The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26

KROGER’S -— —Xmas Goodies — — Kroger Stores are stocked with the finest of Holiday Foods, You will find everything fresh* pure and of unsurpassed quality, Prices too are beyond comparison, Come int Let us personally .show you our variety and wish you greetings of this joyous season. PU RE r * A f c i r w F IN EST FRESH v H R U I QUALITY Kroger candies arc absolutely pure and fresh. Let the "Kiddies”— have their fill. Quality is excellent—prices surprisingly low, — CHOCOLATE Rich-pure- f ^ D A D C ' Creamy ■ V I l l l V r S 5 1b. box90c, p&r lb . . Assorted ChoconteaJRich centeis; 5.1b, box, $1.00; per lb— _20c Fudge:—Rich rad delicious; lb. 16c, Peanut Brittle—l b . ___ 15c Cut Rock—The old-fashioned hard candy, many shapes, colors and flavors; l b , __ ______________ „_____________ — .—Ufa American Mixed—Over 35 diversified shapes in a brilliant array of colors, many fill pieces, lb, --------- ---------------- 20c Holiday Croams-Tempting mix c f colored, flavored creams; lb. 23c Creams and Jellies—A rich, colorful mixture of fine flavored soft candies; l b , --------------———----------, -—— ________ 20c Orara—A 5-lb. tin pf fittest filled pieces, an ideal present.-— $1.75 F L O R I D A ^ Sweet arid’ jucy— M O R A N G E S ; D" Z . 25 C Grapefruit 2 for______ ,15c Celery—Large stalk — 10c ' . . Cranberries—per lb, __19c Leaf Lettuce—lb. ----------15c. Potatoes—15 lbs. ____..27c Jonathan Apples—l b . ------ 9c P H jgfa Genuine Smyrna— 4F% JR __ P New Crop. 5 Crown Smyrna Natural Figs—New Crop, l b . ----- ^---------—------------ 13c .'Dates-—Golden Hallowi, New Crop, low price lb. . . . ----------- 10c Stuffed Dates—Sugared, Very fancy;, lb..------------------------ — 30c Raisins—Country Club. Cali. Seedless or Seeded; pkg .----------------9c Imported Malaga Cluster Basins: lb. pkg. -----------------——29c ■L. ■ HI ■ TSSQ8 New Crop Mixed. K \ l M ■ j«g ■fgSa. Walnuts, Almonds. I l a Ba. a i§ Brazils, Pecans and ■ wl SB m i r Filberts—lb • ■ *, • . •• Diamond Brand New Calif. No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts l b , ----- 34c Walnuts Sorrento l b . ------------------------- ---------------------------- 29c Pecans—Jumbo Paper Shelled. New Crop, fancy; lb.----------- 65c Mince Meat—Country Club, pkg. 10c; None Such, pkg. ------ 15c P R ' S 1 1 7 COUNTRY CLUB — EVEN pgm M r » A I / C FINER THAN LAST YEARS. . No better made— 21b. cake t Asparagus—Cali, per can 39c Peas-Qountry1Club can—19c Corn-i-Country Club, canl7c ’ Spinach-Cali can — — 15c Peaches-Country Club, can27 Prunes-Cali. 2-lb. pkg. ...28c Fruit Salad-No. 2 can __33c Pumpkin-Large can . — 12c Pineapple No. 2 can - — 27c Apple Butter-Quart jar..25c / l A p r i p p French Brand-lias no M ■ » t # V * i " E . L Mfll?rior ln n f i £ equal in value—lb, pkg. Jewel Coffee—A rich, genuine Bourbon Santos; lb . ___ , S9c Christmas Suggestions Why Not a Radio? “CROSLEY 51—2 Tube s e t ______ _____ _ $14.90 CROSLEY 52—3 Tube Bet ____ — __ . . . . _$25.50 CROSLEY TRIRDYNF* _________ ________ $55.80 RADIOLA 111 with 2 tubes and Phones $29.75 LOUD SPEAKERS-------------------- -------- $7.85 up. A C om p lete L ine o f Parts Something For the Car Spotlights, $1.98 to $8.75 ■ . Stoplights complete, $1.50 to $4.50 MotormiterS, $3.15 to $12.50 Heaters, $1.00 to $25.00 Windshield Cleaners 50c to $7.00 Monogram Radi&tor Caps, $2.50, Mirrors, 98c to $2.00* Radiator and Hood Covers, $2,75 Horns $3.95 Sporting Goods Is Always Acceptable Footballs, 98c to $8.00 Basket Balls, $3.00 to $11.50 Basketball Pants, $1.86 a Basketball Jerseys, 65c Up Knee Pads, $1.25 pair 44 Nothing E b * Can Say a* Muak at a Letter ^ jA O B O D Y will buy you," j f f , laughed a red polnaettla at a dttlHooklng pad of paper, *Tm have Juton ml the counter so long you look positively dog-eared, Besides, you're sot Christmas? at all. Why they doh’t shove you out of sight I can’t understand—you don’t belong on a Christmas counter.’1 The red potosettia daunted her bril­ liant petals -under the electric lights and felt that everyone was admiring her. Thu pad of paper said nothing, There was nothing to say. Finally there came along a poorly dressed young man. He touched the velyety petals of the potosettia, "Wa would like that,” he murmured; "It would dress up her room real pretty." "Morey 1” breathed the potosettia tn disgust,” I hope I shan't have to be disgraced by being sent to some shabby little place. That would be un­ bearable." .The young man looked longingly at the red flower, "I could not send it to­ iler very well,*? he at last decided, “but I can write her a good long letter. She would like that, I guess. Here, I’d like this paper pad, please, miss. It ain’t handsome, but my mother will like some of the words I'm going to put on It. Only five cents? Well, well, I can buy her something else. The potosettia is mighty pretty, but It can’t say what my letter will.”—Martha Banning Thomas. (©, 1824 , Ws»t«rn Newuuaper Union.) |, Trite** to Antwerp j Antwerp is so green and pleasant « dty, writes Michael Done, that in no other port to which l have come in my Journeying* have l found such a wealth of trees, growing down the length of the great streets of mighty and ancient buildings, making so kind a shade In the truly named Place Verts before the great cathedral whose tower, 400 feet high, watches' the winding course of the river which ha* borne the keels of so many genera 1tlons. The Extent of Freedom ; "There’s one thing about freedom. . . . Each generation of people be> gins by thinking they’ve got it for the , first time in history, and ends by lining I sure the generation younger than i themse.ves have too much of It. f It I can’t really always have been Inereas- ■tog at the rate people suppose, qi thera would bo more of It by now,” —From "Told by an Idiot," by Rose Macaulay, Worth Considering We long for ideal relations and won* derful friendships, forgetting that ail relationships arc made by the people who enter into them. Suppose the per­ fect friend should appear—what would we have to offer to return for such a rare gift?—Exchange. Contents of Pacific The Pacific ocean covers CS,000,000 square miles, To put away its con­ tents it would be necessary |o fill a tank one mile long, one mile wide and one mile deep every day for 440 year#. Result of B*U*f ; It matters all to the world what A - man does really believe and so bold ps ; ; to bring It vitally home to bis mt* What he believes molds tom to spirit |and to Mfg,—Harvey D. KitcbeL j Choose Friendships Well 1 At the shadow to the early moralog, •/* friendship with tba wickad; It ’ dwindles hour by hour. But friendship :with the good increases, ilka tba *ve- jnltto shadows, till the sun of Ufa sets. 1—Herder, Christmas Slippers For The Man 98c T iffany’s GIFTS OF JEWELRY AT CHRISTMAS TIME IS THE GIFT SUPREME -*SJ * •# Old Pa Sauer and the Red Christmas Candle jjjk LD PA SAUER emerged from Ida i f f y little house, which wns more like a hermit’s cave, and looked out. There-was a crisp odor, of frost and. frozen things in the air. People hurrying along, the snowy sidewalks made a loud crunching noise. Auto­ mobiles decorated with little red wreaths and holly flaw past, whisking up snow and -dirt- Almost every win* flow had Its holly wreath. Gay, tin­ seled Christmas trees and lighted candles shone out from many. Down: the narrow street the tall church spire stood out to gray prominence. The chimes were playing t'Adeste FIdeles ” "Christmas, Christmas—yes, this is Christmas." The feeble old man shut the door again. Inside there was nothing to suggest the Yuletlde. There was only the usual dismalness. A large old chest stood .In one corner of the room; on the chest werer pUed a few pans, some dirty clothes and an old gun. Pa Sauer- removed all these things carefully, .opened the chest and took out a thick, red candle burned down almost to the end, This he lit and placed In the window. Its warm glow shone brightly In Jhls wrinkled old face, "Christmas! And. may praise be to God!’’—MarionR. Reagan 1 (®, ltri. We.t.ra New.pap.r Union.) G RAY FELT, PADDED SOLE* For The Lady FIVE COLORS A wrist Watch will please her. Priced $15,59 to" $75.09, Rectangular 16-jewel 25 year White Gold, $20,00 Gents' Gift Watches, so useful and attractive. Green or White Gold, $12,50 Up, Ladies’ Diamond Rings, set in new White Gold Mountings. A special price lot at $30.00 Blue White snappy f tones. Set Rings, an ideal inexpensive gift for man or ^manrWWte~Gold mountings, $3,50 .up. • * Pearls------Indestructable Pearls in velvet jewel cases $4,50 up, Green and White Gold as low as $1,50. Schaffer Pen and Pencil Sets ip gift boxes at $8.50 . , ----- AT COST . All our Colored Glass Ware, $9.50 Buffet Set with Tear Drop Candle Stick, $6. Fancy Imported Colored Glass Vases Values as high as $1:50. Choice 50c. ANNEX DEPARTMENT Rear o f Store Moser’s Tiffany Jewelry Store South Detroit Street, Xen ia , Oh io CHRISTMAS WISHES § HE most lmpomnt question in the wo: id Is only Impor­ tant if asked by the right .person* ■■■ ■ 1 The most important answer to the world la the right answer only If answered by the right person. But the most Important wish to the world Is -the- wish that those you meet, or to whom you send gifts or Christmas cards or Christmas letters, may have a merry Christinas* > And thto wtoh can be wished by anyone to anyone else with­ out losing any of its Importance and any of its glowing thrill.— Mary Graham Bonner, ((E), 1 » 14 , Western Newspaper Union.) I s ------- «cafatgg» . 1— A " Special Delivery?* . tor the Old Poetman -•j. LD BILL, the postman, was ncar- flr y tog home after hts day’s trudg- tog, trudging In the show deliv­ ering Christmas mall. So many letters for so many people—would there be one for him? He brushed the snow from his mall box and held his breath while he looked. No—there was none; and a great lump Came to hie throat Thirty, forty envelopes bearing Christ­ mas cheer he bad delivered at a single house, but not one letter greeted him at his own door on Christmas Eve. He entered the tiny house disconso­ late. It was so lonely there since "she” had died—and their only son was far away and had not even writ­ ten—no, not a single letter. BIU shuffled into the kitchen and sank Into a rocker near the stove* "Not one letter,” was Ills only thought, "and yet I deal to letters,” Just then the doorbell rang, nnd a "special delivery" was thrust Into Ids hands. With tears of Joy he tore It open and read. Hls son, his only son would be home on the "midnight” train.—H, Lucius Cook, (& OU , NsWapuper Union.) Giving o f Toys The origin of the custom of giving toys to children at Christmas has never been authentically traced, it is known that children of the early Egyptians- received toys ns gifts at Stated periods, during which their elders indulged in festivals of good will more than 2,000 years before the coming of Christ —George Newell Moran. Oh That Joyful Feeling When your Christmas Shopping is all over and you have money left.. Christmas Savings Club —solves the problem, and so easily too. Just start out with a small amount, and watch it gfow, with each week's deposit, until, lo and behold, when the next Christmas comes around, you are prepared, and |s§ you find it a keen pleasure to do your shopping for the loved ones. I Let Every Member of the Family Start Of course the older folks with larger amounts, and the children* say 25 cents a week, and the pleasure at next Christmas w ill be well worth the effort. k : SSS SS5, You may join any o f the following clubs—just come in and we will gladly explain it and start you off ■ss $ .2S per week in 50 weeks amounts to ______________ ^___$„12,5fi $ .50 per week in 50 weeks amounts t o _____ ______— — $ 23.00 S 1*00 per week in 50 weeks amounts t o --------—......— $ 50.00 $ 2.00 pes week in 50 weeks amounts to «-^—*^»~-$100.00 $ 5*00 per week in 50 weeks amounts to" ________ __$250.00 810,00 per week in 50 weeks amounts to -----------— .— — $500.00 .02 ine. per week in 50 weeks amounts^to -------- ..$25.50 .02 dee. per week in 50 weeksamounts t o -- ------- 25.50 .05 Inc* per week in 80 weeks amounts to 63.75 05. dee, per week in 50 weeks amounts to 63.75 .10 ine. per week in 50 weeksamounts, to _______ .:..~$127.50 10. dee. per week in 50 weeks amounts to $127*50 The Famous Auto Supply Co Tha Yellow Front § 1 W* Main, XanSa^Ohio Republic Pounded by Monk The republic of San Marino, the sec­ ond smallest Independent state to Eu­ rope, to said to have been founded by Marinas, a Dalmatian monk, some time In the Fourth century. Ban Marino has nelrer lost it# independence. . Polite « m > tJmal I "Is my wife forward1” asked a paa* ! senger on a liner* "She wasn’t to ms, |sir,” replied the deck hand. New Club Now Starting 6 Per Cent. On Time Deposits Home Building $k Savings Go. 4-6 North Detroit Street, Xenia Ohio S. B. LeSourd* Sedy o iiililillliiinillillliiHillllllllHlililllilillllllllillllilihiiiimiHIliUHBIllimUlillillHllllIlHMilfflmilHIfllHIHIlHIHliWttlWBM