The Cedarville Herald, Volume 48, Numbers 27-52

r i * n t i l l# E x ch a n g e B an k Wants Your Banking Business THEY PAY 4 % ON SAVINGS Th* Cmdctrville Hamid r*th*r m . a *m *•*•«* th a t K m xakm i a n r< EDITOR VrwwJ. Kiitm-fi at the 1 ’< j t Ortho, iYUr*j \ills', U., (if'toiw'r «1, JL vs 7, as btcmid' class mutter. 1 F r id a y , ju x r it*, lies. AT FRONT FIRST JUMP 'lh* »UU te tin? .extent ai *Ut* offet liuildinf Then qn named amoac tur#. lb wm nK»a>tid; "20 or more ate jnvsent capital money 4 « * ' fceattoa a appointed, was. ;%t tfc* 1 ACCOUNTS McCormick-Deering B inder$-M ow ar$ Full line of repairs in stock for all International Harves­ ter Machinery* The Greene County Hardware Co. X E N IA , OH IO We wish to purchase a few stacks of LOOSE STRAW Located within 10 miles of our will. Call Cedarville 39-4e rings. ‘ * ' - E.,S. HAMILTON, Buyer. th e Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co* CEDARVILLE, OHIO . Ladies! ATTENTION!! Children! Just What You Have Been Looking For Springfield’s Only Exclusive Ladies’ and Childrens’ Bobber Shoppe Experienced Men Operators We Use IndividuallySTERILIZED COMB and BRUSH On. Every Customer Come In and Be Convinced Located Under Morrew's High and Limestone Sts. Drug Store I j* To the Right from Street *hree } 2. Morrow’s Drug Store Lobby ' f 3. Bookwal ter Hotel Lobby /TRY OUR 103 PRINTING The little town of Dayton* Tenn., on the jump takes first page .'T-itu in C*v daily prc"s and leaves he- oppowd by lji:ud the history of a mountain town tions that wmttoi t> r metropolitan notice. The curious vn the rivar fteat aunjiigr ri:o tourists ,*,re vending their posed civic- canter, way to that spot that; has become as for the city. K famous us the chautauqua circuit or convenient for tfea the court room where legal talent is Speculster* found 4 rite near the tir pk.yetl to the populace. capitol and eyort hag he»n made to The battle between preachers and unload thi* on th* «fc*te for. a million teachers against the best legal talent md a Half. Qua of CWambap* leading tower of addad to the / Thi* was a t ; organic - j building * pro­ be ideal > be very in- backed by what some call, advanced thought, will soon go down in history- to be forgotten or to establish a be­ lief altogether different than what many of us have learned at our moth­ er's knee—our religion and beliefs of our creation of which most of us are well satisfied today. The Tennessee battle over the right to teach evolution in the public schools will not be handled so much from the Bibical standpoint seeking proof that the theory of evolution is correct or that it is incorrect as it is; to break down, an attempt to legislate just what religious subjects must and must not be taught in the schools. It makes no difference what -view the famous attorney, Clarence Dar. row migh advance for evolution or what that eminent Bible student, Wil­ liam Jehnings Bryan might advocate, against the theory of evolution, the question will no doubt in the end be settled in the United States Supreme. Court. • ' ■. . The modernist sets forth that it is >*inAmerican and unconstitutional, whether by kingly or ecclesiastical authority or ‘legislative power to at­ tempt to limit the human mind in the search after truth. ’Mr. Bryan will claim that the right of the people who have created the schools and support them, should by all means have control of them and establish the doctrine that should be taught. Tim controversy Will no doubt be decided by the highest court in the land. This decision will no doubt be based on the constitutional grounds .hat the state and' church must be two separate and distinct' institutions. Certain 'regulations may be recog­ nised and granted but the court will without question define limitations jroad enough'for all but not limit any ioctrine to be forced'upon the people. . Religious suestiods have come up before the highest court in years gone by and. decisions rendered along the lines we have suggested. Just a few days ago the court held f the Oregon law unconstitutional be­ muse it would force one element. o f society to recognize a religious stand­ ard opposed by another Clement. WHAT COURT WOULD DO When the United States^ SUpreme Court decided the Oregon school law unconstitutional and that the state could not dictate nor .assume duties of parents and guardians the ground work was laid for what will happen business house* own* w *it* near the river that ha* bat* offered at Just what hi* company paid for it on the open market, much i*M than the site the city people want uaod and still greatly under what the speculators ask for their site, The state now own* a ten story buildlng*that is filled with boards and bureaus and there is no more room for tiie salary grabber*. The state also has under lease RMreval floors in a privately owned office building. . The remarkable thing is that in these days with President Coolidge preaching and practicing economy and ordering the tales**-of thousands on the government pay roll, that not a man connected with the state govern­ ment has suggested that ft few ‘score of high salaried boards and commis­ sions be abolished. Instead we hear, only of building greater to house the numberless horde of salaried politi­ cians. The present’ program set out for the state is not setting well with the hjune and land owners, many of whom are borrowing money to pay their tjxcs this year. It makes no differ­ ence how the state collects the tax, it, is paid either directly or indirectly by the consumer. The heavy increase put on corporations under the Dempsey law, just recently enacted, is handed down to the consumer on the products the company manufacturers. For economy the State should build on the present site. Here a building erected for less than the cost of either of the sites mentioned. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT of Duff Howard White, Estate deceased! . (5.,W. White,has been appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Duff Howard White, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 13th day of June, A, D, 192&. ' • j S, C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge of said Gounty. We desire to express our apprecia­ tion to the friends and neighbors for their help, flowers and kind expres­ sions of Sntypathy, during the sick­ ness and death of our dear brother and uncle. We wish particularly to thank the I. 0. 0. F., minister and singers, G. White ‘ B. H, White ’ • G. W. White and Sons For. Sale— Player piano, Baldwin ........„ - make, used less than two months. if the states should over ratify such Will sell cheap for cash or buyer may a law as proposed and known as the child labor, law. It so happens that most of the states have turned down the proposed change in the consti­ tution giving congress control over children as to labor, under eighteen finish payments due on it. Leave ad­ dress with Herald or notify S. R. Traber, 14 S. Fountain aye,, Spring- field, Ohio. > , „ „ WANTED TEAMS— We want 25 years of age. When the Governor of teams to haul dirt, Muat have gravel Washington state refused to name beds that will hold one and one-half a delegate to a conference called by yards. Price $5.00 per day. Apply to leaders o f certain women's clubs ho Marion Hughes, care o f The Abel stated that so many women were Magnesia Co. trying to raise other people's child-' " ■ ren that they had not time to look' ,For S*le:-Clover hay a. little later, after their own. The statement was ^ xeii hay in the win row. .................. ......._____________________ J, R. Orr. I' l o w The Habit of keeping a house nicely painted reallymeans more than simply making it look attractive. It means that it is being protected against deterioration and decay and this house will continue to look well long after neighboring homes begin to appear “ run down.” If your bouse should need painting, Now is the right time to paint it, and Hanna’ s Green Seal is the right paint. To delay the mat­ ter will not mean genuine economy. Fifth »*4 Vi«w S *««u THE CINCINNATI ZOO Attract* thousand* o f vwitor* from all parts of the country because it ha* one of the finest animal and bird collections in AMERICA, O k e Mabley Store is popular with out-of-town people -because it 5s a flood store for men, women and children- Make your shopping trip to the Mahley store also a holi­ day trip, and bring the folk* to visit the Zoo. Our store is well prepared to supply the needs of the entire family in summer appprel. Every department is at its best* Just the right sort of clothing for summer wear for men and youths. ‘ Splendid showing of summer things of every description for women end misses. « The boys and girls store is ready to supply the little folks with cool sensible outfits. t Wtf extend a cordial'invitation to to visit usf $pu wo vJalcome always* Use the Test roo „ m and otltor storesconvenience s o u ) b y CEDARVILLEFARMERSGRAMCO f$v T ! Ma /mML Fountain Square ' a n d . “F< If a? havi g e i ] W h j m g i er oi !thri{• The A Good. Store Fifth and Vide CINCINNATI .a* mm ,> TfZ* KROGEF noon at i and Augu F o rd o r Sedan . $ i■ rOU cart afford to drive a Ford Car every day in the week. It is large enough for the average family, comfortable, good-looking, easy to drive —the least expensive car to buy. ■ fy > ' k ’. Use it in your work. Give the family evening drives and week-end outings. It w ill give them an economical vacation this summer. You can buy a Ford on easy payments, /• Runabout » » - $260 Coupe * • - * $320 TouringCar * • 290 Tudor Sedan - * 580 On open ear*demountable rim, and atarter are $85 extra All priett /<o. b. Detroit: Pea F lO ! Pot: Ban SUGAR, 1 25 Lbs: COFFEE, lb.*...'. COFFEE, lb. . : MACARC lb........ COCOAN ’ Bars lb. BUTTER lb. .., ; GRAHAIv lb .......... SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THIS COUPON Please tcil me how I can secure a Ford Gar on easy payments: Pfame< - .... .. ........ ..........■...................... :..... Addrttt ................... .... ..... C'ty L. State Mail this coupon to OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT * TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS of each week. 1 to 5 P.M. Hotrto of Mrs. Dora E. Kerr on South Main Street, Cedarville, *DRs. MAY and YODER, ! XENIA, OHIO See Our Used Cars Eat. 1807-—Capital $50,000.00 ABSOLUTE re l ia b il ity Ship us your POULTRY THE PETERS POULTRY 00. Ginn&ti, Ohio. Why not come in and talk over the purchase of a used are with us. i We have a few good used cats on hand right now but they don’ t stay with us very long, es. pecially BUICFCS. If you will let us know what you want in a Used Car will be on the look-out for one to suit. Terms arranged for to responsible.bujers* The Xenia Gar ' *.J> -’ Plione 7‘) Xi'Bht, Ohio BU IC£ SALliS «t MJKVKli N A T IO N A Makes cool 0 let the Stoa teavef Attivo 1 OansiC: oact;t< . V-sftt.5 tho I>.« Fn?i H< TIM! M«d> Aa He having appoint: ditiened 40 Tl» shaps a minutes % mini:? roads, s W i f e Centro! van* ' . cdjPW 4, Tfco L-h fl 0: Oi ,‘SI m .'I