The Cedarville Herald, Volume 47, Numbers 27-52

sspwgp l?v KT«fy day’* delay buying the «* - iwto y m need iafUet* a penalty up<» tb« pur** equivalent to the caeh sav­ ing the use of the article would pro­ duce. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 49. Merald, A NEWSFAFJER DWQmU TC LOCAL AND GENERAL NRW* AND TN I INTERESTS OF CEDAR* VILI-E AND VICINITY. CEDARV ILLE £M WDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1924 PRICE, $3.50 A YEAR YEGGS CRAC-KSAFE GOT GET LITTLE; CLOTHING FOUND Yeggs blew, the G. H. Hartman safe last Saturday night and obtained $13 in small money, and a pocketbook containing several notes and valuable papers. j The discovery was not made until | Mr, Hartman went to the store on his ! way to church. The front door was; found partly open. In look’.ig around papers were found scattered over the floor and merchandise moved from its 1 usual place, Warren Barber,' who resides near, heard the report about two thirty but could not locate anyone about. The front door was burst open and from indications the .rear door was never opened, The safe door was “ soaped” and'given a charge of-ratio. No effort was made to muffle the sound of the explosion. Two Liberty bonds amounting to $150 were overlooked. It was known that certain articles of clothing were missing but how much could not be estimated at the time. Deputy Sheriff John Baughn was called but there was no clue to work from. The Same night a new Remington Cash Register was^ stolen from C. M. • ‘ Spencer. The register had but a small amount of, change in it. Later in the day the Springfield police called and informed that such a cash register had been' found along the pike this side of the city. It is almost certain th'-t the same parties did both Jobs. ■ Wednesday, Chief •of Detectives “ Christy, of the Big Four, Springfield, called Mr. Hartman to come to his office to indentify property. Railroad - employees found a large bundle Of suits, coats and shirts in car in the Columbus yards about 8:30 last, ■Sunday morning, Mr, Hartman made an investigation, jhad no ’ trouble to , prove property’ as bis price togs were on every article. The goods invoiced $204, Ah overco't and suit of cloth: is y e t ,Unaccounted fin*. No one saw the goods placed in the car and no , trace can be had. The authorities are now certain that •'■thcriwMie- pgrtieS rimt took the Spen­ der Cash register entered the Hartman store and they unloaded the oaSh register before going into.the city. It is probable that the men were in a stolen automobile for. a large auto robe was tied around the Hartman goods. The men -evidently caught- a freight out of Springfield before day­ light, •; , c, s. BE P i iR XENIA > >,* *** s Lot us thank God our nation is at peace and our boys are at home. Let us be thankful, too, that be- nind our frank American smile, behind our whimsical Wit, behind our seeming carefree Indifference, there stands, rekindled in the American character, that power, that courage, that Jove of country marked in the lives of the .Nation’s -founders, and upon which rest the safety of American ideals. Thanksgiving is perhaps the moat beautiful of Aiixencaj^ holidays. , It opens the floodg&tesof mem* pry* it draws .from th6 he?rt our human love and link* anew our kinship with the Christ. r‘ X ? .»what Bay we of those, among us who are lonely at this hour, those who ,try, bewildered, to fathom the mystery of Almighty reasoning, those who in their suffering look with pleading eyes, to learn what, m their time of sorrow, they haye at hand for which . to offer thanks. In the-suffering heart to-day let there bp thanks for Jesus and His ability to run the.gamut of divine emotion to the last resonant tone, God has ruled that only from out the melting pot of the agonies may come the gold refined and pure. All is well. The nation lives: angel? kiss the cheeks of sleeping childhood, while those’ who have gone to rest repose in the arms of God—at peace. Let us give thanks. * - 1 m $NjJTOCAgTCRl HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Despite the inclemency of the weather a goodly number attended the first meeting of the GOVERNOR DONAHEY WRITES THAT CURL’S SENTENCE IS CUT 0, s, Fraser, pirn chant will be the n« (Xenia city, Several days ago various candidates W| Postmaster Harry S. Frazer, second! third. Mr. Rice has «c that capacity and hi certain grades due beds a Democrat, it ii that President Coolidj office department him. Congressman Bran! backup the local dorsement. Tuesday publican Executiye Mr, Frazer. On a trii erlie received several majority and the poi dorsed Mr. Frazer uni Mr, Frazer has 'beej business foi f,bout arid served a . a uleml commission, being on after a change in thej government. I t is « will retire from buainc rival o f official authol be the next postmasi The Xenia postoffR football o f politics in nearly a year. The landing, the honor forjj but he Was not one. Oi applicants to be cej We are in receipt of a letter from series of Governor DOnahcy that he has com- Educational meetings which was held muted the sentence of Luther Curl, Monday evening in the School Audi- colored, a trusty and butler at the torium. These meetings are being put -executive mansion. Curl was sent to on by the Cedarville Schools to cele- the pen in January 1917 for compile- brate National Educational Week*, ity in the murder,of William McDuf- ,.Prof. Oxley opened the meeting by 3>rd, white, reading the Proclamation .after McDufford, a horse treader, living which the Choral Union of Cedarville in a wagon in the East-end of Xenia, pt shoe mer- ostmaster in trade* o f the |received and [was first; C. H. Eckerlie, ghfc years in lie benefit of Kperience, As rdly possible tor the post* recognize expected- to imittee en- ing the Re*, and endorsed llot Mr, Eck- to but not a :tee than qn- [imously. - in the shoe ity five years; o f the city first’ board lity-forin of ifced tpat he upon the ar- 1that he wiil been the le county for figured on H. Barnes, the. successful CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Item* Pickedat RandomandBoiled Downfor the Busy Reader Jacob G. Brown slashed the throat of his wife, Lillian, and then drew the knife across his own throat at their home iu Cincinnati. Mrs. Brown died soon afterward. Brown's condition it serious. The double tragedy followed Jan argument. ■ I Charles Layton, IS, died In a bos* i pital at Lima, where he was taken t after being accidentally his father. R. L. Layton, while the two were 'hunting near Crlderavillo, J q 1 j « Berger, 42,, a cripple, commit | Clyde Stltb,, 14.year-old son of l*, , A. Stith of Johnstown, Licking coun* ty, was the Ytctim of his own gun while hunting rabbits with fiis father ’ and others. The gun was discharged accidentally, the charge striking him j below the heart, KILLED INSTANTLY j WHEN NIT BY DONGLE HEADED A *ad accident with a tragic end* tog happened early Thursday mom* tog when. Miss Effie Gordey w m in* stonily killed at the Miller street t h f S m S h f u n c V ? north of Mansfield, when his shotgun...*™ • - . , _ , was discharged by a twig, j Miss Conley Was dnvjngip a Ford Lorain county authorities are con* sedan South on Miller street and ey- ductlng an Investigation in an effort idently drove onto the track without ed suicide at Alliance, using a target to establish the identity of vandals hearing-the warning signal. She was rifle to send a bullet Into his temple, who desecrated more than 100 graves onan errand to Ritenour's Exchange No motive known. In Calvary cemetery, .three miles andprobably was’unaware of the ap- Raymond Reynolds, 19,. injured south of Lorain, proach of the train that was running when the motorcycle which he was *' Burns suffered when his clothes • s tiding collided with an automobile be-^ignited from an open gos fire proved ing driven by Sheriff Frank Wash-, fatal to Robert, 18-montliS;old son of *burn, died at a Marlon hospital, He WUltara Rogers of East Liverpool. leaves a wife and one child. Hamilton county Republican organ­ ization expended during the recent -campaign $49,500, a statement shows. , At St, Clairsville Mike Sestler was sentenced to the Ohio penitentiary |from ‘one to 20 years on his plea of guilty to slaying John Sedelre. f George C. Burd, IS, Bueyrus, a Civil war -veteran, died of complications. Matthew Novacic, 32, was captured Robert E. Durbin, 44, Columbus, on time. The train struck the sedan square to the center according to* George Martindale, who was only a few feet GET A TEN CENT RAISE The Springfield City Commission and the Ohio Fuel & Supply Go. have reached an agreement, bii rates for gas the new price to bo GOc a thousand over GOe at present and the city to have a four ounce pressure. The Sun says'that the additional ten cents per thousand adds,$129,000 yearly to the company’s revenue over what it was on the 50c rate. h un t e r s d id n o t f ind OVER SUPPLY OF GAME The laws says that ten rabbits -is the limit for one day but such a pro vision was not necessary as few are reported as having bagged even a half dozen. There were a few pheas ants brought down but sportsmen have had to work hard to get results this year. * - n .iiiwu.i THE CHORAL UNION gave two selections. Two very good talks were enjoyed, one by Prof. Robison, on the Constitution, and the other by Auditor Wead on ’‘Patriot­ ism in the .school. Marguerite Oxley also favored mm-wfirb two' vfcry*fntofc*f esttog and well given readings. ’ Miss Frances McChesney, who. has been ill pith plural -pneumonia, is re- mverirtg rapidly. Mr, Robert Moore of Clifton, itudent of Cedaryille High ‘School, sustained" a sprained ankle while practicing football last week. The Choral Union is requested to meet Sunday afternoon at the opera house at 2 p. nt. Come and bring all your music. Prof, Talcott Succeeds Lodge Miss Mnrguierite Ewbank has been seriously ill with tonsolitis and we hope she will be back to-school soon. m ’• . A weiner roast was enjoyed by the Junior class of the High School, Fri­ day night at the home of Dallas Mar shall, a member of our illuBtrous class. Misses Helen Finney and Frames Anderson are in Columbus this week attending “Boy’s and Girl’s Club Week.” A winner of first prizes in any club work gets this trip as a re ward, Miss Finney won first honors to fourth year poultry club and Mis* Anderson won first prize to first year sewing work. The celebration lasts throughout all of this week and the girls will be absent the entire time, «r • V Chapel exercises were held Monday morning in the High School auditor­ ium. The music was led by Prof, Tal­ cott. The devotionals were led by Prof. Oxley. Prof, Oxley talked to the student body on true Faith. We must have faith in God, in other peo­ ple and in one’s self. f ir s t S now of season ARRIVED MONDAY FROM EAST A heavy snow from the East swept this section Monday afternoon and night and blanketed everythihg out of doors with more of the beautiful than fell during all Of last winter. This brought delight to school child­ ren and out came sleds by the score. Merchants welcomed the Change in weather that stimulated buying of winter clothing. While many farmers were not ready for it the snow was ideal for the wheat which was very tender following-the recent rain and warm weather. ‘ Win. M, Butlit. Captato-Ciniral of all Coolttg*’* force* titorotfghont k iss? <$?(£? CLUB WINDERS IN COLUMBUS W ViSr-inniWill** The annuel Club Winner*’ We*»k will be h*ld at the O. S« U. ibis week. Nine boys and girls from this County are attending. They are: Frances Anderson, clothing, Cedar­ ville; Efoise Denison,iNothing, Miami; Ruth Ferguson, food, Beavercreek; Emma Mellinger, food, Miami; Ben Pierce, pig, 8tig*rcr*«k; Earl Michael pig, Bngarcreek; Louise Hutchison, Poultry, Xenia; Helen Finney, poultry Cedarville; Harold Huston, dairy calf. Miami* was shot by a cousin-of Luther CurL, A bunch of young colored then had thrown a rock at the covered wagon and McDufford-shot into the'air. The two Curia and a,young ipto* napifed. shot was fired into the wagon, that, killed'-McDufford almost instantly. The*three Were indicted for first de­ gree Imurder, The .two Carls pleaded guilty to,murder in- the, second de­ gree and were sentenced for life to the pen by Judge Kyle. Jackson was under age and sent to a reformatory. Both Judge Kyle and Harry D. Smith, as the prosecutor at the time, recommended cummuntation. NONAGENARIAN IS DEAD *FROM SHOCK OF FALL ' Mrs. Eligabeth Pearson, aged 93, widow of John W« Pearson, died at 10:30 Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Matthews on the Krepps road, south of Xenia. Death resulted from a fractured hip last Saturday. The deceased was bom i nChristiansburg, O., where she spent most of .her life, but of recent years had made her home with her children. She Is survived by five sons and two daughters: Harvey of Osborn, W, W. of Tremont City; Frank arid Charles of Muncie, Ind., Albert of Clifton, Mrs. J. W. Matthews and Mrs; Chas. Bradley, the latter of Springfield. Since early childhood she had been a member of the Methodist church. The funeral services Were held Wednesday Mrs. Bradley in Springfield, with burial at Tremont City. OBITUARY OF B. E. WILLIAMS Mr. B. E. Williams died last Frday evening at the McClellan hospital fol­ lowing a hasty attack of pneumonia. The funeral was held Monday after­ noon from the late residence with bur­ ial at Joffetsonville. Burton Elmo Williams was torn in Fayette county, Ohio, July 0, 1875, and departed this life November 14, 1924, aged 40 years, 4 months, 8 days. Ho was united in marriage Febru­ ary 8,1898 With Miss Estie C. Straley, To this Union Were bom three child­ ren, Marvin L of Cedarville; Leonard W. of Jeffersonville and Hazel at home. He possessed an excellent character and an i.dmirable disposition and Wot/ and retained the friendship of all who knew him. He always looked after the welfare of others before considering himself. He was a mem­ ber of the M- P. church of Jefferson­ ville. He leaves a wife, three children, three grand children; one brother, Jay G., throe sisters, Mrs, George Hayes, Fanny €., Alice M. and a host of relatives and friends far and near to mourn hi* loss, 5 FARMERS MEET IN FEB. The annual meeting of the Ohio Farm Bureau federation will be held to Columbus Feb. % and 3, during Farmers* Week at the Ohio State University. Every county to the state 1* expected U bs f*pr«*«nted. Other candidates wa|e C. H. Little, M. F. Barrows, WaltesTL. Dean, John M. Davidsori, Erskin V. PerriB. -$ and A. EttVl SUNDAY S Next Sunday to That day at the Methodist j darville.' We are plat program- for the Sunday School will Mrisic by nor orchestr mate sermon will be pastor. ■ The Bible exhorts. CES :»giving Stm- Ihurch in Ce- ling a special tog service, it at 9:15, i. An approp- .clied by our ;&gain and a- garago In which he kept his truck, Death, according to Coroner Murphy, was due to carbon monoxide asphyxi­ ation, An iaerease to pay from 55 to 76 cents an hour lias been asked by em­ ployes of the"Da, ion Stroet Railway company,- The car operators also have aalted the company to put into effect, a closed shop agreement. near Lorain and confessed slaying his wife, Mary. He la charged with first I T osb of a coin made Walter Cohee, degree murder, - i Democrat, Winner for sheriff in. .tames Bastiblo, 31, of Bainhrldge, 1Preble county over Chester Wehrley, Ron,'county, died from the effects of .Republican. Each received 477 votes a bullet-wound received nearhis home to the election: and it was decided Oct, 31, in an'argument following hal- . t0 choose the sheriff by this method. Jov'e'en pranks. | A test case in the fight to close Muskingum- county hoard of visitors Dayton business houses on Sunday derouneed Conditions in the county will be made when the Case of Abe jail at Zanesville as '‘Inhuman,” With 1Jacobs, proprietor of a novelty store, acc onnnodations for 40, the jail now ' reaches common pleas court. Jacobs ho'-Ues SI prisoners. jwas convicted in municipal court for An automobile was struck by a .violating the Sunday closing laws. Pennsylvania train at a crossing four | J. C, Brown of Youngstown was to our maker, **0ff«* unto Good thanks giving gnd pay thy vows ttotq the Most High# ’ - Junior League ptf 2 p. m. Epworth League-at 6 p. m- Union Service at opera horiSe at which .time Dr., W. 6 .Thompson, President of Ohio State University, will speak. v * ' * The Thanksgiving sermon will be delivered Thanksgiving morning in the R. P .church at 10 A. M. Dr. F. A. Jtirkat will proach and an invita­ tion is extended to all to be present. + v • UNITED PRESBYTERIAN............L Sabbath School a t9:30. Mr. O; A. Dobbins, superintendent. ^ Preaching by the pastor, Dr. J, P: White at 10:30. Y. P. C. U, at 6:00 P. M. Union service at the opera house with Dr. W. O. Thompson to preach. The Young People’s Society of the United Presbyterian church-will give a Pageant “The Stewartship Cam­ paign” -at the church next Tuesday evening at 7:80. This pageant is pub­ lished by the United Presbyterian Board, and was written by Mrs. J. F. White. About fifty young people and children will take part. I naddition to the pageant, music and readings will be give nby Misses Dorothy Oglesbec, Mary Wright, Martha Dean, Ruth Burns, Ruth McPherson and Ruth White. A silver offering will be taken. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend this meeting. A very pleasan afternoon was en­ joyed by a goodly company o f women who attended the social a tthe United Presbyterian pSrsohage Tuesday af­ ternoon. ’ m * # Mrs, J, B, White Went to Columbus Thursday to attend a meeting of the women’s department o f the Ohio State Federated Council of Churches. Twenty-five women from Die state of Ohio have been chosen for this Coun­ cil, - TELEPHONE INCREASES South Solon must pay increased telephone charges after the first of the year according to a riding of the public Service commission. South Charleston has protested rates add the matter will not be decided for 126 lays When it comes up for hearing, CAPITAL UNIVERSITY SET A HIGH SCORE AGAINST C. C, Capital Unlv*r»tty *mt the local college team hom slant ■Friday with the'short end of * soot*. Cedar- ville's only score was the result of an eighty yard ratom of a punt for touchdown baler# the University had a good start. Subscription* tateto for newspapers and magarine*. Jam#* O. MoMilk.n. miles east of. Deunlaon, five persons being lcilled; outright and- one fatally injured. The victims Were: Earl Farren. 36, and bis four, children. Mrs. Farreii received probably fatal Injuries. , • ’ * When the auto In which he was rjdtog near Zanesville was wrecked in a ditch, Charles Frafts, 35, was JctUed, A companion, Fred W, Seal- iver, was Injured seriously. Mrs. Isabelle Pennock, 65, pf Marl­ boro, Stark county, was run flown and fatally Injured by an automobile driven by Russell Myers of Marlboro, lice chief, diod at bis home in Zanss- vilje from injuries received In a fall, At Cincinnati two men robbed George Allen, 21, of $1,700, which ,hO collect »fl from, oil stations, after they had forced his auto Into a ditch. Springfield will hold its annual au- tomoblle show during the weok begin­ ning Jan. 19. Forest fires in the district about Ro’-k'.iouse, Hocking county; a fam­ ous scenic spot, have been doing heavy damage. * Yrilh more than 100 perforations In his t bdomen, David Cundlif, 15/ of T.\”.v Haven, died in a Gallipots hos­ pital: The boy was accidentally shot while hunting. Rev..Walter L. Whallon, paBtor of the Central Presbyterian church at Zanesville, accepted a call- to tho UonevUie Avenue Presbyterian church of Newark, N. J. „ Thieves robbed the Haybron store at Broatlwoll, Athens county, and car­ ried off most of the stock at night. Meigs county commissioners have been offered a large sum by parties unknown to the public for tho site occupied by the soldiers’ monument at Pomeroy for'a location of a busi­ ness block. Held at the point of a bandit’s re­ volver, Professor Thor Beck, Spanish department of Wittenberg college, was reV::! at Springfield Of two purses. Mary ttorv&c, 25, died at the hos­ pital at. Lorain of knife wounds. Ac­ cording to police, her husband, Mat­ thew, returned home and’ found an­ other man with fils wife. In a fight that resulted tho woman was cut and slashed, with a knife. Saul Zlclonka, city solicitor of Clh-, tendered his resignation to Mayor George P. Carrel, to become elective Jan. 1, 1925, Zlelonka is to P’ aetlco law. Uvron V. Hamper, 30, truck driver of iDegrat, was fatally Injured near Lancaster when his truck skidded lrt k oie graVel and turned over a 30-foot embankment, catching him under the fuck am! eri’shing his skull. Bums ti’.c.alrted when he fell Cgainst a high tension wire caused ( e death of Paul O, Mock, aged 34, a 1nen'fn, at Columbus. Fire which swept a business block r.t piqua caused a loss of $50,000. The V.iwa matted in the EUerman storo mid spread. to the Favorite theater. h he Leacock restaurant and a number id o^ces also were destroyed, WHankers college, Springfield, ha* just keen granted official recognition Tv iho Association of American Uni* \onHSes, • Seven members of the family of Fred Landis, coal dealer, were hurt <hen thair car was ditched ort the *.ew!y opened Athens-Pomeroy road, yea?"Athens. The o p of the car was oru off and the noven left in it as the chasis rolled into a creek. Edward M. HuiTry, Democrat, Was ,vimed by Governor Lonaboy to sue* v :ed Edward T. D’ -on on the llaml!* t n county common pleas bench, ; Ixon has resigned, effective Dec, 1, While at wbrk in the timber, cut contractor, was found dead in the awa^* anto was thrown fifty feet and Miss Conley, was dear of the wreckage some distance further on . the' east hound track, Mr. Martindale says that deatK was instant as .-bA#a|; -■ unable to detect life in the body as it lay on .the track. . Fran' reports gained a terrible blow : Was struck on the forehead and the ■ face was cut no doubt from flying' glass. Several bpnes about the body were reported broken. The body was taken to the McMillan 4 .Bon funeral ’ establishment to be prepared for burial. Miss Conley was aged about 45 and was bom and reared here. She ■had- been teaching this year at White 7 Chapel in Xenia township. For ten" years Miss Conley taught in Spring' Valley. She was a graduate of the public schools and has attended Ce­ darville 'College and Miami. Univer­ sity, The deceased at onetime taught ip the local school, She was a-member, of the Friends Church, Spring Valley and previously had belonged to the R. P. church. The deceased is survived by her . parents, Mr;-and Mrs.'John A. R osb , two sister*, Mrs. Lillias Bush of Ath.- _ en$, Q., Mrs. Bessie Ralls, Dayton, O. and a brother,’Prof. Cameron Ross of Forest City, Iowa. The funeral has not been annoura - ced at this'time. - - - . shot to death at Woodlawn, Pa., by a highwayman, who -was . frightened away before he could obtain $1,200 Which the victim carried on his per­ son.. t Two. officials of tho Home City Brewing company of Spriugfield, em­ ployes o f the brewery and cafe own­ ers of Cincinnati, were named in a secret indictmentTby-.'fefleral authori­ ties, charging conspiracy to violate the prohibition laws, John Bradley, 55, night watchman, Was’found dead to a pool of blood at Niles with a bullet holg through the temple, •Police are, working on sui- theories. Miss Eleanor- Metz, stenographer, filed, suit at Cincinnati asking for $500 .damages because, she alleges, her hair Was bobbed unevenly and a "permanent wave” was completely ruinfed.. The suit is against MaUrle R, Senior and Irene Kuhlman, who oper­ ate a "beauty shop,” Robbers obtained $3,500 in cash and checks from the safe of the Raub clothing store, Cincinnati, Twenty persons were arrested In liquor raids at Steubenville. Several passengers were Injured whefa a freight car and a passenger car On the Dayton, Springfield and Xenia Southern interurban line col­ lided near Xenia. , R. F, Baker, 71, bf Rushvill.e, Perry county, a retired druggist, was called to the door of his home and had his right arm blown off at the elbowwith a shotgun. His assailant escaped. - Trial of Vinton M. Perin, 50, charged with killing his mother-in- law, Mrs. Frances D. Rawson, at Cin­ cinnati, was continued to Nov, 28. Steve Krusjkski was sentenced to the Ohio penitentiary for three years for running down and killing a 5*year. old girl at Cleveland, He was given a stay of execution pending a deci­ sion on a motion for a new trial, Ohio state clemency board has 100 applications for parole from theMans­ field reformatory. World war veterans received $1,200 on "Forget-Me-Not” day at Spring- field through sale of tags. Plans are under way at Gallipoli* for a municipal light pipit following the approval of such a move by the voters. The Ohio Utilities company fiow furnishes light for Galllpolis, Lee Dyer, 20, Now Lexington, Is to & Zanesvllte hospital with both legs broken, tho result of Ills auto Btrtking a bridge rail. Fire of unknown origin destroyed a big MHi on the Thomas farm, west of London, Madison countytogether with 150 tons of liay, farm imple­ ments and .other property. This makes the seventh barn near London to he destroyed by fire in tho past six weeks with losses estimated at nearly $50,000. Firebugs are suspected. Oliver Brumbaugh, 62, killed him­ self at his farm near Louisville, Stark county, A son, John Brumbaugh, stu­ dent In the law school at Ohio State university, is the only survivor. . A hath in hot water, administered by ft woman friend of the family, caused the death of Mary, lQ-day-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Novle at Canton, Tho water was so hot the infant was burned about it# entire body, authorities said, A celluloid comb, which caught fire when she attempted to burit hair In it, ignited tho clothes of Mrs. Frances Klelnmcyor, 63, Cleveland, andcaused burns which resulted in her*death. Sohhera at Cleveland hound and * gagged Lewis Gross, proprietor of tho Northern Fur company, and his t woman assistant, Mrs, Minnie Cohen, 1 and escaped with $30,000 worth of coats. Clarence Stevens, 45, was killed to - MRS. RICHARDSON DEAD Mrs, Evelyn Richardson, widow of, Ambrose Richardson, well known colocer citizens, died Saturday at the home of her nephew, Mr, Anderson, to Coliimbus. The. deceased' was bom in 1855 and spent most of her life in this county. Her husband died a-, bout inyo years ago. The funeral was held Tuesday from the Christian church in Xenia, -where she was a member, the services being in charge of Rev. George Washington, Colum­ bus. Burial took place .at Cherry Grove cemetery. DRAWN ON FEDERAL JURY, The following have been drawn for the Federal grand jury at Dayton: George Bishop of Jamestown, Milo Anderson; Findlay Torrence, T. D. Kyle, Xenia; John Dunlap, New Bur­ lington, Petit Jury: S. M. Murdock, Cedar- ville, David.Gerard, Bowersville, O.; Ed, Partington, Spring Valley; John Alexander and W. W. Carr, Yellow- Springs* ' For Sale: Four tube radio set, In A-l condition. James C. McMillan, Acheivement £1 o m m Wife at 14, mother at 15, at 16, illiterate at lfMbwfc it , physician at 82 fa the life : * of Mrs. Gwen Adair of W town, Ore. unable to read or feet from the landing of an affttrtde ........ .............. . .,I|\. . .................. stantly at Columbus when he tell 16 nt ift she became ............................................... " tdWtWt: wit Fire destroyed 404 acres of forest near Ridgeway, Loom (grant* „ „ ul „„ ______ wmlen was aH-imp«ri*a*t. Si Uug <«'oi3. -to- - Launder, k3, of AL at bis lodgings and brokebis to become a physkisa, vordlon, Williams county, was crush- " * * ; gained three m* ,1 to i»tl. «bu ‘ Mini t» . WIM «oo , « ttw . A t e Mm, ' tm * i v v. oean (tau t*. j * ^ ^' ’ ft* f