The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

IpHMIiM LOCAL kW PERSONAL * * ■* $ # • * * « * Mr, Robert Turafoell of J«n#*townt wfeo ha» feeea miffariag from infection d®** not M&m to *how Wwwfe improve* went. . NOTICK— The Co-operative cream atetioa will fee dosed each Monday, Wodeeaday and Friday evening and 0P«0 da Tuoaday, Thursday and Sat­ urday am ilifa of each -week on and after $**t. Wth. N, p, Ewtomk, manager. Dr. and Mr*. F. W. Og«a of Jama* town wore guest* Saturday of Mr. dad Mm, CJ umu gaum. Mlw Mary K, FoWler raturn* this week to Salma, Ala., where ahe baa boon teaching Domestic Science in Knox Academy for a number of ye*r*. Dr. M. I. Marsh attended a mooting of physicians in Dayton the first o f the week. Mrs. N. P. Ewfeank will leave today for Lawrence, Ind., to visit friends and reiativeB, expecting to fee gone about a month. Place your order for locust posts at once. A car of split Tests,' extra good grade Cedarville Lumber Co. The endurance festoon race* will fee held'in Washington C. H., next Tues­ day under the auspices of the Fayette County Automobile Club. The endur­ ance and distance test is now held fey the French government. There will fee entries from ail over the world; William Luce, 77, died at the home of his son, Arthur Luce, near Clifton, Wednesday, death being due to com­ plications. The funeral was held Sat­ urday morning from the home of a daughter, Mra. Clarence Luce, 1954 Rev. R. N. Coleman o f Clifton and1Kenton Street C i n X i a f Y I W. 1 . v ita l, o f thi, place attended ^ Presbytery at Seven Mile, O., Mon day and Tuesday; Rev. R. N. Coleman will be absent from his pulpit in - Clifton for two Sabbaths. Rev. Paul G. Luce of Oma­ ha, Nob., a former Clifton boy, will preach Sabbath, Sept, 28, Rev. Daniel Patrons o f the* Co-operative cream , , , station should look up the notice .fon ^f,yerf_0f cD,a.yt0,n’ Bre“ h the loosing hours as found in this issue, ^following Sabbath, October 5th. Mr; and Mrs. William Finney, Jr..' are the proud parents of a baby, boy, bom Sept. 20'. The little one has been named William Kenneth. \ new schedule has been arranged un- ,til further notice. LADIES WORK AT HOME, pleas­ ant, easy sewing on your machine Whole or part time. Highest possible prices paid,. For full information ad. ress L. Jones, Box 2. Onlay, 111. For Trento House and garage on Chillieothe street. Address Mrs Ida I„owry, Fulton, Ohio. • 'jpmes .C Gonway, aged 42, promi­ nent London business man died with heart disease last Saturday morning after he boarded a train in •Cincin­ nati. Cohway had to rim to catch tht train and upon entering;the train fell exhausted and died in a few minutes took place at the Clifton cemetery. ■*' •" '• Mia niiii'iMy t W e have on display the new Haag Oscillator washer and also the Haag Trim Tub washer. ' The Farmers' Grain Co. Miss Carrie Stewart of near Clif­ ton, who suffered a paralytic stroke Jome weeks ago, is reported not so well, ' Wanted Poultry: Call me be-' fore you sell. Phone 12-187. John •vR. Irwin, JR. F. D. 3, Cedarville. or 12 on .187, South Charleston, TheBrown Shoe Co., St. Louis, has filed suit against M. C. Nagley in tht Court of Common Pleas alleging there is due ,the plaintiff. $816.15 for-cer­ tain goods, . Mr. R. Mae Fowler and Wife of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting at the 'Ti'dife of Mr. Fowler's mother, Mrs. R. J. Fowler, west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Huston Were at home Thursday evening to the members of the Clark’s Run Club and their husbands. They were entertain­ ed at a Weiner roast. As the guests arrived they were invited to gather out. in the open before a glowing fire. Weiners and everything that makes a complete, out-door feast was served the guests. Among the guests were Mrs. Haftna Mills, of Dayton, and Mrs, W. R. Collins of Columbus,, The occasion was enjoyed by all. Clarence Stuckey will move in a hort time to the Robert Tindall farm ’ear Selma. Mr. and Mrs.. Tindall ex- ect to leave this fall for California, where they expect to locate. Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Willdy, who have been mre for several months with Mr, Stuckey and family, will take the farm. Mr. Willdy has been a resident of Philadelphia. . < Mrs. J. M. Sesler and son Melvin,* >f Youngstown, 0., stopped here Sat- irday with Mrs. Sealer’s sisters, the Misses' McNeill. They were enroute 'rom Lancaster ,0., where they had "jeen visiting her son, Gail and wife, o, Belle Center, O. Miss Margaret McNeill accompanied them to Belle Center, where she ' and <Mrs. Sesler vill visit ’at the old home for a few days. 154,household, food and beauty pro- iucts to sell direct tb homes. Big pay o wide axvake then and women. A11 or rnrfc time. No experience needed. In­ structions and sample outfit free. Tealth—-O Duality Products Co., 117 Tuana. St-,' Cincinnati, Or r 1 A fafmily reunion was held at the home of Mr. arid Mrs.- Stewart Towns ’ey, near Morrow, O., Sept. 21st.* Among those present were' the fol­ lowing: Mrs. E; J. Townsley, Arthur Townsley and .family of this place; Charles Townsley of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson of' Cincinnati; Mr. Ralph Totynsley and family and Mr. David Deck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Erskin Townsley and Mrs. Maude Welchans of Dayton. ' There were four generations present at this gathering. B A S E . B A L L Championship Series Garner 6c Harvey, Middletown, O. t FVO. E. Athletics, Springfield, O. Champion E 1.0 .League Vs, Champion W. O. League Eagle Field, Springfield, O. SUNDAY. AFTERNOON, SEPTi 28TH. Game Called at 3 P. M. & mm £/ DAD / was a bov lie had to */ / wi'tr hard, stiff bools W 7 TODAY r// ' j.U to y or girl is fitted With scientific car© DEMAND Goose Wilt Robinson, Mrs. LueUa Milton, Matye Jams*, aud Myrti* Hamilton went to Paulding, O., last Saturday to attend the funsral of Mrs, Elmer Robinson. Mrs. J, P. White has been in Col­ umbus this week attending a Union Missionary. Institute which is inter­ denominational and supported by the churches of the city. Mrs. White has 'teen speaking twice daily at the con­ ference which was bold at the First M. E. church on Broad street. Mrs. White is expected home this evening. Charles Stormont, who has been at Yellow Stone National park all sum­ mer, where he had a position, return­ ed home Tuesday. Mr. Stormont re­ ports a fair season among the travel­ ers. He also says that rain came at the right time to give Montana far. ‘ mers a good wheat crop. Snow fell one whole, day the last .of July in the park, which was more than most of the sight-seers were looking for when out on a summer vacation. Mrs. Ancil Wright spent the week end in Jeffersonville and in Columbus Mr. and Mrs.. F.-M. Clemans. and daughters, Ella and Florence, of Mechanicsburg, 0., spent the week* end with Mr, Cleman’s brother, W. L. Clemans! and wife. The daughters have recently returned from foreign lands, Miss Ella having been located at Penagn, China, and Miss Florence at Settlement Straits, Japan, some two thousand miles apart. They~were teaching English in Mission schools. Miss Florence expects,to take up sim­ ilar work in Denver, Colo.,, this win­ ter, arid Miss Ella, in New York City. Mrs, Ida Lowry of Fulton is here on a visit with friends. Prof, Oxley and family -spent the week-end visiting relatives in Licking and Coshocton counties. Robert Smith, who has been in very poor health for several months is re­ ported in a much weaker condition at this time. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES SHOES Tim Ctdateii Shoe* Built A ll litM for Boy* o f littl* Boy* or G irls. MOSER’S STORE XENIA, O «M*a The Senior Class of Cedarville High School met in Prof. Oxley’s office Tuesday morning for the purpose-of reorganizing their class. It was agreed upon that the old officers should re­ sume-their'duties; President, Kenneth Waddle, Vice President, Edith Fergu­ son and Secretary, Kathryn Hughes. Plans for graduation were^discus­ sed. Everyone knows what an expen­ sive experience this is and the Senior class is febing to try to curb this ex­ penses as much as possible,' A com­ mittee was appointed to arrange for a social program for the year. * ' e. ‘ • Tuesday morning each class of the High School affected.its organization under 'the direction of the, teacher in charge as adviser. The results of the organization is as follows: Freshmen—President, Robert Wil­ son; Vice President, Leo Reed; Secre­ tary, Edith Evans; Treasurer, Eugene Clark; Sophomores—President, Nelson Cres- wellj Vice President,^Isabel Webster; Secretary, Freda JEstle;^ Treasurer, Christine Rife. Junior—President, -Earl Heirohi- mus; Vice President, Lawrence Wad­ dle; Secretary, Christine Smith; Treasurer, Robert Collins. : ^ ».■ ■* * . * ' The High School held a meeting in the auditorium Monday, Sept. 15, to organize an athletic association, Prof. Talcott gave us an interesting talk on athletics for the coming year. Voting by ballot the following officer* were elected: President, Alfred Townsley; vice president, James Stormont; sec­ retary, Kathryn Hughes. Also a com­ mittee of five for rules andi regula-* tioris i* composed of Dallas Marshall, Robert Wilson, Josephine Auld, Ruth Vhite, and Christine Smith, We are !ookinfe forward to a very successful athletic year and hope We are .net dis­ appointed, » * ■ • „ • We are now pretty well started in our school work and Would be glad to have you come and visit us to see what we are doing. In this way you Would inspire us on- to victory by showing your interest and apprecia­ tion in our work. We're, here because our school's begun And we're going to work 'till the race is won; We. must do our work, whatever we do And then w6’ll he wanting some visits from you. ' * • ,, The High School student body went down to the auditorium last Wednes­ day, Sept. 16, to organize a literary society. Professor Oxley acted as chairman o f the meeting and we had some very inspiring talks. Miss Chambers gave her idea of a literary society, what it should mean and its use Miss Rife also gave an interesting talk. A committee was appointed to frame a constitution and by-laws. Tuesday, Jean Morton, chairman of the committee,- read the constitution and by-laws and they were accepted by the Students, The name of the so­ ciety is "Salmagundi”, taken from Washington Irving. You are cordially invited to fee present at our programs. * sr * 'Miss Evers, the Greene County health nurse, has been occupied for­ th* last three days examining the children of the grades. Two high school girls have been her assistants. Every’ child's vistea 1* tested, and nose, thuoat, aud testh examined, All parent* upon reMfyteg the slips tell­ ing of the eWkPs condition should act upon them Immediately or as soon as possible. In doing so our future citi­ zens will grow up more healthy and we shall have a happier, -more pros­ perous community. #. * * • The pupils o f the.high school and eighth* grade assembled in the audi­ torium Monday morning for the chap­ el exercises which are held every Monday morning from 8:80 to 9:00 o’clock. Music was furnished by the eighth grade and a very interesting talk on athletics was given by Prof. Deiterich, the college athletic director His talk was on the ten command­ ments of athletics and what each one rnpans. These exercises are open to the public arid we should be glad to have all patrons attend. * • • * Prof. Oxley has appointed the class advisors for the high school as fol­ lows Senior class, Hr. Oxley; Junior class, Miss Chambers; Sophomore class, Mie* Rife; and Freshman class Mrs. Wilson. These advisors will be ready at any rime to consult with their classes on school work or social affairs, pertaining to the school. PUBLIC SALE DATES, Cedarvale Farm, Oct. 30. You will find the real old- fashioned Yellow Jacket, coal at The Farmers' Grain Co. MADE TO YOUR ORDER Any 2-Piece Suit $25 JL ■ ALL ONE . P R I C E FULL SUIT OR OVERCOAT All One Price $ 29.50 We tailor these garments to indi­ vidual measure. W« guarantee to fit you perfectlyl The fabrics are guaranteed strictly all wool! You get first-class tailoring and .the very latest style! We guarantee all this as well as a genuine saving of 115. . - », ’ Come in and ses these exceptional values. They will surprise you, Horn* Clo. Co. 6 , H . Hftrttfiaii, P rop , T u d * At Botta* w M m W ILL CLOSE AT 8 P. M, ; Notice is hereby given that the C. E, Smith barber shop will be closed at 8 p, m. each evening ex-- cept Saturday, on and after Oct. 1st. Chas, E. Smith KEEPING WELL THE HUMAN MACHINE d r . F iuamam cK n . g r e e n Editor of “HEAX.TH” y rr\HE human body Is a machine. In A order to get the best results, It must be used Intelligently. A human being Is like an automo­ bile, One has a flfty-borse-power en­ gine; another' has forty-horse-power; and- another only twenfy-iiorse-power. You don’t expect a Ford and a Rolls- Royce to work the same under the Samp conditions, Each one can do Its best and give the greatest amount of power only If Intelligently used. Posture has much. to do with the' effective working of the human body. If the body Is properly developed, If the parts are all In balance, If there. Is no undue strain on any part, If the spinal column Is held erect, and the chest carried high, then the heart will be. strong and steady, the breathing will be easy, and the full power of the body will be developed. If the nbdomlnal organs are properly supported and work with the least friction, digestion and nutrition will be good. But If the body drops and bulges In the middle, If the shoulders sag, and the chest Is contracted, If the heart and lungs are interfered with, then the amount of power de­ veloped Is diminished, the whole body, suffers and susceptibility to .disease I* Increased. If the chest Is flattened so that the heart and the lungs cannot work prop­ erty, then the abdomen Is telescoped and the stomach and intestines are crowded together. Indigestion and Constipation result. This means ab­ sorption 0f poisons from the lntes-. tines and may .cause serious and in-* curable, disease of the heart and blood vessels. •Health Is that condition of the body In which the greatest, possible effi­ ciency, the full horse power of the ma­ chine is developed. If the engine is defective, if the cylinders are full of carbon, If the fuel Is not properly con­ sumed, If the drafts are not properly regulated and If the ashes and cinders are not removed, then you cannot re­ main healthy. The position most favorable for health and efficient work is that In which the body is In the position of greatest ease and erectness. Whether sitting or standing, sit or stand as tall os possible. Straighten up your spinal column, throw back your shoulders, Inflate ■your lungs, draw In your abdomen, and bold your- Belf so that the body can work easily and effectively. Hard work? Of course It Is, unless your muscles are developed so as to hold the body In proper position. But this Is only a matter of training. The setting-up exercises given the West Point cadet give him sncli a position. In the four, years’ training, tills erect position becomes so much a matter of habit that It goes with the military officer through life. ' We can’t all be West Pointers, but We can all learn to walk and sit correctly. (0 , itu , We«t«m NlW*psp«rUnion.) Subscribe for your home paper if you are not already on the list; DON’T WAIT! Teeth Fixed On First Visit 1 rue Biting Plates, per set $10 -$15, Guaranteed to fit or no Charge Crowns and bridge Work $4, $Gand $6 Fillings 1-00 and $2.00 Cleaning-Restored natural color $1.50 Extracting (Painless) — --------- 50c Teeth Extracted Painlessly and New Ones Replaced Before Evening. No Charge for X-Ray Pictures with *Regular Work Get Rid of that Unsightly and Limn itary Gold. , . Office open Tuesday,'Thursday, Sat­ urday Evenings, Dr. G. A. Smith 25 8, Limestone St, Phone Main JOOW Over WoolWorth’s 6 and 10c Store, SPRINGFIELD, O. AUTOMOBILE DAY f Next Sunday is automobile day at s the Methodist church, The automobile | is accused of taking people away from church. We think it ought to have a chance to defend itself, Consult your machine about this proposition. We are sure it wants to be pn the side of right and righteousness. If you have no other church home to which you driye your machine regularly, we in­ vite you to join us next Sunday, Sunday School at 9:30. Music by or­ chestra. Morning worship at 10:30. Subject of sermon “Work”, Messrs P. M, Gil- •lilan and George Gordon will sing a duet. Junior League at 2:30. Miss Elea­ nor Johnson is in charge. Epworth League at 6:30, Miss Kath­ leen Blair is the leader. Union services at 7:3Qat the U. p. church, We Have Everything in Fall Footwear from Infants Shoes to Felt Boots, Every department awaits your most criticaHnspection. Infants Shoes and Rubbers, Children's Shoes, Rubbers and 4 Buckle Arctics. « Boys' Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics and Rubber Boots and Gymn Shoes. Women's comfort Shoes; Dress and Street Oxfords, Suede Straps, Satin Straps and Patent Straps and Pumps. Men’s Dress Shoes, Men's Work Shoes, Men’s Oxfords in all good grades $4.50 and up Rubber Footwear of all kinds. Frazer’sShoeStore .11 East Main.Street, Xenia, Ohio- New Arch Preserver Oxfords and Straps for Women now ready. \ & *a ltuT 1: ,D cu a EhBBiry,HomelikeRomms do not just happen. Someone has given careful attention to walls, furnishings, hangings and deco­ rations. ' fk Harmonious, restfulwall tints have much to do in creating that homelike atmosphere. And for this purpose there is nothing just like Hanna's Liquid Satinoid. Made in a variety o f smooth satiny tints—it makes possible the fulfilment of, any color scheme. itHanna’iLtquli Sati»oid applied toyourwallswill retain die beauty overanunutvatlj lonepeeled* Full directions om every can. ■ it’e time to thtnbof paint* in t—think o f Hanna. Remem* bet the famous Green Seal—fer 36 years the standard. Dependable Painty • * * Since1SSS • The Cedarville Farm ers' G ra in Ctf. Plums, " $1.29 P o t a t o e s , 3 0 c MasonJars, 79c Eatmore 20c * ' .... .......... BANANAS, . 3 lbs. for ,............. . iwite*nnrnrir“'1rnTrirrmfiivirmir"imT‘u*—f inTTTrnnrfi^lr- APPLES, Duchess, T 'J f i 4 lbs................... CRACKERS, -I Soda or Butter, lb, . I « v VANILLA Wafers, 2 4 g SWEET POTA- TOES, 4 lbs. for CLIFTON Flour, O A p 24-lb. sack. . . . . . ,OndL> CHEESE, Fancy Cream, lb ! . . . fewl* lahU'jiwte*■ewiwMiuai'nireini—w“Twur’-iririT-teiwmriinn— SALMON, Mb, || -r tall can AU m BACON, Sugar O A n Cured. GLOVES, Best ' | £ * quality, pai r. , , * w w BROWN SUGAR, O * bulk, lb ................. . .O v BEANS, Campbells, 3 cans for . . , . , . . « d w SOAP, P &G, Kirks Flake, er Crystal White, OO a 10 bars, . .. .. .............. O O v BEANS, Country jO#* Club, can........ GETOURPRICESORSALEBILLS