The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26
— ■ 'i'l'HiMHI '>il I «»H'h- -WS0VM r C. N. Stuckey & Son I V Aj R iilcr&ff. A llLtl HULL EDITOR We have taken ever a full line? of McCormickPeering Implements and Repairs J. I. Case Line of Implements. Ohio Rake Company Implements. We have John Deere In plements and Repairs on hand. * # In fact we are in a position to furnish you any thing you want, - Entered at the Poet-Office, ville, 0 ., October 31, 1887, a* class matter. Cedar- second The only argument advanced favor- I'TUDAY, MAIICH 20, 102.",. THE ISLE OF PILE TREATY slirST RECEIVED A CAR OF WIRE FENCE; FENCE POSTS; BARB WIRE; DRAIN TILE; GET OUR PRICES, If in need of implements or Repairs of any kind see C. N. Stuckey & Son ■OBI S P E C IA L S A L E 10 Days, Starting Thuasday, March 19th NISLEY', through the application of his scientific merchan dising principles, has astounded the whole nation. In many cities, people by tens of thousands are enjoying the benefits that' are" accruing* from his advanced policies of merchandise control, quantity buying and perfect distribution. Now Nisley is bringing these benefits to. the- fanner as well |through similar operations"with one of the recognized leaders' in the rubber footwear industry------ THE HOOD RUBBER CO,. The. boots and the price in this safe speak for themselves. Hood’s Red Tread Black ■J. ; •■ . . . Knee Boots \ Wonderful Valii * at tliis price Made entirely of high quality stocks All Sizes Three height * Tops The Isle o f Pine treaty that has occupied the attention o f the Senate, when that body was not holding up tiie President’s appointments or in creasing salaries, has caused a divi sion between Senators Fens and Wil lis that caused a local citizen to ask us the other day what it was all about. The Isle o f Pines lies near Cuba and is nature’s garden where the citrus fruits just grow with out harm from the elements or from infections of any kind. When Cuba was given her freedom this country stood protector- were sent here without any tariff or ate over this Island and all products duty. Hundreds of Ohioans as well as citizens over this country invested in that country. The question of the new treaty is now up. Shall the Isle he regarded as part of this country or Cuba,. The Florida and California citrus growers want Cuba to have the Isle as this would keep out thousands of cases of oranges, pine apples, grapefruit and other citrus products and make the prices higher fo r products grown in California and Florida. The citizens that have holdings in that country-want these fruits to be admitted free and the Isle to be a part of this country. Senator Willis is against a "treaty favoring the citrus growers of Cali fornia and Florida and is standing by hundreds o f Ohioans who have in vested their money in that country. Senator Fees is on the other side irk favor of a tariff' for these fruits to the advantage o f Florida and Cali fornia. Both in the past have been advocates o f a high protective tariff. The issue is still unsettled in Senate and is attracting much attention.. We believe it was President Mc Kinley, who said in his last speech previous to' his death, .that the idea of protective tariff was to protect our now industries against foreign com petition until they could grow and be come strong enough to protect them- e’ves. The tariff was never to he used to exploit the people.. The citrus organization wants the* toriff row we feel for .exploitation uupesos a?, the organization is no .•caning great profits • from home ■Town products. The tariff should be a fixed princi pal in this Country on a scientific ba ds such ns President Coolfdgo has at trnea suggested. With this done, and die selfish purpose removed, such a -opdition as the present controversy,. ipuid be avoided. . ing the bill is that the poor man will have a chance while under* the present law none but the waaltby can become candidates. This argument creates a laugh to tlmce who know-how organization pol itic.; in conducted, the man with the most money will get the city delega tions. This vote can be delivered and the purchaser will lx; guaranteed re turn for ins investment. Should the hill pass both houses it is certain that Governor Donahey will veto it. It is not even intimated that it can he passed over the Veto. Lieutenant Gov; Lewis is quoted as opposed to the measure as it stands. Coughs Always Dangerous— Quick Way to Step Them Claimed Prophetic Gift Joanna. Snutlwote a dornit-fie ser. vant, aroused oil England about 1814, with her pretended .supernatural gifts and her claim to he the w»yian men tioned in Apocalypse, chapter lit gained over 100,OW followers. Hi* Name in Pull Summoned at Burton, a man -toted that hla name was Bertram AWL Wei- tonne Montague Thomas WiJlfara Henry Lawrence Stupiiuaduko Simp son Hudson.—London Tit-Bits, { *:o V.'d I a Chronic coughs and chest colds often lead to more ceriou3 trouble. Hot only jo the infer tion ikc-lf dangerous, but the rcr.tin'jal couriiiBr? opens day and night coweakenyour enuretyaiemthatyoucunno ls:'.gcrl;;;hti:Udir?ase. _ . So stop a cough tas quickestyou can. rodo is untiling bitter than that Ola-time Irisd and 'rreved m rtoy-D r. Ijtfi’oFiae-lar Honey. D ock rasay tbei a is nothing lute pine- tar extract,to quicklyloosen and remove the plile-m and c ww-tr-n which are tlio direct KNEE BOOTS Made with the Famous Red Tread—-that d *«5 A E! tough strip of Rubber across the sole. . ..«P«5o4rO Storm King Boots ...$4,45 HIP BOOTS Coming well up over the knee, this boot gives splendid pro:ection and service. For rugged service*—completely covering the entire leg, A wonderful boot for. ' <t*y« Q p deep wading ........... ................. , . E V E R / PAIR MADE WITH THE TOUGH RED RUBBER SOLE STRIP NISLEY Springfield, IN THE ARCADE Ohio HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The experiment in operating a school lunch fo r a short period this year hr-s proven a .decided success. There has >cen constant increase in the number o f pupils who desired the lunch. The foods have been sold to the pupils at a price which barely covered the cost of the materials used. The cooking has been cared for from the funds raised from the sale o f Red Cross Christmas Seals, Our sale in this line did r ot net us quite as much nuwmy as we hoped it yvould but it has served to (imnee the experiment, As the fund is now exhausted the lunches'will be lisrontinued at the end of the present week. We shall hope to begin the lunches early next year" and continue them for a much longer period, We shall also hope that tables may be provided fo r the pupils next year. This will make the lunch hour much more '.pleasant, Fro'f. Talcott. began testing the- boy’s voices last week to see *who is capable of singing in the choir at the Bacca laureate services this spring. Last week he tested the “ dignified” Senior boys' voices and' this week he began on the Juniors. The little boys' are rather timid and shy about showing how well'they can sing and will need a. little coaxing, hut Prof. Talcott says that, he knows he can get*enough girls to sing if the boys will only do their part. * As a result-of .very, hard work last week the Junior History Class is hav ing sishort vacation. Mi*. W, W. Gal loway talked'to'them Tuesday, show ing pictures o f France. Everyone was glad to have, the vacation, however short. - During the basket ball season phys ical training was discontinued for lack of time. But the season clos toe off with the Antioch tournament last Saturday and the "Gym” clauses will again resume their work. THE PRIMARY LAW The proposed change in the primary !aw is for no good purpose. That much can he said. It is known v, no intro duced the bill in the Senate but the real author of the bill will not be ■liven out publically. The big city bosses want to emas culate the present law so that nomi nations can bo dictated. The four big ■ounties containing Cleveland, Cin cinnati Toledo and Columbus will un der the proposed change have 800 del egates while the rest of the state is to haye about 1,000, Of the 1,800 del- ■ «f- egates fully fifty per cent from the niral counties will not care to invest car fpre and expenses for two days in Columbus, and will not attend. The professional politician knows this and to be able to dictate nominations it i ! proposed to have the preprimary ecetr.salir.o;lr,; . „ But ba pure you get the canuino Dr.Be'.l a JPinw-TarHoney, and no sutotitute. Ur. Bell a i l . . m n „ •*-.*» l-.n tirm n n ri ri'lrj h n A n Jit,:-*Jill *J.UUV/J«**v»iMO-wumwiv **'-*• « is the pine-tar honey and has been known fur own a quarter of a century as the' beet. It ia f.cirr.titicaiiycompounded eijesttlie yir.htproportionsof pine-tar, honey and other :.i. nni..,M bnnlimn inwrodirnto ivnirn Inn riuch-acisufT. henlir.r; msrediinto which the best doctors have foundto aid in quick relief. Contains ne opiates or other harmful drugs, . . . A tm n t a «:/\ itn n /*n » lr ir o t * * iflU trCuM UiiUUUtfiMVit-Vl y.viiV* ;ocanbc Giveneven to vounc chuareti’-iine r. . ___7.i;.. InA Hucr n. b'/uuiuu KivvHun'ii wYtoi *. : ; forr.nasmedic croup. Ifyou want the best, a medicine tlietoftenrelievectheseverestcouqh overnight, make sure you get Dr, Beil s. Only ffJc at all good'druESisto ____^ ■ gSB8.BiB.ITS (94X rum a& i P I H E W H O N E t v. convention that will cost the state a- hout a half million dollars. While- the bosses from the liberal cities will control 800 delegates that will have free transportation, free hotel bills, etc., an easy working ma jority can be gathered from Mont gomery, Summit, Mahoning, with their liberal cities o f Dayton, Akron aid Youngstown, all having a large foreign born population. There is much at stake in this bill and the people who have been respon sible for certain reforms will awake to find themselves outranked if the ■' Attendance at. school is one point that the educational system all over Ale state o f Ohio has been emphasiz ing this year- In 'the early part of this j'car our own public school has iot placed much sfress on this phase of activity. But beginning this week >ve are starting a new idea that we arc hoping will arouse some enthus iasm. and some competition, A half holiday will be granted on the Fri day following each month to any and ■very,- class or grade which maintains standard pf 98 per cent or above, .hrougholit the proceeding month. One week of March has already gone ‘. y so only three weeks will be con sidered this time, We earnestly solicit the co-operation o f the parents and wc are all hoping that the teachers will not have much work to do on a certain Friday in the near future. The Salrmagundi Literary Society will give the following program Fri day, March 20th a t 2 p, m.: Play—“ Uncle Zcke’s Opinion”— Robert Wilson, Edith Ilarblson, Wal ter Finney, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Greer McAllister, Robert Horney. Martha Waddle; piano solo, Eva Black, musical recitation. Nelson Clark, recitation. Leo Reed, violin solo. Isabel Smith, essay on French Rev olution. Jennie Smith, Impersonation, Edith Wigal, reading. Albert Wigal, Malcolm Finney, dialogue. Wilda Auld, Donna Ford, Jeanette Tdylor, Eleanor Finney, debate. - Education*$ Impre** The force of education is so great , , . , that we may mold the minds and man- proposed primary bill ever become., a t nprs ()f the young Into what shape we *tov' , . ! please and give them the impressions The strength shown for the Bible * of such habits as shall ever after re law has sent terror into the liberal main. HOTEL ST. JAMES _ JIM**SQMM, J m U J BrttrfwiyMlH-HS WttMSti HEWf0)% Mvdk Favored by Women' Traveling-without Escort A n H o t e l o f w ».,„7t having the' atmoiphere and quiet dignity, jft t or a well con- Mpotatmmu f* a tte n d heymyf principal shops «nd dturchei,^ to 5 *8 subways, i , ? oAr*, b t i mom ., H m Wm tt4 U m «FMl S n fh lW i - *1.00 *150 UM DeuU* - 400 430 LOO itt> w .J ohnion Q uinn GETmm PRICESONSALEBILLS organizaiicnn. With the right kind o f men nominated for governor on the ‘ major tickets the lihcrahi can feel safe. The power invested in n gover- ‘ nor to remove mayors and sheriffs, an the exercise e f it h.:s brought Hie liberal leaders to seek another wav to heat the law without trying to re r peal what wc now have. r j -1 stir up public sentiment. The Bible- bill has brought those who operate Lr.r’.ay amupcmenla to protect them; elves and the city b u . v . m i l to htrp this clement o f strength. With a governor not in sympathy with pre^nt day demands the liberal element can le secure and know that local officials will not fall victim to the demands of a governor. It might be interesting tc tome to know that a number o f memheTs iff the present state legislature 'ff en<* time considered as being the proper ones to introduce this bill. It was first decided that tio city member could be considered. To fool the people those in charge decided on a rural member and the bill was prepared and intro duced. more a century successful service in American home. V oir *Nearest DealerCax» ties: Pe-ru-itn. 'i v.Uet# o r Liqu id i N O T I C E ! Breeding Harness ner set $16.50 up. Chain Harness per set §32.09 UP Good leather collars 80.25. Hand Made Bridles 80.50 pr. Heavy Hand Made lines, 18 ft. 86.50. Red Rout* halters .25 ets. each, Collar Pads, all sizes, ,50c each- WE MAKE HARNESS----------WE REPAIR WE OIL HARNESS.-----WE GIVE SERVICE O. W. EVERHART 118 East Main St. Xenia, Ohio Wilki C IN C IN N A T I 'S Beautiful Parks ■ ' . AND and ( a fm w ( o . ■ ■ ' ARE -’ Blossoming with Signs s f Spring . o4ll outdoors is assuming Spring garb —a suggestion that we, too, must begin thinking of Spring apparel. / OPTO) Goo <• Joh. ( Bla . f. We : - FEIN This good store is ready" to meet the needs of men, women end children, Tho most* approved and reliable fash ions in the clothes that every member of the family will like, as well as every dress accessory, including shoes, milli nery, gloves, hosiery, neckwear, toilet requisites men’s and boy’s hate. • T o w e r in E d en -P a r k Cinciim-ati, O h io tio Phone c>4. visit to our parksjust now will ba most interesting- Our store also Is attractive. Welcome—visit us when you are in the city. . ..i m, Fountain Square CINCINNATI Fifth and Vina -“ "N If you are interested in an easy way to own a Ford now—or at some future date—see the nearest Au thorized Ford Dealer for facts regarding a c o n v e n ient plan o f p a y m e n t , o r "write us direct) Mac Quk Pea Floi CAKE, ( each POUND Plaih DOLLY Large BREAD 1 1- CRAC Butte DATE^ Stuift STEW I lb. 4 Ford Motor N. ■ Dvttoll, : **|*5*P fu ll E>plb ul^va rcBJivdlnB y o u ¥ M a y j plurt t o t owtilm; an hutomukr'.fe, i ! « T ow n . . ......................... g IT IS EA SY TO OWN A CAR THROUGH THIS PLAN ! Hatched In our machine IM TH N* T1 •AM \
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