpnahey, Democrat* was going to be re-elected. This hit of'new* will he encouraging to the Democrats and five assurance that Greene county's foremost feminine politician has not few saken the cause even though she endeavored to be a dictator in the rutfffnt county primary as to certain itepublkten nemtea,felons, - O '; * a ■ Owing to the death of General Saw- y*r, fermet personal phjgWan to president Harding* ■Eep«M£*« friffifQifMepeotog at Mlrl&U tet Sit* • i g i i j r be poeiponed to a Mtor WWW » Five boyS'of the CollegeFreshihen class were caught Monday night and given hair cuts by upper classmen that mny have been athording to M* (inirements as a mode of introduction it a clover poli- hutdidnot meet style'demandsof the day. As a result therewas a rush the next day to get barbers to transform the style undermodern requirements, GASOLINE CONTINUES TO DROP Gasoline wtufe dropped two cents a gallon' here this week following the drop of one Cent' last week by the Stamford. A fifteen cent rate is mark­ ed Up at Murdock's. Washington C, H, has had 15 cent gasoline most of the summer among independent dealers, while the Standard price was uniform in that place ns well as other towns, wlteim ■ rilMteg tea i'im a yu r irnsi ' AUTOMOBILE STRIKES COWj LEG IS BROKEN years and this year lost $4,000 and most Of the premiums are not yet paid. Last year it was impossibfc to get candidates for board members and the. old'members had to serve on. Poor patronage has been‘the cause of the board’s financial condition. * FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN ; KENTON, OHIO STRAW VOTE SHOWS THAT * COOLIDGEWILL WIN Every straw vote being taken over the country shows* that President Coolidge will have easy sailing unless there is a deeded change between now and election day. These votes are be­ ing taken by papers of all politics and one or two magazines. Word was received here this week of the death of Mrs, L, F. Dorn at her home jn Kentop* Ohio, September 8 after a year’s illness, with heart trouble and complications. Besides the husbands three sons survive, Blnin, Benson and Charley, The funeral was held the 10th with burial in Kenton, The family was located here for a nupiber of years during which time Mr, Dorn conducted a harness store. ORDERS ENTERTAIN Laundry company, whose automobile collided with a truck on which Far­ kas was riding, for $75,600, Mrs. Alice Epker, matron of the woman’s'detention^ home, at Toledo, thwarted, an "attempt to burn' the bunding/", Clara Hughes, \held - as a violator' Ot the n'arCotic .-Iffivs, is charged with setting the place oU'flre. .A marker was dedicated on the raye of Rachel Kelly Grant, grand- General U.-S. Giant, in the Mayor Carrel of Cincinnati declare* the $102,000,00, addition to the- tax dupUcle means only a "drop in the bucket,", so far as giving, material aid to the city's finances in tax values is concerned. It, E. Copeland, supervisor o f ' the Waldo township (Union county) Schools, accepted the superintendency of the public 8Cbodts at Williamsport, Fire-destroyed the’ power hc-use and boiler, room of the Mid-Hocking Coal company at Corning, with a loss estimated at $11,000. . Mrs. Albert Adams died at Zanes­ ville from the effects Of Injuries sho received in an auto accident near Eaton, several months ago. Her hus­ band is still in critical condition. Frost in Fayette county did no ma­ terial damage to crops, . Safecrackers .who entered the office of the Euclid Avenue Christian- church, Cleveland, knocked the com­ bination from the safe and escapcd- with about $300, . . James E. Hodgson, 35, a miner, is- dead and another man is in a serious condition at Martins Ferry, from pois­ oning. They drank "canned hoat," according to police. Mrs, Gussie Cottas, 24, was killed hear Mt. Vernon when the automobile in which she was riding upset In a' ditch. Kanawha river towboats were tied up at Galllpofis with their cargoes of coal by a strike of boat'crews. Mrs. Catherine RIeff, 84, who lived with her daughter, Mrs. J. C Iloopin- garner, at Massillon, died from burns received When her clothing became Ignited from an open gas stove. William Baker,, 16, of Washington C. Hi, died soon after being shot by a Companion, Paul Burner, also 16,-who mistook Wttliam's cap for a sdulrrel. William had climbed a tree In a tempted to. jump across the ditch, M'ws Mary ZoO-Schafer of North, Creek, Putnam county, was killed in­ stantly at Defiance, when her stalled auto Was demolished by a passenger train. . v JoSeplt Mackley, 62, Columbus, died as a result of shooting himself near the" right eye Sept. 10 with Intention of committing suicide, according to tho police. - BuTglars blew the' safe in Tom GoOley’s clothing and jewelry store" SftV-Washington. Gl­ and escaped With ' $400 to cash, $100 in liberty bonds, 12 suits .of clothes and a quantity of Jewelry. Martin Tkrcbangtf 40, was killed lrf- stantiy-when. the motorcycle on which he was riding left ft road near EJyria and went Into a ditcli. Of the 500 hunting -licenses sold to Hocking county huntors for the squir­ rel sfeason, ono was'issued to'a wom­ an. It went to Alma Ewart of Logan: Lorain, stricken last June by a tor­ nado, held a three-day Mardi Gras and fall festival thB week. . " * Knchelmiaelier' estate Idriled in a new 300-barrel dll well on, the Tracey lease at Carhonhill, near Logan. DUo to lack of patronage the, bus lino between Now Lexington and Lan­ caster was discontinued. Frank Green, 55, farmer near .Mid- disport, died of sunstroke suffered in June while he was to a hay field. AU of the 30 miles of scenic railway fronting the Ohio river to Meigs coun­ ty has been completed. ' William Fields is exhibiting two monitor leaves' of tobacco from tiis field St LogaU. Both are 6 feot ana 3 Inches long and 22 inches wide. Mayor Walter Longbrake of Milton Center, Wood county, may lose his sight trov acid thrown into his face by D. S. Hilt 53, a convicted boot­ legger,. who fatally wounded .himself by cutting his throat. Judge Willis Vickery of Cleveland judge of tho Eighth district appeals court, was elected chief justice of the Ohio ■ appeals court at a meeting of the judges of the appeals courts of the state. Frank Tfhlen, 32, alleged to have Shot and killed Andrew Firm, 40, as the result of p. “love feud,” was in­ dicted at Cleveland on a charge of second degree murder. iFire caused ad explosion. In the Earnest Penrose garage at Newark! The Masonic lodge and the Eastern Star gave a reception a* a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Tart Oh Tues­ day evening at the lodge rooms. Mr, and Mrs. Tarr are locating in Colum­ bus, A Covered dish dinner Vrtws ser­ ved and the evening spent in a very pleasant manti^. About eighty were present to enjoy .the occasion. Just as Mr. J. ft. Orr was turning his milk cows out of tha pasture oh the Columbus pike Wednesday even* ing an automobile driven by a wo­ man Cam* along and bit one of the most valuable animals in the bard. A PRACTICE GAME CARD OF THANKS The College football team met the Xenia high school, team Wednesday evening for a practice game. It gave Coach Dietrich: art opportunity to see bis men in action and gage the weak spot*. The -team is Working to be fit to take Earlham’s measure On October 4th, Out of the fullness of our hearts we wish to express in. sotoa measure, the gratitude and deep appreciation to the many friends and neighbor? who contributed in any way during the hour of our recent bereavement. Mrs, John E. Randall and family. SUIT TO PARTITION SPRINGFIELD ATHLETICS ABE WESTERN OHIO CHAMPS. Suit baa been brought in the Clark County Common Pl»*« oenrfc by J. C, Lose, plaintiff and' John B. Lose and others, for partition of MtiS acrea of woods’; to eat grapes and his com - ' and, spreading to two business rooms pjuiloji, seeing the cap, fired at It, j In ik® same building, resulted ia loss Mrs. D,m Van Voiles, moth*r of a estimated at $66;000, five-day old infant, shot U tho Breast An ordinance to submit a $3,000,000 by her husband at Youngstown toy municipal bus bond issue to the vot- cause tho baby was not a boy, has a ers at the iNovember election failed chance, to recover, hospital authorl* °f passage in Akron city council, ties said. Van Voiles killed himself, Peter WInande, 46, A farmer living after Shooting his wife. There are near Harrison, Hamilton county, com* five children besides the baby, all mltted suicide by shooting himself girls expect one, |urltii a shotgun. He had been an to Mistaken for squirrels, Pea-1 Bald- “ ate -of Lofivlw hospital, win, 30, and. William Dickson, 25t' Grief over tho dealth of toe w*e two were shot by their companions In sep- mofltlm ago is believed to haw> led arate hunting accidents near Zancs- Abraham W. Smith, 60, of Wads* , worth, Summit county, to end his own Mrs. Barney Evelt, 42, living on tite IIf° « Waynesvllle pike,- near Lebanon, sat- Governor ^ a h e y is urated h « clothing with kerosene!, movement by Ohio' *?* walked tote the yard In the rear of operators to secure tower freight » _ I.**** nmi tilled a match She rates on Ohio mined coal. a S T i . V f . , A raid on the home of Tony Iannl, f 0ri ai S h1^ ’' ^ v fhe ^ tv $5000 a at Springfield, resulted In the- confts- J3--2-l0^3,tep a y th e c ity to .O O u cation of 300 gallons of raw toash ^ PM. MMlllt, PMWIMUr M Mill. COUNTYBOARDS IfiGECONTROL OFATHLETICS . Every county board of- education was represented last Saturday at a meeting to Xenia when many subjects vital to the schools of the county were up for consideration, W, R. Heietand of the State De­ partment of Education* Colutnbua* at­ tended the meeting and discussed the transportation and tuition law. He. held that the lawdoes not compel a board to pay tuition to other high schools where there is such a school in the district. Transportation does not become complusory under the four mile limit. Prosecutor Williamson explained in detail the transportation law, AU pupils iri centralized ' districts must be transported* whether grade .or in ! high schools. In other districts child­ ren living beyond the two- mile limit n)ay be hauled, but this is not man­ datory. A.U"high school pupils living ; beyond the four -mile district shall be transported. All crippled, children' ^ unable to walk must be transported and the Same* for children from.dis­ tricts where schools have been sus­ pended. - The county boarda. recommended that all athletics -be under the direc­ tion of the County Superintendent and boards acting together and that the basket ball schedule be eight games, cigarettes and profanity to be barred. That -there be two- or more ‘ literary meetings for each the county,. Night practices for all- basket ball games to be. resorted to only under exceptional leases and then under the direction of* the superin-' tendent, principal or teacher.^,It was -agreed to ask the legislature to re-, pedl the law requiring transportation o f .pupils beyond the four mile limit. METHODISTS TURN . V ' ' A NEW LEAF - ^The Methodist Episcopal church at its General Conference held in Spring . field,’ Mass,, during the month, of Mfcy. last, 'changed Bishops in the Ohio 4rea» hotter,known as toe Cincinnati Area. Bikhop Anderson, who has been the bisKop of this •area for twelve years was transferred' to the Boston area. 'Bishop Henderson, a perfect human dynamo of energy,‘Who brOt about a-revolution in the Detroit area • was transferred to this Area., The view Bishop made his first ap­ pearance as" chief executive of this . area at the recent West Ohio Confer­ ence held at' Ado* Ohio. Oii Saturday of Conference week, he outlined his plans for--the quadrenniuip. All Die- / fcrict lines will now follow county lines Nine districts ,were reduced to eight. This enlarging--the - district^. County units will Ibe organized and, Quarterly Conferences will he held at the County seat by counties. The members of the various churches are requested 'to pledge themselves to more efficient Service by singing a card.entitled “Fellowship of Redem-. ptibn'* which, reads as follows: In utter reliance upon Jestla Christ, , my personal Redeemer* I venture:—e To- study the New Testament in ot­ ter to learn to' pray effectively for myself; for my minister, and for 'ft spiritual awakening on my Church. To make the cross of Christ the ex­ perience and standard of my dtuly ■ife in all personal and group rela­ tionships. To enter into redemptive partner­ ship with Jesus Christ for the rebuild tog of ft World after, the pattern of the Sermon prt tho mount. In order tq, make this partnership spiritually ef­ fective I will acquire my income like a Son of God; administer it as a faith­ ful "steward of God; and’ in token of •ny acknowledgement of the owner­ ship of Gpd over all my possessions I .vill set aside at least one-tenth of my income for direct Kingdom purposes. To endeavor to win others to Christ aspecially my own personal acqualn- . tances and help them to share in the full -responsibilities of the fellowship of the ehurch, I* therefore, agree to accept from my minister the names and addresses of a reasonable number of people with whom I will have * friendly Conversation about their re­ lation to Christ and the Church.” The new plan Wak presented at the local M. E< Church for the first tinte last Sabbath morning, when fit per­ sons signed tta pledge. Others want­ ed time to consider but it is expected that all will co-operate with the Bish­ op, in this tindertaking, Bine* Cedar- ille M, E, church was oile o f the first over the top in the Centenary Wow* mfent, it is expected that this local, church will be among the first to re­ spond as a whole. _____ _ ... . . . . ------ The Springfield Athletics are the . The animal was wall bred and con-!champions of the Western'Ohio baser1*1™ belonging to wmtam h , Luse wmmm Cable, 35, a tinner, after he sidered a Very valuablo senr, number of the auto was taken, The ball league. This team‘will meet the, «*tato* !Gardner-JIarvey club of Middletown, 'Sunday afternoon on tire Springfield | Those who like th* sport of hickory If you are oonridsring a rang* thi* ground* in a second game of a ser- nutting Wilt not get wstoh for reward fall be aura *m4 see the Favorite at iea for the inter-league title, Middle- this season as th* crop i* said to be th* fsrnm * Grain Go, town won the first game of the nerietj; unusually short. let fever Js on tho increase because *0$ » uuu i* +w&i lit . ****«,*# ywittw In IT iiva U^ had minted while repairing a church ^ ,cwnt ,n tayette ateepl* fi6 feet from the ground, ; c]c}>k R*v< Andrew Flekons, 76, a minister . . J11" ^ 2 . 7L.JJS killed ana a man ana woman injured i i J f 'i* °S £ tihoml b<*S21rft^LSksviS ChiHlcntfae when the auto driven ft** - n Crooksviu# Michael Lewis of Uhiillcothe left W l fiflfWft®*"0"#. u^ ; ,. toe road and overturned, I Most of the towns that adopted th* new time for summer months will go back to Central Standard time Safe- bath. UOlumbus wili continue Easterii time having been placed in that'ton* permeaanlly the year around. (Awtofw Jaekiou-h«* been hi Gel- umbu* this' week attending th* A«* sociation race*. , m \