The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 1-26
The Exchange Bank Want* Your Banking. ” Business THEY PAY The Ccdm title fertdd f KAHI-II Bl'Mi - - KIHTOR — -------------- -------------- Fr.u;rul a t Ike Po i Ur.lur- j S BttSOIl'J I 0., October 81, JS.i7,o 1! H :;s on tter. FRIDAY, HAY 15, $83* LICENSES FOR AMUSJMENTS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ViO <:2 a cr,rh; ;\ ec*ni:nr,y -k iis^ !;?.« if- «i-”*,,*3ion neat, come favorable \ form of B A S E B A L E EAGLES FIELD SPRINGFIELD, OHIO SUNDAY, MAY \7, 1925 ' POTTER’S TRAMPS, CINCINNATI F, O. E, Athletics, K. I. O. League . Game Called a t 3 :C0 P, M. ADMISSION: Grand Stand 50c Bleachers^ 5c Ladies and children—'Grand stand 25c . Box Seats on sale at the F O. E. Hal1 Phone C 247 Until Sunday a t 1 P; M. after 1 p. m. at the Bali Park Main 953. » i, ‘ CORN PLANTERS John Deere Superior Blackhawk CULTIVATORS John Deere Buckeye J Massey^Harris, John Deere Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders. Hanna’s Green Seal Paint, Haag Washers, Nisco Oil Stoves, Conserve Coo’kers. Coal* Feed, pence, Steel Posts, Locust Posts, Barb Wire,Cement, Hardware/ Gedarvilfe Farmers 9t e l l Company Everything fax1 th e Farm Phone eda rv ille , Ohio YOU Profit by being our Neighbor tJECAUSE wetupplyyou direct/rotnfactOryWo»llow you IOJ j teduolion on all Rots Silos and R om Cutters. R q g s M c t a L S i lo g pro(5!Ax/tiglit,free*of"brink! ace troubles. R?ss EnsiiageCutters £ psrience—always reliable. Writ* lor Price* ttallngwhichyouat* interested in BOSS Entllagi Caller&Silo CO., Springfield, Ohio jJ’CiV tins v.e icf ruuca -at mostly against ouch damur eiuent. We have haJ no interest I*1 tko con cern operating this carurab either directly or indirectly. We bavo not profited from it to the stent of a single penny, so that w lia t^ have to say relative to a situation fbe village faces cannot be reflected £ °f being ether than from the viewpmt of the village and the part that fle officials may have in it. I t will be remember© that last summer there were msn| carnivals and street ’ faikers here und all of them seemed to do a profable bus}, ness. The Herald spoke pubpcally urging council to increase the license fees as a protection to loca.nwrehants and that probably many sub concern; would skin the town due license that would make the bsmess up. profitable. Merchants waitd °n cpun< crl and the old ordinance ws amended and a new scale of lxcene fees set Since th a t time a hurnbf °f vepre sentatives have come her but upon learning what it would eoe consider ed the fee excessive and ymt on, Of this the public has heard lJt little so little was known of the u'ectiveness of the present ordinance. Wo now have with us 1company that \vi,'3 willing to Jtake ach«nce on $10 a day and the show i going as the public is aware of. Hov profitable it is wo are unable to saj We del know that Cedaryille has qgood-rat ing as a show town and thi probably had. something to do with t e decision af paying a $10 license fei daily, an' amount much greater th an s charged in neighboring towns even touch lar ger than this place. Wo .have heard it said that the mayor could refuse to giv<a license hut this is incorrect. If be mayor has-positive evidence that i perform ante advertised was immo^l—dr for ether good reasons, he mi]ht so re fuse. Should he be m an d a ted in court to grant a license he 1len would’ have to produce his .proof. The state law provides hr-t any municipality can license a f aQd (all '.tLraetlons, street 'hawked etc, a ’easonshle fee, What ft readable fee f«r only a court can legally leterraine. .lertainlytlur fee is reasonale In this case when it is thp largest Xforce in -his Section so fa r as we inn learn, The purpose of the license feu is for polices regulation. Should the license he rfused the ownor of a show can openunywhere c/ithin the municipality ail by his arrest the merits of the cf*e can be tried out in the courts—£ the Ex pense of the villago taxi,wet's. W the. owner of a show" does pt care to do th a t he can set up his spw a t the edge of the corporation limits, pro viding ho can rent a site, dart his show and operate without® license or without having to ask ermission of anyone. Mayer Funsett has beeplubjecfe to unjust criticism the past fer days all because the real situatiol Was not J-rran, Tiure are some things an of- i ”;ai can do some things ir.- cn:- no’.. do, lie might attempt some t?;ing i Jp't when he got# outside of ids au- theiity he become* personally respou- s.ole along with hi* bondsmen, Ik.yor Funst'A has keen consHera'.o e^r-scicr-tiaui in his duties rise? i.o a:::muel the reigns of village gov ernment, Ho has accomplished much gr o:I without n bh re of trumpets c* cP';^ featuring the Ego. Ho has ifol sought to attract attention to grar.dsta-ni the public hut has cor.- fenc.l hcr.or on the office rather than wing if. fer personal popularity. THE I.OWDEN CURE II Here is Governor Lowden's cure f. r . the existing ills of agriculture: j ‘•Farmsvs co-operath-e maike 'm ■j noHosiations-- there is -o other w»y out i -J can forsee the day, I think, when ■ everything produced upon the farr.r(! will be marketed by the farmers then j selves through an organization of j their cwn creation, I like to think of j the time when the representatives of all these great farmers’ organizations' j shall meet in a congress once a year | and shall there work out a program’ for the future; just aB other industries I now meet annually for the purpose of ; forming an intelligent end co-opera- j tlve program for the y e a r,, | At such a meeting, if it shall ap- j pear that one branch of agriculture is ! ‘xpanding more rapidly .than condi- ' tions warrant, steps will he taken to j restore the balance -as between that j and the other activities of the fa rm .! In this way we shall achieve a bal- j anced agriculture. Even move desir able. however, we shalL restore the proper balance between agriculture— the greatest ;of all industries—and other business activities in this or ganized world in which we find our selves. There can .be no enduring pros perity unless all the principal indus tries which go to make up the .com mercial world, keeping step with one another., shall march abreast.” H. S. COMMENCEMENT The baccalaureate sermon for the high school will be delivered by Rev. B. E, Stevens a t the M» FT. church, Sabbath evening a t 7:30 Music by the high school chorus directed by 'dr. Talcott. ’ The class play “Daddy Long Legs” will be given a t the opera house Tues day evening. Admission 35c. Commencement Thursday evening t 8:00 p. m. in the opera house. The uldtcss will be delivered by President "harles E. Miller of Heidelberg Uni- e?3ity. President Hiller 5c otic c t the live wire College Presidents cf Ohio and can be (depended upon to bring an up to date message to the entire com munity. The Seniors are planning a High School picnic for Friday afternoon, the lart day of schtol.' We are sorry that we cannot an nounce a reunion of the Alumni of the High School for Friday night. This would afford an excellent op portunity for the out going class to 'jeccme better acquainted with’ that arge group who have traveled this road before them. The following list of pupils will re ceive diplomas a t commencement: Frances Belle-Anderson, George Rob ert Baker. Garman R. Bradford, Floyd A. Bates Marguerite C. Ewbank, Edit,h Elizabeth Ferguson, James F. Fitzwater, Marian Kathryn Hughes, Vernon Harris, Helen W. Kimble, Harold Mills, Lucille D. Ritcnour, Raymond Spracklin, Helen Elizabeth Thompson, Kenneth S. Waddle, Imo- gene A. Wadkins, Edith May Wigal. RIFj lA n : CINCINNATI SCHOOLS a te th e ob jec ts o f In te re s t T H E C O U N T R Y OV ER o Conte to Cincinnati foir* ideas in School Work and Building Construction. Cincinnati’s School System and Buildings are among the very best. likew ise our store and methods of selling merchan dise are of interest to merchants from other cities. G R A D U A T IO N T IM E >* is close a t hand. Come to Cincinnati and visit! cur More. W e will show you many pretty things in clothes, dresses and gifts for the graduate. V is it M ab ley 's w h en y o u com e to C incinnati id b e su re to se e th e c i ty ’s w onderfu l schools . WILL IMPROVE ROAD We are reliably informed that the Clark county commisaionera.have de cided to accept state end federal aid to improve the Columbps pike from the Madison county line to South Charleston this summer. The pike west from. South Charleston to the Greene county line will be rebuilt next year. The Madison county part of the road is now being rebuilt. At the completion of the Columbus pike next year we will then have a hard road from Xenia to Boston, Mass. Est. 1807—Capital $50,000.00 ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY Ship us your POULTRY THE PETERS POULTRY CO. Cinnati, Ohio. rffrsr. j NTS & *r fir -. I A im . Ifi iMSS,£ •AV n r iWithrow ms f*4L and B m m m - ■ F if tli midi' V in d CINCINNATI fuh*navn8 Money to loan 5% interest semi-annually, fer 5 or 10 years. or, ' . 5 f 2% semi-annually ir a 20 year lean is de~ v i v J . ■ Loans laav be paid be fore. duo if borrower (!<sve*. ? W. L. Clcmans CKDARVILLE, O. S f o n THE EDWAltJ) WRENXT>. HWUNC iF lK lilLu iIlO . Coming Monday, May 18 th Our Greatest Sale of DRESSES! 1450 New Dresses Worth $25.00 to $65.00 In This Sale at See Springfield Papers-Sunday Many P We need We hav- people, who \ invest your Building & L sidered the sa The Gei 11TiTnii«7fr > m T ^ © O u r P R IC E T A G S M l th e s t a n j w.FinMmiHmin Bean Bean -/ t • i ' i " r T r <in m— i*<i>n«i *i ~ Cats; Our Location Lowers Costs to You Every, piece of Furniture in .our store has the pricetag marked in plain figures and every price tag tells its own story, "no need for an excessive markup in Ccdarville, a small profit and quick turnover. A largo volumn qf business with a small town stores overhead mid operating-expenses,” thats thp story everyone of our price tags are trying to tell you. And that also,, is why people are driving for miles and miles, to biiy Furniture a t McMillan’s. Its the money that they save as well as the fact that they tell others the good news, that brings our custo mers from all the iiearhy Cities and Towns. Have you heard the story that our price tags are telling day by day ? If not, you too, will' want to listen in, so. that is why we have contracted for this .space, just to give you a little idea of the .specials that we have to offer for the next few days. Floor Lamps $ 10.00 Metal Beds $10.00 Floor lamps of the fihest qiiality, pur e silk shades. Polo’chrome, Mahog any and French Walnut bases, Priced from $10.00 up. fittJ Beautiful PolodiroWe framed mirrors, in well as sorted sizes and patterns. Marked right to sell fast, $3.75 and up. Art Mirrors $3.75 Beds of a popular make guaranteed to give satis faction. Mahogany, Wal nut, vernis Martin and Ivory finishes, some priced as low as $10.00. Closing Out Event o f Rockers Save 2S°/o All styles and finishes, Tapestry, Velour, Leather spring seats, Come early while the assortment is complete. P1NEAPFLL g, can - PINEAPPL! dale No. 2 PEACHES, Heavy Syruj PEACHES, ' fornia larg< FIG BARS, I Price lb ., CAKE, Squa 4 layers ea BREAD, CC| loaf . . o ? TS f p : ' 11!Vy t e i la. A good assortment 'to choose from, including the latest in periods and styles Daven port Tables $ 15.50 45 lb . Mattresses $ 9 .oo 1 ip q f t Hero is a soft, all cotton ^ , mattress, encased in good IE*** heavy ticking. These mat tresses ccvne in all, sizes and they are of an excel lent quality for the price. V is it 1 request allj and have Specializatj less Extrac tion. . . . . Crowns at W o r k $ 3 Accordinl M fM I L L A N ^ I v lw lW l I r U R N I T U r u n e r a l D i r e c t o r I continue tJ guarantee ol All Gold Pi| Novel Slip drop. Re? P o s itiv | Dr. Si xl Extracj RememlJ 25 t -2 Main 909-VJ Open t w t t r K T lA D V l l I V A t l l A LEJJAKVILLr,, un iu> dm #»■' r M4 I
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