The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

| No. U U S T Xawlfteit uiRltery pm iw * « reea* 1 A *e»U child In the Bund*? achoei *la»d tfcMegWet the *whi M ear* M daM we* told th-t the heir* « f her D m awtMMKtb. ceetery, wU** the-via* ***(} **r* *n numbered. Promptly gftak a M hw ' *r F*r*la eafUPd Rftf- *k# pulled one mt of km awn early lift* wmy «4Uww t* train tl* erawd i«** and Mid: "Plea**, teacher, HIGH SCHOOL IvOIES low** a f Ml* «n*f*nt end prWWT* i® m. what number1* this?"—London Tib* Bit*. ( Continued from Page 1) jr*n*t got up and ever to the ! window. \ “ Her* eanuM a ah* iclaimed, "*ad h**» p»t a gun At tht* all tha gfei* jumped a? *mt ran to the windwr. “ Shall w* Ie*»e «*■ *U y ?" askei Jane. rr, „ r_ . i « Chmmter ' ? Hor*«»ha*r» Privileged Ttw brave and bold perafctt even The hr.reeahom of the Arab* Inhab- acaljut fortune, tint tluAd a*d coward- *ite oeaes of the Saliara are ex- ly ruah to despair through fear alone. f.mpt fn,„, taxes and enjoy many ape- —Xacltwt ihti privilege*. ’ t u b a d v e n t u r e o f t h e g o o d : LUCSC GIRLS By Dorothy; Shaw £/*«(«** to Try Jfou can lead a woman to a mirror, hut you can’t make her tee herself a* wthera m her.—Poston Tr*n*crJpt The Time for Silence The man who say* the right thins at the right time Is a man who says nothin? nt all when in doubt. Try Your Luck With This Deep One T O K + VERTICAL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 . 12 . 13, 15. 17 IB. ,20. 22 . 24. 20 27. 28. 2^;. 30. 34. 35. 37. 39. 40. 42. City o f Ark. (abbr.) State (abbr.) Girl's name. * Stay away from , ' Household article. United States (abbr.) Small-bed. Amer. expeditionary forces. Nothing Day o f week (abbr.) Obey. Not well. Caper-. Organized living body. One who disdains. Tiny" Fracture Boy's name. Fjtthy place. Next to skin c f man. A month. Every. Part .of. A colorer. Frame work of the body. \ To hinder. ' View. 43. Pertaining to temperature. 44, Long stick, 40. Wager. 43 ,A husband. ID. Be relieved of. SI, Personal pronoun. 02. Toward. HORIZONTAL 1. 4. 0 . D< 11 . 14 16. 18. 19. 21 . 22 . 23. 25. 26. 27. 29, 31. 32. 33. 36. 38, 39. ’ 41. 42. 43. 45.. 47. 48. 50. 51. 52. 54. 55. 06, A degree (abbr.) Southern State (abbr.) Insect. Not make-believe. Endeavors, Exclamation of pain. Famous criminal. Act, Afternoon, repast. Product o f trees, Wrong. Abbr. used in arith. Conjunction. Three consecutive letters. Neat. PI. Household implement. A naval officer. Above. ■ Like meal. ■ - ■Fop. ’ . All, Bottom o f river. Guide. Railroad (abr,) Four base hit. Nickname used in civil war. Exclamation of question. One who warns. Again (prefix.) Abhor. Print. Female domestic "animal. Title,’ Domestic- animal. AMfcmderfui H Hunkers and Workers BEECH-NUT Chewing Tobacco is the top growth o f choice d istricts , cut into convenient little bits— stemmed, cleaned, packed and seated without the touch of human hands. O v e r 2 5 0 M i l l i o n Packages Sold ina Single Year mm m M'HlfiW Proof o f Skill Standard manufacturing prac­ tices may be muck the same, but there is a vast difference in the skill with which those prac­ tices are applied to the making o f tires. The skill o f the AJAX organi­ zation is unsurpassed* It is reflected in the exceptional beauty and amazing wearing qualities o f AJAX Cords, USASTIRE HILL TOP GARAGE \iK<: i-’i - i e v e n i n g an nniroinobi’ ? ; ■li ’ to an easy stop in front o f j largo, white house and a tall, slender : girl jumped put and entered the [ house. . .. ’ ■Hello girls, what have you plan­ ned for this time?" she asked o f the brae girls assembled there. These four girls formed a club V.-i h they called the “ Good Luck Club" on pceount o f the good luck they had on all their trips. Their .im was to make a short trip every Lwo weeks in summer and once a iiDHth during school time. They were now meeting to make the plans for their next trip. Their names were Ruth Rogers, ,he girl vh o owned the automobile, fane and Hilda Grant and Janet li-.n-k. They weire all about the . ;.£jie age and were high school girl;:. “ Hello,'* they answered in Unison. “ We were waiting fo r you, Ruth; ■) wo ha ,‘u just been discussing out 'asi; trip," continued Jane. “ Well,'' said Ruth, “ I’ve thought .<£ a plan that'might do.” , And as they all wanted to know her plan. She continued, “ I thought ,we might go as far as we can and come back the next day. I f vie do not get to a good hotel we can camp ou if we take our blankets. We will need, some things to eat so,just take a lunch to jeat at noon g o in g /a n d mine potatoes and weiners and-may­ be marshmallows to roast fo r supper; ami if we have any le ft we can eat it for breakfast and buy our lunch on the wry back." All the girls were delighted with *he plan and decided to start eight- thirty the following day. j ‘ Ruth, you tell us each what to take and we will make you captain o f this trip’, since Janes was captain last time,4’ suggested Janet. “ Yes, do," chorused Jane and Hilda. So Ruth told them all to take their own blankets and lunches, and Jane and Hilda, the potatoes and weiners rad Janet to furnish the marshmal­ lows and she would supply the money ‘t.r the meal coming home.. The next day they were all up isrly and had everything packed and breakfast eaten by eight o'clock, Ihen .Vi they were all to meet with Ruth they all started (Hit. A~. (hoy were anxious to get started by eight-thirty, t h e y all helped get the automobile packed. They traveled on good roads fo r a roads, and about nomi they had a while then they came to some country puncture and as they had to stop to fix it they thought they might a: well cat. While they were eating, a thunderstorm- cam!- up and they '.it into the machine and Ruth tried start it but it would not start. S t a y M i d Ruth firmly, “ A n j tell him all *h*uit it, and maybe he will know what'* the matter with the machine,'' When be c u t e in they told h l.i what had happened and bn said, girl* come in bar* and keep warm while I go down and look at your machine,” They went in acid be left. Pi city aeon they decided to go lawn and see bow he was geeting along so Ruth tried three doors, tv,,, o f which were locked and the thir was a cu-pboard. A t this they weere much frightened but they diitnbed out a window and went around to the door to see It the key whs in the GALLEY No. 2r— lock. ' It was aot, so they turned to go,- ■ . v “ Wait a .minute,” said Ruth, and U:e turned back and picked up some­ thing white and said, “Look what I found girls," It was an opened lettc r addressed to William Dixmer, Viroka, Indiana, So tl ey stopped to read it and found it was from one o f his friends telling him that the police were on his track, to get away ns soon as possible and meet him in G— . They were going to rob the house o f a very wealthy man named Mr, Weatherly and it gave direction! } to the place where, they were to meet. > By .now the girls were thoroughly alarmed and started to the machine on a run. It wasgonel So they de­ cided to hike back to town and notify the police. The police g o t there in time to precent the robbery and arrest the rubbers. The girls recovered their machine and received a reward which snabltd them to build a cottage, which they had wanted for a long time to live in during their visits to the lakes.- The girls all voted the trip a very successful one. - SPECIAL OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. SET OF TEETH .using regular Gold Pin, True- bite plate for *13.50 EACH yu - No Mores—No Less m. The above are guaranteed to be - true biting plate* or money re- jjjjjjj funded. DR. SMITH ' (Himself) * M S T IS T - •' - 10 years inFine location—2 < i.y t S. Limestone St., Over W<rl- j worth 5 & 10. Phone Main 1509 ! W. Springfield, O. 1 Don't wait. Work Done on first visit. R I K B - K U M L E R C O , Our Great Semi-Annual Silk Sale Is Now On! la Cockaectiodwith Otar Equally Interesting Sale of Woolens 1LTZKJEISAMviac*mat ofiateretttoeverywomanwitMadie A 1 nufcuofXifct-Kmni*’* activity. A axle of »Hk*-of every kmA, forevetyoccasion—» awonderful arrayofnewest aadmoat T h e eavtafa are u m e e d o w . T h e tele it tim ely— arranged to fit ia with your. O anatnus plane— the opportun ity yours. WFourteen Beautiful Silks, Formerly $2*25 to $3.50, Very Specially Priced Crepe de Chine Canton Crepe Silk Radium Silk Duveiyn Silk Taffeta Satin Canton $ 1 - 8 8 Charmeuse M essaline M ixed Crepes Broadcloth Knit Tufting 18 Inch Velvet Changeable Taffeta ? Striped and Check Broadcloth 54 Inch $3.98 Flannel, $3.69 30 Pieces o f Botan’y flannel in as many different shades—flannels formerly 33.98, reduced in sale to $3.69, All are 54 inches wide. $3 and $3.50 Crepe, $2,88 40 inch Canton Crepe in navy, almond,jap, penny, red, caramel, grass green, riiby red, iris, slate, wall­ flower, powder, rose and black. 36 Inch $l^nd $1,25 Corduroy, 88c Plain and brocaded corduroy, in tan, cocoa, cerise; gray, tangerine^ pekin, fuschia, orange, brown, poppy, emerald, navy and black. Shop Early For These Remarkable Savings! JUke-Kvmhr*s—SiepniFloor , Jurt then Jane reinenibered having seen n small cabin back the road a piece, eo they all started for it anJ ju.-fc as they got there it started to rain hard, so they went in and shut j the door. , } “ Looks like someone lives here,” j said Hilda. j They went into another room and t made a fire in the fireplace with some wood they found near it. While they were sitting wondering who lived in' the there cabin, . NO HUNTING NOTICE No hunting or trespassing will be permitted on the following farms; Clirrey McElroy. Thomas Frame. Anderson Finney., Jack Furay Warren J. Barber E. E. Finney Victor Bungarner J. C. Townsley Geo. W. Hammon W. 0« Thompson John Pyles Frank Townsley George Little William S. Hopping Harry Townsley G, F. Marshall John B. Taylor, ■ ; A . H. Creswell. Mrs, A , L, Smiley Hugh Turnbull Jr. Mrs. Minnie McMillan, , Monty t> loan 5% interest semi-annually, hr :? or 10 >ears. or* 5 1-2% semi-annually if a 20 year loan is de­ sired. Loans may be paid be­ fore due if borrower d e s i r e s W. L. Cleraans CEDARVH.LE, O. Clothing For Footwear and Boys and Everybody A Dollar Saved Buying Clothing and Shoes is a Dollar Made You can’ t afford to buy your fall and winter clothing until you come to our store and see our large stock and the low prices. SHOE DEPARTMENT Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats $29.75, $24.90, $22.50 $19.85, $16.50, $12.48 Trousers $1.73 to $5.98 Boys* Fine Knee Pants Suits $5.49, $6.49, $7.95, $8.90, $9.85 and $10.75 Boys’ Knee Pants Cloth, and Corduroy 73c to $2.49 Corduroy Suits, Men’ s and Boys’1 All kinds. FURNISHING GOODS DEPT. Don’ t miss it I We have all the latest styles Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers to suit every member of your family. Men’ s, Boys’ , Ladies, Misses’ and Children’s. Best makes Rubber Footwear. HERE ARE SOME SPECIALS Men’s and Boys’ Sheep Lined C o a t s - Latest Hats and Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Ties, Belts, Duck Coats* ’ Sheep Lined Coats. Rain. Coats. See our large assortment and low prides. $6.98, $7.49, $9.85, $10.75, $12.48 Sweaters, all kinds for Ladies, Misses’ and children, Best Mokes 98c to $9.85 Work Clothing and Everyday Shoes. We have the best at low prices A.Kelble’s 3 S Store 17-19 W « .t Main S t r u t . X .n ia , Ohio «MN m Ysggs safe last 8 ?13 in sms containing papers. The disc Mr. Hartm way to chi found part' papers war floor and n usual place Warren heard the i could not It The iron and from was never “ soaped" ai N o-effort sound o f th Two Libe $150 were < that certain missing but estimated m John Baugh no clue to v The same Cash Regist Spencer. Th amount of day the.Spr informed tl had been f( side of the It is aim ■ parties did Wednesda Christy, of called Mr. office to in employees t suits, .coats the Columb Sunday moi an inyestig prove propei on every ar $204. Ah ov is yet Unaci the goods ri trace can be The author to i yth It *o i■ ■ ■ -. c .the hmere :pz CSC cer cash, reg store and register bef It is probf a stolen aut robe was ti< goods. The freight out light. GET A The- Sprin VfK"' and the Ohio reached an gas the new > over 50c at have a four says ''that the 1 thousand add i1,• company’s re i ■ >. on the 60c ra i ' HUNTERS I y> [i- e, ft. f