The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 1-26

I v /< / 3SR F2Jr n H A IN E S C ITY (~*AN A city be solid? As well a.3k, "Can gold be solid 1". Of course it can. Besides, solid gold is the only gold worth while. There used to bo jewelry called ‘gold washed’. It had the appearance but not the reality* There are cities like that, but Haines City is not one of them. I t has substance. Nothing hollow about it. Its finances are sound. Its Banks are busy and growing. Its Factories are increasing. Its Business Concerns are expanding. One Whole­ sale House |s doing approximately $760,000 a year. There is no commercial camouflage about Haines City. We have the real thing. This applies also to the real estate. The land is high, and dry, standing 221 feet above sea level. I t has an enviable location in the' center of Central Florida, consequently its values are' as high as its elevation: but, fortunately for the in­ vestor, the prices .are still low by comparison. This la a state of affairs which is distinctly, fa­ vorable for action, and the time for action Is now. NOT TOMORROW. NOT NEXT WEEK. NOW. dfr&nl^ Bn/son REALTOR It r r r r r - r r a % OUR G R E A T Starts Thursday, January 14th, at 8 A. M. O u r plan is to extend our business first by staging a great reduetion sale drawing in hundred of people to our store giving such vast reductions tha t will turn our stock into cash, and a t the same make friends andpermanent customers for our st re. Business Extension Sale of Suits and Overcoats Hart, Schaffner 6c Marx, and Fashion Park and Griffon clothes. Several hundred garments to se­ lect from. $50.00 to $60,00 Suits and Overcoats . $45.00 to-$47.50 Suits and Overcoats.. $40.00 and $42.50 Suits and Overcoats . $35.00* and $37 50 ‘ Suits and Overcoats,. $30.00 and $32.50 <fcOO f t C Suits and Overcoats. , $25.00 and $27.50 1 Q O f i S t ’i.s arid Overcoats « O t J One lot of Suits one of a kind .sizes 34 to 37 values tip to $35,00. Clean ;Sceale.,......... $14.85 $38.85 $32.85 $29.85 $26.85 Business Extension Sale of Boys’ Suits and Overcoats Boys’ all wool two pants suits well made, new .light colors, pants lined and guaranteed to wear, - ■ ■ 97 suits to clean up at 1-2 price. $25 00 Two Pants Suits . . .$12.50 $20.00 Two Pants Su its .. $10.00 $18.00 Two Pahts S u its ..*.$ 9.00 $15,00 Two Pants Suits . $ 7.50 $13.50Two Pants Suits.. $ 6.75 Extra Special 47 All wool two pants suits of fine $5.00 makes our regular $10,00 and $12.50 grades. Sale p r ice .. Ages 7 to 17 Also big reductions on all Overcoats and Mackinaws* boys’ , Reductions of same proportions on Sweaters, Hats, Odd Trousers, Gloves/ Mufflers, Work Clothing, Luggage. The McDormafaPumphrey Co. XENIA, OHIO IF YOU NEED PRINTING DROP IN U. S, TOBACK CROP BOARDWITHCREDIT Dickinson and Jardine Agree an Term* of Relief— Iowa Calf* Meeting , Washington.— Agreement on a &*f- ’ • Jnlte legislative program to establlah !« government ay*tea for marketing surplus crops to aid the farmers of ■ the West wa* reached by represents- j lives of the Coolldje administration i and the farm bloc. ' For the flr*t time since the Iowa corn surplus problem centered the at­ tention of Washington on the farmer*’ distress, Secretary Jardine and Rep­ resentative L. J. Dickinson (Rep., Iowa) came virtually, to complete un­ derstanding. The plan agreed upon follows the terms of the bill Introduced by Mr, Dickinson. It provides for creation by congress of a federal farm* board having power to designate some agency to handle the gurplua of any crop. The agency so selected would serve as a coopera­ tive society to dispose of the surplus by export, any loss to be met‘by the farmers who join in the plan and whose surplus is .thus disposed of. The program does not require any expenditure of government money nor does It intend that the government shall either buy or sell the surplus, it Is said. The only financial help the govern­ ment offers Is to permit the agency designated by the proposed farm hoard to borrow money from the inter­ mediate credit banks, The money to be collected by the member farmers will be security far the loans, Des ilqlnes, Iowa.—Iowa’s commit­ tee of fifty called a conference of the eleven com belt, states for late this month to harmonise the demand to congress for /arm relief legislation. The conference will concentrate on a plan for a federal export corporation to dispose of surplus corn. . r Neu) Turkish LawHits America ji- Manufacturers, Constantinople;—Turkey has with* drawn Its inostffavored-nation treat­ ment of the linked States. The sig­ nificance of a new law issued at An­ gora on December 20 was realized only recently. The .Turks published the fact that all nations not having com­ mercial treaties.Ratified would be sub­ ject to a 60 pet* centincrease in im­ port duties. ? Hundreds ofthousands of dollars worth of American goods already are tied, up In the bonded' warehouses In Constantinople. The consignees refuse to accept the gofids because they are forced*to pay thd.increased cost, which will enable the British, French, Ger­ man and other, merchants, to sell their wares a t less ti^in half the* American prices. J,-'- - ’ * Bill Asks $ 187 , 083,000 for NowPost Offices Washington. —> Appropriation of $187,008,000 for construction of more than 300 post-office buildings In vari­ ous parts of the country was proposed in a bill by Representative Busby of Mississippi (Bern.), on the house pub­ lic buildings committee, '"•K’ " 1;,<J....... " A ■ . WONDERFUL BARGAINS AN-" NOUNCTD BY OHIO STATE JOURNAL; JANUARY OFFER' The management of the Ohio State Journal has made announcement of the 1026 Bargain Offer, disclosing the fact that not only jjwe the clubs more numerous <but the prices'lotver. I t is one of the most attractive lists ever presented to the xpading public and so reasonable, are ihe quotations that no person can offe* an excuse for not taking advantage $f thin opportunity to provide the home with the best class of reading ikattor the market' affords. 1 Enjoying the.’ imputation of being the only morning newspaper published in Columbus or Central Ohiot the Ohio State Journal has gained in popular­ ity each yean I t if especially apprec­ iated by those wJ$> reside on rural routes, as it means a great deal to be supplied with wnewspaper on day of publication. 'Die farmer realizes it. is a bg iteim to[ be Able to get the important happcnijigs fresh from the wires, and stock markets showing the actual close of thej previous day. Ohio State Journal readers, residing in the country, are ju st 34 hours in advance of those subscribers for an afternoon newspaper dated f ir the next day. The delivery of the ruml mail is favorable to the morning licVapapcr, Every page of tie OhioStatc Jour­ nal is interesting'.; I t is a newspaper suited for the entire household and containing many ftelect features of interest to f$rm hdme. The Monday is­ sue includes a contic section', which is very popular with both young and old. The Daily Weather reports and ob­ servations appeal io the farmer.. They are published in time to become a true forecast. The political sltsatlon this year will bo unusually interesting, The election of an. United States Senator, gover­ nor atid legislature will provide an a- bundance of reading along that line. Congress, with mahy important meas­ ures before it, is in Session and the Ohio State Journal, unbiased and un­ bossed, is in position to supply the news. ! The price of th« Ohio State Journal for one year, delivered by mail is four dollars. Among some of the club offers are the Journal and Ohio Farmer for $2.25; Journal an4 National Stockman $2.25,* Journal arid Woman’s Home, Companion and McCalls Magazine for $2.60, Subscription* may he sent to this office or to the Ohio State Journal direct a t Columbus O, Begins Monday Noon,Jan. 18 ; ; . t ' : • ■ - ' . • .■ , ■ « |OR many years the people of this m entire section of the country have welcomed Mabley’s clearing sales. If you purchase during this sale and put your savings in the bank, it will amount to a considerable sum. Very low prices on winter wearing apparel and all seasonable merchandise for men, women and children. The policy of this great store is to dispose of the previous seasons merchandise be­ fore the new season begins— it’s your opportunity , : Great Reductions! Splendid Savings! DO NOT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WONDERFUL MONEY SAVING EVENT! Q e^ fab l^ and A Good Store Fountain Square Fifth and Vine CINCINNATI E > a n l \ ^ cJrour 5 e y i i ^ 'ta IDLE DOLLARS NEVER GROW One Hundred Dollars- hid away in your home will still be just One Hundred Dollars ten years from now, (providing thieves don’t get it, or your home doesn’t burn down)—But one Hundred Dollars invested in our SAVINGS CERTIFI­ CATES drawing 6 % INTEREST 1 - will be worth $179.09 ten years from now and it will be protected by the best security—first mortgage on real estate. Put your money to work and watch it grow! Hu Springfield Building&Loan Association 5 i 28 E ast M ain S tree t, Sp ring fie ld , O h io GET00RPRICESORPRINTING