The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26

i B m f <M*y is tourist tk# u s yotUlMmi titiEtk^S i>poiiltjf ttpAA bht jpw** ti»fmViiiWit to tiw »rgb aav* kut Hut UK o f tint ertigle WWlM StO« ■a---- 'WfWP» Je ra ld - FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. I. C E D A R V I L L E , O H ! UDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 A *ft!W8PAP£K DEVOTED TC LOCAL ANlf GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTEREST# QF CEDAR, VILLB AND VICINITY. P R IC E ; $1.50 A YEAR * f> BOARDS MAYCOMBINE FORCOLEGE “ N o L o n g e r A T o y ” ' ^ 5 One o f the important question* considered Tuesday at a meeting, of the committee on Christian education , o f the Ohio Synod o f the Presbyterian church at the Chittenden hotel, Colunt buz, was the matter of taking1over Cedarville College, Cedarville, jointly with the Reformed Presbyterian church in order that the college would have a larger field from which t o ; draw its financial support, i The Reformed church hah a mem, I hership Df about 2,000 while the Pro*' "byterian synod Df Ohio hrs a'mem-] berahip of more than 140,000 through ] out the state* The college desires to establish an endowment fund of $300,- 000 and, with tire ajd o f the synod it is believed this will be made more easily possible. . ;■■; A . committee was appointed by __ the Ohio synod to confer with a O f - ; p u n c P M AT suttee ih.'vt will he appointed by tl«|W iP*W *Ke, vH vW bN •.A A; ’ i ' -<■ 4 . Reformed Presbyterian General Syn­ od that will meet next May. . The question of co-operation with the rresbyterian body has been un­ der discussion for the past few years and while nothing definite is known as to the result it is felt that the larger denomination will render aid and make the institution stronger as the work Cedarville College is doing \ was givpn by Helen Finney, of this is thoroughly understood by the Ohio j place and ,Emma Mellinger o f Miami. FARM BUREAU MEETING ’ * « iu At a meeting of the Cedarville township. Farm Bureau Friday night in Community Hall, Frank Engle was chosen chairman; Merle Stormont, vice chairman and as secretary. A demonstration on meat GRAIN COMPANY WILL- ISSUE AUTO T AGS Synod* President W. R* McChesnev at­ tended the meeting and presented the claims of the college. Members o f ‘the College Board in attendance were S. C, Wright, W. ,T. Conley, W.. C. Iliff and Rev. W, P. Harrimah. j ; E. BRADFUTE FINISHES * a g , c q u r s e a t o . s , u . John Edwin Bradfute, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bradfute, will receive his second college degree at the win­ ter commencement on Prlday, Dec. 19 at the Ohio Stats University. After that data Mr* Bradfute may' add to sigaatu^fy^'H. rad B t JS c . in Agr, The l&h'elor of Arts toco his graduation at Cedarville Mr. Br’adfute.has been active in -stu­ dent affrirs at the University with the exception o f one year during which ho taught ,in" the high School at. West j J. G. McCorkell sent inhis riisigna- tion as local registrar of automobiles following the announcement o£ Attor- n *a tt « v ney General Crabbe that no fee could avi ra uto, jje it had been customary for ’ '.the collection of a ten cent fee for the canning i^suini the papers. The registrar also' had to issuedaily reports as well as »JANUARY 30-p­ other reports and no little amount of • Yellow Springs t a a M t i r * * * * on activities j J w0' t ™ * '<■ ’ tjio p u t yooi w oo ei™ , i y » J i [ , ” S . * “ W4. « ? .< * » » » } to to ;*,„„„ «... gratis •■ ■ SCHEDUJ FOR 1 The following high school ed by the diffe DECEMBER Jefferson at Jai Spring Valley Ross at Bath Rellbrook at C« Caesarereek at DECEMBER 18- Ross at Jefferso Jamestown, at 1 Bath at Bell Cedarville at Cl Spring Valley JANUARY 9— Jefferson at Be Ross at Jamest Caesavcreek at Cedarville at Sp Yellow Springs: |JANUARY 10— j Caesarcreek a bi Jamestown a t 1 Beaver at Ross Bath at Spring j Yellow SpringsJ JANUARY 23—i Jefferson at^p Caesarcreck at j Bellbropk at Ro4 Cedarville at Yellow'! sdule for . to be play* teams. Springs CONDENSED OHIO NEWS New* Items Pickedat Randomand BoiledDown for ths Buy Reader Springs1 [Valley. • aver. arville. township. galley own fersoit tValley E. Fmney, for the Food Club; M m . The CedarvilIe, Farmers' Grain- Co. ti le - has been appointed ‘ to handle the Mrs. W..H. Arthur for Poultry Ctab;, , utomobile tags and same can he se- and Frank Engle for Tuberculosis Eradication Campaign, and Farm ac­ counts;' Merle Stormont for «ntf Crops. ZERO WEATHER SLOW cured there for all kinds o f trucks and •motor Vehicles. Everyone must have mew tage by January 1st., The ruling of the 'attorhey. general Uaesarcreek af£ Beavercreek at '■ .Cedarville at Bjj FEBRUARY 6— , Jefferson at Ce • Yellow Springs^ Spring Valley, i Bellbrook at Ci Rath at Beaveri ’ oears the ear-marks’ o f politics «s fSlSBRtJARY If T « *T>T»TtTTikv/*rv*V.«.«.lthe wotorists over Hie., state were not IN A R R IV IN G H E R E » complaining .about the small fee a*l charged in. the past. In fact the av­ erage auto owner liked the .plan, and • was glad to pay- a dime for the ac­ comodation, rather than make a trip to some other city or send to Colum- fchttt for tags* . , The .weatherman has been fcnsy for several days predicting a severe cold snap for this section hut at-'this writ; ing all sign* have failed tutd the lit­ tle .dandelions keep thflr head above .Jefferson at Caesarcreek at Cedarville a t . Ross at Yellow Bellbrook'at !i ’eavefcre^h FEBRUARY cBeayer at J4 pwn Igs 1 [Valley rcreah ■ Fire which destroyed the home of Henry Vlckson, <5, resulted in the death of Vickson and his Wife, Ena, negroes, at Cincinnati, Firemen be­ lieve the couple was overcome by smoke’ and unable to leave the blaz­ ing home. A 14-year-old daughter of Robert Hanson, residing .at Addison, wa* burned to death and Mrs, Hanson was burned probably fatally when fire de­ stroyed the Hanson' home at Galli- ;polls. Attorneys for Joseph Prymas, Sen-, , fenced to die in tho electric chair March. 10, for tho murder of Patrol­ man Michael Hahnel, filed a petition In the court of appeals at Cleveland, ^claiming error In Prymas’ Ufal and Asking that a new trial be ordered. Mrs* Martha Bishop, 73. was killed and her husband, Jot. h L, Bishop, 79, seriously injured as a result of a gas explosion, which wrecked their home at Piqua and damaged a dozed other dwolliugs to the extent of $20,- 000. , Dismissal by the state utilities com* mission of an application for the sale, of the Tiffin and Fostoria railway to tho Toledo, Foslprja and Findlay itailway company for $30,000, will oUean an early merger of the two .lines, according to officials of the 'Tiffin' and'Foatoria company, John O’Brien and John Higgins, dry Agents* were found guilty at Cleve­ land of accepting money “to settle j the case” from a man in soft ■drink shop they had found liquor. William Davidson, 31, window! cleaner, died of injuries he received when he fell five floors from a sub­ station of the Union Gas and Electric company at Cincinnati. Mrs. Emma Evans, 49, who .took poison and then shot herself, last week, while despondent over ill health, died in city hospital. East Liverpool. Mrs. John Davey, 65, .mother of Con­ gressman M. L. Davey). and widow of the prominent "tree surgeon,” died of !R stroke of apoplexy at -Kent. Mrs. .Davey was born near Warren, and was the daughter of a minister. * Twelve diamond rings, valued at between $1,500 and $2,000, . were iBtolqn from a show case ‘in'the ..New Philadelphia store of the Watch Shop company, ■■ At Akron George E. Lauby, state State Prohibition Inspector Lout* Wilcox seized a small brewery in Cleveland. More than 1,200 bottles of home brew beer, with alcoholic content from 4 to 7 per cent, were confiscated, A, N, Young, 71, farmer living near Pleasantvjlle, Fairfield county, w o i . killed when struck by an automobile , COMMUNITYTREE PLACEDQN CHURCHLAWN near bis home." ] Albert Zimmerman, 39, car InBpec-, ] tor, was killed by a locomotive in. the Toledo yard?. President Coolldge appointed the following Ohio postmasters; Bridge­ port, •George H. gjeheetz; Mingo junction, John M, McConnell; North ; Olmstead, Elizabeth, F. Kelly; Oim- stead Falls, Will B, Maynard; Pickar- ington, Charles F. Schoemaker; Neffs,; Harriett Craig. New York Central Railroad com­ pany awarded $7,500 to Zora Hoff­ man, 15, of Tiffin, oe of the victims of the automobile-train crash at Oak Harbor July 23. Nancy Cox McCormick, noted Ital- iari-Americah artist, has consented to , sculptor the memorial tablet for Per­ kins observatory at Ohio Wesleyan university. , * A lone robber held up arpl robbed Morris Beltzer, clerk in a Cincinnati pawn shop, of two diamond rings, valued at $2,150, while pedestrians thronged, the street outside the .store. A verdict of not guilty was return-* ed at Cincinnati in the case of Vinton Perin, grain dealer, who shot tp death Mrs. Frances .D, Rawson, 77, his mother-in-law. The jury found Perin was insane at the time of the. tragedy. , Lenzy Traylor, 20, of Portsmouth, must file in the electric chair for the murder of Edward D, Funk, .New Bos­ ton filling station operator, who was killed last Oct. 21, during an attempt­ ed holdup of his establishment. Tray­ lor was found-guilty pf. first degree murder, without recommendation of mercy; Frank Caine, 3, nephew of State’. Senator John F. Burke of Elyria, was asphyxiated when -lire started in hlSL playhouse in ibe attic of the family home in Cleveland. The child was in the httfc alone at the time. • Fire, which followed a ifiysteriouft explqaion- at Liberty Center, Henry county, made two families homeless and razed two business blocks before fire - companies from Napoloon, Preparations are practically com- pletel for the best Christmas Tree celebration Cedarville has Had for a number o f years* The American Le- been 'working very hard the past ten days and ha® secured the tree and erected it on tho lawn of the United Presbyterian church, It is to be decorated and lighted by Saturday night and will bo illuminated each evening until the holiday season is past, A splendid program is assured on Tuesday evening, December 23rd, at 7 o ’clock, when the tree will be for­ mally dedicated and presents will be distributed to all the boys and girls of.the community under twelve years of age by the Wallace C.. Anderson Post of the American Legion* 1 ’ Prof. Talcptt is to be in charge of the musical, program of the evening ; and he has promised, some very fine ; Christmas carols and other music by ; ;; soloists and by the public school child- ren. - . • . * *•. , There will ajso b.e-some- speaking ^ and a number of school children will V take part in the exercises. -They Will ■;’ be under the directioji of Superinten­ dent of Schools, Mr. Oxley. Santa V Claus will be present and there wilt J* be a present and nuts,, candies, etc., for all the little folks. -*■! If you know of any who are eligible A, the Legion wants you to invite them to be present, and it is hoped that alliM’ shut-ins and side children will be!* taken care of by those who have auto!. mobiles so that they can enjoy thisv part of the program. •, / The members of the Legion report that there is still a shortage of funds- to meet expenses and as every cent tlmt is contributed goes to the Christ? - mas tree celebration and none of it isr' put in the Legipn treasury it is hoped that every citizen will; do his utmost* to contribute to the -happiness o f the ■ children o f the community. . ' Contributions may be mailed to the _ _ American Legion, Cedarville, O., or Mo- jloft at Richards?. Drug Store o f at Clure and G\-and Rapids could bring {Smith’s Barber Shop. zero w its CAUftrin ii- ^ - . A*!eoonomiC81 to the state. It was satis*} J«UoW _ W a t below in !fec< to the auto owners. Had theV ^ i n g Valley at CaosarcreeK lhafcvriil Z :«rfllion or mote'auto owners ordered^REFEREES—* Z i°r ^ ^ time or in any two weeks ;* E* Rrdgh, Yellow Springs ' na dltches- If the weatherman j i,__ i - n n 3T. TW^riv-h CedurvlRa.. *»*. - i - n -rr • , „ „ „ ,, . . \the State would have had to hire 100 Alexandria. O* He isa member of re 'vo na a good ;co»tting of snow ano (rtv ««♦■ A i — u,* ^ __ on -t.__ or mor« employees to mail out tag Alpha Zeta fraternity, and the Saddle 8etthe mercury at iS or 20 above fo r end Sirloin Club* During 1928 he 'played oh the freshman football squad and was a member of the University Grange degree team. v Mr. Bradfute specialized in animal husbandry at Ohio State and attained one of the highest honors open to n student’of that department when ho became alternate on the judgibg team that took third place in the collegiate division at the recent. International Livestock Shew, " f MASONS GIVE UP BANQUET FOR THE PRESENT |next week ftll wiil be thankful. It will add much to the Christmas spirit, The Masonic banquet set for last night in connection with the installa­ tion of officers had to be postponed- The week has been, unusually, .full of entertainments and different attrac­ tions that preceed Christmas week. The Installation exercises*were held as arranged, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES tand keep the records. The item of postage would be no small matter. | If the state departments axe just - as careful about public expenditure of t funds in the future as the attorney j In. the first bosket ball gamp of the season, the boys met Bellbrook and the girls-met the Xenia girls in the Col­ lege Gym, Friday night last. The boys’ gamp was very interesting and they did fine. Cornelius Lucas Of the \ Freshman class -being the star player It was a very exciting game result­ ing in a score o f 19 to 13 in favor o f G. JELS. The girls’ game was interest­ ing too. The C. H. girls led the Xenia, girls the first Half but Xenia sprung: general seems to be in this case would have no cause of worry. we HA IR RESTORER NO , LONGER NEEDED Ah orange a day wiJl Reep;baldness: away says Hr. LeRoy Crummerj! pro­ fessor of medicine at University of" Nebraska. Be says that science ‘ has discovered Hie absence of certain acids 'J iri tha stomach that eventually pro- pepfor theTasThatt a^d*won“ lS to lL j d.“CeS Ifcj 3. al“° ^ 0Je,d th. f — - - - - acids- | .they did not -win and are gaing Iniaorj 'practice again this week in high ( spirits and they mean to win tha next game. Almost Perfect jfl THeteri'ch,. Cedaryills ' Reger Collins. Cedarville t Cirl Boring, Wimington Bernard Haines, Wilmington ■'Wilfred Crites, Wilmington A. F. Roush’, Jamestown W. A. Driscel, Bowersville . ■John Hackett, Baytoh M. Dawson, Yellow Springs II. Calvert, Selma J. Crampr* Bellbrook M. E. Collin#, Xenia Cat! Wright, Bellbrook C. Dawson, Yellow Springs, C. P. Warner, Dayton -RECORD MADE FOR HOG SHIPMENTS THIS W EEK The farmers evidently are trying to * ... -------------- - ---„ „ „ w iJu. 4 hi eak the hog market or they want to The girls played very well eveft thoj °drus fruits abound in healthful, acids,j so a just how much money Mesrs. Ar- .they.did not - in And mttu. that tend to stimulate sluggish stom-| mi.iir, Swift, Morris and the other achs. Now that baldness can be prei we observe frixm a statement of « ■Chicago market. Thk with 8,009 that noted dentist that candy does nob hat l been carried over made 130,000 barm teeth as generally supposed. So fro. sale that day. The result was the thia will please the candy maker and prlt ’ti slippeed 2S cents, Large ship- the little folks can no longer' be put men t t continue each day yet thq price o ff with the statement that candy is'has strengthened some,'ihe hdg pack-' Miss Rife was in ■charge of toe chap­ el exercises Monday morning. She read from Luke 6 and applied it to our lives. Ei-ch said everyone of us a buildrn<y” to*<vm^m^f detrimental to the teeth. |pr» would use 180,006 hogs in three a buildrng to contract and not one, A prominertb denti8t ^ ^ ^ ' d a y , , so the farmers cmv keep on : i ;K. important thing must be left out. We are r.ot only building fo r a few years or a life-time but for eternity. There- i f .re every part nsuatr be strong to re­ sist all temptations -and trials o f 1:* . * • * • A Christmas program will be given! Friday night, Dec, Id, in the school auditorium, by the fourth, fifth and sixth grades at 7:30 o’clock. The pro­ gram will consist o f playlets, drills, Solos, readings, and songs by the difi- ferirnt grades, All High school pupil# who do not attend the basketball game are expected to be present at this program. Admission 10c. Everybody come . . shijpinng, Th* packsr* have the mon­ ey to pay for the hogs. But the for­ gave a nubile interview a few days ago that white bread .was more detri­ mental to your teeth than, cigarettes. Of course such a statement would be cause for debate* A Springfield baker |shipping everything to market, promptly answered from the stand­ point of .the -baker. Another dentist comes to the front approving what his brother practitioner says and the debate is still going ofi in the forum column, o f the daily press. EXECUTOR f i l e s b o n d OF $20,000 IN COURT piers in many sections have not suf- fienfc -com to fatten their hogs and are .VOUf.TftY EMBARGO BENEFITS SPECULATORS N v » York ttmwMiftrfoft men have put. 1« embargo on poultry of all kinds -ftwii western States ' and this ineludi to Ohio. Chickens, geese, ducks and tu ^toto xre not wanted due to a that has caused thousands * hetodis; W** .. . Frank L. Smith, Xenia, hai Beeiil«f pwtfjty to die ■* - appointed.executor of the will of the a*teir » * to®** York, it is claim*. Tbe High School Literary waa held k t t f ame8 F « k « Chwr decease! in ed ® Friday, Dec. 12th. Jenny Smith and eoUrt *nd has filed bond for Inaile 111 1 v * **^7^ lftfea" m - w m . « r , m ^ , S ! f S l ^ T T 5 S T i S l‘ wlu “ ^ ma i Z i ■ kis.'disease kt poultry. It is intimated.' .'Y*** NewYork commis- chafacter ritetoh alter which a M i t e S S n f f .was given. The question for . was: Resolved that*: Home Training and R' R‘ Gneve< : is more beneficial to the average child *— —— ; than school training. Ruth ‘White and PUBLIC BALES i sGrace Wigal having the affimative. | ■ Josephine AUld and lillias Ford hSd J Harry Townsley will hold a sale on ^twt «.on merchan V loaded on low priced poultry ; 'tStoKslflstorage and the embargo is to Wame a ‘scarcity of live poultry and se. .the price on the cold storage pro 1 JUDGE WR1GH1 * STOBUTS HIS CO WBP ASSISTANTS Into Harden of Miaaltoipjpf won: ever 2^060 competitors to^^tha* most parfeetiam girl In the U. &. fto. lM She i» id yaara ©M,. t« ii7W poHffld« and to fi & . mm drill!# i Awarfc if* hotiars. p i s f Wetfb* 117 O w s JP* •§«* M mmmm t 'OTwt mm mkf tM Id wwf wnWratoll Wwmwm JP „ _ _ , _ . ————.ff ■«* lOfllCJ wig i Hthe negatCva. were Heleitfbto farm, Monday, Dec. 22, when he{ tJThompson, Raymond Spracklin and!will sell 250 head of hogs, 6 cattle, 101 j Harold Mills. The affirmative Wort by .head o f aheep and 300 riiocks of Corn. •;« majority of two t o one. Other in-'Mr. Townsley 5* leaving the farm to, . i tteresting numbera on the program locate East Ml Springfield. Trobate Judgw-* 1 has an* ' ‘ were ifslcom Finney, character sketch i . Tneattay, December 23 O, L. Smith who takes his »e»t J * ! Eleanor Finney* recitation. Ruth *nd W. J. Frame will hold a closing nourred his appoint * ' *■«fr ■*,, it,- Marshall, piano todo. Orfuff Smith ahd* sal* on th* Smith farm on tho gra Hawes, now *to . j h^ i 7 arm Bureau Federation for « third j Robert Horhey, dialogue *Upj>er river farm east o f Clifton. KKoffiee, will be wmd* torm. , ; You. will want? pur# Xmas esndy *18 hogs will be sold beside 50 acres tion officer. Mm EHa ’ cldc? in Jh« J 1« thw Cldrmvma for the children. Yon can -buy It *V:<* corn, and a larg* line of farming &*nia, win bewto* at fcft,mw itt ColuTob * W * taW * ii The CMarrilit Bakefyv „ , . implement* , . t «l«rie. * & . » * * * * polWfi.. - * • = tic, bas filed suit for divorce agafuat Myrtl®E, Lauby, accusing her of “um warranfeil jealousy.’’ Artdy Varbafis, 45, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Ohio pen* itentiary by Judge Cowdj'n at St. Clairsville. Varbatls pleaded guilty to criminal assault on bis 19-year-old daughter, Mrs. Rose Michaels. Compulanry voting law is opposed by Maurico Masclike, Republican na­ tional committeeman from Ohio. Ho made this declaration in a speech at Cleveland. • Permission to destroy machinery and equipment in the Home City Bev-. wage company of Springfield was asked in a libel suit filed in United States court at Cincinnati by District Attorney Haveth E. Mau. A committee of judges of Cincin* sati common pleas court has ordered disbarment proceedings filed against Attorney' Louis' A. Diemer. Fire destroyed a portion of the business district of Dlllonvnle, Jeffer- so* county, causing a loss of more Ibaa $75,000. Hocking county commissioners have decided to install a soft water system in the new courthouse at Lo­ gan at a cost of from $6,000 to $S,000. Orville Appleman, 16, of Leesburg, Unioa county, was placed in county Jail at Marysville on a charge of forg­ ing checks on a number of mer­ chants for’ various amounts. St. Bernard Catholic church, Springfield, will be dedicated by Arch­ bishop Henry D. Moeller, Cincinnati, Dec. 21. Wilbur Hunter, 22, killed hitfiself at lifs home in Youngstown. He fired two shots with a revolver, both‘ tak­ ing effect in his right breast. E> R. Green, 45, hepro. was found’ banging by his bauds tc dock piling *r. the icy waters of Swan creek netr Toledo, He died w/iile being rushed to a h ospital. Police believe ha was robbfsd and thrown into the creek. Mr. and'Mrs, William K, Patterson,, both, 88, died at the home of their eon, C. \Y. Patterson, near Richwood, Union county* Mrs, Patterson died froip infirmities of age and Patterson died from shock caused by his wife’s death, according to physicians. John W. Sawmllier, 52, contractor, was shot and seriously wounded at bis home in Lima, by Jim Lewis, 71,: colored teamster, in a quarrel. Mies 6livo Spiker, 27, who was shot Nov. IS while walking along A hedge on the farm of her aunt, Miss Jana Haveriield, at Cadiz, died of her. wound. She is thought to have been tile victim of a hunter's carelessness. A rifle bullet had entered her chest. S. A. Probsf, district superintendent of tho Anti-Saloon league at Dayton, was appointed deputy state prohibi­ tion commissioner to succeed Frank 8. Evans, whose resignation was re* quelled by Slate Prohibition Commis* Honor McDonald. City Auditor Frank Mootta of UeUefotUaino reports an empty city treasury. O, B, Bradfute of Xenia, was re* elected president of the American IN TEXAS HOSPITAL Give $55,000,000 V, ™ were ipootoed a>F’01fL,,~ ... With a, fainting spell, Joseph Holmes, 50, fell so that his head Wedged into, a bucket of water. He was dead when found. Bacon Roberts. Reiatives have received wot* of the struck his head in falling into a ahal* ' death of Gl Canady, former Greene low pit and drowned in two feet of* . ^ / ’ , . _ - water i f contained. Icounfcian, recently of Pearland, Texas, Henry Clayton may die as the re- ^ <3anad^ , res“ ed here'* suit of burns sustained when an ex- but has resided m Texas for many plosion occurred as ho .attempted ;to years* Three months ago he was taken light a gas heating stove at his home to Santa Fe Hospital in Temple, Tex- in Springfield.1 j as for treatment. The body will be Machines claimed two more vie- Jsent to Delaware, O., for burial, tims at Columbus, Miss Cora Ander­ son, 62, was struck and killed uy a- truck driven by Frank Marzotti wnen she attempted to cross the street. Elizabeth Kepperly, 50, was Struck by an automobile and probably fatally injured. Sandusky county commissioners accepted the resignation Of Sheriff William Wirth. The resignation is due to a provision in the. state consti­ tution which provides that a county sheriff is not permitted to servo con- sechtivcly more than four years of anv six. Cleveland police placed under ar­ rest a young man who tried to sell a string of 107 pearls and a chain of [ 46 diamonds, valued at $40,000. The' jnwels are said by police to tally ex­ actly with those stolen from the bom* of Norman E. Mack of Buffalo, N. Y. Logan and Champaign county rest* dents have petitioned for the widen­ ing, deepening and straightening of Mad river, which rises near Zanes­ ville and flows to tho Miami at Day- toil, alleging that the fall of the river is insufficient to drain their land. Two highwaymen held up the Ohio . Jewelry Manufacturing company at \ Canton and escaped with $3,000 in diamonds. Esther Leonard, 6, was run down and killed by an automobile in Mas­ sillon. Tho child was selling Christ-1 mas seals. f Robert Hudson, farmer, was con-! victed of the charge of placing p X- \ plosives on the premises of his di** vorced wife, Mrs. Stella Ripley of| Ulirichsvilie. | When her auto was wrecked by a f passenger train at Hamilton, Miss; Eva F Danker, 35, was killed instant- j ly. She whs on her way to lioben-; toeyer school, where slio was A teacher, } Mrs. Ralph Parks, wife of a Nelson-’ vllle banker, was tho most seriously1 injured of a party oftfive in an auto-, | mobile crash, Her pelvic bone was', fractured.. I William Iiaueum, 48, struck by *£ ‘ automobile, died at Cincinnati of A fractured skull. j William H. Snyder, fom cf sheriff, j’ was sentenced at Dayton to 30 days in Miami county Jail on a charge o f ; possessing intoxicating liquors. J, Mrs. George Herring and her 3-ytor-, old son were badly burned at their1 homo in Marysville as a result of. Mrs, Herring starting a fire with5 kerosene Frank F, Geiger....... ,.l iiv„ ....... .............. .. schools at Bast Liverpool was «fi- s.rhor, the'same day aniiouiwid pointed to tho state school flnAiicc suts of their millions to chArit’* committee r-"ju ;7X*. ‘ 4 ji-Miuma*’.***' James II. Duke, Power And.’to* «*»«■ * »™ _ ** I slional inatitntion*. ;«Mu«nvvt u«M(,tvvt«alWMivi j Union county cottunisslohers Allow- L‘t-k<? fc«vo torn __ ed mors.than $1,000 for sheep killed Lauiwan M&mooo. Th* Jattor, .and Injured by dots, There were 00 L h a d torwisriy flir*» Avrtjf I eiAimi la *u, th* high**t bm g $ m *WTO ’*{