The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52
etTface 'incinnaii An Invitation Is Extended to You to See Cincinnati's Greatest Displays of New. FALL and WINTER DRESSES COATS : SUITS FURS Blouses : Sweaters : Skirts Silk Underwear : Negligees Millinery : Hosiery ; Footwear and Junior Apparel The Smartest of Smart Styles ValuesYou Cannot DuplicateAnywhere ^ The CodtrviUe Herald t ____............ ..... ........ _ .u IfcAULII BULL • ' - EDITOR Eottred «t th« I’o«t-OfBce, C*dar- i ville 0., October 31, 18417, u wcont ' 7ns« matter •FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1024- CALM JUDGMENT ; It is not every community that maintains calmness during the time that a financial institution of that patticular community un dergoes a reorganization such as now underway with the Ex change Bank, | While it nas been unfortunate that any change was necessary 1yet a situation had to be faced and'the directors and officers' in connection with state authorities have wtvrked out a plan that will prepau the way for a far strong er institution in the future than we have had in the past, ! Eeomomc conditions have been -disturbing not only to banks'but to every line of business. The far mer knows as much about this as ' any line of industry. Values1 in all land have greatly decreased since many loans have been made. Un der the reorganization plan more than one farmer will have the op- ’ porturfity-of paying out when if some other course was followed immediate settlement would have been demanded, While there are a number of farmers in this sec tion that are heavily involved yet the great majority are financially sound. It was the part of wisdom that the directors decided fo adopt plan to keep the, institution on its feet and there is no cause for alarm by anyone. Much has in circulation concerning the bank. There is, much more the public knows nothing about and probably never will know. You can rest assured that all that has been done has been done for the best and patience will prove that the institution is in safe hands and continue to grow under the reorganization plan, PREPAREDNESS Your F or Y o u r B en e fit Store A 'J y A .garage where women- customers can .store their [ / M J / J cars, free of charge, while * f ■ C in c in n a ti shopping at the “Store for All People”. ' ' “Che S tore fo r A ll ‘P eop le" ' Information Bureau. Rest Rooms for You and Pogue's is not a ‘-High Price Store” -A- your family. neither is it a “Cheap Store”, Shopping Service for you Pogue’s is *a store where you can buy when you cannot come to the store. good merchandise at prices to suit . your needs. Telephone Orders a r e . carefully attended. Pogue’s is a Square Deal Store. Our Charge Accounts are sol- customers are our best friends. We icited from reliable people want you to know us better. ■—a great convenience for . * , 1 ' ' you. ■■ ■ Come in and let’s get acquainted1—:you will he Polite Salespeople who make you feel ' at home welcome—“buy or not”. and show goodscheerfully. The H.&S. POGUE CO. . Comer of Fourth Street and Race—Cincinnati <s Watch this paper for an nouncements of Special Events in the future. HARVEST TIME < r.i Harvest time is all the time for your dollars when they are invested in SPECIAL CERTIFICATES. And best of all your harvest constantly grows bigger and bigger without any care or attention on your part because your dollars are earning 6 % INTEREST and are safeguarded by first mortgage on real estate. Don't let your funds lay idle. Plant them now and they will start growing interest a t once. The Springfield Building & Loan Association S$ E a a t M a in S t r e s t , Springfield, Ohio « « TRY OUR JOjB PRINTING « * October, November, December, the three best months in all the year for business, are at hand- This season, starting with the. early fall buying, builds up stead ily to the Christmas climax, 'The wise merchant will prepare for the increasing trade. He wilMay in his stock and then he will tell the people of his community a- bout what he has to sell through the columns of the local paper. The system has never failed in the past and it will not fail this year. Many times we have heard the timid express their doubts as the melancholy days arrived but always there has been the Christ mas rush and the busy season for the merchant who was pre pared and who advertised; ^-ORGANIZATION EXCHANGE BANK; GASHIERRESIGNS ( Continued from Page. 1) partment to bur bank was at the request of the directors, for the reason that- the affairs of the bank were not being conducted, by our cashier, in a manner sat isfactory to us and we desired a thorough investigation by the de partment of out condition. The examination disclosed mat ters that required' adjustment and the directors have met the re requirements of the Superintend ent of Banks. Our cashier has tendered his resignation which has been accepted and we are con vinced that our institution will merit your full confidence and we ask the hearty cooperation of the citizens of this community,” In the last statement of the bank, June 3Qth the resources of die institution were placed at $485,190.08. Loans and discounts $304,905.87 and teal estate loans at ,$26,940.00. The banking house at $48,500 and fixtures at $19,500, The capital is $50,000 and surplus $25,000. • ; The bank will be re-organized and probably stock put on the market at a future date. The in stitution meets all state-require ments and is as sound and safe •as. can be found, Local people have faith and confidence in the present management and we pre dict that with financial conditions improving with the patrons, fhe business of the bank will exceed it; former record., Mrs.. Ira Davis has been spend ing the week in AShjtabbla, O., visiting with her daughter, Miss Kloise Davis, who teaches in that city. Mrs. C. L. Finney entertained last Tuesday for Mr, Stewart Fin ney and daughter, Rem, Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. Finney was formerly form Ohio, going west to Americus, Kansas. He owns 1200 Acres of fine farm land, Mr. Finney and daughter expect to spend the winter in Florida, The Greene County Teachers' meeting will be held Saturday itt the Assembly room at the Court house. Among those on the pro gram are Prof. Shupp, Clifton; Miss Lois Kathryn Oxley, read ing, W. E. Kefslincr, Supt. Oxley Stipt, Zuber. Miss Edwina Mor row and Miss Ruth Jones, Cincin nati nad W, S. Coy, Columbus, are also on program. Incoming Coat Style* Rich and Distinctive f tV . mm Much distinction belongs fo the hoiuitlfui coat pictured here, which .imnnges to evade Fashion's straight-' tine edict without sacrificing slender ness. It la a graceful aristocrat with luxurious fur collar and fur emplace ments on the sleeves and is made of sued* velours. FINE CLOTHES REALLY HELP A MAN A LOT « f ' T HEY set him apart; give him an air of distinction, a prosperous look; in busi ness, . in professional fields, in college—anywhere*—it’s a big help to “look like some body” Hart Schaffner Sr Marx clothes are better clothes The McDorman-Pumphrey Co. " . Exclusive But N o t Expensive XEN IA . OHIO JAMESTOWN, OHIO Cheap for Canning Just received two cars fancy New York Elberta Peaches for canning. Now is the time to buy your canning peaches. Schmidt’s Big Grocery ♦ 30 South Detroit St., Xenia, O. WE SELL FOR LESS . *• 1*1'lit'--, kind- at <-tpeii < Tlnstniv M r-i • <». Fun- Alien E : Tr<»y ati< Exchat at Mini .day. Mak tug plan Mrs. J in a vm A T Pi SI G. H. Fu l 'UO There ‘k in d ; $29.50 terial. garmt v T h e t every c la d g c h a se Pe Sus Ma Po PANCA Courc KARO 5-lb PEACI Club, FRUIT can . APPLE quart NEW 1 Avon CHOCX Drop if
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