The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 27-52

THE CBDARVILL I n m _ ^ 11 u J b t / X \ h jBmuffgtliMoes KAKUSBULL r' * c : A n n c s ic in g laVwvd *t the Foet-OffUe, «J«im |»M||i™-W™*• a , o y * * « ww« *4 siwwiwiwot A f n ^bty, but Americaa# wfd iw t r give * f 4^ M ttn fllA TWmh I mi W K va - wm Vv>M»tl i up the Iris k M brown, French fried, sugrstin, German fried, or the mod Old Aart. •jg»v**e*“We* U imam I FBIDAT, SEPT*#*®** nA PUBLIC DISPLAYS INTEREST ($7,(XH>r0M ... land la#*IT water-work* ] Evidwwe way. SAVE THE PICTURES The New \ Nisley ^ "» ■ ■ Store * ]%21 |SaitHigh St, the poNi# i# case jm aetti concerned an innocent • m - I , u». 4 C4,.J •»,i 'it■ 1 ‘ • it. 41 ■» ^ . Complete Stock* o f Popular. Priced, Shoot v.La.., m the Arcade, State* The suggestion that ., ------„ „ for the town be considered brought) jy^jes ^ out wore favorable eorwnent than w*1.may W lsvW l had anticipated, upon first mention erf suck *•proportion for the toym. The Herald is making no effort to ■all this that or any other plan to the village. We.have mentioned that the town needs wstisr-work# for various reasons, just the aeme a# is found in thousands of larger and smaller « “ ■ munities, * We expect to discus* this subject from time- to time to keep it before the people that it may be given con­ sideration by the officials as well as the public, „ We do not expect that water-works will be received by all the citinens. There will'be some that will think ■t i» unnecessary and a useless ex­ pense'for the -benefit derived. This need not discourage those that would ike to see the town adopt this pfo- proper to defeat js^Hclan* "but The [3|£ <• i&e peddle is paver wants Convicted. PARENTS AND* THR. SCHOOLS 1926 40 YEARS ’• * - . ‘ And ‘ better Wojford has l^een serving the community in a mechanical way. The reputation of this Establishment for doing good, RELIABLE work has been the [ best. Since the beginning of the Automotive , industry this shop has been intimately con­ nected with it. There is no garage in the county better equipped to care for .the needs of the auto- mobilist. HONES r WORK AND HONEST PRICES Oils Greases Accessories ASK ABOUT STORAGE G A R A G E •Phone 2 -25 Cedarville, Ohio We have taken the agency for the Interna­ tional Hamster Co*, and will have a full line O ff: ■ . V • ‘ • ’ FARM MACHINERY —■ TRUCKS AND TRACTORS *, We will also have a full line o f repairs for these lines at all times. Look up your list o f repairs wanted and let us have the order now# THECEDARVILE LUMBER COMPANY TRT OUR JOB PRINTING :, Now that the public heheql* *re op­ erating according t o * schedule :- laid, down by the authorities and the fac nlty, th® children will be expected to conform 5tu *11 the requirements. But the. parent# -have * duty just as im- portant a* that'of the pupils. There must be aorOperation between parents and pupils dnd teacher*. */; ■'. The purefct canftot expect to unload his responsibility un the teachers. It is just as lisiential that 'the /parents havft anl|pblre'#t;in the studies of the pupil# aa the teacher-hroni the stand gressive proposition. We can well Ve-yjpin^ of the pupil, the parents must The federal public building# com­ mission should waste no time in ac­ cepting the offer of the moving pic­ ture industry to place Alma of his­ toric value in Washington. Negatives to be preserved would include those of such events as the signing of the Versailles treaty,^ presidential jnau- guerations, and the first air, plane flight. v There Can be no serious question of the vaiue of such records, nor o f the importance of preserving thtem while the opportunity offers. VoURRIRTliPAY Is It This Week? ' SEPTEMBER 12th 18th member when cement walks were first introduced. Later council saw the ur­ gent need of the improved pavements. Property owners were compelled >to put them down-but not until the town was‘ much disturbed and some hard feelings exhibited in some' quarters^ The purchase of the steaA fire en­ gine for protection was regarded, as unnecessary. Coming down to ten years ago we had a few that did not want Iprick streets. In the course .of: ^ .. __ time Cedarville was'one of the firstJadvantages of iui. education towns in the county outside of Xenia disadvantage of not having on to adopt cement Sidewalks. To this « 4- * 1 • ’ * * ^ day w<i have the best fire protection and the most improved brick street^; and. we would not part with any of these improvements today. When we have water-works we will be just as proud of it as our first block of cement pavement. accept this task if the pupil is to re­ ceive all the benefits hoped for. The. greater the Interest of the parents In the*school#,, the greater becomes the interest *of th* pupils. Thq. pupils .tnust he Convinced that knowledge*-!^ really important .to them ana this must he .done in the home. Children do not always see the necessity of. certain. thifigs required in the school. The patents haVe so many different way# to bring out the — *■— •' ; ' ’" - “ —and ^ e when they have, reached manhood or wo­ manhood.’ ■> ' > - THE GOAST-OF FEAR v The Exchange Bank * * Wants Your Banking Business , THEY PAY a o f ON SAVINGS* £* /0 ACCOUNTS S5P5« WHITEWASH-PLENTY OF IT! There is evidence of. plenty of that famous ingredient known' to politi­ cians as "whitewash” in the Harry Daugherty trial in' a United State* court in NeW, York City. < Daugherty, with Miller, former Alien Property Custodian and King! a politician, now dqad, were indicted with intelit to de­ fraud the government.. There WAs evidence before the grand jury that .warranted indictments. To­ day the evidence has been diluted and intimations are made that certain wit­ nessed haye been drilled to weaken the government’s Case Somepne once said,-“Caution makes you careful, hut. fear cooks your goose.”: Caution, is # good thing, hut fear is the most fearful thing -that can come to a man when he wants to go ahead, ^vFothlng wilt be, nothing can he, ac­ complishedwhen you are afraid; Fear hinds a ”man’s brain and attaches ton Or two to his hands. It also, weighs down his heart, Did you ever lie awake at night be­ cause .you fcajred disease or debt? Don’t you know that every time you let fear get into your heart, things look like failure and begin to go had. , The ghost, o f feSr- almost -always comes from * run-dowri physical Or mental ’condition; ^You are tired, ner­ vous, worn and weary and then old If your birthday is this week you are hold, determined, and fearless, with splendid business ability. Yqu roe somewhat opinionated,'and con­ sider yourself equal to anything. You know-your ability’ and want to have your owh Way. Positive and combative a# you are, though, you attract many friends, who yield to you because ;hey place implicit .confidence in yoUr integrity and judgment. You usually succeed in pushing yppr- plans through to a successful finish. You are genuine, and your strong­ est characteristic 1# your conscien­ tious loyalty to duty. Your nature is well-balanced one,:and whilp you are not a sentimentalist, you have £> deep, .affectionate nature,, and a 'pure and high ideal of life. You are a fine companion, juighfe and interesting’ in conservation? You are naturally cheer ful and optimistic but are subject to moods of melancholy. Women born during these dates make excellent wives, arid are- at all times an. inspiration to their husbands They also Succeed inJ, business, be­ coming executives, secretaries, and saleswomen/ Men succeed aS'brokers, bankers, lawyers,- merchants and. in yentors. Wm. H. Taft was born September Ifi. We wish to purchase a few stacks of L O O SE S T R A W Located within 10 miles of our mill. CallJJ Cedarville .39-4 rings. E. S, HAMILTON, Buyer. The Hagar StrawBoard &Paper Co- ? t ' ■ CEDA r / i LLE, pHIO - — ■■ * y y y • • ■ r , - - Suggestion, at Least Ht Isn’t altogether Impi-ohiihle,” writes in I. G. S.t ‘'that tlie jelly fish gets Its jelly from the ocean current.” -Christian Science Monitor . , . A W ISE - d e c is io n . iFTER struggling airing ■ . A withfooreyesightfor ‘ a long time you sud- denly detide to have your . v.eyes properly fitted tvitii^ ■• glasses and find that you ; ! fiavemissed a lot; of com­ fort, pleasure and effici­ ency. • „ Why not make tijat deci-1 sion HQW and come in . tight away? T I F F A N Y & T I F F A N Y OPTICIANS * S. Detroit St. Xenia, 0. tgassR ) 1 Fear camp* at your bedside and. you King^died a few days after „his .jn- *Cannot sleep. W]hen you are right in dictment. Jesse Smith, confident of Daugherty is dead also. Tjiere is* an abundance of evidence-against -these two dead men and Paugherty will es­ cape if possible by placing . all the blame on two dead men—and’ “dead men tell no tales.” A German hanker and manufactur­ er Bays now that he paid a.-bribe of $441,000 to King, but not Daugherty, fct a champaign dinqer in ri Nqw York hotel. Attempts haafe -been, made to justify this act as proper. ^ 80 why have not-"other alien'property riwnera been given their property? Why pay; a bribe to, anyone,aeven Daugherty’s friends, if .the German property wias .being held illegally? It js. peculiar that haste was Usrid to get this Case approved by Daugherty, who was then Attorney General, and later reinoved by President Coolidge, Why was it necessary for a Court to threaten Harry with a jail sentence for not answering questions before the grand jury? Why did he admit that certain records wanted by the government had been burned, if the return of tho brain and body, nothing can mpke you afraid. When you are Wrong or sick, 0 Bhadow makes you shake like-, an aspen' leaf. . ' ■ , Banish your leal1'by right living. Use Caution to .avoid-,the pItfalsl'Be temperate in all things. Live,’ within your inconte and tiie ghost o f fear will not trouble yon^ ' v „ • To Mabley^ for t^e o f school togs LONG LIVE IRISH POTATO S t a t i s t i c * * t h e federtl bureau' of agricultural-aeonontlos indicate that the taste of the AatsriCsn potato eater seem* to- be veering from the Irish ti^e sweatyjUst season,sayE the report, on*’buried o f sweet pota^ toes was- grown fo*»,every five and two-tenths bushels Of Irish. This year the ratio Is given « e one bushel of Sweets to every foab sad four-revents bushels 9 ^ the Irish. ^ ■ These figures might cause one to believe .that it jtfon’t Jbe many years until (he sweet potato becomes ab­ solute master of the table. Sweet potatoes are mighty pala- Shop by mail! ,Our Personal Shopper invites ygur patronage* Write to Norma Fay . She wilt make selections for you* ' New: }:. ;-n,om ore jersey frocks for junior girls DtFrankCrane Says „ THE SHOW GOES ON . »•. •’ • -y, * Some time ago a trapese actress in the circus; tit a distance of thirty feet from her trapeze Xo the floor,‘There was no net or other device to" bfehk her fall and she sustained a fracture of the am and possible inter­ ns! injuries. . * : The accident the midfile of the trapes« act in Which she and ofhre members of her family were performing, She lost .her footing an# foil. 4 'Confustott reigned for a few moments, Women and chilfiren Screamed arid nieti rushed about for aid. Soon an animal act Was rushed Into the arena and the show went oh, . . The show always must go on. Anyone of us may dlsapear;' a brick -may fall on him or rin automo­ bile truck rrin over him, and it js as if one threw a pebble into the pool, There is a little confusion, a*few waves circle about tits place,, arid soon all i s quiet, as before, Some old men remember when Lincoln was assassinated, Those not so old remember the assassination of Garfield'and McKinley, These things, were so terrible that they thought the World would stop, They Were a- mased to See that everything went as usual, None of us Wollld be missed, One may drop cart vt hi* place ifi society, a few friends will moutm him, a few will notice his absence, and it will cause temporary sadness. But in a little while- he is forgot­ ten. ' ’ Where are. the snows of yesteryear? Whera tm the -beautiful wo­ men like Helen of Troy that once disturbed the jn m i Whore are the heroes,’ the mighty men of old, that once bestrode the world? The great as well as the small must g# down, #wd flows on. The life of the community is like » resistless tide, Nuti&tg osn impede its progress. However cataclysmic the calamities that $$***& E» they are soon swallowed up in the progress* of events. , One of the poem* which was a favorite, with Lincoln must eometomind! i , ‘ “ 0, why should the spirit of mortal ha ptwbV* < / * School hats Smart nfw/ettsy fo r jun ior girls. $3.95 New styles—newcolors— newtrimmings. Alsochic , styles, $1.95 to $8.95 ‘ t ' . Kamp Tramps New elkskln oxfords fp f school girts. * $5.50 ’ Srhart 'moccssin style in the popular shade of ten calf. Sizes m to 7. $10.50 A favoriteWithyoung fash- ionables—^fine wool jersey frocks smartly tailored in cleyer collegiate styles. Gnestrlkingmodelsketched in Valencia blue with crepe de chine collar, cuffs and front paqel. Other chic frocks in tawny tan, jungle green, raspberry*rust and navy. Cn. jse see 13, 15 or 17, twimiww Boys’ shoes built to stand his rough treatment. $3.95 Ten calf} some with forated trimming; otl plain trimmed; all sizes. per- hers M ableyju n ior 4 -piece suits $12.75 ' MableyJr. suits are smart suits for boys. They're made the way boys want them. New browns, tarts, grays and mixtures. Ages (Vto 18. With suits 6 to 16 there are two knickers or one pair long trousers and one pair krtickerd. ‘ With i4 to 18, two pair long trousers. / * M»U«V« bey** snd *tri«*atora d»Uthdoor) o n d 0 / l 0 P ^ FOUNTAIN itJtfARR A GOOD STORE ON C INN AT I.OH IO ssia The M. R *Sts„ Cede » t the We Satu This resi rooms. Ba Also a f Jamestow House in Both pr the mortg Savings C in finaneii u A R Is 01 What is 'A rente that isn’t our plan'p snip. Our hor rates an Once, star there’s a 1 Moreov short noti offers equ Come in The C Brea Flour VINEGAR, Cider gal. COFFEE, brand 47c lb, ■ JAR Rubbe Duty dog. BEANS, Co Club 2 ca BANANAS, Golden Fr g r a p e s T Baskets e Tokays! BACON, S 32c, Co Style lb. Get 0 1 *