The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 27-52

The Exchange Bank Wants Your Banking Business * THEY PAY „ f A Of ON SAVINGS ^ /O ACCOUNTS 1882 1926 4 0 YEARS And better Wolford has been serving the community in a mechanical way. The reputation of this establishment for , doing good, RELIABLE work has been the ■ ■ best. ■ Since the beginning of the Automotive^ industry this shop, has been intimately con­ nected with it. . There is no garage in the comity better equipped to care for the needs of the auto- mobilist. .HONES r WORK AND HONEST PRICES . Oils Greases Accessories ASK ABOUT STORAGE WOLFORD GARAGE Phone .2-25 CedarviUe, Ohio SUPERIOR GRAIN BRILLS ,i '» * ‘ * , ' ' * _ . , MASSEY- HARRIS AND JOHN DEERE CORN BINDERS FAVORITE STOVES AND RANGES FAVORITE CABINET HEATERS HANNA GREEN SEAL PAINT KOKOMO FENCE — STEEL POSTS LOCUST POSTS — FEED — SEEDS CedarviUe Farmers’ Grain Company Everything forfthe Farm Phone 21 c Cedarville, Ohio Improved Uniform International StmdaySchool ’ Lcssort ’ (M r RKV. P. 3 . MTXWATJBK. D.D., D a i at D*y Scho*!*, U m C? B lkli Uitltut* mt Ohio***,) <®, j»M, H*wna-p*r Urn !•#.) Letaou for October 3 U We have taken the agency for the Interna­ tional Harvester Co, and will have a full line o f FARM MACHINERY — TRUCKS AND TRACTORS > , We will also have a fu ll line of repairs for these lines at all times. Look up your list o f i ■ repairswanted and let^ishaye the otiler THECEDARVILE LUfflrARi ISRAEL JOURNEYING TOWARD CANAAN LKSSQN TEXT—Number# 16:11-*,. GOLDEN TEXT—Come thou w ith ue .end we w ill do thee good. PRIMARY TOPIC — A Journey ft Lone Ago, JUNIOR TOPIC—Journeying In the Wilderheae, INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP­ IC—W hat Israel (Lsarn.d In the Wil­ derness. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ IC—Mow God Qulde# Hie People, Israel remained almost one year at Sinai, It was a veritable schooling for them. Their stay was necessary. 1. To allow them to recuperate from the effects of many years pf slavery. 2. To train them morally and (spir­ itually for the great work before them, The wonderful transactions at Sinai served to Inspire >them with courage and hope, for through them they came to know God as their king apd them­ selves as His covenant people, 8. To have them thoroughly organ­ ized. This was not only necessary for the march, but fbr the warfare In gaining possession of the land of Canaan. I. Marching From Sinai at the Hand of Mosos <vv, 11-28). The nation had now grown to a great host—tbe army Itself of 403,580 strong, Allowing three persons to every soldier, there would be 1,810,050. The army was organized into four great sections or divisions' with three tribes to each division. The Levltes were organized on the basis of. the three sons of Aaron~-Gershon, ICohath and MerarL The Kohathltes had the principal place abont the tabernacles— charge of the most precious things. The Gershonitea had the next place of honor, while the drudgery fell upon the Merarttea. 1. The signal given (r. 11), The lifting of the cloud from off the sanctuary was the signal for the camp to be broken and the march to begin. 2, The signal given to rest (v. 12). J u s t as trie sig n 'to march most be recognized, so the sign to 'rest must be obeyed. 3, The Commanded (v. 18). God waft the Commander through’ His servant, Moses. 4. The order of th e , march (w, .14-18). As they marched the division led by Judah went forward, followed by Gershon and Mernrl bearing the coars­ er part of the tabernacle, Then marched Reuben's division, followed by the Kohathltes bearing the sacred utensils of the tabernacle. These were followed by the division of Ephraim and Ban. The ark occupied a. central position with the moving ■ IK Motes Seeking theHetp of Hobab (vv. 2942). Hobab was a shrewd child of the desert Moses thought therefore that his knowledge thereof would be, help­ ful, The children of Israel were going forth under the. guiding care of the Almighty. Surely He could be trusted. Certainly He knew that dreadful wil­ derness, 1. "We will do thee good." Moses had faith In .God’s promises to Israel and could well assure Hobab that good, would come to him by Iden­ tifying himself with God’s covenant people. i 2. "Thou mayest be to us Instead of eyes.". * Moses still Insisted that Hobab should go,along; not only for the goop he could get but for the good he might do. Ill, Marching to Canaan With th£ Lord as Lsadsr ( tv . 33-36). Even though Hobab did go with Is­ rael, wo never hear of his leading the people, The Lord will not have It so. Observe t L "The ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them?’ (v, 5 3 ).___ The .ark, othe symbol of the'dlvlne presence, moved out of Its place In the midst of the camp and took its place at the head. 2, The cloud of the Lord rested ' upon them (v. 84). This was an indication that God was not only leading, but governing His people and protecting them. 3. The Lord’s vindication (w . 85, 36). Moses* unbelief caused a reproach unto the Lord, This action on the 'part of God vindicated His leadership, Moses gate recognition to this act of God In identifying himself with His people. When the ark rested and set forward, he exclaimed, "Itlse up. Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered and iet them that hate Thee dee be­ fore, Thee," and when It rested-V'ite- thrn, O Lord, unto the many thousands d t Israel." ” LEGAL NOTICE Jn pursance of aa order of the, Pro­ hate Court of Greene County, Ohio, I will offer for gala a t public auction on the doth Day of October, 1926, ** .Saturday a t tyro o’clock P, M. on the premises the following described real estate, towit; Situated in the County of Greene, State of Ohio, and in the Village of Cedarville, to-wit: Bounded and described as follows: Being p a rt of Lot No, Twenty-three (23) in Mitchell’s and Dunlap’s addi­ tion. to the Village of Cedarville, as the same is designated, numbered and known on the recorded plat of said addition. Beginning a t a stake the h . W. cor­ ner of said lot or Grovd Street and Miller Street; Thence with the line of said lot on Mlllre Street S. 30 1-2 deg. God** Love We are taught to think that God's love is the biggest thing in the uni­ verse, Let us think of some of the biggest things we know, and then we will lift our eyes upon one that 1 r bigger than all.—J. H, Jewett, Happiness Counts Most ! , , . The will of God respecting US la that we shall live by each other’s happiness and life, not by each other.1* misery , . . men help each other by their Joy, not by their sorrow. Old “Blue** law The first Sunday law In America Was enacted In Virgins, previous to 1628. I t punished absence from church on Sunday, without excuse, by tli* forfeiture of 80 pounds of tobacco, j _ .........................-»* . t ,v WeutMevlhg Pigeon* VWth the wind,, on a, short Journey, ' pfpoti*' bAVft been AftAla 1 speed of over a mile a ml*. w«. TWO GOOD BRICK ROOMS FOR SALE Situate on Main street in Cedar- ville, $4,700 takes the two. Each have good living rooms over the. Store Rooms, with garage and driveway, ■/* *-#•■ * . . Several nice homes for sale on prominent streets in CedarviUe, O, A special bargain in a GOOD FARM South or Cedarville, €0. •.■* ,* * MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS At 5 Per Cent Int. W. L. CLEMANS, ' Cedarville^ Ohio. E. 189.25 feet to a stake; Thene# S, 55 deg. W 75 feet to a stake in said lot comet-Ho Jennie Ervin; Thane* with Jennie Ervin’s line N. 85 deg, w. 175.88 feet to a stake in the line of Grove Street and corner to Jen­ nie Ervjn; Thence with Grove Street N. 42 1-2 deg. E. 65 feet to the be­ ginning containing 50.35 square rods. Said property is located in the Vil­ lage of CedarviUe, Ohio, on the South West corner of Xenia Avenue and Miller Street. Appraised at live thousand dollars, ($5,000.00), and' may sell for two- thirds thereof. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one- third in one and,two years from date of sale, deferred payments to foe se cured by a mortgage on ia id premises sold, and to beat interest a t the rate of seven per cant, o r'all cash a t the option pf the purchaser. Said sale is mad* puraant to an or­ der of the Court in the rase o f Miron I, Marsh, Executor of Thompson Crawford, deceased, -vs- Cora Craw­ ford, at al. MIRON I. MARSH, Executor. CedarviUe, Ohio. Miller & Finney, Attorneys, , Xenia, Ohio Oct. 744-21-28. OWNERSHIP STATEMENT. * This is io certify tlu*i EuUl f owner, publisher CedarviUe Herald and that Outre are oo bondholders or T u K f f W . HU Memory Neglected An oM-fashimmd type of tombstone marks the grave of Major L’Enfant, i who planned the 4 ty of Washington, i other than this, we have no memorial to him. For, Sale— Duroc male, yearling. '(2t)pd James R. Qrr True Enough „ A car l*smost enjoyable when It gets to the state where you don’t care a darn whether it’s washed or not. BAD WEATHER may be hard on most crops but it has no effect on your money crop if i t is plunted in our SAVINGS CERTIFICATES bearing 6 % INTEREST . Keep>your extra harvest money growing more dollars for you by planting it there. Every dollar protected by first mortgage on 0lar,k Caunty real estate. . ALL DEPOSITS MADE ON BEFORE OCTOBER 6TH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM OCTOBER 1ST. The Springfield Building&Loan Association 28 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio BSKaaaSSBS V i A WEEK SALE\ V1 j\t, After months of prepartion we are ready to again hold our Million-a-Week Sale! This is the event that thousands' pf people the country over, eager* ly look forwar4 to, as it brings the greatest furniture and rug values of the year! Every store in our gigantic or* ganization holds this sale dur* ing October! Every store puts forth extraordinary efforts to realize a combined business of one million dollars in a week. . The greatest values possible are of­ fered, ’ It it obvious that to do a gigantic volume of busi­ ness, unusual values MUST be offered* If you at* tended our Million-A-Week Sales, in the past, you know what sensational values may be expected dur* ing this event! This sale demonstrated how the tre* mendous purchasing power of the stores in this or­ ganization can save money for our customers. 0 M W e * t Main $t 8 mm rKuPfl