The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52
Famous Auto & Supply Co. XENIA, OHIO will have a demonstration at Evars Restaurant, Tuesday night, (election night) of a Fried Eiseman Radio when election returns will be received. { . i OFEN ALL NIGHT The Ced^n^I?- KARLH BULL - Herald EDITOR PUBLIC SALE! Thursday, Nov. 6, 1924 Having rented my farm.and going in other business will offer the following, one mile east of Cedarville. Sale begins at 10 A, M. 5------HEAD OF HOUSES-— 5 1 Grey mare, 12 years old, sound; team Black mares, 12 and 7 yrs, old, sound; 2 colts 2 years old, will make large horses. 1 HEAD OF CATTLE------12 Consisting of one registered Guernsey bull, 2 yr& old, a sure breeder and gentle to handle; 2 registered Guernsey cows, 5 and 2 years old, well bred and good milkers; 6 high grade Guernsey cows, none over 8years old, fresh and close springers all due before Dec. 15th; 1 heifer calf, 3 months old; 2 heifers, 1 year old. 15------HEAD OF HOGS------ 15 Feeding Shoots, weight 125 lbs. 36------HEAD OF SHEEP------36. 23 Delaine ewes, good ones and all young breeding ewes, 11 ewe lambs, 4 wether lambs, 2 Delaine rams. *FEED --------- FEED 500 shocks matured corn;. 3 tons Alfalfa, 5 tons baled'Oat straw; 150 bu. Oats. Som esoybean hay and some timothy ' -CHICKENS- .25- -25 Leghorn hens, 1 yr, old; 12 individual chicken coops; 1 Kerosene burning brooder, 1000 chick size. FARM MACHINERY 1 eight foot McCormick-binder; 6 ft. Thomas mower; McCormick , Hay rake; John Deere Corn planter; John Deere gang plow; John Deere Manure Spreader; John Deere two row com plow, used only tWo seasons; P„ & O. two horse breaking plow.; International one-row com plow; 12-7 Superior wheat drill: drag harrow; double disc; drag; 2 cultivators; double and single trees; two wagons—box bed and hay ladders, gravel bed and hog rack. This machinery has always beer well taken care of and is in the best condition. HARNESS-— HARNESS 5 sides o f leather tug harness, 2 sets chain harness, lines, collars, bridles and*one set hip breeching; 1 buggy harness.' MISCELLANEOUS Hog coops, self feeder, hog troughs, base burner, good as mnv; r* De Lavel Cream separator, hand or power, 1 1-2 H. P. Fairban!;{i» Morse Gas Engine, ladders, new hay rope, hay fork and pulleys, cream cans, fruit crates, power washing machine and .many other rrtldei; too numerous to mention. -Terms made known day of sale. J. OLIVER JOBE Howar dTitus, Auct. W. W. Trotite, Clerk Osterly Millinery Another week end value event 50 Newest Styles 1rimmed Hats at $5.00 Every hat fresh and smart. Most of the tailored hats we offered last week, at $5.00 were gone in a short time. Better come early for this even greater value. All the wanted and smart colers for wear. Osterly Millinery 37 Green Street, Xenia, Ohio Rev. A. J . Furstenberger Democratic Candidate for Representative To the General Assembly of Ohio, “ OUT TO W IN BY YOUR VO TE " To Represent Greene County regardless of politi- can affiliations, social distinction or religious con sideration, Standing for clean statesmanship, sane legislation, efficient law enforcement, A non-partisan assurance of success, Thanked ; Entered at the Poet-Office, Cedar- vjHe, Q„ October 31, 1837, as *#cond class matter. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 THE ELECTION V 1o The Voters of Greene County (CARL) C. S. MERRICK kindly asks you to con sider hio qualifications as a candidate for ' P R O B A T E J U D G E Investigate, Then vote your convictions. XENIA, OHIO R. R. No, 7, Political Advertisement The election Tuesday should at- track the attention of every elector who should make it his duty to be sure hnd vote. Every election is im portant but tlie oldest citizen has never before faced one more import ant than on Tuesday. Many important issues are at stake, in nation, state and county. It is then your duty to register your vote and not have it said the next day that we have a minority govern ment, The time is here to check radical movements and it is your guaranteed privilege to express your views at the ballot box. According to our way of thinking a straight Republican ticket is the answer and solution to this radical wave that is sweeping the country. It holds before the people certain altera tions in our government for ideals the people are not ready for. The first of importance is that the prohibition enforcement laws are at stake. All else is more or less a smoke screen. President Coolidge represents the element that put this amendment on the statute books and he will keep it there, Harry L. Davis for' governor stands with the president on law en forcement’ and the type of men neces sary to enforce this law. All of this can be secured by a straight vote for the Republican ticket. Do not overlook voting “Yes” on the two mill road levy for the next five years in the county It will not in crease your takes a cent .more than they have been and tlie roads will be kept up even if bonds are issued. Do not overlook this, save the interest on bonds—pay as we go. The money is divided among the various townships bn the basis of what is paid in. The same with the villages. Another issue is the electric light vote. Cedarville must have electric lights on our streets at night. The only way we can have them is by a vote just as we have twice before voted—and always in the affirmative. Y o u a r e not. economizing one cent by opposing these two tax levies. By the one you will save money. By the other you would' depreciate the rolling value of your town ‘property if we h/ul no electric lights at night. No one would want property in a town that hail no street lights. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given by the Council of the village of Cedar ville, O., that on Tuesday, Nov. 4 at tlte usual voting prcciqcts in the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, and within tlie regular voting hours, there will be subnjitted to the electors of said Village the question of an additional tax levy of two mills over the usual tax limitations as provided by Section 5640-2 and 5649-3 of the General Code for the purpose of paying for electric lights for the village for the year's '1025, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1929 respectively. Resolution authorizing this no tice passed by the Council o f the -Village of Cedarville, April 7th, 1924. J. G. MeCorkell, Clerk of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio,' NO HUNTING NOTICE No hunting or trespassing will, lie permitted on the following farms: Cttrrey MeElroy. Thomas Frame. ClothingforMenandBoys You can’ t afford to buy your fall and winter clothing un til you come to our store and see our large stock and the low prices* M en ’ s and Young M en ’ s Suits and Overcoats $29.75, $24.90 $22.50 $19.85, $16.50 $12.48 Trousers $1.73 to $5.98 Boys’ Fine Knee Pants Suits $5.49, $6.49, $7.95; $8.90, $9.85 and $10.75 Boys’ Knee Pants C loth and Corduroy 73c to $2.49 Corduroy Suits, . M en ’ s and Boys’ All Kinds FURNISHING GOODS DEPT. Latest Hats and Caps, and Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Ties, Beits, Duck Coats, Sheep . Lined Coats, Rain Coats. See our large assortment ank low prices. SHOE DEPARTMENT Mon’ tm i s s i t ! We haic all the latest styles Shoes. Oxfords and Slippers to suit every member o f your fam ily , M en ’ s Boys’ , Ladies’ , M isses' and Children. Best makes Rubber Footwear. HERE ARE SOME SPECIALS M en ’ s and Boys’ Sheep Lined. Coats— $6.98, $7.49, $9.85,$10,75, $12.48 Sweaters, all kinds for Ladies, M isses' and Children’ s. Best makes 88c to $9.85 W ork C lothing and Everyday Shoes. We have the best at. low prices f ... 1 ■__ W c G.A. ’ — Big Clothing and Shoe Store 11 Eastl 17-19 W est Main Street, XEN IA , OHIO v...v&Kv• “Campaign promises are as solemnly binding as if made under oath.” -HARRY L. DAVIS m HARRY L. DAVIS for Governor An Open Letter to the Public To the Citizens of Ohio: It has been my privilege in this campaign now closing to stand before many o f you and talk to you about my candidacy for the high Office o f Governor o f Ohio. The limitations o f time make it impossible, however, to meet, as 1 should like, every man and woman in the state. My first concern is thatyou cast your vote for President Coolidge who by his sterling character and good judgment has shown himself not only a party leader but every inch a President. Also that you sup port President Coolidge with a Republican Congress, so that there will be party accord in national affairs. This you can do only by your ballot. Our Republican State Ticket should likewise be given your Vote—so that there may be no doubt about the election o f every can<* didate; and with these officialswe should by all means elect a complete Republican State Legislature, In every address I have asked Governor Donahey certain clear- cut and definite questions. A few ot these questions have been passed to his department heads, resulting only in evasive and indirect replies. I stand ready and have challenged him to compare his record as governor with mine. He has refused. My own record is before you. On it, I have no hesitancy to ask your support. To be elected Governor again, I must depend alto* gether on those who have the best interests of the people at heart; to the people, I must look for assistance in the fight I am making. * Every one of the campaign promises four years ago was fully perforated. 1 am before you again, pledging once more to serve your interests with all my power and energy; to relieve the farmer and other abutting property owners o f heavy assessments for road construction— to resume our program o f constructing more permanent roads at less cost than now— strictly again to enforce aU Laws o f Ohio— to re-es tablish firmly the great cash balance o f $20 ,500 ,000 our administra tion built up—to keep abolished the $12 ,000 ,000 state tax levy Wiped out as a direct result—and in all respects, to carry into full force and , effect the 1924 Republican state platform. To aid in accomplishing tills, I again appeal to you for the elec tion of all Republican State Candidates and a Republican Legislature; Sincerely, Columfca«, Ohio, October28,1924. w * 5 C a i Seven and Juve! with all position. POTATC peck. FRUIT 21b. c\ CHOCOlj Drops cj SWANSI Cake CRACKEl Soda or! EATMOJ Oleo, lj FIG BAJ fresh If GET
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