The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 27-52

.-m***^. - - % . V ■i ■ (• i i m iy ixw . C B D A R V I L t E H E RA LD <g * jmsy j*wg*t. 0»e jw e r aw»plnu»d in, Bftoin a bold EDITORANDFUBUS^t Ifai tesi eft the FeeMIBee,- t R t SH 9 * W W 0 H OetobarSt, 1 *W, m M 6 «ad FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 ,1&2S, ONCB WAS BAD NOW GOOD te At* enwri Airttagith* deliberation* I ISOft 100*11*0#* U**d in A* jury ‘room w*» terrible and that if a ver- Jdtot Vas rendered it would ba by l force, -against on*’* own conviction. ■It cannot be said that the government !w** reeoriSng to such f , charge or ' that any member of the’jury wai us- ratoe premia^ Wore*»*de or agreement en- - . ^ ^ Ecpprta indicate the tend into of eouraa ha* not been given I t has net been *o many months fX$Q« eveftte g» nowaday*, that we heard. Vmd lamentation* from the Gowdy . Marshall, crowd about how terribly corrupt H. E. Schmidt oncl Marat* Shoup ware and how things would be steamed up if the seif-styled reformers were put in place. Most every organisation in the county we* appealed to by the Gowdy-Marsball leaders and aid was .extended, Greene county has had six years of what i* more than enough for a trial. Results apeak fo r themselves. Conditions are no better, far worse. The recent primary election was a mandate for another change and a house cleaning, This crowd that has waxed fa t off the' county wa’s given a rear seat in county management and party affairs, There never was a niore selfish party management in the his tory.of the county. The political bosses have worked, everything to their own, political and financial profit by hom­ ing ail the paying jobs they could iget their hands on, even a t the dis­ pleasure of many of their own fol­ lowers, who wow told to keep quiet. Judge Gowdy has boon ho outstandn , t 7 ^ * * !r* ( ju iy stood sewn to five for cpnvm- tha public. We know of no favor-,the •lS___ „ r.__ wm puouc. we anew or »o tion o£ jQ ^ h e rty and ten to two- for Common Plea* court could g rw t Mr of Miner. . Shoup as an attorney, that would not « unfair to some other-attorney or his client, I t is known that Judge Gowdy want-i the support of Schmidt and Shoup. H$ la trying to strengthen his fences * sine* the storm of ballots wrecked the Gowdy-Marshall political machine last August. The public has a right to know what took place a t the conference between' Gowdy and Shoup, particularly ip view of the fact that in times past they have been sworn political enemies and one could say nothing good of the other, .Now the question is “How can Marcus Shoup be so good, when he has .been so bad?" , f The public can see the inside of the political attempt-of-Judge Gowdy, to land the support of Judge Shoup, It Could hardly be believed that Judge Shoup would endorse Gowdy or even lend him passing support without Gowdy making it interesting, Time only Will tell, John Baughn in his candidacy for sheriff tried to double with H. E. Schmidt but failed and we During ‘the trial Daugherty used every means to put thg brand of guilt on h|* former dead friend, Jesse Smith. He want farther than that-and wrought in the name of the late Pres­ ident Harding, whom the public well knows died Of a broken heart when nts^ty vote*. ^primary system the Dapgherty-Ohio. gang revelations not at faul£ i$. Pennsylvania and ing figure on the Common Fleas bench believe the public should .and will op , He has been lax in more than one inT stance tin handling justice. When , the Lattimer-murder case wa* before the public, Prosecutor Kenneth Wilr liamson resigned rather than be a ' .party to petty politics in the admin­ istration of justice. - - The LaLttimer case was notable in that, one venireman stated in court, he had been approached and did not con­ sider himself qualified to sit as a juron in that Case. This one act should have prompted Judge Gowdy to ac­ tion; but he smoothed the trouble over rather than have a political associate " brought into court. " The Frank Stunich case wa$ anoth- ‘ - er.that was a disgrace to the county. Stunich was regarded as a had man when intoxicated. He had no value On .hi* bwfi .life, nor that of any officer that attempted to arrest him. He had once kidnapped Chief o f Police Graham at the point of a revolver, Stunich was before‘Judge Gowdy on a serious charge, and without, taking into consideration his record, gave the fellow a parole after being found ' guilty.. While under this" parole this same man went on a tear iix Xenia ■>last summer and .while intoxicated ■attacked his wife with * large butch* er knife. He has defied any Officer to qrrest him. Although out bf the county now, he did not’make hi* es­ cape-for » day or so after the attack ’on his wife. He is still at large. .For months farmers • were being raided by chicken thieves* Two; far­ mers south of Xenia laid in wait and landed Harry Davis, He was tried tin Common,Pleas court and -sentenced from, one to fifteen years. After about thirteen months he was paroled and such paroles are not given out with­ out the consent of the Judge hearing the case or the Prosecuting Attorney, or both, Gowdy now asks reelection on such n record. Six years ago H. E, Schmidt and Marcus Shoup were Satan’s own representatives in this county. But how, about today. Judge, Gowdy Marcus Shoup to his office for a con­ ference. What all took place at tljat conference we do not know. What pose the Shopp-Gowdy deal Frank H, ‘Dean is the independent candidate fo r Common Pleas Judge at the November election. He .has the ability, the training and the temper- mentfor a,-good judge.-.He was born in this county and has Been1a life long resident. His public and, .private acts have never -been brought into ques­ tion, He has always been.a'RepubliCan and was recently honored By being chosen chairman’ of the jaunty Cen tral Committee, without solicitation oft his part* Mr. Dean was one of the first^professors in Cedarville College and he has a wide acquaintance in the county,' Greene county wants no collective bargaining in or about her courts, Mr, Dean is making his own .campaign and enlisting the active support of his friend*. I f elected as Common Pleas Judge he will-be under no obligation to either faction, THE DAUGHERTY TRIAD mwwyH. twmate 4nm th*t m *, would be Take fewtew*' & . him hern looked •aatepasMtogo tnantfc* ordinary city* Tfcs of-her ritlMns did not; m&k $*• Mghtotntit amandmoKt ontajissl salt ar« told it i* not Jo liav Uwwt excite­ ment arose over tiw opening of the Besqul Centennial -m gw Sabbath. Yet thousand* of c^tiaena felt no wrong was oonutd i^d when dry and wet sympathisMjfs luwapted'tiO a day a* perfectly prqggg;fj»a for working election day for y&k. and.dry candi­ dates. In as ramsbUfct tha*e candidates spent into the It Is perfectly plain that In h iri^'hm rkers at $10 a day was nothingness than buying YOBS BIRTHDAY , fa it TWsWeek? Illinois the 'tronbfet was with the elec­ torate. Because two tins forty-eiaht states ahuaed, and candi began to iresch 'the public,' Harding had trusted Daugherty too far. It is also knowrt that afte r,'Harding was convinced of what was taking place was-true he denied the Whltehouse to' Smith and other members of the Ohio plunderbund that wejre hanging on to jobs that had been secured by the Influence of Daugherty, Harding’s health broke and he never was able to dean his nwn house. The situation now remains a ques­ tion. Miller and Daugherty con be tried again but. District Attorney Buckner has not said what he will do, He of course is? under direction of the1Department pf Justice in Wash­ ington. It is intimated that the Sen­ ate Committee will open .the case fob more investigation. There should ha a second-trial to prove that the gov­ ernment does not give up on loosing such an important case, on a broken chain in the1evidence, the burning of the Midland National Bank records, an institution under the control of Mel Daugherty, of Harry. It was Mel who *on the witness stand admitted that Harry burned the led­ ger sheets showing the money trans­ action the government needed, As the Cincinnati Tlmes-Star stat­ ed Tuesday eveiting, the specable of a former attorney general in court on such a charge was startling to’ the public. I t was more so when it was admitted that the defendant had des­ troyed records wanted by’the govern­ ment. And last that the, defendant did not go qn the witness stand in an attempt to clear his own name. The government should bring sortie charge against Richard Merton, the German who paid the $441,000 for What Daugherty says dates violated why the law sbp! is needed is a and men that posely violate let rotten pb dry, hurl till* abyss of dirty nd reason ed. What query- law ifr-rnot pur pimple will not "bosses, wet and " back into the no matteri how many nulliont * $ 4 spent in two of the forty-right State*, . The nomination;'Of Vare in Pennsyl­ vania and Smith td Illinois under tha* influence of money from Utility *in­ terests means flu# they will never be seated in the Sepate, if elected. The famous Newberry jtasa has not .been forgottn by the Bfnate or, the public, t The primary has not eliminate* boodle but is has' made it hastier for the .crooked bos* to buy thd -majority of voters* He prefer* to purchase few handful of delegates in. a con vention. - , Vote tb eliminate the primary next month and you vote to place nomine, tion* in the hands of the.hosses. As it is you have onb vote in making the selection* Under the plan* the bosses want you would really have no say You only delegate your one vote someone else to df> as he pleases. If yM? bfe£N*y is this week yob are persistent and* brave, and white not of an obstinate natcue, you are not easily turned aside from your chosen course* You are a clear reasoner, and M-ve much nath * intelligance and keen foresight. Your judgment is ac-j curate, careful and sound. You a re ' capable and energetic, and have much exceptive ability,' Ypu are method­ ical, careful and conservative, end while not in the least dictatorial, you have strong convictions, and have a faculty for convincing others that you are, right—which pleases you very much, . You are fond of the society of con­ genial friends, , and have many,- You are affectionate, tolerant, affable and courteous. You have fine artistic tastes, and are fond of reading. You sue a fluent talker and, a good entertainer. You are kind and sym­ pathetic, hut are not givch to show ng it. Men born during , these dates be­ come manufacturers, merchants, in­ ventors, scientists, and, preachers, Women bom during these dates are trtistic, and have easy graceful man­ ners* They succeed as interior decor atprs, designers, milliners, artists, writers,'...:.... 'VUilliam Penn, founder of Pennsyl­ vania, was bom October I4th« to NOTiOE 4 T#/E|lEf?r!O^S:i Disagreement among the jurors of the charges against. Harry Daugherty and Thomas W. Millerwas no fsutprifm to the public. From the day the gov­ ernment sterted to prosecute those in connection With war graft casus# " has been bard, almost .impossible to convict’on. a charge p f Conspiracy. In a liquor case it only requires long enough to open and close court to bring in such1U verdict. But let the government he robbed of a few mil­ lion and conviction is next to an im­ possibility.' This is ‘a aoiiy state of. affairs, A .Situation' the politician approves for it'gives him greater chance to get his graft. - This trial lasted five weeks and the jury was out 65 hours. District At­ torney Buckner wove a wonderful chain of evidence against .these two men having to combat politicians and “inside" influence. Records Very necessary were burned. Important pa­ pers belonging to .the government calls were misting. But the evidence from the surface was convincing to the public, regardless .of the jury verdict. The public knows little of how the There will he Shbtnitted to the elec tors of Cedarville Township Rura School District, Gteehe County, Ohio, under Section 5fi48-4 Of the General .Code, Ohio, at thtf'November election ithe -question of ah additional levy of was an i ^ 0 ( 2 ) mill?, tor five years,’as an honest act. Merton says ,the deal was [emergency, to mSei outstanding ob- made with Miller at a liquor party in | ligations,' and prbperly 'operate +Vl“ a .New York hotel. I t is not denied {public Schools of. said district, that Daugherty was not a member of r By order of the'Board o< Education that patty a t thatHime. This foreign nitizen should be ihade to pay part of the price for his. conduct If. there Is any law violated. The statute of lim­ itation tor-' bribery charges against Daugherty and Miller had expired.and the' government was forced to bring up the conspiracy charge. The'cases should not be dropped. More over there should be more evi­ dence uncovered as to the supposed suicide of Jesse Smith, who shot him­ self, or was shot,* in Daugherty’s ap- partment in Washington. Andrew Jackson,. y - Clerk t o Investigate fh< cldent Insure] raid'Travel;Ac foljcy.. mtm AS TO THE PRIMARY We wish to purchase a few stacks o: LOOSE STRAW The voters of Ohio vyill have an op­ portunity at the November election of expressing themselves on the pri-j mary system in use in this state, A ’ movement is afoot to return indirect- j ly to the old convention plan. The Voters will vote for delegates to the convention and the bosses will do the . rest. Under the present law, which is not perfect, the-voter makes hijs own1 choice. j The cry has been set up' about two states' where nomihees purchased the nominations, Pennsylvania and Illinois. 'The primary was taken ad- - vantage of in these two states because - the electorate, the majority that took the trouble to vote, toll under the FORSALE Asplendid lot 50 ft. frontage by 20fi font deep.,, Situate' on . Xenia avenue. Restricted: for , dwelling only Several nice Homes tor sale on prominent street* in Cedarville, O. ' , * * *. * A special bargain in s GOOD FARM South o t Cedarville, O. *’ * * . a MONEY TOLOAN on - farm s A^5 Per Cent Int. W. L. CLEMANS, Cedarville, Ohio. Located within 10 miles of ourmill. Call j Cedarville 39-4 rings*. / E* S. HAMILTON, Buyer. The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co. The Exchange Bank Wants Your Banking Business THEY PAY Bolero Suit Dress» of Navy Ch&rmeen . -Stylists are giving considerable at­ tention to bolerb treatments iq fall dresses; for the jaunty bolero allows them to indulge in rich ornamentation .without sacrificing youthfulness, Here is Ahandsome suit-dress of navy char, meen, With a waist of black .crepe sat­ in. I t js . embroidered In silver ap­ plique bn siteqr-ribbon. A a / ON SAVINGS ‘t /O ACCOUNTS I will sell at public Auction at my residency on North Main street, Cedarville, Saturday, Qct. 16, 1926 j** AT 1:00 P. M- The following household goods: 2 BEDROOM SUITES V'GAS HEATING STOVES ONE GAS r.ANGE '• 3 PIECE PARLOR SUITE (Good as Now) ROCKING CHAIRS : OAK DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS KITCHEN UTENSILS. . REFRIGERATOR « . LARGE AND SMALL RUGS Porch' Swing, Lawp Mower, Garden Tools < .■ TERMS OP SALE CASH Mrs. M. B. Saum ' ■ ■ Sale In Charge M* C. Na^ley, ^ Kennon Bros., Aucts. W. W, Tronte, (5lerk H A D L E Y ’S 51 TO 57 W. MAIN ST. This store it funmithziig the needed opportunity to better your home* By exchanging furniture and furnishing# that may not suit you and trade"them in on new things better adapted to your needs and taste. . 4 1 ' I 0 f , selective A ffect ion is best CEDARVILLE, OHIO Do You Need a Truss? We guarantee you a fit or no pay. . We hayfehad years of experience in truss fitting. If you should be wearing a truss come in and fet us fit you. 7 p , n } p Prowant & Brown V '• 1 ' \ Cedarville* 4 - 1 « Yhe old dispute between true love and any <rtb«r kind of love dates back as far as Wagrter’s operas, and f(lrth«r.■, ' Dord Lytton s iid something somewhere to fhe effect that if a man tardy loves * wdifiati ail other women are slightly'distasteful to him. . Tiiefe arP two kinds of love in the world-oels^y* auction, ahd the other kind* , * - They can be distinguished as much a* anythin* flsei by their associates* ,■ • ‘ f -* . Selective affection is the companion of all tite ririute. I t goes with honesty, •honor, loyalty, and every commenqible Characteristic. That affection that is felt for just; anybody i» a law breaker. It makc3 nothing but trouble*. . Of course the greater includes the less-, and Mtiwfiive affection a insy include all manner of desire, But there is something- characteristic of true love that i* es­ sentially different1'from any bid sort of love, I t is true love, that inspires and actuate* greatest achieve­ ments, not miscellaneous attractions., % / , The. human race has experienced tt good moey hundred years with various kinds of affinities, and it is selaOtivk *ffin£y that'has stood the test. <# , ' It is that which every young man or woman foal* with the ad­ vent of the right mate. There is something stetini- i t that excludes . nil other affections. . ‘ , It is not Chough to ask yourself whetiftT you ikto affectionate or not* It is also necessary to inquire of y^etoer thi* affec­ tion b confined fo one person. I tJ s not any «brt oflevs is fha basis of the but it is loyhl love; xml the mote joyol e,1:; ; 4fh ^«% ,|Jm difference ••teas iovi and other , k M f h betv te^ 'w filter andwowte. Qm te a c u l# k b 4 , '3d*nti -h teat tor .which ties M r a wu« mode*' The Is! fin ifrie rf^Johd 'doeebiilh^'W^ fitalfibSk teettetees, v % - ' .On© k an inspiration censtwitiy, but the other does nothing but leave us bankrupt or desire. u$w 4 Mow Hadley’s E f *# • =*♦ ** r «. +V* ak.J Your Hone ervice Will Help Pwmtur# that your’homd has outgr&wm--&at you no longer casre for-or that simply does “fit^-may be traded in at M*H*y»s on new or other articles thatwill add want­ ed comfort and beauty. ' Floi Come In And Talk It Cm? With One H'Our Representatives I t doubt if fa yotur mind as td the host Way toimprove jwu* home try a visit to Hadley** fo£jtfM#stioni. Furniture of only high qir.lify will found at moderate prioee—aud may he jmrchaasd by apxJ'yfal f arniture that Is out of tune with your home as pert payment-and pay the ha-anoe to suit your income. * Larr UK TEEi new st( Packag HOMIN’ lb. can' Ym t ■Home Should tloMe PUMPK dale, Is SOAP, K> b a r . . t P & G L A 4 7 West Main St. V v v nt v v v ............ BPKINOFIELB, OHIO POTATO 1choic m w , 5 lb . L C a lifo ■SPOT1 etttedjkj im - 1" >i,it1'.,. .