The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26
FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR NU GRIPE EPIDEMIC AIMINGS U B S ABOARD SHIP A sharp, outbreak of tbs ‘so-called grippe” is lit' progress on board the West Virginia, at this time and bae caused prompt precautions to be tak en to prevent a further spread of the disease. There have been hearty a hundred men slightly sick with this disease since leaving San Francisco and Com- mander H. A. Hay, ’the ship surgeon, SUNDAY OBSERVANCE WAS WELCOMED HERE] ‘The stir over the county about ifcout Sunday observance, closed alt places of business here Sunday with out force being necessary. Holt of the places were closed because the proprietors welcomed Home concerted movement tha$ they might have the day, The oil stations and garages ,, were closed with the exception of o a, wM.h « « k Wt kept open on orders from, the com- MADDOG CREATESMUCH STIRHERE N ew # Picked] Up AW Over Spite t {MAYOR AIDS JOBLESS The first mad dog for several years New Philadelphia,—A free employ- was found here early Tuesday morn- PU*nt bureau will ha conducted bjr ing when Lloyd Confare ?hot an Air- Lteuiuth, to obtain work T„ . w «# for tbe jobless, here, since the city dale dog that had every aympton of nn„„ fnnrt , . POULTRYGAINS WHILEOTHER STOCKDECREASES r rabies, The dog was frothing at the mouth and had bitten a number of other pnny. . We are informed that there was more or less observance by other^ towns in the county other than in ’ dogs. Just how many no one knows, Xenia, where the situation is the’ Owing to the nature of the disease hottest. every owner of a dog should have Heat of the places that have been the animal muzzled at once or keep cut to. $1200 from and his staff are making every effort •.. ' v ~ . . ,, , .... , . -- wide open jn Xenia m the past were it tied, to stop its further spread, v open as Usual last Sunday. A few Dr. Leo Anderson made an exam- Orders havfe been issued to the men lo e3peciBpy where groceries ination of the dog ’ and pronounced how to prevent tlio disease and they ^ ^ * * , it rabies but to be sure sent the head are being rigidly enforced. Up to this; The fi Ht m the Progecutor to the State Veterinarian at Oolum- tim^s there haveibaen no s e w cases,; d A continues. Jt bus. Wednesday evening a telegram all being alight and it is believed: ___ j __ _7* „ iwas on Johnson’s threat of arrest was received from Columbus saying .that as the. fleet moyes into a grejD tdurt many over the county closed. In that the dog had genuine rabies. Uisease wi the fight is so hot that many ! , Dr. Anderson vaccinated two dogs of- the so-called reformers have urged owned by Harry Lewis, one belonging business places to remain open and to STT. Baker and onethatwas a resist arrest and conviction. The pet in Dr, Anderson’s home. All of future of Xenia as amopen or a closed these dogs had been bitten by the mad town on Sunday depends on this'dog that had no license number so contest. It ms been hinted’ that that the owner is unknown, other places will open once the city ;a!!&ablisheS;Hlp£ ^ ually warmer zone thd . ■, disappear entirely. The.orders issued to the men are , f valuables to every person and if our ■readers on land took as much precau tion there would be less sickness. „ While, we are passing through this aUght epidemic of the grippe, the health of tile men otherwise is com paratively good. There have been a few cases of illness. One of these is a case of ap pendicitis, winch' was operated upon,a few13days ago. The patient is geting , along fine! A,.case of gall bladder trouble has developed, also a mental case—a new 'rjfip&ffc who has become demented un der the. stress of homesickness, sea , sickness and. changed condition of . l&fc, . ‘ > x M * patients have bean trans- t ferfo#iio’' the hospital ship ’’Relief,” 1 which ^s part of the train being.con- veyj&cfe, The mpn were placed in a ' r sps«|l motor boat and brought to the ■'Reliaf,.where thoy will receive the _ ,best p f pare.; ; Arnong Our readers .we imagine < 4®*Uit^-|b*m think of the men in the ‘ Wvy'ohly as seamen, but this is hard- adaquate idea of their activi- Madison county ha sheen having a siege with rabies1'and in some sections live stock has been bitten.’ Dr. Hunt, London veterinarian, was recently bit by a horse that had been affected by DAYTON MAN ARRESTED FOR ,ABUSING HIS WIFE rabies. Dr. Anderson says ; .Virginia went into com aelatter pari of 1923 with jijSrienced men on board, tho Atlantie coaBt and Imng ureTut wKui' had been .taught them, at ■training station. The story was told mo by one. of the older men how with the minimum . * crew to man the ship, every one of the older men, went on his honor tc help the recruits make good and make a record for the ship, until a few short months the West Virginia had built up an organiiition with Cap tain Senn at the head which Was second to none, and even now the ship has the proud distinction of a big white letter E painted on one of its gurt turrets; denoting superiority in gunnery. The engineering department is now out to win the same distinction in 1engineering end under the direction of it# able officers there is a strong - probability/that they will succeed. In e. that event the letter E in red will be painted on her side. This competition between the men of the several ships for supremacy in the several branches of the service is a valuable factor, It should, not be understood that this competitive spir it is confined to the officers, bub it permeates among the , men as well, and it is only a short time before the newest recruit when ho knows his station and his responsibilities, begins to feel a pride in his ship and its achievements. It is the same thing we havo on land. Wo are proud of our home town or the institution in which we are employed, but on a warship this sentiment is more quickly developed and intense as the men from close association and a common interest catch the spirit quicker which makes them better sailors and better men. The laggard has ftp room cn ship board, anymore than he has in a fac tory, bub it is his own associates who first jolt him out of his misconstrued ideas of shiftlessness. It should also be understood that the morale of the men selected for service in the navy is now far above - whnt is was in years gone past. The navy is no haven for the seam of hu manity, but instead it i s > training school for young meit whose past lives are new scrutinized closely before they are accepted in the service. Joe McWilliams, Ddyton, was plac ed under arrest Saturday night by Mr-rshal Myers for abusing his wife, Williams and his wife had with them a small son about three or four years old, They had parked their machine On Main street above the bridge and became engaged in a heated argu ment. Williams then proceeded to a- buse his wife who called for aid. Be fore the officer arrived McWilliams drove away out was overtaken on the Columbus pike west of town. He was returned here and landed in jail until Sunday morning when he was turned Over to the sheriff. The wife and Son were taken back to Dayton by Howard Kennon and Marshal Myers, We un derstand. the wife failed to file charges against her husband, whom she hag left, and he was liberated. it takes from one to three weeks to develop rabies so it may be some time yet before the extent of the spread of the disease is knowri, The greatest danger is- with children being exposed to dogs that are not muzzled, A dog can contract rabies and not be bit as he may have gathered the disease from the slobbers of the mad dog. The law is very strict, against dogs being at liberty unless muzzled with rabies about. For this reason it is up to owners to use every precaution to protect the public. Parents should see that children are not exposed. poor fund has been exhausted, he announced. , ’ * * • * SALARIES SLASHED Struthera,—The council of Strutliers slashed salaries and s$oll4hed a num- j her of jobs. The major’s salary was while police and tire chief’s pay was also cut. The office of council clerk was abolished. . 4>‘ *' '• BALM FOR LOST JLAMBS eating vegetation along the right-of- way. The vegetation had been treated, chemically to cause It .to die off. - •\ WAS leader o f bar 1 MODERN SWIMING POOL ! OPENS NEXT WEDNESDAY The Aquatic Company has erected one o f the most modern and up-to-} date pwimjng pools that can be found j anywhere in Ohio, The plant is la-' cated on North West Street, Xenia,’ .near the V/ilson Engineering Com-! pany Ice plant. The pool is construct ed of cement and’ has a graduated bottom for diving facilities at one end been engaged as instructor for women COLUMBUS, 0, HE hen, humble or otherwise, Is the only farm animal whose numbers have increased faster than the pop ulation of the United States- Now Ihe're are between three, and four hens for each person, while back in 1880 the average was-two hens per capita. It's because the hen is the most efficient of farm animals in producing food, says Prof. E, L. Dakan, head of and children. Two life guards w/ill be the poultry department at the Ohiq on duty all the time for safety and1to State University. • see that the strictest regulations are And while the hen has Increased in enforced, numbers, other farm animals have dei The pool is within five minutes walk 1erensed In proportion to the popular 0f the court house and ample parking Findlay.—W. E. and O. M, Beard Mon, Back in 1880, Professor Dakan spaco *or 10o machines has been pra- ohtalned a verdict In common pleas points, out, there were 25 dairy cows yjded court for $2200.87 agahut the Big Four for .each 100 persons, but In 1020 there* A snecial nroirram has been ar- rallroad for lambs Which died after were not more than 20. Of all other A SJ’ “ a pregram nas Deen ar farm animals, exclusive of horses, in ranged for the opening night, Wed- 1880 there were 82 for each 1Q0 pei^ nosday, June 10, An orchestra has Sons. Today there are not more tiian becttVCd, CO. made by Rev. Tilfordj pastor of the ’■If these, facta are taken into com Xenia Presbyterian church, Supt. Painesvine—Former Probate Judae 1slderaUon” the. poultry specialist says, vyalRh of the Xenia schools, Ben Piers * * * * * * * director’ Da^ a*d * county bar ffir many years, filed at his SefiseiWaie with ^whlch U can be humbar o£ others‘ w a f on1ran moliTe8 S I X handled. Its adaptability ?0 concentre-’ There are ample checking facilities S Z J J tl ™ ted and intensive methods, as well as clothing and good wool bathing ' *ts adaptation on the general farm. Is suits can be rented at a nominal fee. member of till Od^Frimwq1 ' ‘ ,‘£ml!y taklnSPart ln ‘he Old law of the Seats have been arranged under Cover memoer oi uia usw nepows. . EurvIval of tl)e guest. GAS TO PROTECT CASH * ' ................................... " ‘ : l COMMENCEMENT THISMORNING OPERA HOUSE The baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of Cedarville College tru The pool holds 320,000 gallons of deJ5y{,red jjablwth evening Kt the water that comes from wells sunken ^formed Presbyterian before one lTraveh Thewater the largest audieenses that ever will be tested twice each week for il1sembied here on such an occasion. P a £ . . . . A number were unable to gain en- A Springfield Y, W. C. A, girl has jfor spectators who are separated from The less efficient farm animals, In-; the bathers by a screen, eluding sheep, hogs, and more es, l The company will open the pool to New Lexington.—Burglars who plan,, peclally beef cattle, are giving way to the county and neighboring cities un to rob the hirst National bank nt Bre-p the more efficient und more ndanfable .i ______ _____ _______ ____________ TAKEN TO PENITENTIARY TO START SERVING TERMS ■ m b win » m am f t w » a « ttw i too.,“T n ? S ! 'i J T f f i w iS “ 5 2 :d,r th9‘ wus‘ ”>>»” <»» have gas masks, A new burglar alarm termlnra what ahull li.lmblt this earth1: Just Installed carries a goodly supply of the deadly mustard gas which Is automatically released when the safe Is tampered with. 4 , ■ * •* ♦ 4 ’ ( ’ STEAL CHOICE POULTRY Chardon.—Poultry raisers of Chare don and ,surrounding' townships ’ are’ The company backing this enter- is the efficiency with which that an}- ^ composed of leading citizens mal can convert raw material Into in Xenia and the entire county is in human food.” * * * « AFFIRM VIRGIN BELIEF •HE Presbyterian general assembly r vited to avail tjhemselves of the / op portunity of a ’’plunge”, Special at tention will be given to children. The young people,, both boys and girls FIRST WEDNESDAY AFTERNON HOLIDAY The first Wednesday afternoon hoi- ANTI SALOON OFFICIALS FIRE REV. EDGAR'HefcUr R, F. Williams, Springfield, been sentenced by Judi •! Gowdy to l llnquehcy # . BUa >0 serve from one to seven years in the|witness hs the' pen for-burglary and larceny. {Cliarlea B. Kelgley, has overwhelmingly affirmed be* should be taught to swim lief In the virgin birth of Christ) ------------ Woking, for n mysterious . marauder and has demanded that all clergymen who has stolen thousand? of dollars who enter the pulpits of the Presby- wortU of choice poultry. The farmers terian church in the.future*adhere to, are talking of forming an Anti-Chicken ft literal Interpretation of the Bible. Stealing association on the order of- . Almost unanimously, the assembly, . the old-Ume horse thief association. ■,voted to accept the report of a coin-, .'•day was this week when all. the * * '* * / ' mittce which censured tlie rebellious, grocer? and meat stores, With other ! New York presbytery for licensing stni.lines closed for the half day. The K." jjewltt d”nt pastors who refused to affirm .Wednesday afternoon holiday lia? to tho’de- Mieir belief In tlie birth of the 'Re-' been tried out for several years and napkins, 18; ns tnu^ht in' tbe New Yesta* in ?ome places certain lines’ o f busi- JAILED AND FINpD^ . Mount Verhoa; wat charged with According to reports trouble in the Ohio Anti Saloon League has been responsible for Dr. Edgar McDifi, former Xenian, being fired, as super intendent of the Oincinnati district. It is said that the Dr. was not secur ing enough money to run the Organ ization, In a neighboring City during the investigation of the police department it developed that the head of the Anti Saloon League in that district had faced police charges and that, his pic ture and measurements were ort rec ord, So far ns we are acquainted with the working of the League nowadays, Rev, McDill could not properly fit in the organiation and be what his Greene county friends know him to be. SUIT TO CONTEST WILL OF GEORGE BRANDT were sentenced to the Mansfield re formatory; Daws gats on? to 15 years in two cases o f burglary and larceny and Johnson, two to 15 years on ."the f of Mayor sentenced, to by Juvenile Judge L, J, Duke, * *.<•**'* PROBE WOMAN’S, DEATH mpnt, , A flare-up followed from the .of Sla rerenta- 6 off. It . 1 * .impossible to close moment to threaten to break up thetlWednesday afternoons in newspaper meeting. New York delegates defied'.offices. the. assembly, declaring - they would1 j Tlie Herald will close each Satur- continue to exercise their rights as a day afternoon at noon during’ June'; Troy,—County Prosecutor L. E., “presbytery” and Would refuse to dls- j u]y aiu} August. ness, notably' newspapers and job n3ld Sheriff M. C. Spillman' charge the two unorthodox clergymen;) Davis was sent up for the theft o f , jll<vc 8toirWa aa investigation Into the.- Af>out wh0m the storm centered, punwriT-rnp w i n chickens from Oscar Fawcett and Hari emafttlon of Mr?. Louisa Sinks, 74,: J)r Ho«rv Sloane Coffin the New !T' 0RMEI1 ry Seifert while Johnson was caugh.' j whose charred body Was found In thw york‘ in0aernirt. declared Immediately ‘ L0CArE lN FL0RIDA m the same act and received gun sho„. embers of a tobacco strip shed behind! aft(J1, th|} ll8Sembiy had accepted the; — ----- wounds while raiding thechicken , the home of her daughter near the report tbut "in the name of the 10 mod-'' Attornby J. Kenneth Williamspn, house ontheS. K,Williamson farm, village of AVest Milton, nine miles: miist commissioners to the assembly former prosecutor in this county, has southwest of here. ; froin jjew York,” he defied the as- announced that he will ' locate at * * ^ * ’ i seuibiy to take action* against tlie two, Palm Beach, Florida, and hopes to GIRLS beet spellers , pastors, and announced that the New>■> leave Xenia^^about t|^ fifst of July, Tiffin.—Girls won most of the spell-. York presbytery would license whom- Mri Williamson has built up an ekten* Gov Donahev has written to At- *Dg ,lonotra }u Sen<!C^ ®unty at the; ever it pleased. , Isive business in abstracting along . i . 0 0 , „ ,, W . A.e i rural Schools content here. Frances' The Situation was saved by theRev. . . . . . , t,n, th_t torney. General Crabbe, urging him to atroyer o£ Hopewell township was Dr. Charles It, Erdrann, newly-elected!^ th h,s Pwctico but feels that appeal from a Franklin County court j winner In' the seventh and eighth moderator of tlie assembly, who pro- jb^ opportunities are much greater ii. :, j . ,.. . ...i .. . m >•/.. . I *.• ; . ... m . ^ ik. j ,^ ^ ..,.,1 ... jii 'i n 7?i/vr»irfrt w h n r e n v A n n vfD RhflDffAti CHURCHES INSIST THAT BRYAN CASE BE APPEALED Gooding of' posdtl that a “friendly committee” of ____ —---------, Leolyn Botltllteed township was winner of the- JS men be appointed’ to “study the 'third and fourth grade division, and; spiritual condition of our church and derision that acceptance of the Bryan} grade division farm by the state was illegal. Governors Willis and Cox vetoed tho’-. . . . . . - . . . , , . bill accepting the farm. Undur the.:K<,mlet,) Kungleman of Jackson town-; the causes mnlfing for unrest.’ This terms of the will no religious ser- j Bldp ^ and^sixth grades. Vicre can be beld on tho farm. Y'10 s HURLS WIFE FROM WINDOW Ohm Council of Churches is basking next) the Governor in appealing the case. Twenty-nihe plaintiffs,, most of whom live in Germany and almost the same number of defendants are parties to an action’brought in com mon pleas court Monday by Frank L. Johnson, attorney, seeking to contest the will Of George Brandt, Beaver creek township farmer. Brandt had no family and left an estate valued at 820,000 to those who had been his friends. George Ferguson was named as executor of the will. Cincinnati.—During an attack of) mental Illness, William Westerfield, aged 31, toolmaker, overpowered his. wife, Mrs. Elsie Westerfield, 85, and. commission will report to the general assembly. | * * * * I ' C. I’iummer, chief of the state bu- '• reau of vital statistics, has a hob* by of making ar note of unusual In as much as a number of dogs nnmes appearing on the thousands o f .have been exposed to rabies and the in Florida, where property changes ownership several times a year. He will be associated with former City Manager Riddell, who is developing a large tract near Palm Beach. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ABEL COMPANY SETS A .............. . NEW SHIPPING RECORD 1threw her from it third floor window, reports that come into his office fr01U.impossibility*of .knowing how many all over the state, . (dogs have been bitten all owners of C mu, birth certificate recently re-! do^ ar6 hf rG% notlfied to keeP tliem Neighbors, aroused by her screams, The Abel Magnesia Co. broke V found.lier nn the sidewalk. Physicians tsnid she had received a compound on shipping records Wednesday Z ten ears of crushed stone and two ears , j iu.jeg and possible Internal Injuries, of lime went out. For some time the ! « . * * * , note include : company has been working extra j TEACHERS’ PAY TARDY . j Minnie B. Swift, Frank Delay, Ions, hours to keep ahead of orders. There | Lliriu.—Junc may bring happiness to Part1, lonu .Ford, Ima Hose Bush and is a gread demand for the Cedarville brides and graduates, but it will have one birth certificate recently , , , , , , , reived by him. * muzzled when on the street or under Other names of which he has made a 'control by strap or chain. Failure to comply with this notice means that dogs running at large unmuzzled will COUNCIL MEETING stone for road building purposes. APPRECIATION OF MUSICAL Council met Monday evening with Vice Mayor B, E. McFarland, presid ing, owing to the absence of Mayor Funsctt, The regular monthly bills were ordered paid. Member Ross sug gested that council take up tho ques tion of day light saving time. Ho said he bed been approached on this sub ject and that he had promised to bring the new time before council. After considerable debate the matter was laid on the table for the present. TWO PRISONERS PAROLED no charm for teachers in the public schools here. It was announced that teachers will not get their pay for May and June until some time tn August. Tax money is insufficient because of the large number of pro tests against the recent valuation of prbperty, * * * • The music loving public of Rich mond expresses its appreciation to Mr, John Orr Stev/art, Jr„ and Miss Brown E. Telford for the beautiful, programs presented during the May 5,000 MASON ASSEMBLE Music Festival afc Eastern Teachers ^.Ashtabula.-—Five thousand Masons, College. Mr. Stewart, who is .head of' including 500 Knights Templars, from the Music Department, has aecom-. all parts of Ohio, assembled here for piished many things in the musical Die laying of the cornerstone of Ash- world through his splendid training tabula’s new $200,000 Masonic Temple. r f to-chei's who rm nut from the A Parade, In which hundreds of Mu* ct tccctieis wno go out fimn tlie Rnd Kagtm, HUmg participated, teachers College to tram the young openp(1 tJl0 Knights Temp- minds of the state. Besides being toi* i,, fnii unicnrrt, jartcii ran be shot.1Your county license number or tag is no protection and has noth- ingto do with this notice. Harvey Myers, Marshal PROF. LEROY ALLEN HONORED Liberty Bell, Triplets were named Margaret Prog ress, Marjorie Aid and Martha Purity; Mr, Plummer has received mall ad dressed to the Bureau of Idle Statis tics. ■ - Another letter came to the Bureau of Vittle Statistlcks. Word has been received that Prof. . , , , , . .. .... Leroy Allen, formerly Dean of Ce- Z iS S S .5 f f : darv511u CulI^ c’ ! « » ^ cn elected dean were shot, tho former probaoiy fa -, „ „ ,, . , tally, during a quarrel between Nlgro *“0uthern College,^at and his father. Mrs. Nlgro received a bullet wound in tlie Rrm when she tried to shield her husband. Police my the father admitted doing the shooting hut said he did so in SHi- defense. He is held in Jail here. bein ai- lftl.a j„ Uq ifo m ac ed as escort for ented With a rich basso of rave quali- Grand I-odge officers. Twt. t* com ’manderies were pivsenl. Tito orator of tho day was Congressman John O. Coaper, of Youngstown. } 'Finances Flattering i Columbus.—An auditing of the con* ditlon of the state treasurery depart ment by tlie accounting bureau of the , state auditor’s office shows .a most * * # * j flattering result,, so far w U has pro- falls und *R train , ccefied. The total amount of seeuri- Washington, (?, X—Harold Thomp- son, 28, escaped Inmate of tlie tastitu- lion for the feeble-minded at Orient lust year, The inactive accounts in Richmond, Ky,, Daily Register. djeil, here, of Injuries received when fif?_l«tc‘rest he fell beneath the wheal# of a Haiti- f r *ht>0l!ltT 1 1 ^0* T i ' n more and Ohio railroad freight train, *,ct!v<' E near here. the cash in the treasury to uw t tmr* . v, * * v DOW CHARGE* MAN Marysville.-liana Oosfln has ties, he understands the. art of im pressing tho minds of his students tho necessity and advantage of im parting the youth over this state the many advantages of a musical educa tion, and his efforts will meaii much to tho future generations. COUNTY BORROWS $10,GOO V/. It, Allen, Jamestown and James While these men are hot molly cod*' Baker, Cedarville, prisoners at the die#indeed, neither are they the riff- ’ bounty jail, have been paroled hy the raff which many people commonly County Commissioners. Allen- •was> * «m to think. They are young men convicted on a charge : of possessing entering upon life, Who hope to make bfiuori I«s fine was $800 and costs, good. Why they sought out the navy He is to pay the fine, less a credit of n» a future need not be discussed, hut $100-80, at the rate of $ j a month, " the writer has come to the firm con- Raker was sent over ontho same kind vicifott that the opportunities in the of a charge by Mayor Funsett, The County Commissioners have navy are equal those on shore. j ^ found it necessary to borrow $5,000 This fact can probably be atttribu ATTENDS BANKERS M E E T IN G .................................... ted to the1discipline under which they are and the training which they re- J. S. West, Cashier of the Exchange »■#!#*. We are pleased to feel that Bank has been In attendance at the annual distribution o f taxes. The „ Untie gam is doing such a splendid meeting o f the Ohio Banker’# As* hoard also made a loan from the Xenia! work 1ft developing the manhood o f sedation in Columbus this week. The National Bank for $8,000 to beused* Miss HelenStewart hasreturned SpringfieldandXenia pike to Osborn, th# m«n 1» tak*» fnW hi* employ. convention opened Wednesday and is in the County Infirmary fund until homefrom N*w Rt«g#l,Ohio, whore The pike is how gravel and will ‘ be OHAS, F. BENCH to doee today. ’ the next distribution of taxes. she taught tbe psu* year. { made hard aurfao*. rent ox^ensr-a 1#$12,530.08, lot SO days from the Commercial *I,W1 ll« * on’t I'1** Bamaritau} Savings Bank, Xenia, to be used in t0 ftny ^ <*** *** do- FAIRFIELD FIRS TO BE IMPROVED SOON . . . . . . »v ^ ^ . one for sore eyes. She charged him.! the county fnhd until the next semi- jn hospital with broken teg, I The state will contribute $54,000 Winfield, Kan., a Methodist institu tion. Prof, Allen has been connected with tho institution the past few years and his many friends here will read of his advancement with much in terest. The school has an enrollment of. about 1000 students. U. P. CHURCH SERVICES Sabbath School 9:30 A. M. Hervey Bailey Superintendent. Communion service 10:30 A. M. Preparatory services, Friday even* ing at 7:30 P. M. Rev, C. C, Kyle to preach. Saturday nt 1:30 P» M, Rev, B, E, Stevens to preach. PRESIDENT W. O. THOMPSON TO ADDRESS WILBERFORCE Wilbei force commencement will be held Thursday morning, June 18, President W. O, Thompson, president of the 0. S. U., will deliver the «d j for the improvement of the Fairfield {dress for what will be'the 82nd an- pike from the intersection with the.nual commencement, I Xenix nik* ta Osborn. Chicken brooder coops, founts, feed* are and wateren. t-’ance and many.stood. The service opened with a proces sional hyriin as the seniors, faculty and college officials entered, Rev, B, E. Stevens gave the invocation which was followed by a quartet composed of -Miss Mildred Kyle, Springfield; Mrs. Mildred Foster, Yellow Springs; Donald -Calvert, Selma and Homer Sparrow, Clifton. * The Scripture lesson was read by Dr. J. P, White, followed by an an them by choir and Miss' Mary Lee Rife of Philadelphia; Prayer was of* fered by Rev, W. P, Harrlman. A vo cal duetjiy Miss Kyle and Mrs, Fos ter followed and a contralto solo by Miss Rife closed the service. ', . Dr. W. R. McChesney, president of the college, took for his text ’’Christ’s Contribution to Humanity”, First be s.aid Christ - contributed to humanity a constructive life; second, *a con quering life; third^ a conciliating life; fourth, a co-operative life; fifth, a complete life. The speaker said that Christ will conciliate, races and na-i tions and church, until all ar£ think ing alike,, and acting alike arid there will be no more of the antipathies be tween races and nations and creeds. SENIOR CLASS PLAY , The Sdnior class staged a good pro duction Monday evening at the opera house when ’’The Whole Town’s Talk ing” , was presented te large house.'! Those in"the cast were: Walker Tay- ’’ tor, Pauline Collins, Ruth. McPherson, LaCIede Markle, Dorothy Oglesbee, Howard Arthur, Willard Barlow, Av- ahelle Brigner, Lois Cummings, Nel lie Boase, Elizabeth Gifford. - The’ play Vas. directed By Miss Al berta Creswell and was well received by the audience. MUSIGAL RECITALS . {i 4 The recitals-of the department of music tinder the direction o f Prof. John A, Talcott, are feature events o f . commencement season.- Friday night the first recital was held in the U. P. church. Those who had a part in the program were:.Esther Mae Hartman, Dorothy Shaw, Ada L. McKay, Gladys ‘ MacDonald, Wilda Bicketfc, Christine. , Wells, Helen Thompsoh; Grace Con stant, Ruth White, Lucy Gillilan, Mar tha Waddle* Ruth Marshall, Elizabeth Lackey, Marguerite C. Ewbank, Fran ' Cea Payne,, Mae B. . McKay, Mary B. Wright, Martha Dean. The num bers were well executed much to the enjoyment of the audience.Prof, Tal cott presided at, the 'organ for one qf the instrumental selections. Wednesday evening the second re cital was held in the R. P. .church, On the program were Elsie M. Post, Lois Fisher, M, Frances Wells, Mary Eliz- , abeth Smith, Robert Richards, Doro thy E- Corry, Robert Harriman, Rose zella E. Hamer, Marguerite Oxley, Dorothy Anderson, Dorothy A. Shaw, Esther Mae Hartman, Freda Crowell, Ada L. McKay, Mrs. Walter Corry, Frances B. Anderson, Christine Wells, Helen E. Thompson Rosezella E. Hor ner, Martha Waddle, Ruth White, Dorothy Oglesbee, Helen Illffe. Miss Ruth Marshall, Miss Eliza beth Lackey and Prof. Talcott re peated their numbers that Were so Well received last Friday night. CEDAR DAY PROGRAM The Cedar Day Pageant this year Was given on the college campus at four o’clock. It was in four episodes. The Capture of Proserpina; Tho crowned queen; and Cedar Day dan ces. The cast of principals was; Cores, Goddess o f Bessons, Alberta Owens; Proserpina, Cedar Day Queen, Lois Cummings; Piute, Wilma Batdorf; Cupid, Dorothy Galloway; Water Nymph, Ruth Bums; Winter, Mary Webster; North Wind, Elizabeth Gif* ford, Messenger, Lois Estle; Herald, Esta Mamer, Fairy, Dorothy Ken nedy; Pages, Kathleen Kyle, Ada McKay; Flower Girls, Isabel Clarice, Freda Crowell Elizabeth Lackey, Glonnis Lambert; Flower Dance, eolo Ann Orel. ALUMNI BANQUET The Alumni Banquet was held lMt evening in the parlors 6l the L F . church which had been decorated for the occasion .with college colors and beautiful Gowers, David C, Bradfnfce ’16, was toastmaster and gave the address of welcome to -which Geer*# LnClede Markle responded for the Seniors. Mrs, Dora Anderson Harper, Wilmett, 111-, formerly a member o f Cedarville College faculty repeottded to the toast “ In years that were” Dean R. E. Robison, "Juet Now*; Dr, William Wallace Hiff, *0«, paster o f the Presbyterian: church, Erie, Psu, “In yents that are te be” The menu was a* follow#: - mu V
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