The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 1-26

We wish to purchase a few stacks o " LOOSE S T R A W Located within 10 mile* of our m ill Call] Cedarville 39-4 rings, E. S. HAMILTON, Buyer- The Hagar StrawBoard &Paper Co . CEDARVILLE, OHIO The Exchange Bank W ants Your Banking Business THEY PAY A o f ,ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ■etVuMlftijrflan■iRin'krstirtnynrTimif"iir|lrr'~ini-iiT~r~“Tti—-*frrru'^Tw~1rrrn{ri m iinni'tuVtijriinisfM Gold Medal 24 1-2 lb. $ Sack ........... £ Pound. . . . . . Chess Wisconsin Cream P o u n d *. 32c t Soda, Butter or Oyster ' f l b . ......................... 14c HERRING, 3 fine fish 10cfORANGES, Fioridas, sweet ' , $ 1 . 1 5 ! i I L sL o “ ' 40cJ 2 c e a t MACKEREL, 1925 POTATOES, Fine MQr catch 2 f r ----- *»Vvf cool;ing 101bsu ...™ k SALMON, Pink | C-IPRUNES, 2 lb, . oA r Alaska*6an. . . . . , nackaees Ea. . . . *»«« p g , FRUIT CAKE, 2 * f , J C DATES, Bulk f fl*. lb. 75e 3 lbs. lb.................... ...JLUC . iWB^ M»i>i^wjifiiMsiiiiiiaMMis^ii«i'iis,wwiMi». , |-r-- frr— »•: ^ ^ yny1 f*uOi*g^j|iM*rWnerTr»iinM«MiawiMitirh'-m*n-^rnTatirtiTr^ LAYERCAKES, OCAMACARONl.. 1 A . round 35c. Square——'Ll jj -,; ; . , i v u “ioc iuaw£ei4***rw» NAVV BEANi.hand *} iffc** picked 3 ibs . .. CAMPBELL’S Beans**£ f 3 c a n s .................... SPAGHETTI, lb , ............. :SUGAR. 5 lb. 33c Bulk 10 lbs. . . 59 c vnfr.ainT1Mf 'Jlrir *I»* W I'm*—kst^tLt-ABMWdlLWSM «— nit —% TOOTHACHE (TOTTED IE OEE MMOTE TEETH 2V Substantial and Natural in Appearance Examination and X-Rays r m WORK COMPLETED IK ONE DAY rj, 10 Years In tb* Sam* Locatim ^74fci P*r Plata m m &M REMEM»IR-ALL WORK GUARANTEED THE ’ BEST OR MONEY REFUNDED. Crown* and Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4, $6^and |* FIHinoa *2.00 s ir* Faint*** Extracting (Fi*** W'th All Work) . . . . . . . 80o DR SMITH fy /t So, Lirrt«ttone fit. Over Wootworth's Stand 10 Oj«n Daily and To**rfay, Thunday and SaturdayUTv*nlnB* Springtfold, Ohio ' For ttefar*ne*s Oat) Commercial and-Saving**Dank TRY 00R JOB PRIirmiG • a * * # * « # * • • • LOCAL AND PERSONAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. A. C. Ewbank of Chester, O. is home for the Holiday vacation. If it* a news paper or magazine ypu want we have i t McMillan News Agency Mr. George F . Sieglvr is homo from Marietta, for the Holiday week. For Sale;- Trailer, 1000 lb. capac- ity. In good condition, phone 2-179. F. E, Harper Mis* Dorothy Oglesbee, who teaches a t Kingston, O., ip home for the Hol­ idays. Mr, and Mrs. Dana - Busch of Athens, O,, rae the guests of the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Boss Alcohol for the automobile radia­ tor. 188 proof. 75c gallon. C. M. Kidgway Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Turnbull were a t home Christmas day to a number of their relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Barr of Day- ton spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell, Dr. Morton Cres\vell,( of Chicago; is here on a visit, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Creswell. ■ * For Rent;- House with barn. Both kinds of water. Located on College avenue, • Mrs. George. Barlow. Let us RENEW your subscriptions for newspapers and magazines^ We guarantee.lowest prices. Mr, C. M. Ridgway is suffering with a severe cold that for a few days was thought’to be bordering on pneu­ monia. Mr. Carl Minser of Cincinnati, is spending the week with his .mother, Mrs. Rose Minser. «• Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tarbox enter­ tained,, a number of relatives a t din­ ner Christmas day. For Sale:- Beautiiui player piano, good make, balance due oh very easy termS. P. O. Box 313, Dayton, O, Mrs: Lucy McClellan is in. Kansas City, visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and.Mrs. Walter Shank Any owner of 40 acres, or more, nay borrow money through my agen­ cy, a t FIVE PER CENT INTEREST. W, L .Clematis, -Loan Agent. ALCOHOL FOR RADIATORS! GET i t a t Ridgway’s. 188 proof. 75c a gal­ lon. * Pr*f. C Jfc Q*hsr **d family are spending tha NaW f s m Licking county with Dr. C. M o WU mme a t New Pari*, 0 . is here on a visit vrdti* Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Richard*. Mr, and Mrs. J. i5- Kyle spent Christmas day in Washington C, H. with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kennon of Cleveland have been guests during the Holiday Reason a t the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Kennon. MAGAZINES— The year round Christmas present. Subscriptions taken by Jimmie McMillan. u Mr, and Mrs. William CottiC spent Xmas and the week-end in Dayton, visiting friends. Mr, Calvin ^Vcimer, Leetonia, 0., student of Cedarville College Theo­ logical Seminary, will preach Sabbath morning and evening,* For Sale; Driving horscf perfectly safe. Call Yellow Sj rings,’ Phone 48 J-12. John Marshall. Miss Mable Knott of Cleveland, who is teaching in the public schoo.s^ was the guest of her brother-in-law* and sister, Dr. and Mrs.* Leo Anderson, over the week-end. Misses Reva Melton and Margie French are spending the Holidays with Miss Rolenco Banks of Spring- held. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. lliff and daugh­ ter, Helen, spent Christmas, with :lev. and Mrs. W. R. Graham of La Fayette, Ind, Mrs. Iliff and Miss Helen, remained over for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jamming and daugh­ ters, Dortha and Virginia, Miss France* Reeves, Hobart Moorman and Neal Hunter of Jam -town were the guests o f Rev. and Mrs, Bennett last Sunday, . NOTICE—Effective January 1,1926 The price of our limestone screenings shoveled .from the ground will be in­ creased from 80 cents per ton to 75 cents per ton. The Abel Magnesia Co, Word has been. Tecevved here that Mr. Robert Conley of Crystal City, Mo., had his new Hudson coach stolen Sabbath evening while a t church. No particulars have been received. ^NOTICE—I am prepared to do your butchering and render your lard in a satisfactory manner. Phone 3-197 Cedarville. Wm. Cultice NOTICE---John Stowart has filed application with the Ohio Public Util­ ities Commission to operate a general trucking business. John Stewart Ralph Bingham, the noted lecturer and humorist, tha t has here and is widely known on the platform, over the country, died Suddenly Sab­ bath in Philadelphia^ with an attack of heart trouble, Dr. A. H. Middleton has resigned as physician of the 0 , S, & S, 0. Home to become effective jam 1, Mr. W. C. Rife and son, Paul, have gone to Anthony, Kan., where they will visit fo r a week with Mr, Rife’s brothers, Steven And Fred Rife, The Bath Township Hearld, owned by the Anitoch Press, Yellpw Springs, has been sold to S. W. Sammons of Chicago. The Herald was started by the Antioch'company and managed by college .students/ Posession is given on January '1, CARD OF THANKS-We desire to express our sincere gratitude to the ministers, quartet, and the many kind friends who so willingly and ably .as­ sisted us with their tokens of kindness floral offerings, and words of sym­ pathy and comfort in the loss of our dear husband and father. Mrs, R. J , Hemphill and family; To those who desire printed station­ ery we have some o f the latest styles in paper and envelopes that are on the market. I t is a fine parchment put up 100 sheets of paper and 100 envel­ opes, boxed. Nothing fiiper for the men folks or fo r professional or ex­ ecutive u&e. I t has only been on the market for a few weeks. Friends here will regret to hear that Mr. Roy Hayward of Xenia, is now bedfast suffering with cancer of the tongue. He took his bed Christ­ mas day and has heen weakening very fast. For several weeks previous it was thought th a t he Was improving. Another Xenian; Who Is criticall ill, is R. W..Irwin, district manager of the Ohio Fuel Gas Co. Mr. Irwin is suffering, with bladder trouble. ' Mias Mary Elizabeth Smith was a very charming hostess last Thursday afternoon from two-thirty until five, honoring her friend and school assoc- itebMiss Ruth White, who leaves this week with her para£is, ’Dr. and Mrs. J. P . White, to reside in Xenia. The afternoon was spent in. a .very pleasant social manner and refreshments ser­ ved in keeping with the Holiday sea­ son. . Mr. and Mrs. William Cornu enter­ tained the Broadcasters S. S, class a t their home Friday .evening, Dec. 18, A covered dish supper was served the 35 members present. A business meet ing Whs held with the election of of­ ficers for the ensuing year. The mem­ bers were then invited to the living room where a glistening Christmas (tree decorated one corner. Dear -old Santa then entered and distributed gifts and pop corn balls to each One present. Miss Alberta Creswell, teach­ er of the class, was presented with a lovely leather purse, a gift from the class. Music and a social time follow­ ed. The decorations o f the Come home were in keeping with the Holiday season. The Rev, A. W. Jamieson of Xenia, superintendent of missions in the Second Synod of the tlhited Presby­ terian church, was married Saturday, to Miss Anna Isabella Waite, of Rush* villo Ind. The Ceremony was perform cd b'y the Rev, S. R,. Jamieson, of near Dayton, a brother, who Was as­ sisted by Rev. MeKibben of Rushville. The couple will reside in Rushville. Rev. Jamieson is a brother of Rev* R. A. Jamieson of Washington, Pa., who will scon become pastor of the local U. P. congregation. * Miss Mary Jobe Taylor, foster daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jobe, was married last Saturday to Mr, George Star Nelson of London. The ceremony took place a t Trinity Church, Londont a t 4:80, Bishop Theo dore Reese, Columbus, officiating. The bridal party entered the church while the organist played Lohengrin’B wedding march, attended by the bride groom’s sister, Miss Gertrude Nelson, and his friend, Mr. Ferny Herbage. Mr, and Mrs, Nelson left immediately after the ceremony on a southern trip and will be a t home on the Dun-Glen farms, after Eeb. 1. The bride is well known here and has a wide circle of friends. She graduated in October as a nurse from Grant Hoepilal in Col­ umbus. Free: A “L ittleOhw rt Protector” (For Ford Radiator) with every 80c or over purchase of snagtsineM. At McMillan’s New* Agency. DR. O, P. KLSAX Dentist Shrodea Bldg. I John. DV Grandson fayw M w ayyijtw f iin-Bw.....irn; \n i ’■■■»lnir>i^ii»^riin‘itil'yi'.T'TirrT '.‘.unja 1SB Mr, Harry Waites* and family are' visiting with relative* ia Jackson, O, Prof, and Mr*. R. X. Robison are spending the HoUday* a t their former home in South Haveai| Mich.. !0 ; $ ' V ' Each year Yafe University gives a scholarship to the student need­ ing financial assistance. - John R. Prentice won it. He is the grand­ son of John D. Rockefeller and is working as a telephone operator to pay his way through college, i Th fcuXU d l . ( H O M E S E W J M S ■ i S A ADJUSTING GATHERS When the band is cat, turn and crease all its edges, Divide it first into halves, then quarters, eighths, and sixteenths and mark these di­ visions with pins as I have shown in sketch A. The next step is to divide the material to be gathered onto the samp number of divisions and also mark with pins. Then run in your gathering thread and draw the ma­ terial up so that its markings ex­ actly match those of the belt as shown a t B. When the gathers are pulled down straight and basted to the belt, remove the pins and fold the belt over, being sure to crease it exactly through the centre as at C. Then stitch ns shown a t D. READERS!—RUTH WYETH SPEARS’ tlliutrmted pamphlet “CLOTHES ETI­ QUETTE” 1* frc*. EheM! a iwcr youc atwamaklna prafclenvi. Write h-r in cnt> *f this ntwspapsr, tncleilfif stump fiti DsmshUi. Acoustic Experiment A very pretty experiment In acous­ tics can be achieved by the use of a child’s tin horn. Tie u sheet of thin psper firmly over the big end, hold the horn so that the paper is level, scatter Over If 0 little fine sand or lycopodium powder, then sing n note Into the horn. You Will find that the powder has formed itself into an Intricate geomet­ rical figure. It was In this way that the first voice pictures were ohtnlheii. SundaySchosl ' Lesson 1 (By REV. p. » . FiTZWATBU, 5».i>. Bra» ■ cl rSo Evctuc* BcfcooJ, ■ SJeody ;p«b!* la* aiUcso of vmi'suv-t lAsi, Wcit',rn, r.cwa-ajprr Union.) Lesson for January 3 THE SON OF GOD BECOMES MAN LKSKON T13XT—John 1 : 1 - 18 , GOLDEN TEXT-—And tho Word bp- rarcn firsh and dwelt among as (and wo behold Hl3 glory, the eiory of tho o:i|y berretton of the Father) fait of grac* 'j«a truth.—John 1:14. iUiiMAUy TOPIC—John Tell? the People About J obub , INTEUMBDI a WS AND SENIOR TOP­ IC—Why Ood Came to Earth in Jesus Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ IC—The Purpose and Power ot tho In­ carnation. The lessons for this quarter are taken from the Book of Jolm, giving us an opportunity as teachers to present this great message from God. In teaching the lessons the teacher must get John’s central purpose and bend every lesson to it. Happily the writer lias plainly declared It in chapter 20:30, 31. -It Is twofold, l. To prove that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. % To show that eternal life Is to be obtained through faith In Him, With this twofold object before him, John proeeeds lawyer-llhe, to lay down his propositions and then to intro­ duce his witnesses, one by one, to establish, them.. The section for our lesson is the prologue to the Gospel according to Jolm. I. The Pre-existent Word (vv, 1-4), The Eternal Son Is called tlie Word of God because He Is the expression rof God to man.’ He Is the one who utters to men the Father’s will ” tlie only begotten Son which Is In the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him’’ (v, 18 ). observe; - 1. The Son Is a Person Separate From the Father. ,, ■ There Is at the same time an msep- arable union existing between them. 2. The Son Is Eternal. He was with God In the beginning. He did not begin to exist when the; heavens .and the earth were created, neither did lie become the Son a t His baptism, for He was before all' things (Col. 1:17). 3. The Son Is Divine. The .Word was God. He' is a being equal with God and one in essence with Him .' 4. The Word of God Is the Omnipo­ tent Creator, > , By Him were all things made, the world and all tilings therein, The One who died to redeem us, made us. 5. The Word of God Is the Source of All Life. He is- flie eternal fountain from which all life has been derived. • C. The Word of God Is the Light of Men, . Man’s power to reason has come from Him. The conscience, and even I the Illumination of the Holy Spirit, 1have their source iu Him. J II. The World's Attitude Toward ( the Word of God (vv, 5-13), j 1, Men (ire Insensible to the Pres- j ence of thp True Light (vv, 5-10). So dense is the Ignorance of mankind that tlie presence of the very Lord of Glory Is unrecognized. Christ not only made the world but was In the ; world directing and governing the whole creation before the Incarnation, Ho Is the preserver of all •its forces mid Interests. Being thus unrecog­ nized, God In His grace sent JOlm the Baptist as a witness that all men might believe (vv. (I, 7). God was not willing that men should grope In darkness, so He sent n man with a true testimony to point out that light to titan. 2. The Desperate Wickedness of Man’s Heart (v. 11). The Word was rejected by the cho­ sen nutlou. They would not receive the one whom God had anointed to bq their King, 3. Some Keceived Christ .and Thus Became the Sons of God (vv, 12, 13), While the nation rejected Him, some Individuals embraced Him and were crowned* heirs of Immortal glory. In this section we are shown how men become children of God. It Is uot by blood relation wllh the Covenant peo­ ple “of blood” ; (grace is not In- ! herited); not by the efforts of their ’, hearts, “tlie will of muu; but of j God.” The new birth is God’s work; ’ man cannot change himself, neither can one man change the other. j til, The Eternal Word Became In- carnaio, “Made Flesh” (vv. 14-18). In these verse!) we wre taught the r.iiUiat nvtri wa;.-!* fq* *>tr*:***** Son, The eternal Son of Go* *#» *ame imm, brnn of * woman, .K* pUKSCj through r ’.Oflliood and youth info manhood, He %~m te*t»d; Ho tnUaxd ami d.vd tu mvhr that Ho t-fehr,become Identified with tho roc* Dad lift ft to Christ, and thus rootwo iko broken fellowship, This taeorAaia Son tabernacled among u s .' Into th »W m o fG o < l Study the singular benefits and * 4 , vantages ot a will resigned tafi waited Into the will of God. Such * spirit hath a continual Sabbath within It­ self, and US thoughts are «*tabli*b»d and at rest,-—FlaveL Wonders in God's Word The word of God will stand a thou­ sand readings; and he who has gun* over Jt most frequently Is the surest of finding new wonders tbere.-iJ. Hamilton, <Ih& KHCHEfl CABINET (Q, JSSiti, Waiitara istiweyapur Union.) A man'* .character J* th e r*allty Of himself. Hl» reputation is rh* opinion others have formed of hint. Character is (n him. Reputation Is from other people, SEASONABLE FOODS After a feast there are always some leftovers. In many families there Is strong objection to a re* view of any foqd. It is the wise cookwho le able to attractively disigaUia the fact that the dish has appeared befor*. Turkey Soup. Take bit* of leftover meat, of turkey, chicken or-duck, with the bones of th« carcass, fat and skin, cut into small pieces. Cover with sufficient water to covey well, with one small sliced on­ ion, one cupful of rice, a bay leaf, pep­ per and sa lt Cook very slowly, strain ' and serve ho t 8upper 1Sandwich**.—Take thin slices of cold roast fowl, lay on. but­ tered bread with a crisp slice of ba­ con; cover with'mayonnaise dressing; add another buttered slice and serve with a lettuce salad. Fowl Scallop.—Chop the meat from a fowL Butter a baking dish and.pot a layer of buttered crumbs in the bot­ tom, coyer with the chopped meat and any gravy leftover, add a few (dices of hard-cooked eggs, then repeat^ finish- ing with a layer, of buttered , crumbs for the top. I f ,there is no leftover gravy, fo t moisture add milk. Cover and bake for half, an hour, removing the cqver to brown the top. Leftover squash will make a deli­ cious pie, adding ,milk and eggs to a cupful of the seasoned squash. Mashed potato added to a doughnut mixture will make the cakes much more moist and palatable. Potato cakes, mashed potatoes over chopped meat, in the form of' shepherd’s pie, baked, is another good'way of using op seasoned mashed potatoes. - Leftover pens, added to the break­ fast qmelet,. or rinsed' of the sauce, added to .a vegetable salad, or add to a Vegetable soup, or cOnSomme. Any coarse stalks of celery may be cooked until tender after being cut Into balf-inch pieces, then nsed as an escalloped dish, ‘using any leftover white sauce and grated cheese In layers. Bake as usual until hot. Reheat any leftover pumpkin pie, garnish with a spoonful of whipped Cream, and sprinkle with grated cheese or chopped nuts, whichever Is con­ venient - " H i j u x a Floating Factory One of the Norwegian 'whaling com­ panies established a floating factory and two whalers off the coast of An­ gola last year when they were unable to otftftin a land concession. The floating factory without fixed baSe has a wider field and may prove, jt la said, to be the' method nsed in the whallnc of the future. Huge Demand for ivory It Is estimated that to supply the world’s ■ needs of Ivory the tusks of nearly 40,000 elephnnts are required every year, A certain amount of Ivory- is also obtained from the teeth of hip­ popotami, walruses, narwhals,' sperm whales and wild boars. * 0 / START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT ' You worked hard for your dollars, now make them work Hard for you. They will work 24 honrs Aday and 365 days a year. 6% INTEREST If you invest them in our SAVINGS CERTIFICATE, Every dollar i* protected by first mortgage cd Clark County real estate. ALL DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE J 1NUARY I0TH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM JANUARY 1ST. - TheSpringfieldBuilding&Loan Association $g»ringfi«ld» Ohio 20 Eaftt Main Strftot,