The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26

We Have the Easter Hat All that is good in Millinery, Good Millipery that you will like at a moderate price. Jones 110 East High St., SPRINGFIELD, - OHIO Good im p lem en ts M ake a Good F arm B e tte r *J\. . .. . , John Deere Planters and 'Cultivators. Superior Planters, Buckeye Cultivators. Black Hawk and Ne 7 Idea Spreaders. ^ Hanna’s Green Seal Paint. Nesco Oil Stoves, Livingston Seeds. - HARDWARE-FENCE—FEED Cedaryille Farmers’ Grain Company Everything for the Farm Phone 21 ' Cedarvi lie, Ohio Invest Your Savings Where They are Safe Invest them in a Building end Loan As­ sociation that earns a fair but sure re­ turn . ; \ We will be glad to show you every detail of our plan. CALL AND SEE THEM . The Gedarville Building &Loan Association CEDARVILLE, OHIO. HOTEL ST. JAMES V b WSQOAM,Jwt IH-11JW«t «A UttiL MWt 0&' Mittfc Feroried_by Wo»ea>TriTdifcgfwiwoit^ AtTHotd of quiet dignity, Jmvfcg the*tmo»ph«re and well con' res red principal < h to tth * 0 to 5 Lwifc', subway*.'L? jtmcaem, butBow.. m M m m 4CoUW m * Uni«ttab S ^ IW m * ttM WO DwW« - . MO -WO M i K mm . P.M UJO WOO * too iso #00 Co teMtetott* VAJOMNKNOUHH SuidavSchool ’ Lesson ’ <*y RBV. P, B. FlTZWAffcR, D.D.. Dean of th» Xvtrm* S'-'houi, Mosrty In- atltuta of Chicago.) (ft', IMS. Woatarn Newspaper Colon.) Lesson for April 5 THE BLESSINGS OF PENTECOST LESSON TEXT—Acts 8. . GOLDEN TEXT.—"Tiepent and be bap- ttied every one of you In tho name of Christ- for the remission of ••ns, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy about."—Acts 2:28. PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesua M:ikes Peo­ ple Glad. JUNIOR TOPIC—What Happened on the Day of Pentecost. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIORTOP­ IC—The Story of Pentecost. YOUNG PEOPLE. AND ADULT TOP­ IC—The Holy Spirit In the Church., I. The Day of Pentecost Fully Come ( vt . 1-13), 1. Significance of the Day (v, 1), Pentecost Is from a Greek word meaning fifty. It Was llie feast held fifty days after the wave sheaf offer- la g (Lev. 23:16). The wave sheaf typifies the resurrection of Christ (J Cor. 15:20-28). 2, The Gift—Holy Spirit (vv. 2-4). On this day the Holy Splrlt descend- ed upon the disciples, This does pot Imply that the Spirit was not In the world before this, for throughout all the ages He has been in the world giv­ ing light and life to It. It ineana that from that time forth He would' work on a new basis, having the crucified, risen and ascended Christ to present to the world. - 3- Upon Whom the Spirit Came (v. 1 ) ; cf. 1:13-15. The twelve and others, both men and women to the number of 120,- showing that the gift of the Holy-Spirit was for all believers. 4, The Marks of the Spirit (vv. 2-4). . (1) External. . a, The sound of a mighty wind (v. 2) , This Is suggestive of the mysteri­ ous, pervasive and powerful energy of the Spirit. 'b. The tongues of flame (v. 3). Each of the 120 was crowned with such a tongue. Tongues show the practical purpose of the Spirit’s gift-witnessing, and the fire Indicates the purifying energy burning up the dross and mak­ ing effective witnessing for Christ. c. Speaking In foreign tongues (v. 4). This was a temporary endowment for this special purpose.' (2) Internal. This is seen In the transformation wrought in the disciples^ Though a little while ago they were trembling with fear, they now have great eour- uge and self-possession. 5. The Effects (vv. 5-13). (1) The multitude were filled with amazement and wonder. The gift of the Spirit transforms common men Into men of power and influence, (2) Some mocked and foolishly at­ tempted to account for this remark­ able occurrence. They accused, the disciples of being intoxicated. . The world today mocks*men and women who testify la the power of the Holy Spirit . II; Peter's Sermon (vv. 14-47). Peter’s sermon is as wonderful as the gift of tongues. It demonstrates the presence and power of the Spirit, since Peter was a Galilean fisherman without literary training. His analysis Is perfect He begins with a brief de­ fense and scriptural explanation of the phenomenon of tongues (w . 14-21). This Is followed by a threefold argu­ ment to prove the messlahslilp of JesUS (vv. 22-86). The conclusion is an appeal to repent and be baptized In the name of Jesus. 1. The Introduction (vv. 14-21). - (1) Defense of the disciples against the charge of being drunk (v. 15). (2) A scriptural explanation. He showed that this waB a partial fulfill­ ment of that which Joel predicted would come to pass (vv. 10-21; cf. Joel 2:28-32) before the messianic judgment, viz., an 'outpouring of the -Holy Spirit and the salvation of ail who cull upon the name o f the Lord. 2. The Proposition, or Theme (v. 36). This was the messlahshlp of Jesus, 8. The Argument (vv. 22-86). It was threefold. (1) Prom Christ’s works (v. 22). He waB approved of God among the Jews l)y His miracles, wonders and signs which God did by Him In their midst (2) From His resurrection (vv, 23- 82), The Old Testament Scriptures had foretold the death and resurrec­ tion of Christ (Ps. 10:8-10). (3) From His ascension to the right hand of God (v. 32). The proof that He had ascended on high was the won­ derful miracle of the Spirit’s operation In their midst, for lie had said that upon His ascension Into heaven He would send forth the Spirit, 4. The Effect of the Sermon (vv. 87* 42). Many people were convicted of their sins. Some three thousand repented and were baptized. The American Sabbath To say nothing of the divine law, on mere worldly grounds It Is plain that nothing Is'more conducive to the health, Intelligence, comfort, and In­ dependence of the working classes, and to our prosperity as a people, than our Christian American Sabbath.— Tyrort Edwards, P a th Lad to Calvary The path that started from ' the manger of Bethlehem led to Calvary. -—Western Christian Advocate, . IF YOUNEEDPRINTINGDROP IN Indian Tribal Language American Indians are divided Into groups and the languages of the vari­ ous groups are found to differ to such a degree that one Is not intelligible to another. Often within the same lin­ guistic family different tribes speak radically different dialects, This Is true of the Pueblos In the Southwest, Inhabitants of villages only 100 miles apart cannot understand each other's native tongues. U n c l e J o h n That our sweethearts must bo looked at U * mandats mighty true, but, when she has gal­ oshes on—wal. I dunno . . , do you? I seldom look At an­ kles, bein' prudent—more or less—but when we’re forced to see 'em, then we ain't to blame, I guess. I hate to see a tailored gal set out upon a trip, when there's every indication that her snaps has lost their grip,— though galoshes might be graceful—even carry an ap­ peal, if they didn't sag down, ornery-like, and loaf around the heel. I don’t enjoy my privelege of actin' like a spy, when I need to elevate my chin, and let folks ketch my eye. And atill, there's urgent rea­ sons which command a feller's view—like the innocent attrac­ tion to a comely ladies' shoe. I couldn't think of nothin' that improves the feearchin’ mind, like glancin' at the beauties of a noble woman-kind; and while there’s laws of comfort that we hardly dare forget, I never liked galoshes, and—I wouldn’t have a sett. ■ TUNING FOR TOURIST TRAILS AGAIN by o t t o s Crystal far British Museum A co sta l of olivine of .gem. quality, welching 137 grams, from the Island of St. John in the Red sea, was pur­ chased recently by the British museum. I PAINT H und reds o f , We operate AND GLASS New P ap e rs Fo r Your Inspection a Completely Equipped the only Everything is conveniently arranged to make Wall Paper Selection Easy at Furniture complete Paint and Glass our store. We show 300 patterns mounted and displayed on panels, show- Repairing and Store in ing the paper just as it will appear on . ■the • Upholstering Greene County W all o f Your Home Shop Carry a The price is plainly marked on each paper shown. Expert Exclusive of the big line of Popular i in Charge. Wholesale Priced Papers displayed on pannels we offer an unsurpassed selection of high grade and Retail Estimates Line of D eco rative Hangings Furnished on Paints, at. a Price Range, of Request. Varnishes, Oils 30c to $1.00 Buy and Sell Per Single Roll Glass of all • Estimates on work given promptly Good Us ,d Kinds. Just call us. Furniture Equipped to do r Painters and Paperhangers Furnished and Antique Auto Glass Phone 3 of Work. “Shop and Save” Merit. Fred J. Graham Go. I 17-19*21 South Whiteman St., Xenia, Ohio