The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 1-26

* * * • • • * * • *'l LOGAl * «D PERSONAL • # # # ■ # # # tft sf * Th^ Ohio Pastors’ convention will beheld in Columbus January 10 to 21. Installation of officers in t'cjav- ynie Lodge No. 628, P. & A. Ml was took place last night. Rev, II. B. MeEUee, Ijidianola, Iowa, has been tendered an infernal call by the Secon XJ. P, congregation in Xenia. The ‘‘Rocky Mountain Quartette” is the next attraction on the lecture course. Opera house Jan. 22. The supply of auto” tags has been exhausted but Mr, Harry. Lewis, the loeal registrar, expects a new supply in a day or so. Don’t get far from homo without a now 1926 tag. Miss Elsie Shroade$> who is teach­ ing in Cincinnati, spent the holidays with her aunt, Mrs..Cora Trumbo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barber' had as their guests on Wednesday, Mrs. Cora Trumbo, Miss Mildred Trumbo, Miss Elsie Shroades, and Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Lowry., . • * Alcohol’ for the automobile radia­ tor. 188 proof. 75c gallon. • C. M. Ridgway Any owner of 40 acres, or more, may borrow money through my agen­ cy, at FIVE PER CENT INTEREST. W. L .Clemans, Loan Agent. Lost on North Street a brown leath­ er^coin purse containing nearly $3. Return to Herald office, and receive reward. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kyle entertain­ ed a large number of their relatives and friends Monday evening Dec. 28. Miss Eleanor Kyle. Was hostess New Year's night to 'a number of her cousins. •Any family that has not received out Sacred Axt calendar can have one by calling at the Service Hardware Store. J. Harry’ Nagley Mr. Elias Walls, 71, died at her home on the 'Federal pike at 10:15, Tuesday morning after four months illness. She is survived by her hus­ band and four children, Alva o f Day- ton; Fred at home, Mrs. Myrtle K lontz-of‘Gladstone, and Cecil of this place, Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 from the Grapegrove church. Interment' took place at Grape Grove cemetery. Mrs,. Mable Deck Jones and son of Columbus have been visiting at the home of her father, Mr. I. M, Deck. The Boy Scouts held at meeting at the R. P. church Tuesday evening and much interest is being manifested by the boys, A large percentage of them passed the “ tenderfoot test.” —We remove, all kind of dead stock. Also buy junk. Phone 5-153 John Baker Is Your Income Protected? If you should he disabled for life, who would pay the butcher, the grocer, the rent man, the doc­ tor and the other bills? When disability exists the bills come in just the same. Your in­ come stops, hut the bills don't stop. Let us protect you and your family against disability. You se­ cure our check every month to take care o f your needs, We are the largest organization of its kind in the world. A few dollars spent when you are Well, means a GUARANTEED INCOME for life when disabled. W. L. Clemans CEDARVILLE. OHIO The Mutual Benefit Health & Ac­ cident Association. Ten Years Ago Tins W e e k - Mr, C. N. Stuckey and wife left Wednesday fur an extended visit in McKeesport, Pa, Mr. Walter Graham and sister, Miss Alta gave a reception at them beautiful home on the, Co! limbus pike to about seventy eol- leg? ctudenta and other guests. I Noticed an AD IN the Saturday Evening Post THE other day about a SHAVING Brush and I saw THAT it was the same brand I HAD bought for my own use IN 1911. That old brush is STILL good and it looks LIKE it would wear for ANOTHER ten years, and it HAS not shed yet. It is a PLEASURE to use such a BRUSH, Yes we have several OF that kind in stock at VARIOUS prices. —BY “ DOC.” Richards Drug Store BY THE BRIDGE Phone 203. .ALCOHOL FOR RADIATORS! GET it at Ridgway's. 188 proof. 75c a gal­ lon. Do not forget the next, number on the lecture course, “ The Rocky Moun­ tain Quartette” composed o f a father and three sons. Opera house Jan. 22. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rife entertained a large company o f relatives' at din­ ner New Year’s Day. NOTICE—I am prepared to do your butchering and render your lard in ,i satisfactory manner. Phone 3-197 Cedarville, Wro. Cultice Dr. Leo Anderson has been laid up this week, with a severe attack of the grip. The Cedarville Township trustees have purchased a new Ford truck with dump body' to be kept on the road for repair purposes hauling stone. the There will be no preaching a t ' U. P. church, Sabbath. : The grand jury in session Monday examined twelve witnesses and con­ sidered. thirteen cases and returned four true Bills and ignored nine cases Robert H. Turner, colored, 35, was in­ dited for first degree murder when lie shot his brother-in-law, Ulysses Doatherage^ colored. Leroy Breakall, 19, and William Mjoore, 19, Xenia, in­ dited for burglary and larceny in con­ nection with the robbery o f the Babb hardware store, Howard Wilcox was indicted for grand larceny. There was no action taken on charges against Sidney M. Cornelius and his two sons on pointing fire-arms. The trouble was due to an election squabble in Osborn and there was no merit in the cases. fThe jury also refused to-return in­ i'ditments against Tiffen Walker, C. R Bales who were bound over for alleged violation of the Sunday closing law, The Exchange Bank Wants Your Banking Business * THEY PAY # 1 ON SAVINGS 0 ACCOUNTS We wish to purchase a few stacks o; LOOSE STRAW Located within 10 miles of our mill. Call] Cedarville 39-4. rings. E. S. HAMILTON, Buyer, The Hagar StrawBoard &Paper Co> CEDARVILLE, OHIO BEGINNING MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11TH. OUR a s WHEN THE SALE BEGINS THERE WILL BE TREMENDOUS STOCKS A T BIG REDUCTIONS r • - \ , ‘ . < Ready-to-wear Garments, Silk Dress Goods, Linens, Beddings, Curtains, Draperies, Rugs, Floor Coverings, Cottons, Laces, Trimmings, Gloves, Leather Goods, Novel­ ties, Hosiery, Underwear, Men’s Furnishings, China, Glassware, Trunks and Suit Cases. , MONDAY, MORNING, JANUARY 11th The Sale Begins Mrs. Mary Spencer and grandson t spent ten days visiting in Dayton "With j M .rand Mrs. Charles Harris. - Opera house, Jan. 22 “ Rocky Moun­ tain Quartette.*’ A very pleasant evening was spent by thirty people from the Selma M. 1 E. church ta the M. E. parsonage last Friday evening, Jan. 1st, with Rev. and Mrs. Bennett;- as host'arid host­ ess. The following program was ren­ dered: Piano solo, Miss Louise Schick edantz; Three coronet numbers by Mrs. Carl McDorman, accompanied ut the piano by Mrs. Waiter Lynch; a reading by Mrs. Bennett; two vocal solos by Miss Winifred Stuckey. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMillan and granddaughter, Betty Lethly, o f Col­ umbus, were guests several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F, Turnbull. ■Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Watt entertain­ ed a number of relatives at dinner New Year’s day. - Rev. Joseph*Bennett attended fin institute on evangelism *at the M. E. church in Hillsboro, Monday and Tuesday, which -was conducted by Bishop Henderson of Cincinnati. The New Year was welcomed In last New Year’s eve by the blowing of the paper mill whistle and tolling of the M, T. church bell. There -were many watch parties to welcome the advent of the New Year. Word has been received here that Mrs. Elizabeth Jamison Nash is quite ill in a Dayton hospital, suffering with pneumonia. The classes of 1917 and *18 of Ce- dnrville High School, had their an­ nual class reunion when they -were en­ tertained by Miss Josephine Randall at her home on the evening of Bee. 30th. The evening was spent with games and contests and delightful re­ freshments were served. An exchange of gifts also added to the enjoyment of those present. Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss Randall were; Mr, and Mrs, Albert Powers; Mr, and Mrs. Luther Gray of Springfield; Mr^. Pearl Huffman, Misses Helen Stewart Alice Paines, Elsie Shroades, Joseph ine Randall, and Mildred Trumbo; and Messrs. Cecil Rife Wilbur Conley, and Ralph Rife. * Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters spent last Thursday in Columbus, Mr. Charles Turner returned homo Monday after spending several days with relatives in Louisville. Mr, arid Mrs. A. E.> Richards and sons, Robert and John, spent Sabbath in New Paris. Mr. J. A. Bumgarner o f Columbus visited the first o f the ’week with his son-in-law and daughter( Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turnbull. Mr. Bumgar- rier formerly resided east o f town’ but of recent years has been living in Col­ umbus. He bas just purchased a 276, acre farm ‘near Mt. Sterling Which is i to be operated this coming year by a tenant. SPRINGFIELD’S Greatest Clothing Sale ’coats Mr. and Mrs. Rufus'MjcFarland and sons of College Comer, were guests last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Gillaugh, * Attorney Charles Darlington, Xenia is mentioned as a possible appoints, for the Board of Governors o f Nation­ al Military Homes. Cong. Wood of In­ diana has introduced a bill to that end. Col. Darlington will have the support of Senators Willis and Fess. He will not be an active candidate for the place but Will accept if it is ten­ dered him. COMBINATION SUBSCRIPTIONS Tho Young People of the Clifton United Presbyterian church held a Watch Party New Year’s eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Finney About forty were present and at a late hour an oyster supper was ser­ ved. Dft. O. P, ELIAS, Dentist $hrode* Bid*. Cedarville, O. The Herald will receive your sub-' scription for daily papers and all magazines as in the past. We guar­ antee as low prices or lower in some eases than can be secured elsewhere. The Herald, Ohio State Journal, and National Stockman, regular price $6.50, Our price — $5. 65 The Herald, Ohio State Joruhal, Ohio Farmer. Regular price $6.50 1 Our price $5.65 Tho Herald, Ohio State Journal McCalls Magazine, Womans Homo Companion. Regular price $8.00 Our price —------- . . . __$6.25 Herald, Ohio State Journal, Stock- man, McCalls Magasina, regular rate $7.50, Our p r ic e ........ . $6.35 Herald, Woman’s Home Companion Woman’s World, Paoptea Home Jour­ nal, Today’s Housewife, American’ ■Needlewcman, On-thw-Air Radio Il­ lustrated Meehanies, Sportsman's di­ gest, Farm and Flfwdde, Farm Jour­ nal and Ohio State Jwcraal, SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER ................. $6.90 Herald and Ohio State Journal. Regular Price $8.80. Oar price.. $4.90 This offer is good mly until mi<L night, January II , ISM. Other coiriWnattoa* not listed here at greatly reduced nttes. 25 % D ISCOUNT Boy’s Suits and O’coats 20% Off Men’s Dress TROUSERS 20% O ff DRESS SHIRTS 20% Off HATS $4.00 Hats . . $2.98 $3 00 Hats * * * . .,$1,98 Buy Now and Save One Fourth $18.75 Suits and O’coats Now $14,06 $22.50 Suits and O’coats Now $ i 6.57 $25.00 Suits and O’coats Now $18.75 $27.50 Suits and O’coats Now $20.63 $30.00 Suits and O’coats Now $22.50 $35.06 Suits and O’coats Now $26.25 a This is the Sale You’ve Been Waiting For % Springfield’s Largest and Best Clothing Store Cornet Fountain and High St., Springfield, Ohio ttttfca IF YOU NEED PRINTING DROP IN (MINI