The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26

l I t ” 'fj. It m . If I f "9 * COLUMBUSPIKE CONTRACTCOES TC LIMAMAN Six miles o f the Columbus pike in Madison county will be improved this summer bringing the now road to the Clark county line four* miles east of South Charleston, The estimate by the Highway Department was $145,- 921.41. The contract goes to Richard Stone o f Lima fo r $119,541.42 This will leave only the Clark county part o f the Columbus pike unimprov­ ed from Blockson’s bridge to a point four miles east o f South Charleston. "When the Madison county road is completed you can go fro u Cedarville to Boston, Mass., over Jhard road with the exception o f about six miles in Clark county. Before another year is past this stretch o f road will be im­ proved. MERCHANTS CONSIDER IDEA OF LEAVING LIGHTS BURN Since there have been several jobs at burglary about town with in the . past few months the merchants have advocated- that each place o f business leave at least one light burning in the store at night, A few have ’used this plan for several years and so far as we knew there never has been an at­ tempt to enter these places. When this kind o f work is going on the burglar does not leave th e light hum but works by flash light so that he-will not be noticed'by anyone who happens to be passing. Once the word gets out that the stores are all lighted during the night, suspicion would be aroused if a store was found dark. A s we hsye a night watchman Sat­ urday nights it would aid him in keep a line on the business houses.' Rep. Nick Longworth, who for fifteen years has battled to come out from under the handicap of being son-in-law of the famous T. R .r at last wins by his own abil­ ity and Is the new speaker of. the House in. the 56th Congress. . O. S. & S. O. HOME HEARING ENDED; NOW FOR REPORT UNKNOWN DEAD MAN MAY BE ONE SOUGHT BY RADIO. Last October an unknown man was found dead in he tramp room where he bad asked fo r lodging. A fter r search fo r relatives from an address found on his clothes little clue was According to advices from Column bus through the press, the famous 0, 8. & S. 0 , Home investigation has mded and no more testimony will be taken. The investigation was brought about as a result’ o f a communication to the Senate by Gov, Donahey, who had had certain sensational reports placed before him by Senator ( ? ) L. T, Marshall, who introduced the reso­ lution fo r the investigation. Hearings were held in Xenia and in Columbus, when employees were brought before the committee to sub- stantuate or disprove the reports. All that remains now is for the committee to report but from gossip in political circles this may never happen. It is intimated that the investigation fell flat as the charges Marshall tried to irove were without foundation - and muld not be backed up with his own .vitnesses, some o f whom refused to testify to his liking.- Supt. Garver charges that he gain­ ed the emnity of the county boss when he refused to dismiss several employ­ ees and permit him to name their successors. The investigation was secret and he Senate should demand a report of the ,Cp$jqj$ttee. - MapsbjllL’ refused -tyj* Massies Creek- cemetefy. Last Thursday when M. C. Nagley was a t his radio he picked up a broad cast message from Springfield, Mass A daughter o f the man 'had been searching more.than a year fo r hei father. The description corresponded with that o f the dead man and told of a 'p o ck e t book, containing a picture, which is held by Dr. Haines. From all that could be learned the man went under the name o f Edward Keenon, Effort has been made to reach rel­ atives. in Springfield. . . . puttee to the Home for a personal investigation- when the henrin •was held: in Xenia. Supt. Garver is a Republican and from surface? indications arid the ac­ tivity o f certain Democratic politicians In the county am effort was made to get. parver's place fo r a Democrat. DIEDERICH’S QUINTET TAKES NINESTRAIGHT The Cedarville College quintet fell in line with the traditions o f March, entering the precincts o f Dayton “ U” last Friday night like a lamb and coming out like a roaring lion over a 20-19 -victory. The victory was the biggest surprise the 'Dayton hoys have received this year, and gave sweet revenge to the followers o f the Orange and Blue for the defeat earlier in the season. The game was lost after the final gun was sounded, A foul called on Dayton a few seconds before the pistol report was shot by Townsley after the game had ended in a tie and he joined his teammates in a cheer that* will echo down the years o f Cedar- ville's Athletic history. The Dayton team led throughout the game;-the half ending 1-5 in-their favor.’ In the second period, after it locked like the game was gone, the Yellowjackets slowly overcome the Flyer’s lead, helped by Gordon, who dropped in three fouls to tie the score, and Townsley, who shot the final tally for the climax o f the season.. All during the first half and for the greater part of the second, the Cedar­ ville hunch played a. slow but careful' game, shooting only on rare occasions and taking the spirited rushes o f the Flyers’ in a matter-oflfact manner that, according to opinions from Day- ton was one o f the prettiest exhibi­ tions o f Basketball ever witnessed on their court. During the second half Rockhold and Bates also aided ija the unsuspect­ ed attack" that carried the Flyers o ff their feet, and put a bad taste in their mouts fo r their final collegiate game of the season. Incidentally, this makes the ninth straight win fo r Diederich’s men which is hardly wha,t you would call ah unsuccessful season. During the last few weeks -the Yellowjackets have vanquished Urbana, Spencerian, Cle­ veland; Babb's Winchesters, Brill* Bros., Willis Business College", Wilbur Wright, A. T .'O . Fraternity( Witten­ berg)* R io Grande, rind as a grand The 'Yellowjacket Reserves have a record o f lOt)0 per cent with four wins over, the strongest High School teamsin the county, which when coup­ led with the Varsity record is the di­ rect cause o f the smiles which Coach Diederich and the followers o f the Orange and Blue are wearing. Ohio News, Boil* Told by Tic DROPS DEAD Springfield.—Joseph; P. Springfield bank teller, while attending Lenten Christ Episcopal church * a , * * TEARS LIGAMENTS New Philadelphia!—F< director, Henry Pilcher director of the Citizens’ fell on the courthouse st] the ligaments of his left * * ♦ * DESPONDENT, 8UIC1DI Conneaut.—Despondem health and worried ovei lems; Edward J. Brown, pont, soutli of here, cOWi by hanging In his barn. * « • . St-fbTGUN KILLS Findlay.—Fred Klppj when a shotgun was aci charged while he was fence. He had been rows on his father’s fan * * <*> • ORATORICAL CONTE: Tiffin.—Women student Ohio colleges will compel State oratorical contest £< ing sponsored by Heidi slty, liere, May 1. • *• *U. *' SAME OLD STORY Toledo.—While exam! ver to Bee If It was li Bretch, 20, shot hlffis< forehead In the bedrobj here. He died while a attending him. • * *. pi STUDENTS WOULD D, Wooster.—Students a1 lege voted 450 to 253 in Ing the ban on danclhi Institution. Tiie matter, the faculty and later, the trustees of the colt WA8 PROMINENT BA Palhesvllle.—Fred Y. retary and general mai tzqns’ Savings & Loan cohnty recorder, died fo! eratlon. He also wds pi Pyle Investment & Lon! officer in several other! • # AIRPLANE AMBULAN' Dayton,—A new designed, by I. M. Down, Sharp, 69, iped dead iervices in - ire, RE-APPRAIS L BILL PASES THESENATE Grass on Lung S‘ COLUMBUS; OHIO. - OV. A, V. DONAHEY has just Is­ sued an ultimatum to Sheriff Chris Weaver of Akron to enforce the law or slund trial before him for re? moval from office. Several weeks ago, Sheriff Weaver conferred with the governor and It was reported that Gov. Donahey dl» , reeted him to "clean house” and to lire certain deputies who were said to over ill-- have violated the prohlblton laws, farm prob- o f P ier ler service ibley, 78, a tonal bank, >s and tore The ultimatum Is expected to bring to a head troubles within the sheriff's office, in which the ICu Kliix Klan Is declared to be implicated. * The report here Is that most of the appointees o f the sheriff’s office are . . Klan-controlled and the sheriff does w 1U, ai6’> hot feel at liberty to remove them, climbing a - » - ■ The governor’s message to Sheriff Weaver was brief and to the point. It concluded with: ' "I want to be fair with all public of­ ficials and rather than set a day at once for your trial for removal, I am giving you this one more chance and the only one you will get; and If you don’t gel busy In your county and give the people, the kind of administration they are entitled to by the enforce­ ment of all laws, you arq going to face me in a trial within thq next sixty days." The governor told Sheriff Weaver In his letter that he was not enforcing the prohibition laws, or the-laws regu­ lating the weight, of trucks, as the gov­ ernor had directed. v. The edict to the Akron man was as close as Gov. Donahey has come re­ cently to without actually serving no­ tice of the trial for removal. Itted suicide was killed noting spar? from eight In the first women, be-‘ >erg unlver?. mg a revel­ ed; Carlton rough the his home yBiclan was Jeannette English, 11 years old, or San Antonio, Tex., who has liv­ ed for four years with a blade of grass on her lung. Citizens sub­ scribed a thousand dollars • for at; operation-____________ ICE CREAM SOUGHT BY UPPER CLASSMEN; FRESHMAN WIN ICE booster col- jvor o f hav-’ tted at the tow goes to approved, to R- ■! 66, sec*! of the Clt-i and rio NIGHT RAIDS ILLEGAL A MAN’S home cannot he entered ' forcibly at night for the purpose of search for liquor by dry raid­ ing officers- unless the warrant sped- former1 hcally stales that the search may he Irig ah op-j made at night and by forcible means. dent of the| o. and On icerns. . The'state supreme court made this decision in affirming the court o f ap­ peals of Harrison county in ordering a retrial of Frank Marcehlk, who- had been convicted of manslaughter in killing two raiders of New Athens, Bel- ^ . 1 njorit county, while a posse was at- M tempting to search his home. W Marcenlk hadbeeh indicted- for-iiret aicCiOO . ltuirder for killing John Dean, i abttlance,’ S. & S- O. HOME TRUSTEES ARE NAMED BY GOVERNOR Goy. Donahey has appointed two' new members o f the 0 . S. & S. 0. Home: -Miss E. Jane Bailey, Wapa- koneta, a Democrat and Mayor Bel) G. Allen, Republican o f Washington C. H. The terms o f Frak Allen, fath­ er o f Rell Allen, and Otho Noble of Columbus, have expired. Gdv. Donahey also has named Capt. W. S. Thoriias, Republican; Columbus, Harry C» Smith, Republican, Cleveland and Dr, Joseph L. Johnson, Democrat, Columbus, as members of the Normal and Industrial School at Wilberforce. THREE NEW MEMBERS "FOR LYCEUM COMMITTEE Cedarville Bates} f Nagley, f. B; 1 1 F 1? 2 .Mf. 0 1 Pts. 3 .4- ,( Rockhold, c. 2 0 1 4 The final number o f the Lyceum Taylor, g. 1 0 1 2 Course was —held Monday evening Townsley, g. 1 1 1. 3 •vhen Mr. Glenn L, Morris entertained Orr, f. 0 1 2 1 with the mysteries Of eleqtricity. The Gordon, f. 0 '3 6 3 entertainment was novel ani -instruc- U. o f Dayton . B. F. Mf. Pts. tive, especially to the younger folks. Snclling, f 3 0 0 6 Chairman W. W. Galloway announ- McGarry, f. 1 0 0 2 :ed the result o f the recent election J. Blake, c. 2 1 0 fi and Mayor IL G. FunSett, Prpf. M. DeBosis, g. 6 0 0 0 L. Frazer, and Prof. C. E . Oxley will Hipa, g. 1 0 1 2 succeed Mr, .Gallowey, ‘Lloyd Confarr Mahrt, g. 2 0 0 4 md Laclede Markle. McDonall, g. 2 0 0 4 Mr. Confarr as treasurer read the Doyle, g. 10 0 0 0 financial report showing receipts and Time o f halves 20 minutes. . disbursements. The committee has a Referee—Floot. Field or, received Its trial flight at Field. It embodies all late improve- deputy marshal of New Athens,. but merits fo r Ships o f its type. One of. th<J jnry found J(lm t0 be gullty Df tkeunost important points is its pi ; manslaughter. Marcenik appealed ,to the court ‘of appeals, which reversed, and remanded the case fo r new trial. The state sought to have the Pu* pi-erne court overrule the court o£ ap­ peals and sustain Marcenlk’s convic­ tion, but the supreme 'court ,said the court- of appeals was right, inasmuch as the search warrant under which the officers were attempting to search Marcenlk’s home did not specify that the search could be made at night and by forcible means, whlqh was .used, landing speed,. CLERK MAKES GOOD Ironton.—State /examiners here,' made a finding of $5,600 against O. L.; Corn, "Republican clerk of courts, claiming that there wns a discrepancy, of this amount In his accounts, Mr/ Cqrn at once made good the full, amount, and In a statement explained, that the shortage covered the Interest? on money deposied in a local bank. * * * * CAPTURED BY POSSE Bellfontalae.—Shot in a fight with a; sheriff’s posse which captured hi™ and) his brother after a siege J)f their home; at Rushsylvania, near here, Roy Wren, 40, died In a hospital here. The broth-; . - , „ era had resisted arrest on charges of* both houses and will now go to the lunacy and had barricaded themselves- governor. in. their home, flourishing their shot-; That the gubernatorial veto will bo guns and threatening anyone who1 placod upon it is the general opinion came near. in legislative circles. The bill Is a The upper classmen at the college had an'eventful night Tuesday when the Freshmen Showed them how to .hold a spread and preserve the ice cream, which was eagerly sought by the "uppers". The Nagley hall ha'd been provided for the event and all went well until the task o f landing the ice cream was attempted. Then came the rush and from reports-it was noj) only a -case numbers .in the combat but the best man had to win. The ice cream reached its destina­ tion but not -until-it reached the roof of the building and was lowered by a rope to a second story window. The night was rainy but that made no dif­ ference though a bucket o f water from an .upper window landed on some of the Seniors. This was a challenge o f war. Harold Iliff, Erie, Pa., was pick­ ed as the guilty one an?" his scalp was sought.. In the chase the victim was landed at the creek east of town, the “ flax" and here Harold was given the opportunity of taking a bath by be­ ing cast into the stream o r ,plunging o f his own accords Before a decision could hardly be m'ade he dove head­ first into the cold .water, rather than give his avengers, the opportunity o f making good their promise,. . The Freshmen make claims to all. contests' o ft h e 'e v in in g n T fe aifem jii to break up the spread. The coveted prize was the. ice cream—which the upper classmen failed to land. - It later developed that young Iliff did not throw the water," as fo r the upper classman, it made no difference, someone had to pay the price. COMMUNITY MEETINGS FOR -FARM BUREAU DRIVE REAPPRAISAL BILL O! K.’D T HE seriate passed the McDonald re­ appraisal bill. It calls for reap­ praisal of all real estate In Ohio every six years. It has now passed WOULD SEIZE PIANOS Youngstown^—Following an oral part of the taxation program of the Republican majority of the legislature, which was recently disapproved by the TILTON’ S ATHLETIC CLUB O r g a n i z e d f o r s p o r t s F. E. Tilton, Xenia, clothier, heads an athletic club, recently organized, bearing the name o f "Tilton's Ath­ letic Club.” The dub is organized to promote all sports and different teams will be formed. Ancil Stephens is president; Roy Bales, first vice president; Dr. Wilbur Zell, second vice president; Philip .Buck, secretary -treasurer and F, E. Tilton, business manager. balance o f .$116 fo r the coming year. The committee this year faced an unusual task in putting on a program. Realizing that economic conditions were not the best the committee pro­ vided a course at a cost that could be met under that Condition. The course has pleased the patrons and the finan­ cial statement shows that things did not turn out so bad. The winter lyceum course is a permenant institution with local people. ROOSEVELT PARK TO HAVE WORLD’S LARGEST ORGAN COUNTY TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD SATURDAY The Roosevelt Memorial Park As­ sociation will install a Wurlitzer or­ gan in Roosevelt Memorial Park in Los Angeles, Cal, The organ will be the largest in the world. It required 12 freight cars to transport this in­ strument. The organ has about 300 miles o f electric wiring; .15,000 elec trie connections to the console. The largest pipe is 32 feet long and 40 in­ ches square and weighs more than f half ton. The smallest pipe is three fourts o f an inch long and weighs just one-half ounce. The organ will cost $150,00 installed, Some years ago the late President Roosevelt heard a Wurlitzer organ when the "Rosary” was played, de­ clared that if, everybody could hear such as it each day, the world would be a better place to live in. The as­ sociation - now plans to have this or­ gan played each evening at sunset and fo r a radius o f five miles the strains o f "The Rosary" will be heard and it will be broadcasted by radio. The eleventh annual county basket ball tournament will be held under the auspices o f Antibch College at Yellow Springs, Saturday, March 14. There are ten boys' teams and eight girls’ teams entered in the meet. Four silver loving cups will be pre­ sented the winner .and runner up in both the boys and girls divisions, at the conclusion o f the tournament, The cups are permanent this year, and will be retained by the winners to perpet­ uate the memory o f the championship teams. opinion that spell procedure Is legal: chief executive County Treasurer Frank Vogan an-, The program of which the McDonald, bounced lie Is preparing to seize pi- bill is one, is made up o ta total of five anos, automobiles and!1other goods of; bills. 'The McDonald bill U the on y delinquent personal- property taxpay-, one to reach the senate thus far, erS. Deputies with trucks will start?! • ♦ * * ♦ the seizures immediately upon receipt of a written opinion, which Vogan re­ quested of Prosecutor Thomas. * » • .* SEES BETTER TIME8 Youngstown.—-More stable conditions than for some time are predicted by j James A. Campbell, president of the; WOULD FORCE PERMITS P ROHIBITION of public dancing, roll­ er skating and light entertainment without permits in cities, towns and counties is provided for »in a bill passed In the upper house, It is provided that in order to oper- thht ate such amusement houses, Uoungstown Sheet and Tube Com- j permit he secured front the mayor or pany, in his annual statement. “A ll if outside of incorporations, from the The Greene County Farm Bureau is engaged in a campaign for member ship and community meetings are be­ ing held over the county to arouse in­ terest in this work. Dr. >W. R. McChes ney was the speaker fo r a meeting at Yellow iSprings- Tuesday night. Prof. Talcott has Organized a double quar­ tette to provide music. A meeting was held last night in the school building with a covered dish supper that brought out a good crowd. Depew Head was the speaker of the evening with a talk by Prof. C. E. Oxley. Music was furnished by the M. E. orchestra. The committee in charge consisted o f: Mrs. E. E Finney, Mrs. Will Arthur, Mrs. H. S. Bailey, Mrs. Meryl Stormont and Mrs. Frank Engle. A similar meeting was held at the Ross township centralized school with a supper. E. C. Anstaett will give the address. Three musical features were a coronet solo by Mrs. Carl McDor- man and a piano solo and violin duet jy Mrs. J. 0 . McDoman and Taylor Carpenter. TWOBOBERIES THURSDAYNIGHT; SAFE STOLEN Two burglaries in one night is an unusual record fo r Cedarville, Five dollai'3 was about the net gain fo r all the trouble so far as can be determin­ ed? - Burglars entered the offeie o f the Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. south of the railroad last Thursday night and made away with a safe that be­ longed to J, E. Hastings?'wool buyer, who had office quarters in the build­ ing. ~ Entrance obtained by a window and the door opened and the safe hauled away. It contained a number o f pa­ pers belonging to Mr, Hastings, but nothing of Value to anyone else. When the discovery was made Sheriff Morris Sharp was called and-an .investigation started that resulted in the safe be­ ing located on the lower River road near Clifton, It had been blown or battered until entrance was made. The contents were somewhat disturbed but nothing taken. Mr. Hastings stat­ ed that part o f the papers were taken out of a safe that had been blown a few years ago but found later on the floor. v t Ritenour’s Exchange, was also en­ tered some time that night and the cash register and a check protecting machine were appropriated. In -the cash register was about $5 in change. Entrance was made by a window. The glass in the door was broken out but it was not unlocked. The men en­ tered by crawling in over the lower sash. Later in the day the register and check protector were found near Mr, E, L.. Stormont’s residence on the Wilmington road. , The register was badly used and the bottom broken out, It is thought that amateurs put on this job fo r a iriere- touen o f a button would have released a spring and the drawer opened in­ stantly. Whether the same persons who put oti the Ritenour job worked the Hast­ ings safe is not known as no clue has- been found.- Mr. Ritenour states that about ten oclock Thursday evening just as Re years and opening, the dbor asked i f jie could purchase tobacco. When inform­ ed not, he entei’ed the machine and drove, away. Mr. Ritenour says that the fellow was. accompanied by anoth­ er in the auto and that {at the tin e he was Suspicious and did ‘ not like the expression in the fellow’s face. He is * positive he could idehtify. him. A few days pi’evious the C. M? Spen cer restaurant was robbed o f a quan­ tity o f merchandise and electric hair clippers. I MISS SHAFFER RESIGNS AS RED CROSS SECRETARY IN COUNTY Miss Louise B. .Shaffer, executive . secretary o f the Greene County chap­ ter o f the American Red Cross, for. the past five and one half years, was quite a surprise to the people o f the county. Miss Shaffer has been a faith ful worker for this cause and she had* Set a high precedent fo r her successor. The resignation becomes effective on April I. The board has chosen Mrs. Sara H. Roberson, Logan, who has been engaged in the same work in her county; CLARK COUNTY FARMERS ORGANIZE FOR PROTECTION So numerous have been thefts o f chickens, live stock and feed among Clark county farmers "the past year, it has become necessary for an organ ization and last Saturday the Clark County Protective Association was organized and officers chosen, There will be township units and Calls will be answered promptly. The county commissioners will be asked to have a standing reward o f $25 to any person responsible fo r the •arrest and Conviction o f any rural thief. {&ii2E James Barton of Fort-Godgd Dw Molnw, been tnade adjutant of the National Amariean L**3on. An effort is being wade to make the appointment for his lifetime. SIGN IN RESTAURANT AT ALBANY, ALABAMA "W e have an agreement with the bank. We wili cash no cheeks, The bank will servo no meals," COLORED PYTHIAN8 WILL ERECT HOME FOR AGED The Grand Lodge, Colored, Knights o f Pythias, which bought the Mangntt farm on the Jamestown pike east o f Xenia, have received" bids for con­ verting the buildings into a suitable home fo r aged members.,The estlmat- led coat o f the improvements is $12,000 indications point to more stable con-: dltions during the next four years, than have existed for some time, and: the prospect, for business over that; period is favorable,” the statement says, ‘ * e * * i SAVE PAY ROLL Columbus.—Timidity of a would-bej robber who depended upon his revol­ ver and a bottle of acid to bring him. a payroll of $6,000 brought him fall-? ure, John .T. SUny and A. J. Yahn,, guarding the payroll on its way from; the bank to the MorOhouSe Martens. Company are nursing add burns on! their faces and necks. The robber} threw the acid ns he jumped from ba*i hind a building. Tito guards dung toj the cash and the robber took flight. * * * * • MAYORS PARTICIPATE Mansfield.—-The new $185,000 cltyj municipal building was dedicated here>j Crowds filled the new structure during, the public reception, which was fol*> lowed by a banquet. Mayors of eleven Ohio cities partidpateil, * * • i REFORMATORY CROWDED Mansfield.—Because of crowded con­ dition in the Ohio reformatory here, many, of the small ceils ate being oc­ cupied by two men and the main din­ ing room is being used for diapel ser­ vices. For Sale; Oats for seed or feed. John Pitstick probate judge. Senator Algler of Huron county, au­ thor of the bill, in a statement issued said that such a measure Is necessary because of the laxity that prevails In many wayside dance halls throughout the state. * * * * PXS8 FARNSWORTH BILL T HE house passed the Farnsworth bill providing for a franchise tax bn foreign corporations equal to tho tnx paid domestic corporations, was passed as an emergency measure. The vote was 112 fo r the bill and 2 against. i The measure takes the "place of'the old foreign franchise fee law declared unconstitutional recently by the Unit- ed States supreme court, and which had turned approximately $1,000,000 in foreign franchise revenues into th« statu treasury'annually, KESTER ENTERS GUILTY PLEA; CLAIMS TUBERCULAR Ralph Kester, Xenia, formerly pro prietor o f a pool room here, clmrgec with distributing obscene literature among Xenia school children, has en­ tered a pica o f guilty through his at­ torney, Frank L. Johnson. At the same time the plea is entered that be is spffcrer* front tuberculosis. Judge R- I,, Gowdy has named Dr. B, R. McClel len to make a physical examination and report to court, CONGRESSMAN b r a n d s h o u l d SEE WHAT INDIANA DID Indiana is one o f the thirty-seven states in the Union that has a gaso­ line tax for road up keep. This last week the legislature in that state in creased the tax from two to three cents a gallon' fo r road improvement. The motorists did not object fo r tho reason tho fund means more improved roads. Ohio is trying to get a two cent bill through tho legislature. It has the endorsement o f the Grange and the Farm Bureau, The automobile clubs will favor it i f the license tax is reduced. The bill has passed the House and the Senate, but through the latter branch with amendments that means a conference committee to settle disputed points. Some time ago word Went out that Congressman Charles Brand hai. left his duties in Washington, I), C. to eppose the two cent gas bill in the legislature. The author of the hill is from Mr. Brand's county, (TmmpAign While tho Congressman's coming was announce with a Wave o f trumpets hut his departure ^well no one knew os actly how or when he left* A t any rate the dust and mud advocate nas issued no further statements again the gas tax, . Gutzon Barging AnteriOan sculptoi, employed to carve $ gnat Confederate Memorial on warn* Mountain, Atlanta, Ga.,‘ haa been' discharged by the committee. Ha? I* charged with dtcMbk ta&fehb a h w ... ........ 3 -4 >•? i : t ..*v. •» •■*»**«?»