The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26

S A L E , ! V w Codorv ifi* H i p i i l *DITO* * ^ SARLH BULL . Having rented my farm and intending to move I will sell at my farm on the Columbus pike one mile East o f CedarviUe and 5 miles West o f Selma, on Monday, December 22, 1924 Commencing at 12.00 M ., the following property: 2S0 Head of Hog 250 Weighing 80 to 150 lbs., an extra good bunch of feeders will be sold so that you can buy a car load; 4 fat sows; all hegs immuned. Entered at the Itaat-Oflfee* Coda* i grille, 0., October M, 1M7, m weowl ; daw autfer. j FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 AS TO PUNISHMENT 6 Head o f Cattle 6 * % 3 Jersey cows 2 to freshen soon. . 3 Heifer calves. 19 Head o f Sheep 19 19 Head o f Shrop ewe lambs and one Shrcp Buck. FARM TOOLS:—3 Single row corn plows, one disc, one hay tedder one hay rake, one steel roller, one wagon bed, good as new. 394TOG BOXES 8 Square Boxes on runners, one 8x16 box; the rest are all A boxes with floors; 4 feed boxes; 3 hog waters. 300 SHOCKS OF CORN TERMS MADE KNOWN ON DAY OF SALE MEAD & TITUS, Ancts. ROBERT ELDER,, Clerk Harry Townsley W(- -will hold a closing out sale on what is known sia the 0. L. Smith farm on the Upper River road, two miles East of Clifton and 3 1-3 miles South of Pitchin on Tuesday, December 23, 1924 Commencing at 10:00 A- M., Sharp, the following property: — HEAD OF HORSES — 10 -10 Consisting of 1 team of light hay horses, one geld- ding 5 years and 1 mare 5 years; 1 team of black mares, 5 years; 1 black gelding, 5 years; 1 sorrel mare, 9 years; lblack gelding, 3 years; 1 bay geld- ing, 3 years: 1 bay mare, 7 years. -HEAD OF CATTLE- Conslsting of 2 Jersey tows, 1 Red cow, 1 Red heifer and calf. 273----- -H E A D OF HOGS ---------- 273 ■ a Consisting of 100 head fat hogs weighing 200 lbs,; 40 weighing 150 lbs.;, 30 head of brood sows; 3 head of boars; about 100 head of pigs. 1 BLACK FACE BUCK FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 Tractor Gang plow, 3 bottom; disc harrow and cultipaeker; wooden narrow;' stoel harrow; 2 two- row com plows; 2 single row com plows; 1 one-horse cultivator; 1 double shovel plow; 1 single shovel plow; 1 sod plow, 1 McCormick mowing machine; 1 tedder and one hay rake; 1 McCormick hay loader; 200 feet of 7-8 inch hay rope and hay fork and pul- lies; 1 McCormick 8 ft. binder and canvass; 6 Troy wagons, 2 box hods and side boards; 3 hay ladders and one pair side boards for ladders; 1 McCormick feed grinder: 1 Transplanter and Corn planter and check wire; 2 new McCormick Manure Spreaders; 9 sides work harness; 30 hog boxes, one cattle feeder; 3 feeding sleds; 4 cil tanks and crude oil hog spray; 7 water hog tanka and 3 iron water tanks; 1 power auction pump; 7 other iron pitcher pumps; 2 Fair- banks%Morse gaa engines; 1-Ford truck; sundry tools forks, shovels and carpenter tools; Blacksmith tools and eguipmenff 1 John Deere corn she'ler. FEED-— 50 acres corn in cheek; 400 bushel oats; 15 tens t'.mr.thy bay in bam. and negligence that results in futilities by emphasing the sanc­ tity of human life. This might be effective with suicides and negligence, bu the belief that punishment is to be certain is the best deterrent of crime yet evolved. The tremendous excess of crimes in this country over older lands where crimes are better punished is an answer to those who say punishment has nothing to do with ft. The criminal mind has respect for only one thing in this world and that is punishment, that is force, and we should tighten our criminal proceedure and; elimi­ nate the red tape that makes pos­ sible for the murderer, hold-up man and the bootlegger to es­ cape punishment. c o l l f c t : n g t h e t o l l TERMS MADE KNOWN DAY OF SALE 0. i . Smith & W. J. Frame Wilbur Tuttle and Howard Smith, Clerks, Titus and Mead, Auets. am prices i D#Ubt|#fd, ' Men atop and look at every window n>!f of necktie* and choose the one# •hey Uke, whether they, buy or not. -I--' ......... . ....... ' Wert* Right # ***Taln’t so u«e o' »yl» *«*»<* early,' ” Mid Undo feben. “AH you kin aay sow 10 'work fMt.' " THE WORLD’S LARGEST VICTOR DEALERS CHR ISTM AS Phonograph Sale We have one carload of these beautiful Console Phonographs that we are going to offer at this low price for FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY. A Gift the whole family could enjoy. START PAYMENTS NEXT YEAR List: Auto <J Mrs, P, a . j l sick list this w| Cuibla Jh'{;i O, JL has puna rage and taker! repair work ail toed. The Postmaster General has suggests I an increase in rates of newspaper postage in particular, parcel post and other forms of mail matter rates other than the first class mail, that greater reve­ nues can be obtained to meet the demand for increased salaries a- mong postal clerks. We have no objection to mail clerks receiving additional salar­ ies but we register a protest a- gainst this move to make news­ papers the goat. I Everjr war activity was put bver by the aid o f newspapers. At the same time the rates of- news­ paper postage was increased each year for five years, and the high war time rate is still in effect to­ day. Just the other day the U. S. Senator demand for author­ ity to bring an editorial writer be­ fore the body to inform it as to an article appearing against the giving of Muscle Shoals away to a company for a nominal sum. With such acts as this, the un­ covering of graft in the Forbes trial; the corruption in the man­ agement o f the Federal prison at Atlanta; the creation o f useless boards and waste o f ’ government funds makes us think that the government collects enough mon­ ey in different forms, which i f it was handled properly would pay every mail clerk much more than what he now receives. No branch o f tlie government can consistently a?k for more rev­ enue and the press daily carry re­ ports o f continued exposure as to graft in government departments: POOR OLD HARRY Out in Chicago they are try­ ing to convict a man by the name of Forbes for graft in handling the work and funds for the care of disabled heroes of the World War. What has been reported irt the press brings to light just a sample of what the Daugherty Senate Investigating Committee found last spring. Here we find men testifying to forms o f graft and how it was planned to rob the World War veterans of a service the country considered itself proud in doing, But graft cut this service short, Money intended for the unfortu­ nate was going to politicians if the testimony can be relied upon, „ And the names, mentioned were in most instances the same as were smeared in the Senate in­ vestigation, It probably was just as well that the great Warren G. Harding passed over the Divide without knowing that his admin­ istration had been disgraced by crooked work on the part of his subordinates. There has not been a nasty, case uncovered in Wash­ ington yet that before it was aired bad poor old Harry’s name mixed ln k* Who knows but what War­ ren G. Harding's heart gave way under the load he was carrying? All this revelation may have something to do with a report in circulation that Jesse Smith may not have killed himself, Evidently this man had much information about crooked work,in govern­ ment affairs, A dead man tells no tales. And Jesse Smith was bear­ ing s great load for weeks before Ins death. Investigators were on the trail of grafters. Even War­ ren G. found it necessary to place detectives after some o f Ins own appointees that he once consider- : ed faithful and true friends, I . Harry, l i e knows, Offi­ cial Washington knows the guilty ones. OPEN TILL 9 P. M. GENUINE VICTROLAS Just think one through! And that’ Think present si] what joy.I ure it will or home <1 membrane! appropriail in the home Christmas inj 2 L24 Nor Our Stock of Genuine : Victrolas Is the. Largest in Xeni* Make Your Se­ lection Now for Xmas Morning Delivery PAY NEXT YEAR Victrolas Priced Front v t + Terms As Low as $1. Weekly GENUINE CONSOLE VICTROLA STYLE 215 Phono­ graph Outfit Com­ plete Gifts GIFTS froii come bqoaujj The great v; Shir Our gi ras, broade •neckband i Ties Kspeei nient of sn $3,50. All I , An Actual Photograph Of Complete Outfit PAY NEXT YEAR Arc v newest pa Scarfs, $2 til A inai soisette. <>i « , I nclettc; 11 N*e.w4.ntr.oon 19 S. Detroit St., Xenia, O. Pianos, Organs, Harp* Musical Instrument* Ihe MAI fet p n P I